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Cluster-variation approximation for a network-forming lattice-fluid model C. Buzano Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, I-10129 Torino, Italy E. De Stefanis and M. Pretti Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, I-10129 Torino, Italy and Center for Statistical Mechanics and Complexity, CNR-INFM Roma 1, Piazzale Aldo Moro 2, I-00185 Roma, Italy (Dated: February 2, 2008) 8 0 We consider a 3-dimensional lattice model of a network-forming fluid, which has been recently 0 investigated by Girardi and coworkers by means of Monte Carlo simulations [J. Chem. Phys. 126, 2 064503 (2007)], with the aim of describing water anomalies. We develop an approximate semi- n analytical calculation, based on a cluster-variation technique,which turnsout to reproduce almost a quantitatively different thermodynamic properties and phase transitions determined by the Monte J Carlo method. Nevertheless, our calculation points out the existence of two different phases char- 2 acterized bylong-range orientational order, and of critical transitions between them and to a high- 2 temperature orientationally-disordered phase. Also, the existence of such critical lines allows us to explain certain “kinks” in the isotherms and isobars determined by theMonte Carlo analysis. The ] picture of the phase diagram becomes much more complex and richer, though unfortunately less h suitable to describe real water. p - PACSnumbers: 05.50.+q61.20.Gy65.20.-w m e h I. INTRODUCTION bic (bcc) lattice is suitable for the tetrahedral molecule, c as the latter canpoint its arms towardsfour out of eight . s nearest neighbors of each given site. The above features c Waterattractsgreatinterestfromphysicists,duetoits are common to several models, which differ in the form i differentanomalousproperties[1,2,3]. Justtomentiona s of interactions and allowed configurations. y few ofthem, itis wellknownthat, atordinarypressures, In the early model proposed by Bell [10, 11, 12], h the solid phase (ice) is less dense than the correspond- molecules can point their arms only to nearest neigh- p ing liquid phase, and the latter displays a temperature [ bor sites. An attractive energy is assignedfor every pair of maximum density, just above the freezing transition. of occupied nearest neighbors, with an extra contribu- 1 Furthermore, the heat capacity of liquid water is unusu- tion if a hydrogen bond is formed, i.e., if a donor arm v ally large, whereas both isothermal compressibility and points to an acceptor arm. Furthermore, a repulsive en- 4 isobaric heat capacity display a minimum as a function ergy is assigned for certain triplets of occupied sites, in 8 of temperature. Although a full prediction of such and 3 orderto accountfor the difficulty offorming H bonds by other anomalies from first principles has not been given 3 closely packed water molecules. Minor variations of the yet, it is widely believed that it should be related to the . Bell model have been proposed by Meijer and cowork- 1 ability ofwatermoleculesto formanetworkofhydrogen 0 ers [13, 14], which replaced the three-body interaction bonds. 8 with a simple next-nearest-neighbor repulsion, and by 0 Among different possible approaches, a substantial Lavis and Southern [15], who defined a simplified model : body of theoretical investigations concerning so-called with no distinction between donors and acceptors, first v i network-formingfluids has been developed in the frame- pointingoutthatsuchadistinctionisscarcelyimportant X work of lattice models [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, for a qualitative description of water thermodynamics. r 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]. All these studies are mainly focused on the equilibrium a One can use various types of model molecules, charac- phase diagram of water, and predict a liquid-vapor co- terized by orientation-dependent interactions, in either existenceandtwodifferentlow-temperaturephaseschar- two [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] or three [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, acterized by long-range orientational order and different 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28] dimensions. densities. At zero temperature, the low-density phase is Anaturalchoiceforwaterappearstobe a3-dimensional an ideal diamond network made up of H bonded water model molecule with four bonding arms arranged in a molecules, with half the lattice sites left empty, resem- tetrahedral symmetry [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, bling the structure of ice Ic (cubic ice). At the melting 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]. Two of them can represent the temperature,thisphasecorrectlydisplaysalowerdensity hydrogen (H) atoms, which are positively charged and thantheliquidphase. Conversely,thehigh-densityphase act as donorsfor the H bond, whereas the other two can at zero temperature is made up of two interpenetrating represent the negatively charged regions (“lone pairs”) diamond structures, with all sites occupied, resembling presentintheH Omolecule,actingasHbondacceptors. the structure of ice VII (a high pressure form of ice). 2 As far as the lattice is concerned, the body-centered cu- More recently, a similar model has been proposed by 2 RobertsandDebenedetti[18,19,20],withtheaimofex- densities, whichcancoexistin equilibrium, in agreement ploring the phase diagram of water deep into the super- with the conjecture of Poole and coworkers [30]. The cooled liquid region, and, more generally, the possibility coexistence line terminates in a critical point, whereas of liquid-liquid immiscibility in a network-forming fluid. the low-density phase exhibits a temperature of maxi- TherearetwodifferenceswithrespecttotheoriginalBell mum density (TMD), depending on pressure. A subse- model. First,watermoleculeshaveanadditionalnumber quent work[24] suggestsa relationshipbetween the den- of configurations, in which they cannot form H-bonds. sityanomalyandtheanomalousbehaviorofthediffusion Such a number is an adjustable parameter, related to coefficient. the entropy of breaking H bonds. Second, the energy Inthispaperweanalyzetheabovemodelbyageneral- penalty for the triplets occurs only when two molecules izedfirst-orderapproximation,basedona 4-sitetetrahe- in a triplet form a H bond. At zero temperature, this dralcluster. Suchaworkismotivatedbythefactthatthe model still predicts the two ordered H-bond networks of reliability of cluster-variational approximations, though the Bell model, but these phases have never been inves- widelyemployedforthiskindofmodelswithorientation- tigated at finite temperature, due to the main attention dependent interactions, has been scarcely tested against devoted by the cited papers to (stable or metastable) Monte Carlo simulations [33]. Let us anticipate that liquid phases. In particular, these studies have given a our calculation reproduces most physical properties ob- contribution in the framework of a debate between two tained by simulations (namely, isotherms, isobars, bin- differentconjecturesputforthrespectivelybySpeedyand odals, TMD locus) with remarkable accuracy. Never- Angell [29] and Poole and coworkers [30] to explain ap- theless, the picture of the phase diagram turns out to parent power-law divergences in the response functions be quite different, as the two different condensed phases of supercooled water [29]. In a few words, Speedy and exhibit long-range orientational order, which lead us to Angellpostulatedareentranceofthestabilitylimit(spin- identify them as a continuous temperature evolution of odal) of liquid water, whereas Poole and coworkers pos- the two zero-temperature network structures introduced tulated the existence of two different metastable liquid above. As a consequence, the two critical points are in- phases(inanalogywiththe twodifferentamorphousices deed tricritical, and two critical lines appear, indicating observed in experiments), whose coexistence line could two different kinds of symmetry breaking, respectively possibly end in a (metastable) critical point. The model from an orientationally-disordered phase to the high- by Roberts and Debenedetti turned out to be compati- density ordered phase and from the latter to the low- ble with the second critical point conjecture, which has density one. In order to check the existence of critical also collected several other indirect evidences, both in lines and symmetry breaking we have performed some experiments [31] and computer simulations [32]. Two new Monte Carlo simulations in specific regions of the authors of the present paper have studied a simplified phase diagram. version of the Roberts-Debenedetti model, without the The paper is organized as follows. In Section II we donor-acceptorasymmetry[21,22],pointingoutthatthe describe the model hamiltonianand analyzethe ground- modelisindeedcompatiblewithboththeaforementioned state. In Sec. III we introduce the cluster-variational conjectures(depending onparametervalues),andis also techniqueemployedforthecalculation. Sec.IVdescribes able to describe the anomalous properties of water as a our results, discussing them in comparison with those solvent for apolar molecules (hydrophobic effect). obtained from numerical simulations in Ref. [23]. Sec. V AdifferentvariationoftheBellmodelhasbeenconsid- reports on the new Monte Carlo results, while Sec. VI is ered by Besseling and Lyklema [16, 17], who have taken devoted to some concluding remarks. into account only nearest-neighbor interactions, namely, an attractive term for H-bonded molecules and a repul- sive term for nonbonded molecules. Even in this case, II. MODEL AND GROUND STATE the twodifferentorderedphasesdescribedabovearesta- ble at zero temperature, but they have not been investi- AsmentionedintheIntroduction,themodelisdefined gated at finite temperature. The cited studies were in- on a body-centered cubic lattice (see Fig. 1). Each site deedfocusedontheliquid-vaporinterfaceproperties[16] can be empty or occupied by a molecule. The model and on hydrophobic hydration thermodynamics [17], for molecule possesses the tetrahedral structure introduced whichthe authorsobtainedgoodagreementwithexperi- above, with 4 equivalent bonding arms, which can point ments. Theseresultswereobtainedintheso-calledquasi- towards 4 out of 8 nearest neighbors of a given site. A chemical or Bethe approximation, i.e., a first-order ap- hydrogen bond is formed, yielding an attractive energy proximation which takes into account correlations over −η < 0, whenever two nearest-neighbor molecules point clusters made up of two nearest-neighbor sites. anarmto eachother, with no distinction betweendonor Very recently, Girardi and coworkers [23] have per- and acceptor (see Fig. 2). Moreover,a repulsive interac- formed extensive Monte Carlo simulations for the previ- tionǫ>0isassignedtoanypairofnearest-neighborsites ouslydescribedmodel,inthe simplified versionobtained occupied by water molecules. This choice of the interac- by removing the donor-acceptor distinction. This work tionparametersimplies anenergeticpenalty fornearest- suggests the existence of two liquid phases of different neighbor molecules not forming H bonds. Finally, as we 3 FIG. 1: Two conventional(cubic) cells of thebody centered cubic (bcc) lattice. A,B,C,D denote four interpenetrating face-centered cubic (fcc) sublattices. FIG. 3: (a) Basic cluster (irregular tetrahedron): A,B,C,D denote sites in the 4 corresponding sublattices. AB, BC, CD, and DA are nearest-neighbor pairs; AC and BD are next-nearest-neighborpairs. (b) Husimi tree structure corre- sponding to the generalized first-order approximation on the tetrahedron. drasharingagivensite,butitissufficienttochooseonly a subset of 4, in order to cover all the nearest-neighbor pairs[Fig.3(b)]. Thereareindeed6differentpossibilities tochooseapropersubset,butthe hamiltonianturnsout to be independent of this choice. We thus finally write H= H , (1) iαiβiγiδ X (α,β,γ,δ) where the elementary contribution H will be denoted ijkl as tetrahedron hamiltonian. The subscripts i ,i ,i ,i α β γ δ denote site configurations for the 4 vertices α,β,γ,δ of FIG. 2: Two model molecules forming a H bond. The lower each tetrahedron. Possible site configurations are as fol- moleculeisinthei=1configuration,theupperoneisinthe lows: i = 0 denotes a vacancy (empty site), whereas i=2 configuration (see thetext). i = 1,2 denote a molecule in its 2 possible orientations (seeFig.2). Duetothepresenceofonlynearest-neighbor interactions, and assuming that (i,j), (j,k), (k,l), and find it convenientto work in the grand-canonicalensem- (l,i) just refer to nearest-neighbor configurations, the ble, a chemical potential contribution −µ is taken into tetrahedron hamiltonian can be written as account for every occupied site. H =H +H +H +H , (2) Inprinciple,thehamiltonianofthesystemcanbewrit- ijkl ij jk kl li tenasasumofcouplingtermsbetweennearest-neighbor where sites. Nevertheless, with a view to subsequent analyti- cal development, let us write the hamiltonian as a sum H =ǫn n −ηh −µn /4. (3) ij i j ij i over irregular tetrahedral clusters, whose vertices lie on 4 different face-centered cubic sublattices [see Figs. 1 In the latter equation, n is an occupation variable, de- i and 3(a)]. Let us note that there are 24 such tetrahe- fined as n = 0 if i = 0 (empty site), n = 1 other- i i 4 wise (occupied site), whereas h is a bond variable, de- while Eq. (6) correctly yields the density ρ = 1/2. ij LD fined as h = 1 if the pair configuration (i,j) repre- Moreover,for the HD phase, we consider ij sents a H bond, and h = 0 otherwise. Let us also as- ij sumethati,j,k,l(inthisorder)denoteconfigurationsof pijkl =δi,1δj,2δk,1δl,2 (9) sitesplacedon,say,A,B,C,Dsublatticesrespectively. If A,B,C,D are defined as in Fig. 1, we can define h =1 which, replaced into Eqs. (4) and (6), yields respectively ij ifi=1andj =2,andh =0otherwise. The1/4coeffi- ij cientismeanttoavoidmultiplecountingsofthechemical wHD =4ǫ−2η−µ (10) potential terms. and ρ = 1. Finally, we have also to consider a gas Let us now define the tetrahedron configurationprob- HD (G) phase, in which all but a finite number of sites are abilitybyp ,withthe sameconventionaboutthe sub- ijkl empty,sothatbothdensityandenergyare0inthether- scriptorder,andassumethattheprobabilitydistribution modynamic limit. It is easy to show that the G phase is isequalforeverytetrahedron. Suchanassumptionseems thermodynamically favored (0 < w and 0 < w ) for to be reasonable,as it allowsone to characterizethe two LD HD µ<µ , where ordered structures present in the ground state. In both G-LD cases,thedistributionisadeltafunctionconcentratedon µ =2ǫ−2η, (11) afixedtetrahedronconfiguration(i,j,k,l)(i.e.,p =1 G-LD ijkl for that configuration, and 0 otherwise), so that there the LD phase is favored (w < 0 and w < w ) for is no residual entropy. As far as the low-density (LD) LD LD HD µ <µ<µ , where structure is concerned, it indeed turns out to be four- G-LD LD-HD folddegenerate,sinceitcanberepresentedbyfouralter- µ =6ǫ−2η, (12) LD-HD native tetrahedron configurations, namely, (i,j,k,l) = (1,2,0,0),(0,1,2,0),(0,0,1,2),(2,0,0,1)(obtained from andthe HD phase is favored(w <0 andw <w ) HD HD LD one another by a circular permutation). In each struc- for µ > µ . Let us note that the LD phase has LD-HD ture, a pair of sublattices (respectively, AB, BC, CD, alwaysa stability region,as µ <µ , because of G-LD LD-HD and DA) is occupied by fully bonded molecules (form- the repulsive term ǫ>0. ing a diamond structure), while the other two sublat- ticesareempty. Conversely,thehigh-density(HD)struc- ture turns out to be two-fold degenerate, being repre- III. CLUSTER-VARIATION APPROXIMATION sented by the two alternative configurations (i,j,k,l) = (1,2,1,2),(2,1,2,1). Both these configurations have all We have performed the finite temperature analysis lattice sites occupied, but they differ in the pairs of fully by means of a cluster-variational approximation, previ- bonded sublattices, that is, AB and CD in the former ously applied by two of the authors for investigating a case and BC and DA in the latter. similar water-like lattice model [21, 22]. The cluster- The grand-canonicalenergy per site in the thermody- variationmethodisanimprovedmean-fieldtheory,which namic limit can be written as inprinciplecantakeintoaccountcorrelationsatarbitrar- 2 ily large, though finite, distances. In Kikuchi’s original w = pijklHijkl, (4) work [34], an approximate entropy expression was ob- i,jX,k,l=0 tainedby heuristic arguments,while, in more recentand rigorousformulations[35],theapproximationisshownto which takes into account that there is one tetrahedron be equivalent to a truncation of a cluster cumulant ex- per site. By grand-canonicalenergy, we mean pansion of the entropy. The approximation is expected w =u−µρ, (5) to work, because of a rapid decreasing of the cumulant magnitude,uponincreasingtheclustersize,namelywhen whereuistheinternalenergypersiteandρisthedensity, the latter becomes larger than the correlation length of i.e., the average occupation probability the system [36]. A particular approximation is defined by the largest clusters left in the truncated expansion, 2 n +n +n +n i j k l usually denoted as basic clusters. One obtains a free en- ρ= p . (6) ijkl 4 ergy functional in the cluster probability distributions, i,jX,k,l=0 to be minimized, according to the variational principle We arenow in a position to evaluate the energy ofthe of statistical mechanics. twoground-statestructuresdescribedabove. FortheLD For our model we have chosen, as basic clusters, the phase, we have to replace irregular tetrahedra which we have previously used to express the model hamiltonian Eq. (1). Indeed, this p =δ δ δ δ (7) ijkl i,1 j,2 k,0 l,0 choice turns out to coincide with the (generalized) first- order approximation(on the tetrahedroncluster), which into Eq. (4), obtaining is also equivalent to the exact calculation for a Husimi w =ǫ−η−µ/2, (8) lattice [37], whose (tetrahedral) building blocks are just LD 5 arrangedasinFig.3(b). Themainadvantageofthis ap- Eq. (16) is in a fixed point form, and can be proximationisitssimplicity,astheonlyclustersretained solved numerically by simple iteration (natural iteration in the expansion are basic clusters and single sites (it is method[41]). Forthecluster-siteapproximation,thenu- sometimes denoted as cluster-site approximation [38]), mericalprocedurecanbeprovedtoreducethefreeenergy together with a substantial improvement over the ordi- ateachiteration[37,41],andthereforetoconvergetolo- nary mean-field theory, which has been recognized for cal minima. From the solution of Eq. (16) one obtains different models, even with orientation dependent inter- a tetrahedron distribution p , whence one can com- ijkl actions [9]. In particular, let us note that the internal pute the thermalaverageof everyobservable; density by energy is treated exactly, since the range of interactions Eq. (6), internal energy by Eqs. (4) and (6), and free issmallerthanthebasicclustersize. Thegrandcanonical energyby Eq.(13). The latter canbe also relatedto the free energy per site ω = w−Ts (T being the tempera- normalization constant as [37] ture, expressed in energy units, and s the entropy per site, in natural units) can be written as ω =−T lnξ. (18) ω 2 H 3 Finally,assumingthevolumepersiteequaltounity,pres- = p ijkl +lnp − ln pApBpCpD , T ijkl(cid:20) T ijkl 4 i j k l (cid:21) sure can be determined, in energy units, as P = −ω. i,jX,k,l=0 (cid:0) (cid:1) In the presence of multiple solutions, i.e., of competing (13) phases, the thermodynamically stable one is selected by where pX is the probability of the i configuration for a i the lowest free energy (highest pressure) value. At zero site on the X sublattice (X =A,B,C,D). These proba- temperature, we have P = −w, so that we can easily bilities can be obtained as marginals of the tetrahedron determine the transition pressures as follows. Replacing probability distribution as Eq.(11)into(8),weobtaintheG-LDtransitionpressure 2 2 pAi = pijkl, pBj = pijkl, PG−LD =0, (19) j,Xk,l=0 k,Xl,i=0 while,replacingEq.(12)into(10),weobtaintheLD-HD 2 2 pC = p , pD = p . (14) transition pressure k ijkl l ijkl l,Xi,j=0 i,jX,k=0 PLD−HD =2ǫ. (20) Accordingly,thevariationalfreeenergyinEq.(13)turns out to be a function of only the tetrahedrondistribution p . Letusnotethatthefreeenergyexpressioncontains IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ijkl two differentlogarithmicterms, respectivelycorrespond- ing to the cluster and site entropies. The former takes In this section we present and discuss our results, in- into account correlations among four configuration vari- cludingadetailedcomparisonwiththeMonteCarlosim- ablesonatetrahedron,whilethelattercanbeviewedasa ulations of Girardi and coworkers [23]. With this pur- correctiontermensuringthat,ifthetetrahedrondistribu- pose, we consider the same ratio of interaction parame- tion factorizes into a product of single site probabilities, ters as in Ref. 23, namely, η/ǫ=2. Let us note that the the mean field (Bragg-Williams) entropy approximation ground-statetransitionpressurescomputedabovearein- is recovered. By the way, such a heuristic argument was dependent of this parameter. firstusedbyGuggenheim[39]toderiveanequivalentex- pressionfor the case ofa two-sitecluster,also equivalent to the well-known Bethe approximation [40]. A. Phase diagram Minimization of ω with respect to the set of tetrahe- dron probabilities {pijkl}, with the normalization con- InFigs. 4and5wereporttwoprojectionsofthephase straint diagram, respectively in the temperature-pressure and 2 density-temperatureplanes. Wecanobservethreediffer- p =1, (15) ent phases, which we denote as G, LD, and HD, as they ijkl i,jX,k,l=0 can be respectively identified as continuous evolutions of the three ground-state phases discussed above. The can be performed by the Lagrange multiplier method, G phase is homogenous, in that the single-site probabil- yielding the equation ity distribution is independent of the sublattice, whereas p =ξ−1e−Hijkl/T pApBpCpD 3/4, (16) the LD and HD phases exhibit a symmetry-breaking, as ijkl i j k l different sublattices behave differently. In the homoge- (cid:0) (cid:1) whereξ isrelatedtothe Lagrangemultiplier,andcanbe neous phase, molecules can locally form H bonds, but obtained imposing the constraint Eq. (15) a long-range ordered H-bond network does not appear. 2 Conversely, the other two phases exhibit long-range or- ξ = e−Hijkl/T pApBpCpD 3/4. (17) der, and one can identify the same types of symmetry- i j k l i,jX,k,l=0 (cid:0) (cid:1) breaking observed in the zero-temperature LD and HD 6 3.0 ogy. Inthepressurevstemperaturediagram(Fig.4), we observe three different first-order transition lines. The 2.5 HD first one separates the G and LD phases, whereas the other two occur between the LD and HD phases. All TP’ these lines are mapped onto coexistence regions in the 2.0 TP temperature vs density diagram (Fig. 5). Both the LD- TMD ǫ / HD first-order transition lines terminates in tricritical P 1.5 CEP points (denoted as TP and TP’), which turn out to be LD connectedbyasecond-ordertransitionline(i.e., alineof 1.0 critical points), which encloses the LD phase. Another critical line separates the G phase from the HD phase, 0.5 G which correctly prevents any continuous transformation betweenthesetwophases,the latterhavingalowersym- 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 metry. Thiscriticallineterminatesinacriticalend-point T/ǫ (CEP). Let us note, by the way, that, in the LD-HD co- existence region between CEP and TP, the LD phase FIG.4: Pressure(P/ǫ)vstemperature(T/ǫ)phasediagram. has in fact a higher density than HD, so that the two G, LD, HD denote the corresponding phase regions (see the phases are identified on the basis of their different sym- text); TP and TP’ are tricritical points; CEP is the critical metries. Let us also note that the LD phase exhibits end-point. Solid and dashed lines denote respectively first- a density anomaly, namely, a temperature of maximum and second-order transitions; a dash-dotted line denotes the density (TMD), at constant pressure. TMD locus. Squares and circles display Monte Carlo data fromRef.23forthefirst-ordertransitionsandtheTMDlocus, respectively. Figs. 4 and 5 also display some data point obtained by the Monte Carlo analysis of Ref. [23]. We find a 2.0 remarkably good agreement both for first-order transi- tions (coexistence regions in Fig. 5 and transition lines in Fig. 4), and for the TMD locus in the LD phase. De- G TP HD viations are slightly larger only in the vicinity of critical 1.5 CEP lines,wherethecorrelationlengthofthesystemdiverges, so that we expect a break-down of our approximation /ǫ TMD TP’ performances. In spite of such an impressive agreement T 1.0 LD betweenMonteCarloresultsandourapproximatecalcu- lation, which suggests that the tetrahedron approxima- tion captures the most relevant correlations present in 0.5 G-LD LD-HD thesystem,animportantdifferenceemergesbetweenthe twostudies. Indeed,Girardiandcoworkers[23]recognize thetwolong-rangeorderednetworkstructuresonlyinthe 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ground-state analysis. Such a long-range order seems to ρ be lost at finite temperature, so that they denote the two denser phases as low density liquid (LDL) and high FIG.5: Temperature(T/ǫ)vsdensity(ρ)phasediagram. La- density liquid (HDL). In this scenario,they only observe belsaredefinedasinFig.4(doublelabelsdenotecoexistence twofirst-ordertransitionslines (G-LDL andLDL-HDL), regions). Solid lines denote boundaries of the coexistence re- terminating in two different critical points. gions, while dashed lines denote second-order transitions; a dash-dottedlinedenotestheTMD locus. Squaresandcircles display Monte Carlo data from Ref. 23 for the coexistence Although in principle such a discrepancy might be boundaries and the TMD locus, respectively. an artifact of our approximate method, different evi- dences lead us to conjecture that this is not the case, and that in Ref. 23 the authors have simply not ex- phases, respectively. More precisely, upon decreasing plored the possibility of a symmetry-breaking. A first temperature, the tetrahedron distributions tend to be evidence is of course the striking quantitative agreement concentrated on the fixed configurations, corresponding shown above. Moreover, as previously mentioned, our respectivelytothedifferent(LDorHD)H-bondnetworks symmetry-broken phases at T >0 are continuous evolu- describedabove. Forinstance,intheLDphase,Hbonds tionsofthosepredictedatT =0,whereasinRef.23itis arepreferentiallyformedthroughAB (orBC, CD, DA) not clear how the transitions from the zero-temperature sublattices, whereas, in the HD phase, through AB and ordered phases to the finite temperature liquid phases CD (or BC and DA). occur. Looking for further evidences, we have analyzed Let us have a closer look at the phase diagram topol- isotherms and isobars. 7 B. Isotherms and isobars sity maxima). At pressure values lying between P CEP and the TP pressure P /ǫ ≈1.8, the system phase be- TP haviorbecomesmorecomplicated. Upondecreasingtem- In Fig. 6 we report isotherms in a pressure vs den- perature,wefirstobserveasecond-orderG-HDtransition sity diagram, together with corresponding Monte Carlo followed by a weak first-order HD-LD transition. The data, available from Ref. 23. In particular, we consider HD-LD transition also becomes continuous above P . threedifferenttemperatures,showingqualitativelydiffer- TP Finally at P/ǫ > 2 [i.e., above the ground-state LD-HD entbehaviors. ThefirstoneisT/ǫ=0.8(Fig.6a),where transition pressure,see Eq. (20)], a further LD-HD first- the isotherm displays two large plateaus, resulting from ordertransitionappearsatlowtemperature. Acompari- the two different (G-LD and LD-HD) first-order tran- sonoftheseresultswithMonteCarloisobarsdrawnfrom sitions discussed above. These plateaus can be clearly Ref. 23 generally confirms the good agreement obtained observed even from the Monte Carlo data, which are for phase diagrams and isotherms. In particular, let us very well fitted by our curve. The second temperature notethattheG-HDcriticallineprovidesaclearinterpre- is T/ǫ = 1.2 (Fig. 6b), lying between the two tricritical tation of the slope changes observed in the two highest points TP and TP’ (see Figs. 4 and 5). In this case, pressure isobars in Fig. 7b. upon increasing pressure, the system first undergoes a Looking at Fig. 4, we expect two more regimes, for G-LD first-order transition, and then a LD-HD second- pressure values above TP’. More precisely, between TP’ order transition. The former results in a plateauas well, and the maximum pressure value reached along the TP- whereas the latter gives rise to a simple “kink” in the TP’ critical line, we observe a sequence of three contin- isotherm. TheMonteCarlodataexhibitasimilarplateau uous transitions, namely, G-HD, HD-LD, and LD-HD, and,noticeably,theyalsoseemtobecompatiblewiththe upondecreasingtemperature. Forhigherpressure,wefi- possibility of a critical-line crossing, i.e., with the exis- nallyobservea directG-HDcontinuoustransition. Even tence of a kink in the thermodynamic limit. Finally, we in these cases, corresponding isobars have not been re- consider T/ǫ=1.6 (Fig. 6b), lying above both tricritical ported in Fig. 7. points. Here the system directly undergoes a (second- order) G-HD transition, so that the isotherm displays just a slight kink. Even in this case, the slope change observed in the Monte Carlo isotherm seems to be well V. A MONTE CARLO TEST explained by the critical-line crossing. Let us note that, looking at Figs. 4 and 5, we indeed As pointed out in the previous section, different ev- expect two more qualitatively different regimes, respec- idences support the existence of long-range ordered tivelycorrespondingtothe narrowtemperatureintervals symmetry-brokenphases,andrelatedcriticaltransitions. betweenCEPandTPandbetweenTPandthemaximum Nevertheless, due to the approximate nature of our re- temperature reached along the TP-TP’ critical line. In sults,wehavefounditnecessarytoperformsomespecific the former case, upon increasing pressure, we find a G- checks by Monte Carlo simulations. We have only inves- HD second-order transition, followed by a HD-LD first- tigated certain regions around which the transitions are order transition, and finally by a LD-HD second-order expected to appear. transition. In the latter case, we find the same sequence In order to verify the G-HD transition, we consider a oftransitions,allsecond-order. Correspondingisotherms constanttemperature T/ǫ=1.7 (see Figs. 5 and 4), and are not displayed in Fig. 6. Indeed, we suppose that a workouta grand-canonicalsimulationfor varyingchem- comparison with Monte Carlo simulations may be very ical potential. The lattice is made up of L×L×L bcc difficult in these temperature region, where maximum conventionalcells(seeFig.1),withLrangingfrom10up quantitative discrepancies are observed in the phase di- to30,andperiodicboundaryconditions. Thesimulation agram (see Fig. 5). To be more precise, it is likely that is of the Metropolis type, starting from a randomlattice similar behaviors might also appear from Monte Carlo configuration. We randomly select a lattice site, and flip data, but at a slightly lower temperature than observed its configuration according to the Metropolis rule. We from the approximate calculation. definetheMonteCarlostepas2L3 iterationsofthispro- In Fig. 7 we report isobars in a density vs temper- cess. Measurements are performed every 30-100 Monte ature diagram (more precisely, Fig. 7a displays only re- Carlo steps, depending on the phase (the Monte Carlo sultsfromourcalculation,whereasinFig.7bsomeMonte dynamics is faster in the disorderedG phase than in the Carloresultsaresuperimposed). Wehaveconsidereddif- LDandHDphases). Wecollectupto105measurements, ferent pressure values, below the TP’ pressure, pointing waitingathermalizationtimeoforder103measurements. outfourdifferentregimes. Thelowestpressureisobarslie In Fig. 8 we report the fourth-order cumulant [42] of below the CEP pressure P /ǫ ≈ 1.4, so that the sys- thegrand-canonicalenergyV asafunctionofthechem- CEP w tem only undergoes a first-order G-LD transition, upon icalpotential,fordifferentvaluesofthelatticesizeL. We decreasing temperature (see Fig. 4). At the lowest pres- can observe that V fluctuates around zero, except in a w sures, the density maximum turns out to be extremely narrowinterval(whichshrinksuponincreasingL)where shallow, but it becomes more pronounced upon increas- V exhibitsaminimumfollowedbyamaximum. Thisisa w ing pressure (the TMD locus correctly connects all den- typical signature of a second-order transition[43], which 8 4.0 (a) 4.0 (b) 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 TP’ ǫ ǫ / / P 2.0 P 2.0 TP 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 T/ǫ=1.2 T/ǫ=0.8 T/ǫ=1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ρ ρ FIG.6: Isothermsinthepressure(P/ǫ) vsdensity(ρ)diagram. Solid anddashed(thick)linesdenoterespectively boundaries ofcoexistence regions andcritical lines(some linesarereported partially,toimprovereadability). Thin linesof differenttypes represent isotherms at T/ǫ = 0.8 (a) and T/ǫ = 1.2,1.6 (b). Scatters denote Monte Carlo results from Ref. 23. Labels as in Fig. 4. 0.70 (a) 0.70 (b) HD 0.65 0.65 TMD 0.60 0.60 LD TP LD-HD 0.55 0.55 0.50 0.50 ρ ρ 0.45 0.45 P/ǫ=2.0 P/ǫ=1.8 0.40 0.40 P/ǫ=1.6 G-LD P/ǫ=2.07 P/ǫ=1.4 P/ǫ=1.83 0.35 P/ǫ=1.2 G 0.35 P/ǫ=1.35 P/ǫ=1.0 P/ǫ=0.87 0.30 0.30 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 T/ǫ T/ǫ FIG.7: Isobarsinthedensity(ρ)vstemperature(T/ǫ)diagram. Solidanddashed(thick)linesdenoterespectivelyboundaries of coexistence regions and critical lines. Thin lines of different types represent isobars at various pressures. In (a), a thick dash-dotted line denotes theTMD locus. In(b), scatters denote Monte Carlo results from Ref. 23. Labels as in Fig. 5. in our case we expect to be the G-HD transition. Actu- line is shifted towards higher density (i.e., higher pres- ally, in both phases far from the transition, the energy sure)withrespecttotheapproximatelineshowninFigs. distributioncanbedescribedbyasinglepeak,whichcan 4 and 5. This result is in agreement with the known be- be approximatedby a gaussian,tending to a Dirac delta havior of cluster-variational approximations, which, due in the L→∞ limit. In this case V should vanish inde- to their mean-field nature, usually overestimate the or- w pendently of L. Upon approaching the critical line, the dered phase region. symmetric gaussian peak description is no longer valid, Inordertobettercharacterizethetransition,wedefine sothatVw 6=0[43]. Thoughwedonotreportthe details the following order parameter here, we have worked out an equivalent analysis for the LD-HD critical line, obtaining similar results. φ =pAC −pBD, (21) 1 1 1 TheresultsdisplayedinFig.8seemtoindicateatran- sition around 1.3 . µ/ǫ . 1.4, where the simulation where pXY is the probability of the i = 1 configuration 1 predicts a density 0.59 . ρ . 0.61. The latter val- (seeFig.2)onthe X andY sublattices. Atotallyequiv- ues turn out to be slightly higher than the transition alent order parameter φ could be obtained considering 2 density predicted by the cluster-variationapproximation the i = 2 configuration. Let us note that, as previously ρ≈0.56,atthecorrespondingtransitionchemicalpoten- mentioned, the HD phase is two-fold degenerate. There- tial µ/ǫ ≈ 1.00. We then expect that the actual critical fore, we expect that our simulated system can go into 9 0.15 bilities as L=10 L=14 pX +pY 0.10 L=20 pXY = i i , (22) L=30 i 2 0.05 where the one-sublattice probabilities are derived from 0.00 Eqs. (14). It is easy to see that φ behaves like a good 1 orderparameterfortheG-HDtransition. Indeed,forlow w V -0.05 µ values, where we expect to observe the disordered G phase, φ tends to zero upon increasing L. Conversely, -0.10 1 for higher µ values, where we expect to observe the or- -0.15 dered HD phase, φ1 remains nonzero, with a smaller ef- fect of L. In the intermediate region, the slope of the -0.20 curves increases upon increasing L, revealing the phase 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 transition. Let us note, by the way, that for L=10 (the µ/ǫ size used in Ref. 23) finite size effects are definitely not negligibleinthe vicinity ofthe transition,wherethe cor- FIG. 8: Fourth-order cumulant of the grand canonical en- relation length of the system is expected to diverge. Ac- ergy (Vw) vs chemical potential (µ/ǫ) at constant tempera- tureT/ǫ=1.7,fordifferentvaluesofthelatticesizeL. Error cordingly, also the cluster-variational result fails in this bars, not reported for a better readability, are of order 10−2 region, although it progressively improves upon moving in theworst case. away from the transition. 0.6 VI. CONCLUSIONS L=10 L=14 0.5 L=20 In this paper, we have considereda lattice model with L=30 orientation-dependent interactions, meant to describe a 0.4 so-callednetwork-formingfluid. As mentioned in the In- troduction, this model is an instance of quite a large | φ1 0.3 class of similar models (defined on the body-centered | cubic lattice, with tetrahedral model molecules), origi- 0.2 nally conceivedto describe waterandinvestigateits var- ious anomalies. Several studies have been carried out 0.1 using a variety of approximate techniques, whose relia- bility has not always been checked. Motivated by a re- 0.0 cent work by Girardi and coworkers[23], performing ex- 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 tensive Monte Carlo simulations for one of such models, µ/ǫ we have worked out a corresponding analysis by means of a cluster-variational technique, with the aim of com- FIG. 9: G-HD order parameter (|φ1|) vs chemical potential paring the results and evaluating the reliability of the (µ/ǫ) at constant temperature T/ǫ = 1.7. The solid line de- approximatemethod. The latter, based on a tetrahedral notesthecluster-variationresult,whilescattersdenoteMonte CarloresultsfordifferentvaluesofthelatticesizeL(thinlines cluster, had been already employed by two authors of are an eyeguide). Error bars are of order 10−4. the present paper for investigating a different water-like latticemodel[21],andactuallyturnsouttobeageneral- ization of the original first-order approximation worked out by Bell [10]. The generalization consists in taking one of the two possible states, depending on initial con- into account the possibility of a symmetry-breaking at ditions. Inonecase,preferentialHbondingoccurseither the level of four face-centered cubic sublattices of the through AB and CD sublattices, with preferred i = 1 original body-centered cubic lattice. Such a symmetry configurations on A and C. In the other case, preferen- breaking is indeed known to occur in the model ground- tialbonding occursthroughBC andDA, withpreferred state. i = 1 configurations on B and D. In the two cases we As already pointed out in the text, we obtain a re- respectively obtain positive and negative values of the markably good agreement with Monte Carlo results for order parameter. most thermodynamic quantities. Nevertheless, our re- InFig.9we reportthe absolutevalue ofφ ,computed sultsclearlysuggestthatthethetwodenserphases,iden- 1 both by simulations (for different lattice sizes L) and tifiedasliquidinRef.23,areinfactendowedwithalong by the cluster-variation approximation (in the thermo- rangeorderedstructure,closelyresemblingthe hydrogen dynamic limit), as a function of the chemical potential. bond networks observed at zero temperature. Accord- In the latter case, we compute the two-sublattice proba- ingly, the emerging picture of the phase diagram turns 10 outto be much morecomplex andricher. In fact, due to clear evidence of an order-disordercritical transition. symmetry-breaking, the two critical points observed in Aspreviouslymentioned,theseresultssuggestthatthe Ref. 23 turns out to be tricritical, and two new critical tetrahedral cluster approximation is able to capture the linesemerge,separatingthetwosymmetry-brokenphases most relevant correlations present in the system. On from each other and from the disordered phase. Such the other hand, unfortunately, the observed phase dia- critical lines are hardly detectable by observing macro- gram seems to make the model less relevant for investi- scopicallyaveragedquantities(suchasthedensity),since gating water. Concerning this issue, the main problem they manifest themselves only as kinks (not plateaus) in is of course that the two ordered phases, which indeed isotherms and isobars, which are further smoothed out may well represent two different ice forms [11], undergo by finite size effects. 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