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Closed subspaces and some basic topological properties ✩ of noncommutative Orlicz spaces Lining Jianga, Zhenhua Maa,b,∗ 6 1 aSchool of Mathematics and Statistics, BeijingInstitute of Technology, Beijing,100081, P. 0 R. China 2 bDepartment of Mathematics and Physics, Hebei Universityof Architecture, Zhangjiakou, 075024, P. R. China n a J 6 ] Abstract A O In this paper, we study the noncommutative Orlicz space L (M,τ), which ϕ h. generalizes the concept of noncommutative Lp space, where M isfa von Neu- t a mann algebra, and ϕ is an Orlicz function. As a modular space, the space m L (M,τ) possessesthe Fatouproperty,andconsequently,it is a Banachspace. [ ϕ 1 In afddition, a new description of the subspace Eϕ(M,τ) = M Lϕ(M,τ) v T 1 in Lϕ(M,τ), which is closed under the norm topolofgy and dense undefr the 4 measureftopology, is given. Moreover, if the Orlicz function ϕ satisfies the 9 2 ∆ -condition, then L (M,τ) is uniformly monotone, and the convergence in 2 ϕ 0 . the norm topology and mfeasure topology coincide on the unit sphere. Hence, 1 0 E (M,τ)=L (M,τ) if ϕ satisfies the ∆ -condition. ϕ ϕ 2 6 1 Keywfords: Noncfommutative Orlicz spaces, τ-measurable operator, von : v Neumann algebra, Orlicz function i X 2010 MSC: 46B20,46B25 r a ✩ TheresearchissupportedbyNationalScienceFoundationofChina(GrantNo. 11371222) andbythescientificresearchfoundationofEducationBureauofHebeiProvinceandbyGrad- uatestudentinnovationprogramofBeijingInstituteofTechnology(GrantNo. 2015CX10037 ). ∗Correspondingauthor Email addresses: [email protected] (LiningJiang),[email protected] (ZhenhuaMa) Preprint submitted toElsevier January 13, 2016 1. Preliminaries Noncommutative integration theory was first introduced by I.E. Segal [5] and is a fundamental tool in many theories, such as operator theory and non- commutative probability theory. Since the noncommutative space Lp(M,τ) 5 (1 ≤p ≤ ∞) , where τ is a faithful semifinite normal trace on a von Neumann algebraM, has been defined [3, 5], many scholarshave conducted a systematic study of these spaces, and obtained many interseting results [14, 15, 19]. As a natural extension of the space, the theory of noncommutative Orlicz space associatedtoatracewasintroducedandstudiedbymanymathematicians. For 10 details, one can see [8], [10], [16], [20], and so on. In this paper we will take Sadeghi’sapproach[16]andstudythetopologicalpropertiesofnoncommutative Orlicz spaces. Tobeginwith,wecollectsomedefinitionsandfactsrelatedtovonNeumann algebras. Suppose that M is a semi-finite von Neumann algebra acting on a 15 Hilbert space H with a normal semi-finite faithful trace τ. The identity in M is denoted by 1 and the set of all self-adjoint projections on M is denoted by P(M). Definition 1.1. A densely-defined closed linear operator x : D(x) → H with domain D(x) ⊆ H is called affiliated with M if and only if u∗xu = x for all 20 unitary operators u belonging to the commutant M′ of M. Definition1.2. [1]SupposethatxaffiliatedwithM. Wecallxisτ-measurable, if there exists a number λ≥0 such that τ(e (|x|))<∞, (λ,∞) where e (|x|) is the spectral projection of |x| corresponding to the interval (λ,∞) (λ,∞). The collection of all τ-measurable operators is denoted by M. f Given 0<ε,δ ∈R, set V(ε,δ)={x∈M: there exists e∈P(M) such that e(H)∈fD(x),kxek ≤ε and τ(1−e)≤δ}. B(H) 2 Here, ε,δ run over all strictly positive numbers [1]. An alternative description of the set is given by V(ε,δ)={x∈M:τ(e (|x|))<δ}. (ε,∞) f Definition 1.3. ([1]) Suppose that x , x∈M. We say that x converges to x n n 25 in measure (xn −τ−m→x for short ), if for all ε,fδ >0, there exists an n0 such that x −x∈V(ε,δ), n≥n . n 0 Remark 1. 1) Using the definition of V(ε,δ), one can get that x −τ−m→x if and n only if lim τ(e (|x −x|))=0 (ε,∞) n n→∞ for any ε>0. 2) It is known that the collection {V(ε,δ)} is a neighborhood base at ε,δ>0 0 for a vector space topology τ on M and that M is a complete topological m 30 ∗-algebra. f f Inthesettingofτ-measurableoperators,thegeneralizedsingularvaluefunc- tions are the analogue (and actually, generalization) of the decreasing rear- rangements of functions in the classical settings, and is more importantly the cornerstone for the theory of noncommutative rearrangementinvariant Banach 35 function spaces [12]. Definition 1.4. ([18]) For x∈M, the distribution function λ (x):[0,∞)→ (·) [0,∞] is defined by f λ (x)=τ(e (|x|)), s≥0. s (s,∞) Since the operator x is τ-measurable, λ (x) < ∞ for s large enough and s lim λ (x)=0 as noted before. Furthermore, the function λ (x) is decreas- s→∞ s s ingandright-continuoussinceτ isnormalande (|x|)↑e (|x|)strongly (sn,∞) (s,∞) as s ↓s. n Definition 1.5. ([18]) Let L0(X,Σ,m) be the space of measurable functions on someσ-finitemeasurespace (X,Σ,m). Give an element x∈M, the generalized f 3 singular value function µ (x):[0,∞]→[0,∞] is defined by (·) µ (x)=inf{s≥0:λ (x)≤t}, t>0, t s 40 where λs(x) is the distribution function. It is known that the infimum can be attained and that λ (x)≤t, t>0. µt(x) For details on the generalised singular value see [18]. We proceed to briefly reviewtheconceptofaBanachfunctionspaceofmeasurablefunctionson(0,∞) (see [13].) A function norm ρ on L0(0,∞) is defined to be a mapping ρ:L0 → + 45 [0,∞] satisfying 1. ρ(f)=0 iff f =0 a.e. 2. ρ(λf)=λρ(f) for all f ∈L0,λ>0. + 3. ρ(x+y)≤ρ(x)+ρ(y) for all. 4. f ≤g implies ρ(f)≤ρ(g) for all f,g ∈L0. + 50 Such a ρ may be extended to all of L0 by setting ρ(f) = ρ(|f|), in which case we may define Lρ(0,∞) = {f ∈ L0(0,∞) : ρ(f) < ∞}. It now Lρ(0,∞) turns out to be a Banach space when equipped with the norm ρ(·), we refer to it as a Banach function space. Using the above context Dodds, Dodds and de Pagter [13] formally defined the noncommutative space Lρ(M) to be f Lρ(M)={f ∈M :µ(f)∈Lρ(0,∞)} f f and showed that if ρ is lower semicontinuous and Lρ(0,∞) rearrangement- 55 invariant, Lρ(M) is a Banach space when equipped with the norm kfkρ = ρ(µ(f)). f Remark2. IfM is acommutativevon Neumannalgebra, then Mcan beiden- tified with L∞(X,µ) and τ(f) = fdµ, where (X,µ) is a localizable measure X R space, and where the distribution function and the generalized singular value 60 function defined above are exactly the usual distribution function and classical rearrangement [2]. 4 Next we recall the definition and some basic properties of noncommutative Orlicz spaces. Definition 1.6. ([17]) The function ϕ : [0,∞) → [0,∞] is called an Orlicz function if |u| ϕ(u)= p(t)dt, Z 0 where the real-valued function p defined on [0,∞) has the following properties: 65 (1) p(0)=0,p(t)>0 for t>0 and limt→∞p(t)=∞; (2) p is right continuous; (3) p is nondecreasing on (0,∞). For every Orlicz function ϕ, there is a complementary Orlicz function ψ : [0,∞)→[0,∞] defined by ψ(u)=sup{uv−ϕ(v):v ≥0}. A pair of complementary Orlicz functions (ϕ,ψ) fulfils the following Young Inequality: uv ≤ϕ(u)+ψ(v), u,v∈[0,∞), and equality holds if and only if u = ψ(v) or v = ϕ(u). For background on Orlicz functions and Orlicz spaces one can see [9, 17]. Suppose that ϕ is an Orlicz function. For x∈M, set f ρ (x)=τ(ϕ(|x|)), ϕ e 70 then τ(ϕ(|x|)) is a convex modular on M [16]. f Definition 1.7. Set L (M,τ)= x∈M:τ(ϕ(λ|x|))<∞ for some λ>0 , ϕ n o f f and equip the space with the Luxemburg norm |x| kxk=inf λ>0:τ ϕ ≤1 . (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:18) λ (cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:27) Such a space is called a noncommutative Orlicz space. 5 Remark 3. Notice that if ϕ(x) = |x|p, 1 ≤ p < ∞ for any τ-measurable operator x ∈ M, then L (M,τ) is nothing but the noncommutative Lp space ϕ Lp(M,τ) andfthe Luxembufrg norm generated by this function is expressed by the fformula 1 kxkp =(τ(|x|p))p . Similar to the commutative case, for x,y ∈ L (M,τ) one can define the ϕ following Orlicz norm: f kxko =sup{τ(|xy|):τ(ψ(|y|))≤1}, where ψ is the complementary function of ϕ. Moreover, we have the following relation between the two norms [16], kxk≤kxko ≤2kxk. We also can get the Young Inequality in noncommutative Orlicz spaces: Lemma 1.1. ([20]) For a pair (ϕ,ψ) of complementary Orlicz functions we have: τ(|xy|)≤τ(ϕ(|x|))+τ(ψ(|y|)), for all x,y ∈M. f Moreover, if 0≤x∈M with τ(ϕ(x))<∞, then there is a 0≤y ∈M with f f τ(xy)=τ(ϕ(x))+τ(ψ(y)) and τ(ψ(y))≤1. For further information on the theory of noncommutative Orlicz spaces we refer the reader to [8, 10, 11, 16, 20]. 75 2. Closed linear subspaces of Lϕ(M,τ) f In this section, we prove that the noncommutative Orlicz spaces L (M,τ) ϕ with the Luxemburg norm have the Fatou property. Consequently, the fspace is complete. In addition, we give a new description of the subspace E (M,τ) ϕ given in [16], and prove that this is a closed linear subspace in norm topfology 80 and a dense subspace in measure topology of the Lϕ(M,τ). Firstly we give the definition of rearrangementinvafriant as follows. 6 Definition 2.1. A linear subspace E of M is called rearrangement invariant if and only if x ∈ E, y ∈ M and for all t >f0, µt(y) ≤ µt(x) imply that y ∈ E and kykE ≤kxkE. f 85 ItiswellknownthatLϕ(M,τ)arenormedrearrangementinvariantoperator spaces [4]. From Corollary 2f.4 in [13] we know that a normed rearrangement invariant operator space with the Fatou property is a Banach space. Hence, in order to prove that L (M,τ) are Banach spaces, it suffices to show that ϕ Lϕ(M,τ) satisfy the Fatou pfroperty. f 90 Theorem 2.1. (Fatou property) Suppose that x ∈ M,xn ∈ Lϕ(M,τ). If supnkxnk<∞ and 0≤xn ↑n x, then x∈Lϕ(M,τ) anfd kxk=supnfkxnk. f Proof. Sincex ∈L (M,τ),onehasthatµ(x )∈L (0,∞). FromProposition n ϕ n ϕ 1.7 in [13], if xn, x ∈ Mf and 0 ≤ xn ↑n x then µt(xn) ↑n µt(x) holds for all t≥0. Since supnkxnkf<∞=supnkµ(xn)k<∞. 95 Then µ(x)∈Lϕ(0,∞) and kµ(x)k=supnkµ(xn)k by the classical counter- part of Theorem 2.1. Hence, x∈L (M,τ) and kxk=sup kx k. ϕ n n f In [20], Kunze considers the properties of the space k·k E (M,τ)=M L (M,τ) . ϕ ϕ \ f f Now we give another characterizationof this space. Indeed, set A (M,τ)= x∈M:τ(ϕ(λ|x|))<∞ for all λ>0 . ϕ n o f f ItiseasytoverifythatA (M,τ)isalinearsubspaceofL (M,τ). Thefollowing ϕ ϕ theoremshowsthat Aϕ(M,fτ) is a closedlinear subspace infnormtopologyand 100 a dense subspace in measfure topology of Lϕ(M,τ). f Theorem 2.2. The following statements are true: 1. A (M,τ)isaclosedlinearsubspaceofL (M,τ)underthenormtopology; ϕ ϕ 2. A (Mf,τ) is a dense subspace of L (M,τ)funder the measure topology. ϕ ϕ f f 7 Proof. (1) Let x ∈ A (M,τ) and x ∈ L (M,τ) be given with x → x in n ϕ ϕ n 105 follows from Lemma of [6f] that any z ∈ M bfelongs to Aϕ(M) if and only if µ(z)∈Aϕ(0,∞). f By corollary 4.3 of [12] we now have that kµ(x )−µ(x)k≤kµ(x −x)k=kx −xk→0. n n n BytheclassicalcounterpartofTheorem2.1wenowhavethatµ(x)∈A (0,∞). ϕ Hence x∈A (M,τ) as required. ϕ (2) Now for anyfx∈Lϕ(M,τ), set f ∞ x=u|x|=u λde (|x|) λ Z 0 n be the polar decomposition of x. For each n∈N, set xn =u 0 λdeλ(|x|), then R it is obvious that x ∈A (M,τ) and n ϕ f ∞ x−x =u|x|e (|x|)=u λde (|x|). n (n,∞) λ Z n For any ε>0, e (|x|), ε<n, e (|x−x |)= (n,∞) (ε,∞) n e (|x|), ε≥n. (ε,∞)  Since x is a τ-measurable operator, lim τ(e (|x|)) = 0, which means that n (n,∞) 110 limnτ(e(ε,∞)(|x−xn|))=0foranyε>0. Hence,Aϕ(M,τ)isadensesubspace of Lϕ(M,τ) under the measure topology. f f In order to study the further properties of A (M,τ), we need the following ϕ lemma. f k·k Lemma 2.1. By E (M,τ) = E we denote the set M L (M,τ) . If ϕ ϕ ϕ T 115 x ∈ Lϕ(M,τ) and τ(ϕf(|x|)) < ∞, then the distance d(x,Eϕ) frofm x to Eϕ is no morfe than 1, where d(x,Eϕ)=inf{kx−yk: y ∈Eϕ}. ∞ Proof. Letx=u|x| be the polardecompositionofx, where|x|= λde (|x|). 0 λ n R For each n ∈ N, set xn = u 0 λdeλ(|x|). Since τ(ϕ(|x|)) < ∞, for any ε > 0 R 8 one can choose an n0 ∈N such that ∞ τ(ϕ(|x−x |)= ϕ(λ)dτ(e )<ε. n0 Z λ n0 Since x ∈E , the Young Inequality implies n ϕ d(x,E )≤kx−x k≤kx−x ko ≤1+τ(ϕ(|x−x |)<1+ε. ϕ n0 n0 n0 Therefore, d(x,E )≤1 since ε is arbitrary. ϕ The following theorem shows that A (M,τ) is the closure (in the norm ϕ topology) of the set of all bounded τ-measurfable operators. k·k 120 Theorem 2.3. Aϕ(M,τ)=Eϕ(M,τ)=M Lϕ(M,τ) . T f f f Proof. For any x ∈ A (M,τ) and k ≥ 1, we have kx ∈ A (M,τ). Therefore ϕ ϕ d(kx,Eϕ)≤1 or d(x,Eϕ)f≤ k1. Since k is arbitrary, then we hfave x∈Eϕ, i.e., A (M,τ)⊆E . ϕ ϕ Ofn the other hand, observing that M is contained in Aϕ(M,τ) and that 125 Aϕ(M,τ) is a closed subspace of Lϕ(M,τ) by (1) of Theoremf2.2, then Eϕ is contafined in Aϕ(M,τ), which impliesfthat Aϕ(M,τ)=Eϕ. Moreover,by tfhe definition of Aϕ(M,τ), wefget f k·k A (M,τ)=M L (M,τ) =E (M,τ). ϕ ϕ ϕ \ f f f Inthefollowing,similartotheclassicalcase,westilluseE (M,τ)todenote ϕ the set x∈M:τ(ϕ(λ|x|))<∞ for all λ>0 . f n o f 130 Theorem 2.4. Let x∈M be given, the following statements are equivalent: f 1. x∈E (M,τ). ϕ n 2. lim kfx−x k=0, where x =u λde (|x|). n→∞ n n 0 λ R Proof. (1)⇒(2). Given ε>0, we have |x| ∞ λ τ ϕ = ϕ dτ(e (|x|))<∞, λ (cid:18) (cid:18) ε (cid:19)(cid:19) Z (cid:18)ε(cid:19) 0 9 this is because x∈E (M,τ). ϕ n Since xn =u 0 λdeλf(|x|), when n is large enough it follows that R |x−x | ∞ λ n τ ϕ = ϕ dτ(e (|x|))≤1. λ (cid:18) (cid:18) ε (cid:19)(cid:19) Z (cid:18)ε(cid:19) n Hence, by the Young Inequality, o x−x x−x |x−x | n n n ≤ ≤1+τ ϕ ≤2 (cid:13) ε (cid:13) (cid:13) ε (cid:13) (cid:18) (cid:18) ε (cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) for such n∈N. This yields kx−xnk→0 as n→∞, since ε is arbitrary. n 135 (2)⇒(1). Since xn =u 0 λdeλ(|x|) , then xn ∈M. If limn→∞kx−xnk= R 0, then x∈E =E (M,τ) by definition. ϕ ϕ f 3. The properties of Lϕ(M,τ) for ϕ ∈ ∆2 f In this section, we will prove that if the Orlicz function ϕ satisfies the ∆ 2 condition(forshort,denoteitbyϕ∈∆ ),namely,thereexistsaconstantk >0 2 such that for all u>0, ϕ(2u)≤kϕ(u), then E (M,τ) is uniformly monotone, and ϕ f E (M,τ)=L (M,τ). ϕ ϕ f f Using Lemma 2.1 of [6], and the fact that kµ(x)k = kxk we can get following Lemmas from the classical counterparts of these Lemmas applied to µ(x). 140 Lemma 3.1. Suppose ϕ∈∆2 and x∈Lϕ(M,τ). For any ε>0, there exists a δ(ε)>0 such that τ(ϕ(|x|))≥δ whenever kxfk≥ε. Lemma 3.2. Suppose ϕ ∈ ∆ and x ∈ L (M,τ). For any ε ∈ (0,1), there 2 ϕ exists a δ(ε)∈(0,1) such that kxk≤1−δ whefnever τ(ϕ(|x|)) ≤1−ε. Lemma 3.3. Suppose ϕ ∈ ∆ and x ∈ L (M,τ). For any ε ∈ (0,1), there 2 ϕ 145 exists a δ(ε)∈(0,1) such that kxk≥1+δ whefnever τ(ϕ(|x|)) ≥1+ε. 10

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