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Authors Index—Volume 23 Balon, H, 236 Campeau, R J, 582 Abate, G, 283 Bang, D, 614 Canbaz, F, Abdel-Dayem, H, 478 Banzo, I, 291 Caner, B, 233 Abdel-Dayem, H M, 39, 226, 309, Barat, F, 423 Caniano, D A, 345 394, 446, 555, 769, 779 Barker, P, 54 ‘apa, G, 146, 637 Barnett, C A, 241 ‘aride, V J, 571 Abidov, A, 623 Abujudeh, H, 226, 309 Barratt, L, 789 arlisle, M, 524 Barron, B J, 156 Carrera, G F, 77 Abu-Judeh, H H, 39, 394, 555 Bashekim, C, 189 Carril, J M, 291 Aburano, T, 223, 509 Acampa, W, 283 Baskan, A, 189 Castel, T, 273 Basoglu, T, 42, 735, 753 Cermik, T F, 182, 627, 785 Ackerman, L, 112 Bassa, P, 48 Cesani, F, 152, 654 Acosta, J Batsakis, C, 335 Chakravarty, K L, 758 Adler, L P, Ahuja, V, 815 Bauer, R, 396 Chaljub, G, 152 Bazzano, C, 683 Chan, K W, 532 Ajiki, H, 223 Akagi, N, 484, 657 Beall, D P, 234, 855 Changlai, S-P, 305, 743 Becherer, A, 45 Chao, Y-C, 624, 703, 780, 857 Akaki, S, 10 Befrits, R, 377 Charron, M, 649 AkcG6ren, Z, 233 Bekdik, C F, 233 Chen, H H, 330 Akin, A, 392 Bekis, R, 777, 848 Chen, P, 387 Akisik, M F, 446 Benamor, M, 150 Chen, S-D, 374 Alakavuklar, M, 637 Benjamin, R, 417 Chen, W-P, 82! Alavi, A, 217 Bennett, M, 353 Cheng, C-Y, 7 Alazraki, N, 334 Bennink, R, 851 Cheng, K-Y, 5 Al-Bahri, J, 417 Berk, H, 637 Cherng, S-C, 723 Alemdar, A, 627 Berkarda, S, 182, 627 Chieng, P-U, 305 Ali, A, 43, 93, 264 Bernay, I, 42, 735, 753 Chin, B B, 234, 253, 701, 855 Ali, S A, 152, 654 Bhatnagar, A, 123, 758 Chintapalli, K N, 90 Alibazoglu, H, 43, 93, 264 Bhattacharya, A, 774 Chisin, R, 378 Allen, T, 585 Allman, K C, 537, 717 Bienenstock, E A, 259 Cho, I, 86 Biersack, H-J, 501 Cho, I H, 539 Alonso, O, 683 Bitkover, C Y, 377 Cho, S, 632 Al-Saee’d, T A, 708 Blake, M P, 696 Choi, Y-Y, 632 Al-Shamsi, H, 417 Blanco, I, 291 Chopra, M K, 758 Altun, G, 627 Blend, M J, 165 Chopra, S, 90 Amano, T, 275 Blocklet, D, 461 Christacopoulou, 1, 335 Ando, M, 10 Bofos, D, 335 Chuang, C-M, 397 Andrews, D, 69! Anzai, S, 787 Bohdiewicz, P J, 387 Chung, C J, 54 Bohlman, M E, 253 Cirillo, R L, Jr., 345 Aoki, T, 329 Bohnen, N I, 591 Clarke, S E M, 554 Aras, G, 392 Bose, S M, 774 Collier, B D, 77 Arimoto, A, 106 Boxt, L M, 324 Contreras, P I, 711 Aronson, D C, 141 Boyd, J, 750 Cook, G J R, 554 Asakawa, T, 10 Assi, Z, 591 Boz, A, 706, 844 Cook, R, 171 Atay, S, 226, 309, 394, 478, 555 Breda, D J, 257 Corstens, F H M, 1 Awane, H, 106, 617 Bruce, W, 717 Cortés, A, 524 Bruno, J, 683 Coskun, C, 42, 753 Awata, S, 601 Ayabe, T, 509 Burke, G, 116 Costansa, J M, 48 Burris, G W, 26 Coupal, J, 505 Aziz, M, 226 Burt, R, 807 Coupal, J J, 594 Buscombe, J R, 399 Cox, D, 19 Bussy, E, 471 Crooks, L A, 585 Bahadir, H, 42 Butler, R R, Jr., 244 Csernay, L, 423 Bakheet, S, 170, 319 Biiyiikdereli, G, 108 Cubuk, M, 706 Bakheet, S M, 604 Bybel, B, 411 Curteis, P G, 74 Bakheet, S M B, 616, 739 Bakri, Y, 616 C D Bal, C S, 815 Ball, D, 387 Cacciarelli, A G, 226 D’Addabbo, A, 545 868 CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE December 1998 Vol. 23 Danaci, M, 735 Freeman, L M, 174 Hammami, M M, 170, 319 Dardani, M, 160 Freeman, M, 781 Hanelin, L G, 843 Darnell, P, 241 Freeman, S J, 385 Harada, M, 321 Da Silva, N, 257 Freile, I, 698 Har, 3K, 775 Davis, D G, 380 Frenkel, J, 141 Hartmann, A A, 257 Degirmenci, B, 146, 478, 637 Frey, K, 704 Hartshorne, M, 585 De Haro, F J, 698 Friedensohn, A, 623 Hartshorne, M F, 325, 462 De Klerk, J M H, 588 Fritz, K, 262 Harvey, C J, 399 Delgado, L, 683 Fujii, H, 716, 767 Hasegawa, Y, 664 Del Rosario, J F, 649 Fujikawa, S, 467 Hashimoto, H, 86 Demakopoulos, N, 678 Fujioka, K, 365 Hashimoto, J, 275 Demiral, H, 785 Fukuchi, K, 356, 539 Hashizume, T, 664 DePuey, G, 361 Fukuda, H, 601 Havitciogglu, H, 637 Derebek, E, 146, 637 Fukumoto, M, 437, 484, 657 Hawkins, H B, 551, 700 De Rosa, V, 283 Fukunaga, K, 609 Hayashida, K, 86, 356, 539 Deutsch, G, 212 Fukushima, Y, 104 Hellman, R S, 77 Dilip, S, 540 Fukuuchi, Y, 275 Herranz, R, 237, 250, 273 Dillmann, J, 423 Furuichi, Y, 329 Herrera, C,. 255 Dogruca, Z, 108 Fuster, D, 250, 731 Herzog, E, 361 Domenech, F M, 48 Hetz, S P, 332 Dowe, D A, 620 G Hicks, R, 621 Drane, W E, 432 Higashi, K, 479 Drieskens, L, 851 Gandhi, S M, 466 Higuchi, T, 104 DDur,i esJk eQn,s , 29O , 851 GGaasrpcairai-nMia,r tiDn,, 42M0, 255 HHiilrsaobna,y asAh iJ,W ,A , 39594 6 DDuufnfpyh, y,G , F6,1 37 50 GGeeaotrtgio,u lOi,a s,4 20P , 678 Hiraki, Y, 10, 514 Hirano, T, 104, 327 Dupuy, D E, 845 Gerard, P S, 120, 542 Hiraoka, A, 664 Durak, H, 146, 637, 777, 848 Geschwind, J-F H, 839 Hirose, Y, 86, 356, 539 DDuwtatmoen,n a,J A B EA,, 554441 GGiilblsooonl,e y,S , J,7 42 26 HHoo,d geY,, 6R2 1 G, 325 Girdhar, G, 774 Hoffmann, R G, 77 Gomez, D, 256, 550 E Hollinger, E F, 93 Gonzalez, F M, 711 Earle, L, 19 Goodear, M, 789 Honda, O, 514 Eilam, O, 168 Gordon, B M, 26 Honjo, K, 370 Elgazzar, A, 708 Gotoh, E, 46, 114 Honma, H, 223 Goya, T, 771 Horiuchi, M, 176 769 Goyal, M, 614, 843 Horne, T, 623 El-Zeftawy, H A, 226 Goyal, V, 548 Howarth, D M, 74 Endo, K, 104 Grampa, G, 238 Howman-Giles, R, 71 Engin, I O, 239, 318 Graveleau, P, 150 Hsieh, S-P, 248 Entel, R J, 470 Green, A, 93 Huang, W-S, 723, 780, 857 Erbay, N, 34 Greenberg, I D, 411 Huiskes, A W L C, 588 Erdem, S, 189 Greyson, N D, 781 Hyun, H, 165 Ergene, O, 146 Grimelius, L, 783 Erickson, S J, 77 Grdll, R, 262 Erkan, L, 753 Groothoff, J W, 141 Erkmen, N, 627, 785 Gross, K K, 594 Ibis, E, 392 Espasandin, J, 683 Gross, M D, 799, 820 Ichii, H, 106 Esterl, R M, Jr., 33 Griinwald, F, 501 Ichikawa, K, 327 Ezzat, A, 604, 616, 739 Guanabens, N, 237 Ichikawa, T, 321 Guigay, J, 471 Ide, M, 99, 111, 176, 716, 767 F Giimiiser, F G, 627, 785 Ikeda, K, 101 Fajyman, W A, 16 Giingor, F, 706, 844 Ikeda, M, 321 Gupta, A K, 820 Ikehira, H, 329 Falko, J M, 345 Faulhaber, P F, 3 Giirbiiz, H, 785 Ilias, I, 335 Fawwaz, R, 324 Gutierrez, C, 291 Imam, S, 156 Gysen, M, 118, 836 Imran, M B, 601 FFiegr,n aLn dMe,s , 82V0 B, 850 Ingram, C, 582 Filiz, E, 189 H Inomata, T, 437 Inoue, T, 104 Fimiani, P, 283 Haida, M, 384 Inoue, Y; 125,;.252, 321.322 Finger, W A, 77 Ha-Kawa, S K, 101 Intenzo, C M, 691 Fleetcroft, J, 803 Hales, K F, 205 Isasi, C, 698 Fordham, L A, 54 Halff, G A, 33 Ishikawa, Y, 509 Foster, R, 353 Ham, H R, 169 Isobe, Y, 13, 557 Frazzitta, G, 238 Hamamoto, I, 609 Ito, H, 329, 601 No. 12 AUTHOR INDEX Itoh, T, 321 Kobayashi, S, 13 Lipman, B T, 77 Itoh, Y, 275 Kocoshis, S, 649 Liu, H-G, 212 Iwamoto, B-I, 356 Koga, H, 322 Liu, R-S, 248 Izquierdo, V, 25 Kohgo, Y, 509 Lomena, F, 731 Kohler, S, 501 Lonneux, M, 298 Kohno, K, 467, 630 Lootah, S, 41 Jacobson, A F, 201 Koizumi, K, 686 Lorberboym, M, 50 Jacobsson, H, 377, 783 Koizumi, M, 391 Lowe, V, 750 Jamar, F, 298 Komatsu, M, 514 Lu, P, 701 Jao, G-H, 248 Komibuchi, T, 714 Luo, J-Q, 309 Jean, V, 475 Konez, O, 843 Jimenez, C E, 332 Kontos, A, 678 Jiménez-Heffernan, A, 255, 711 Korobkin, M T, 704 M Jinnouchi, S, 771 Kosuda, S, 482 Machineni, S, 540 Johnson, J E, 77 Kozan, O, 146 Macias, E, 256, 550 Johnston, T A, 620 Krasnow, A Z, 77 Macura, K J, 116 Joja, I, 10 Krasnow, N, 361 Maeda, T, 664 JJooyncses,o n,J MC,, 3357: KKrreabuss,z , D,Y , 50317 8 MMaaggeneu,s seMn,, 5J3 7S , 717 Krohn, L D, 576 Magoun, S, 505, 594 Krynyckyi, B, 466 Maher, J, 229 Kubo, A, 275 Makler, P T, Kageyama, M, 764 Kuctik, O, 392 Malhotra. A. Kahan, B, 156 Kumar, M, 226, 309, 3 779 Malhotra, R, : Kalani, J G, 83 Mansberg, R, 7 Kale, G, 233 Kumar, R, 540 Maredia, R, 3: Kambara, H, 859 Kume, N, 86, 365, 370, 53 Markowitz. Kanstrup, I-L, 190 Kunitomo, K, 327 Martin, D, 855 Kao, C-H, 56, 102, 305, : Kurohara, A, 437, 484, 657 Martin, W H, 625 Karak, P, 330 Kuroki, T, 302, 521 Martinez, M, 683 Karayalcin, B, 706, 844 Kusano, S, 482 Martinéz De Virgala, C, 550 Karkavitsas, N, 678 Masaoka, T, 664 Karvelis, K C, 173 Mastin, S T, 432 Kashyap, R, 758 Matsumoto, R, 634 KKaastpaeyra,m aJ, F,N ,6 2302 1 II Barbera, . Matsumoto, S-I, 39] aberge, J, 839 Matsumoto, T, 521 Kato, K, 114 I ago, G, 683 Matsunaga, N, 365, 370, 546 Kato, T, 634 I ahiri, S A, 33 Matsusaka, K, 13 Katz, D S, 83 I akritz, P, 174 Matteini, M, 842 Kawabe, J, 302, 521 I amki, L, 156 Kawada, N, 302 I amonica, G, 43, 93, 42 64 McCarthy, P, 824 Kawakami, K, 46, 114 Lang, J, 423 McCarthy, W H, 71 Kawano, H, 771 I arena-Avellaneda, A, 186 McDougall, I R, 524 Kawashima, R, 601 I varrea, A, 698 McNamara, M M, 178 Kaya, D, 146 I arsson, S A, 783 Megremis, D, 43, 264 Kaya, M, 627 I a Spina, I, 238 Meholic, A J, 325 Kebooms, L, 851 I assman, M N, 551, Mele, F M, 571 Keidar, Z, 168 I austen, G S, Mentes, M, 45 Kempf, J S, 446 [ Kenney, A, III, 188 eclerc, ¥. 71 2 Metter, D F, 90 Lee, J-K, 397, Mettler, F A, Jr., 462 Kensuke, E, 365 Lee, S-R, 632 Meyer, P, 820 Kibar, M, 108 Lehman, H, 542 Mikuni, I, 384 Kida, T, 52 Leisure, G P, 3 Milstein, D M, 466 Kihara, M, 13 Leitha, T, 45, 414, 784 Minotti, A, 163 KijimH,a 1,76 Lenaers, A, 461 Minoves, M, 48 Kim, H J, 750 Leners, N, 298 Miraldi, F, 3 Kim, S, 533 Lescout, J M, 471 Miron, S D, 163 Kim, S M, 691 Levey, C S, 543 Mishra, P, 758 Kimura, S, 329 Lewis, D H, 201 Mitchell, J R, 77 Kinchington, M, 717 Lim, J-K, 50 Mitsuka, S, 686 Kipper, M S, 576 Lim, T J Mitsumori, A, 10 Kirkwood, I D, 704 Mittal, P, 8 Kiser, J W, 432 Lin, Miyake, H, 787 Kishimoto, K, 365, 54¢ Lin, E, 217 Miyauchi, A, 13 Klieger, P, 208, 534 Lin, K, 672 Miyazawa, N, 686 Klieger, P S, 278 Lin, W-Y, 56, 517, 743, 828 Mizuno, S, 329 Klopper, J F, 441 Lindbichler, F, 262 Moallem, A, 120, 542 870 CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE December 1998 Moka, D, 186 Obuchowski, C A, 353 Peng, N-J, 248 Mondal, A, 758 Ochi, H, 302, 521 Peterson, M K, 244 Montero, A, 291 O’Connell, T, 54 Petronis, J D, 464, 672 Morello, F A, 654 O’Donnell,J K, 121 Pierot, L, 150 Moreno, A J, 332 Oguchi, M, 479 Pieters, T, 298 Mori, H, 787 Osiitlii, A, 182 Piulachs, J, 273 Mori, Y, 429 Ohishi, A, 46 Plutchok, J J, 324 Moriyama, T, 771 Ohkawa, M, 13, 429, 535, 557, 609 Poggesi, L, 842 Moriyama, Y, 521 Ohmori, Y, 327 Pons, F, 237, 250, 273 Morrison, S C, 121 Ohno, T, 223 Poon, S-K, 374 Mortelmans, L, 118, 836 Ohsawa, T, 114 Porazzi, D, 238 Mortzos, G, 678 Ohsuzu, F, 482 Port, J D, 464 Moshe, S, 378 Ohta, H, 106, 467, 617, 630, 634, Powe, J, 170, 319, 604, 616, 739 Mountz, J M, 212, 709 714, 859 Pozderac, R V, 160, 345 Mrhac, L, 417 Ohtake, T, 125, 252, 322 Preiss, M, 396 Mueller, C F, 160, 629 Oka, S, 557 Price, D C, 839 Mukundan, S, Jr., 16 Okamoto, O, 787 Pui, M H, 29 Muls, V, 169 Oki, S, 467 Puille, M, 396 Mulvihill, S J, 839 Okimura, T, 479 Pujol, A, 256, 550 Murata, Y, 832 Okumura, Y, 514 Mut, F, 683 Okuyama, C, 521 Q Muthiah, A, Jr., 83 Omar, A M, 708 Quirce, R, 291 Myers, D T, 173 Omar, W S, 226, 446 O’Mara, R, 208, 534 R N O’Mara, R E, 278 Oner, B, 777 Raemaekers, J M M, 1 Nabeshima, K, 771 Ono, S, 601 Raith, J, 262 Nachar, O, 712 Ono, T, 859 Rakotonirina, H, 471 Naddaf, S, 309, 394, 478, 555, 769, Ono, Y, 539, 609 Ranner, G, 262 779 Onsel, C, 108 Rastogi, A, 505, 594 Naddaf, S Y, 39, 226, 446 Oppenheimer, F, 731 Ravindra, N, 774 Nagamachi, S, 771 Oriuchi, N, 104 Rawat, H S, 758 Nair, C N, 548 Orsolon, P G, 420 Rebollo, A C, 255, 711 Nair, N, 548 Reddy, K, 803 Ortiz Berrocal, J, 698 Nakade, M, 467, 630 Oshitani, N, 521 Redwine, M D, 156 Nakagawa, T, 10, 514 Regan, F, 253, 672 Ota, S, 601 Nakaishi, S, 467 Otake, H, 327 Reverberi, F, 238 Nakajima, A, 384 Otkun, M, 182 Richard, M, 19 Nakajima, S, 302 Oussama, N, 475 Riera, E, 48 Nakamura, A, 101 Oyen, W JG, 1 Robins, P D, 696 Nakamura, H, 329, 664 Ozbilek, E, 146 Robinson, P S, 696 Nakamura, K, 275 Ozdemir, A, 706 Robinson, V JB, 116 Nakano, S, 535 Ozuégur, S, 706 Rose, D S, 721 Narai, G, 423 Rosenberg, R J, 205, 383 Nasu, K, 859 Rostom, A, 604, 739 Neal, D J, 160 P Rubini, G, 545 Nguyen, B D, 234, 253, 464 Padhy, A K, 540 Rubinstein, R, 378 Nguyen, J, 171 Paglianiti, I, 842 Rush, C, 259 Nicole, M W, 432 Ryan, P J, 803 Nightingale, J A, 156 Pai, E, 165 Ryu, J G, 533 Palmedo, H, 501 Niiya, H, 514 Nishigauchi, K, 365, 370 Palou, J, 273 Panoutsopoulos, G ¢ Nishikawa, J, 252, : Papos, M, 423 Sabater, L, 250 Nishikawa, S I J, 1 Park, H-M, 775 Sabato, V, 545 Nishimura, T, 86, 356 Parker, A, 385 Sadeghi-Nejad, A, 460 Nishioeda, Y, 539 Parsons, R B, 50 Sahin, M, 42 Passeri, A, 842 Sai, M, 787 609 Noth, R H, 241 Patel, S, 50 Saito, T, 617 Pathadan, P, 236 Saito, Y, 509 Noyan, A, 108 Nukui, H, 686 Pauwels, S, 298 Sakaguchi, H, 302 Nunez, M, 683 Paz Marco, M, 731 Salvatore, M, 283 Nusynowitz, M L, 152 Pedrazzini, L, 238 Salzman, A J, 620 Pedro, E C S, 709 Sameshima, T, 771 Peir6, V, 698 Sandoval, C, 385 O Pekindil, G, 182, 627, 785 San Pedro, E C, 212 Oates, E, 460 Peksoy, I, 233 Sarikaya, A, 182, 627, 785 O’Brien, B, 613 Pellegri, M, 842 Sasaki, N, 302 No. 12 AUTHOR INDEX Sasaki, T, 275 Speeg, K V, 33 Turpin, S, 389 Sasaki, Y, 125, 252, Spencer, R P, 8, 34, 44, 205, 239, Turton, D B, 810 Sato, J, 509 318, 330, 383, 551, 700, 719, 847 I'zen, K-Y, 828, 853 Sato, K, 601 Spieth, M, 171 Sato, M, 601 Spigos, D G, 629 l Sato, S, 514 Steventon, R S, 799 Ucar, R, 42 Satoh, K, 429, 535, 557 Stipp, V, 505, 594 Uccellini, D, 238 Schaffler, G, 262 Storey, G R, 537, 717 Uchinokura, S, 771 Schechter, D, 378 Strain, J, 460 Uehara, H, 771 Schechter, L S, 695 Stroobants, S, 836 Ukikusa, M, 106, 617 Scheiner, J D, 845 Suga, K, 365, 370, 546 Umehara, I, 832 Schicha, H, 186 Sugiki, K, 223 Urbain, D, 169 Schmidt, M, 186 Suhaibani, H A, 604 Uren, R F, 71 Schoutens, A, 461 Surprenant, E, 171 Uriarte, I, 291 Schuster, D M, 16, 3: Suto, Y, 180 Sciagra, R, 842 Svartberg, J, 783 V Segawa, H, 329 Swislocki, A L M, 241 Sekeroglu, B, 637 Szeto, E, 350 Vallejo, J A, 711 Seong, J-Y, 632 Szigeti, D P, 4 Vallina, N K, 291 Seret, A, 461 Van Baren, R, 141 Servais, F, 461 Van Der Wall, H, 537, 717 Sethi, R S, 123 Van Drunen, M, 112 Seto, H, 384, 764 Tainturier, C, Van Heerden, B, 441 Setoain, F J, 73 Takagi, S, 99, Van Heertum,® L, 324 Setoain, J, 48 Takahashi, K, Van Isselt, J W, 588 Shakir, K M M, 810 Takahashi, §S, ‘ Van Rijk, P P, 588 Shapiro, B, 420, 441, 528, 591, 721, Takahashi, Van Royen, E A, 141 Varga, J, 19 820 Takamoto, S, 8 Sharma, M P, 815 Takano, H, 329 Varrella, P, 283 Vasinrapee, P, 171 Sharma, R, 540, 758 Takashima, H, 13, 429 Shen, H-Y, 723 Takayasu, S, 787 Vela Shen, Y-Y, 305, 743 Takeda, Y, 10, 514 Vento, J A, 330 Sherigar, R M, 551, 700, 719, 847 Takeoka, H, 787 Verlooy, H, 118 Sherman, W H, 324 Talu, A, 753 Vesselle, H, 3 Shibuya, H, 832 Tamamura, H, 479 Vidal-Sicart, S, 237, 250, 273 Shih, W-J, 380, 397, 505, 594 Tan, T X, 629 Vignati, A, 238 Shimizu, M, 384, 514, 764 Tan, T X L, 160 Villeneuve, | 1, 389 Shimizu, T, 634 Tanabe, M, 13, 429, 535, 557, 609 Virgala, C, 2 56 Shimotsu, Y, 539 Tanabe, Y, 180 Voth, E, 186 Shimoyamada, K, 321 Tanaka, Y, 101 Vyas, P, 188 Shimuzu, K, 370 lang, H-S, 624, 703, 780, 857 Ww Shintaku, M, 467, 617, 859 Taniguchi, M, 479 Shiomi, S, 302, 521 Tei, M, 859 Wadhwa, S S, 747, Shirai, S, 859 Telepak, R J, 462 Wagner, U, 501 Shirazi, P, 112 Teshima, H, 664 W akasugi, S, 664 Shohtsu, A, 99, 111, 176, 474, 716, Theissen, P, 186 Wakisaka, M, 787 767 Thomadakis, K, 678 Wakisaka, S, 771 Shoukri, K C, 330 Thompson, J F, 71 Wallin, G, 783 Showers, T L, 620 Tiel-Van Buul, M M C, 141 Wang, J-H, 248 Shreve, P D, 799 Timins, M E, 77 Wang Shriver, C D, 332 Tomioka, K, 474 Wang, Shuke, N, 223, 509 Tomizawa, G, 764 Wang, : Shung-Shung, S, 619 Tomono, N, 634 Ward, D L, 332 Shyu, R-Y, 857 Tondeur, M, 169 Watanabe, H, 467, Silverman, E D, 543, 810 lorregrosa, V, 25 Watanabe, N, 104, 384 Simcic, K J, 332 Torres-Avisbal, M, 711 Weinberger, J, 324 Simizu, M, 467 Tourkochoriti, G, 335 Weiss, B R, 470 Simon, G H, 174 Touya, E, 683 Weybora, W, 262 Singh, A K, 123 Toyoshima, S, 764 Wheat, D, 824 Singh, T, 123 Tsai, M-F, 853 Wieland, D, 441 Siurana, R, 256, 550 Tsang, H P, 178 Wiest, P, 585 Slavin, J D, Jr., 239, 2 Tsang, S K, 229 Wiest, P W, 462 719, 847 Tsay, D-G, 248 Williams, C, 613 Small, W, 16 Tsuboi, N, 437 Wilson, M, 171 Soni, N L, 123 Tsukune, Y, 321 Wolff, H, 257 Soylu, A, 392 Tulbah, A, 604 Wong, D C, 350 Specter, B, 54 Turoglu, H T, 446 Wycherley, A, 789 CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE December 1998 X Yasuda, S, 99, 111, 176, 474, 716, Yueh, T C, 29 767 Yukihiro, M, 104 Xaplanteris, P, 678 Yen, T-C, 305, 828, 853 Y Yokogami, K, 771 Yokogawa, T, 302 Yamada, I, 832 Yoneshiro, S, 370 Yamamoto, I, 479 Zakko, S, 417 Yoshida, D, 437, 484 Yamamoto, M, 10 Zelissen, P M J, 588 Yoshida, N, 223 Zempel, S, 441 Yoshida, S, 437, 484, 657 Zempo, N, 365 609 ; Yoshikawa, K, 125, 252, : Zeng, S QO, 29 Yamashita. T. 101 Yoshimura, N, 437, 65 Zeon. S K. 533 Yan, J-C, 857 Yoshioka, S, 601 Zerahn, B, 190 Yang, S-O, 632 Young, S A, 528 Zhang, J J, 691 Yap, W Y, 112 Young, T-H, 624, 703, 780, 857 Zuckermann, J A, 152 Subject Index—Volume 23 A hepatic, extrahepatic Tc-99m colloid uptake with, 169 Abdominal aortic aneurysm parathyroid myocardial Tl-201 SPECT with, 832 coexistent with Hurthle cell tumors, 205 Abdominal imaging dual-phase Tc-99m sestamibi imaging of, 208, abscess detected by lumbar bone densitometry, 44 291 in colorectal cancer, 3 ectopic laryngeal, SPECT sestamibi imaging of, with ileal duplication, 233 lateral displacement of liver and bowel on, 236 mediastinal Abdominal wall laxity angiographic ablation, Tc-99m sestamibi liver and bowel displacement with, 236 scintigraphy after, 174 Abscess Tc-99m MIBI SPECT of, 186 abdominal, detected by lumbar bone Tc-99m sestamibi scintigraphy of, 83, 534 densitometry, 44 retrotracheal, Tc-99m sestamibi imaging of, 250 biliary, Tc-99m DISIDA and Ga-67 imaging of, Adrenocortical iodocholesterol scintigraphy 853 of adrenal mass in Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber hepatic syndrome, 528 Aerosol images indium-111 leukocyte scanning of, cold defect on, 26 inertial modification of particle size and (ab), 490 Agranulocytosis, thiamazole-induced Tc-99m DISIDA and Ga-67 imaging of, 853 Ga-67 scintigraphy of, 114 penile, Ga-67 imaging of, 112 AIDS perisplenic, Ga-67 imaging of, 394 acute cholecystitis in _ perivalvular, in infective endocarditis, 582 histopathology of, 226 Abstracts Tc-99m hepatobiliary scintigraphy in, 226 of American College of Nuclear Physicians bone marrow hyperplasia in, appearance on total Annual Meeting: Nuclear Medicine on the body blood pool and delayed Tc-99m MDP Information Superhighway, 1998, 791 bone scan, 39 of American College of Nuclear Physicians 25th CD4 counts in, and acute cholecystitis, 226 Annual Meeting, 57 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in of Central Chapter, Society of Nuclear Medicine prophylaxis (ab), 137 Meeting, 1998, 561 radionuclide imaging of, 446 of Northeast Regional Meeting, New England tumor and infection localization in, 446 and Greater New York Chapters, Society of Alzheimer’s disease Nuclear Medicine, 1997, 133 regional cerebral blood flow in, 601 of Southwestern Chapter, Society of Nuclear Amyloidosis Medicine, 43rd Annual Meeting, 1998, 129 primary, with hepatic involvement, radionuclide of Twenty-Second Annual Western Regional imaging in, 374 Meeting, Society of Nuclear Medicine, 1997, radiopharmaceutical distribution in, 820 487 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Achalasia bilateral frontal lobe perfusion in, 855 detection of, by radionuclide imaging, 551, 843 Aneurysm on I-123 thyroid scintigraphy, 843 abdominal aortic, myocardial Tl-201 SPECT with, I-131 uptake in mediastinum caused by, 706 832 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis thoracic aortic, retrograde cerebral circulation brain imaging in, 629 surgery for, 86 Acute tubular necrosis, unilateral Angiography, radionuclide Tc-99m MAG3 imaging in, 141 with bilateral pulmonary artery aneurysms in Adenoma Behcet’s syndrome, 735 adrenal, in Gardner’s syndrome, 234 Angiosarcoma, hepatic colonic, F-18 FDG uptake in, 99 false-negative blood pool scan in, 321 874 CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE December 1998 Vol. 23 Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome augmentation enterocystoplasty for, 156 SLE complicated by, 709, 711 and Tc-99m MAG3 renal transplant imaging, Anuria 156 with bilateral distal ureteral obstruction, Tc-99m radiation cystitis, renal dynamic study of, 34 MAG3 imaging in, 141 Blood pool scintigraphy with single ureteric calculus, 704 and bone marrow hyperplasia in AIDS, 39 Aortic bifurcation grafts for characterization of adrenal mass in Klippel- In-111-oxime labeled platelet imaging of, 365 Trenaunay-Weber syndrome, 528 Aortic valve, calcified and eventration of diaphragm, 625 on image fusion, 396 Tc-99m human serum albumin (HSA), false- Appendicitis negative, in hepatic angiosarcoma, 321 postrenal obstruction after, Tc-99m MAG3 Blood urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio imaging in, 141 and delayed Tc-99m RBC scan for Tc-99m HMPAO-labeled leukocyte imaging in gastrointestinal hemorrhage, 201 (ab), 489 BMS181321 Arterioenteric fistula diffusion in multilayer cellular system (ab), 61 traumatic pseudoaneurysm with, Tc-99m RBC Bone SPECT of, 397 cancer, bone and soft-tissue uptake of Arteriosclerosis obliterans radiopharmaceuticals in (ab), 489 myocardial Tl-201 SPECT in, 832 diffuse disease, in hyperthyroidism, 241 Arthroscopy malignant and degenerative lesions of, of meniscal tears, 803 differentiation of, 758 Artifacts metabolic disease of, Tc-99m DPD whole-body on bone imaging, tracer activity in central venous scanning in, 784 catheter as, 45 metastases to in F-18 FDG PET, 3, 264 from breast cancer, 253 on iodine-131 whole-body imaging, 334 from hepatocellular carcinoma, 3 29 - Ascites in malignant Jacod’s syndrome, 4 5 3 diagnostic radionuclide scan in, 16 myelofibrosis mimicking, 1 Aspiration remission after chemotherapy and Re-186 perfusion lung imaging and, 168, 719 HEDP therapy, 501 Atrioventricular shunt super scan appearance in, 391 infected, delayed Tc-99m HMPAO leukocyte Tc-99m MDP scintigraphy of, 253 imaging with, 555 posttraumatic infection Augmentation enterocystoplasty Tc-99m HMPAO scintigraphy in, 423 for neurogenic bladder with renal transplantation, Tc-99m nanocolloid scintigraphy in, 423 156 progressive diaphyseal dysplasia. See Camurati- Engelmann disease Bone densitometry lumbar, abdominal abscess detected by, 44 Baker’s cyst Bone imaging incidental detection on Tc-99m HIG scan, 392 in advanced gastric cancer, 384 Behcet’s syndrome artifacts, tracer activity in central venous catheter Baker’s cyst in, incidental detection on Tc-99m as, 45 HIG scan, 392 and asymptomatic periostitis in athlete, 613 bilateral pulmonary artery aneurysms in, 735 with bone metastases from hepatocellular Bellini duct carcinoma carcinoma, 329 Ga-67 citrate imaging of, 46 in Camurati-Engelmann disease, 237 Bench press, muscle damage after colon visualization on, 723 Tc-99m phosphate imaging and, 325 in detection of meniscal tears, 803 Biliary leak in differentiation of metastatic calcification from postoperative, 478 cystine crystal deposition in cystinosis, 54 radionuclide imaging of, 533, 542 focal acute radiation nephritis and, 387 Biodex Medical Systems website, 198 in Gardner’s syndrome, 234 Bladder heart seen on, in myeloma, 820 neurogenic image fusion, calcified aortic valve seen on, 396 No. 12 SUBJECT INDEX 875 metastatic calcification in melanoma seen on, 824 in early diagnosis of osteochondritis dissecans metastatic multiorgan calcification seen on, 385 of patella, 540 and muscle damage after strenuous exercise, 325 of frostbite injury, 188 in oncogenous osteomalacia, 467 with fulminant meningococcemia, 256 in ossifying fibromyxoid tumor of soft tissue, 262 of osteogenic sarcoma associated with in Paget’s disease, 120 Rothmund-Thomson syndrome, 116 PET, of cranial bone graft survival (ab), 59 with transient ischemia in distal femur and porcelain gallbladder detected on, 845 proximal tibia, 190 of radius agenesis, 116 in transient osteoporosis of hip, 160 in SAPHO syndrome, 696, 698 Bone marrow in skeletal tuberculosis, 743 G-CSF-induced hyperplasia, in AIDS, appearance SPECT on total body blood pool and delayed Tc-99m calcified mediastinal metastases from ovarian MDP bone scan, 39 cancer imaged with, 479 invasion by medullary thyroid cancer, Tc-99m of cranial bone graft survival (ab), 59 MDP bone scan with, 389 Tc-99m citrate, in differentiation of malignant malignancy, Tc-99m MIBI as marker for, 664 and degenerative bone lesions, 758 Tc-99m MIBI localization in, 664 Tc-99m DPD whole-body scan, in metabolic bone uptake of FDG, mimicking metastatic disease, on disease, 784 whole-body PET, 93 Tc-99m HMDP Bone marrow edema syndrome and bone metastases from hepatocellular bone scan and radiographs in, 160 carcinoma, 329 Bone-within-bone appearance and chronic mastoid sinusitis, 327 on Tc-99m MDP bone imaging, 120 in malignant Jacod’s syndrome, 432 Book reviews Tc-99m MDP Aunt Minnie’s Atlas and Imaging-Specific in bone marrow hyperplasia in AIDS, 39 Diagnosis by Kenneth L. Ford III and Thomas bone-within-bone appearance on, 120 L. Pope, Jr. Reviewed by Andrew M. Keenan, calcified mediastinal metastases from ovarian M.D., 404 cancer imaged with, 479 Electromanipulation of Cells by Ulrich colon visualization on, 723 Zimmermann and G. A. Neil. Reviewed by in differentiation of malignant and degenerative Roland Bramlet, Ph.D., 560 bone lesions, 758 Functional Imaging by Gustav K. Von Schulthess with focal acute radiation nephritis, 387 and Jurgen Hennig, eds. Reviewed by Gerard in hyperthyroidism, 241 W. Moskowitz, M.D., 485 incidental detection of calcified dialysis graft MCQs in Clinical Nuclear Medicine by D. A. on, 173 Scullion, G. Cook, R. Allan, and D. A. and In-111-labeled leukocyte scintigraphy, in Cunningham. Reviewed by I. Ross McDougall, gangrene of foot, 35 M.D., Ch.B., Ph.D., 639 lutein cyst detected on, 52. - New Diagnostic Tests by Martin I. Resnick and J. in medullary thyroid cancer with bone marrow Patrick Spirnak. Reviewed by Gerard W. invasion, 389 Moskowitz, M.D., 64 metastatic calcification in melanoma seen on, Nuclear Medicine Board Review: Questions and 824 Answers for Self-Assessment by C. Richard myelofibrosis mimicking metastases on, | Goldfarb, Jeffrey A. Cooper, Steven R. of osteonecrosis in SLE, 48 Parmett, and Lionel S. Zuckier. Reviewed by pathologic fracture in prostate cancer seen on, Andrew M. Keenan, M.D., 560 554 Nuclear Medicine From the Center of Our primary breast lymphoma and, 614 Universe by Rodney J. Hicks. Reviewed by primary malignant peritoneal mesothelioma Gerard W. Moskowitz, 138 and, 180 Osteoporosis: Diagnosis and Treatment edited by in skeletal tuberculosis, 743 David J. Sartoris. Reviewed by Andrew M. of temporal bone metastasis from breast Keenan, M.D., 793 cancer, 253 Procedure Guidelines Manual 1997 by The Tc-99m MIBI, in bone marrow malignancy, 664 Society of Nuclear Medicine. Reviewed by three-phase Andrew M. Keenan, M.D., 485 876 CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE December 1998 Vol. 23 Radioactive Isotopes in Clinical Medicine and in retrograde cerebral circulation surgery, 86 Research: Proceedings of the 22nd in subacute cerebral infarction, 275 International Badgastein Symposium, edited by Tc-99m ECD SPECT H. Bergmann, A. Kroiss, and H. Sinzinger. in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 855 Reviewed by Richard P. Spencer, M.D., Ph.D., in retrograde cerebral circulation surgery, 86 725 Tc-99m HMPAO and Tc-99m ECD SPECT, SPECT Imaging of the Brain by Roderick discrepancies between, 686 Duncan, ed. Reviewed by James M. Mountz, Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT M.D., Ph.D., 267 in acute carbon monoxide poisoning, 382 Table of Isotopes, Eighth Edition by Richard B. BRASS software for (ab), 60 Firestone. Reviewed by Roland Bramlet, Ph.D., of decreased hippocampal blood flow after 191 cardiovascular surgery, 356 A Textbook of SPECT Imaging in Neurology and in early diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Psychiatry, edited by Peter P. De Deyn, R. A. 238 Dierckx, A. Alavi, and B. A. Pickut. Reviewed of effects of pain and acupuncture on cerebral by James M. Mountz, M.D., Ph.D., 861 blood flow (ab), 58 Brain for lesion localization in hemispatial neglect atrophy, after modified Fontan procedure, 539 (ab), 60 decreased bilateral frontal lobe perfusion, in perfusion during intense meditation (ab), 57 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 855 in portal-systemic encephalopathy, 634 luxury perfusion, Tc-99m HMPAO as tracer for, in postural cerebral hypoperfusion, 539 686 regional cerebral blood flow image, in metabolism, in acute disseminated Alzheimer’s disease, 601 encephalomyelitis, 629 in subacute cerebral infarction, 275 traumatic injury, brain perfusion imaging in, 309 Breast tumors F-18 FDG uptake in, during lactation, 767 evaluation of, TIl-201 tumor uptake indices in, I-131 uptake in, and thyroid cancer surveillance, 691 585 recurrence, versus radiation necrosis, evaluation male, Ga-67 uptake by, digitalis and, 779 of (ab), 561 primary lymphoma of, Tc-99m MDP uptake in, uptake of I-131 MIBG, after pheochromocytoma 614 treatment, 441 primary sarcoma of Brain death, determination F-18 FDG whole-body PET with, 604 Tc-99m-ECD cerebral blood flow in (ab), 131 Tc-99m MDP scintigraphy of, 619 Brain imaging Tc-99m pertechnetate uptake in, during perfusion in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, 629 lung scan in pregnancy, 700 with CNS vasculitis in systemic lupus tuberculosis of, Tc-99m sestamibi erythematosus, 709 scintimammography of, 106 in frontotemporal dementia (ab), 488 unilateral radioiodine uptake, 170 In-111 octreotide, of brain infarcts, 163 Breast cancer in neonatal herpes simplex meningoencephalitis, cell lines 380 sestamibi accumulation in (ab), 61 perfusion Tc-99m ethyl cysteinate dimer (ECD) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 855 accumulation in (ab), 59 in hyperemia, 686 detected by F-18 FDG PET, 616 in portal-systemic encephalopathy, 634 metastases in traumatic brain injury, 309 to bone, remission after chemotherapy and Re- with postinfectious cerebellitis, 212 186 HEDP therapy, 501 SPECT chronic mastoid sinusitis mimicking, 327 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 855 squamous cell, Tc-99m sestamibi in evaluation of brain tumors, 691 scintimammography in diagnosis of, 617 in subacute cerebral infarction, 275 temporal bone metastasis from, Tc-99m MDP Tc-99m DTPA, in neonatal herpes simplex bone scan of, 253 meningoencephalitis, 380 Bronchopleural fistula Tc-99m ECD detection of, by direct instillation of Tc-99m in determination of brain death (ab), 131 DTPA into pleural space, 353

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