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Preview Clinics in Perinatology 2000: Vol 27 Index

CUMULATIVE INDEX 2000 Volume 27 March NUTRITION AND METABOLISM OF THE MICROPREMIE, pages 1-254 June OUTCOME OF THE VERY LOW-BIRTH WEIGHT INFANT, pages 255-505 September NEONATAL HEMATOLOGY, pages 507-760 December CONGENITAL ANOMALIES, pages 761-1046 Note: Page numbers of issue titles and article titles are in boldface type. Abdominal wall anomalies, 917-919, Age, maternal, in outcome of very 947-978 low-birth weight infants, 443-444, alpha-fetoprotein levels in, 948 446, 449-450 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, 965 multiple gestation rate in, 347-350 bladder exstrophy, 925-926, 952, 962-963 versus energy expenditure, 185-186 body stalk anomaly, 949, 952-954 Agranulocytosis, infantile genetic, bone cloacal exstrophy, 925-926, 952, 960-962 marrow failure in, 553 embryology of, 947-948, 950-951 Akinesia deformation sequence, 998 gastroschisis, 918-919, 954-958 Alloimmunization, hydrops fetalis in, genetic testing in, 949 1016-1017, 1023 omphalocele, 917-918, 952, 963-965 Alpha-fetoprotein, abdominal wall defects in cloacal exstrophy, 952, 961-962 and, 948 in trisomies, 764 Alport’s syndrome, thrombocytopenia in, pentalogy of Cantrell, 952, 958-960 663 ultrasonography of, 948-949 Amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia, 662 umbilical cord, 965-972 bone marrow failure in, 547, 553 Abdominoschisis, 918-919, 954-958 Amino acids, parenteral, 198-207 Abruption, placental, as cerebral palsy administration strategies for, 206-207 antecedent, 290 drug effects on, 206 Acardia (twin reversed arterial perfusion early introduction of, 200-201 syndrome), 1038-1042 energy intake and, 202-205 Achondrogenesis, 988-990 for protein accretion, 45 Achondroplasia, heterozygous, 983-984 illness effects on, 205 homozygous, 987 quality of, 199-200 Acidosis, metabolic, as cerebral palsy quantity of, 198-199 antecedent, 294 stress and, 205-206 Adolescents, as very low-birth weight toxicity of, 200, 202 infant survivors, early pain Amnioreduction, in twin-twin transfusion experience and, 371-372 syndrome, 1024 growth of, 421-428 Amniotic fluid, analysis of, in preterm height, 425-428 birth prediction, 272-273 weight, 422-425, 427-428 fetal renal function and, 922-923 quality of life perceptions of, 407-416 granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in, respiratory health of, 428-431 561-562 1047 1048 CUMULATIVE INDEX 2000 Amniotic fluid (Continued) Arachnoid cysts, 809 infection of, as cerebral palsy antece- Arousal, in preterm infants, early pain dent, 289-290 experience and, 373 hydrops fetalis in, 1014-1016, 1022- Arrhythmias, cardiac, hydrops fetalis in, 1023 1013, 1020-1022 septostomy for, in twin-twin transfusion Arteriovenous malformations, of central syndrome, 1024, 1036-1037 nervous system, 804 serial reduction of, in twin-twin transfu- of umbilical cord, 969 sion, 1036 Arthrogryposis, 998-1000 Anabolism, eosinophilia in, 617 Ascites, in hydrops fetalis, 1008-1010 Analgesia, for very low-birth weight Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), metabolism and infants, 374 requirements of, in micropremies, Anemia, aplastic, congenital syndromes 96-97 with, 548-552 Asphyxia, as cerebral palsy antecedent, Diamond-Blackfan, bone marrow failure 292 in, 547, 552-553 fluid and electrolyte disorders in, in mi- erythrocyte transfusions in, 734-735 cropremies, 132 erythropoietin in, 741-743 thrombocytopenia in, 666 Fanconi’s, bone marrow failure in, 546, Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, 991 548-550 Assisted reproductive technology, thrombocytopenia in, 662 economic issues in, 491 hemolytic, in Rh mismatch, erythropoie- multiple gestations in, outcome of, 347 tin in, 690 350, 356-357 immune globulin in, 737-739 Ataxia-pancytopenia syndrome, bone hydrops fetalis in, 1016-1017, 1023 marrow failure in, 547 iron-deficiency, in micropremies, 119-121 Atelosteogenesis, 996 physiologic, erythropoietin replacement Atrial measurement, in ventriculomegaly, in, 683-687 797-799 physiology of, 682-683 Atrioventricular septal defect, 840-843 Anencephaly, 792 Attention, in preterm infants, early pain Anesthesia, for very low-birth weight experience and, 373 infants, 364-365, 374 Autonomic function, in very low birth Aneuploidy, echogenic bowel in, 774-775, weight infants, pain effects on, 365 913 Aneurysm, of umbilical cord, 969 Angiogenesis, erythropoietin in, 530-531 Angiography, in thrombosis, 628 Bacterial vaginosis, preterm birth in, 270 Antibiotics, eosinophilia due to, 617-618 Bacteroides infections, preterm birth in, 269 in neutropenia, 585-586 Ballantyne syndrome, 879 in preterm labor prevention, Banana sign, of spina bifida, 793-795 Antioxidants, bilirubin as, 174-17 Barth syndrome, bone marrow failure in, in lipid emulsions, 84 547 vitamin C as, 96-97 Battelle Developmental Inventory, in very Antithrombin deficiency, thrombosis in, low-birth weight infant evaluation, 627, 629-631 391 Anus, disorders of, 912 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, 965 Aorta, coarctation of, 845-847 Behavioral development, in very low-birth thermocoagulation of, in twin reversed weight infant survivors, family and arterial perfusion syndrome, 1042 social factors affecting, 444-445 thrombosis in, 627 pain experience effects on, 371-372 ventral aspect of, erythropoiesis in, 509 Biliary disorders, 915 510 Bilirubin, as antioxidant, 174-175 Apert’s syndrome, 820 excess of. See Hyperbilirubinemia. Apgar score, as cerebral palsy predictor, metabolism of, lipid emulsions and, 292 62-63 Aplastic anemia, congenital syndromes physiology of, in micropremies, 173-174 with, 548-552 Biology, in outcome of extremely Appropriate-for-gestational age, 326 low-birth weight infants. See Arachidonic acid metabolites, in labor Extremely low-birth weight infants, control, 266-267 outcome of, biology versus environment. CUMULATIVE INDEX 2000 1049 Biopsy, bone marrow, approach to, in Seckel’s syndrome, 546 in neutropenia, 584-585 in Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, in thrombocytopenia, 669 546, 550 Biotin, metabolism and requirements of, in in thrombocytopenia—absent radius micropremies, 103-104 syndrome, 547, 554-555 Birth weight, as survival predictor, in WT syndrome, 547 255-256 Bone mineral metabolism, in extremely low. See Extren micropremies, 147-170 weight infants. after discharge, 162-164 in multiple gestations, 3 before discharge, 157-162 discordance in, 352-353 fetal development and, 148-153 versus development, 437-439, 444 in first weeks, 157 versus gender, 326-327 nutrition and, 153-157 versus gestational age, 326-327 with human milk feeding, 242-243 versus limitations, 446 Bowel. See also Small intestine. versus medical costs, 485-489 echogenic, in ultrasonography, 774-775, very low. See Very low-birth weight in- 912-914 fants Brain, arteriovenous malformations of, 804 Bladder, anomalies of, in cloacal exstrophy, choroid plexus cysts of, 778-780, 802- 925-926, 952, 960-962 803 corpus callosum agenesis in, 799-800 exstrophy of, 925-926, 952, 962-963 obstruction of, 930-933 development of, 303-323 Bleeding, vaginal, as cerebral palsy essential fatty acids for, 85-86 imaging of, functional, 318-319 antecedent, 290 in intraventricular hemorrhage, 311 Bleeding time test, 643-654 in periventricular leukomalacia, abnormalities of, causes of, 649-651 gestational age and, 651 312-314 hemostasis physiology and, 644-646 in ventricular enlargement, 314-315 magnetic resonance. See Magnetic historical background of, 643-644 resonance imaging, of brain. interpretation of, 647-651 predictive value of, 311-316 procedure for, 646-647 strategies for, 305-309 reference value for, 647 structural, 316-318 Blood pressure, in very low-birth weight timing of, 309-310 infants, pain effects on, 365 ultrasonographic. See UItrasonogra- Body stalk anomaly, 949, 952-954 phy, cranial. Bone, anomalies of. See Skeletal anomalies injury during, 304-305 Bone marrow, biopsy of, approach to, pain experience effects on, 371-372 750-751 vitamin B, in, 101 ) in neutropenia, 584-585 erythropoietin in, 5 533 -5me3e5 in thrombocytopenia, 669 glucose requirements of, 11-12 erythropoiesis in, 510-511 hemorrhage of. See also Intraventricular failure of, 543-558 hemorrhage approach to, 545, 548 essential fatty acid effects on, 83 congenital conditions associated with, holoprosencephaly of, 800-802 543-547 hydranencephaly of, 805-806 differential diagnosis of, 548 hypoglycemia effects on, 11-12 in amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia, hypoxia of, essential fatty acid effects 547, 553 on, 83 in ataxia-pancytopenia syndrome, 547 inadequate perfusion of, as cerebral in Barth syndrome, 547 palsy antecedent, 294 in Diamond-Blackfan anemia, 547, neural tube defects of, 791-795 552-553 porencephaly of, 806 in Down syndrome, 546, 551-552 posterior fossa anomalies of, 806—809 in Dubowitz syndrome, 546 schizencephaly of, 806 in dyskeratosis congenita, 550-551 tumors of, 804 in Fanconi’s anemia, 546, 548-550 ventriculomegaly of. See Ventriculomeg- in infantile genetic agranulocytosis aly (Kostmann’s syndrome), 553 white matter damage of. See Cerebral in IVIC syndrome, 547 palsy, antecedents of; Periventricular in Pearson’s syndrome, 547 leukomalacia. 1050 CUMULATIVE INDEX 2000 Braxton-Hicks contractions, 265 neural tube defects, 791-795 Breast milk. See Milk, human. porencephaly, 806 Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, granulocyte posterior fossa, 806-809 colony-stimulating factor in, 562 schizencephaly, 806 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, anemia in, ventriculomegaly, erythropoietin in, 687, 689 erythropoietin in, 5 eosinophilia in, 618 Cephalocele, 792 essential fatty acid effects on, 81-82 Cephalopagus, 1042-1043 fluid and electrolyte disorders in, in mi- Cerebellum, malformations of, 807-809 cropremies, 141-142 Cerebral palsy, 285-302 impact of, in adolescence, 428-431 antecedents of, asphyxia, 292 Bronchopulmonary sequestration, 881-886 cerebral perfusion abnormalities, 294 Burst-forming unit-erythroid cells, 512-513 delivery site effects on, 292-293 detection of. See Brain, development of, Imaging of. fetal growth restriction, 288 Calcification, papillary muscle, 776-778 genetic factors, 286-287 Calcium, homeostasis of, in fetus, 149-150 hyperbilirubinemia, 294-295 in micropremies, 153-157 intrauterine infections, 289-290 vitamin D in, 106-108 neonatal sepsis, 294 in enteral feeding, 155-157 placental abruption, 290 in parenteral nutrition, 154 preeclampsia, 288 Calorimetry, in energy expenditure prepregnancy factors, 287 measurement, 183-184 respiratory distress syndrome, 293 Campomelic dysplasia, 990-991 thyroid hormone abnormalities, 287 Candidiasis, congenital, eosinophilia in, twin gestation, 287-288 614-615 vaginal bleeding, 290 Cantrel-Haller-Ravitch syndrome definition of, 285 (pentalogy of Cantrell), 952, 958-960 functional assessment of. See Functional Capillary leak syndrome, in micropremies, outcome, of very low—birth weight in- 134 fants, assessment of. Carbohydrate:fat ratio, in parenteral prevention of, antenatal magnesium sul- nutrition, protein metabolism and, 30 fate in, 291-292 Carbon dioxide, measurement of, in antenatal steroids in, 291 indirect calorimetry, 183-184 Cerebral ventriculomegaly. See Cardiac arrhythmias, hydrops fetalis in, Ventriculomegaly 1013, 1020-1022 Cerebrospinal fluid, erythropoietin in, 535 Cardiac output, disorders of, in Ceruloplasmin, deficiency of, 124-125 micropremies, 133-134 Cervicothoracic somite dysplasia, 939 Cardiovascular system, disorders of, Cervix, ripening of, in preterm labor, hydrops fetalis in, 1013, 1020-1022 273-275 erythropoietin function in, 530-531 Cesarean section, in multiple gestations, Carnitine, in lipid emulsions, 60-61, 353 210-211 Chemokines, reference ranges for, 604-608 Carotenoids, metabolism and requirements Chiari II malformations, 793-795 of, in micropremies, 104-106 Child care, in outcome of very low-birth Cartilage anomalies. See Skeletal anomalies. weight infants, 445, 447 Catheters, intravascular, dysfunction of, Chlamydia infections, in chronic lung assessment of, 751 disease pathogenesis, 720 thrombosis due to, 626-627 preterm birth in, 268-270 CD34 molecule, of hematopoietic Chondrodysplasias. See Skeletal anomalies. progenitor cells, 512-513 Chondroectodermal dysplasia, 994-995 Central nervous system. See also Brain. Chorioamnionitis, as cerebral palsy anomalies of, 791-812 antecedent, 289-290 arteriovenous malformations, 804 Choroid plexus cysts, 778-780, 802-803 choroid plexus cysts, 778-780, 802-803 Chromosomal abnormalities, echogenic corpus callosum agenesis, 799-800 bowel in, 774-775, 913 holoprosencephaly, 800-802 hydrops fetalis in, 1013-1014, 1022 hydranencephaly, 805-806 in abdominal wall anomalies, 949 intracranial tumors, 805 in umbilical cord anomalies, 949 renal abnormalities in, 939-940 in multiple gestations, 1033-1046 thrombocytopenia in, 662 neck, 813-837 ultrasonography in. See Liltrasonography sonographic markers of, 761-789 in chromosomal abnorma itles umbilical cord, 947-978 Chronic lung disease, cerebral palsy and, urologic, 921-945 293 Conjoined twins, 1042-1045 pathogenesis of, 717-731 Contractions, Braxton-Hicks, 265 cytokines in, 719, 723-724 Contractures, joint, in arthrogry posis, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 998—100( in, 726-727 Copper, metabolism and requirements of, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimu- in micropremies, 12 lating factor ¢ ord blood eranulocyte infections in, 720 stimulating factor in neutrophils in, 71 i s Corpus callosum, agenesis of, 799-800 oxyradicals in, 7" Corticogenesis, imaging of, proteases in 72Fs1 -723 injury effects on, 304-305 surfactant dysfunction in, 72 Corticosteroids, antenatal, in cerebral palsy Chylomicrons, artificial, in lipid emulsions, prevention, 291 58 in thrombocytopenia, 670 Chylothorax, fetal, 886-893 Corticotropin-releasing hormone, in labor Circumcision, pain response in, 369 control, 265-266 Cisterna magna enlargement, 806-807 Cortisol, in labor contro!, 265-266 Cleft lip or palate, 823-829 Cranial ultrasonography. See Cleft sternum, in pentalogy of Cantrell, Ultrasonog? l 952, 958-960 Cranioarachischis, 792 Cloacal exstrophy, 925-926, 952, 960-962 Craniofacial anomalies, 813-837 Cloacal membrane, persistent, 931 evaluation of, in skeletal anomalies, 982 Coagulation, physiology of, 6 2529 -029a in achondrodysplasia, 983 vitamin K in, 111 in achondrogenesis, 988-990 Coarctation, aortic, 845-847 in campomelic dysplasia, 990-991 Cobalamin (vitamin B ), metabolism and in holoprosencephaly, 801 requirements of, In micropremies in thanatophoric dysplasia, 985 101-102 syndromes associated with, 814-817, 820 Cognitive dysfunction, in intraventricular Craniopagus, 1042-1043 hemorrhage, 311 Craniosynostoses, 820 Cognitive fur iction, pain experience effects Crouzon’s syndrome, 820 on, 371 372 Cyllosmas (body stalk anomaly), 949 Colitis, necrotizing. See Necrotizin 952-954 Cyst(s), adenomatoid, of lung, 875-881 entero CUbiitl is Collagenase, in chronic lung disease 1023-1024 pathogenesis, 722-723 arachnoid, 809 Colon, disorders of, 911-912 choroid plexus, 778-780, 802-803 Combined immunodeficiency syndrome kidney, 933-937 eosinophilia in, 616 mesenteric, 916 Communication skills, in very low-birth omental, 916 weight infant survivors, assessment umbilical cord, 967-968 of, 383-386, 395, 397 Cystic adenomatoid malformation of lung family and social factors affecting 875-881 1023-1024 444-445 Cystic fibrosis, meconium ileus in, 913 Competitive repopulating units, in Cystic hygroma, 831-833 erythropoiesis, 512 in achondrogenesis, 988 Complement, in chronic lung disease ultrasonography of, 763 pathogenesis, 718-719 Cytidiltransferase, essential fatty acid Congenital anomalies, abdominal wall, interactions with, 79-80 947-978 Cytokines, as preterm birth markers cardiac. See Heart disease, congenital 571972 4 central nervous system, 791-812 hematopoietic, in necrotizing enterocoli- craniofacial, 813-837 tis. See Necrotizing enterocolitis gastrointestinal, 901-920 in chronic lung disease pathogenesis hydrops fetalis, 1007-1031 793-724 1052 CUMULATIVE INDEX 2000 Cytokines (Continued) Dual x-ray absorptiometry, in fetus, ‘in labor control, 267 150-153 Cytomegalovirus infections, hydrops in micropremies, 158-159, 161 fetalis in, 1015-1016 Dubowitz syndrome, bone marrow failure Cytopenias. See also specific disorders. in, 546 in bone marrow failure. See Bone mar Duodenum, atresia of, 907 row, failure of. disorders of, 908-910 Dyskeratosis congenita, bone marrow failure in, 550-551 Dandy-Walker syndrome and variants, 807-809 Death, due to lipid emulsions, for Eagle-Barrett syndrome, 931 micropremies, 61-62 Ear, anomalies of, 816, 829 fetal, cerebral palsy risk in surviving Ebstein’s anomaly, 847-849 twin, 288 Echocardiography, in thrombosis, 628-629 in multiple gestations, 354-355 Echogenic bowel, in ultrasonography, in hydrops fetalis, 1010-1011 774-775, 912-914 neonatal, in multiple gestations, 355 Economics, of prematurity, 483-497 Delivery, preterm. See Preterm labor and after neonatal period, 491-493 birth. cost reduction in, 493 Dentinosteogenesis imperfecta, 994 direct medical costs, 491-492 Deuterium-labeled water, in energy nonmedical costs, 492 expenditure measurement, 184-185 in neonatal period, 485-491 Diabetes mellitus, maternal, neonatal assisted reproductive technology thrombosis in, 626 effects on, 491 Diamond-Blackfan anemia, bone marrow cost-effectiveness, 490-491 failure in, 547, 552-553 cost predictors in, 488-489 Diaphragmatic hernia, 866-875 cost reduction in, 489-491 antenatal history of, 869-870 intensive care unit rationing in, antenatal management of, 870-874 489-490 epidemiology of, 866 nonmedical costs, 488 pathophysiology of, 866-867 parental time, 488 peritoneopericardial, 952, 958-960 prenatal care effects on, 490 postnatal management of, 874-875 regionalized care in, 490 prenatal diagnosis of, 867-869 versus birth weight, 485-488 prognosis of, 870 methodologic issues in, 484-485 Diastrophic dysplasia, 995-996 terminology of, 484-485 Digoxin, in twin-twin transfusion, 1036 Edema, in micropremies, 132-135 Diplegia, in cerebral palsy, functional in asphyxia, 132 motor outcome in, 385-387 in capillary leak syndrome, 134 Direct calorimetry, in energy expenditure in immature organ development, measurement, 184 132-134 Disablement, models of, 382-383, 395 in sepsis syndrome, 132 Disseminated intravascular coagulation, treatment of, 134-135 thrombocytopenia in, 664 pulmonary. See Pulmonary edema. Diuresis, in bronchopulmonary dysplasia, Education, maternal, in outcome of very 142 low-birth weight infants, 443-444, in respiratory distress syndrome, 138, 448-449 140 multiple gestation rate in, 347-350 Double-inlet ventricle, 858-859 special, prematurity-associated, 492-494 Double-outlet right ventricle, 854-856 Edwards’ syndrome. See Trisomy 18 Doubly labeled water method, in energy (Edward's syndrome). expenditure measurement, 184-185 Eicosanoids, synthesis of, essential fatty Down syndrome. See Trisomy 21 (Down acids in, 80 syndrome). Elastase, in chronic lung disease Drugs, bleeding time test interpretation pathogenesis, 722 and, 650 Electrolytes, metabolism of. See Fluid and eosinophilia due to, 617-618 electrolyte metabolism. thrombocytopenia due to, 663-664 Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, 994-995 {ULATIVE INDEX 2000 1053 mulsions, lipid. See Lipids, emulsions of in eosinophilic leukemia, 6134 -614 incephalocele, 792 in eosinophilic leukemoid reaction, 612- in Meckel-Gruber syndrome, 937-939 613 ndothelial cells, erythropoietin function in hypereosinophilic syndrome, 610-612 in, 530-53 in immunodeficiency, 616 indotoxin, as cerebral palsy antecedent, in infections, 614-615 289 in thrombocytopenia—absent radius syn- nergy, expenditure of, 181-195 drome, 614 factors affecting, 185-188 physiology of, 603-607 in micropremies, 188-190 versus normal eosinophil concentrations, versus requirements, estimation of, 607-610 189, 191-192 Eosinophilic leukemia, 613-614 in protein metabolism, 202 Eotaxin, reference ranges for, 605-608 measurement of, 183-185 Epispadias, in bladder exstrophy, 952 versus requirements, balance of, 962—963 181-183 Erythroblasts, in bone marrow, 510 intake of, metabolizable, estimation of, in liver, 510 182 in yolk sac, 509 requirements of, versus energy expendi- primitive versus definitive, 508 ture, balance of, 181-183 Erythrocyte(s), developmental disorders of, versus expenditure, estimation of, 189, 191-192 formation of. See Erythropoiesis stores of, in neonate, 24-25 transfusions of, approach to Enteral feeding. See also Milk, human Erythropoiesis, 507-526 in micropremies, 221-234 definition of, 507 administration methods for, 227 extramedullary, 511 gut development and, 222-225 in aorta, 509-510 long-term aspects of, 229 in kone marrow, 510-511 milk selection for, 226-227 in liver, 510 minerals in, for bone growth, 15 5-157 in yolk sac, 509 monitoring of, 229 switching from fetal to adult, erythro- protein metabolism it 28-29 cyte characteristics, 514 regime for, 225-226 hemoglobin chain expression, 514-516 trophic feeding in, 227-229 precursors, 511-514 vitamin concentrations in, 95 primary site, 508-511 Enterocolitis, necrotizing.g See Necrotizing g primitive to definitive, 507-508 enterocolitis. regulation, 516-520 Enterocytes, erythropoietin in, 531-533 Ery thropoietin, abnormalities of, 527 Environment. See also Family factors and concentrations of, 517 social support. deficiency of, in physiologic anemia in outcome of extremely low-birth weight infants. See Extremely lo) w devel6o8p2m-e68n7t al changes in, 516-5R29 0 birth weight infants, outcome of, biol distribution of, 517 ogy versus environment Eosinophil(s), adhesion of, 604-607 gene of, regulation of, 519 520 in transfusions, 527-529 formation of, 604 life span of, 607 nonerythropoietic functions of, 52 migration of, 604-607 in cardiovascular system, 530 in central nervous system, phy siology of, 603-607 reference ranges for, 607-610 in gastrcintestinal system, 531 Eosinophilia, 603-622 overview of, 529-530 approach to, 618-619 production of, 517 causes of, 610 replacement of, 681-696 drug-induced, 617-618 advantages of, 692-693 evaluation of, approach to, 746 approach to, 741-743 familial, 616-617 in hyporegenerative anemias, 687-690 in anabolic state, 617 in micropremies, 120-121 in bronchopulmonary dysplasia, 618 in necrotizing enterocolitis, 700 7/ 10)2 ) in congenital heart disease, 618 in physiologic anemia, 682-683 in congenital neutropenia with eosino- clinical studies of, 683-687 philia, 614 pharmacokinetics of, 690-691 1054 CUMULATIVE INDEX 2000 Erythropoietin (Continued) results, 437-452 side effects of, 691 study goals, 435 transfusion requirements and, 683- Fanconi’s anemia, bone marrow failure in, 688, 691-692 546, 548-550 structure of, 516 thrombocytopenia in, 662 Esophagus, atresia of, 903-905 Fasting, protein metabolism in, in full-term disorders of, 901-905 neonates, 27 embryology of, 901-903 Fatty acids, essential, 71-93 motility of, development of, 223 brain injury and, 83 Essential fatty acids. See Fatty acids, deficit of, 84-86 essential. fetal stores of, 73-75 Ethnic factors, in outcome of very in eicosanoid production, 80 low-birth weight infants, 440, 444, in formulas, 87 446, 449-450 in human milk, 86-87 Exchange transfusions, for infections and, 82-83 hyperbilirubinemia, 176-178 lipid membrane properties and, 78-79 Exencephaly, 792 metabolism of, 71-73 Exomphalos (omphalocele), 917-918, 952, molecular biology of, 75-77 963-965 oxidant stress from, 83-84 in cloacal exstrophy, 952, 961-962 pulmonary disease and, 81-82 in trisomies, 764 supplementation of, 84-87 Exstrophia splanchnica (cloacal exstrophy), surfactant composition and, 79-80 925-926, 952, 960-962 synthesis of, in marine environment, Exstrophy-epispadias complex (bladder 87 exstrophy), 925-926, 952, 962-963 in lipid emulsions, 57-58 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, in peroxidation of, 64-65 diaphragmatic hernia, 874-875 Feeding, of very low-birth weight infants. Extremely low-birth weight infants, See Growth, of very low-birth weight growth of, evaluation of, in infants, in intensive care unit. adolescence, 421-428 Fetal echogenic gut, 225 outcome of, biology versus environment Fetofetal transfusion syndrome. See Twin- and, 461-481 twin transfusion syndrome. articles reviewed, 463-464 Fetus(es), bone development in, 148-153 evaluation of, 150-153 conceptual issues in, 476-478 conclusions of, 470-473 factors affecting, 148-150 importance of, 462 death of, cerebral palsy risk in surviving meaning of, 461-462 twin, 288 mediation and moderation models, in multiple gestations, 354-355 471-472 essential fatty acid stores in, 73-75 methodologic issues in, 476 growth of, in multiple gestations, 351- multiple risk models, 472-473 S02 protective factors in, 473-475 restriction of, cerebral palsy in, 288 studies reviewed, 463-470 inflammatory response of, as cerebral respiratory health in adolescence, 428— palsy antecedent, 289-290 431 multiple. See Multiple gestations. survival rates, 255-262 reduction of, in multiple gestations, 357- Eye, anomalies of, 814-815, 821-822 358 vitamin D metabolism in, 106 Fibrinolysis, physiology of, 623-625 Fibronectin, fetal, as preterm birth marker, Facial anomalies. See Craniofacial anomalies. 271-272 Factor V Leiden mutation, thrombosis in, Fibrosis, pulmonary, in chronic lung 629-631 disease, 721-724 Family factors and social support. See also Filagrastim. See Granulocyte colony- Parents. stimulating factor, therapeutic use of. in outcome of very low-birth weight in- Fistula, tracheoesophageal, 903-905 fants, 433-459 Fluid and electrolyte metabolism, in data collection and management, 435- micropremies, 131-146 437 disorders of, bronchopulmonary research problem parameters, 433-435 dysplasia, 141-142 CUMULATIVE INDEX 2000 1055 edema, 132-135 hepatic, 915 hyperosmolar state, l 35-138 ileal, 910-911 hyponatremia, 142 l 4 3 jejunal, 910-911 pulmonary edema, 138-140 pancreatic, 915-916 respiratory distress syndrome See situs inversus, 916 Respiratory distress syndrome small intestinal, 907-908 shock, 132-135 erythropoietin function in, 531-533 Folic acid, metabolism and requirements ontogeny of, 222-225 of, in micropremies, 102-103 Gastroschisis, 918-919, 954-958 ies Formulas, for micropremies, 226-227 Gender, versus birth weight, 32 6-32 after dischars Genes, essential fatty acid interactions essential fatty acids in, 87 with, 75-77 minerals in, for bone growth Genetic factors, in cerebral palsy, 286-287 159, 161, 163-164 Germinal matrix, hemorrhage into. See vitamin concentrations in, 99 Intraventricular hemorrhage for very low-birth weight infants. See Gestational age, as survival predictor, 255-259 fants, I 1 bleeding time test and, 651 Fraccaro type of achondrogenesis, 988, 990 versus birth weight, ; Fractures, in congenital anomalies, 980 Globin chains, of hemoglobin, switching in hypophosphatasia 987-988 from fetal to adult, 514-516 in osteogenesis imperfecta, 992, 994 Glucose, administration of, protein Free radicals, in chronic lung disease metabolism in, 29-30 re requirements for, 207-208 pathogenesis, 723 Functional Independence Measure for homeostasis of, in micropremies, 1-22 Children, in very low-birth weight evaluation of, 1-5 infant evaluation, 390-394 hyperglycemia and, 13-18 Functional outcome, of very low-birth hypoglycemia and, 8-13 weight infants, 381-401 lipid emulsion effects on, 62 metabolism in, 1-2 assessment of, cohort studies of, 390-395 normal levels in, 8-9 communicative skills, 383-386, 395, production of, 2-5 397 use of, 5-8 developmental skills, 383-386 Glucose transporters, in micropremies, disability status, 395-396 5-6 15 disablement models for, 382-383 Glutamine, in protein accretion milestones in, 388-389 enhancement, 47-49 motor skills, 383-388 Glutathione peroxidases, selenium in, Funic presentation, of umbilical cord, 125-126 970-97171 Goiter, 834 Gonorrhea preterm birth in, 268 Granulocyte(s), transfusions of, approach to, /34 Gallbladder disorders, 915 Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, Gardnerella infections, preterm birth in, 269 559-576 Gastric emptying, in micropremies, 224 actions of, 560—564 Gastroesophageal reflux, in micropremies, cells producing, 560 223 distribution of, 564-565 Gastrointestinal tract, disorders of, 901-920 historical background of, 559 abdominal wall anomalies in. See in amniotic fluid, 561-562 Abdominal wall anomalies in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, 562 anorectal, 912 in chronic lung disease pathogenesis biliary, 915 726-727 colonic, 911-912 in cord blood, 560-561 cysts, 916 fetal tissues, 564-565 duodenal, 908-910 1 human milk, 562-564 echogenic bowl, 912-914 neonatal tissues, 564-565 esophageal, 901-905 placenta, 564 gallbladder, 915 serum, 560—561 gastric, 905-907 urine, 562 1056 CUMULATIVE INDEX 2000 Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor Heart, absence of, in twins, 1038-1042 immaturity of, fluid and electrolyte dis- (Conti ted) 13 receptors for, distribution of, 564—565 orders in, in micropremies, ) 3-13434 tunctions ot, 566—56/7 papillary muscle calcification in, 776-778 therapeutic use of, 567-570 transplantation of, in hypoplastic left approach to, 739-741 heart syndrome, 845 benefits of, 570 Heart disease, congenital, 82 in infections, 567-568 aortic coarctation, 845 in necrotizing enterocolitis, 701, 704 atrioventricular septal de in neutropenia, 588-590 double-inlet ventricle maternal, before delivery of extremely low-birth weight infants, 568-570 Ebstein’s anomaly, 847-849 pharmacokinetics of, 566-567 eosinophilia in, 618 Granulocyte-macrophage colony erythropoietin in, 690 stimulating factor, in chronic lung hydrops fetalis in, 1013, 10 20-1022 disease pathogenesis, 724-726 hypoplastic left heart syndrome, therapeutic use of, in labor control, 267 843-845 in necrotizing enterocolitis, 701, 703 hypoplastic right ventricle, 851 704 tetralogy of Fallot, 851-854 in neutropenia, 590 transposition of great arteries, 856-858 Gross Motor Functional Classification truncus arteriosus, 859-861 System, disablement models of, 382-383 ventricular septal defect, 849-851 Heart rate, in very low-birth weight Growth, catch-up, in very low-birth weight infants, 339-343 infants, pain effects on, 365 energy requirements for, 188 Height, of very low-birth weigh estimation of, 191-192 survivors, in adolescence, goals of, in parenteral nutrition, 211 214 Hemangioblasts, in yolk sac, intrauterine, in multiple gestations, 351 Hematocrit, in erythrocyte transfusion 352 decisions, 734-735 normal, 325-327 Hematology, bleeding time, 643-654 restriction of, cerebral palsy in, 288 bone marrow failure syndromes, 543- in micropremies, 225 558 thrombocytopenia in, 665 chronic lung disease and, 717-731 ultrasonography of, 769 eosinophilia, 603-622, 746 of very low-birth weight infant survi- erythropoiesis, 507-526 vers, assessment of, in adolescence erythropoietin. See Eryth 421-428 granulocyte colony-stimulating factor of very low-birth weight infants, in in- See Granulocyte colony tensive care unit, 325-345 T} } clinical observations of, 328 hematopoietic growth factors, necrotiz- current perspective on, 339-341 ing enterocolitis and, 697-716 multicenter prospective cohort neutropenia. See Neutropeni study of, 333-339 procedures and practices research challenges on, 341 3.4 bone marrow biopsy, versus normal fetal growth, 325-327 catheter placement assessment, 751 with human milk feeding, in micropre eosinophilia evaluation, 746 mies, 239-243 erythropoietin administration, 741-743 Growth hormone, in protein accretion granulocyte colony-stimulating factor enhancement, 47 administration, 739-741 immune globulin administration Head, anomalies of. See Craniofacial 739 anomalies neutropenia evaluation, 743-744 Health related quality of life. See Quality of neutrophilia evaluation, 744-746 life. thrombosis evaluation, 747-750 Health services and insurance, in outcome thrombosis treatment, 751-753 of very low-birth weight infants, 441, transfusions, erythrocyte, 734-735 445, 447-450 granulocyte, 737 tat Hearing limitations, in very low-birth platelet, 735-737 weight infant survivors, family and thrombocytopenia. See Thrombocytopenia. social factors affecting, 446-447 thrombosis. See Thrombosis.

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