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CUMULATIVE INDEX 1993 Volume 20 March CURRENT CONTROVERSIES IN PERINATAL CARE II, pages 1-285 June PERINATAL ASPHYXIA, pages 287-505 September DIABETES IN PREGNANCY, pages 507-667 December SURFACTANT REPLACEMENT THERAPY, pages 669-848 Note: Page numbers of issue and article titles are in boldface type. Abortion, spontaneous, in diabetic Airway stabilization, surfactant in, 761-762 pregnancies, 537-538 Albumin excretion, in diabetic Academic career, in neonatal medicine, 1-8 nephropathy, incipient, 562 basic science pathway in, 2-3 Alcohol abuse, in women, 31-32 clinical, 6-7 treatment of, 36-39 fellowship programs for, 3-4 ALEC (artificial lung expanding motivation for, 2 compound), 818 paths for, 2 in respiratory distress syndrome (neona- post fellowship programs for, 4 tal), 738-739 research support and, 4-6 Alkalosis, metabolic, induced, in teaching in, 7 pulmonary hypertension, 136 training programs for, 2 Allopurinol, in cerebral hypoxia-ischemia, Academic function, perinatal asphyxia 413-414 effects on, 490-491 Alpha adrenergic blocking agents, in Acetoacetate, excessive, in diabetic hypertension, in diabetic nephropathy, pregnancies, congenital anomalies and, 567 523 Alpha tocopherol, in cerebral hypoxia- Acidemia, in perinatal asphyxia, 290-293, ischemia, 418 330-332 Alpha-fetoprotein, in congenital anomaly Acidosis, umbilical blood sampling in, 70- diagnosis, 541-542, 544 71 Alveofact. See SF-RI 1. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. See Alveolar capillary dysplasia, 131 Human immunodeficiency virus infection. Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient, in Addiction, to cocaine. See Cocaine use. pulmonary hypertension, 133 Addiction Severity Index, 35 Amniocentesis, in isoimmune hemolytic Adenosine deaminase deficiency, gene disease, 62 therapy in, 163-164 Amniotic fluid, in diabetic pregnancies, Adrenal gland, fetal, in labor initiation, 9- prostaglandins in, 639-640 16 volume of, 553 Adrenocorticotropic hormone, fetal, in meconium in, as asphyxia indicator, 328- labor initiation, 9-14 329 Adult respiratory distress syndrome. See surfactant extract from, 713, 817 Respiratory distress syndrome (adult). in respiratory distress syndrome (neo- AIDS. See Human immunodeficiency virus natal), 725-726 infection. in established disease, 719 831 832 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1993 Amniotic fluid (Continued) Atrial flutter/fibrillation, umbilical blood prophylactic, 716-718 sampling in, 72-73 Androstenedione, fetal, labor initiation Atrioventricular dissociation, congenital, and, 15-16 93-94 Anemia, in diabetic nephropathy, 563, 567 Auditory brain stem evoked potentials, in isoimmune hemolytic, erythropoietin perinatal asphyxia, 469-470 therapy in, 179-180 Autoimmune disease, maternal, congenital umbilical blood sampling in, 61-65 heart block in, 93 of prematurity, 169-191 Azathioprine, in heart transplantation, 151- erythropoietin therapy in, 183-186 152 normal erythropoiesis and, 170-173 Azidothymidine, in HIV infection, in pathophysiology of, 174-176 pregnancy, 48-53 Anencephaly, pregnancy length in, 14-16 Animal models, of adult respiratory distress syndrome, 769-773 of gene transfer, 160-165 Bacterial pneumonia, surfactants in, 775- of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, 776 359-363 Balance, Wilhelmy-Langmuir, in surfactant of labor, primates as, 14-17 surface tension measurement, 669-671 sheep as, 9-14 Base excess, in perinatal asphyxia, 291 of perinatal asphyxia, magnetic reso- Beractant (Survanta), development of, 713 nance spectroscopy studies of, 359- in respiratory distress syndrome (neona- 363 tal), in animal studies, 818-821 in established disease, 720-721 visual evoked potentials and, 454 prophylactic, 716-718 of respiratory distress syndrome (neona- Bergman’s minimal model estimation of tal), surfactant therapy in, 714-715 insulin sensitivity, in gestational of surfactant metabolism, 690-692 diabetes, 587-588 Antiarrhythmic drugs, in fetal in pregnancy, 585-586 tachyarrhythmias, 73 Bernard-Soulier syndrome, umbilical blood Antibacterial activity, of surfactant, 763, 765 sampling in, 67 Beta cell dysfunction, in gestational Antibiotics, for intrauterine device diabetes, 603-604 insertion, 658 Birth asphyxia. See Perinatal asphyxia. Antibodies, to lung, surfactant depletion Blackfan-Diamond syndrome, from, 771-772 erythropoietin in, 174 Antiendotoxin antibody, in streptococcal Bleomycin, pulmonary fibrosis induced by, infections, 219-220 surfactant therapy in, 779 Anti-inflammatory activity, of surfactant, Blood flow, cerebral, near infrared 765 spectroscopic quantification of, 371- Antioxidants, in cerebral hypoxia-ischemia, 372 417-419 Blood sampling, umbilical. See Umbilical Aortic valve, atresia of, in hypoplastic left- blood sampling. heart syndrome, 145 Blood volume, cerebral, near infrared Apgar scores, in perinatal asphyxia, 294— spectroscopic quantification of, 372 296, 330 Bovine spongiform encephalitis, Apnea, recurrent, in surfactant therapy, 750 transmission of, in surfactant therapy, Arachidonic acid deficiency, congenital 729-730 anomalies in, 522, 528 Bradycardia, fetal, delivery route for, 93 ARDS. See Respiratory distress syndrome Brain, blood flow in, near infrared (adult). spectroscopic quantification of, 371- Arm ergometry, in gestational diabetes, 372 627-628 blood volume of, near infrared spectro- Artificial lung expanding compound, 818 scopic quantification of, 372 in respiratory distress syndrome (neona- computed tomography of, in asphyxia, tal), 738-739 380-381 Asphyxia, perinatal. See Perinatal asphyxia. edema of, after asphyxia, 316 Aspiration pneumonia, surfactants in, 775 glucose metabolism in, PET studies of, Asthma, surfactants in, 779-780 396-399 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1993 833 hemorrhage of, in surfactant therapy, 730 in animal studies, 818-821 in thrombocytopenic disorders, 65-67 prophylactic, 716-717 SPECT in, 388-389 Captive bubble method, in surfactant hypoxic injury of. See also Hypoxic-ische- surface tension measurement, 672-682 mic encephalopathy. Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic, in infant of irreversible, 312 diabetic mother, 637 near infrared spectroscopy of, 369-378 Cardiovascular disorders, fetal /neonatal, in infarction in, after asphyxia, 314-315 diabetic pregnancies, 519, 637 SPECT in, 388-389 maternal, in oral contraceptive use, 652 normal maturation of, magnetic reso- Cardiovascular system, cocaine effects on, nance imaging of, 348-351 249 magnetic resonance spectroscopy in, Cardiovascular training, in gestational 355 diabetes, 627-628 nuclear magnetic resonance examination Catalase, in cerebral hypoxia-ischemia, of. See Nuclear magnetic resonance 417-418 technology, in perinatal asphyxia. Central nervous system. See also Brain. ultrasonography of, in asphyxia, 380 cocaine effects on, 249 Brain scan, in asphyxia, 382-383 congenital anomalies of, in diabetic preg- Breast milk. See Milk, human. nancies, 518-519 Breastfeeding, 225-243 Cerebral blood flow, near infrared infection transmission in, bacterial, 235- spectroscopic quantification of, 371— 236 372 cytomegalovirus, 232-233 Cerebral blood volume, near infrared Epstein-Barr virus, 234-235 spectroscopic quantification of, 372 from mastitis, 236 Cerebral palsy, perinatal asphyxia and, from skin lesions, 236 288-289, 488 hepatitis B, 233-234 PET studies of, 401-407 herpes simplex virus, 234 Cervix, dilatation of, biologic factors HIV, evidence for, 230-232 regulating, 21 in perinatal period, 229-230 Cesarean section, in congenital anomalies. worldwide perspective of, 228-229 See Delivery route, in congenital human T lymphotropic virus type 1, anomalies. 233 indications for, in diabetic pregnancy, mechanisms for, 227-228 558 proving, 228 Child abuse, in cocaine use, 256-257 rubella, 234 Chlorpropamide, in gestational diabetes, toxoplasmosis, 236 606-607 trichinosis, 237 Cholesterol levels, aral contraceptive effects tuberculosis, 236 on, 651-652 protective effects of, 225-227 Choreoathetosis, PET studies of, 404, 406 Breathing, fetal, in diabetic pregnancy, 553 Chromophores, in brain tissue, near Bronchial smooth muscle, surfactant effects infrared spectroscopy of, 370 on, 765-766 Ciliary activity, in lung, surfactant effects Bronchitis, chronic, surfactants in, 781 on, 763 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, in surfactant CLSE. See Calf lung surfactant extract. therapy of RDS, 724, 726, 751-752 Cocaine use, in pregnancy, 29-45, 245-262 administration routes for, 30 as chronic illness, 29-30 assessment of, 32-36 CAGE questionnaire, for substance abuse, continued in postnatal period, 254—257 34 drug combinations with, 257 Calcium channel blockers, in cerebral epidemiology of, 29 hypoxia-ischemia, 420-421 incidence of, 245-246 in hypertension, in diabetic nephropathy, indicators of, 33-34 567 mental health issues in, 31, 41, 255-256 Calf lung surfactant extract (Infrasurf), 818 neonatal effects of, birth outcomes development of, 713 and, 250 in respiratory distress syndrome (neona- caregiving influences and, 254-257 tal), 725-726, 728 long-term, 253-254 834 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1993 Cocaine use (Continued) Corticosteroids, in heart transplantation, neurobehavioral, 250-254 151-152 sensory motor developmental, 252- Corticotropin-releasing hormone, in labor 253 initiation, 10, 12 teratogenic, 248-250 Cortisol, fetal, in labor initiation, 9-14 obstetric complications from, 246-247 inhibition of, in lung maturation, 638 pharmacology of, 246-247 in insulin resistance, 622 professional attitudes toward, 32-33 CPHT (Exosurf, synthetic surfactant), rehabilitation services for, 38-39 composition of, 697-698, 701 screening for, 32-36, 247-248 in respiratory distress syndrome (neona- self-help groups for, 39 tal), 818 sexual victimization and, 40 adverse events from, 749-750 societal stigma for, 32 animal studies of, 820-821 sociodemographic factors in, 31-32 antenatal steroid prophylaxis and, 756 toxicology of, 35-36 controlled trials of, 739-741 treatment of, 36-41 dosage of, 754 Cognitive function, perinatal asphyxia in Open Study of Infants at high risk effects on, 490 of/with Respiratory Insufficiency, Colfosceril palmitate. See CPHT (synthetic 748-749 surfactant). in treatment investigational new drug Colostrum, immunologic substances in, 227 program, 748 Compassionate care, in hypoplastic left- in very low birth weight infants, 756 heart syndrome, 152 long-term results of, 757 Computed tomography, in perinatal physiologic issues in, 752-753 asphyxia, 380-381 prophylactic, 741-743 Congenital anomalies, antenatal therapy of, vs. rescue approach, 754, 756 81-83 rescue trials with, 744-748, 754, 756 cocaine use and, 248-249 safety considerations with, 756-757 delivery route in. See under Delivery unmet expectation with, 750-752 route. vs. mammalian surfactants, 756 in conjoined twins, 97-99 metabolism of, 701-705 in diabetic pregnancies, 517-532, 533- surface tension of, 679-682 547, 635-636 Clq, surfactant protein A homology with, clinical manifestations of, 518-520 793 diagnosis of, 541-544 Crack cocaine. See Cocaine use. epidemiology of, 517-518 Crying, abnormalities in, from cocaine etiology of, 520 exposure, 252 free oxygen radicals in, 526 Curosurf, development of, 713 genetic susceptibility and, 527 in respiratory distress syndrome (neona- incidence of, 533-534 tal), 725, 729 maternal vasculopathy and, 519-520 prophylactic, 718 metabolic fuel alterations in, 533-537 Cyclosporine, in heart transplantation, 151- common pathway for, 528 152 hyperglycemia, 520-523 Cystic fibrosis, surfactant therapy in, 777— hyperketonemia, 523-524 779 hypoglycemia, 525 Cystic hygroma, delivery route for, 89-91 prenatal testing for, 541-544 Cytomegalovirus infection, transmission of, prevention of, 528-530, 539-541 in breastfeeding, 232-233 somatomedin inhibitors in, 526-527 umbilical blood sampling in, 68-69 spontaneous abortion in, 537-538 zine deficiency and, 527 of heart, erythropoietin therapy in, 179 Contraception, for diabetic woman, 649- Deafness, in perinatal asphyxia, 488-489 661 Death, in surfactant therapy of RDS, 724- intrauterine device, 656-658 726 oral, 650-655 intrauterine, in maternal diabetes, 549- progestins, 655-656 551, 564-565 Contraction stress test, in diabetic Deferoxamine, in cerebral hypoxia- pregnancy, 551-552 ischemia, 414-415 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1993 835 Dehydroepiandrosterone, fetal, labor preconception care in, 539-540 initiation and, 15-16 retinopathy in, 571-581 Delivery, in diabetic pregnancy, 557—558 infection in, from intrauterine device, lung maturity assessment before, 639- 657-658 nephropathy in. See Diabetic nephropathy. Delivery route, disease transmission and, preeclampsia in, 562-563 HIV infection, 229-230 intrauterine death and, 550 in congenital anomalies, 81-106 retinopathy in. See Diabetic retinopathy. conjoined twins, 97-99 Diabetic embryopathy. See Congenital cystic hygroma, 89-91 anomalies, in diabetic pregnancies. heart block, 92-94 Diabetic nephropathy, in pregnancy, 561- hydrocephalus, 87-89 570 meningomyelocele, 83-87 clinical features of, 561 monoamniotic twins, 97-99 incipient, 562-563 sacrococcygeal teratoma, 91-92 long-term effects of, 567-569 ventral wall defects, 94-97 overt, 563-564 Depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate, for perinatal outcome in, 564-566 diabetic woman, 656 treatment of, 566-567 Detergent aerosol, in surfactant disruption, Diabetic retinopathy, 571-581 770 classification of, 572-573 Dexamethasone, fetal administration of, in pregnancy, 571-572, 577-580 labor initiation and, 14, 16 incidence of, 571-572 Diabetes, gestational. See Gestational nonproliferative, 572 diabetes. pathophysiology of, 573-577 Diabetes mellitus, classification of, 514 proliferative, 572-573 contraception in, 649-661 treatment of, 572-573, 579-580 insulin-dependent, 652-653 Diet, in diabetic nephropathy, 566-567 intrauterine device, 656-658 in gestational diabetes, 605-606, 629-631 non-insulin dependent, 655 Dimethylthiourea, in cerebral hypoxia- oral, 650-655 ischemia, 418 progestins, 655-656 Dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, in control of, in nephropathy, 566-567 surfactants, natural, 737-738, 815 in pregnancy, 539-540 synthetic, metabolism of, 699-704 congenital anomaly rate and, 528- synthetic, in respiratory distress syn- 529 drome (neonatal), 738 in retinopathy, 579 Dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine- in offsprings of diabetic mothers, 644 phosphatidylglycerol mixtures, in in pregnancy, congenital anomalies respiratory distress syndrome caused by. See Congenital anomalies, (neonatal), 738-739 in diabetic pregnancies. Diplegia, spastic, PET studies of, 402-403 control of, 539-540 Discriminant function analysis, in risk congenital anomaly rate and, 528— scoring for preterm birth, 109 529 Dopamine, in pulmonary hypertension, 136 fetal growth evaluation in, 542-543 Doppler studies, in fetal surveillance, in fetal surveillance in, 549-560 diabetic pregnancy, 554-555 contraction stress test in, 551-552 Down syndrome, incidence of, in diabetic delivery timing and route in, 557- pregnancies, 542 558 Drug abuse, cocaine in. See Cocaine use. Doppler studies in, 554-555 Drug Abuse Screening Test, 34-35 fetal biophysical profile in, 552-553 Ductus arteriosus, patency of, in maternal assessment in, 553-554 hypoplastic left-heart syndrome, nonstress test in, 552 147-148 programs for, 555-556 in surfactant therapy, 723, 727, 750 historical review of, 507-515 infant morbidity in. See Infants of dia- betic mothers. intrauterine death in, 549-551, 564-565 Echocardiography, in pulmonary nephropathy in, 561-570 hypertension, 132 outcome of, 507-508, 512-515 Edema, brain, after asphyxia, 316 836 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1993 Edema (Continued) Fetal monitoring, electronic, as predictor of pulmonary, surfactant effects on, 762- asphyxia, 293-294 763 Fetus, congenital anomalies of, antenatal Embryopathy, diabetic. See Congenital therapy of, 81-83 anomalies, in diabetic pregnancies. erythropoiesis in, 170-172 Encephalitis, transmission of, in surfactant growth of, in diabetic pregnancy, 565- therapy, 729-730 566 Encephalocele, delivery route for, 84 evaluation of, 542-543 Encephalopathy, hypoxic-ischemic. See in gestational diabetes, 611-613 Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. in large for gestational age infants, Endotoxin, antibody to, in streptococcal 636-637 infections, 219-220 in small for gestational age infants, Enhérning pulsating-bubble surfactometer, 637-638 in surfactant surface tension hypothalamic-hypophyseal-adrenal axis measurement, 671-672 of, in labor initiation, 9-14 Enteral feeding, of low birth weight infant, of diabetic mother, breathing movements advancement of, 197-198 of, 553 hypocaloric, 198 growth of, 542-543, 565-566 initiation of, 197-198 intrauterine death of, 549-551, 564-565 Epstein-Barr virus, transmission of, in malformations in. See Congenital anom- breastfeeding, 234-235 alies. Ergometer training, in gestational diabetes, movement of, 553-554 627-628 surveillance of, 549-560 Erythropoiesis, in fetus, 170-172 contraction stress test in, 551-552 Doppler studies in, 554-555 Erythropoietin, adverse effects of, 177 in anemia of prematurity, 169-191 fetal biophysical profile in, 552-553 biology of, 172-173 in gestational diabetes, 556-557 lung maturity evaluation in, 558 levels of, 174-176 maternal assessment in, 553-554 normal erythropoiesis and, 170-173 nonstress test in, 552 treatment with, 183-186 programs for, 555-556 in congenital heart disease, 179 tone of, 553 in end-stage kidney disease, 176-178 small for gestational age, umbilical blood in isoimmune hemolytic anemia, 179 sampling in, 70-71 Estrogens, anti-insulin properties of, 622 thrombocytopenic disorders in, umbilical in oral contraceptives, for diabetic blood sampling in, 65-67 woman, 650-651 transition to neonatal circulation in, pul- placental, labor initiation and, 13-15, monary hypertension and, 128-131 18-20 umbilical blood sampling in. See Umbili- Euglycemic clamp technique, in insulin cal blood sampling. sensitivity assessment, in gestational Fibrosis, pulmonary, surfactants in, 779 diabetes, 588 Fluid dispersal, in lung, surfactant effects in pregnancy, 585-586 on, 763 Evoked potentials, in asphyxia, auditory Flunarizine, in cerebral hypoxia-ischemia, brain stem, 469-470 421 somatosensory, 458-459, 463-482 Folic acid supplementation, in diabetic visual, 451-461, 470-471 pregnancies, 540-541 Exercise, in gestational diabetes, 606, 624— Fontan procedure, in hypoplastic left-heart 629 syndrome, 149-150 Exosurf. See CPHT (synthetic surfactant). Free radicals, in diabetic embryopathy, 526, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, in 528 pulmonary hypertension, 137-139 inhibitors/scavengers of, in hypoxic- SPECT in, 388-389 ischemic encephalopathy, 412-419 release of, after perinatal asphyxia, 313 Failure to thrive, maternal cocaine use and, 256-257 Gastrointestinal system, congenital Fetal biophysical profile, in diabetic anomalies of, in diabetic pregnancies, pregnancy, 552-553 519 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1993 837 Gastroschisis, delivery route for, 94-97 Glibenclamide, in gestational diabetes, 631 Gaucher's disease, gene therapy in, 164— Glomerular filtration rate, in diabetic 165 nephropathy, 563 Gavage feeding, of low birth weight Glucagon levels, in gestational diabetes, infants, 203-204 587 Gene transfer, into hematopoietic cells, in pregnancy, 585 155-168 Glucocerebrosidase deficiency, gene animal models for, 160-165 therapy in, 164-165 indications for, 163-165 Glucose, absorption of, diet effects on, 605 modalities for, 156-160 cerebral, PET studies of, 396-399 Moloney murine leukemia virus in, role in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopa- 156 thy, 421-423 packaging cell lines in, 157-159 levels of. See also Hyperglycemia; Hypo- safety issues in, 162-163 glycemia. target cells for, 159-160 determination of, strip tests in, 640 vector construction in, 156-157 exercise effects on, 624 Genetic factors, in diabetic embryopathy, in diabetic pregnancies, congenital 527 anomalies and, 520-523, 525-526, Genetically engineered surfactants, 791-811 528-529 in respiratory distress syndrome, animal in gestational diabetes, 587 studies of, 804-808 in normal pregnancy, 584-585 surfactant protein characteristics and, metabolism of, 574-575 792-804 oral contraceptive effects on, 651 Gestational age, perinatal asphyxia and, Glucose tolerance test, in gestational 309-310 diabetes, for diagnosis, 596-600 Gestational diabetes, 603-617, 619-634 for screening, 595-596 complications of, 611-613 Glutamate toxicity, in cerebral hypoxia- contraception in, 654-655 ischemia, 419-420 diagnosis of, 584, 593-602 Glyburide, in gestational diabetes, 606-607 glucose tolerance test in, 597-600 Glycohemoglobin, in diabetic pregnancies, screening tests for, 593-597 congenital anomaly rate and, 535- fetal surveillance in, 556-557 537 glucagon levels in, 587 spontaneous abortion rate and, 537-— glucose levels in, 587 538 in obese patients, 605-606 vs. alpha-fetoprotein levels, 542 incidence of, 619 Glypizide, in gestational diabetes, 607 insulin levels in, 587 Graves’ disease, maternal, umbilical blood insulin release in, 588-589 sampling in, 72 insulin sensitivity in, 587-588 Growth, fetal, in diabetic pregnancy, 565- ketonuria in, 629-630 566 lipid levels in, 587 evaluation of, 542-543 management of, 605-613 in gestational diabetes, 611-613 diet in, 605-606, 629-631 in large for gestational age infants, exercise in, 606, 624-629 636-637 insulin in, 607-610, 613 in small for gestational age infants, optimum glucose levels in, 610-613 637-638 oral hypoglycemic agents in, 606-608, retardation of, susceptibility to perina- 631 tal asphyxia in, 310-311 metabolic changes in, 583-591 perinatal asphyxia effects on, 489 offspring diabetes mellitus development and, 644 pathogenesis of, 603-605 pathophysiology of, 620-623 Handicapped infants, very low birth risk factors for, 594-595, 619-620 weight, prevalence of, 263-277 screening for, 594-597 Head circumference, cocaine use and, 250 reasons for, 593-594 Heart, congenital disease of, erythropoietin vs. diabetes mellitus, 583 therapy in, 179 Glenn anastomosis, in hypoplastic left- hypoplastic. See Hypoplastic left-heart syn- heart syndrome, 149-150 drome. 838 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1993 Heart (Continued) Human somatomammotropin, metabolic transplantation of, in hypoplastic left- effects of, 623 heart syndrome, 150-151 Human T lymphotropic virus type 1, Heart block, congenital, delivery route for, transmission of, in breastfeeding, 233 92-94 Hydrocephalus, antenatal treatment of, 89 Heart rate, fetal, as asphyxia indicator, delivery route for, 87-89 329-330 Hydrogen peroxide formation, prevention HEAT questionnaire, for substance abuse, of, in cerebral hypoxia-ischemia, 413- 34 414 Hematopoietic cells, gene transfer into. See B-Hydroxybutyrate levels, in diabetic under Gene transfer. pregnancies, congenital anomalies and, Hemiplegia, spastic, PET studies of, 403- 523 404 Hyperbilirubinemia, asphyxia-related Hemoglobin, vs. erythropoietin, 174 neurotoxicity and, 362-363 Hemoglobin A1C, in diabetic pregnancies, Hyperglycemia, in diabetic pregnancies, congenital anomaly rate and, 535- congenital anomalies and, 520-523, 537 528-529 spontaneous abortion rate and, 537- intrauterine death and, 550 538 protective role of, in hypoxic-ischemic vs. alpha-fetoprotein levels, 542 encephalopathy, 422-423 Hemolysis, isoimmune, erythropoietin retinopathy in, 573 therapy in, 179-180 Hyperimmune immunoglobulin therapy, in umbilical blood sampling in, 61-65 infections, 218-221 Hemorrhage, intracranial, in surfactant Hyperinsulinemia, fetal, intrauterine death therapy, 730 and, 550-551 in thrombocytopenic disorders, 65-67 lung maturation and, 638-639 intraventricular, after asphyxia, 317 macrosomia and, 636-637 in surfactant therapy of RDS, 723-724 neonatal hypoglycemia and, 641 pulmonary, in surfactant therapy, 730, Hyperketonemia, in diabetic pregnancies, 749-750 congenital anomalies and, 523-524 Hepatitis B, transmission of, 729 Hypertension, in diabetic nephropathy, in breastfeeding, 233-234 563-564 Herpes simplex virus, transmission of, in control of, 567 breastfeeding, 234 persistent pulmonary. See Persistent pul- Hexadecanol, in synthetic surfactant. See monary hypertension. also CPHT (synthetic surfactant). Hyperthyroidism, umbilical blood metabolism of, 702 sampling in, 71-72 HIV infection. See Human immunodeficiency Hyperventilation, therapeutic, in virus infection. pulmonary hypertension, 134-135, 139 Hormones, in gestational diabetes, 621-622 Hyperventilation/hyperoxia test, in Human immunodeficiency virus infection, pulmonary hypertension, 132 cocaine use and, 246-247 Hypocalcemia, in infant of diabetic mother, in pregnancy, 49-60 642-643 anti-Pneumocystis therapy in, 48, 51, Hypoglycemia, in diabetic pregnancies, 53-54 congenital anomalies and, 525-526 antiviral drugs in, 48-53 in infant of diabetic mother, 640-642 immunotherapy in, 54-56 Hypoglycemic agents, oral, in gestational pneumonia with, surfactants in, 776 diabetes, 606-608, 631 screening for, in human milk banking, Hypomagnesemia, in infant of diabetic 202 mother, 643 transmission of, in breastfeeding, evi- Hypoplastic left-heart syndrome, 145-154 dence for, 230-232 anatomy of, 145-146 worldwide perspective of, 228-229 anomalies associated with, 146 in delivery, 229-230 cardiac transplantation in, 150-152 in perinatal period, 229-232 compassionate care in, 152 vertical, 229-230 genetic predisposition to, 146-147 azidothymidine effects on, 48-49 Norwood operation in, 149-150 immunotherapy effects on, 54-56 pathophysiology of, 147-148 umbilical blood sampling in, 70 preoperative management of, 148-149 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1993 839 prevalence of, 146 Immunologic substances, in human milk, Hypothalamic-hypophyseal-adrenal axis, 225-227 fetal, in labor initiation, 9-16 Immunosuppressive therapy, in heart Hypothermia, in hypoxic-ischemic transplantation, 151-152 encephalopathy, 423-425 Immunotherapy, in HIV infection, in Hypothyroidism, umbilical blood sampling pregnancy, 54-56 in, 71-72 in thrombocytopenic disorders, 67 Hypoxemia, in pulmonary hypertension, Infants of diabetic mothers, 635-646 131-133 complications in, 643-644 repetitive, pathophysiology of, 310 congenital anomalies in. See Congenital Hypoxia, fetal, in maternal diabetes, 550 anomalies. respiratory distress syndrome treatment diabetes mellitus development in, 644 response and, 727 growth disorders in, large for gestational umbilical blood sampling in, 70-71 age, 636-637 Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, 296 small for gestational age, 637-638 academic function in, 490-491 hypocalcemia in, 642-643 animal models of, 359-363 hypoglycemia in, 640-642 categories of, 484-488 hypomagnesemia in, 643 cerebral palsy and, 488 intellectual performance in, 643-644 cognitive ability effects of, 490 pulmonary development in, 638-640 computed tomography in, 380-381 Infarction, brain, after asphyxia, 314-315 damage mechanisms after, 311-318 Infections, congenital, umbilical blood deafness in, 488-489 sampling in, 67-70 factors influencing outcome in, 309-311 from intrauterine device, 657-658 growth effects of, 489 immunoglobulin therapy in, 211-223 magnetic resonance imaging in, 351-352 antiendotoxin antibody in, 219-220 magnetic resonance spectroscopy in, as treatment, 212-215 355-356 hyperimmune type, 218-221 near infrared spectroscopy in, 369-378 prophylactic, 215-218 neuropsychologic effects of, 491-495 streptococcal, 218-219 PET studies of, 399, 401 transmission of, in breastfeeding. See radionuclide brain scan in, 382-383 under Breastfeeding. sonography in, 380 in surfactant therapy, 729-730 SPECT in, 386-392 Inflammation, surfactant reduction of, 765 therapy for, 411-432 Influenza, pneumonia in, surfactants in, calcium channel blockers in, 420-421 775 excitatory amino acid antagonists in, Infrasurf. See Calf lung surfactant extract. 419-420 Insulin, action of, 574 free radical inhibitors/scavengers in, early clinical trials‘of, 508-512 412-419 estrogen antagonism of, 622 hypothermia in, 423-425 in gestational diabetes, 607-610, 613 primary preventive, 413-416 levels of, in gestational diabetes, 587 secondary interventional, 417-419 in pregnancy, 584-585 substrate availability considerations in, pulmonary surfactant synthesis and, 421-433 638-639 release of, in gestational diabetes, 588— 589 in pregnancy, 586 Immune response, to surfactant therapy, resistance to, in gestational diabetes, 730 604-605, 620 Immunoglobulin(s), as formula additives, sensitivity to, in gestational diabetes, 203 587-588 in human milk, 225-227 in pregnancy, 585-586 intravenous, in infections, 211-223 teratogenic testing of, 527-528 antiendotoxin antibody in, 219-220 Intracranial hemorrhage, in surfactant as treatment, 212-215 therapy, 730 hyperimmune type, 218-221 in thrombocytopenic disorders, 65-67 prophylactic, 215-218 Intrauterine death, in diabetic streptococcal, 218-219 nephropathy, 564-565 840 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1993 Intrauterine death (Continued) Left heart hypoplasia. See Hypoplastic left- in maternal diabetes, 549-551 heart syndrome. Intrauterine device, for diabetic woman, Levonorgestrel, in oral contraceptives, 651 656-658 Lipid levels, in gestational diabetes, 587 Intravenous glucose tolerance test, in in pregnancy, 584 gestational diabetes, 597, 600 oral contraceptive effects on, 651-652 Intraventricular hemorrhage, after Lipid peroxidation, diabetic embryopathy asphyxia, 317 and, 526, 528 in surfactant therapy of RDS, 723-724 Lipid-extract surfactant, surface tension of, Iron elimination, in cerebral hypoxia- 675, 677 ischemia, 414—415 Liver, erythropoietin production in, 172- Isoimmunization, red blood cell, 173 erythropoietin therapy in, 179-180 Logistic regression, in risk scoring for umbilical blood sampling in, 61-65 preterm birth, 110 Low birth weight infants, handicapped, prevalence of, 263-277 head circumference of, 250 Kell antibodies, umbilical blood sampling nutrition in. See under Nutrition. for, 62-63 Lung. See also Pulmonary. Ketoacidosis, in pregnancy, intrauterine death and, 550 antibodies to, surfactant depletion from, 771-772 treatment of, 512 Ketones, in diabetic pregnancies, congenital microstructure of, surfactant surface ten- anomalies and, 523-524 sion effects on, 669 in gestational diabetes, 629-630 transplantation, surfactants in, 776-777 Kidney, diabetic involvement of. See Lung maturity, fetal, in diabetic pregnancy, Diabetic nephropathy. 638-640 erythropoietin production in, 172-173 evaluation of, 558 failure of, erythropoietin therapy in, 176- Lymphocytes, in human milk, 227 178 Lysophospholipids, antibacterial activity of, 765 Labor, biologic basis of, 9-27 cervical dilatation in, 21 Macrophages, in human milk, 227 contracture-to-contraction switch in, Macrosomia, in diabetes mellitus, 636-637 20-21 in gestational diabetes, pathophysiology fetal hypothalamic-hypophyseal-adre- of, 611-612 nal axis in, 9-13 prevention of, 613 in preterm labor, 21-22 Magnetic resonance imaging, 346-353 in primates, 14-17 fundamentals of, 346-348 in sheep, 9-14 in asphyxia, 351-352 myometrial activity in, 17-22 timing of, vs. neurodevelopmental out- placental events in, 13-14 come, 352-353 prostaglandins in, 13-14, 21 normal brain maturation and, 348-351 response to oxytocin and, 20 Malformations, congenital. See Congenital stressors in, 22 cerebral oxygenation assessment during, anomalies. 375-376 Mannose-binding proteins, surfactant Large for gestational age infants, maternal protein A homology with, 793-794 diabetes and, 636-637 Mastitis, breastfeeding with, 236 La/SSB autoantibodies, congenital heart May-Hegglin anomaly, umbilical blood block and, 93 sampling in, 67 Lavage, in surfactant depletion, 771 Mechanical ventilation, in pulmonary Lazeroids, in cerebral hypoxia-ischemia, hypertension, 134-135 418 surfactant therapy with, 730, 750-752 Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio, in diabetic Meconium aspiration syndrome, pregnancy, 558, 639-640 surfactants in, 777 surfactant therapy effects on, 692-693 Meconium staining, in asphyxia, 328-329

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