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Clinical Pharmacak inet ics Concepts and Application s thirdedition MALCOlM ROWlAND, Ph.D. DepomnenrofPhormocy UniversityofIv\oncne$ler fvlonchester, England THOMASN. TOZER, Ph.D. School ofPbcrmocv UniversityofCalifornia SanFrancisco, Cclnormc A Leu .v.... Febiger Book .e1~ LIpPINCOTT WILLIAMS&WILKINS • AWollenKluwefCompany Philadelphia • Ballimore • NewYork • london BuenosAires • HongKong . Sydney • Tokyo f:.w.:uIIH'f:.I.,,,,,!)""'..l H<u.lll" 11tlO-It'/>f'U"Udll.;.[I/.-n Frmu.·#"!I-:litu, I.L<{;i :'>tnl<1 '.....1....·'''',.,.u.....lR"... u.urw.·Ft>¥'$J1h f'n:>J«t/-:.111"" J(oh."lJ .1I('1tt,· CopyrightC I99S lW ~r,lI..m.l!<~'iu.,;... HO~·01 ~..... Pt"l.Jdrh'"lm yInft..1'1101'>-:1021 l''!>A Allri¢lt~re....'rve·d Thi~h<....i.~I'rul~-..:1•..JI')'cnpyril(ht,...." p;ln (>tlhi~h••oklIu)'I... n.·pr"du...·tI in"ny '..rm nrtl)'..n)'rnt~"Il-~.indudmjtph'lIu':OPyinll.0' ulllll.et.lhy ~n)'infumulion """'-"11<' ~n<.I1'1.1,...·,..,,1~)·",.-nl .....i1huul....Titl.-npemli.,~i"n(rum lho.-n,p\.-rixh!......I'll·r An'Ur~l.. inlJiGlli(>n~.~.h'ff'>t"ll.·oI<.1i<...~.~ooJ<"..;I!lt' ·hnluk-"furdrull"an.'pt<"i<.k'<iin lhi~ho...ol..hUIr( i.~ pr...~ihl..lht.1'nuy.-f'l:In!lt".Tho.'...·:l<k>fi~UrwnllO ·it.....'lhe.-p;ld.,.:.lJC"infun1l.llKlf1wI"..rII... nunub'1u...." (lrlho.-mnli<.~IIIl"'~rnt'1l1K>nnJ. I'firllcdin11M:'l:nit..-dSl"l..,..,rlAnlt"fit'<l fiN h.l.".... 1....' UbnryorCAm~Cata",-""lnK-ln·Puhllcadon Dala Itu.....boo.1t-f.l.kolm, Oini<'<I1Plul'l1U(,<okiOt1o:('tIfl{"C'flI-' "00arrl""lion,I Makohn Ko.....'.f.l.n<l.Th.......~S Tozn".- .W ...... p, em, MAL.....'t Fd ,jll<>fB.."k.~ Indu<1o:-!<hihli<'Ilf'lphi<.·..1n..rl·n..I'll~"ooIndo-·". ISUS ().(1Mj-(J7i(~·O 1 Plunruc"killt1it'!o l Cho(.-nKJlhlT~J')·, TOIt·r.l1K1flU'S, n.nne. lusU.t 1.Plunrun okllw:iio l.Im..1lTh<.T..p)· QV.\IillSK;k 1....,1-11 k.\1~1I.~.R6K ,~ 61".7_klO ')~L\L,()LC fur lihr~rr..tCAIOIlft"'" Iht-/'"hlu/l<t'f'J1><111'......1<.",.ory.tJi,rr1'-'Irw.·..lho-'·''''.I'tlNblh.."·Ite".U,.,.i'1.0,·'"I".....>U••I"..1I•."..11/lhory-'1><'/1'ill 'l</" 'f1t'1,lll'"f,-rl<"Jit.1'''IX.Iht,·"1111...pl.u....1to _ d.•' ,''''II... (lm"lRt'm",,',~(.1Iht·fiNo(>(>"rr""'1l' 9 10 PREFACE PURPOSE 01 TIXT The rhinl l"tlitioll. in kt't'pill~ wtth tilt' fiot hm ("l;lilions. isa pnnu-r in pharmacokinetics \\ithan t'llIph;l~is011 clhucnlapplications.111t'Ix)okshould hl' usefultoilnystudent.pmc· tulom-r.or rt'sl'ard lt'rWilliisinf('rt'slt'()ort'llga~("llin til('dt·"dopllll'ut,e-....uluutkrn.orII!\(' of nu-dn-im-s.SIl('h !Wn;OIlS illdlldl'phannac1sts.physicians.veterinarians. pharmaccuucal scn-nttsts. Im:ieolo)..,'isls, al1al~1i{Mu1chemists, luochennsts.and d ink'al chenusts. It is an in troductorytextamitln-n-fon-pn'slllllt'Sthattilt'n-aderIm."littll'or not':qx'nt'IIl'('Of knowl ('(I~t· ill lilt, an-a. Previous ('xposnn' 10 certain aspects of physioloK\' and pharmacclogy would ht' 11I·lp(1I1,hilt it is 1101('Sst·utia!.SOIllt' kllowlt'(I~(·ofcalculus isalso dt'Sirab!e. Ourintent h to ln-lptilt'n-aderlenrn to applyplranuacokincncs intherape-utics.Tothis r-nd.WI' I'lIlplJit\ill' {,(lIll,('pts tlln)ll~h problemsolving \\ith only til('essence of requtred marlu-nuutcs. In tllis respect. til('hookisa pro~r.lInm{'(IIt'aminv;text.AIthe bt";ll11in~of I';u:h d lapll'r, ohjt'(:liH's art' !-pH'n 10 itll'lltif)"lilt' saln-nt points 10 be learned.To further aid in !e;ln-illl-: tln-man-rial. examples art' \\urkt'(!oul in delailin tilt' text, At tilt' {'ud of t·ad.chapter,t'Wl'pttilt'first.then-an'problemsthiltallo.....I!l1'readertov;r...'ptilt'(,(JJl{"pts oftilt'chapn-r,IlldIn lnukl man-rial ¢H'n illpreviouschapn-rs.nit' un!t'roftht,prob 1)1\ k-msin I'a('h cliapter n·III'(1s cousuh-ratiou of both t1HIi(1111)'and how WI·I\tlu-problems apply tn chapterprinciples.TIlt'questionsstart with thelessdiflitultOIl('S and thosethai t·.llplmsi...x- tlu-principh-s. ORGANIZATION AND CONIINT Asin tilt's('('(md t'(lilioll,11\1' I)(M)kist!idt!('(1into fiv('St,'<.1inllS:AbsUlVlionand Disl'll,).'iitinl\ Kim'lil'S.Tll{'raj'll,'lItil' Hl'¢Illt'nS, I'hysinlo¢ cCOII('('plsand Knwttcs.Indhitluali...atiou.ami SI'!l'(1t,!Tnpil'S.Tlmst' \\isllinl-:to ~<till a ~1·Ilt·ral oH'nil'\\'oftlu- sllhjl'<.i.1It'(,!onlysiudy SI'('tiollSDIlt'alld Two.fl,!-:t'lllt'r\\ilhChapter 13,Variahility,and Chapter IS. \Ionitoring. S('('lion Tlm'(' dt'als with til(' physiolc~(' concepts relevant to an umk'rstamling of the Pl'Oc:t'Sst'Sofabsorptmu.dtvtrthution,and climiuanon. This section forms tilt"basls for an appreciation of tilt' mat{'ri,tl ill Section Four, whid. is concerned \\ilh the idt·nlifieltion. c!t'Sl'riptiOIl,and at'('(llllltilll-!of"Iriahilityin patients' rt'SI)(JUst·sto drugs.Coven-dhen-are ~('Ill'ral ;I'pl·(.'h o(variability, (ollm\"(,1by{,(lIlsidl'mtionsof~(,IWlks, age uncl w(·i~ht. dis t';I<;t', inlt'mdilll-!dml-!s.and lI\(milurinl-:ofdftl.e:concentrauous. SI'('linll Fi\"('containssch-cn-dtopics.These-<tn' ill!t'I\(II'(1for Ihust·rt'atll'f1iwi\()wtsh10 ~ajll a mon- t1f'lailt'(l illsi~llt into curious uspects of clinical pbannacokim-tics.111t" topics an' distrihulioll kim·lk'S. pllarlllanJlt~(' rt'SI)(J!lSt'. IIwtaholih' kim-tk-s, doS(' and Iillll"dt· 1)('IIIII'I1('II'S, tUnJO\"N l'()IIl'('pIS. ami di:J)"sis, Eud. Inpk' is K{·.lt'rall~· st·lf-<.'(lIltaint,!; tllt'y ImH' unt 1)("11arnlll~l,1 inany partil'ularst'lllt·m'(·. CHANGES IN TNIRD EDITION TIl(' fl.y('ar ~ap hdwt"('11 tllis thinl ("(filion and tllPst,(,(lIld. puhlish,"(1ill 19MJ. is shurtt'r tlla" tll(· 9 YI'af1i hd \\l,,('Util(' st'(und alltl firo;l 1,litiol\s.nlis shUl1t·nillJ:of tilt' Iilllt· span Pl!EfACE IM'tWl'i'lI ,·dilium rd ll'd s tln-l'\l'r-J,:atl...rill~ P,I(~' of p"~n'Ss alld applil'atioll of ehnical pllarllla(~lkilldics. D,"pill' IlIi, J,:m\\11i. which Ila,\ n'(lllin"(l Ihe inclusion of 1I111ch new ruatr-rial. ('\('1"\'dfort Il,L' IM"('II matl(' lu (~lIIlaill tln-overallSi"A' ofIh.. book. This. in 11101, lias meant Ih,;1 SWill' lIlillt'rial llas lIad IIIIx' ('olldellS("(!or dd t'lt'(l. It IIlLs also n's1l11("(1ill a muc-h j,(n'all'r u,,'of "hhn·"ia!ioll'.(·'I)(...·iall~ for units. TIlt' 11I1I1l1M'r.topn-, alit! S(" IUI'lll'('ofchapters have h('('11 kept ('Sst'lIliall)"lilt"~11Il(',L~ ill 11.1' \('('(Illd ,-cIiiion, IIIMl"I'r, r-achchapter has b("('11 ('l\lt'nsi\"d )" n-visc..1aml up(lalt"(! 10 I'IlSUf('111;(1IIII'I',-,unpl,·\ n-lnn-10l1IITt'lIlly prescnlx-d dmg),Apartkul,lr ('Ilurt h,L';be-en IIMd,·III ind lill.' vtr-n..It'III·lIIi~IT\. n,(~~l1i/illC:Ihal Isomers mavImn'dillen'nl kinetk-s and a(1i\ily.Tll('n' h "I"'l('t>II~id('r,~!ioll ortil(" iJl(:n',l~ill~ Illlmh(·~of IXllyp','ptid,' am! protein dmj.(s ,·IlII·fJ..,'iIIl! [nun advances ill molecular hioJ,~ and hiol('('hlloll'K\-"' AItIIl)U~h the ki Iwlk·(lllll",'ph an' lilt' sallw. 1111' phy,illlu'~i~' halllllilll..:: of macmmoll'(11lar compoundsis 'lui'" dislilld from thatofI~pi('al slIIall lllol''('lIlar \\t·it.:lll dm~s. TIlt'pn-wutationoflilt'1M10k h'LSa["'1IM'''II ruar]«..I1~ illlprowdthroughIh(' Ust·of(:olor. TIll' mort-nuportuut ("Illalions art-IIOWlIil..:lllighl1'd bvmeans of color.Chapter number ;111.1 ~'('1i'1I1 Ilt';\llillgIIlIWalllM'aral1111'ItIp'If('01(·11p'I,l..::" b~nu! to assistill('mss-rt'fl·n'lIcill~. .-\ lahll'offn'lllwnll.\ tN·d '~'llIbulshlL..IIt·('1l pb(~"(IIIt'I;lTt.Chapter 110 fadlil;llen"tldillin~ wmlltlk wln-n IH"~'S"IT\'. The ralll.:1'alit! uumla-rofprobk-m-,al Ihe eud of('adl chapterand AppendixI(totalof ";7III'Wpruh[('Ill';) Ilan' 1"'1'11 ,"h,tallli,illyextemh-dto itssisl in 1('itmilllJ: pruhl('m SU";I1~ illl)haTlna,~,killl'li('s, 'I(lsiIll'lilt, addilillllalproblemsan' takenIrmnhterutun-,rather than Sillllltt"'i!.Ibt", Tilt, thtrd ,-c[itiou (1J1llaill\ 102 IWW figures anti 20m'w tables, n:'l1('(1in~, in large P;lrt. Ill,'atklllt'(', ilIad" ill n"t'('111~";Irsill11liT~'lllwll'(I~(·of111('pharmacoknu-ttcs ufdnl~s.Tln mun-rtal 011"Small\'UlllllWuf Di~1rihlltiull" thutcompns,-d tilt'ttsl chapter oftilt' second ,..[itlon II'~~ 11t"('1I illlUTJMlTakti intn Cl.aplt'r W. DistrihulioTl,atul:\ppc.·lIdh I-F. \\'1'(~llIlilllll' 10 adopl a umfonu st'l ofsvmbols 11m!10 II...•lIlilli.t.:r.ulIsIliIN (mwLl,lS tlu vtaudard 1H,'aSllW ofcouceutranon. \\'e do rt"l.1lj..'fli7'(·. however. tht· illl'n·,t\illJl; trend towun]tilt' atinplillil of1lI0lMIlllil\ lind haw' pnl\itl'''tla fador for conversion ht'!"Wi'('1I tht· two lIllilsof nu-acun-uu-nt ill til(' ('ll,'rtiIlPIlI fiWm·captious.\\'t' shallunl~' il(' convtnced of IIII'virtm-of,,,I,,\y lISill~ lilt"molars~"SlplIl ofmcasun-ment wln-u dm~s an' pn-scnlx-d in ~Ildl Ilnih. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS \\'1' \,;sh to thank all tilt· Ulall)" silltipuls lind reatlt·rs w!lu pnl\itll"tl inpul thai Ilt'lp'''lllis shapt·IhisIhinl("(!ilion.Their1·lllhIlSia.SIIlami{"m"llllr.t~{"IIWIlIhaw'11t'('1llIl,mlillllalst.ltln't· of salisfill1ion. To 111('1It'\.\· n·ilder. Wt· hnpt· that 11... IItMlk \\ill su('t.'t"("f.1in IlI'lpin~ )UU <I....-dopkil)('lk-r..a....mill~ Ihal ....ill hI'ofpersonal\,.Iul' ill)'tl1tT pmf('ssionalpml1il"(', \\'(. hOI\"(' h("('11 ('llorlll(msI~'~nllifil"(l hytill' \\;de allli di\"l·rst·n·mlershipofIIIl' fir.-tIwn t"f.lilions of tilt" h(ltlk. \\·t· ....,)\lld lik(' 10ht'ii('\"(' Illat lIlt' IItMlk ha..11t'l'1I inslmllll'lItai in fllrtlll'ring mliollal lllilllav;en)('111 ofdm~t1lt"rdp)',Wt· sinl'l,Tt·ly11Ilpt·tlml Ih.. thinl t'(!ilion \\ill l'tllltilHl(' 10 do st.1. ,\loltcllt'-dt"r, £1IJ!ol m/ \la!t1.,lm H()\,·land San Fm'irl~('(J. Calijonl;(/ l1Ullllll'i~. Toz('r CONTENTS Definition!>of St:ibols xi 1. WhyC1inicolPormocohnerics? _ _ 1 SIOIONI. "'SORPTION AND DISPOSITION IINIHCS 2. BasicCcnstdercnons 11 3. IntravenousDose 18 4. ExtravascularDose 34 SlUION II. THIU'IUJI( IIGI.IN5 5. Therapeutic Responseand Toxicily 53 6. Constant-RoteRegimens 66 7. Muhiple-DoseRegimens 83 SECTIONIII. PHYSIOLOGIC(ON((PTS ANDIUUTI(S 8. I'v'lovement ThroughMemblOnes 10Q 9. Absorption . 119 10. Distribution 137 11. Elimination 156 12. Integration With Kinetics 184 SECTION IY. INDIYIDUALlZATlON 13. Variability 203 14. Genetics . 220 15. AgeandWeighr 230 16. Disease 248 17. Interacting Drugs 267 18. ConcennctionMonito,ing 290 SECTION Y. SEUCTEDTOPICS 19. Distribution Kinetics . 313 20. Pharmacologic Response 340 21. MetabOliteKinetics 367 22. Doseand TimeDependencies .. 394 23. TUfnovel Concep's .., , 424 24. Dialysis ,443 SEUCTED lEADING 463 APPIHDIX I. ADDITIONAL CONUPTS AND DUIYATIONS A. Assessment01AUe 469 B. Esnmct.on01EliminalionHall·life flamUrine Dote .473 • CCNTENf5 C. EstimaTion01Absorplion KineticsF,om PlmmoConcentration DolO " ..,." 478 D. f'.h:Jon ResidenceTime 485 E. Amount ofDrug in Bodyon Accumulation 10 Plateau 490 F. Oislribulion ofDrugs Extensively Bound to PlasmaProteins "' ,4Q4 G B!cxxi 1o Plmmo CooceollOtjon Rolin 502 H Esllmorion01C,eohnineClearance Under Nonsleody-StoteConditions .....504 "rINDII II. uswns [0 PlOIUMS SOl IlIIlI.XL -"110 586 DEFINITIONS OF SYMBOlS * Amoullt ofdnl~ in hody. 1lI~or A... Amount ofdnl~ illIxxl)'at steady umolo. state.' duringconstant-rate mtrave 1I01lSinfusion,mgor IJIllO]t', Atl Alliount oft1nl~atubsorpnou sit(· n'maillin~tu he.' absorbed, A...... A\'erdge amount ofdnlg in Ixxl)" 1ll~or "UIIO]t'. during adosing Intervalat stead}' state. mgor umole. CUlIlulathl' amount ofdnl~I'X A..,......: Mali:imum and minimum e.'rd("(,1U1l('hatl~('t1 in th(' urine, A......... Ill~Ofj.tlllole. amounts ofdnlg in Ixx!yduring a dosing Interval at sll'lld)"state on Ad(",) Amount of lllt'ta!xliite ellmtnan-d. administeringa fiu'tldUM" at a 1lI~ or umole. fixl-c.1 dosingInterval, m~or CUlIllilati\'{' amount ofdOl!,!:ex IJIIlO!t·, A.... {·rt'h,,(! lln{'h;U1~(,,(! in rlu- urme Amount ofdrugin bodyat lillie t dllrin~a dusill~intervalat sh';ldy \\ithina dosing Interval at stt·ady stun-, 111~Of umok-. state Oil ;u!millish'ringa fin-d dust, at a fi\I-c.1t1osin~ Interval, Cumulative amount ofdm~ex IllgOf umole. (:rl"lt-c.I IIIle.·h;U1~t'tl in tilt' urille to lilllt' infinity aftN a ~ill~!e duse, AVC Aft"a underthe plasmadrugcon mgor j.tmolt,. centration-nmecurve.Total un-a fmm tinll' ()to infinityisimplied A(",) Amount ofmd"hulilt' in Ixx!y. unlessthe local ('(mt('lt indicates 1Il~Of j.tll1ule.'. • a specific time Interval.e.g,. dos TI\(' minimum umouut ofdm~in ing Interval, mg-hr/l,Of1J~I.hr. Ixltly required to obtain" pn-de AVC" Totalarea underthe blood dnlg tennim-dh-vcl ofn'spoII~', m~or concentrution timt· curve, mg-hr! "UIlO!t'. L orp~l.hr. Ay ......: ~lll\ill111m ami nununum AUC(m)An'illlml('r tlw plasmarm-tabo A,\',.."" amountsofdm~in I)(ltlyafh'r the lite concentratmn time curve. Xtil duSt,offi.'H't!sin',wd¢\"1'1I mg-hr/L orIJl\I·hr. at a Iixed dosill~ interval, 1l1~or AVC.. An'a under the plasma drug ('()II umoh-. centranontime curve within a "\\'., Amount ofdnl~in I)(xlyat tilllt' t dosing intervalat steady state, aftN till·Xtli "O\t', 1Il~Ofumole. mg-hr/l.or IJM-III'. ,\V.\lC Total an-a under the first mo Amount oft1m~ (t'maining to he mont-time curve.mg-h.-2/L or t'xI'n'It-c.!ill umn-arkra smglc 1J~1-11.-2. dose-, mg or umole. c Concentrationofdnlg ill plasma. ·C."..I""iI'"n'10"'''. mwLorj.t~1. .. .. DffN1X)NSOFs,r.w!O.S C(O) Initial plasmaeoncentratkm, lISU- C_ lIi~ht',1 {Im~(''Ull('t'ulr.l!illll lll.. all)'obtaintodb)'('droiplKdHflll to ~'nl'tl in plasma follcJ\\ill!{ad- time 7...-ro.mw'l.orJ.lM. milli,traliollofan t'xtm''lL'ol'1llar C1:C2 Coefficielltswith unitsof<:(m('('I1- tic.....•• mWl.llrJI\1. trarjon, m~'l.nrpM. elm).. COlll't'nlrdlioll ofa IIIt·lal.llih·al C. Ceucentration oft1nl~in fluitL..011 \tt·;"ly ,t.aft"durin£:a ('(m..tam- the;j,~lTptiOIi ,itt·,IIlWi.or",\1. rate illtrd'l'IKlU" inf"sinllof dnl~ C" C.tllK't·ntrolltnll ofdnl~in arterial IIIWI."' J.I\t blood, IIlgfLor J.I\1. C_.. \lilliullIlIl ('1ltK't'ntr.tlinn n"Cluin'tl C, ('.ou('\'ulmIKlIl ofdnl~in hlood. 10ohtain a pn'tIt.It'nuint"l! tnten- mWLor J.I\1. "ity of n~llClIIs(·. mWi.or J.I\I. CINI CotK"t"lllmfinlln(bounddOlI-:: ill C,\_ .: \I.uillllllll anduuniunuu ulII<.'('n- plasma, IllWI..or ~~1. C\'~" tnutons ofdrug in plasma afll'r C'J Dnlg l'lIIK"t'nlratinnin clial)~II(' Iht,XIIIdoS{'nn ;tdrnillhll'rin~a Ic'a\in~diOllp N.mWl.orJ.i~1. fi.\t'tldoS{' al cquul dosill~inh'r· vak IIIWL orJ.i\I. (;1 CtJlK't'nlrllfiunnfinhibitorofII1t'- c.; tabohsm.1Il1i!.or ~\1. CUlll't·ulr.lliunoft1m~ ill Ill'rill.. CI. Tot.al clearance ofJmgfmm lll'llll'a\if)·, IIIWLnrJ.i\I. plasma, lAir. C. CmK't'lIlmtiull ofdm~ ill plil-\IU;. CI.." Toealdt"ar.lIK't'ofJmgfn)lll al ,11';11.1)"stOlf(' duringa n mslanl- hlt:n.1. lAir. ran-inlr.l\1:"IlCItISinfusion, mWJ. ur J.i\1. Cl..",) ~'5isclt-anuK."'(" ba.~'tlOildmg l't"K'(·ntr.ttioo in hluu{!. LAir. C.._ ,\\l'r~{'tlnlg conceutrabcu in CL"II Hepaticd(~.u-dIKTofdnag from pld.\lIl4/,cluring adosill~ i'JlN\~J al hlnnc.L lAir. stt-....I)·slalt·011 d(llIIinisll'rill~" fi\t"d diN' att'{!ttal dosing tnn-r- CI.~ Ht"taI d('llrdlK"t"ofN\·dlillillt-. vals, mWJ-,.or I-I\t. Illl/min eN" lAir. ct.; Dial)'5isdt'drdlK't' ba.'\t'll011 dmg CC.....__.: ~la'{illlllln and nuninuun t'(lIl(,'I1- Irdfiemsofdmg ill pl.tSIIl;& af couceutrateon in pla.SIlla..lAir. Slt';lcl)" slaft' em adminis!t'ring;& C/, Clearance a\sudaftoe,lwith Forma- fi'{{oe,ldust' .IIequalclusing inte-r- lion ofa mt1a!J,olitto fmm a dmg. vals, m!ifLor J.i\1. lzhr. ct.; Hepatic dt'amnn' nf dnlg from C, ,\\'{'m~t-courx-utrutjon ofdnl~ill 111li,Lsuutshh-plasma, IIlWLor plasma. lAir. JAM. CL"" lntriuslc ck-aranee ofdm~ illor- ~an oft'liminalioll. lAIr. Cl'" J)nl~("IJ11c't'lIlmfifn)IIl1hollllclill lolal hoc.I)·wate-r. mWI--orpM. CUm) Totald(';\mn("l.'ofa rm-tabolitc. lAir. C - ~1a.,iIllUIll and minimum limits .",.... CI·,.u Peritoneal dialysisdC'ardlK"t' C"....... for pla.'lIIa dnl~("Ilnn·nlrdfMms. 1llWI--orJ.I~I. basedon dOlJl:("II1K't'llfrdtlon in plasma. lAir. C" Unbounddm~(·ollll.'llfr.ttion ill CI." Renalclt".uaIK"t'oftlmg. tAn. plasma, mWJ..or)1~1. CI..fl Ck".u-d1H.,·ofunbound drug. CII, Unbound plasma(.'t)lK't'lllmlioll lAIr. of illilihilllf, mWJ.or 1-1\1. C(m) CAIIK."t'nfrdholl of ffi(1ahofilt' ill C,_ C.tIlK"I-utr.lIMlIlofdna,::ill\"('lltMIS pLaSIila. '"WI.or 1-1\1. hlcMII1lIIWl. or J.i'l. DEfWlONSOf SV.YaQlS .~ IJ,. Luadill~dose. m~or ~.IInClI('. t". Ralio ofunboundconcentranon in pla.\lUiIand lotal dru~(,(JlK,'n- \laintl'llalln' dn"", ofa f!Wtl.tlOSl' IJ" tranou in blood.ununits. n-WlIll'll. 1Il~or~ullolt" Uv__ \tuillllllll mainft-ll<.IIK,(·du!>(' 10 ft·, Ralio of unboundand total sih'S r-u..un- th.d tiM.'plasma dm~con- a..'iLil.r.bk for bintlill~nn a pla.\IlU ('OI'ntrat~>II "'III;UII~ \..ill.in C..,.,,- pron-iu, 110 units. and C.lo.......Iimilstillrin~a (k)O;ill~ J"ff Ratio ofunhound and a\'('r.t~(' tl.. Interval at steatl~' ..tate. 1Il~or tal dm~rono-ntrations in intra- ~Illlllt" t,'lIl1lar "uids,nounits. F. E,tr:.K1illllratio. 1111units. fliT Ratio ofIIllhoulltland total dm~ IX :',II {;onn'ulratioll ~i\ill~one-halftiM.' conccntranons in tissues (oubidt' ma"iIl1ll1llI'lT('1. IIlWl." I' ~\I, plasma). 110 units. E" IIt'palkol'\lmdiull rutio,TlUunits. y Shapl' factor inconcentration- f:,..... \I,l\illllllll('lTl'1,uuttsof re- rt'Srx)IJ~' n-lanonship. 110 units. SIXlIIM' uu-asureuu-ut. GfJl Glllllwmlar filtration rate. 11111 P Hilla\~libhilityfirdm~. uo units. mill or l;1l1'. h..1 Ratio nrIXIIIIIII til Inial dm~con- k Eliminatilln rate constant, hr- I. l'Ol'lItmtilllls ill pl.eeua. nil units. /;• AS\lx1aliollconstant for tilt' biml· t" Dial"''iiscl..aram'e-as a rrd(1ionor in~ofdrug10 protein. 111J1olt', tUlal'cleamno-dllrill~a (Iial~"is ka Ahsorption rate constant. hr- I. In'alllMOlIl, no units. fi· Fraction oft1nl~"'~....te-uuc-ally k" Ehnunatjon r.lIt' constantwhilt' a ...."".liLahlt'11Iat i",l'uTt'!l,lun- P"'tiMltis undergoingtlialrsi' t·han!:t'llin urine. lin uuits. In-aIIlM.'nt.1Ir- I, FEV, Forced(·xpirdt()~·\UllInK'in I k. Urillal)'escn-non rail."constant. second. I~ 11f-I, "'" Frecnouortlnl~t'likrill~tht' k Hatt' constant ilS-\lldatl'llwith l1.t' J live-rthai Ml'ilp'-sl'limirlalioll 011 formation ofa metabolite, 111'-1. singlt' I'la.Ssa~l' tllnlll~h thai or- , /; Inhihitiont"fluilibrimn constant, ~all, 110units. mWL or ~~1. Jm F"rad:iull lOrIlnJ!!: sph"Illit-;JI~' k(m) Ralt' constant for the d ilUina!ioll ;l\'ailahlt' thai h t'(lI\\'('r11'!to a ora lIll'taholitl',hr- I. IIl1'l:llx,lilt'.110 units. fill Fraction or..dmini..lt'r,,1do!>(' or Am MkhiU'IiS·\h·uh'ucoustaut, mWI. dnl~that l'nh'f'!i till' J.:t'llt'mlcir- or ~\I, l111..-liou usa nu-tabolin-,no units. I'm' \lichal.'lis·\leulenconstant.t'X- F• Fraction offiln-n-d and !>('(:rt'It't! pressed in terms orlotal plasma drugreabsorbed ill tilt" renal tu- concentranon. mgILor p\l. bulc, no units. Kp EqUilibrium distribulion rdtioor ft· Ratio (Ifunl.Jl.lIltland toraldm~ dmg ht1\l.'t...n tissueand hlc...1or ('OI.IK,'ntr,dion~ in plasma. no plasma. no umts. umrs. k, Fr.K1tonal rateat which dm2 I"' Ratio orun!'numlilut! hltal dmR ko""'S tis~ut', hr- I. ('OIK'('lltmtioll~in pla...ma Ulld("f' k. Frat.1tomlltUITMI\"t'r r.tle,hI'- ', t'Uullililll\sora1tt'n,1 bintlinR-no I units. )...; )-t F.\plnt'lltialcoefficit'nls,ltr- .

Since pharmacokinetics can greatly affect how different patients respond to the same drug, both students and physicians need a basic clinical understanding of this vital area. The Third Edition of Clinical Pharmacokinetics provides a practical perspective, with these added features considerations of
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