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LINICAL HARMACOLOGY & "THERAPEUTICS EDITOR Charles Flexner, MD C. Michael Stein, MD Marilynn C. Frederiksen, MD Kathleen Giacomini, PhD EDITOR EMERITUS Jean Gray, MD, FRCP(C) Marcus M. Reidenberg, MD Perry V. Halushka, MD, PhD Thomas K. Henthorn, MD FOUNDING EDITOR Linda A. Hershey, MD, PhD Peter H. Hinderling, MD Walter Modell, MD (Deceased) Takashi Ishizaki, MD Patrice Jaillon, MD ASSOCIATE EDITORS William J. Jusko, PhD Arthur J. Atkinson, Jr, MD Shigeru Kageyama, MD, PhD Richard B. Kim, MD Helen Kastrissios, PhD David W. Nierenberg, MD Joan M. Korth-Bradley, PharmD, PhD Grant R. Wilkinson, PhD Juan J. L. Lertora, MD, PhD Lionel D. Lewis, MB, BCh, MD EDITORIAL BOARD David T. Lowenthal, MD, PhD Darrell R. Abernethy, MD, PhD Carl V. Manion, MD Adedayo Adedoyin, PhD Michael C. Orme, MB, BS Matthew M. Ames, PhD Russell K. Portenoy, MD Fred Y. Aoki, MD William Z. Potter, MD, PhD Glen Apseloft, MD Mark J. Ratain, MD Larry A. Bauer, PharmD Mary V. Relling, PharmD Leif Bertilsson, PhD Janice B. Schwartz, MD Terrence F. Blaschke, MD Edward M. Sellers, MD, PhD, FRCP(C) R. A. Branch, MD Steven L. Shafer, MD Eric P. Brass, MD, PhD Lewis B. Sheiner, MD D. Craig Brater, MD Alexander M. M. Shepherd, MD, PhD Alastair Breckenridge, MSc, MD Sang-Goo Shin, MD, PhD Douwe D. Breimer, PhD Daniel S. Sitar, PhD Michael E. Brier, PhD Folke Sjéqvist, MD, PhD James F. Burris, MD Donald R. Stanski, MD S. George Carruthers, MD, FRCPC Arnold B. Sterman, MD Dennis J. Chapron, RPh, MS John T. Sullivan, MB, ChB, FRACP David M. Cocchetto, PhD Robert Temple, MD C. Lindsay DeVane, PharmD Andre Terzic, MD, PhD Colin Dollery, MB, ChB, BSc Timothy S. Tracy, PhD Margaret S. Dordal, MD, PhD Elliot S. Vesell, MD Akio Ebihara, MD Robert E. Vestal, MD David J. Edwards, PharmD John B. Warren, MD, FRCP Merrill J. Egorin, MD William B. White, MD Thomas Eissenberg, PhD John T. Wilson, MD William E. Evans, PharmD Alastair J. J. Wood, MB, ChB Ross D. Feldman, MD Raymond L. Woosley, MD, PhD VOLUME 74, JULY-DECEMBER 2003 MOSBY, INC, ST LOUIS LINICAL HARMACOLOGY é THERAPEUTICS Official Publication of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics EDITORIAL COMMITTEE FOR THE JOURNAL D. Craig Brater, MD, Indianapolis, Ind (ASCPT) Alastair J. J. Wood, MD, Nashville, Tenn (ASCPT) Scott A. Waldman, MD, PhD, Philadelphia, Pa (ASCPT) Perry V. Halushka, MD, PhD, Charleston, SC (ASPET) Darrell R. Abernethy, MD, PhD, Baltimore, Md (ASPET) Gregory L. Kearns, PharmD, Kansas City, Mo (ASCPT) Barbara A. Levey, MD, FACP, Los Angeles, Calif (ASCPT) John J. Schrogie, MD, King of Prussia, Pa (ASCPT) Andre Terzic, MD, PhD, Rochester, Minn (ASCPT) OFFICERS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS President: Gregory L. Kearns, PharmD, PhD, Kansas City, Mo President-Elect: Andre Terzic, MD, PhD, Rochester, Minn Secretary-Treasurer: John J. Schrogie, MD, King of Prussia, Pa Chair, Editorial Committee: D. Craig Brater, MD, Indianapolis, Ind Executive Director: Sharon J. Swan, CAE, Alexandria, Va MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS President: Paul F. Hollenberg, PhD, Ann Arbor, Mich President-Elect: David B. Bylund, PhD, Omaha, Neb Secretary-Treasurer: James E. Barrett, PhD, Montvale, NJ Chair, Board of Publications Trustees: Brian M. Cox, PhD, Bethesda, Md Executive Officer: Christine K. Carrico, PhD, Bethesda, Md Volume 74 Copyright © 2003 by the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Author index* A Bruguerolle B (see Simon et al). 2003;74:353-63 Abdel-Rahman SM (see Kearns et al). 2003;74:413-22 Brune K (see Hinz et al). 2003;74:222-35 Adigun AQ (see Hall et al). 2003;74:525-35 Brune K (see Werner et al). 2003;74:130- Affolter JT, McKee SP, Helmy A, Jones CR, Newby DE, Webb DJ. Intra- Bruss JB (see Kearns et al). 2003;74:413-22 arterial vasopressin in the human forearm: pharmacodynamics and the role Biihrmann S (see Mitchell et al). 2003;74:499-504 of nitric oxide. 2003;74:9-16 Burian M, Tegeder I, Seegel M, Geisslinger G. Peripheral and central antihy- Albanese J (see Simon et al). 2003;74:353-63 peralgesic effects of diclofenac in a model of human inflammatory pain Alfaro V. Good Publication Practice guidelines for clinical trials? 2003;74:97-8 2003:74:113-20 (Letter) Ambrosius WT (see Gorski et al). 2003;74:275-8 Cc Antikainen M (see Hedman et al). 2003;74:178-85 Appel K (see Fiebich and Appel). 2003;74:96 (Letter) Carr DB (see Cepeda et al). 2003;74:102-12 Apseloff G. Severe neutropenia among healthy volunteers given rifabutin in Cassol S (see Chelule et al). 2003;74:195-6 (Letter) clinical trials. 2003;74:591-2 (Letter) Cater NB (see Vega et al). 2003;74:236-44 Arvis P (see Simon et al). 2003;74:353-63 Cepeda MS, Farrar JT, Baumgarten M, Boston R, Carr DB, Strom BL. Side Ashton M (see Simonsson et al). 2003;74:32-43 etfects of opioids during short-term administration: effect of age, gender Auge D (see Hinz et al). 2003;74:222-35 and race. 2003;74:102-12 Aweeka FT (see Soy et al). 2003;74:569-80 Chainuvati S, Nafziger AN, Leeder JS, Gaedigk A, Kearns GL, Sellers E, Zhang Y, Kashuba ADM, Rowland E, Bertino JS Jr. Combined phenotypic B assessment of cytochrome P450 1A2, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, and 3A, N-acetyltransferase-2, and xanthine oxidase activities with the “Coopers- BBaacckkmmaann JJTT ((sseeee NNiieemmii eett aall)).. 2* 0200033;;7744::2358-03-17 town 5+1 cocktail”. 2003;74:437-47 Chavin KD (see Markowitz et al). 2003;74:170-7 Baker SD (see Loos et al). 2003;3 74:364-71 Chavin KD (see Markowitz et al). 2003;74:536-42 Baker SD (see ten Tije et al). 2003;74:509-10 (Letter) Chelule PK, Gordon M, Palanee T, Page T, Mosam A, Coovadia HM, Cassol Barditch-Crovo PA (see Flexner and Barditch-Crovo). 2003;74:592-3 (Letter) S. MDRI and CYP3A4 polymorphisms among African, Indian, and white Bauer S (see Gashaw et al). 2003;74:448-57 populations in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. 2003;74:195-6 (Letter) Bauer S (see Kirchheiner et al). 2003;74:186-94 Chen G (see Greenblatt et al). 2003;74:121-9 Baughman S (see Yang et al). 2003;74:85-94 Chen X-P (see Liu et al). 2003;74:372-9 Baumgarten M (see Cepeda et al). 2003;74:102-12 Chrubasik S. Effects of willow bark extract and therapeutic activity. 2003 Beck JF (see Dressel et al). 2003;74:264-74 74:95 (Letter) BeilfuB A (see Bruck et al). 2003;74:255-63 Church JA (see Soy et al). 2003;74:569-80 Benowitz NL, Peng M, Jacob P III. Effects of cigarette smoking and carbon Cleophas TJ. The sense and nonsense of regression modeling for increasing monoxide on chlorzoxazone and caffeine metabolism. 2003;74:468-74 precision of clinical trials. 2003;74:295-7 (Letter) Berkhof J (see Verschraagen et al). 2003;74:157-69 Constanzer M (see Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 Bertino JS Jr (see Chainuvati et al). 2003;74:437-47 Coovadia HM (see Chelule et al). 2003;74:195-6 (Letter) Bies RR (see Nolin et al). 2003;74:555-68 Cunningham CK (see Soy et al). 2003;74:569-80 Blum RA (see Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 Blum RA (see McCrea et al). 2003;74:17-24 Bondesson U (see Tannergren et al). 2003;74:423-36 D Boonstra JG (see Loos et al). 2003;74:364-71 Boston R (see Cepeda et al). 2003;74: 102-12 Daly AK (see Niemi et al). 2003;74:380-7 Boven E (see Verschraagen et al). 2003;74:157-69 Dammer S (see Niirnberger et al). 2003;74:53-60 Boxenbaum H (see Harris et al). 2003;74:475-86 de Galan BE, Tack CJ, Lenders JW, Lutterman JA, Smits P. Effect of 2 weeks Brass EP, Weintraub M. Label development and the label comprehension study of theophylline on glucose counterregulation in patients with type | dia for over-the-counter drugs. 2003;74:406-12 (Commentary) betes and unawareness of hypoglycemia. 2003;74:77-84 Brett C (see Pauli-Magnus et al). 2003;74:487-98 Deutsch PJ (see McCrea et al). 2003;74:17-24 Brockmiller J (see Gashaw et al). 2003;74:448-57 DeVane CL (see Markowitz et al). 2003;74:170-7 BrockmGller J (see Kirchheiner et al). 2003;74:186-94 Devane CL (see Markowitz et al). 2003;74:536-42 Brodde O-E, Stein CM. The Gly389Arg 6 ,-adrenergic receptor polymorphism Dinh K (see ten Tije et al). 2003;:74:509-10 (Letter) a predictor of response to B-blocker treatment? 2003;74:299-302 (Com Donovan JL (see Markowitz et al). 2003;74:170-7 mentary ) Donovan JL (see Markowitz et al). 2003;74:536-42 Brodde O-E (see Bruck et al). 2003;74:255-63 Dormuth C (see Schneeweiss et al). 2003;74:388-400 Bruce MA (see Gorski et al). 2003;74:275-87 Dressel D, Ritter CA, Sperker B, Grube M, Maier T, Klingebiel T, Siegmund Bruck H, Leineweber K, Beilfu8 A, Weber M, Heusch G, Philipp T, Brodde W, Beck JF, Kroemer HK. Busulfan induces activin A expression in vitro O-E. Genotype-dependent time course of lymphocyte B-adrenergic recep- and in vivo: a possible link to venous occlusive disease. 2003;74:264-74 tor down-regulation. 2003;74:255-63 Dru J (see Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 D’Souza J (see Sallas et al). 2003;74:138-49 *July, pp. 1-98; August, pp. 99-196; September, pp. 197-298; Octo- ber, pp. 299-402; November, pp. 403-510; December, pp. 511-62 E Index to the ASCPT meeting abstracts is located in the February Erb K (see Skarke et al). 2003;74:303-11 issue. Everhart ET (see Harris et al). 2003;74:475-86 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS DECEMBER 2003 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 612 Author index DECEMBER 2003 F Hall SD (see Gorski et al). 2003;74:275-87 Hamman MA (see Gorski et al). 2003;74:275-87 Farrar JT (see Cepeda et al). 2003;74:102-12 Fattinger K (see Girardin et al). 2003;74:341-52 Hamman MA (see Hall et al). 2003;74:525-35 Feiner J (see Pauli-Magnus et al). 2003;74:487-98 Harmatz JS (see Greenblatt et al). 2003;74:121-9 Fiebich BL, Appel K. Anti-inflammatory effects of willow bark extract. 2003; Harris DS, Boxenbaum H, Everhart ET, Sequeira G, Mendelson JE, Jones RT. 74:96 (Letter) The bioavailability of intranasal and smoked methamphetamine. 2003;74: Figg WD (see ten Tije et al). 2003;74:509-10 (Letter) 475-86 Flexner C, Barditch-Crovo PA. Severe neutropenia among healthy volunteers Hashimoto H (see Uchida et al). 2003;74:505-8 given rifabutin in clinical trials. 2003;74:592-3 (Letter) Hausheer FH (see Verschraagen et al). 2003;74:157-69 French AE, Grant R, Weitzman S, Ray JG, Vermeulen MJ, Sung L, Greenberg Hayashi H (see Uchida et al). 2003;74:505-8 Hedeland M (see Tannergren et al). 2003;74:423-36 M, Koren G. Folic acid food fortification is associated with a decline in neuroblastoma. 2003;74:288-94 Hedman M, Neuvonen PJ, Neuvonen M, Antikainen M. Pharmacokinetics and Fromm MF (see Werner et al). 2003;74:130-7 pharmacodynamics of pravastatin in children with familial hypercholester- Frye RF (see Nolin et al). 2003;74:555-68 olemia. 2003;74:178-85 Fukuda S (see Hirano et al). 2003;74:581-90 Heide L (see Wagner and Heide). 2003;74:96-7 (Letter reply) Helmy A (see Affolter et al). 2003;74:9-16 Henschel V (see Schneider et al). 2003;74:458-67 G Hesney M (see Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 Gaedigk A (see Chainuvati et al). 2003;74:437-47 Hesney M (see McCrea et al). 2003;74:17-24 Gargano C (see McCrea et al). 2003;74:17-24 Hesselink DA, van Schaik RHN, van der Heiden IP, van der Werf M, Gregoor Gashaw I, Kirchheiner J, Goldammer M, Bauer S, Seidemann J, Zoller K, PJHS, Lindemans J, Weimar W, van Gelder T. Genetic polymorphisms of Mrozikiewicz PM, Roots I, Brockméller J. Cytochrome P450 3A4 mes- the CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and MDR-/ genes and pharmacokinetics of the senger ribonucleic acid induction by rifampin in human peripheral blood calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporine and tacrolimus. 2003;74:245-54 mononuclear cells: correlation with alprazolam pharmacokinetics. 2003; Heusch G (see Bruck et al). 2003;74:255-63 74:448-57 Hilligoss JK (see Hall et al). 2003;74:525-35 Gastonguay MR (see Nolin et al). 2003;74:555-68 Hinz B, Rau T, Auge D, Werner U, Ramer R, Rietbrock S, Brune K. Ace- Geisslinger G (see Burian et al). 2003;74:113-20 clofenac spares cyclooxygenase | as a result of limited but sustained Geisslinger G (see Skarke et al). 2003;74:303-11 biotransformation to diclofenac, 2003;74:222-35 Girardin F, Rentsch KM, Schwab M-A, Maggiorini M, Pauli-Magnus C, Hinz B (see Werner et al). 2003;74:130-7 Kullak-Ublick GA, Meier PJ, Fattinger K. Pharmacokinetics of high doses Hirano T, Kawamura T, Fukuda S, Kohsaka S, Yoshikawa N, Yoshida M, Oka of intramuscular and oral heroin in narcotic addicts. 2003;74:341-52 K. Implication of cholesterol in cyclosporine pharmacodynamics in mini- Glynn RJ (see Schneeweiss et al). 2003;74:388-400 mal change nephrotic syndrome. 2003;74:581-90 Goldammer M (see Gashaw et al). 2003;74:448-57 Hoffer C (see Kharasch et al). 2003;74:543-54 Goldberg MR (see Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 Hollister AS, Kearns GL. American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Goldberg MR (see McCrea et al). 2003;74:17-24 Therapeutics position statement on the public health risks of ephedra. Goldwater DR (see McCrea et al). 2003;74:17-24 2003;74:403-5 (Commentary) Gordon M (see Chelule et al). 2003;74:195-6 (Letter) Hopkins NK (see Kearns et al). 2003;74:413-22 Gorski JC, Vannaprasaht S, Hamman MA, Ambrosius WT, Bruce MA, Hossain M (see Sallas et al). 2003;74:138-49 Haehner-Daniels B, Hall SD. The effect of age, sex, and rifampin admin- Huang S-M (see Hall et al). 2003;74:525-35 istration on intestinal and hepatic cytochrome P450 3A activity. 2003;74: Hughes DA, Walley T. Predicting “real world” effectiveness by integrating 275-87 adherence with pharmacodynamic modeling. 2003;74:1-8 (Commentary) Gorski JC (see Hall et al). 2003;74:525-35 Huong DX (see Simonsson et al). 2003;74:32-43 Goss! M (see Niirnberger et al). 2003;74:53-60 Gottesdiener KM (see Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 Gottesdiener KM (see McCrea et al). 2003;74:17-24 I Grant R (see French et al). 2003;74:288-94 [lett KF, Hale TW, Page-Sharp M, Kristensen JH, Kohan R, Hackett LP. Use Greenberg M (see French et al). 2003;74:288-94 of nicotine patches in breast-feeding mothers: transfer of nicotine and Greenblatt DJ. Louis Lasagna, 1923-2003. 2003;74:594-5 cotinine into human milk. 2003;74:516-24 Greenblatt DJ, von Moltke LL, Harmatz JS, Chen G, Weemhoff JL, Jen C, Iwamoto M (see McCrea et al). 2003;74:17-24 Kelley CJ, LeDuc BW, Zinny MA. Time course of recovery of cytochrome P450 3A function after single doses of grapefruit juice. 2003;74:121-9 Gregoor PJHS (see Hesselink et al). 2003;74:245-54 Grube M (see Dressel et al). 2003;74:264-74 Jacob P III (see Benowitz et al). 2003;74:468-74 Grundy SM (see Vega et al). 2003;74:236-44 Jang T (see Kraiczi et al). 2003;74:203-14 (Commentary) Grzebyk RP (see Kearns et al). 2003;74:413-22 Jansson B (see Simonsson et al). 2003;74:32-43 Jarrar M (see Skarke et al). 2003;74:303-11 H Jen C (see Greenblatt et al). 2003;74:121-9 Hackett LP (see [lett et al). 2003;74:516-24 Johnson JA, Zineh I, Puckett BJ, McGorray SP, Yarandi HN, Pauly DF Hadizadeh DR III (see Vega et al). 2003;74:236-44 8, -Adrenergic receptor polymorphisms and antihypertensive response to Haefeli WE (see Schneider et al). 2003;74:458-67 metoprolol. 2003;74:44-52 Haehner-Daniels B (see Gorski et al). 2003;74:275-87 Jones CR (see Affolter et al). 2003;74:9-16 Hai TN (see Simonsson et al). 2003;74:32-43 Jones RT (see Harris et al). 2003;74:475-86 Hale TW (see Ilett et al). 2003;74:516-24 Jungbluth GL (see Kearns et al). 2003;74:413-22 Halkin H, Shapiro J, Kurnik D, Loebstein R, Shalev V, Kokia E. Increased Juntti-Patinen L (see Niemi et al). 2003;74:25-31 warfarin doses and decreased international normalized ratio response after nationwide generic switching. 2003;74:215-21 Hall SD, Wang Z, Huang S-M, Hamman MA, Vasavada N, Adigun AQ, K Hilligoss JK, Miller M, Gorski JC. The interaction between St John’s wort Kashuba ADM (see Chainuvati et al). 2003;74:437-47 and an oral contraceptive. 2003;74:525-35 Kawamura T (see Hirano et al). 2003;74:581-90 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS VOLUME 74, NUMBER 6 Author index 613 Kearns GL, Jungbluth GL, Abdel-Rahman SM, Hopkins NK, Welshman IR, Majumdar AK, McCrea JB, Panebianco DL, Hesney M, Dru J, Constanzer M Grzebyk RP, Bruss JB, van den Anker JN, Pediatric Pharmacology Re- Goldberg MR, Murphy G, Gottesdiener KM, Lines CR, Petty KJ, Blum search Unit Network. Impact of ontogeny on linezolid disposition in RA. Effects of aprepitant on cytochrome P450 3A4 activity using mida neonates and infants. 2003;74:413-22 zolam as a probe. 2003;74:150-6 Kearns GL, Robinson PK, Wilson JT, Wilson-Costello D, Knight GR, Ward Majumdar AK (see McCrea et al). 2003;74:17-24 RM, van den Anker JN, Pediatric Pharmacology Research Unit Network Mansmann U (see Schneider et al). 2003;74:458-67 Cisapride disposition in neonates and infants: in vivo reflection of cyto Markowitz JS, DeVane CL, Chavin KD, Taylor RM, Ruan Y, Donovan JI chrome P450 3A4 ontogeny. 2003;74:312-25 Effects of garlic (Allium sativum L.) supplementation on cytochrome P450 Kearns GL (see Chainuvati et al). 2003;74:437-47 2D6 and 3A4 activity in healthy volunteers. 2003;74:170-7 Kearns GL (see Hollister and Kearns). 2003;74:403-5 (Commentary) Markowitz JS, Donovan JL, Devane CL, Taylor RM, Ruan Y, Wang J-S Kelley CJ (see Greenblatt et al). 2003;74:121-9 Chavin KD. Multiple doses of saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) did not alter Kharasch ED, Hoffer C, Whittington D, Sheffels P. Role of P-glycoprotein in cytochrome P450 2D6 and 3A4 activity in normal volunteers. 2003;74 the intestinal absorption and clinical effects of morphine. 2003;74:543-54 Kim K-A (see Park et al). 2003;74:334-40 Martin C (see Simon et al). 2003;74:353-63 Kirchheiner J, Kudlicz D, Meisel C, Bauer S, Meineke I, Roots I, Brockméller Matzke GR (see Nolin et al). 2003;74:555-68 J. Influence of CYP2C9 polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics and McCrea JB, Majumdar AK, Goldberg MR, Iwamoto M, Gargano C, Panebi- cholesterol-lowering activity of (—)-3S,5R-fluvastatin and (+)-3R,5S anco DL, Hesney M, Lines CR, Petty KJ, Deutsch PJ, Murphy MG fluvastatin in healthy volunteers. 2003;74:186-94 Gottesdiener KM, Goldwater DR, Blum RA. Effects of the neurokinin Kirchheiner J (see Gashaw et al). 2003;74:448-57 receptor antagonist aprepitant on the pharmacokinetics of dexamethasone Klingebiel T (see Dressel et al). 2003;74:264-74 and methylprednisolone. 2003;74:17-24 Knight GR (see Kearns et al). 2003;74:312-25 McCrea JB (see Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 Knutson L (see Tannergren et al). 2003;74:42 3-36 McGorray SP (see Johnson et al). 2003;74:44-52 Kohan R (see Ilett et al). 2003;74:516-24 McKee SP (see Affolter et al). 2003:74:9-16 Kohsaka S (see Hirano et al). 2003;74:581-90 Meguro S (see Vega et al). 2003;74:236-44 Kokia E (see Halkin et al). 2003;74:215-21 Meier PJ (see Girardin et al). 2003;74:341-52 Koren G (see French et al). 2003;74:288-94 Meineke I (see Kirchheiner et al). 2003;74: 186-94 Kosel BW (see Soy et al). 2003;74:569-80 Meisel C (see Kirchheiner et al). 2003;74:186-94 Kraiczi H, Jang T, Ludden T, Peck CC. Randomized concentration-controlled Mendelson JE (see Harris et al). 2003;74:475-86 trials: motivations, use, and limitations. 2003;74:203-14 (Commentary) Michel MC (see Niirnberger et al). 2003;74:53-60 Kristensen JH (see Ilett et al). 2003;74:516-24 Miller FG. Ethical issues in research with healthy volunteers: risk-benefit Kroemer HK (see Dressel et al). 2003;74:264-74 assessment. 2003;74:513-5 (Commentary) Kroetz DL (see Pauli-Magnus et al). 2003;74:487-98 Miller M (see Hall et al). 2003;74:525-35 Kudlicz D (see Kirchheiner et al). 2003;74: 186-94 Milosavljev S (see Sallas et al). 2003;74:138-49 Kullak-Ublick GA (see Girardin et al). 2003;74:341-52 Mitchell A, Biihrmann S, Seifert A, Niirnberger J, Wenzel RR, Siffert W Kurnik D (see Halkin et al). 2003;74:215-21 Philipp T, Schafers RF. Venous response to nitroglycerin is enhanced in Kwon J-T (see Yoshida et al). 2003;74:69-76 young, healthy carriers of the 825T allele of the G protein 63 subunit gene (GNB3). 2003:;74:499-504 Mitchell A (see Niirnberger et al). 2003;74:53-60 Mosam A (see Chelule et al). 2003;74:195-6 (Letter) Lacarelle B (see Simon et al). 2003 Mrozikiewicz PM (see Gashaw et al). 2003;74:448-57 Laine K (see Palovaara et al). 2003;74:32 Murphy G (see Majumdar et al). 2003\3;-7744 -] 50-6 Leathart JB (see Niemi et al). 2003;74:380-7 Murphy MG (see McCrea et al). 2003;74:17-24 LeDuc BW (see Greenblatt et al). 2003;74 Leeder JS (see Chainuvati et al). 2003;74:43 N Leineweber K (see Bruck et al). 2003;74:255-63 Lenders JW (see de Galan et al). 2003;74:77-84 Nafziger AN (see Chainuvati et al). 2003;74:437-47 Lennernas H (see Tannergren et al). 2003;74:423-36 Nakajima M (see Yoshida et al). 2003;74:69-76 Lin E (see Pauli-Magnus et al). 2003;74:487-98 Neuvonen M (see Hedman et al). 2003;74:178-85 Lindemans J (see Hesselink et al). 2003;74:245-54 Neuvonen M (see Niemi et al). 2003; Lines CR (see Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 Neuvonen M (see Niemi et al). 2003;74 Lines CR (see McCrea et al). 2003;74:17-24 Neuvonen PJ (see Hedman et al). 2r(0 03; Liu J, Liu Z-Q, Tan Z-R, Chen X-P, Wang L-S, Zhou G, Zhou H-H. Gly389Arg Neuvonen PJ (see Niemi et al). 2003; polymorphism of B,-adrenergic receptor is associated with the cardiovas Neuvonen PJ (see Niemi et al). 2003;74:380-7 cular response to metoprolol. 2003;74:372-9 Newby DE (see Affolter et al). 2003;74:9-16 Liu Z-Q (see Liu et al). 2003;74:372-9 Niemi M, Leathart JB, Neuvonen M, Backman JT, Daly AK, Neuvonen PJ Loebstein R (see Halkin et al). 2003;74:215-21 Polymorphism in CYP2C8 is associated with reduced plasma concentra- tions of repaglinide. 2003;74:380-7 Loos WJ, Baker SD, Verweij J, Boonstra JG, Sparreboom A. Clinical phar- macokinetics of unbound docetaxel: role of polysorbate 80 and serum Niemi M, Neuvonen M, Juntti-Patinen L, Backman JT, Neuvonen PJ. Effect of proteins. 2003;74:364-7| fluconazole on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of nateglin- ide. 2003;74:25-31 Loos WJ (see ten Tije et al). 2003;74:509-10 (Letter) Létsch J (see Skarke et al). 2003;74:303-11 Nishimura K (see Yoshida et al). 2003;74:69-76 Ludden T (see Kraiczi et al). 2003;74:203-14 (Commentary) Nishio S (see Uchida et al). 2003;74:505-8 Lundgren S (see Palovaara et al). 2003;74:326-33 Nolin TD, Gastonguay MR, Bies RR, Matzke GR, Frye RF. Impaired Lutterman JA (see de Galan et al). 2003;74:77-84 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone elimination in patients with kidney disease: im- plication for cytochrome P450 2E! pharmacogenetic studies. 2003;74 555-68 M Niirnberger J, Dammer S, Mitchell A, Siffert W, Wenzel RR, Gossl M, Philipp Maclure M (see Schneeweiss et al). 2003;74:388-400 T, Michel MC, Schiafers RF. Effect of the C825T polymorphism of the G Maggiorini M (see Girardin et al). 2003;74:341-52 protein 83 subunit on the systolic blood pressure—lowering effect of Maier T (see Dressel et al). 2003;74:264-74 clonidine in young, healthy inale subjects. 2003;74:53-60 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 614 Author index DECEMBER 2003 Niirnberger J (see Mitchell et al). 2003;74:499-504 Sampol E (see Simon et al). 2003;74:353-63 Schafers RF (see Mitchell et al). 2003;74:499-504 Schafers RF (see Niirnberger et al). 2003;74:53-60 oO Schmidt H (see Skarke et al). 2003;74:303-11 Ohashi K (see Uchida et al). 2003;74:505-8 Schneeweiss S, Soumerai SB, Maclure M, Dormuth C, Walker AM, Glynn Oka K (see Hirano et al). 2003;74:581-90 RJ. Clinical and economic consequences of reference pricing for dihydro- pyridine calcium channel blockers. 2003;74:388-400 P Schneider V, Henschel V, Tadjalli-Mehr K, Mansmann U, Haefeli WE. Impact of serum creatinine measurement error on dose adjustment in renal failure. Page T (see Chelule et al). 2003;74:195-6 (Letter) 2003;74:458-67 Page-Sharp M (see Ilett et al). 2003;74:516-24 Schwab M-A (see Girardin et al). 2003;74:341-52 Palanee T (see Chelule et al). 2003;74:195-6 (Letter) Seegel M (see Burian et al). 2003;74:113-20 Palovaara S, Pelkonen O, Uusitalo J, Lundgren S, Laine K. Inhibition of Seidemann J (see Gashaw et al). 2003;74:448-57 cytochrome P450 2B6 activity by hormone replacement therapy and oral Seifert A (see Mitchell et al). 2003;74:499-504 contraceptive as measured by bupropion hydroxylation. 2003;74:326-33 Sellers E (see Chainuvati et al). 2003;74:437-47 Palumbo P (see Soy et al). 2003;74:569-80 Sequeira G (see Harris et al). 2003;74:475-86 Panebianco DL (see Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 Shalev V (see Halkin et al). 2003;74:215-21 Panebianco DL (see McCrea et al). 2003;74:17-24 Shapiro J (see Halkin et al). 2003;74:215-21 Park C-W (see Park et al). 2003;74:334-40 Sheffels P (see Kharasch et al). 2003;74:543-54 Park J-Y, Kim K-A, Park P-W, Park C-W, Shin J-G. Effect of rifampin on the Sheiner LB (see Soy et al). 2003;74:569-80 pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of gliclazide. 2003;74:334-40 Shin J-G (see Park et al). 2003;74:334-40 Park P-W (see Park et al). 2003;74:334-40 Siegmund W (see Dressel et al). 2003;74:264-74 Pauli-Magnus C, Feiner J, Brett C, Lin E, Kroetz DL. No effect of MDR/ Siffert W (see Mitchell et al). 2003;74:499-504 C3435T variant on loperamide disposition and central nervous system Siffert W (see Nirnberger et al). 2003;74:53-60 effects. 2003;74:487-98 Simon N, Sampol E, Albanese J, Martin C, Arvis P, Urien S, Lacarelle B, Pauli-Magnus C (see Girardin et al). 2003;74:341-52 Bruguerolle B. Population pharmacokinetics of moxifloxacin in plasma Pauly DF (see Johnson et al). 2003;74:44-52 and bronchial secretions in patients with severe bronchopneumonia. 2003; Peck CC (see Kraiczi et al). 2003;74:203-14 (Commentary) 74:353-63 Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group (PACTG) Study P1005 Investigators (see Simonsson USH, Jansson B, Hai TN, Huong DX, Tybring G, Ashton M. Soy et al). 2003;74:569-80 Artemisinin autoinduction is caused by involvement of cytochrome P450 Pediatric Pharmacology Research Unit Network (see Kearns et al). 2003;74: 2B6 but not 2C9. 2003;74:32-43 312-25 Skarke C, Jarrar M, Erb K, Schmidt H, Geisslinger G, Létsch J. Respiratory and Pediatric Pharmacology Research Unit Network (see Kearns et al). 2003;74: miotic effects of morphine in healthy volunteers when P-glycoprotein is 413-22 blocked by quinidine. 2003;74:303-11 Pelkonen O (see Palovaara et al). 2003;74:326-33 Smits P (see de Galan et al). 2003;74:77-84 Peng M (see Benowitz et al). 2003;74:468-74 Soumerai SB (see Schneeweiss et al). 2003;74:388-400 Petri N (see Tannergren et al). 2003;74:423-36 Soy D, Aweeka FT, Church JA, Cunningham CK, Palumbo P, Kosel BW, Petty KJ (see Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 Sheiner LB, Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group (PACTG) Study P1005 Petty KJ (see McCrea et al). 2003;74:17-24 Investigators. 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Evolving ways that drug therapy is individualized. 2003;74: Sullivan JT. A message from the ASCPT membership committee chairperson 197-202 (Commentary) 2003;74:596 Reidenberg MM. Rational prescribing of essential medicines. 2003;74:195 Sullivan JT (see Yang et al). 2003;74:85-94 (Letter) Sung L (see French et al). 2003;74:288-94 Rentsch KM (see Girardin et al). 2003;74:341-52 Rietbrock S (see Hinz et al). 2003;74:222-35 Ritter CA (see Dressel et al). 2003;74:264-74 T Ritzen B (see Thijssen and Ritzen). 2003;74:61-8 Robinson PK (see Kearns et al). 2003;74:312-25 Tack CJ (see de Galan et al). 2003;74:77-84 Roots I (see Gashaw et al). 2003;74:448-57 Tadjalli-Mehr K (see Schneider et al). 2003;74:458-67 Roots I (see Kirchheiner et al). 2003;74:186-94 Tan Z-R (see Liu et al). 2003;74:372-9 Rowland E (see Chainuvati et al). 2003;74:437-47 Tannergren C, Petri N, Knutson L, Hedeland M, Bondesson U, Lennerniis H. Ruan Y (see Markowitz et al). 2003;74:170-7 Multiple transport mechanisms involved in the intestinal absorption and Ruan Y (see Markowitz et al). 2003;74:536-42 first-pass extraction of fexofenadine. 2003;74:423-36 Ruijter R (see Verschraagen et al). 2003;74:157-69 Taylor RM (see Markowitz et al). 2003;74:170-7 Taylor RM (see Markowitz et al). 2003;74:536-42 Tegeder I (see Burian et al). 2003;74:113-20 S ten Tije AJ, Loos WJ, Verweij J, Baker SD, Dinh K, Figg WD, Sparreboom A Sallas WM, Milosavljev S, D’Souza J, Hossain M. Pharmacokinetic drug Disposition of polyoxyethylated excipients in humans: implications for interactions in children taking oxcarbazepine. 2003;74:138-49 drug safety and formulation approaches. 2003;74:509-10 (Letter) CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS VOLUME 74, NUMBER 6 Author index 615 Thijssen HHW, Ritzen B. Acenocoumarol pharmacokinetics in relation to Wang J-S (see Markowitz et al). 2003;74:536-42 cytochrome P450 2C9 genotype. 2003;74:61-8 Wang L-S (see Liu et al). 2003;74:372-9 Tokudome S (see Yoshida et al). 2003;74:69-76 Wang Z (see Hall et al). 2003;74:525-35 Tybring G (see Simonsson et al). 2003;74:32-43 Ward RM (see Kearns et al). 2003;74:312-25 Watanabe H (see Uchida et al). 2003;74:505-8 U Webb DJ (see Affolter et al). 2003;74:9-16 Weber M (see Bruck et al). 2003;74:255-63 Uchida S, Watanabe H, Nishio S, Hashimoto H, Yamazaki K, Hayashi H, Weemhoff JL (see Greenblatt et al). 2003;74:121-9 Ohashi K. Altered pharmacokinetics and excessive hypotensive effect of Weimar W (see Hesselink et al). 2003;74:245-54 candesartan in a patient with the CYP2C9*//3 genotype. 2003;74:505-8 Weintraub M (see Brass and Weintraub). 2003;74:406-12 (Commentary) Urien S (see Simon et al). 2003;74:353-63 Weitzman S (see French et al). 2003;74:288-94 Uusitalo J (see Palovaara et al). 2003;74:326-33 Welshman IR (see Kearns et al). 2003;74:413-22 Wenzel RR (see Mitchell et al). 2003;74:499-504 V Wenzel RR (see Niirnberger et al). 2003;74:53-60 van den Anker JN (see Kearns et al). 2003;74:312-25 Werner D (see Werner et al). 2003;74:130-7 van den Anker JN (see Kearns et al). 2003;74:413-22 Werner U, Werner D, Rau T, Fromm MF, Hinz B, Brune K. Celecoxib inhibits van der Born K (see Verschraagen et al). 2003;74:157-69 metabolism of cytochrome P450 2D6 substrate metoprolol in humans van der Heiden IP (see Hesselink et al). 2003;74:245-54 2003;74: 130-7 van der Vijgh WJF (see Verschraagen et al). 2003;74:157-69 Werner U (see Hinz et al). 2003;74:222-35 Whittington D (see Kharasch et al). 2003;74:543-54 van der Werf M (see Hesselink et al). 2003;74:245-54 van Gelder T (see Hesselink et al). 2003;74:245-54 Wilson JT (see Kearns et al). 2003;74:312-25 Vannaprasaht S (see Gorski et al). 2003;74:275-87 Wilson-Costello D (see Kearns et al). 2003;74:312-25 van Schaik RHN (see Hesselink et al). 2003;74:245-54 Y Vasavada N (see Hall et al). 2003;74:525-35 Vega GL, Cater NB, Hadizadeh DR III, Meguro S, Grundy SM. Free fatty acid Yamazaki K (see Uchida et al). 2003;74:505-8 metabolism during fenofibrate treatment of the metabolic syndrome. 2003; Yang B-B, Baughman S, Sullivan JT. Pharmacokinetics of anakinra in subjects 74:236-44 with different levels of renal function. 2003;74:85-94 Vermeulen MJ (see French et al). 2003;74:288-94 Yarandi HN (see Johnson et al). 2003;74:44-52 Verschraagen M, Boven E, Ruijter R, van der Born K, BerkhofJ , Hausheer FH, Yokoi T (see Yoshida et al). 2003;74:69-76 van der Vijgh WJF. Pharmacokinetics and preliminary clinical data of the Yoshida M (see Hirano et al). 2003;74:581-90 novel chemoprotectant BNP7787 and cisplatin and their metabolites. 2003; Yoshida R, Nakajima M, Nishimura K, Tokudome S, Kwon J-T, Yokoi T 74:157-69 Effects of polymorphism in promoter region of human CYP2A6 gene Verweij J (see Loos et al). 2003;74:364-71 (CYP2A6*9) on expression level of messenger ribonucleic acid and enzy- Verweij J (see ten Tije et al). 2003;74:509-10 (Letter) matic activity in vivo and in vitro. 2003;74:69-76 von Moltke LL (see Greenblatt et al). 2003;74:121-9 Yoshikawa N (see Hirano et al). 2003;74:581-90 Ww Z Wagner I, Heide L. Anti-inflammatory effects of willow bark extract. 2003; Zhang Y (see Chainuvati et al). 2003;74:437-47 74:96-7 (Letter reply) Zhou G (see Liu et al). 2003;74:372-9 Wagner I, Heide L. Effects of willow bark extract and therapeutic activity Zhou H-H (see Liu et al). 2003;74:372-9 2003;74:96-7 (Letter reply) Zineh I (see Johnson et al). 2003;74:44-52 Walker AM (see Schneeweiss et al). 2003;74:388-400 Zinny MA (see Greenblatt et al). 2003;74:121-9 Walley T (see Hughes and Walley). 2003;74:1-8 (Commentary) Zoller K (see Gashaw et al). 2003;74:448-57 Subject index* Alprazolam Cytochrome P450 3A4 messenger ribonucleic acid induction by rifampin Aceclofenac in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells: correlation with alpra- Aceclofenac spares cyclooxygenase | as a result of limited but sustained zolam pharmacokinetics (Gashaw et al). 2003;74:448-57 biotransformation to diclofenac (Hinz et al). 2003;74:222-35 Effects of garlic (Allium sativum L.) supplementation on cytochrome P450 Acenocoumarol 2D6 and 3A4 activity in healthy volunteers (Markowitz et al). 2003; Acenocoumarol pharmacokinetics in relation to cytochrome P450 2C9 74:170-7 genotype (Thijssen and Ritzen). 2003;74:61-8 American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Acetyltransferases American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics position Combined phenotypic assessment of cytochrome P450 1A2, 2C9, 2C19, statement on the public health risks of ephedra (Hollister and Kearns) 2D6, and 3A, N-acetyltransferase-2, and xanthine oxidase activities 2003;74:403-5 (Commentary) with the “Cooperstown 5+1 cocktail” (Chainuvati et al). 2003;74: A message from the ASCPT membership committee chairperson (Sulli- 437-47 van). 2003:74:596 Effects of cigarette smoking and carbon monoxide on chlorzoxazone and Anakinra caffeine metabolism (Benowitz et al). 2003;74:468-74 Pharmacokinetics of anakinra in subjects with different levels of renal Activins function (Yang et al). 2003;74:85-94 Busulfan induces activin A expression in vitro and in vivo: a possible link Antibiotics to venous occlusive disease (Dressel et al). 2003;74:264-74 Rational prescribing of essential medicines (Reidenberg). 2003;74:195 Addiction, drug; see Substance dependence Adherence, patient; see Patient compliance (Letter) Anticoagulants Administration, inhalation Acenocoumarol pharmacokinetics in relation to cytochrome P450 2C9 The bioavailability of intranasal and smoked methamphetamine (Harris et genotype (Thijssen and Ritzen). 2003;74:61-8 al). 2003;74:475-86 Anticonvulsants Administration, intranasal Pharmacokinetic drug interactions in children taking oxcarbazepine (Sallas The bioavailability of intranasal and smoked methamphetamine (Harris et al). 2003;74:475-86 et al). 2003;74:138-49 Antihyperalgesia; see Hyperalgesia Administration, oral Antihypertensive agents Peripheral and central antihyperalgesic effects of diclofenac in a model of human inflammatory pain (Burian et al). 2003;74:113-20 8 ,-Adrenergic receptor polymorphisms and antihypertensive response to metoprolol (Johnson et al). 2003;74:44-52 Pharmacokinetics of high doses of intramuscular and oral heroin in nar- Effect of the C825T polymorphism of the G protein 63 subunit on the cotic addicts (Girardin et al). 2003;74:341-52 systolic blood pressure—lowering effect of clonidine in young, healthy Administration, topical male subjects (Niirnberger et al). 2003;74:53-60 Peripheral and central antihyperalgesic effects of diclofenac in a model of Antimalarials human inflammatory pain (Burian et al). 2003;74:113-20 Artemisinin autoinduction is caused by involvement of cytochrome P450 Adrenergic beta receptor blockaders 2B6 but not 2C9 (Simonsson et al). 2003;74:32-43 The Gly389Arg 8,-adrenergic receptor polymorphism: a predictor of re- Aprepitant sponse to B-blocker treatment? (Brodde and Stein). 2003;74:299-302 Effects of aprepitant on cytochrome P450 3A4 activity using midazolam as (Commentary) a probe (Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 African Americans MDRI and CYP3A4 polymorphisms among African, Indian, and white Effects of the neurokinin, receptor antagonist aprepitant on the pharma- cokinetics of dexamethasone and methylprednisolone (McCrea et al) populations in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (Chelule et al). 2003;74 2003;74: 17-24 195-6 (Letter) Age factors Argipressin The effect of age, sex, and rifampin administration on intestinal and hepatic Intra-arterial vasopressin in the human forearm: pharmacodynamics and cytochrome P450 3A activity (Gorski et al). 2003;74:275-87 the role of nitric oxide (Affolter et al). 2003;74:9-16 Artemisinin Impact of ontogeny on linezolid disposition in neonates and infants Artemisinin autoinduction is caused by involvement of cytochrome P450 (Kearns et al). 2003;74:413-22 2B6 but not 2C9 (Simonsson et al). 2003;74:32-43 Side effects of opioids during short-term administration: effect of age, gender, and race (Cepeda et al). 2003;74:102-12 B Alleles Venous response to nitroglycerin is enhanced in young, healthy carriers of Beta adrenergic receptors; see Receptors, adrenergic, beta the 825T allele of the G protein 83 subunit gene (GNB3) (Mitchell et Beta blockers; see Adrenergic beta receptor blockaders al). 2003;74:499-504 Beverages Allium sativum L. Time course of recovery of cytochrome P450 3A function after single Effects of garlic (Allium sativum L.) supplementation on cytochrome P450 doses of grapefruit juice (Greenblatt et al). 2003;74:121-9 2D6 and 3A4 activity in healthy volunteers (Markowitz et al). 2003; Biological availability 74:170-7 The bioavailability of intranasal and smoked methamphetamine (Harris et al). 2003:74:475-86 Increased warfarin doses and decreased international normalized ratio response after nationwide generic switching (Halkin et al). 2003;74: *July, pp. 1-98; August, pp. 99-196; September, pp. 197-298; Octo- 215-21 ber, pp. 299-402; November, pp. 403-510; December, pp. 511-624. Multiple transport mechanisms involved in the intestinal absorption and Index to the ASCPT meeting abstracts is located in the February first-pass extraction of fexofenadine (Tannergren et al). 2003;7 issue. 423-36 616 DECEMBER 2003 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS Subject index 617 VOLUME 74, NUMBER 6 Biotransformation Child Aceclofenac spares cyclooxygenase | as a result of limited but sustained Folic acid food fortification is associated with a decline in neuroblastoma biotransformation to diclofenac (Hinz et al). 2003;74:222-35 (French et al). 2003;74:288-94 Blood Population pharmacokinetics of enfuvirtide in pediatric patients with hu Cytochrome P450 3A4 messenger ribonucleic acid induction by rifampin man immunodeficiency virus: searching for exposure-response rela- in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells: correlation with alpra- tionships (Soy et al). 2003;74:569-80 zolam pharmacokinetics (Gashaw et al). 2003;74:448-57 Chlorzoxazone Blood pressure Effects of cigarette smoking and carbon monoxide on chlorzoxazone and Effect of the C825T polymorphism of the G protein 83 subunit on the caffeine metabolism (Benowitz et al). 2003;74:468-74 systolic blood pressure—lowering effect of clonidine in young, healthy Impaired 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone elimination in patients with kidney dis male subjects (Niirnberger et al). 2003;74:53-60 ease: implication for cytochrome P450 2E! pharmacogenetic studies BNP7787 (Nolin et al). 2003;74:555-68 Pharmacokinetics and preliminary clinical data of the novel chemopro- Cholesterol tectant BNP7787 and cisplatin and their metabolites (Verschraagen et Implication of cholesterol in cyclosporine pharmacodynamics in minimal al). 2003;74:157-69 change nephrotic syndrome (Hirano et al). 2003;74:581-90 Breast-feeding Influence of CYP2C9 polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics and Use of nicotine patches in breast-feeding mothers: transfer of nicotine and cholesterol-lowering activity of (—)-3S,5R-fluvastatin and (+)-3R,5S- cotinine into human milk (Ilett et al). 2003;74:516-24 fluvastatin in healthy volunteers (Kirchheiner et al). 2003;74:186-94 Bronchi Cisapride Population pharmacokinetics of moxifloxacin in plasma and bronchial Cisapride disposition in neonates and infants: in vivo reflection of cyto- secretions in patients with severe bronchopneumonia (Simon et al) chrome P450 3A4 ontogeny (Kearns et al). 2003;74:312-25 2003:;74:353-63 Cisplatin Bronchopneumonia Pharmacokinetics and preliminary clinical data of the novel chemopro Population pharmacokinetics of moxifloxacin in plasma and bronchial tectant BNP7787 and cisplatin and their metabolites (Verschraagen et secretions in patients with severe bronchopneumonia (Simon et al) al). 2003;74:157-69 2003;74:353-63 Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics Bupropion Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics annual report 2002 (Stein). 2003 Inhibition of cytochrome P450 2B6 activity by hormone replacement 74:99-101 (Commentary) therapy and oral contraceptive as measured by bupropion hydroxyla- Good Publication Practice guidelines for clinical trials? (Alfaro). 2003;74 tion (Palovaara et al). 2003;74:326-33 97-8 (Letter) Busulfan Clinical research; see Evaluation studies Busulfan induces activin A expression in vitro and in vivo: a possible link Clinical trials to venous occlusive disease (Dressel et al). 2003;74:264-74 The sense and nonsense of regression modeling for increasing precision of Cc clinical trials (Cleophas). 2003;74:295-7 (Letter) Severe neutropenia among healthy volunteers given rifabutin in clinical Caffeine trials (Apseloff). 2003;74:591-2 (Letter) Combined phenotypic assessment of cytochrome P450 1A2, 2C9, 2C19, Severe neutropenia among healthy volunteers given rifabutin in clinical 2D6, and 3A, N-acetyltransferase-2, and xanthine oxidase activities trials (Flexner and Barditch-Crovo). 2003;74:592-3 (Letter) with the “Cooperstown 5+1 cocktail” (Chainuvati et al). 2003;74 Clonidine 437-47 Effect of the C825T polymorphism of the G protein B3 subunit on the Effects of cigarette smoking and carbon monoxide on chlorzoxazone and systolic blood pressure—lowering effect of clonidine in young, healthy caffeine metabolism (Benowitz et al). 2003;74:468-74 male subjects (Niirnberger et al). 2003;74:53-60 Calcineurin Commentaries Genetic polymorphisms of the CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and MDR-/ genes and Commentaries. 2003;74:1-8, 99-101, 197-214, 299-302, 403-12, 511-5 pharmacokinetics of the calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporine and ta Contraceptives, oral crolimus (Hesselink et al). 2003;74:245-54 Inhibition of cytochrome P450 2B6 activity by hormone replacement Calcium channel blockers therapy and oral contraceptive as measured by bupropion hydroxyla- Clinical and economic consequences of reference pricing for dihydropyr- tion (Palovaara et al). 2003;74:326-33 idine calcium channel blockers (Schneeweiss et al). 2003;74:388-400 The interaction between St John’s wort and an oral contraceptive (Hall et Canada al). 2003;74:525-35 Clinical and economic consequences of reference pricing for dihydropyr Cooperstown cocktail; see Caffeine; Dextromethorphan; Midazolam; idine calcium channel blockers (Schneeweiss et al). 2003;74:388-400 Omeprazole; Vitamin K; Warfarin Candesartan Correction Altered pharmacokinetics and excessive hypotensive effect of candesartan Hypothesis: a single clinical trial plus causal evidence of effectiveness is in a patient with the CYP2C9*//3 genotype (Uchida et al). 2003;74 sufficient for drug approval (Peck et al) (2003;73:481-90). 2003;74 505-8 297 Carbon monoxide Costs and cost analysis Effects of cigarette smoking and carbon monoxide on chlorzoxazone and Clinical and economic consequences of reference pricing for dihydropyr- caffeine metabolism (Benowitz et al). 2003;74:468-74 idine calcium channel blockers (Schneeweiss et al). 2003;74:388-400 Cardiovascular system Cotinine Gly389Arg polymorphism of 8, -adrenergic receptor is associated with the Use of nicotine patches in breast-feeding mothers: transfer of nicotine and cardiovascular response to metoprolol (Liu et al). 2003;74:372-9 cotinine into human milk (Ilett et al). 2003;74:516-24 Celecoxib Creatinine Celecoxib inhibits metabolism of cytochrome P450 2D6 substrate meto- Impact of serum creatinine measurement error on dose adjustment in renal prolol in humans (Werner et al). 2003;74:130-7 failure (Schneider et al). 2003;74:458-67 Central nervous system Cyclooxygenase; see Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase No effect of MDR/ C3435T variant on loperamide disposition and central Cyclosporine nervous system effects (Pauli-Magnus et al). 2003;74:487-98 Genetic polymorphisms of the CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and MDR-/ genes and 618 Subject index CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS DECEMBER 2003 pharmacokinetics of the calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporine and ta- Diacetylmorphine crolimus (Hesselink et al). 2003;74:245-54 Pharmacokinetics of high doses of intramuscular and oral heroin in nar- Implication of cholesterol in cyclosporine pharmacodynamics in minimal cotic addicts (Girardin et al). 2003;74:341-52 change nephrotic syndrome (Hirano et al). 2003;74:581-90 Dialysis Cytochrome P450 Pharmacokinetics of anakinra in subjects with different levels of renal Acenocoumarol pharmacokinetics in relation to cytochrome P450 2C9 function (Yang et al). 2003;74:85-94 genotype (Thijssen and Ritzen). 2003;74:61-8 Diclofenac Altered pharmacokinetics and excessive hypotensive effect of candesartan Aceclofenac spares cyclooxygenase | as a result of limited but sustained in a patient with the CYP2C9*1/3 genotype (Uchida et al). 2003;74: biotransformation to diclofenac (Hinz et al). 2003;74:222-35 505-8 Peripheral and central antihyperalgesic effects of diclofenac in a model of Artemisinin autoinduction is caused by involvement of cytochrome P450 human inflammatory pain (Burian et al). 2003;74:113-20 2B6 but not 2C9 (Simonsson et al). 2003;74:32-43 Dihydropyridines Celecoxib inhibits metabolism of cytochrome P450 2D6 substrate meto- Clinical and economic consequences of reference pricing for dihydropyr- prolol in humans (Werner et al). 2003;74:130-7 idine calcium channel blockers (Schneeweiss et al). 2003;74:388-400 Cisapride disposition in neonates and infants: in vivo reflection of cyto- Docetaxel chrome P450 3A4 ontogeny (Kearns et al). 2003;74:312-25 Clinical pharmacokinetics of unbound docetaxel: role of polysorbate 80 Combined phenotypic assessment of cytochrome P450 1A2, 2C9, 2C19, and serum proteins (Loos et al). 2003;74:364-71 2D6, and 3A, N-acetyltransferase-2, and xanthine oxidase activities Dose-response relationship, drug with the “Cooperstown 5+1 cocktail” (Chainuvati et al). 2003;74: Evolving ways that drug therapy is individualized (Reidenberg). 2003;74: 437-47 197-202 (Commentary) Cytochrome P450 3A4 messenger ribonucleic acid induction by rifampin Impact of serum creatinine measurement error on dose adjustment in renal in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells: correlation with alpra- failure (Schneider et al). 2003;74:458-67 zolam pharmacokinetics (Gashaw et al). 2003;74:448-57 Predicting “real world” effectiveness by integrating adherence with phar- The effect of age, sex, and rifampin administration on intestinal and hepatic macodynamic modeling (Hughes and Walley). 2003;74: 1-8 (Commen- cytochrome P450 3A activity (Gorski et al). 2003;74:275-87 tary) Effects of aprepitant on cytochrome P450 3A4 activity using midazolam as Randomized concentration-controlled trials: motivations, use, and limita- a probe (Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 tions (Kraiczi et al). 2003;74:203-14 (Commentary) Effects of cigarette smoking and carbon monoxide on chlorzoxazone and Role of P-glycoprotein in the intestinal absorption and clinical effects of caffeine metabolism (Benowitz et al). 2003;74:468-74 morphine (Kharasch et al). 2003;74:543-54 Effects of garlic (Allium sativum L.) supplementation on cytochrome P450 Down-regulation 2D6 and 3A4 activity in healthy volunteers (Markowitz et al). 2003; Genotype-dependent time course of lymphocyte f,-adrenergic receptor 74:170-7 down-regulation (Bruck et al). 2003;74:255-63 Effects of polymorphism in promoter region of human CYP2A6 gene Drug approval (CYP2A6*9) on expression level of messenger ribonucleic acid and Disposition of polyoxyethylated excipients in humans: implications for enzymatic activity in vivo and in vitro (Yoshida et al). 2003;74:69-76 drug safety and formulation approaches (ten Tije et al). 2003;74: Genetic polymorphisms of the CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and MDR-1 genes and 509-10 (Letter) pharmacokinetics of the calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporine and ta- Drug costs crolimus (Hesselink et al). 2003;74:245-54 Clinical and economic consequences of reference pricing for dihydropyr- Impaired 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone elimination in patients with kidney dis- idine calcium channel blockers (Schneeweiss et al). 2003;74:388-400 ease: implication for cytochrome P450 2E1 pharmacogenetic studies Drug interactions (Nolin et al). 2003;74:555-68 Celecoxib inhibits metabolism of cytochrome P450 2D6 substrate meto- Inhibition of cytochrome P450 2B6 activity by hormone replacement prolol in humans (Werner et al). 2003;74:130-7 therapy and oral contraceptive as measured by bupropion hydroxyla- Effects of aprepitant on cytochrome P450 3A4 activity using midazolam as tion (Palovaara et al). 2003;74:326-33 a probe (Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 Multiple doses of saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) did not alter cytochrome The interaction between St John’s wort and an oral contraceptive (Hall et P450 2D6 and 3A4 activity in normal volunteers (Markowitz et al). al). 2003;74:525-35 2003;74:536-42 Multiple doses of saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) did not alter cytochrome Polymorphism in CYP2C8 is associated with reduced plasma concentra- P450 2D6 and 3A4 activity in normal volunteers (Markowitz et al). tions of repaglinide (Niemi et al). 2003;74:380-7 2003;74:536-42 Time course of recovery of cytochrome P450 3A function after single Pharmacokinetic drug interactions in children taking oxcarbazepine (Sallas doses of grapefruit juice (Greenblatt et al). 2003;74:121-9 et al). 2003;74:138-49 Drug labeling D Label development and the label comprehension study for over-the-counter Dexamethasone drugs (Brass and Weintraub). 2003;74:406-12 (Commentary) Effects of the neurokinin, receptor antagonist aprepitant on the pharma- Drug therapy cokinetics of dexamethasone and methylprednisolone (McCrea et al). Effects of aprepitant on cytochrome P450 3A4 activity using midazolam as 2603;74: 17-24 a probe (Majumdar et al). 2003;74:150-6 Dextromethorphan Evolving ways that drug therapy is individualized (Reidenberg). 2003;74: Combined phenotypic assessment of cytochrome P450 1A2, 2C9, 2C19, 197-202 (Commentary) 2D6, and 3A, N-acetyltransferase-2, and xanthine oxidase activities Pharmacokinetics and preliminary clinical data of the novel chemopro- with the “Cooperstown 5+1 cocktail” (Chainuvati et al). 2003;74: tectant BNP7787 and cisplatin and their metabolites (Verschraagen et 437-47 al). 2003;74: 157-69 Effects of garlic (Allium sativum L.) supplementation on cytochrome P450 Drugs, generic 2D6 and 3A4 activity in healthy volunteers (Markowitz et al). 2003; Increased warfarin doses and decreased international normalized ratio 74:170-7 response after nationwide generic switching (Halkin et al). 2003;74: Diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent 215-21 Effect of 2 weeks of theophylline on glucose counterregulation in patients Drugs, non-prescription with type | diabetes and unawareness of hypoglycemia (de Galan et Label development and the label comprehension study for over-the-counter al). 2003;74:77-84 drugs (Brass and Weintraub). 2003;74:406-12 (Commentary)

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