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Subject Index A diagnosis of, 209 Allografts, cultured epidermal, A antigen, in vascular neoplasms, 245- Acrodermatitis enteropathica, in characterization of, 578-579 246 pediatric AIDS, 62 Alopecia areata, dermatitis herpetiformis ABO blood group antigens, in vascular Actin monoclonal antibody, in vascular associated with, 348, 356 neoplasms, 245-246 neoplasms, 244 Aluminum sulfate sticks, HIV safety Acantholytic herpetiform dermatitis, Actinomyces israelii, identification of, 211 precautions and, 34 dermatitis herpetiformis related Actinomycin D, for Kaposi’s sarcoma, 43 Amalgam, in iatrogenically acquired skin to, 361 Acyclovir (Zovirax) disease, 170-171 Acantholytic squamous cell carcinoma for herpes simplex virus lesions, 61, 80 Amelanotic melanoma, electron differential diagnosis of, 244 for herpes zoster infection, 61, 81-82 microscopy in diagnosis of, 116 epithelial membrane antigen in, 249 in pregnancy, 436 Amiodarone, in iatrogenically acquired Accidental exposure, HIV safety for varicella zoster infection, 61 skin disease, 160 precautions and, 35 resistance to, 80 Amkicin, for mycobacterial skin Acetretin, in pregnancy, 436 Addison’s disease, dermatitis infections, 68 Acetylcholine, imbalance of, in atopic herpetiformis associated with, Amphotericin B (fungizone) for dermatitis, 49 348, 352 coccidiomycosis, 67 Acne therapy, in pregnancy, 436, 442-443 Adenocarcinoma, therapeutic implants for disseminated cryptococcosis, 66 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome for, 562 for disseminated histoplasmosis, 66 (AIDS) Adenoid squamous cell carcinoma for paracoccidiomycosis, 67 antiretroviral therapy for, 13-24 differential diagnosis of, 244 for severe pharyngitis, 65 atopic dermatitis-like eruptions in, 49- epithelial membrane antigen in, 249 Ampicillin, in pregnancy, 436 50 Adriamycin, see Doxorubicin Ampligen, in antiretroviral therapy, 21 bacillary angiomatosis in, 75-76 hydrochloride Amyloidosis, electron microscopy in in children, 59-62 AE1 monoclonal antibody, in spindle cell diagnosis of, 116 colony-stimulating factors for, 527-528 tumor evaluation, 218 Ancef, see Cefazolin dermatitis herpetiformis in, 356 AE3 monoclonal antibody, in spindle cell Anemia flow cytometry of, 152 tumor evaluation, 218 dermatitis herpetiformis with, 348 fungal and mycobacterial skin Aerobacter aerogenes Kaposi’s sarcoma with, 41 infections in, 65-68 ciclopirox against, 473 in prediction of progression of herpes virus infections in, 79-83 clotrimazole against, 473 asymptomatic HIV-1 infection to Kaposi’s sarcoma in, 39-43 miconazole against, 473 AIDS, 4 neoplastic changes in, 95-98 Aerobacter cloacae Angiokeratoma, bacillary angiomatosis pathology of HIV-related skin disease, ciclopirox against, 473 differentiated from, 76 95-108 clotrimazole against, 473 Angioma, Kaposi’s sarcoma resemblance psoriasis and Reiters syndrome in, miconazole against, 473 to, 42 53-57 Africa Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma, pruritis in, 111-113 herpes simplex virus infection with differential diagnosis of, 244 safety precautions in, 31-37 AIDS in, 79-80 Angiosarcoma, epithelioid seborrheic dermatitis-like eruptions in, herpes zoster virus with AIDS in, 81 in AIDS 49-50 Kaposi's sarcoma in, 39-40, 42 of head and neck, Kaposi’s sarcoma serologic and immunologic markers in AIDS, see Acquired immunodeficiency resemblance to, 42 course of, 1-5 syndrome pathology of, 98 syphilis in the presence of, 71-73 AIDS-related complex (ARC), dermatitis categorization of, 218 warts and molluscum contagiosum in, herpetiformis associated with, 348 Class II histocompatibility antigens in, 87-91 Albinism, electron microscopy in 247 Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, diagnosis of, 116 cytokeratins in, 248 © 1992 by Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc.- 0738-081x/92/$5.00 596 SUBJECT INDEX Clinics in Dermatology 1992;9:595-611 differential diagnosis of, 244 Antiretroviral therapy, for HIV-1 Austria, dermatitis herpetiformis in, 342— idealized immunophenotypes of, 219 biological response modifiers, 20 343 Ulex europaeus I agglutinin in, 246 2’,3’-dideoxyadenosine, 18 Autoantibodies, in dermatitis vimentin in, 249 2’,3’-dideoxycytidine, 18 herpetiformis, 301-302 von Willebrand factor antigen in, 245 2’,3’-dideoxyinosine, 18-19 Autografts, cultured epidermal, Animal fibers, in iatrogenically acquired future trends in, 23-24 characterization of, 578-579 skin disease, 170 inhibitors of cell entry, binding, and Autoimmune diseases Anspor, see Cephradine fusion, 13-15 dermatitis herpetiformis association Anthralin, in pregnancy, 436 oligodeoxynucleotides, 19 with, 347-356 Anti-arrythmic medications, in peptide T, 15-16 flow cytometry of, 154-155 iatrogenically acquired skin polyanionic compounds, 15 Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, disease, 161 post-translational modification dermatitis herpetiformis Antibacterial agents, topical, for burns, inhibitors, 19-20 associated with, 348, 356 455-456 glycosylation inhibitors, 20 Autolytic debridement, characterization Antibiotics protease inhibitors, 20 of, 587-588 for burns, 454-455 recombinant soluble CD4, 13-15, 24 Axillae, in HIV-associated seborrheic for dermatitis herpetiformis, 390 reverse transcriptase inhibitors, 16, 18— dermatitis, 50 in iatrogenically acquired skin disease, 19 Azidothymidine (AZT, retrovir, 161 azidothymidine, 16-17, 21 zidovudine) Antibodies dideoxynucleoside analogs, 16-17 for AIDS, 67 in dermatitis herpetiformis, 300-302 phosphonoformate, 16 in antiretroviral therapy, 16-17, 21-23 in malignant melanoma, 235-239 translational arrest inducers, 19 2’,3’-dideoxycytidine alternated with, in spindle cell tumor evaluation, 218- Antiseptic ointments, in iatrogenically 24 224 acquired skin disease, 161 glucosidase inhibitors with, 24 in vascular neoplasms, 243-245, 247— Antiseptics, in pregnancy, 436, 445-446 for HIV-associated psoriasis, 56 249 a-Antitrypsin, as practical in vivo activity of, 21-22 o-Antichymotrypsin immunocytochemical stain, for Kaposi’s sarcoma, 43 polyclonal antibody to, 218-219 characterization of, 117 for pediatric AIDS, 61-62 as practical immunocytochemical Antivirals side effects of, 22-23 stain, characterization of, 117 in pregnancy, 436 structure of, 17 Antifungals teratogenicity of, 438-439 symptomless AIDS patients treated in pregnancy, 436 therapeutic indications for, 438 with, 1 teratogenicity of, 439-440 Aprotinin, see Trasylol AZT, see Azidothymidine therapeutic indications for, 439 Aqueous Penicillin G, for syphilis Antigenemia, in prediction of associated with AIDS, 73 B progression of asymptomatic Arachidonic acid, in ear edema assay, Bacillary (epithelioid) angiomatosis, in HIV-1 infection to AIDS, 1-5 474-475 A Antihistamines Arborization, in verruca vulgaris, 99 in children, 61 for HIV-associated pruritis, 113 ARC, see AIDS-related complex differential diagnosis of, 76 in pregnancy Argyria disease course of, 76 teratogenicity of, 436-437 electron microscopy in diagnosis of, etiology of, 76 therapeutic indications for, 116 histopathology of, 75-76 435-436 ocupationally-acquired foreign bodies Kaposi’s sarcoma resemblance Anti-inflammatory medications, in as cause of, 169, 172 to, 42 iatrogenically acquired skin Aristopan parenteral, see Triamcinolone morphology of, 75-76 disease, 160 Arthritis pathology of, 98 Antimalarial drugs Kaposi’s sarcoma associated with, 41 pleomorphic bacilli in, 207 in iatrogenically acquired skin disease, medications, in iatrogenically acquired treatment of, 76 161 skin disease, 160 Bacillus spp. in pregnancy, 436 Aspartic proteinase, in antiretroviral ciclopirox against, 473 therapeutic indications for, 441 therapy, 20 clotrimazole against, 473 Antimicrobials Aspergillus spp., identification of, 211 miconazole against, 473 for atopic dermatitis, 49 Atopic dermatitis Bacitracin, in pregnancy, 436 for burns, 454~455 in dermatitis herpetiformis, 365-366, Backscattered electron imaging in pregnancy, 436, 443 380 (BEI), of cutaneous foreign bodies, teratogenicity of, 437-438 in HIV-associated pruritis, 112 158-159 therapeutic indications for, 437 in HIV-infected patients, 49-50 Bacteremia, staphylococcal, in Antiparasitics in pediatric AIDS, 61 atopic dermatitis, 49 teratogenicity of, 440-441 Atrophic gastritis, in dermatitis Bacterial folliculitis, in AIDS, therapeutic indications for, 440 herpetiformis, 351, 417 pathology of, 107-108 Antipruritics, topical, for HIV-associated Auranofin, structure of, 536 Bacterial infection, in pediatric pruritis, 113 Aurothioglucose, structure of, 536 AIDS, 60-61 Clinics in Dermatology SUBJECT INDEX 597 1992;9:595-611 Bactrim, see Trimethoprim- Bullous dermatitis for cutaneous pain, 498 sulfamethoxazole electron microscopy in diagnosis of, for diabetic neuropathy, 499-500 B antigen, in vascular neoplasms, 245-246 116 for postherpetic neuralgia, 498-499 Basal cell carcinoma, in AIDS, pathology in HIV-associated pruritis, 112 for pruritis, 500 of, 98 idealized direct immmunofluorescent for psoriasis, 500-501 B-cell lymphoma findings in, 116 for skin disease, 4 8 differential diagnosis of, 230 Bullous pemphigoid pharmacology and chemistry of, 497- gene rearrangement analysis in, 123- in dermatitis herpetiformis, 306, 362- 498 124 363, 366 Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) histological appearance of, 230 in Kaposi's sarcoma, 41 in immunocytochemical staining, 117 immunotyping of, 268, 270 Burkitt’s lymphoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma in intraepithelial pagetoid neoplasm, BCNU, see Carmustine associated with, 40 258 BEI, see Backscattered electron imaging Burns, pharmacologic treatment of in Paget’s disease, 256 Benzathine penicillin (bicillin), for analgesia and anti-inflammatory in vascular neoplasms, 248 syphilis associated with AIDS, 72- treatment, 453-454 Carmustine (BCNU) 73 immunotherapy, 456-457 for Kaposi’s sarcoma, 43 Benzodiazepines, in burn therapy, 453 nutrition, 454 in pregnancy, 436 Benzoyl peroxide, in pregnancy, 436 replacement therapy, 453 in therapeutic implants, 563-564, 567 Ber-H2 antigen, in immunophenotyping, systemic antimicrobials, 454-455 Castanospermine, in antiretroviral 264 topical antibacterial agents, 455-456 therapy, 20 Berylliosis, ocupationally-acquired BW200 antibody, in vascular neoplasms, Catecholamines, imbalance of, in atopic foreign bodies as cause of, 169, 245 dermatitis, 49 172-173 Cat scratch disease, diagnosis of, 207 Beryllium, in iatrogenically acquired skin Cc Caustic agents, for condyloma disease, 169, 172-173 C3 deposits, in dermatitis herpetiformis, acuminatum removal, 90 Betadine, see Povidone-iodone 275, 300, 318, 330, 349, 378, 384 CD series antigens, in Betamethasone, in pregnancy, 436 C5-C9 membrane attack complex, in immunophenotyping, 262-270 Bicillin, see Benzathine penicillin dermatitis herpetiformis, 318 CD4, recombinant soluble, in Bifonazole, fungicidal activity of, 472 C41 antibody, in vascular neoplasms, 244 antiretroviral therapy, 13-15, 24 Biohazardous waste, HIV safety Cactus spines, in iatrogenically acquired CDpositive lymphocytes, peripheral precautions and, 34-36 skin disease, 170 blood, decreased number of in Biological response modifiers, in Cadmium, injected, in iatrogenically prediction of progression of antiretroviral therapy, 20-21 acquired skin disease, 165 asymptomatic HIV-1 infection to Biological skin equivalents, Calcium alginate, in osmotic AIDS, 1-5 characterization of, 578 debridement, 588 CD8-positive lymphocytes, in AIDS, 3 Blacks CAM 5.2 monoclonal antibody, in spindle CEA, see Carcinoembryonic antigen dermatitis herpetiformis in, 375 cell tumor evaluation, 218 Ceclor, see Cefaclor Kaposi’s sarcoma in, 39-40 Camphor, in pregnancy, 436, 446 Cefaclor (Ceclor), structure of, 463 Blastomyces dermatidis infection, in AIDS, Cancer Cefadroxil (Duricef, Ultracef), structure 67 cytokine therapy for, 523-529 of, 462 Blastomyces spp., identification of, 211 in dermatitis herpetiformis, 369-372 Cefamandole, structure of, 462 Blastomycosis, in AIDS, 67 electron microscopy in diagnosis of, Cefazolin (Ancef, Kefzol), structure of, Bleaching creams, in iatrogenically 116 461 acquired skin disease, 166 therapeutic implants for, 562 Cefonicid (Monocid), structure of, 466 Blenoxane, see Bleomycin Cancer biology, in situ hybridization Cefotaxime (Claforan), structure of, 464 Bleomycin (Blenoxane) applications in, 132 Cefotan, see Cefotetan for Kaposi’s sarcoma, 42-43 Candida albicans infection Cefotetan (Cefotan), structure of, 463 in therapeutic implants, 563-564 in AIDS Cefoxitin (Mefoxin), structure of, 462 for verrucae vulgaris, 91 in children, 60 Cefprozil (Cefzil), structure of, 463 Bone marrow transplantation, colony- condyloma acuminatum and, 90 Ceftazidime (Fortaz, Tazicef, Tazidime), stimulating factors used during, pathology of, 1, 65, 102 structure of, 464 528 seborrheic dermatitis and, 50 Ceftizox, see Ceftizoxime Borelia diseases, diagnosis of, 209 identification of, 211 Ceftizoxime (Ceftizox), structure of, 464 Boric acid, in pregnancy, 436, 446 Candida tropicalis, identification of, 211 Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) Bowenoid actinic keratosis, histologic Candidemia, in AIDS, 1, 65 structure of, 464 diagnosis of, 256 Candidosis, in pediatric AIDS, 60 for syphilis associated with AIDS, 73 Bowen's disease, histologic diagnosis of, Cantharadin Cefuroxime (Ceftin, Kefurox, Zinacef), 256 for molluscum contagiosum, 89 structure of, 462 Brain, herpes simplex virus lesions of, 80 in pregnancy, 436 Cefzil, see Cefprozil Brazil, AIDS in, 67-68 Capsaicin Celiac disease Bromide, in dermatitis herpetiformis, 319 dosage, adininistration, and adverse dermatitis herpetiformis associated Brompheniramine, in pregnancy, 436 effects of, 501 with, 335-338, 347-353, 356, 380 598 SUBJECT INDEX Clinics in Dermatology 1992;9:595-611 kinetics of changes in, 307 herpes simplex virus infection, 61 implants, 563-564, 567 Cellular angiolipoma, differential herpes zoster infection, 61 Claforan, see Cefotaxime diagnosis of, 244 human papillomavirus infection, 61 Clindamycin, in pregnancy, 436 Cellulitis, in pediatric AIDS, 60 molluscum contagiosum, 61 Clofazimine, in iatrogenically acquired Cephalexin (Keflex), structure of, 461 varicella zoster infection, 61 skin disease, 161 Cephalosporin C, structure of, 460 inflammatory skin disorders in Clonal seborrheic keratosis, histologic Cephalosporin nucleus, structure of, 460 atopic dermatitis, 61 diagnosis of, 258 Cephalosporins drug eruptions, 62 Clotrimazole (Lotrimin) adverse effects of, 467 Kaposi’s sarcoma, 39-40, 62 antibacterial activity of, 473 comparative clinical efficacy of in nutritional deficiencies, 62 fungicidal activity of, 472 dermatologic infections, 465-466 psoriasis, 62 in pediatric AIDS, 60 history of development of, 459-460 seborrheic dermatitis, 61 in pregnancy, 436 classification by “generation”, 460 vasculitis, 62 Cloxacillin, in pregnancy, 436 first-generation cephalosporins, 461 skin manifestations of HIV-1 infection CMV, see Cytomegalovirus fourth-generation cephalosporins, in, 59-62 CO, laser therapy 462 timeframe for development of AIDS in, for condyloma acuminatum, 91 second-generation cephalosporins, Z for verrucae vulgaris, 91 461-462 Chlamydia trachomatis Coal tar, in pregnancy, 436 third-generation cephalosporins, condyloma acuminatum and, 90 Cobalt, injected, in iatrogenically 462 identification of, 211 acquired skin disease, 165 mechanism of action of, 462 Chloramphenicol, in pregnancy, 436 Coccidioides immitis infection, in AIDS, microbiology of skin infections, 462- Chlorhexidine gluconate, for topical 66-67, 105 treatment of burns, 455 Colchicine, for dermatitis herpetiformis, pharmacokinetics of, 463-465 Chloroquine 390 in pregnancy, 436 in iatrogenically acquired skin disease, Collagen resistance to, 466-467 161 injected, in iatrogenically acquired Cephalothin, structure of, 461 in pregnancy, 436 skin disease, 165 Cephradine (Anspor, Velosef), structure Chlorpheniramine, in pregnancy, in occlusive dressings, 578 of, 461 436 Collagenase, in enzymatic debridement, Cetirazine Chlorpromazine 589 antihistaminic activity of, 511 for burns, 453 Colloidal iron, in intraepithelial pagetoid anti-inflammatory activity of, 511 in iatrogenically acquired skin neoplasm assessment, 258 dosage for, 512-513 disease, 161 Colloid milium, electron microscopy in efficacy of, 511-512 Chromatophoroma, therapeutic diagnosis of, 116 pharmacology of, 511 implants for, 562 Colon cancer, in dermatitis herpetiformis, sedation and psychomotor effects due Chromide, in dermatitis 371 to, 512 herpetiformis, 319 Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) structure of, 512 Chromium, injected, in in anticancer therapy, 526-529 toxicity of, 512 iatrogenically acquired skin side effects for, 529 Chemical debridement, characterization disease, 165 Comedo extractor, for molluscum of, 588-589 Chromogranin, as practical contagiosum removal, 89 Chemotherapeutic agent waste, HIV immunocytochemical stain, Composite culture grafts, safety precautions and, 34 characterization of, 117 characterization of, 579 Chemotherapy Chrysiasis, medications in Condyloma acuminatum, HIV-associated for Kaposi’s sarcoma, 42-43 induction of, 160, 163 clinical features of, 89 for mycosis fungoides, in pregnancy, Chrysotherapy, reinstatement of, complications of, 90 436, 445 544 diagnosis of, 90 myelosuppression induced by, 527 Ciclopirox olamine (Loprox) histopathology of, 90 for verrucae vulgaris, 91 antibacterial activity of, 472- treatment of, 90-91 in veterinary patients, intralesional 473 Condylomata, giant, in pediatric AIDS, 61 delivery of, 561-567 antifungal activity of, 471-472 Connective tissue disorders, electron Childhood cicatricial pemphigoid, linear anti-inflammatory action of, microscopy in diagnosis of, 116 IgA bullous dermatosis of 475-476 Control probes, in in situ hybridization, childhood relationship to, 398-399 mechanism of action of, 471 131 Children, HIV-1 infection in penetration of skin by, 473-475 Copper sulfate, in pregnancy, 436 . clinical course of, 60 structure of, 472 Cornea, herpes simplex virus lesions of, cutaneous manifestations of, 60 Ciprofloxacin, for bacillary epidemiology of, 59-60 angiomatosis, 76 Corticosteroids infections and infestations in Cirrhosis, primary biliary, for dermatitis herpetiformis, 390, 399 bacterial infection, 60-61 dermatitis herpetiformis for HIV-related atopic dermatitis, 49 candidosis, 60 associated with, 348 in pregnancy, 436, 443 dermatophyte infection, 60 Cisplatin (platinol), in therapeutic teratogenicity of, 422 Clinics in Dermatology SUBJECT INDEX 599 1992;9:595-611 therapeutic indications for, 441-442 diagnosis of, 205-206, 211 304-305, 307, 320, 325, 328-330, Corynebacterium diphtheriae epidemiology of, 82 371-372, 375, 380, 384, 386, 403, ciclopirox against, 473 Kaposi's sarcoma and, 39 405-407, 409-413, 415-418 clotrimazole against, 473 pathology of, 106-107 histopathologic findings in, 289-292 miconazole against, 473 treatment of, 83 historical perspectives on, 273-276, 403 Corynebacterium pyogenes HLA antigens in, 341-344 ciclopirox against, 473 D idealized direct immmunofluorescent clotrimazole against, 473 Dapsone, for dermatitis herpetiformis, findings in, 116 miconazole against, 473 298, 329-330, 348, 364, 371, 380, immunogenetics in, 341-344 Cosmetic agents, in iatrogenically 389, 403-405, 415-417 immunopathology of, 295-307 acquired skin disease, 164-168 ddA, see 2’,3’-Dideoxyadenosine kidney disease and, 347-349 Cryotherapy ddC, see 2’,3’-Dideoxycytidine linear IgA bullous dermatosis of for condyloma acuminatum, 91 ddI, see 2’,3’-Dideoxyinosine adults, 383-390 HIV safety precautions and, 34 Debridement liver disease and, 349-350 for Kaposi’s sarcoma, 42-43 autolytic, 587-588 lupus erythematosus and, 363-365, 380 for molluscum contagiosum, 89 chemical, 588-589 lymphoma and, 369-371 for verrucae vulgaris, 91 enzymatic, 589-590 malignant disease in, 369-372 Cryptococcus neoformans infection in maggot, 590 overlapping cutaneous disorders AIDS, 66, 89, 104 mechanical, 586-588 related to, 361-366 identification of, 211 osmotic, 588 pathogenesis of, 313-320 Cryptosporidiosis, in pediatric AIDS, 60 surgical, 586 pemphigus and, 361-362 Curettage types of, 585-586 pernicious anemia and, 350-351 for condyloma acuminatum, 91 vaporization, 586 polymyositis and, 352 for molluscum contagiosum, 89 Decarbazine (DTIC), for Kaposi’s Raynaud’s phenomenon and, 353 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma sarcoma, 43 rheumatoid arthritis and, 353-354 flow cytometry of, 153-154 Deodorants, in iatrogenically acquired Sjégren’s syndrome and, 354 gene rearrangement analysis in, 121- skin disease, 166 splenic atrophy and, 351-352 122, 125 2’-Deoxycytidine, structure of, 17 therapy for, 403-407 immunophenotyping of, 263-264 2’-Deoxyinosine, structure of, 17 thyroid disease and, 354-355, 380 response to therapy for, 154 Deoxynojirimycin, in antiretroviral ulcerative colitis and, 355 ultrastructural morphometry in therapy, 20 vitiligo and, 355-356, 380 diagnosis of, 187-188, 192-193, 2’-Deoxythymidine, structure of, 17 Dermatofibroma, Kaposi’s sarcoma 196-198 Deposition disorders, electron resemblance to, 42 Cutaneous ulcers, debridement of, 585— microscopy in diagnosis of, 116 Dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans 590 Dermabrasion fraises and brushes, HIV categorization of, 217-218 Cutis laxa, electron microscopy in safety precautions and, 34 evaluation of, 217-218 diagnosis of, 116 Dermal nerve sheath myxoma, Dermatologics, clinical development of Cyclic neutropenia, colony-stimulating evaluation of, 221 general structure of clinical factors for, 528-529 Dermatitis herpetiformis development program, 425-426 Cyclizine, in pregnancy, 436 Addison’s disease and, 352 beyond phase 3, 426 Cyclosporine (Sandimmune), for HIV- atopic dermatitis and, 365 phase 1, 424-425 associated psoriasis, 56 autoimmune diseases and, 347-356 phase 2, 424-425 Cyclosporine A bullous pemphigoid and, 362-363 phase 3, 424-426 clinical trials of, 515-519 celiac disease and, 347, 380 historical perspective on, 423-424 drugs interacting with, 520 childhood key elements in design and guidelines for, 519-520 clinical features of, 376-378 progression of a clinical pharmacology and mechanism of diseases associated with, 379-380 development program action of, 515 differential diagnosis of, 378-379 defining program, 426-427 Cytogenetics, in situ hybridization histopathology of, 378 developing protocols and case applications in, 132 immunofluorescence of, 378 report forms, 428 Cytokeratin monoclonal antibody pathogenesis of, 375-377 documenting clinical development in immunocytochemical staining, 117 prognosis for, 380 plan, 427 in malignant melanoma, 235-237, 239 treatment of, 380 engaging FDA, 427 in spindle cell tumor evaluation, 218- clinical features of, 279-280, 376-378 writing label, 426 221 course of, 280 Dermatomyositis, dermatitis in vascular neoplasms, 244, 248 dermatomyositis and, 352 herpetiformis associated with, Cytokines diabetes mellitus and, 352-353, 380 348, 352 in anticancer therapy, 523-529 differential diagnosis of, 280 Dermatopathology techniques, new, in atopic dermatitis, 49 drugs for, 403-405, 407 overview of, 115-117 in dermatitis herpetiformis, 314 familial, 335-338 Dermatophyte infections, in AIDS, 60, 65, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), in AIDS gastrointestinal association in, 325-330 102 clinical features of, 82-83 gluten-free diet for, 295, 297-298, 301, Desmin monoclonal antibody 600 SUBJECT INDEX Clinics in Dermatology 1992;9:595-611 in immunocytochemical staining, 117 Drug eruptions, in AIDS patients Enteropathy-associated T-cell in spindle cell tumor evaluation, 218, in children, 62 lymphomas, in dermatitis 223 HIV-associated pruritis and, 112 herpetiformis, 370 in vascular neoplasms, 248 superficial perivascular dermatitis Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Desmoplastic malignant melanoma and, 101 biohazardous waste standards of, 34 categorization of, 218 Drug pigmentation, electron microscopy guidelines of for HIV safety precaution evaluation of, 220-221 in diagnosis of, 116 during occupational exposure, 33- Desquamation, in HIV-related atopic DTIC, see Decarbazine dermatitis, 50 Duricef, see Cefadroxil Enzymatic debridement, characterization Detection systems, in in situ Dyskeratosis, pagetoid, histologic of, 589-590 hybridization, 131-133 diagnosis of, 257-258 Eosinophilic granuloma, therapeutic Developmental biology, in situ Dyskeratotic keratinocytes, in HIV- implants for, 562, 564 hybridization applications in, 132 related atopic dermatitis, 50 Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis, in HIV- Dexamethasone, in pregnancy, 436 associated pruritis, 112 Dextranomer beads, in osmotic E EPA, see Environmental Protection debridement, 588 E1B protein, in dermatitis herpetiformis, Agency Dextran sulfate, in antiretroviral therapy, 315 Epidermal growth factor (EGF) 15 E29 monoclonal antibody, in spindle cell biologic activity of, 554 Diabetes mellitus tumor evaluation, 218 source of, 554 capsaicin for neuropathy of, E92 antigen Epidermodysplasia verruciformis, warts 499-500 in Kaposi’s sarcoma, 40 mimicking, in pediatric AIDS, 61 dermatitis herpetiformis in vascular neoplasms, 245 Epidermolysis bullosa associated with, 348, 352-353, 380 EBV, see Epstein-Barr virus electron microscopy in diagnosis of, medications for, in Econazole, fungicidal activity of, 472 116 iatrogenically acquired skin EDXA, see Electron-dispersive X-ray idealized direct immmunofluorescent disease, 160 analysis findings in, 116 Diaper rash, in pediatric AIDS, 60 EELS, see Electron energy loss immunofluorescence antigenic 2’,3’-Dideoxyadenosine (ddA), in spectroscopy mapping of, 182-183 antiretroviral therapy, 18 EGF, see Epidermal growth factor transmission electron microscopy of, 2’,3’-Dideoxycytidine (ddC) Elderly, timeframe for development of 183 in antiretroviral therapy, 18 AIDS in, 1 Epidermotropic carcinoma, histologic azidothymidine alternated Electrodessication and curettage diagnosis of, 257 with, 24 for condyloma acuminatum, 91 Epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) structure of, 17 HIV safety precautions and, 34 in immunocytochemical staining, 117 2’,3’-Dideoxyinosine (ddl) for Kaposi’s sarcoma, 42-43 in intraepithelial pagetoid neoplasm, in antiretroviral therapy, 18-19 Electron-beam therapy, for Kaposi’s 258 structure of, 17 sarcoma, 42 in Paget’s disease, 256 Dideoxynucleoside analogs Electron-dispersive X-ray analysis in spindle cell tumors, 218-221 in antiretroviral therapy, 16-17 (EDXA), of cutaneous foreign in vascular neoplasms, 244, 248-249 structures of, 17 bodies, 158-159, 163, 168-169, 173 Epithelioid angiomatosis, see Bacillary Diethyldithiocarbamate Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), angiomatosis (dithiocarb), in antiretroviral of cutaneous foreign bodies, 158— Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) therapy, 21 159, 169 HIV-associated, 80 Diphenhydramine, in pregnancy, Electron microscopy, diagnostic uses of, Kaposi's sarcoma and, 39-40 436 116 lymphoma and, 96 Diphtheria vaccine, in Elemental diet, in dermatitis Eruptive xanthomas, Kaposi’s sarcoma iatrogenically acquired skin herpetiformis, 297, 298 resemblance to, 42 disease, 160 EMA, see Epithelial membrane antigen Erysipelas, in pediatric AIDS, 60 Disinfection, HIV safety Emollients, for HIV-associated pruritis, Erysipelothrix insidiosa precautions and, 34 113 ciclopirox against, 473 Dithiocarb, see EN-4 antibody, in vascular neoplasms, clotrimazole against, 473 Diethyldithiocarbamate 245 miconazole against, 473 DNA analysis, via flow cytometry, Encephalopathy, in pediatric AIDS, 60 Erythema chronicum migrans, diagnosis 150 Endocrinopathy, in HIV-associated of, 209 DNA probes, in in situ pruritis, 112 Erythematous plaques, in HIV-associated hybridization, 130 Endomysial antibodies, in dermatitis seborrheic dermatitis, 50 Doxorubicin hydrochloride herpetiformis, 303-306, 328-329, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, in (adriamycin) 417 prediction of progression of in immunosuppression, 555 England, dermatitis herpetiformis in, 342, asymptomatic HIV-1 infection to for Kaposi's sarcoma, 43 344, 370 AIDS, 4 Doxyxycline, for bacillary Enterobacteriaceae, parenteral Erythroderma, in HIV-associated angiomatosis, 76 cephalosporins against, 465 seborrheic dermatitis, 49-50 Clinics in Dermatology SUBJECT INDEX 601 1992;9:595-611 Erythromycin 337, 342-343, 370 acuminatum and, 90 for bacillary angiomatosis, 61, 76 Flow cytometry GCDFP-15, see Gross cystic disease fluid for dermatitis herpetiformis, 390 of adult T-cell lymphoma, 154 protein-15 in pregnancy, 436 of autoimmune diseases, 154-155 Gelatin, absorbable, in iatrogenically Erythroplasia of Queyrat, histologic of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, 153- acquired skin disease, 162, 164 diagnosis of, 256 154 Gene mapping, in situ hybridization Erythropoietic protoporphyria, DNA analysis and, 150 applications in, 132 dermatitis herpetiformis future applications of, 155 Gene rearrangement analysis, in associated with, 356 of HIV, 150-153 lymphoid disease Escherichia coli surface protein measurement and, B-cell lymphoma, 123-124 ciclopirox against, 473 149-150, 152 cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, clotrimazole against, 473 two-color analysis in, 149-151 121-122, 125 miconazole against, 473 Flucytosine, in pregnancy, 436 follicular mucinosis, 122-123 Esophagus Fluoride, in dermatitis herpetiformis, 319 gene probes in, 124 cancer of, in dermatitis herpetiformis, 5-Fluororacil granulomatous slack skin 371 in chemical debridement, 588-589 syndrome, 122-123 herpes simplex virus lesions of, 80 in therapeutic implants, 563-565, 567 Hodgkin’s disease, 124 ESPGAN criteria, for celiac disease, 295, for verrucae vulgaris removal, 91 Ki-1-positive lymphoma, 124 300-301 Follicular mucinosis, gene rearrangement large plaque parapsoriasis, Ethambutol, for mycobacterial skin analysis in, 122-123 122-123 infections, 68 Folliculitis, in AIDS, pathology of, 107- lymphomatoid papulosis, 123 Etoposide (VP-16), for Kaposi’s sarcoma, 108 pagetoid reticulosis, 122-123 43 Fontana—Massin stain, in intraepithelial patient-specific gene probes in, Etretinate (Tegison) pagetoid neoplasm assessment, 4 for HIV-associated psoriasis, 56-57 258 peripheral T-cell lymphomas, in pregnancy, 436 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in 123, 125 Europe clinical development of pre-Sézary syndrome, 122-123 dermatitis herpetiformis in, 375 dermatologics, 424, 427 principles and interpretation of, herpes simplex virus in, 79 Forceps, curved, in molluscum 119-121 Kaposi's sarcoma in, 39 contagiosum removal, 89 pseudolymphoma, 123-124 Ewing’s sarcoma, evaluation of, 231 Foreign bodies, cutaneous Sjégren’s syndrome, 124 Exoderil, see Naftifine cosmetically acquired, 164-168 Genetic predisposition, to iatrogenically acquired, 159-164 Kaposi's sarcoma, 40 F light microscopy of, 157-158 Gentamicin Fabry’s disease, electron microscopy in occupationally acquired, 169, 172 mechanism of action of, 479- diagnosis of, 116 radiographic studies, 157 481 Factitial dermatitis, causes of, 173-174 self-inflicted, 169, 173-174 in pregnancy, 436 Factor VIII-related antigen traumatically acquired, 168-171 for topical treatment of burns, in immunocytochemical staining, 117 ultrastructural analysis of, 158-159 455-456 in Kaposi’s sarcoma, 40 Fortaz, see Ceftazidime Gentian violet, in pregnancy, 436, in spindle cell tumors, 218-219, 222- Foscarnet, see Phosphonoformate 446 224 Fucidic acid, for topical treatment of GFAP, see Glial fibrillary acidic in vascular neoplasms, 243-245 burns, 455-456 protein FDA, see Food and Drug Administration Fucoidan, in antiretroviral therapy, 15 Gingivostomatitis, in pediatric Feces, in iatrogenically acquired skin Fungal infections AIDS, 61 disease, 174 in AIDS Gliadin, antibodies to, in FGF, see Fibroblast growth factor pathology of, 104-105 dermatitis herpetiformis, 300-301, Fibrel, in wound healing, 569-571 superficial, 65 328, 417 Fibrinolysin—desoxyribonuclease, in systemic, 65-67 Glial fibrillary acidic protein enzymatic debridement, 589 diagnosis of, 209-210, 212 (GFAP) Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) Fungemia, in AIDS, 66 in malignant melanoma, 236 biologic activity of, 554 Fungizone, see Amphotericin B in spindle cell tumors, 222 source of, 554 Furunculosis, in pediatric AIDS, 60 Glomus tumors Fibrohistiocytic tumors differential diagnosis of, 244 evaluation of, 217-219 G Kaposi's sarcoma resemblance histologic appearance of, 219 Gamma globulin, bovine, in dermatitis to, 42 idealized immunophenotypes of, 219 herpetiformis, 314 Glucosidase inhibitors, in Fibrosarcoma, therapeutic implants for, Ganciclovir antiretroviral therapy, 24 562, 564 acyclovir resistance correlated with Gluten challenge, aggressive, in Fibroxanthoma, atypical, evaluation of, use of, 80 dermatitis herpetiformis, 305-306, 217-219 for cytomegalovirus infection, 83 406-407, 417 Finland, dermatitis herpetiformis in, 335- Gardnerella vaginalis, condyloma Gluten-free diet, for dermatitis Clinics in Dermatology 602 SUBJECT INDEX 1992;9:595-611 herpetiformis, 295, 297-298, 301, AIDS in, 41 Herpetic folliculitis, occurrence of, 80 304-305, 307, 320, 325, 328-330, Kaposi's sarcoma in, 41 Herpetic whitlow, occurrence of, 80 371-372, 375, 380, 384, 386, 403, H antigen Hexachlorophene, in pregnancy, 436 405-407, 409-413, 415-418 in spindle cell tumors, 223 HHF35 monoclonal antibody, in spindle Gluten-sensitive enteropathy in vascular neoplasms, 245-246 cell tumor evaluation, 218-219 dermatitis herpetiformis associated HAV, see Hepatitis A virus HHV-6, see Human herpes virus-6 with, 295-298, 300-301, 304-305, HBV, see Hepatitis B virus Hidroacanthoma (intraepidermal eccrine 307, 313-315, 317-318, 320, 325, HC! antigen poroma), histologic diagnosis of, 335, 341-344 in Kaposi's sarcoma, 40 258 environmental factors in induction of, in vascular neoplasms, 245 Histiocytosis X 301 Healing, occlusive dressing effects on, electron microscopy in diagnosis of, Glycosylation inhibitors, in antiretroviral 576-577 116 therapy, 20 Hemangioendothelioma histologic diagnosis of, 258 Gold compounds epithelioid Histoplasma capsulatum infection, in AIDS, chrysotherapy reinstatment and, 544 cytokeratins in, 248 66, 104-105 contraindications to, 546 differential diagnosis of, 244 Histoplasma spp., identification of, 211 in iatrogenically acquired skin spindle cell HIV, see Human immunodeficiency virus disease,160, 163 categorization of, 218 HIV-1, see Human immunodeficiency indications for, 545-546 evaluation of, 223-224 virus type 1 mechanisms of action of, 539-541 Hemangioma HIV-1 protease monitoring therapy with, 544-545 differential diagnosis of, 244 antibodies to, 2 pharmacokinetics of, 536-539 laminin antibodies in, 248 post-translational modification and, in pregnancy, 436, 446 Hemangiopericytoma 19-20 preparation and dosages for, 535-536 differential diagnosis of, 244 HLA antigens, in dermatitis structures of, 536 therapeutic implants for, 562 herpetiformis, 301-302, 313, 318- toxic reactions to, 541-544 Hemangiosarcoma, therapeutic implants 320, 325-327, 329, 337, 341-344, Gold sodium thiomalate, structure of, 536 for, 562 347, 350, 352-356, 361, 365, 375, gp 120 Hematopoietic tumors, interleukin 2 for, 380, 384 conserved amino-terminal domain of, 525-526 HLA-DRS5 2 Hemolytic anemia, Kaposi’s sarcoma in Kaposi’s sarcoma, 4, 40 rsCD4 binding to, 13-14 associated with, 41 in vascular neoplasms, 246-247 Graft copolymer starch, in osmotic Hemophilus influenzae infection, in HMB45 monoclonal antibody debridement, 588 pediatric AIDS, 61 in immunocytochemical staining, 117 Granuloma Hemostatics, surgically-implanted, in in intraepithelial pagetoid neoplasms, causes of, 174 iatrogenically acquired skin 257-258 histologic appearance of, 167-169, 173 disease, 162 in malignant melanoma, 237-239 therapeutic implants for, 562, 564 Henderson-Patterson bodies, in in spindle cell tumors, 218-219 Granulomatous dermatides, in HIV- molluscum contagiosum, 88-99 in vascular neoplasms, 244, 249 related atopic dermatitis, 50 Heparin, in antiretroviral therapy, 15 HMSA-2 antibody, in malignant Granulomatous slack skin syndrome, Hepatitis, chronic active, dermatitis melanoma, 238 gene rearrangement analysis in, herpetiformis associated with, 348 Hodgkin’s disease 122-123 Hepatitis A virus (HAV), Kaposi's dermatitis herpetiformis associated Griseofulvin sarcoma and, 39 with, 386 for dermatophyte infections, 65 Hepatitis B virus (HBV) gene rearrangement analysis in, 124 in pregnancy, 436 Kaposi's sarcoma and, 39 Holland, HIV-1 infection in, 2-3, 5 Groin, in HIV-associated seborrheic occupational exposure to, 31 Honey, in osmotic debridement, 588 dermatitis, 50 prevalence data for, 32 HPV, see Human papillomavirus Gross cystic disease fluid protein-15 Herpes gestationis, idealized direct HSV, see Herpes simplex virus (GCDFP-15), in Paget’s disease, immmunofluorescent findings in, Human herpes virus-6 (HHV-6), 256, 258 116 diagnosis of, 206, 211 Growth factors Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) occlusive dressings and, 577-579 HIV-associated atopic dermatitis-like eruptions in, 49- in wound healing, 553-557 in children, 61 50 clinical manifestations of, 79-80 flow cytometry of, 150-153 H diagnosis of, 205, 211 in situ hybridization in detection of, Hair, in iatrogenically acquired skin epidemiology of, 79 131 disease, 172 interviral interactions and, 79 pathology of skin disease related to, Hair shaft abnormalities, electron Kaposi's sarcoma and, 39 95-108 microscopy in diagnosis of, 116 Kaposi's varicelliform eruption and, 49 prevalence data for, 32 Hair thinning, in pediatric AIDS, 62 pathology of, 106 seborrheic dermatitis in, 50 Hairy leukoplakia, in AIDS, 1, 60, 100 Herpes zoster (shingles) infection, in structure of, 20 Haiti AIDS, 1, 61 syphilis in presence of, 71-73 Clinics in Dermatology SUBJECT INDEX 603 1992;9:595-611 universal safety precautions and, 31- definition of, 179 cytogenetics, 132 7 of dermatitis herpetiformis, 296, 387- development biology, 132 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 388, 397-398 gene mapping, 132 (HIV-1) diagnostic applications of, 180-181 viral nucleic acid detection, 132-133 genome of, 20 limitations of, 181-182 background of, 129 immunologic markers for, 3 methodology of, 179-180 outline of, 130 pediatric, 59-62 Immunofluorescence antigenic mapping polymerase chain reaction compared serologic markers for, 1-3 definition of, 182 to, 133-134 Human papillomavirus (HPV) diagnostic applications of, 183 technical aspects of, 129-130 diagnosis of, 206-207, 211 limitations of, 183-184 detection systems, 131-132 electron microscopy in diagnosis of, methodology of, 182 hybridization conditions, 131 116 transmission electron microscopy probe preparation and labeling, genital warts associated with, 89-90 compared to, 183 130-131 intranuclear staining for, 207 Immunofluorescence studies, in slide preparation, 130 in pediatric AIDS, 61 dermatitis herpetiformis, 296-300, tissue preparation and preservation, Hungary, dermatitis herpetiformis in, 302-303, 387, 397-398 130 343-344 Immunofluorescent findings, idealized In situ techniques, problems with, 143 Hydrocolloid powders, in osmotic direct, in diagnosis, 116 In situ transcription, characterization of, debridement, 588 Immunogenetic factors, in dermatitis 144 Hydroquinone, topical, in iatrogenically herpetiformis, 329 Institutional review boards acquired skin disease, 166 Immunologic markers, in course of HIV-1 advertising review of, 433-434 Hydroxychloroquine, in pregnancy, 436 infection, 3 composition of, 430 Hydroxyzine, in pregnancy, 436 Immunophenotyping history of, 429 Hyperkeratosis, in HIV-related atopic of adult T-cell lymphoma, 266-267, 270 informed consent and, 431-433 dermatitis, 50 of B-cell lymphoma, 268 procedures of, 430-431 Hyperproliferative paraneoplastic of cutaneous lymphoid infiltrates, 261- Instruments, HIV safety precautions and, lesions, growth factors in, 555 270 33-34 Hyperthyroidism, dermatitis of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, 263- Insulin, zinc-containing, in iatrogenically herpetiformis associated with, 348 264 acquired skin disease, 160 future directions of, 269-270 Insulinlike growth factor 1 (IGF-1) I immunology and, 262 biologic activity of, 554 ICP4 early protein, in herpes simplex of Ki-1 infiltrates, 267-268 source of, 554 virus, 80 of mycosis fungoides, 264-265 Interface dermatides, in HIV-related ICRF-159 (roxazone), for Kaposi’s of pseudolymphoma, 268-270 atopic dermatitis, 50 sarcoma, 43 technique for, 261-262 Interferon a (IFN-«) Idoxuridine, in pregnancy, 436 Immunosuppression, doxorubicin in, 555 for Kaposi’s sarcoma, 41, 43 IFN-a, see Interferon a Immunotherapy, for burns, 456-457 in prediction of progression of IFN-t, see Interferon t Implant delivery system, for intralesional asymptomatic HIV-1 infection to IFNs, see Interferon delivery of chemotherapeutic AIDS, 3 IgA agents, in veterinary patients, Interferon y (IFN-y) in dermatitis herpetiformis, 295-307, 561-567 for Kaposi's sarcoma, 43 313, 315-320, 325-328, 330, 335, India ink, injected, in iatrogenically in prediction of progression of 337, 347-349, 353, 356, 362-366, acquired skin disease, 165 asymptomatic HIV-1 infection to 375-379, 383-390, 393-399, 406, Infants, timeframe for development of AIDS, 3 417 AIDS in, 1 Interferons (IFNs) in prediction of progression of Infection, occlusive dressings and, 573, in antiretroviral therapy, 21 asymptomatic HIV-1 infection to 576 for malignant melanoma, 506-509 AIDS, 3 Inflammatory dermatoses, in AIDS Interleukin 1 (IL-1) IGF-1, see Insulinlike growth factor 1 in children, 61-62 biologic activity of, 554 IgG antibodies, anti-HIV, appearance of, pathology of, 100 source of, 554 2 Infrared coagulators, HIV safety Interleukin 2 (IL-2) IgM antibodies, anti-HIV, appearance of, precautions and, 34 in anticancer therapy, 523-526 2. Injected agents, in iatrogenically acquired in antiretroviral therapy, 21 IL-1, see Interleukin 1 skin disease, 164-165, 167, 174 for Kaposi’s sarcoma, 42-43 IL-2, see Interleukin 2 Ink, injected, in iatrogenically acquired in prediction of progression of Imipramine, in iatrogenically acquired skin disease, 165 asymptomatic HIV-1 infection to skin disease, 161 INH, for mycobacterial skin infections, 68 AIDS, 3 Immune complexes, in dermatitis Insect bites, Kaposi’s sarcoma toxicity of, 526 herpetiformis, 297-298, 300, 317 resemblance to, 42 Intermediate filaments, in malignant Immunocytochemical stains, In situ hybridization melanoma, 236 practical, characterization of, 117 applications of Intraepidermal eccrine poroma, see Immunoelectron microscopy cancer biology, 132 Hidroacanthoma 604 SUBJECT INDEX Clinics in Dermatology 1992;9:595-611 Intraepidermal vesicular dermatitis, in in pregnancy, 436 Leukocyte common antigen (LCA), as AIDS, ballooning, 106-107 Ki-1 antibody, in immunophenotyping, practical immunocytochemical Ireland, dermatitis herpetiformis in, 336, 264, 267-269 stain, characterization of, 117 370 Ki-1 lymphoma Leukocytoclastic vasculitis Isoniazide, for bacillary angiomatosis, 76 gene rearrangement analysis in, 124 idealized direct immmunofluorescent Isotretinoin, in pregnancy, 436 immunophenotyping of, 267 findings in, 116 Italy, dermatitis herpetiformis in, 336, Ki-67 antigen, in immunophenotyping, in pediatric AIDS, 62 343-344 264, 266 Levamisol, in burn therapy, 457 Kidney cancer, interleukin 2 for, 525 Lichenification, in HIV-related atopic J Kidney disease, dermatitis herpetiformis dermatitis, 50 Japan associated with, 347-349 Lichen planus dermatitis herpetiformis in, 375 Klebsiella pneumoniae dermatitis herpetiformis associated linear IgA bullous dermatosis in, 388 ciclopirox against, 473 with, 348, 356 clotrimazole against, 473 Kaposi’s sarcoma resemblance to, 42 K miconazole against, 473 Lidocaine hydrochloride, in pregnancy, 4KB5 antibody, in immunophenotyping, Kwashiorkor, in pediatric AIDS, 62 436, 446 270 Light microscopy Kaposi's sarcoma L of cutaneous foreign bodies, 157-158 bacillary angiomatosis differentiated Laboratory markers, as predictors of of dermatitis herpetiformis, 290-291 from, 76 progression from asymptomatic Linear IgA bullous dermatosis categorization of, 218 HIV-1 infection to AIDS, 1-5 of adults, 383-390 clinical manifestations of B-Lactoglobulin, in dermatitis atypical cases of, 385-386 allograft-associated Kaposi's herpetiformis, 314 autoimmune diseases and, 386 sarcoma, 39 Lambda-carrageenan, in antiretroviral clinical characteristics of, 383-385 classic Kaposi’s sarcoma, 39-40 therapy, 15 circulating anti-basement endemic Kaposi’s sarcoma, 39-41 Laminin monoclonal antibody, in membrane zone antibodies of IgA epidemic Kaposi’s sarcoma, 39, 41 vascular neoplasms, 248 class in, 387 renal transplant-associated Kaposi’s Lamisil, see Terbinafine differential diagnosis of, 384 sarcoma, 39, 41, 62 LAMMA, see Laser microprobe mass genetics of, 388 cytomegalovirus infection and, 82 analysis histopathology of, 386-387 differential diagnosis of, 42 Large plaque parapsoriasis, gene historical review of, 383 etiology and pathogenesis of, 39-40 rearrangement analysis in, 122- immune deposits in, 387 evaluation of, 223-224 123 immunoelectronmicroscopic historical aspects of, 39 Laser microprobe mass analysis studies of, 387-388 HLA-DR5S associated with, 4, 40 (LAMMA), of cutaneous foreign internal malignancies and, 386 idealized immunophenotypes of, 219 bodies, 159, 169 pathogenesis of, 389 laboratory findings in, 41-42 Laser therapy therapy for, 389-390 nodular stage of, 97 for condyloma acuminatum, 91 unclassified cases of, 387-388 patch lesions of, 96 HIV safety precautions and, 34 of childhood pathology of, 42, 95-96 for verrucae vulgaris, 91 childhood cicatricial pemphigoid in pediatric AIDS, 62 LCA, see Leukocyte common antigen relationship to, 398-399 plaque lesions of, 97 Lectins clinical characteristics of, 393-396 prognosis for, 43 in spindle cell tumors, 218-219, 223- frequency as compared with other spindle cell proliferation in, 97 224 bullous diseases of children and staging of, 42 in vascular neoplasms, 244, 246 adults, 393-394 treatment of, 42-43 Leiomyosarcoma histopathology of, 396-397 Kaposi's varicelliform eruption, herpes categorization of, 217-218 historical review of, 393 simplex virus in, 49 differential diagnosis of, 244 immune deposits in, 397-398 Kappa-carrageenan,in antiretroviral evaluation of, 221-224 immunopathology of, 396- therapy, 15 histological appearance of, 223 397 Karaya gum powder, in osmotic idealized immunophenotypes of, 219 pathogenesis of, 399 debridement, 588 Leishmaniasis, diagnosis of, 211-213 therapy for, 399 Keflex, see Cephalexin Leprostatic agents, in iatrogenically Lipoxygenase inhibitors, for HIV- Kefurox, see Cefuroxime acquired skin disease, 161 associated psoriasis, 56 Kefzol, see Cefazolin Leu series antigens, in Lips, herpes simplex virus lesions Keratin, in intraepithelial pagetoid immunophenotyping, 264, 266 of, 80 neoplasm assessment, 258 Leu7 monoclonal antibody, in spindle cell Liquid nitrogen therapy Ketoconazole (Nizoral) tumor evaluation, 218-219, 222- HIV safety precautions and, 34 for coccidiomycosis, 67 223 for molluscum contagiosum, 89 for dermatophyte infections, 65 Leukemia Listeria monocytogenes for mucocutaneous candidiasis, 65 flow cytometry of, 154 ciclopirox against, 473 for paracoccidiomycosis, 67 immunophenotyping of, 266-267 clotrimazole against, 473

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