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Clustering in a One-dimensional Inelastic Lattice Gas Srdjan Ostojic, Debabrata Panja and Bernard Nienhuis Institute for Theoretical Physics, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Valckenierstraat 65, 1018 XE Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Dated: February 2, 2008) We analyze a lattice model closely related to the one-dimensional inelastic gas with periodic 4 boundary condition. The one-dimensional inelastic gas tends to form high density clusters of par- 0 ticles with almost the same velocity, separated by regions of low density; plotted as a function of 0 particle indices, the velocities of the gas particles exhibit sharp gradients, which we call shocks. 2 Shocks and clusters are seen to form in the lattice model too, although no true positions of the particlesaretakenintoaccount. Thelocations oftheshocksintermsoftheparticleindexshowre- n markableindependenceonthecoefficientofrestitutionandthesequenceofcollisionsusedtoupdate a the system, but they do depend on the initial configuration of the particle velocities. We explain J themicroscopic origin of theshocks. Weshow that dynamicsof thevelocity profile insidea cluster 2 satisfies a simple continuum equation, thereby allowing us to study cluster-cluster interactions at 1 late times. ] t PACSnumbers: 47.70.Nd,45.70.Mg,05.40.-a,81.05.Rm f o s . I. INTRODUCTION Thelatetime evolutionofafreelycoolinginelasticgas t a is thus qualitatively completely different from the linear m instabilitymechanismsatearlytimes. However,although Dynamics of granular fluids has captured a lot of at- a very large number of studies have been devoted to ki- - tention from theoreticalphysicists for the last few years. d netic theory of freely cooling inelastic gases in two and n Ina theorist’smodel, the constituentparticlesofa gran- three dimensions, due to the difficulties associated with o ular fluid, usually consideredto be hard spheres of finite the nonlinearities in the behaviour of individual clusters c radii, irretrievably dissipate kinetic energy via inelastic andcluster-cluster collisions,a proper theoreticalunder- [ binary collisions and interparticle frictional forces. As a standing of the long time dynamics of freely cooling in- 3 result, unlike the microscopic models for the classicalki- elastic gases has remained elusive. The existing results v netic theory of gases, a granular fluid that is not driven have only been numerical [3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. 3 by external forces “cools freely”. 9 At the other extreme, fully analytical solutions have Eveninthe absenceoffrictionalforces,inastarkcon- 4 been found for completely inelastic (or “sticky”) granu- 0 trast to hard sphere fluids with elastic inter-particle bi- lar gas (of point particles) in one dimension [14], and it 1 nary collisions, such a simplified model of granular flu- has been shown that the sticky gas in one dimension is 3 ids exhibits complexbehaviouratmacroscopicscales. In 0 its simplest form, a freely cooling initially homogeneous described by the Burgers equation in the inviscid limit / [14]. In addition, a recent experiment has also observed t andisotropic(bothintheparticles’positionandvelocity a clusteringinaone-dimensionalgranulargas[15]. Due to space)inelasticgasspontaneouslyformsnontrivialstruc- m dimensional reasons, the dynamics of a granular gas in turesinthemacroscopicvelocityaswellasinthemacro- - onedimensionisqualitativelydifferentfromthoseintwo scopicdensityfieldofthegas. Alargenumberofstudies, d or three dimensions (e.g., vortices cannot form, a strict n mostly from the point of view of inelastic hydrodynam- orderingofparticlesfromlefttorightismaintainedatall o ics,havebeencarriedouttounderstandtheonsetforthe times), but structures are still seen to form in the veloc- c formationofthesestructuresintwoandthreedimensions : ity and as well as in the density field of the gas [16, 17]. v (Refs. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] to cite a few). The (qualitative Ben-Naim et al [17] have studied the formation of these i and quantitative) picture that has emerged from these X structures, and have conjectured that at the long times, studies is that in two and three dimensions, the system the behaviour of a one-dimensional inelastic gas should r ofinelastichardspheressuffersfrominherentlongwave- a be the same as that of the sticky gas. length linear instabilities. When the system size allows such long wavelengths to be present, these instabilities Our purpose in this paper is to unravel some of these start to generate inhomogeneities in the macroscopicve- long-time phenomena at a more microscopic level in a locity and the density field of the gas. In the subsequent simple one-dimensional lattice model that has been in- evolution, these inhomogeneities interact nonlinearly to troduced in Ref. [18, 19]. In this model, one considers give rise to macroscopic structures and the entire sys- a system of N particles on the integral lattice positions tem evolves into a collection of densely populated clus- (denoted by k) of a ring of size N with initial velocities ters thatareseparatedby regionscontainingparticles at chosen randomly from a uniform distribution in [−1,1]. very lowdensity [1, 8]. At late times, the clusters collide The ordering of the particles is maintained at all times; in a very complex manner and merge — a phenomenon however, since the particles do not move in this lattice that is known as coarsening in the literature [9, 10]. model, the velocities of the particles are not the time 2 derivative of their positions. Instead, v , the velocity of lision frequency is chosen to be independent of the in- k the kth particle, is simply a scalar quantity associated coming velocities of colliding particles. For that model, with the kth particle, and v changes only when the kth it has been analytically shown that correlations develop k particle participates in a collision with one of its neigh- with a diffusively growing correlationlength, which con- bours according to the following collision rule. At a col- sequentlyaffectsthetemperaturedecayrate. Inaddition, lision between kth and (k +1)th particles at any time, the inelastic lattice model in one-dimension with the ki- the post-collisionalvelocities v(+) are relatedto their netic constraint, which we study here, was also analyzed k,(k+1) pre-collisionalvelocities v(−) by in Refs. [18, 19] in terms of velocity distribution and k,(k+1) structure factors [21]. It is however important to real- ize the difference between these existing results and the v(+) = v(−) ± 1+r v(−) −v(−) , (1) ones reported in this paper: the existing results mainly k,(k+1) k,(k+1) 2 h (k+1) k i concern global quantities, while in this paper, our main thrustis to study the behaviour ofthe microscopicinho- where 0≤r ≤1 is the coefficient of restitution. Time is mogeneities arising from the kinetic constraint. measuredbytheaveragenumberofcollisionsperparticle The key feature of both variants of the lattice model in this lattice model. withkineticconstraintstudiedhereisthataninitialcon- figuration of random velocities of the particles soon de- v (k) velops distinct spatial structures, eventually leading to large positive sharp jumps in the particle velocities in- tersparsed with relatively smooth variations. We refer to (a) the large positive sharp jumps in the velocity field as shocks and the region between two consecutive shocks, where the velocity variations are smooth, as clusters. These structures have already been observedin [18], but (b) have not been fully analyzed. Formation of shocks and the subsequentdynamics ofthe clusters makethe lattice modelinterestingonitsown,butits relevanceisrealized only when the locations of its shocks in v(k)-profile are compared to those of the one-dimensional inelastic gas (c) [14, 17] (see Fig. 1). By contrast, there are no shocks in the one dimensionalrandomlattice modelwithout ki- netic constraints [20]. k This paper is organized in the following manner: in Sec. II, we discuss the generic features of the lat- FIG. 1: Comparison of the shock locations on a ring of size tice model and explore its connections with the one- N as a function of particle positions k, k = 1,2,...,N: (a) dimensional inelastic gas [14, 17]. In Sec. III, we an- a snapshot of one-dimensional inelastic gas [17] for r = 0.3, alyze the formation of shocks at early times and cluster (b) a similar snapshot of the random lattice model for r = dynamics at late times. We finally end the paper with a 0,(c)a snapshot of the systematic lattice model. All systems short discussion in Sec. IV. had identical initial positions and velocities of the particles. Visual inspection shows that the locations of the (relative) large shocks are aligned almost perfectly. The scale in the y-direction is arbitrary. II. GENERIC FEATURES OF THE LATTICE MODEL In this paper, we will consider two variants of this lat- A. Phenomenology of shock development and the tice model, namely the “random lattice model” and the subsequent dynamics for the random lattice model “systematic lattice model”. Both obey the collision rule (1),buttheydifferinthewayacollidingpairofparticles To start with, in Fig. 2, we show a time sequence of is chosen to update the system. For the random lattice the velocity profile v(k) for the random lattice model of model, at any update, the colliding pair of particles are 10000 particles with r = 0.7. The initial configuration chosenrandomlyfromallparticlesthatmomentarilysat- [Fig. 2(a)] is created by choosing v randomly from a k isfy the kinetic constraint v −v < 0. On the other uniform distribution in [−1,1]. As can be seen in Fig. k+1 k hand, for the systematic lattice model, the colliding pair 2(b), velocity correlations set in very rapidly (within 10 of particles are the ones that has the momentary global collisions per particle). After 104 collisions per parti- minimum value of v −v . cle, shocks and clusters can be clearly identified [Fig. k+1 k The random lattice model without kinetic constraint, 2(c)]. According to the kinetic constraint, neighbouring hasalreadybeenstudiedaspartofalargerclassofmod- particles cannot collide across a shock, and as a result, els, the inelastic Maxwell models [20], in which the col- each cluster evolves independently of the others, until 3 two neighbouring clusters collide and coalesce to form a new bigger cluster [this mechanism is illustrated by the evolution of velocity profile of Fig. 2(c) to that of 2(d); Fig. 2(d) corresponds to a state after 106 collisions per particle]. Fromtheabovephenomenologicaldescription,onecan identify two separate regimes: the initial homogeneous regime, and the subsequent clustered regime at late times. To make the evolution of the system from one regimetowardstheotherquantitativelymoreprecise,we noticethatitcorrespondsto asymmetrybreakingofthe probability distribution P(∆v ,t) of relative velocities k ∆v =v −v . Initially,for eachk, the distributionof k k+1 k v is uniform in [−1,1] (i.e., a “box” distribution). Nat- k urally,P(∆v ,t=0)isapiecewiselineardistributionon k [−2,2] (a “triangular” distribution), symmetric around ∆v = 0. Under the effect of the dynamics, this sym- k metry is not preserved. This is easily understood from the fact that only the neighbouring particle pairs with ∆v <0cancollide,andafteracollisionbetweenthekth k and(k+1)thparticle,∆vk−1, ∆vk and∆vk+1 changein awaythat,ingeneral,doesnotpreservethesymmetryof P(∆v ,t). As this process continues, from phenomeno- k logicalconsiderations,weknowthatafewshocksremain FIG.2: Anexampletimesequenceofshockdevelopmentsfor at late times. Now, since shocks correspond to large val- a system of 10000 particles in the random lattice model: (a) ues of ∆v , this means that in the clustered regime, the k Initialprofile(randomlychosenvkfromauniformdistribution probability to have a large positive value of ∆vk is ex- in [−1,1]), (b) after 10 collisions per particle, (c) after 104 pected to be greater than that of a correspondingly large collisions per particle, (d) after 106 collisions per particle. negative value. The largest |vk1 −vk2| ∀k1,k2 have been scaled to unity in To detect the locations of the shocks by following the each graph. evolution of P(∆v ,t) as a function of time, one can k identify the location k of a shock by requiring ∆v > k C|min ∆v |, where C > 0 is a constant. The choice of B. Dependence on the coefficient of restitution for j j the numerical value of C is arbitrary, and this arbitrari- the random lattice model ness can be used to tune the minimum value that ∆v k must have in order to qualify for a shock. Furthermore, One of the first questions that one can ask for the lat- ifonedefines theinstanttp whenthe systempassesfrom ticemodeliswhatistheeffectofinelasticityonthe clus- one regime to the other by the minimal time where at tering properties of the system. Clearly, for r = 1, the least one shock becomes visible, then the above require- collisions are elastic, and upon collision, the velocities of ment can also be used to characterize tp. Of course, the twoneighbouringparticlesaresimplyinterchanged. Such precise value of tp depends on the chosen value of C. adynamicscannotleadtoclusteringoranystructurefor- In the clustered regime, due to inelastic collisions, the mation. amplitude of the velocity profile within each cluster de- On the other hand, our simulations show that the lat- creases, and the velocities of the particles approachthat tice model exhibits clustering for any value of r smaller of the center of mass of the cluster itself. This process then 1, and it is only t defined in Sec. IIA that be- p continues for a while until two neighbouring clusters, comes an increasing function of r. The most remarkable with center of mass velocities Vj and Vj+1 collide and observation, however, is that for a given initial velocity coalesce and the shock separating them disappears [at configuration of the particles, not only the locations of time t, if we number the clusters j = 1,2,...,j1(t) from the shocks persisting at late times are the same for all r, the left to the right, then such a cluster-cluster collision but also the macroscopic velocity profiles are nearly in- takes place only if Vj >Vj+1]. Precisely this mechanism dependent of r. If we consider the macroscopic velocity is responsible for making the velocity profile of Fig. 2(c) profileofthelatticemodelwithacoefficientofrestitution evolve to that of Fig. 2(d). r at a time t well into the clustered regime, then for 1 1 At very late times, due to periodic boundary condi- any r > r , (originating from the same initial velocity 2 1 tion,onlyasingleclustersurvives. Itsamplitudealsode- configurationofthe particles)thereexistsatimet <t , 2 1 creases in time, and the velocities of all particles asymp- forwhichthetwomacroscopicvelocityprofilesarealmost totically converge to the center of mass velocity of the the same (see Fig. 3). Effectively, this implies that for whole system. all r, the dynamical behaviour of the system is identical 4 to that for r = 0 at late times. We also observe that at colliding pair is automatically determined by the instan- intermediatetimes,themaximumnumberofshocks(and taneous minimal value of (x −x )/(v − v ), for k+1 k k k+1 correspondingly,clusters) in the system are observed for v − v > 0. In this sense, one can view the one- k k+1 r =0 (see Sec. IIIA in this regard). dimensionalinelasticgasasavariantofthelatticemodel too, where the colliding particles are chosen in a very complicatedmanner. SectionIICthenindicatesthatfor 1 1 a given initial configuration of the particles’ velocities as a function of the particle index, the locations of the v (k ) v (k ) shocks in the one-dimensional inelastic gas and those in the lattice model are the same. That this is indeed the case is numerically verified in Fig. 1. Inoursimulationsoftheone-dimensionalinelasticgas, we followed the procedure outlined in Ref. [17], namely that to avoid the inelastic collapse, the collisions were 0 0 taken to be elastic when the relative velocities between (a) k (b) k theneighbouringparticlesaresmallerthanagivencutoff. Our results confirm the existence of “Burgers”shocks in the v(x) profile [17]. More importantly, we note that FIG.3: Velocityprofilesfortherandomlatticemodelof5000 particles: (a)forr=0.7after104collisionsperparticle(b)for for the one-dimensional inelastic gas, there is an inverse r = 0.95 and 103 collisions per particle. The initial velocity correspondence of shocks and clusters between this v(x) and v(k) profile — each shock in the v(x) profile [i.e., a configurationsoftheparticleswerethesameforboth(a)and (b). Onceagain,thelargest|vk1−vk2| ∀k1,k2hasbeenscaled largeparticledensityn(x)]corresponds toaclusterinthe to unityfor both profiles. v(k) profile and the shocks in the v(k) profile correspond to regions with finite gradients in v(x). III. ANALYSIS C. Dependence on the order of collisions and on the initial velocity configuration of the particles A. Development of shocks The next important question one can ask is if not r, exactly what influences the positions of the shocks? A The lesson that we learnt from Sec. II is that the priori, one expects that the locations of the shocks and locationsoftheshocksinthislatticemodelareessentially the long time dynamics of the system depend on the ini- determinedfromtheinitialconfigurationoftheparticles’ tial velocity configuration of the particles, as well as on velocities. This immediately gives rise to the following the sequence in which the collisions are performed. question: howcanonepredictthelocationsoftheshocks Surprisingly however, the locations of the shocks de- seenatearlytimesfromtheinitialvelocityconfiguration pend only on the initial configuration of the particles’ of the particles? velocities, e.g, two different random collision sequences result in the same locations of the shocks. On the other hand, the variant of the lattice model (random or sys- B v (k ) tematic) determines the macroscopic shape of the veloc- ity profile inside the clusters. To demonstrate this phe- nomenon, starting from the same initial velocities of the particles, we simulated both the random and the sys- tematiclatticemodelsandcomparedthelocationsofthe shocks (see Fig. 1). D. Relation between the lattice model and A one-dimensional inelastic gas k The empirical observations in the preceding sections suggest that so long as one is only interested in the ve- FIG.4: Aschematicdiagramoftheinitialvelocityprofilefor locity profile v(k), a close relation exists between the a few particles to explain thedevelopment of shocks. one-dimensionalinelastic gas and the lattice model from the following consideration: the dynamics of a one- dimensional inelastic gas for a given initial configuration As it turns out, most of the shocks observed in the iscompletelydeterministic—afteranycollision,thenext clustered regime already exist at t = 0. These are the 5 locationsmarkedbylargepositivejumpsinthev(k)pro- file between two neighbouring lattice sites at t = 0, sur- v (k ) rounded by relatively small velocity variations. To illus- tratethispoint,wepresentaschematicdiagramforsuch a velocity profile for a few particle in Fig. 4. In the subsequentdynamics at shorttimes, the particles onthe rightofBandontheleftofAcollidewitheachotherand “thermalize” (i.e., the velocity variations reduce due to inelasticity),but this thermalizationmaynotnecessarily convert a relatively large v −v > 0 to v −v < 0 B A B A k quickly enough to make the A and B collide. In other words,sucha largepositive jump remains preservedand may eventually give rise to a shock. FIG. 5: Correspondence between the coarse grained velocity profilesv¯(k)(n=7)forr=0fortherandomlatticemodelof To check if sucha scenariois correctornot, one needs 1000particles. Graycurvecorrespondstot=0andtheblack to identify the locations of such large positive jumps in curve represents early shocks. The scale in the y-direction is the initial v(k) profile, and contrast them with the ob- arbitrary. served locations of the shocks at early times. A conve- nient way to single out such jumps [say, in Fig. 2(a)] is to define a (2n + 1)-coarse grained velocity profile k+n relation to their surroundings, the magnitude of these v¯(k)= v /(2n+1) of the particles, which, roughly i large jumps thus starts to grow in time. Such a scenario i=Xk−n applies independently of the details of the model, and speaking,cansingleoutonesuchlargejumpoverthesur- gives a qualitative explanation for the observation that roundingsmallvelocityvariationsinawindowof(2n+1) startingfromagiveninitialconfiguration,shocksappear lattice sites in the v¯(k) profile. Having fine-tuned n, a atthesamelocationsinthev(k)profileforbothvariants surprisingly close match between the observed shock lo- ofthelatticemodelandaswellasfortheone-dimensional cationsatearlytimes andthe initialconfigurationofthe inelastic gas [14, 17]. Moreover, it also clearly demon- particles’ velocities can be found (see Fig. 5). stratesthatthe shockformation“instability”inthev(k) Notice, however,in Fig. 5 thatnot allthe largejumps profile in all these models is a “relative instability” and intheinitialconfigurationoftheparticles’velocitieshave not an “absolute” one. Such behaviour has also been turned out to be shocks at a later time. Indeed, in gen- found in the (long-wavelength) linear instability of the eral, whether such an initial large positive jump at a macroscopicflow fieldfor two-andthree-dimensionalin- particular location develops into a shock or not really elastic gases (see Refs. [1, 4, 7] for example). depends on the magnitude of the jump itself in relation toparticlevelocitiesinitsimmediatevicinity,andaswell as on the coefficient of restitution r. In this regard, the B. Cluster dynamics dependenceonthecoefficientofrestitutionisnotdifficult tounderstand,asr quantifiesthe“transportofvelocity” between two colliding particles. Intuitively speaking, an 1. Dynamics within a single cluster inelasticcollisionbetweentwoneighbouringparticlescan be viewed as a combination of dissipation (thermaliza- Oncetheshocksdevelop,oursimulationsshowthatfor tion) and transport of velocities. For r = 1 only trans- a given variant of the lattice model, the velocity profile port of velocities can take place. At the other limit, for within each cluster has the same characteristic macro- r = 0, there is no transport of velocities but only dissi- scopic shape. For the deterministic lattice model, this pation. As a result, for r = 0, small velocity variations shape is simply linear with a negative slope. Although around any large jump thermalize immediately, leading we cannotprovideananalyticalderivationofthis shape, to an early appearance of the clustered regime, and a if we interpret the dynamics along the lines that at each large number of initial jumps end up becoming shocks. updating step of a cluster, two neighbouring particles Withincreasingr,someoftheinitiallargepositivejumps collide at the location where the v −v is minimum k+1 k are eliminated by transport of velocities, and clustering (which is a mechanism that tries to align all v −v k+1 k regime, with a smaller number of selected shocks (and values to its maximum value within each cluster), then clusters), appears later. the linear profile appears to be intuitively reasonable. The appearance of the shocks at the locations where Fortherandomlatticemodel,however,theslopeofthe relatively large positive jumps exist is therefore caused macroscopic velocity profile is smoothly varying, as can by the thermalization of the smaller velocity variations be seen in, e.g., Fig. 2(d) [occasionally, flat profiles can aroundthesejumps—duetothermalization,thesmaller be observed too, but for the time being, we leave them velocity variations become even smaller, but the large for Sec. IIIB2]. It turns out that the functional form of positive jumps remainpreservedunder the dynamics. In the smooth macroscopic velocity profile can be obtained 6 through a mean-field approach by averaging over an en- 2 sembleofrandomcollisionsequencerealizationswithina (b) cluster, as we describe below. 1.5 v (k ) The idea behind this mean-field approach is the fol- D (r ) lowing: we consider a cluster of M particles, and denote 1 the velocity of the kth particle at time t, averaged over random collision sequences, by hv (t)i. From the very 0.5 k definition of a cluster in the introduction, we assume that hv (t)i − hv (t)i < 0 at all times. Thereafter, 0 k+1 k (a) k 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 as we observe from direct simulation measurements that r the probability of collisions between any two neighbour- ing particle pairs are equally likely, in this mean field approach, hv (t)i is easily seen to satisfy the equation FIG. 6: (a) Comparison of the half-cosine solution (3) [solid k line]andsimulationdata[opencircles],thetwoarecompletely hv (t+1)i = (1−2p)hv (t)i indistinguishable from each other, (b) Numerically obtained k k dependence of D(r) on r for the random lattice model. The +p[hvk(t)i − ε{hvk(t)i−hvk−1(t)i}] simulations were carried out for M = 1000. The scale along +p[hvk(t)i + ε{hvk+1(t)i−hvk(t)i}].(2) theyaxisforFig. (a)isarbitrary. D(r)exhibitsasingularity at r = 1, which is in clear disagreement with the mean-field Here, p is an effective probability of a collision between theory prediction. any two neighbouring particles in this mean-field theory and ε = (1 + r)/2. The three terms on the r.h.s. of Eq. (5) respectively originate from the events when the kth particle is not involved in a collision, when there is simulation for the random lattice model. This compari- a collision between the kth and the (k − 1)th particle son is shown in Fig. 6(a) — the fact that we cannot dis- and when there is a collision between the kth and the tinguish the simulation data from the half-cosine shape (k+1)th particle. As Eq. (2) very simply reduces to ofhv(k,t)iaspredictedbyEq. (5)isanindicationofhow well the mean-field approachworks to describe the aver- hvk(t+1)i = (1−2pε)hvk(t)i + pεhvk−1(t)i ageshapeofanisolatedcluster. Inaddition,byfollowing +pεhv (t)i, (3) the dynamics fromthe simulation,we canalso obtainan k+1 empirical functional form of D(r) [shown in Fig. 6(b)]. theinterestingpointtonoteisthatEq. (3)isthediscrete (both in space and time) form of the diffusion equation There are two features of the D(r) vs. r curve that requirefurther elaboration. The firstone ofthem is that ∂hv(k,t)i ∂2hv(k,t)i D(r) is an increasing function of r, indicating that the = D(r) , (4) ∂t ∂k2 amplitude of the cluster A(t) decreases faster as r in- creases. This observation seems to contradict the fact where mean-field theory predicts D(r)=pε. One has to that the dissipation decreases with increasing r. The keep in mind however that Eq. (4) holds only for mono- point to notice however is that the mean-field approach tonically decreasinghv(k,t)ias afunctionofk. Asimilar really describes the time evolution within a cluster in equationhas alsobeen found in the one-dimensionallat- ∂hv (t)i tice model without the kinetic constraint [20]. which k <0. Fromthat point ofview, the ampli- ∂k To solve Eq. (4), the macroscopic velocity profile of a tude of the cluster decreases not only from the dissipa- cluster attime t canbe generallyexpandedinaFourier 0 tion, but also from transport of velocities. This is easily series. Sinceparticlevelocitiesarenottransportedacross seen from the fact that after a collision, the ordering of ∂hv (t)i the boundaries of a cluster, k must vanish at the the magnitudes of the velocities ofthe colliding particles ∂k are simply exchanged, i.e., the particle on the right has boundaries of a cluster, the Fourier series contains only a higher velocity, which results in a local positive slope terms ∝ cos[πjk]. The amplitude of the jth such term decreases as e−π2j2D(r)(t−t0), so that for large values of in the v(k) profile. For increasing r, transport of veloc- ities become more effective, and thus the negative slope (t − t ), only the slowest decay mode j = 1 survives. 0 ∂hv (t)i k Hence at long times we expect hv(k,t)i to be given by of within a cluster decays to zero faster. Only ∂k if r =1, the velocities of the particles within an isolated πk hv(k,t)i = A(t)cos cluster order themselves in an increasing order of mag- (cid:20)M(cid:21) nitude. However, D(r) has a singularity at r = 1 and = A(t )e−π2D(r)(t−t0)/M2cos πk . (5) the r = 1 case cannot be treated within the scope of 0 (cid:20)M(cid:21) our mean-field theory. Secondly, from the way we pre- sented our mean-field approach, it may seem that the Themean-fieldresult(5)allowsustocomparethehalf- r-dependence of D(r) can be obtained through the de- cosineformofhv(k,t)iwiththemacroscopicvelocitypro- pendence of p and ε on r. This is actually not true. file of the particles within a cluster, as observed in the The mean-field approach(2) neglects fluctuations in the 7 particles’velocitiesaroundhv(k,t)i,butinanactualsim- 3. A “hydrodynamic” description of the random lattice ulation,thesefluctuationsareveryimportantastheyde- model cide the signof∆v (t)=v (t)−v (t)forthe particles k k+1 k within the cluster and thereby control which collisions So far, we have analyzed the system-wide properties are possible and which are not. of shocks and clusters. We have also seen that there ex- ists an effective dynamics in terms of diffusion equations (4) and (5) within a single cluster. Based on this col- lected wisdom on the random lattice model so far, one 2. Interacting clusters for the random lattice model can naturally ask if it is possible to express the system- wide properties of shocks and clusters in terms of an ef- WiththebackgroundofSec. IIIB1,itisnowclearthat fective (“hydrodynamic”) equation. as time progresses,the amplitude of eachcluster present It turns out that indeed such an equation can be con- in the random lattice model at late times effectively de- structed for the random lattice model: cays exponentially as ∼exp[−π2D(r)(t−t )/M2]. Such 0 ∂v adecaybringsthevelocitiesoftheparticleswithinaclus- = D(r)[Θ(−∇+v)∇+v −Θ(−∇−v)∇−v], (7) ter closer andcloser to the centre-of-massvelocityof the ∂t cluster itself. Let us assume that at time t ≫ 1, there 0 whereΘdenotesaunitstepfunction,(∇+v) =v −v tahreerja1nnduommblearttoifceclmusotderesl.pIrfewseenntuimnbtheretwhhesoeleclsuysstteermsboyf and(∇−v)k =vk−vk−1arethediscretegradkientsko+p1eratk- ∂ j suchthatj =1,2,...,j anddenotethenumberofpar- ing to the right and left respectively and the discrete 1 ∂t ticles within the clusters, the amplitudes of the clusters time gradient. It is important to stress that in a nu- and their velocities of their centre of masses respectively merical implementation of Eq. (7), all pairs of particles byM ,A andV ,thenwithincreasingtime, weobserve j j j withnegativerelativevelocitiescollidesimultaneously in the following dynamics: (i) when Vj−1 < Vj < Vj+1, aunittimestep. Themaindifferencebetweenthenumer- the shocks on the left and on the right of the jth clus- ical implementation of Eq. (7) and the random lattice ter cannot respectively be smaller than Vj −Vj−1 > 0 model lies in the order of the collisions, but in the light and V −V > 0. In that case, the amplitude A sim- j+1 j j of the previous results, we expect to find the shocks at ply decreases to 0, forming a “flat” velocity profile (see the same locations. Moreover, inside a given cluster, (7) e.g.,Fig. 3). (ii)Ontheotherhand,whenV >V ,the j j+1 reducesto(4),sothattheclustervelocityprofilesshould magnitudeoftheshockbetweenthejthandthe(j+1)th be the same as in the random lattice model. clusters decreases to zero, and the two clusters coalesce togethertoformanewbiggerclusterinafinitetime. For agivenconfigurationofclustersattimet,the mean-field 1 theory of Sec. IIIB1 provides us with a way to mea- ′ sure the time t = t+∆t of the first coalescence of min two clusters in the system. In fact, ∆t = min ∆t , min j j whereforeachpairofneighbouringclusters(j,j+1)with Vj −Vj+1 >0, ∆tj is obtained by solving the equation v (k ) A (t ) exp[−π2D(r)∆t /M2 ] j+1 0 j j+1 +A (t ) exp[−π2D(r)∆t /M2] = V −V .(6) j 0 j j j j+1 Due to the fact that Eq. (6) is transcendental in na- 0 ture,aclosedformanalyticalsolutionfor∆t isimpossi- k j ble toobtain,letalonethe value of∆t . Nevertheless, min Eq. (6)providesuswithaglimpse ofhowcomplicatedit is to theoretically study the cluster-clustercollisions and FIG.7: Comparison ofthemacroscopicvelocityprofile(solid coalescence in the random lattice model, and in general, curve) predicted by Eq. (7) with the corresponding actual in inelastic gases. If two clusters l and l+1 are the first simulation data (open circles) of the random lattice model ones to coalesce (at time t +∆t ) in the randomlattice forr=0. Thesimulationswerecarriedoutfor1000particles 0 1 model, then a new cluster with Ml+Ml+1 particles and and the largest |vk1 −vk2| ∀k1,k2 have been scaled to unity center of mass velocity (M V +M V )/(M +M ) both for theactual simulation data and the solid curve. l l l+1 l+1 l l+1 isformed. Attime t +∆t ,the shapeofthenew cluster 0 1 is different from a half-cosine, but as the mean-field the- Indeed, we find that the macroscopic velocity profile ory of Sec. IIIB1 suggests, very soon the shape of the obtained numerically from Eq. (7) compares very well new cluster converges to a half-cosine, unless the newly with the actual computer simulation results of the ran- formedclustercollideswithanotheroneinthemeantime. dom lattice model (see Fig. 7), as expected. 8 IV. DISCUSSION pendent of the coefficient of restitution. Thus, we observe that in terms of detailed structure In this paper, we have extensively studied structure formation, systems with any r < 1 “flow” towards the formation and their dynamics in a one-dimensional in- stickylimitr=0. Such“universality”hasbeenfoundin elastic lattice modelforgranulargases. These structures Ref. [17] in terms of global quantities, while our results appear in the form of clusters separated by shocks. The suggest that a broader “universality” holds for micro- locationsoftheshocksinthislatticemodelatearlytimes scopic quantities, such as the locations of shocks (when are decided from the initial configurations of the parti- the same initial velocity configuration is considered). cles’ velocities in a very robust manner. In order to pre- Inaddition,fortherandomlatticemodel,wehavealso dict the locations of the shocks, we have demonstrated studied the dynamics of an isolated cluster and cluster- a procedure to process the initial velocity configurations cluster collisions in detail and obtained an effective “hy- data of the particles, and this procedure works equally drodynamic” equation. We hope that the analyses pre- well also for the one-dimensional inelastic gas [14, 17]. sented here can be successfully used to study coarsening The coefficient of restitution does play a role to decide problems in realistic granular gases (i.e., in two or three which of the large jumps in the particles’ velocities at dimensions). early times yield shocks, but at late times, the macro- S.O. and D.P. are financially supported by the Dutch scopic velocity profile for a given model with a given research organization FOM (Fundamenteel Onderzoek initial configuration of the particles’ velocities is inde- der Materie). 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