0021-972X/01/$03.00/0 Vol.86,No.7 TheJournalofClinicalEndocrinology&Metabolism PrintedinU.S.A. Copyright©2001byTheEndocrineSociety CLINICAL REVIEW 130 Addison’s Disease 2001 SVETLANA TEN, MARIA NEW, AND NOEL MACLAREN DepartmentofPediatrics,WeillMedicalCollegeofCornellUniversity,NewYork,NewYork10021 D o w n lo ABSTRACT elucidatingthepathogenesesandunderlyinggeneticsoftheindivid- a d Whereasitisnowmorethan150yrsinceT.Addisonfirstdescribed ualformsofthedisease.Thisreviewemphasizesthemultipleetiol- e d trhemecaliinnsicuanladnerddpiaagthnoolsoegdic,alelafedaintugrteosuonfanderceenssaalrfyaimluorreb(i1d)i,ttyhaenddismeaosre- oagtieosnsaentdatnhdedgeiangdneorstaincdstseupmstmoabreizteaskennewwigthenceotnicsiidnesriagthiotsnitnoathgee from tality.Overthepastdecade,therehavebeenimportantadvancesin disease.(JClinEndocrinolMetab86:2909–2922,2001) h ttp s ://a A c DRENAL INSUFFICIENCY, OR Addison’s disease, ofthenewbornperiod.ThevariousetiologiesofAddison’s a d canpresentasalife-threateningcrises,becauseitis disease can be grouped into three categories: 1) adrenal em frequently unrecognized in its early stages. A relatively dysgenesis; 2) adrenal destruction; and 3) impaired ste- ic .o uncommon disease in Western countries at an estimated roidogenesis (Fig. 1). Congenital adrenal hypoplasia u p prevalence rate near 120 per million (2), a survey of pa- (AHC), mutations of steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1), and .co tients with Addison’s disease who are members of the ACTHunresponsivenesscanallleadtoadrenaldysgenesis/ m/jc National Adrenal Disease Foundation revealed that 60% hypoplasia, albeit the latter usually results in isolated defi- e m hadsoughtmedicalattentionfromtwoormorephysicians ciencyofgluco-corticoids.Autoimmunepolyglandularsyn- /a before the correct diagnosis was ever considered. No fig- drome (APS), adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), adrenal rtic uresareavailableonthenumberofundiagnosedpatients hemorrhage, adrenal metastases, infections, and amyloid- le-a succumbingtoadrenalinsufficiency.Thus,physiciansare osescanallleadtodestructionofadrenalgland.Congenital bs advised to keep a high index of suspicion of adrenal in- adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), mitochondrial disorders, the trac sufficiencyinunexplainedillnesses.Adrenalinsufficiency Smith-Lemli-Opitzsyndrome(SMOS),anenzymedeficiency t/8 6 can present with ill-defined fatigue and weakness. It can in cholesterol metabolism, can all lead to impaired steroi- /7 mimicagastrointestinaldisorderorapsychiatricdisease, /2 dogenesis. The relative frequencies of these different disor- 9 0 especially depression. Adrenal insufficiency may cause 9 dersvariesmarkedlyaccordingtotheageandgenderofthe /2 persistentvomiting,anorexia,hypoglycemia,poorweight 8 patientsattheirclinicalpresentation(Figs.2and3andTable 4 gain in a child, or unexplained weight loss in an adult, 8 2).Atbirth,adrenalhemorrhagefromanoxia/sepsisismost 18 malaise,fatigue,muscularweakness,unexplainedisotonic 3 or hyponatremic dehydration, hyperkalemia, hypoten- common, adrenal insufficiency from CAH usually presents by in neonates, and in older children it often occurs as part of g sion, hypoglycemia and especially generalized hyperpig- u an autoimmune poly-glandular syndrome or APS. In boys, e mentation(Table1).Inourexperience,thedevelopmentof s adrenoleukodystrophy, DAX-1-related disorders are in- t o tiredness with muscular weakness, in particular, can be n creasinglyrecognized,whereasadultshaveincreasinginci- 0 importantcluesastotheunderlyingdiagnosis.The“mud- 8 dences of infectious and metastatic adrenal failures. A dy”hyperpigmentationinAddison’sdiseaseisduetothe p elevationofMSHandACTH,causedbythecompensatory ril 2 activation of hypothalamic-pituitary axis. However, in 01 Adrenaldysgenesis 9 rarecases,adefectofmelanocyteresponsecanresultinthe absence of hyperpigmentation (3). Adrenaldevelopmentandcongenitalhypoplasia.Developmentof adrenal gland depends on multiple interacting genes. Cur- EtiologiesofAddison’sDisease rently an understanding of this complex process is just be- Whereasprimaryadrenalinsufficiencylastcenturywas ginning.Theroleofthenuclearhormonereceptorgenesu- mostcommonlyduetotuberculosis,autoimmunedisease perfamilysuchasSF-1(4),thedosage-sensitivesexreversal- currentlyaccountsformostofthecasespresentingoutside adrenal hypoplasia gene 1 on Xp21 (DAX-1) (5), and the ACTH receptor (melanocortin-2 receptor) gene (6) are now Received January 26, 2001. Revision received March 26, 2001. Ac- known to be important for normal development of adrenal ceptedMarch28,2001. cortex. Mutations in DAX-1, a nuclear hormone receptor Addresscorrespondence and requests for reprints to: Noel K. Ma- gene, are associated with adrenal hypoplasia and hypogo- claren, M.D., Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 1300 York nadism.DAX-1proteinisexpressedinthedevelopinguro- Avenue, Room LC-623, New York, New York 10021. E-mail: [email protected]. genital ridge, ovary, testis, adrenal cortex, hypothalamus, 2909 2910 TENETAL. JCE&M†2001 Vol.86†No.7 TABLE 1. ClinicalfeaturesofAddison’sdisease Symptoms Signs Biochemicalabnormalities Fatigue Posturalhypotension High(supine)plasmareninand/orincreased nighttimeACTHlevels Muscularweakness Weightloss LowACTHstimulatedcortisolresponses Abdominalpain Generalizedpigmentation,darkenedskin Atthetimeofcrisis:normo-orhyponatremia, creases,pigmentedbuccalmucosaandnail hyperkalemia,hypoglycemia beds Vomiting Associatedvitiligoand/orgoiter Eosinophilia Diarrhea Lymphocytosis Saltcraving Behaviorchanges D Headache o Sweating w n Depression lo a Muscleandjointpain d e d fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /jc FIG. 1. EtiologiesofAddison’sdisease. em DAX-1, Dosage-sensitive sex reversal- /a adrenal hypoplasia gene 1; ACTHR, rtic ACTH receptor (melanocortin-2 recep- le tor)gene. -ab s tra c t/8 6 /7 /2 9 0 9 /2 8 4 8 1 8 3 b y g u e s t o andanteriorpituitarygland,sitesinwhichitcolocalizeswith and is essential for development of the adrenal cortex. In n 0 SF-1 (7). contrast,naturalmutationsintherabbitgeneencodingcho- 8 A lesterol SCC precludes the biosynthesis of all endogenous p SF-1 steroidhormonesbutdoesnotinhibittheformationofeither ril 2 0 SF-1,essentialforthedevelopmentoftheadrenalcortex, adrenal glands or gonads (9). These two nuclear receptors 19 gonads, and ventro-medial nucleus of the hypothalamus, (SF-1 and DAX-1) may act as coregulators and be compo- is a product of the fushi tarazu factor-1 (FTZ1-F1) gene, nents of a regulatory cascade required for normal gonadal, mappingto9q33andbelongingtonuclearreceptorsuper- adrenal,andhypothalamusdevelopment.MicelackingSF-1 family 5, group A, member 1 (NR5A1) (8). SF-1 response fail to develop gonads, adrenals, and hypothalamus (10). elements are found in the promoters of the genes for the Recently, a 46 XY male pseudohermaphrodite presented at a-subunitsofthepituitaryglycoproteinhormones,mu¨llerian- birth with primary adrenal insufficiency (11). Normal mu¨l- inhibitingsubstance,andthepromoteroftheDAX-1gene(4). lerian structures were found on ultrasound, and no andro- In addition, SF-1 is a transcription factor that regulates gene genicresponsewaselucidatedafterhumanCGstimulation. expression of the CYP steroid hydroxylases [21-hydroxylase Onhistologyofthegonads,therewerepoorlydifferentiated (21-OH), the aldosterone synthase isoenzyme of steroid tubules and connective tissue streaks. Within the FTZ1-f1- 11-b-hydroxylase], cholesterol side-chain cleavage (SCC) gene, a 2-bp mutation was identified in exon 3, which en- enzyme CYP11A, 3-b-hydrosteroid dehydrogenase, aro- codes part of the DNA-binding domain of SF-1 (11). The matase, and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) patientdemonstratedthecriticalroleofSF-1inadrenaland CLINICALREVIEW 2911 D o w n lo a d e bFoIGy.s.2A./RC,auAsuetsosoofmAadld-riesocens’ssidvies.easein d fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /jc e m /a rtic le -a b s tra c malegonadaldifferentiation.Another46XXfemalepatient later in life, isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, t/8 6 whopresentedat14monthswithadrenalinsufficiencywith adrenal insufficiency and hypogonadotropic hypogonad- /7 /2 normal sized uterus and ovaries, and normal LH and FSH ism,delayed-onsetadrenalinsufficiencyfrom2–9yrofage 9 0 levels,hadaheterozygousmutationinSF-1gene,indicating with incomplete hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, and 9/2 that SF-1 is probably not necessary for normal female go- delayedpubertyinfemalesallmayresult.Cryptorchidism 84 8 nadaldevelopment,althoughithasacrucialroleinadrenal mayalsooccur.Initiallossofmineralocorticoidfunctions 1 8 formation in both sexes (12). withpreservedcortisolresponsesandatransientrecovery 3 b periodispossible.Hypogonadismresultsfromcombined y g AHC hypothalamic, pituitary, and Sertoli cell defects (15). ue s AHC,ararefamilialconditioninwhichtheadrenalcorticies DAX-1functionmayberequiredforspermatogenesis,in- t o n havearresteddevelopment,occursinabout1of12,500births dependent of its actions in the hypothalamus and pitu- 0 8 (13).Thedisordercanpresentasfourclinicalformsofprimary itary. To complicate the issue, an active hypothalamic- A aitdarryenhaylpinospulfafsiciaien(1c4y):;12))aasnpaouratodsicomfoarlmreacsessosciivaetefdorwmithwpitihtua- pfiirtsutiytaerayr-sgoofnlaifdeahlaasxibsedeunrrienpgofritresdtminosnitxhasfofefcltifeedacnhdiledvreenn pril 20 distinctminiatureadultadrenalmorphology,characterizedby (17–20), with prolonged activation of the axis, and even 19 smallglandswithapermanentcorticalzonebutadiminished twocaseswithearlycentralprecociouspubertyseen.Un- fetal zone. The genetic basis of the recessive form of AHC is expectedly,patientswithAHChaveadequatefunctionsto unknown(14);3)anX-linkedcytomegalicformassociatedwith support the mini-puberty of infancy but cannot support hypogonadotropichypogonadism(15);and4)anX-linkedform normal adolescent puberty, revealing a loss of function associatedwithglycerolkinasedeficiency(16). over time or else different mechanisms for the mini-pu- TheX-linkedcytomegalicformassociatedwithhypogo- berty of infancy from that of adolescent puberty (17, 18). nadotropic hypogonadism results from mutations of a AdelayedpubertyinfemalesheterozygousfortheDAX-1 DAX-1gene.Thesecretionofotherpituitaryhormonesis gene mutation has been reported, as has an isolated hy- not impaired. Whereas presentation of adrenal insuffi- pogonadotropic hypogonadism in a female due to ho- ciency is from birth, there is great variability of presen- mozygous DAX-1 mutation (21). Some females who are tations.Phenotypically,AHCcanpresentinseveralforms shownnottobecarriersforDAX-1mutationsmaystillbe thatdonotcorrelatewithgenotype.Thus,isolatedadrenal atpotentialriskofhavingaffectedsonsbecauseofgonadal insufficiency in infancy, isolated adrenal insufficiency mosaicism. 2912 TENETAL. JCE&M†2001 Vol.86†No.7 D o w n lo a d FIG. 3. CausesofAddison’sdiseasein ed girls. fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /jc e m /a rtic le -a b s tra c Adrenalhypoplasiaaspartofcontiguousgene androgensecretionsaredeficientandunresponsivetoACTH t/8 deletionsyndrome stimulation. The disease usually manifests within the first 6/7 year of life but may present in infancy or later childhood. /2 AnX-linkedformofadrenalinsufficiency,associatedwith 9 grelytacredraotlioknin,amseudsceufilcairendcyystirsocphhayr,accthearriazcetderbisytipcsfyacchieosmwotiothr Icneapctotirva(mtineglanmouctoarttiionn-2s orefctehpetoGr)parroetefionu-cnodupinle4d0%ACoTfHFGreD- 09/28 4 hyperthelorism, alternating strabismus, and drooping kindreds (FGD type-1), however, no such mutations are 81 8 mouth.Additionalphenotypicfeaturescanincludetesticular identifiableintheremaining60%ofcases(FGDtype-2).FGD 3 b abnormalities (anorchia or cryptorchidism), short stature, type-1 mutations result in a failure of adrenocortical orga- y g andosteoporosis.Timeofpresentationcanvaryfrombirth nization with absent zona fasciculatae and reticularae. Al- u e through childhood. About 100 patients from 78 unrelated dosteronesecretionisnormaloronlypartiallydeficient,and st o familieshavebeenreported,andallbut1patientweremale. respondstoposturalstimuliandvolumedepletion.Pheno- n 0 ThegeneticlocuswasmappedtoXp21andvariantsofcon- typically FGD type-1 patients are significantly taller than 8 A tiguousgenedeletionsyndrome(glycerolkinasedeficiency, type-2 patients (6). p Duchennemusculardystrophy,ornithinetranscarbamylase Allgrove’ssyndrome(tripleA)ischaracterizedbythetriad ril 2 0 deficiency, and mental retardation) can be seen. The gene ofACTHresistance,achalasia,andalacrimia.Presentinginthe 1 9 order has been determined from the centomere is -OTC- firstdecadeoflife,itisfrequentlyassociatedwithprogressive DMD-GK-DAX-1-DSS, whereas patients with contiguous neurologicaldysfunction,polyneuropathy,deafness,mentalre- gene deletion syndrome have features of each of the indi- tardation, and hyperkeratosis of palms and soles. Mineralo- vidual genes involved (Fig. 4). All patients have loss of the corticoid deficiency develops in about 15% of cases. It is an GKlocustogetherwithoneormorecloselyflankinggenes, autosomalrecessivedisordermappingto12q13,butthegene mostfrequentlyAHCandDMD.Largerdeletions,extending has yet to be identified. No ACTH receptor mutations have to include the ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency have beenfoundinAllgrove’ssyndrome(6). been also described (16). Familialglucocorticoiddeficiency(FGD) Adrenaldestruction CorticotropinresistancesyndromeorFGDcanpresentas Autoimmune Addison’s disease. Autoimmune Addison’s dis- anFGDorasAllgrove’ssyndrome(tripleAsyndrome).FGD easeisamajorpartoftype-1and-2APS(APS-1andAPS-2). isarareautosomalrecessivedisorderinwhichcortisoland The definition of the type of APS is clinically important in CLINICALREVIEW 2913 s Otherlaboratoryfeature ACA,21-OHA,SCA1 ACA,21-OHA,SCA1 Pseudotriglyceridemia,elevatedglycerolintheserum,urineDHEAS,hypoglycemia2 HypoglycemiaVLCFA1 Lactate1 High7-dehydrocholesterol/cholesterolratio s n e ndrog 2 2 2 22 Nl Nl2 2 2 Dow A n lo a Mineralo-orticords 2 2 2 22 Nl in15%22 2 2 ded from c h s ttp Gluco-rticord 2 2 2 22 2 22 2 2 s://aca co de m Clinicalfeatures AdrenalinsufficiencywithhypoparathyroidismandmucocutaneuscandidiasisAdrenalinsufficiencywithIDMandautoimmunethyroiditisInboysmalepseudohermaphroditism,butnormalgonadsdevelopmentingirlsHypogonadism,nopubertyHypertheloricappearance,withwide-seteyes,alternatingstrabismusandadroopingmouthAbsenceofmineralocorticoiddeficiency,tallstature,lackofadrenarcheAchalasia,alacrimia,adrenalinsufficiencyProgressivebehavioralandneurologicaldeficitsLacticacidosis,myopathy,cataracts,shortstature,sensorineuralhearingloss,metaphysealdysplasiaAmbiguityofmaleexternalgenitalia,failureofmasculinization,polydactyly,2/3toesyndactyly,photosensitivity,mentalretardation DHCR7,sterol-7-reductasegene. ic.oup.com/jcem/article-abstract/86/7/2909 Chromosomallocation 21q22 6p212q339q33 Xp21GenomicdeletionbetweenXp21.3–p21.218p11 21q13Xq28 mtDNA 11q12–q13 ochondrialDNA;D /2848183 by guest o alinsufficiency Defectivegene AIRE-1gene HLACTLA-4SF-1 DAX-1DAX-GK-DMD ACTHRgene UnknownALDP mtDNA Steroldelta-7-reductasegene(DHCR7) ase;mtDNA,mit n 08 April 2019 n e e s ologyofadr Incidence 1:9,000–25,000 1:20,000 Rare 1:12,500Rare Rare Rare1:20,000 Rare 1:20,000to30,000 Addison’sdi TABLE2.Geneticeti Disease APS1 APS2andisolatedAAD SF-1 CAHContiguousgenedeletionsyndrome FGD1 TripleAsyndromeALD Mitochondrialadrenalinsufficiency SLOS AAD,Autoimmune 2914 TENETAL. JCE&M†2001 Vol.86†No.7 D o FIG. 4. Contiguous gene deletion syn- wn drome.DAX-1,Dosage-sensitivesexre- lo a versal-adrenalhypoplasiagene1;GKD, d e glycerol-kinasedeficiency;DMD/BMD, d Duchenne/Beckermusculardystrophy; fro Il1RAPL-1, gene for interleukin 1 re- m cbeapmtoorylfaasmeildye;fOicTieCnDcy,.ornitinetranscar- https ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /jc e m /a rtic le -a b s tra predicting the potential occurrence of the other associated gastritis/pernicious anemia, vitiligo, and/or IMD, but not ct/8 diseases both in patients and family members. Addison’s disease (25). APS-2/3 have strong female biases 6 /7 APS-1 is defined by the presence of three principle com- andcanoccuratanyage,butwithadultpeakonsetsofabout /2 9 ponents of the disease: chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis 30yr.Whereastheorderofappearanceoftheclinicalcom- 0 9 or moniliasis, acquired hypoparathyroidism, and autoim- ponents of the disease can vary, the multiple prodromal /2 8 mune [adrenal autoantibody (AA) positive] Addison’s dis- autoimmunitiesareoftenongoingsimultaneously.Autoim- 4 8 1 ease, albeit chronic active hepatitis, malabsorption/chronic muneAddison’sdiseasecandevelopslowlyovermanyyears 8 3 diarrheaandalopeciauniversalisarecommonwhilegirlsare beforesymptomsappear,makingscreeningofpatientswith b y invariablyhypogonadalbypuberty.APS-1affectsmalesand IMDandautoimmunethyroiditisforAAsvaluableforearly g u females equally and often first manifests during infancy or identificationofthedisease.Some1in200–300patientswith e s earlychildhood.APS-1isararerecessivediseasethathasthe IMDwilldevelopantibody-positiveAddison’sdisease.Au- t o n highest incidences in genetically isolated populations, such toantibodiesto21-OHoccurin2%ofpatientswithIMDand 0 8 as Iranian Jews (1 in 600–9,000; Ref. 22), Finns (1 in 25,000; 3%ofpatientswithGrave’sdisease(26).Celiacdisease,pri- A p Rabelfe..2C3)h,raonndicSamrduicnoicauntsa(n2e4o)u,wschaenredifdoiuansdisecraeuffseecdtsbayrethperoinb-- mniaargyrhavyipsoignofrneaqduisemnt,lychorcocnuicrainctAivPeSh-e2p.atitis,andmyasthe- ril 20 1 fectionofCandidaalbicansisusuallytheinitialfeature,almost The presence of circulating autoantibodies to endocrine 9 alwaysinvolvingthemouth,andlaterthenails.Hypopara- antigensisaserologiccharacteristicofAddison’sdiseaseand thyroidism usually occurs next, but hypocalcemia can be other components of the APS (Table 3). masked by untreated Addison’s disease and only become After the appearance of antibodies to the adrenal cortex declaredbysteroidreplacementtherapy(25).Juvenileonset and/or to 21-hydroxylase (21-OHA), the first evidence of perniciousanemia,vitiligo,anteriorhypophysitis,celiacdis- adrenal insufficiency is usually an increase in PRA after ease, and myositis can be additional features, with less fre- patientshavebeenrecumbentformorethan0.5h.Theraised quent immune-mediated (type-1) diabetes (IMD), thyroid reninlevelisduetoafailingzonaglomerulosawithsaltloss, autoimmunity,andectodermaldysplasias,especiallyamong withlow-normalorlowplasmaaldosteroneconcentrations affected Finns. (27). Zona fasciculata dysfunction can become evident APS-2 is defined by autoimmune Addison’s disease to- monthstoyearslater,firstbyraisedafternoonserumACTH gether with autoimmune thyroid disease (Schmidt’s syn- levels, then by decreasing serum cortisol responses to drome) and/or IMD (Carpenter’s syndrome). APS-3 is au- (ACTH)stimulation,andfinallybydecreasingbasalserum toimmune thyroid disease in association with atrophic cortisol concentrations and the appearance of symptoms CLINICALREVIEW 2915 TABLE 3. Circulatingantibodiestoendocrineantigensinautoimmunepolyglandularsyndromes Autoantigen Tissue/cells Reference Addison’sdisease 21-OH,P450scc Enzymesoftheadrenalcortex 27 17-OH 28 Hypogonadism,prematuremenopause CYP450scc Ovary:granulosa/thecacells 29 17-OH Testis:Leydigcells Placenta:syncytiotrophoblasts Hashimoto’sthyroiditis/hypothyroidism Thyroidperoxidase Thyroidenzyme 30 Thyroglobulin Thyroidsecretedprotein 31 TSHr(blocking) Thyrocytes Thyrocytesandextraocularfatcells Graves’ TSHr(stimulating) D Hypoparathyroidism Calciumsensingreceptor Parathyroid/?othertissues 32 o IMD GAD 38KDa Pancreaticbcells 33 w 65 n IA-2,IA2b 34,35 lo a Insulin d e L-aminoaciddecarboxylase d NoteantibodyisseenasanICAbut fro isnotassociatedwithdiabetesin m Vitiligo TyAroPsSin-1ase Melanocyte 36 https PAelorpneicciioauasraenateamia HTy1r,oKs1inAeThPydasroexylase SGcaasltpriccepllasrietalcells 3378,39 ://ac a Achlorhydria Intrinsicfactor Gastricmucosaandchiefcells d e Chronichepatitisactive P450D6,2C9 Hepatocytes 40,41 m P4501A2 42,43 ic.o Celiacdisease Antigliadin Smallintestine 44 u p Antiendomysial 45 .c Transglutaminase 46 om Malabsorption Tryptophanhydroxylase Intestinechromaffincells 47 /jc e m /a rtic le -a b s tra c t/8 6 /7 /2 9 0 9 FIG. 5. Natural history of Addison’s /2 8 disease. ACA, Adrenal cell antibody; 4 8 P450SCC,sidechaincleavageenzyme. 1 8 3 b y g u e s t o n 0 8 A p ril 2 0 1 9 (Fig.5).Thus,theseautoantibodiesareusefulmarkersforthe gonadalfailurehavepositive17-OHandSCCantibodiesand predictionofthedevelopmentofAddison’sdisease,partic- APS-1. ularlysoforchildren(28).Therearetwotypesofantibodies Cell-mediated immune processes are important autoim- detectedbymicroscopicimmunofluorescence:AAsreacting muneadrenalinsufficiency.Lymphocyticinfiltrationsofthe with only the adrenal cortex and steroidal cell antibodies adrenalglandsareassociatedwithfollicleformationandloss (SCAs) that react with all steroid hormone-producing cells. ofadrenocorticalcellswithscarring.Thecellulardefectinthe OneautoantigenisinvolvedinreactionsofAAistheprotein APSmaybeassociatedwithabnormalbalancesincytokine ofP45021-OHenzyme,withepitopesinthecentralsegment productionbyTcells.ThesubgroupsofThelper(Th)cells— of the enzyme and the C-terminal portion (29, 30). Compo- Th1andTh2,naturalkillercells(NK-T)—produceadifferent nentantigensforSCAhavebeenrecognizedtobeotherP450 profileofcytokines.Th1cellssecreteinterferon-g,interleukin enzymes, 17-a-hydroxylase (17-OH) (31) and SCC enzyme 2, and tumor necrosis factor a, whereas Th2 cells secrete (32). Almost all patients with both Addison’s disease and interleukins 4, 5, and 10. A polarized Th2 response is asso- 2916 TENETAL. JCE&M†2001 Vol.86†No.7 ciatedwithGraves’disease,andTh1withIMD.APS-1result ALD frombiasedTh2immuneresponsestoself-antigensandde- Defective b-oxidation of very long chain fatty acids fectiveprotectiveTh1responsesagainstinvasionofyeastC. (VLCFAs; chain length of 24 carbons and above) in ALD albicans (26). results in adrenal insufficiency and a progressive demye- A major advance in understanding the genetic suscep- linationwithinthecentralnervoussystem.ALDaffects1in tibility of the APS was made evident when the gene 20,000males.WhereasVLCFAlevelsinplasmaarealready responsible for APS-1 was independently isolated and increasedatbirthinaffectedsiblings,ALDdoesnotusually described as the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) (33, 34). presentclinicallybefore3yrofage(37).TheresponsibleALD The AIRE gene consists of 14 exons spanning 11.9 kb of genemappingtoXq28,encodestheperoxisomalmembrane genomic DNA, which maps to the long arm of chromo- adrenoleukodystrophy protein (ALDP) that belongs to the some 21 (21q22.3). The AIRE gene is expressed as mes- ATP-bindingcassettesuperfamilyoftransporters.ALDPim- D senger RNA (mRNA) in thymus, lymph nodes, pancreas, portsactivatedacyl-CoAderivatives(VLCFA-CoA)intoper- ow adrenal cortex, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. oxisomeswheretheyareshortenedthroughtheb-oxidation nlo a The AIRE protein contains two zinc finger (PHD-finger) pathway (Fig. 6). Curiously, ALD knockout mice do not d e adnifdfetrhenretepLroXtXeiLnLs mwiotthifsnuthclaetafrarceilcietaptteortsh,eainndtearapctrioolninoef- dreelvaetelodppdreomteyinelrinedatuionnd,apnrcoybianbltyhebiercbaurasientshweyhheanvceoamnpAaLrDed- d from rich region typical of a nuclear transcription factor. More with humans, which allow for other ATP-binding cassette h than 20 different mutations in the AIRE gene have been transporters to compensate for the ALDP defect (38). Phe- ttps detected in APS-1 patients with various ethnic back- notypesinmalepatientsrangefromtherapidlyprogressive ://a c grounds. R257X (exon 6) is the dominant mutation for thechildhoodform,affectingboysbetween5–12yr(40%of ad e Finnish and North Italian patients, whereas 1094del13 ALD),tomilderformsofadreno-myeloneuropathy(30%of m (exon8)isadominantmutationforBritishandAmerican ALD) or isolated adrenal insufficiency (15% of ALD) (37). ic.o CaucasiansandR139X(exon3)isthedominantmutation The well described albeit rare Sertoli-cell-only syndrome up in Sardinian patients with APS-1. There are no clear cor- results from accumulation of VLCFA in Leydig cells of the .co m relations between the mutations in the AIRE gene and testes,andpresentswithdiminishedlibido,impotenceand /jc APS-1 phenotypes reported. However, patients with the infertility. More then one clinical expression can appear em snaemntesAoIfRtEhemduitsaetaiosensooftfetnhperAesPeSn-t1w, situhgdgeifsfteirnegntrocloemspfoor- wbeittwhienenasginengoletyppeediagnrdeepahnedntohtyerpee,areevnenocwleiathricnortrheelastaiomnes /article environmental factors and background (epistatic) genes. kindred(37).Inpatientswithisolatedadrenalinsufficiency, -a b clinicalneurologicalmanifestationsmayappearyearslater. s T(ChTeLgAen-4e)epnlacyosdianngimthpeocryttaonttorxoicleTinlytmhepdhoowcynte-reagnutilgaetino-n4 Dmiaalgensowstiitchalalyd,repnlaaslminasVufLfiCciFeAnscytebstustsnhooualddrebneadloanuetoiannatil-l tract/8 of T-cell activity whereas CTLA-4 polymorphisms have 6 bodies (28). /7 been associated with Addison’s disease (35). The future /2 Some1–3%ofwomenwhoareheterozygouscarriersof 9 researchdirectionswillbeinvestigationoftheroleofAIRE 0 protein in maintaining normal self-tolerance. It may be the disorder have been reported to develop neurological 9/2 disability,whereas1–1.5%eventuallydevelopadrenalin- 84 that the AIRE gene is involved in negative selection of 8 sufficiency (37). Other of these women develop isolated 1 self-reactive T-cell clones in the thymus and thereby in 8 mfuanicnttiaoinnsi,nagresceelsf-stiovleermaunctaet.ioWnhoafttehveeArIiRtsEgimenmeuinneovloitgaibclayl mgexluiancgeogrceaorloratctieocdortiidsceorriuedsmeinrvAseuCsf,fTicHloiewnrecsysep,rosunumsbecscliontroitciasColRldHleec.vrPeelarses,ensaantiadnl 3 by gue results in widespread autoimmunities. s diagnosis of ALD is possible using determinations of t o Inourexperiencehowever,theAIREgeneisnotinvolvedin n VLCFA in cultured cultured villus sampling cells and/or 0 patients with isolated Addison’s disease or APS-2, whereas 8 amnioiticfluidorbyassayofALDPbyimmunoblottingor A onbeiltihgaetrotrhyehaeutetoraonzytigbootdeiepsarneonrtsthoefccohmildproennewntitdhiAsePaSse-1sdoifstphleaiyr iamndmmunaoteflrunoarlelsecueknocecyotresby(3D9)N. Aanalysesofthefetalcells pril 2 0 offspring.WhereasAPS-1isnotinfluencedbyHLAphenotype, 1 Lorenzo’s oil, a 4:1 mixture of glyceryl-troleate and 9 APS-2/3pedigreesbycontrastexpressanautosomaldominant- glyceryl-trierucate,hasshownlittletherapeuticbenefit(37). like pattern of inheritance with an incomplete penentrance, Preliminarydatasuggestthatlovastatin,ahydroxy-methyl- strongly influenced by HLA-DR/DQ phenotype. Thus, glutaryl coenzyme A CoA reductase inhibitor, and feno- IMD and islet cell autoimmunity is related to the fibratecanleadtooverexpressionofadrenoleukodystrophy- DRB1*0401or0405/DQA1*0301/DQB1*0302andDRB1*03/ relatedprotein(ALDRP),butthesetherapiesarecontroversial DQA1*0501/DQB1*0201 haplotypes whereas DRB1*0403, (40,41).Bonemarrowtransplantationshavebeenperformedon DRB1*0406 and DQB1*0602 are dominantly protective. more than 90 ALD patients with clinical benefits reported if Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is associated with DQB1*0301 doneatanearlystageofthedisease(42).Genetherapyhasbeen while Graves disease is associated with DRB3*0201 and attemptedtocorrectthedefectinVLCFAbytargetingexpres- DRB1*07 is protective (36). Addison’s disease in the con- sionoftheALDgeneto hematopoietic stem cells (CD341) textofAPS-2isassociatedwithDR3haplotypes,whereas (43).PharmacologicalinductionofALDRPbybutyricacid in unpublished studies of our own vitiligo seemed to be analogs, such as 4-phenylbutyrate should be evaluated, associatedwithDRB1*1301,albeitthisneedsconfirmation. becauseinaninitialreport4-phenylbutyratetreatmentof CLINICALREVIEW 2917 FIG. 6. RoleofALDPinb-oxidationof VLCFA.PMP70,Moredistantlyrelated Do ALDRP. w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c fibroblasts from patients with X-linked adreno-leukodys- diagnosed at birth. Males, however, often go undiagnosed o m trophyincreasedtheexpressionofALDRP,improvedox- untiltheypresentwithasalt-wastingcrisesoften2–3weeks /jc idation of VLCFAs, and reduced VLCFA levels (44). afterbirth.Deficiencyof3b-hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase em deficiency or P450cc enzyme also can present with adrenal /a InfectiousAddison’sdisease: insufficiencyinneonatalperiod,withaffectedboyspresent- rtic le Infectious forms of the disease are relatively rare in the ingwithambiguousgenitaliaorasphenotypicallyfemales. -ab CAH due to defects in aldosterone synthetase leading to s UtunbietrecdulSotsaitsesis, hthoewmevoesrt,cionmdmevoenlocpaiunsge.nTahtiuons,sinsuaclhliansstIanndcieas, iusaollaatmedbiagludiotyste(Troanbeled4e,faicdiaepntceydafrreomnoPt.aCss.oWciahtietedawnidthP.seWx-. tract/8 ofunexplainedAddison’sdisease,apurifiedproteinderivative 6 Speiser, 2000). Prenatal diagnosis by direct mutation detec- /7 (of tuberculosis) skin test should be carried out. However, in /2 tionpermitsprenataltreatmentofaffectedfemalesbydexa- 9 India and other countries the test is not informative because 0 bacillecalmetteguieriniswidelygivenatbirth,whilecontacts methasonetominimizegenitalvirilization,whengivenbe- 9/2 withinfectedpersonsmaygivepositivetestsevenwhenactive fore the seventh to eighth week of gestation (50). 848 1 diseaseisquiescent.AIDSpatientsmayhavedecreasedadrenal 8 Congenitallipoidadrenalhyperplasia(lipoidCAH) 3 reserve and are increasingly prone to have tuberculosis (45). b y Fungal diseases such as histoplasmosis and coccidio-mycosis LipoidCAHisthemostsevereformofCAH,involving g u areuncommonadditionalcauses(46,47). deficiencies of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and es sex steroids. Lipoid CAH is caused by mutation in the t o n Adrenalhemorrhage StARgenethatmapsto8p11.Affectedindividualsareall 0 8 phenotypically female regardless of karyotype. The LH- A naIlngmlaenndisngmoacyocccaolmspeplitciacteemtihaes,chleinmicoarlrhpaigcteuirnetoletahdeinagdrteo- dacetpiveintdy,eennthSatAncRinpgrochteoilnesstteimroulltaratensspcyotrotcfhrorommtehePo45u0teSrCtCo pril 2 0 circulatory collapse (Waterhouse-Freiderickson syndrome). 1 theinnermitochondrialmembranes.Thetwo-hitmodelof 9 Pseudomonas auregenosa may also be associated with ad- lipoid CAH results from low initial levels of StAR- renal hemorrhage (48). Asplenia is associated with higher independentsteroidogenesis,leadingtoacompletelossof frequencyofadrenalhemorrhageincaseofsepticemia.Sep- steroid hormones due to cellular destruction by accumu- ticshockinnewborns,especiallyinthosewhoaresmallfor lated lipids. This explains the presence of androgen- dates, may result in adrenal hemorrhage with rhabdomy- dependent Wolffian duct remnants in 46,XY fetuses and elysis and renal insufficiency. The antiphospholipid syn- thedelayedonsetofmineralocorticoiddeficiencyinmany drome is also associated with adrenal hemorrhage (49). patients. The two-hit model also correctly predicted that affected 46,XX patintes would undergo spontaeous pu- Impairedsteroidogenesis berty, as seen in StAR knockout mice (51). CAH. CAH due to 21-OH deficiency is the most common MitochondrialformsofAddison’sdisease causeofsalt-wastingadrenalcrisisinthefirst2weeksoflife, withanincidenceof1in10,000–18,000livebirths.Affected Adrenalinsufficiencycanresultfromamitochondrialdis- femaleshaveambiguous,virilizedgenitaliaandareusually orders, characterized by chronic lactic acidosis, myopathy, 2918 TENETAL. JCE&M†2001 Vol.86†No.7 Electrolytesduringcrises Na2K11AcidosisNa2K11AcidosisNa1K26AlcolosisNa1K26AlcolosisNa1K2Acidosis Na1K26Alcolosis daptedfrom a Elevatedmetabolities 17-OHP1 D5DHEA,17Preg DOC,11-deoxycortisol DOC,corticosterone none 6Corticosterone,18-hydroxycorticosterone Nl,normal.Thetableis Downlo Androgens 1 ingirls1inboys2 1 2 2 Nl pregnenolone; aded from http y s Mineral-corticoids 2 2 1 1 2 2 D517--hydrox ://academic.ou eg. p.c r o P m Gluco-corticoids 2 2 2 Nl 2 Nl D5rone;17 /jcem/artic Characteristicfeature Ambiguousgenitaliaingirls,precociouspubertyinboysAmbiguousgenitaliainboys,mildingirls Ambiguousgenitaliaingirls,elevatedBP Ambiguousgenitaliainboys,nopubertyingirls,elevatedBPAllaffectedpatientsarephenotypicallyfemale.46XXfemalecanundergonormalpuberty,withthedevelopmentofhypogonadismlaterFailuretothrive,salt-wasting DHEA,dehydroepiandroeste le-abstract/86/7/2909/2848183 e; b AH Chromosomallocation 6p21.3 1p13.1 8q24.3 10q24.3 8p11.2 8q24.3 orticosteron y guest on 0 tformsofC Genedefect CYP21 HSD3B2 bCYP111 CYP17 StAR bCYP112 DOC,deoxyc 8 April 2019 n ofdiffere ncidence 10,000–18,000 are 100,000 are are are esterone; TABLE4.Characteristics DiseaseI CAH21-hydroxylase1:deficiency bCAH3-hydroxysteroidRdehydrogenasedeficiencybCAH11-hydroxylase1:deficiency aCAH17-hydroxylaseRdeficiency CongenitallipoidRadrenalhyperplasia AldosteronesynthaseRdeficiency 17-OHP,17-HydroxyprogWhiteetal.(2000).