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Author Index, 2003 A Boergers, Julie, 235 Dacou-Voutetakis, C, 59 Abend-Weinger, Martha, Bonafede, Ronald, 603 Darden, Paul M, 627 Adams, Marian M, 11 Boone, Jon L, 585 Das, Bibhuti, 649 Ahmad, Adel, 439 Borrelli, Belinda, 775 Davis, Loretta S, 379 Aijaz, NaghmaJ , 75 BothwellJ,E , 353 de Vries, Liat, 181 Boyd, Roland L, 185 DeFelice, Amy R, 371 Akiyama, Tomitaro, 679 Bradley, Joel F, 121 Del Beccaro, Mark A, 797 Aktay, Atiye Nur, 621 Akyuz, Canan, 29 Brassington, Glenn S, 697 Dell, Katherine MacRae, 317, 421 Brodlie, Susan, 371 DiPalma, Jack A, 341 Al-Quaimi, Mohammed, Alarcon, Graciela S, 375 Brown III, Frank R, 427 Dooley, JM, 353 Brown, Chad A, 379 Dozier, Askia, 603 Alarcon, Pedro A, 209 Brown, Julie C, 797 Duffy, Linda C, 603 Alday, Sloan C, 235 Amateau, Margaret M, 147 Brown, William D, 497 Dunn, Maren, 647 Bruckman, David, 121 Amir, Jacob, 581 Brumund, Michael, 185 E Anderson, Philip O, 325 Buchta, Richard M, 647 Appel, Carla Calcagnoto, 19 Eckert, George, 357 Butz, Arlene M, 727 Arisawa, Kokichi, 679 Elkin, David T, 401 Buyukpamukcu, Munewver, 29 Asensi, Francisco, 361, 463 Ellis, Susan C, 277 Buyukpamukcu, Nebil, 29 Atkins, AM, 827 Eppes, Stephen C, 34 / Avila, Octavio, 35 C Erez, I, 23 Ernst, E, 193 Cabana, Michael D, 121 Ertan, Ulker, 367 B Campbell, Jeffrey W, 281 Espinoza, Luis R, 459 Bada, Henrietta S, 165 Canete, Ramon, 35 Even-Bendahan, G, 23 Bader, David, 153 Carey, Dennis E, 591 Ey, John, 295 Baeza, EnriqueJ , 35 Carles, Concepcion, 463 Baffa, Jeanne M, 185 ( lasey, Janet R, 113 519 F Bajwa, Nadia M, 455 ( cheng, Shin-Nan, 543 Baker, Sherri S, 67 ( thiyonobu, Tomohiro, 269 Faust, Russell A, 1 Ball, Thomas M, 527 Christopher, Norman C, 673 Feldman, Sandor, 93 Baraff, Larry J, 557, 613 ( thu, Chia-Hsiang, 543 Fink, Daniel, 263 Barankin, Benjamin, 475 ( imafranca, Leonard, 209 Floyed, Rebecca, 467 Barnes, Linda, 205 Clark, Anne, 603 Fraley, KennardJ , 427 Baron, Jonathan, 187 Clark, Edward K, 567 Francis, Anne B, 113, 219, 519 Baroody, Fuad, 565 Clark, Noreen, 121 Franco, Sofia M, 165 Barton, Leslie L, 277 Clausen, Carla R, 797 Frank, Graeme R, 591 Belcher, Harolyn, 727 Cleary, Carolyn T, 219. 519 Frank, Rachel, 235 Bentley, Janna M, 475 Cohen, Daniel M, 227 Freij, BisharaJ , 443 Beratis, Nicholas G, 533 Comer, Gail M, 209 Freud, E, 23 Berger, Mary Alice, 277 Cooper, Meghan N, 547 Furman, Lydia, 317, 421 Bernert, G, 703 Cordice, Candida C, 591 G Bernreuter, Wanda, 375 Cordoba,J , 361 BernsteinJ,i ll D, 673 Crabtree, Valerie McLaughlin Garcia, Claudia, 247 Berry, Susan, 745 Cuchacovich, Rachel, 459 Gassner, Ingmar, 25] Cummings, EA, 353 Berz, Kate, 653 Gedalia, Abraham, 459 Bhatia, Jatinder, 185 Cummings, Ginny E, 821 Genizi, Jacob, 263 Bishop, Warren P, 815 Curtin-Wirt, Correne D, 219, 519 Gerson, Lowell W, 433 Blanco, Ernesto, 75 Glascoe, Frances Page, 133 D Blanco, Felipe, 511 Glen, Jennifer, 561 Block, Stan L, 663 D’ Amico, Michael A, 371 Glenn, Joshua B, 567 Bodner, Johannes, 251 da Costa, Jaderson Costa, Goad, Sharon, 789 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 CLINICAL PEDIATRICS 847 Author Index, 2003 Gogus, Safiye, 29 Jensen, Craig L, 427 Lerdluedeeporn, Paisal, 71 Goldblatt, Mark R, 281 Joffe, Mark, 511 Leung, Alexander KC, 451 Gomez, Ricardo, 459 Johnson, David, 613 Levi, Benjamin H, 139 Gomez-Sanchiz, Manuela, 35 Jones, Clay, 85 Levin, Linda, 173 Gordon, KE, 353 Jones, Evelyn, 599 Li, Jennifer S, 67 Gordon, Stewart T, 101 Jones, Henry L, 357 Lifshitz, Matityahu, 411 Gottsegen, David N, 273, 841 Jones, Faye V, 719 Lin, Lung-Huang, 209 Gozal, David, 51, 719, 807 Joseph, Evelyn C, 599 Linebarger, Jennifer S, 43 Grassl, Gerhard, 251 Lipsky, Caren, 511 Greenberg, David P, 93, 411 K Liu, Guanxin, 83 Greer, Scott A, 341 Livadas, S, 59 Kahn, Daniel A, 471 Gregori, Pascual, 463 Llorente, Antolin M, 427 Kamat, Deepak, 745, 753, 763 Gremse, David A, 341 Lo, Betty P, 573 Griffin, KarlaJ , 401 Kamiya, Yasutaka, 269 Loening-Baucke, Vera, 815 Kanaan, Usama, 317, 421 Guenther, Lyn C, 475 Loftin, Mark, 505 Kanegaye, John T, 471, 749 Gunawardane, Gamini, 127 Lohe, Abhijit, 649 Kanter, RonaldJ , 67 Gurakan, Berkan, 365 Losek, Joseph, 641 Karatza, Ageliki A, 53: Guttermacher, M, 23 Louthrenoo, Orawan, 79 Karp, Warren B, 185 Guzy, Judith, 557, 613 Lumelsky, Dmitry, 741 Kasubuchi, Yasuo, 269 Gyamfi, Joyce O, 603 Katz-Sidlow, RachelJ , 635 M Kayman, Harvey, 383 H MacSween,J , 353 Kazlow, Philip G, 371 Halevy, Raphael, 741 Keane, Virginia, 821 Madan, Ashima, 11 Hansen, Ronald C, 187 Kemper, KathiJ , 205 Mahabee-Gittens, Melinda E, 65: Harbeck-Weber, Cynthia, 227 Kennedy, Mary A, 165 Mahon, Barbara E, 357 Harel, Ephat H, 497 Kerley, Nicole, 467 Mallare, Johanna T, 591 Harper, Mark A, 673 Khan, Muhammad A, 649 Maniati-Christidi, M, 59 Harris, Cheryl L, 483 King, James C, 821 Manoguerra, Anthony S, 325 Hebert, Catherine, 573 Kinik, Sibel, 365 Marcu, Shai, 411 Heird, William C, 427 Kleber, Courtney B, 357 Maroushek, Stacene, 763 Hellerstein, Stanley, 43, 553 Klein, Joel D, 347 Marsocci, Steven M, 113, 219, 519 Hellman, Robert S, 621 Klein-Schwartz, Wendy, 159 Martin, Raquel, 463 Helm, Elizabeth A, 821 Konen, O, 23 Mc Quivey, Ross W, 697 Hernandez, Virginia C, 209 Konstantopoulou, V, 703 McClean, Angela, 573 Hill, Teresa D, 599 Koren, Ariel, 741 McQuaid, Elizabeth L, 775 Hoagland, Jason, 317, 421 Kreipe, Richard E, 561 McQuillan, Susan, 641 Hoeger, WilliamJ Kreitzer, Paula M, 591 Meister, Kirsten, 121 Hoffman, Alisa H, 375 Krishnamurti, Lakshmanan, 753 Melamed, Rimma, 411 Mendel, Sandra G, 599 Horak, Elisabeth, 251 Krogstad, Paul, 71 Merkel, Kimberly L, 483 Horowitz, Yoseph, 263 Kumaratne, Mohan, 127 Hostetter, Margaret K, 585 Kunak, Benal, 367 Merlos, R, 361 Huang, Ching-Feng, 543 Kutluk, Tezer, 29 Metcalf, Sharon C, 165 Milazzo, Angelo S, 67 I Miron, Dan, 263 L Molfese, VictoriaJ , 719 Ibia, Ekopimo O, 443 Lam, Wayne, 209 Monheim, CynthiaJ , 527 Igde, Mahir, 367 Lane, Andrew H, 75 Montgomery-Downs, Hawley E, 719 Ishida, Hiroyuki, 269 Lane, Joshua E, 567 Moran, Colleen M, 627 Ivanenko, Anna, 51, 807 Lazar, I, 23 Moran, RobertoJ , 483 J Lee, Ming-Yung, 543 Morant, A, 361 Lee, ThomasJ , 5 ) 1, OLS Mori, Kanako, 269 Jayabose, Somasundaram, 247 Legido, Agustin, 5 l I Mostow, Eliot N, 455 Jelalian, Elissa, 235 Leppert, Mary, 727 Murdison, Ken A, 185 848 CLINICAL PEDIATRICS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 | |e en Murphy, Marie Lynd, 113, 219, 519 R Sisson, Barbara A, 165 Murray, Patrick C, 219, 519 Sittipreechacharn, Somjai, 79 Ramesh, Radhika B, 599 Mussaffi, Huda, 831 Sivan, Yakov, 831 Rao, Murli, 657 Skladal, D, 703 Rathaus, V, 23 N Sklar, Eric, 511 Reid, Samuel, 641 Nagar, Hagith, 831 Reigart, RouttJ , 89, 627 Smith, ClintonJ , 401 Narang, Anuj Steve, 295 Rimrodt, Sheryl, 727 Smith, Gary A, 227 Nedorost, ST, 827 Riskin, Arieh, 153 Smolkin, Vladislav, 741 Nishimura, Yasutaka, 269 Roberts, James R, 281 Soferman, Ruth, 83 Noche, Miguel, 209 Roberts, Robert L, 71 Sothern, Melinda S, 101, 505 Nugent, KevinJ , 679 Roberts, Timothy A, 561 Sperl, W, 703 Nunes, Magda Lahorgue, 19 Rodero, Inmaculada, 35 Spiegel, Ronen, 263 Nussinovitch, Moshe, 58] Rosenthal, Jenna I, 379 Spitzer, Alan R, 299 Rosenthal, Susan L, 173 Spivack, Jordon G, 347 O Routh, Susan A, 599 Sribnick, Eric A, 281 Roy, Sumita, 433 Sridhar, Shanthy, 299 O'Hanlon, Ann, 505 Rozelle, Judith, 427 Stauffer, William M, 763 O’Riordan, Mary Ann, 317, 421 Rush, Carol M, 417, 447 Steele, Russell, 85, 467, 657 Ohgi, Shohei, 679 Ruzal-Shapiro, Carrie, 371 Steffen, Rita M, 447 Orenstein, Susan R, 483 Ryan, Barbara A, 591 Steiner, Hans, 697 Oria, Marife, 547 Stevens-Simon, Catherine, 835 Orti, A, 361, 463 S Stiehm, Richard EF, 71 Otero, MC, 361, 463 Stockler-Ipsiroglu, S, 703 Ozkaynak, Fevzi M, 247 Sabnis, Svapna S, 147 Sudmeier, C, 703 Sakran, Waheeb, 741 P Salisbury, S, 353 ¥ Sanders, Stephen P, 67 Panzarino, Valerie M, 627 Sandoval, Claudio, 247 Takahashi, Tatsuya, 679 Pardi, Lisa A, 673 Sanguansermsri, Torpong, 79 Tallon, P, 361 Pashankar, Dinesh S, 815 Sauve, Reginald S, 451 Talner, Norman S, 67 Paul, Ian M, 67 Sawyer, Susan M, 251 Tanyel, Cahit, 29 Peng, Lynn F, 711 Schildkraut, Vered, 741 Tarcan, Aylin, 365 Perez-Tamarit, D, 361, 463 Schmid, Thomas, 251 Tauman, Riva, 51 Petry, Laura, 745 Scholer, SethJ , 789 Tempfer, Tammy, 603 Philip, Alistair GS, 11 Schreiber, Letizia, 831 Thanarattanakorn, Pattra, 79 Phillip, Moshe, 181 Schwab, Joel, 565 Theriot, Judy A, 165 Pichichero, Michael FE, 113, 219, 393, 519 Schwartz, Richard H, 443, 547 Thomas, Mathew P, 287 Schwartz, Richard M, 455 Thomasgard, Michael, 197 Pickup, Tiffany, 653 Plecko-Startinig, B, 703 Senocak, Mehmet Emin, 29 Tiker, Filiz, 365 Pochop, Stacey L, 325 Serwint, Janet R, 711 Tolis, G, 59 Pomeranz, AlbertJ , 147 Shapiro, Daniel E, 527 Tomac, Nazan, 367 Powell, Keith, 433 Shapiro, Rivka, 581 Travers, Sharon H, 835 Powers, Jean D, 227 Sharma, Jayendra, 649 Tsai, Ming-Chih, 543 Pradell, Lawrence, 511 Sheeder, Jeanelle, 835 Tung, Ying, 603 Sheridan, MichaelJ , 443, 547 Prais, Dario, 581 Turcich, Marie, 427 Sheth, Amit P, 185 Pulsifer, Margaret B, 727 Putnam, Theodore, 603 Shields, BrendaJ , 227 U Shih, Yu-Lueng, 543 Pyle, Renee P, 697 Udall, John, 505 Sidlow, Robert, 635 Siegel, Robert M, 599 Q V Simma, Burkhard, 251 Qadan, Laila, 439 Simon, Michael W, 417, 447 Vacik, Jonathan, 341 Quick, Lori Stonehocker, 39: Singh, Ranju, 459 Valencia, Ignacio, 511 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 CLINICAL PEDIATRICS 849 Author Index, 2003 Valente, Anne Marie, 67 W Woods, Charles R, 687 Van Vrancken, Connie, 505 : : eer Wu, Shi-Xiao, 83 Walders, Natalie, 775 VanderhoofJ,o n A, 483 Wall, Stephen P, 557, 613 Y Varan, Ali, 29 Ward, KennethJ , 657 Vargas, Alfonso, 459 Weiner, Michael, 371 Yamamoto, Y9 asutoshi, 269 Varvarig5o u, Anastasia, 5533:3 Weintrob, Naomi, . 181 WYeee,i Vivaitean =K, 67 49 Verma,a , Ritaa k,P , 2e9o9 Webias. tzman‘ , Ca’‘ arro l :. Cohenon. , 5R58Q8!F5 Yo: shih‘ ara, asT akao, 269. Veraner, e M, 23 ‘ Welralria n, SStteevvee n L, 652< 1 Yu, ksek, Mutlu, 367“h y Visintainer, Paul, 247 Weydert, Joy A, 527 Vogel, Curt A, 187 Wilson, Robert Edward, 753 Z Voigt, Robert G, 427 Wilson, Thomas A, 75 Zeman, J, 703 Volovitz, Benjamin, 581 Wojtaszczyk, Frances, 603 Zguta, Amy Ajans, 5! 53 Voutetakis, A, 59 Woo, Heide, 613 Zink, Therese M, 17: 3 lis 850 CLINICAL PEDIATRICS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 Subject Index, 2003 and upper respiratory nutrition and picky eaters — infections — 113 209 Abdominal pain, guided imagery parents’ evaluation of treatment for — 527 Aplasia cutis congenita — 379 developmental status — 133 Abuse: domestic violence Appendicitis diagnosis using risk behavior screening in screening — 599 imaging — 23 adolescents— 173 violence prevention program, Acanthosis nigricans — 835 Asthma multimedia — 789 and environmental tobacco Acrodermatitis enteropathica — working with challenging young smoke — 775 187 children — 197 ipratropium and albuterol — Adolescents 27 Bicycle helmet safety — 673 athletes’ mental and general severity assessment in Bladder, overactive — 553 health problems — 697 outpatient clinics — 12] Female Athlete Triad — 561, Bleeding disorders: preoperative Ataxia, post-infectious acute 573 screening — 247 cerebellar — 581 obesity: physician attitudes and Blood pressure screening at well practices — 235 Athletes child visits — 627 opinions on medical marijuana Female Athlete Triad — 561, 573 — 547 mental and general health ,reast-feeding pneumomediastinum in problems — 697 and drug adverse effects — 325 football player— 471 pneumomediastinum — 47] mental and psychomotor risk behavior screening — 173 development — 35 Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity risk factors for initiation of nutritional rickets in — 711 disorder (ADHD) smoking— 653 s clinical and parental assessment Adoption, international of sleep — 807 and developmental status — and methylphenidate exposure Cardiac repolarization and SIDS — 67 585 — 159 and medical screening — 763 psychosocial factors and Carotid arteries: Moyamoya medications — 497 clisease — 28] Adrenal insufficiency, primary, masking diabetes — 75 Autoimmune polyglandular Cat scratch disease and syndrome type 2 and diabetes — corticosteroids — 71 Aggression: violence prevention 75 program — 789 Cephalexin vs. cefadroxil for tonsillopharyngitis — 519 Albuterol and ipratropium for B asthma— 127 Chlamydia trachomatis causing Back pain in pneumonia — 749 conjunctivitis — 83 Alopecia and Satoyoshi syndrome Bayley Scales of Infant — 745 Churg-Strauss syndrome in Development — 427 infancy — 367 Anemia: sickle cell disease Bedwetting, treatment of — 273, management — 753 Clostridium difficlie-associated 841 diarrhea — 347 Antibiotics Behavior modification for and normal throat flora in Coagulation profiles and overactive bladder — 553 streptococcal pharyngitis — perioperative bleeding — 247 447 Behavioral Cognitive Adaptive Test/ Clinical for purulent rhinorrhea — 433 problems/ interventions Linguistic and Auditory Milestone for Shigella bacteremia — 411 and bedwetting — 273, 841 Scale — 427 for streptococcal neonatal behavioral tonsillopharyngitis — 219, characteristics and later Cognitive development and breast 519, 663 problems — 679 feeding — 35 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 CLINICAL PEDIATRICS 851 Subject Index, 2003 Cognitive interventions and D Duchenne muscular dystrophy, congenital heart disease — 401 vertebral fractures in — 353 Dehydration Colonic atresias and congenital accelerated IV therapy for — Dyspepsia and gastric emptying d o p o varicella syndrome — 451 317, 421 studies — 621 with hypoglycemia and AGE — Communication disorders, Dysphonia, evaluation and 641 evaluation and diagnosis — | diagnosis — | Dermatomyositis, juvenile — 3c 75~, Community health center: missed 159 vaccine opportunities — 147 Development. See also Growth Complementary medicine Eating disorders: Female Athlete ability to assess from video culture and spirituality — 205 Triad — 561, 573 reviews — 585 herbal medicines — 193 behavioral and emotional Echocardiographic consultation, Computed tomography for problems — 133 web-based — 185 diagnosting appendicitis — 23 congenital heart disease and Education. See also Learning academic outcome — 401 Computerized tracking system for problems continuing care of NICU immunizations — 603 consultation in a university graduates — 299 hospital — 277 Congenital anomalies/ diseases craniopharyngioma and and missed vaccine congenital pulmonary precocious puberty — 181 opportunities — 147 lymphangiectasis— 831 drug exposure in ulero and congenital varicella syndrome school readiness — 727 Emergency department — 451 identifying children with identifying risk factors for cystic lung disease — 25] developmental delays — 427 initiation of smoking — 653 heart disease and academic language skills of 3-year olds — laboratory tests and outcome — 40] 165 unprovoked seizures — 511 hypothyroidism — 365 neonatal behavioral Emotional problems and lesion in giant congenital characteristics and later developmental status — 139930 melanocytic nevus — 455 problems — 679 Empyema, intracranial epidural Conjunctivitis caused by Diabetes mellitus —— 657 Chlamydia trachomatis — 83 and autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 2 — 75 Encephalomyopathy and Constipation and juvenile dermatomyositis — mitochondrial disease — 703 chronic, treatment of — 815 459 and detrusor instability — 43 Encopresis: long-term PEG risk factors for ketoacidosis — therapy — 815 Consultations 59] Internet-based, Enteroviral infection with Diarrhea, Clostridium difficlie echocardiographic — 185 disseminated intravascular associated — 347 reappraisal of — 277 coagulation — 467 Domestic violence screening — Corticosteroids Epidural brain abscess and 599 and cat scratch disease — 7] osteomyelitis — 657 and vertebral fractures — 353 Drug adverse effects Epilepsy: apparent life- in breastfed infants — 325 Craniopharyngioma and threatening episodes as first herbal medicines — 193 precocious puberty — 181 manifestation — 19 medication errors — 287 Culture, complementary methylphenidate exposures — Epiphysis, slipped capital femoral medicine and spirituality — 205 159 — 439 Cystic lung disease, congenital — Drug exposure in utero and school Epstein-Barr virus mononucleosis o readiness — 727 — 361, 417 NOVEMBER/ DECEMBER 2003 Subject Index, 2003 Erythropoietic protoporphyria — oral supplements and catch-up varicella vaccine for physicians’ 822977 growth — 209 children — 635 Ethics of withdrawing nutrition Guided imagery for recurrent Impetigo diagnosis and treatment and hydration — 139 abdominal pain treatment — 52o7”7 — 475 Ethnicity and otitis media — 687 H Incontinence patterns — 43. See also Urologic problems Exercise and obesity prevention Heart rate and obesity — 505 — 101 Infants. See also Breast-feeding; Hemangioma diagnosis and Neonates treatment — 475 acrodermatitis enteropathica 187 Family. See also Parents Herbal medicines — 193 cardiac repolarization and SIDS domestic violence screening — Herpes infections on lips — 475 — 67 599 chronic recurrent multifocal psychosocial factors in ADHD Hospitalists — 295 osteomyelitis — 741 — 497 Hospitals and medication errors Churg-Strauss syndrome — 367 psychosocial problems and — 287 ethics of withdrawing nutrition thalassemia — 79 and hydration — 139 Human growth hormone therapy formula for GER — 483 Fever management: evidence- and hei1g0 ht cn—t 5Sa9 identifying children with based decisions — 39Q823a Hyperbilirubinemia and developmental delays — 427 juvenile dermatomyositis — 375 G congenital hypothyroidism — 365 and maternal smoking during Gamma globulin, IV, for Kawasaki Hypercalcemia with primary pregnancy — 533 disease — 269 hyperparathyroidism — 439 rectal temperature measurement — 357 Gastric emptying studies and Hyperparathyroidism, primary sepsis-screening pathway — | 1 dyspepsia — 621 with hypercalcemia — 439 septic shock and Staphylococcus Gastroenteritis, acute, with Hypnotherapy for bedwetting g — aureus — 85 dehydration and hypoglycemia — 273, 841 time to positive culture vs. clinical detection of infection 641 Hypoglycemia complicating — 797 dehydration due to AGE — 641 Gastroesophageal reflux, formula Infections. See also lmmunizations for— 483 Hypothyroidism, congenital, and antibiotics for purulent Genetic disorders hyperbilirubinemia — 365 rhinorrhea — 433 acrodermatitis enteropathica — cat scratch disease and 187 corticosteroids — 71 Clostridium difficlie-associated Duchenne muscular dystrophy Imaging, diagnostic, 1 diarrhea — 347 appendicitis — 23 common lip lesions — 475 erythropoietic protoporphyria Immigrant children, medical conjunctivitis caused by — 827 screening of — 585, 763 Chlamydia trachomatis — 83 Gonadotropin releasing hormone enteroviral, with disseminated Immunizations analog therapy and height — 59 intravascular coagulation — clinical evaluation of Pediarix 167 Growth. See also Development 393 epidural brain abscess and height and growth hormone computerized tracking system osteomyelitis — 657 therapy — 59 for— 603 Epstein-Barr virus influence of breast-feeding — missed opportunities in mononucleosis — 361, 417 35 community health center— in immigrant children — 763 and maternal smoking during 147 neonatal suppurative parotitis pregnancy — 53QC3 vaccine interchangeability — 93 NOVEMBER/ DECEMBER 2003 Subject Index, 2003 post-infectious acute cerebellar Language skills Motor development and breast ataxia — 581 of 3-year olds — 165 feeding — 35 secondary to pyriform sinus identifying children with Moyamoya disease — 281] fistulae — 463 developmental delays — 427 sepsis-screening pathway — 1] Muscle spasms and Satoyoshi Learning problems. See also septic shock in infants — 85 syndrome — 745 Development Shigella bacteremia — 41] and congenital heart disease — Myocarditis presenting as streptococcal — 219, 417, 447, 10] apparent life threatening event — 519, 663 and in-utero drug exposure — 649 time to positive culture vs. 727 clinical detection of — 797 upper respiratory infections and sleep-disordered breathing N — 719 and antibiotic prescribing — Necrosis and spider bites — 567 ts Legal issues: withdrawing urinary tract infection due to nutrition and hydration — 139 Neonates Salmonella — 647 conjunctivitis caused by Lip lesion diagnosis and Chlamydia trachomatis — 83 Inpatient care by hospitalists — treatment — 475 continuing care of NICU 295 Literacy anticipatory guidance graduates — 299 Insomnia and melatonin — 51 and language skills — 165 enterovirus infection in — 467 identifying jaundice — 153 Insulin resistance — 835 Lung disease, congenital cystic — myocarditis presenting as Insurance coverage and 251 apparent life threatening ketoacidosis — 591 Lymphangiectasis, congenital event — 649 neonatal behavioral pulmonary — 83] Internet characteristics and later echocardiographic consultation problems — 679 via — 185 M neonatal suppurative parotitis medical advice obtained by Marijuana, medical: survey of — 565 parents — 557 pacifier sucking and mesenteric parents and teens — 547 blood flow — 543 Ipratropium and albuterol for Medication errors — 287 solid tumor features and asthma — 127 prognosis — 29 Melanoma, malignant, confused J with nevus — 455 Neoplasms. See Tumors Jaundice: identifying in newborns Melatonin and insomnia — 51 Neuroblastoma and protein-losing — 153 enteropathy — 371 Menstrual dysfunction in Female K Athlete Triad — 561, 573 Neurologic complications of Epstein-Barr virus mononucleosis Kawasaki disease Mental health of athletes — 697 — 361 aItV yopsgi acamlm ap 5r5eSgs leonbtualtiinao ne fo ro f— — 226693 pMaeaccsiieffinieetrr e ris¢ cu c~kLb-i3l nogo d. — fl5RoA4wQ3 and Neurologic disorders: post- infectious acute cerebellar ataxia Ketoacidosis, risk factors in Methylphenidate exposures — 581 diabetics — 591 reported to poison centers — 159 Nevus, giant congenital Mitochondrial disease — 703 melanocytic — 455 Laboratory tests and unprovoked Monoclonal antibodies: Nurses and parents’ compliance seizures — 511 Palicixumab for RSV — 821 with after-hours triage advice — 613 Lactose intolerance and Mononucleosis: Epstein-Barr virus abdominal pain — 341 — 361, 417 Nutrition. See also Breast-feeding 854 CLINICAL PEDIATRICS NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 Subject Index, 2003 issues in withdrawing nutrition use of Internet for medical Preventive health care: blood and hydration — 139 advice — 557 preassureE scr eening . — 6~2O7'7 lactose intolerance and abdominal pain — 341 Parotitis, neonatal suppurative — Protein-losing enteropathy and obesity prevention — 101 565 neuroblastoma — 371 oral supplements and catch-up Pediarix, clinical evaluation of— Psychosocial problems growth — 209 393 associated with referral for rickets and breast feeding — 711 ADHD — 497 Pharyngitis thickened formula for GER — and thalassemia — 79 483 antibiotics and normal throat flora — 447 Puberty, precocious, and O streptococcal, therapy for— 663 craniopharyngioma — 181 Obesity Physicians Pulmonary lymphangiectasis, effect on heart rate — 505 antibiotic prescribing habits — congenital — 831 and insulin resistance — 835 143 Pyriform sinus fistulae — 463 physician attitudes and communicating with parents via practices — 235 Internet — 557 prevention of— 10] consultation in a university R hospital — 277 Osteomyelitis, chronic recurrent Race/ethnicity and otitis media identifying jaundice in neonates multifocal — 741 — 687 — 153 Otitis media and race/ethnicity Internet-based Rehydration, accelerated — 687 echocardiographic intravenous — 317, 421 consultations— 185 Outpatient clinics, asthma Relaxation medication errors — 287 assessment in — 121 for recurrent abdominal pain obesity: attitudes and practices treatment — 527 P as parents, and varicella vaccine Respiratory distress: congenital Pacifier sucking and mesenteric — 635 pulmonary lymphangiectasis — blood flow — 543 and parents’ compliance with 83 after-hours triage advice — Pain Respiratory syncytial virus and 613 abdominal pain and lactose Palivizumab — 821 role of hospitalists — 295 intolerance — 341 Rhinorrhea, purulent, antibiotics measurement using a visual Pneumomediastinum — 471 for — 443 analogue scale — 227 recurrent abdominal pain Pneumonia, back pain and fever Rickets and breast-feeding — 711 treatment — 5 — 749 Risk behavior screening in Palicixumab for respiratory Poisoning: methylphenidate adolescents — 173 syncytial virus — 82] exposures — 159 Parents. See also Family Polyethylene glycol 3350 for S assessment of sleep in ADHD — chronic constipation — 815 Safety: parents’ knowledge of 807 Porphyrias: erythropoietic bicycle helmets — 673 asthma and environmental protoporphyria — 827 tobacco smoke — 775 Salmonella, urinary tract infection compliance with after-hours Prematurity due to — 647 triage advice — 613 continuing care of NICU Satoyoshi syndrome — 745 knowledge of bicycle helmet graduates — 299 safety — 673 neonatal behavioral Seizures opinions on medical marijuana characteristics and later first manifestation of epilepsy — 547 problems — 679 —19 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 CLINICAL PEDIATRICS 855 Subject Index, 2003 role of routine laboratory tests cephalexin vs. cefadroxil — 519 U — 51] group A beta-hemolytic Upper respiratory infections and tonsillopharyngitis — 219, Sensory-processing capabilities antibiotic prescribing — 113 519, 663 and working with challenging group A pharyngitis with Urinary tract infection due to young children — 197 Epstein-Barr virus — 417 Salmonella — 647 Sepsis: enteroviral infection with Sudden infant death (SIDS) and Urologic problems disseminated intravascular cardiac repolarization — 67 bedwetting — 273 coagulation — 467 incontinence patterns — 43 Sepsis-screening pathway — 11 Surgery: preoperaty e screening overactive bladder intervention for bleeding disorders — 247 Septic shock in infants — 85 Syndrome X — 835 Shigella bacteremia — 411 Vaccine interchangeability — 93 Sickle cell disease management — F—hre QF e) Telemedicine: Internet-based Varicella syndrome, congenital — echocardiographic consultation 45] Skin defects: aplasia cutis — 185 congenita — 379 Varicella vaccine for physicians’ Temperament and working with children — 635 Sleep cshisacsl Sllien negriaenngh aydo ung y cohhielldArree n — 19Q77 disordered breathing — 719 Vasculitis melatonin and insomnia — 51 Temperature measurement atypical presentation of parental assessment in ADHD fever management: evidence- Kawasaki disease — 263 — 807 based decisions — 383 Churg-Strauss syndrome in sleep position and cardiac rectal: digital vs. mercury glass infancy — 367 repolarization — 67 Qn” —— ee Vertebral fractures in Duchenne temporal artery — 433 Smoking muscular dystrophy — 353 environmental tobacco smoke Thalassemia and family and asthma — 775 functioning — 79 Video reviews, pre-adoption — 585 during pregnancy, and infant growth — 533 Thyroiditis and pyriform sinus Violence prevention program, risk factors for initiation of — 653 fistulae — 463 multimedia — 789 Snoring in preschoolers — 719 Tonsillopharyngitis, group A beta- Visual analogue scale for pain hemolytic streptococcal — 219, measurement — 227 Spider bites, brown recluse — 567 519, 663 Voice disorders, evaluation and Spirituality, culture and Trauma: pneumomediastinum in diagnosis — | complementary medicine — 205 football player — 471 Voiding dysfunctions — 43 Staphylococcus aureus Tumors and neonatal suppurative craniopharyngioma and W parotitis — 565 precocious puberty — 181 and septic shock — 85 Well-child care and blood neuroblastoma and protein- pressure screening — 627 Streptococcal infections losing enteropathy — 37] antibiotics and normal throat solid, in neonates, features and White blood count and antibiotic flora — 447 prognosis — 29 prescribing — 113 856 CLINICAL PEDIATRICS NOVEMBER/ DECEMBER 2003

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