D o w Clinical Judgement and Decision-Making n lo a d e d in Nursing and Interprofessional Healthcare by C [ F l ac "Mooi Standing's book provides an excellent application of the principal in ulty o concepts of Cognitive Continuum Theory; her presentation is clear, accurate i f N c u and her inferences show that she has a first rate grasp of the implications of a rsin g the theory, and what it means for the care of patients. Her work should stand l , C as a monument to the application of psychological theory to nursing care." Ju hiang m PROFESSOREMERITUSKENNETHR. HAMMOND, University of Colorado, USA d ai U g niv Spoautienndt c-cliennictarel dju,d nguermsinegn ta anndd i ndteecripsrioonfe-mssiaokninagl h aerael tvhitcaal rteo. Tdheilsiv beoryo okf i nhtigeghr qauteasl itthy,e em ersity 5 theory and practice of decision-making to guide and enhance practitioners’ .62 e .1 understanding and clinical expertise. 58 n .1 1 Mdeocoisii oSnta-mndaiknign gp rteos:e nts relevant, contemporary theory and research that relates t a 7] at [0 7 ● Professional identity n /18 ● Organization of healthcare d /16 ● Developing knowledge and skills D ]. Co p ● Selecting and applying the most appropriate interventions e yrig h Real case studies written by various advanced practitioners demonstrate how to apply c t © i M theory to practice in reviewing, explaining and continually developing clinical s c judgement and decision-making skills. A patient’s account of care received for a serious io Graw illness provides a valuable patient-centred insight. n- -Hill G The author’s new ‘reflexive-pragmatism’ Clinical Judgement lo Dr Mooi Standingis Principal M ba model summarizes the key knowledge, l E Lecturer in the Department of a d skills, values and processes of clinical uc judgement and decision-making, for readers Nursing and Applied Clinical Studies, k atio toow anp cplliyn iicna rl epvriaecwtiicneg. aEnxtde nensihvea nrecifnlegc ttihveeir aUtn Civaenrstietryb, uUrKy. C Hherri sPth CDh ruersceharched ing and Decision-Making n Holdin activities and self assessment tools are nurses’ perceptions of clinical gs, L decision-making and she has L included throughout the book. published and presented various C. N Clinical Judgement and Decision-Makingis related papers internationally. Ed in Nursing and ot to essential reading for qualified nurses, Contributors:Kate Dewar, Carolyn ited be re meins ipjduewdcgiiaveellmys atehnnodt s aaenl ludien ddd eehcreitsaailokthnin -pgmr CoafkPeiDnss gmio,ondaulsl,es JRaocgkesor nG,o Pldetsemr iEthll,is M, Aicnhtaoenli oS tSaanmdian,g, MO by Interprofessional distributed Elizabeth Duck, Douglas MacInnes, O o evidence-based practice and reflective I r m Susan Plummer, Hesham Hassan S o pprraaccttiictieo noer rsst.u dying to be advanced TAND Healthcare dified in a I n N y G w a y w ith o u t p e Cover design Hybert Design (cid:129)www.hybertdesign.com M S rm www.openup.co.uk Edited by OOI TANDING issio n . P1:OSO/OVY P2:OSO/OVY QC:OSO/OVY T1:OSO MHBK018-FM MHBK018-Standing July14,2010 14:15 D o w n lo a d e d b y [ F a c u lty o f N u rsin g , C h ia n g m a i U n iv e rsity 5 .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 ] a t [0 7 /1 8 /1 6 ]. C o p y rig h t © M c G ra w -H ill G lo b a l E d u c a tio n H o ld in g s, L L C . N o t to b e re d istrib u te d o r m o d ifie d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . vi P1:OSO/OVY P2:OSO/OVY QC:OSO/OVY T1:OSO MHBK018-FM MHBK018-Standing July14,2010 14:15 D o w n lo a d e d b y Clinical judgement [ F a c u lty and decision-making of N u rsin g in Nursing and interprofessional , C h ia n g healthcare m a i U n iv e rsity 5 .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 ] a t [0 7 /1 8 /1 6 ]. C o p y rig h t © M c G ra w -H ill G lo b a l E d u c a tio n H o ld in g s, L L C . N o t to b e re d istrib u te d o r m o d ifie d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . i P1:OSO/OVY P2:OSO/OVY QC:OSO/OVY T1:OSO MHBK018-FM MHBK018-Standing July14,2010 14:15 D o w n lo a d e d b y [ F a c u lty o f N u rsin g In loving memory of Lau Wai Cheng, my father, whose energy, vision, , C h selfsacrifice,senseofdutyandpracticalwisdomensuredthatmynine ian g brothersandsistersandIallbenefitedfromandvaluededucationasa ma meansofdevelopingcharacterandtransformingourlives. i U n iv e rsity 5 .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 ] a t [0 7 /1 8 /1 6 ]. C o p y rig h t © M c G ra w -H ill G lo b a l E d u c a tio n H o ld in g s, L L C . N o t to b e re d istrib u te d o r m o d ifie d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . ii P1:OSO/OVY P2:OSO/OVY QC:OSO/OVY T1:OSO MHBK018-FM MHBK018-Standing July14,2010 14:15 D o w n lo a d e d b y Clinical judgement [ F a c u lty o and decision-making f N u rsin g , C h ia in Nursing and interprofessional ng m a i U healthcare niv e rsity 5 .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 ] a t [0 Edited by 7/1 8 /1 Mooi Standing 6]. C o p y rig h t © M c G ra w -H ill G lo b a l E d u c a tio n H o ld in g s, L L C . N o t to b e re d istrib u te d o r m o d ifie d in a n y Open University Press w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . iii P1:OSO/OVY P2:OSO/OVY QC:OSO/OVY T1:OSO MHBK018-FM MHBK018-Standing July14,2010 14:15 D o w n lo a d e d b y OpenUniversityPress [ F a McGraw-HillEducation cu McGraw-HillHouse lty o ShoppenhangersRoad f N u Maidenhead rsin g Berkshire , C England hia n SL62QL gm a i U email:[email protected] niv e worldwideweb:www.openup.co.uk rsity 5 .6 and 2 .1 TwoPennPlaza,NewYork,NY10121-2289,USA 58 .1 1 7 Firstpublished2010 ] at [0 7 /1 Copyright(cid:2)C MooiStanding2010 8/1 6 ]. C Allrightsreserved.Exceptforthequotationofshortpassagesforthe o p y purposesofcriticismandreview,nopartofthispublicationmaybe rig h reproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorby t © anymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise, M c withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisheroralicencefromthe Gra CopyrightLicensingAgencyLimited.Detailsofsuchlicences(for w-H reprographicreproduction)maybeobtainedfromtheCopyrightLicensing ill G AgencyLtdofSaffronHouse,6-10KirbyStreet,London,EC1N8TS. lo b a l E AcataloguerecordofthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary du c a tio ISBN13:978-0-33-523626-8(pb)978-0-33-523625-1(hb) n H o ISBN10:0-33-523626-X(pb)0-33-523625-1(hb) ld in g LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData s, LL C CIPdatahasbeenappliedfor . N o t to b e re d TypesetbyAptaraInc.,India istrib PrintedintheUKbyBellandBain,Glasgow ute d o Fictitousnamesofcompanies,products,people,charactersand/ordatathat r m o d maybeusedherein(incasestudiesorinexamples)arenotintendedto ifie representanyrealindividual,company,productorevent. d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . iv P1:OSO/OVY P2:OSO/OVY QC:OSO/OVY T1:OSO MHBK018-FM MHBK018-Standing July14,2010 14:15 D o w n lo a d e d b y Contents [ F a c u lty o f N u rsin g , C h ia n g m a Listoffigures vii i U Listoftables ix niv e Abouttheeditor xi rsity Contributors xiii 5 .6 Introduction xvii 2.1 5 8 .1 1 Perceptionsofclinicaldecision-making:amatrixmodel 1 17 MooiStanding ] at [0 7 2 Advancedpractitionersandadvancedpractice 28 /1 8 KateDewar /16 ]. C 3 Creativethinkingforwholesystemsworking 54 o p y CarolynJacksonandPeterEllis rig h 4 Lifelonglearninginjudgementanddecision-making 80 t © M MooiStandingandAntonioSama c G ra 5 Cognitivecontinuumtheory–ninemodesofpractice 100 w-H MooiStanding ill G 6 Prioritizingdecisionsduringthepatientjourney 129 lob a RogerGoldsmithandMichaelStanding l E d u c 7 Accountabilitywithininterprofessionalhealthcare 153 atio ElizabethDuck n H o 8 Short-andlong-termriskassessmentandmanagement 167 ldin g DouglasMacInnes s, L L C 9 Reflectingonjudgementanddecisionsinclinicalsupervision 191 . N SusanPlummerandHeshamHassan ot to 10 Reflexive-pragmatism:logic,practicality,rigourandrelevance 205 be MooiStandingandMichaelStanding red istrib u te Conclusion 223 d o Glossary 227 r m o Index 231 d ifie d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . v P1:OSO/OVY P2:OSO/OVY QC:OSO/OVY T1:OSO MHBK018-FM MHBK018-Standing July14,2010 14:15 D o w n lo a d e d b y [ F a c u lty o f N u rsin g , C h ia n g m a i U n iv e rsity 5 .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 ] a t [0 7 /1 8 /1 6 ]. C o p y rig h t © M c G ra w -H ill G lo b a l E d u c a tio n H o ld in g s, L L C . N o t to b e re d istrib u te d o r m o d ifie d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . vi P1:OSO/OVY P2:OSO/OVY QC:OSO/OVY T1:OSO MHBK018-FM MHBK018-Standing July14,2010 14:15 D o w n lo a d e d b y List of figures [ F a c u lty o f N u rsin g , C h ia n g m a 1.1 Matrix1:Perceptionsofclinicaldecision-making/conceptionsof i U nursingafter3–5monthsasnursingstudents(n=20)(Standing2005, niv e 2007) 16 rsity 1.2 Matrix4:Perceptionsofclinicaldecision-making/conceptionsof 5.6 2 nursingafter6–12monthsasregisterednurses(n=10)(Standing .1 5 8 2005,2007) 18 .1 1 7 3.1 Plsek’s(1997)DirectedCreativityCycle 70 ] a 4.1 Supportive/ChallengingandReflective/CompetencyEducation t [0 7 (SCaRCE)mentoringmodel(Standing1998) 89 /18 /1 5.1 Lensmodel:intuitivejudgement/decision-makinginahealthcare 6]. C situation 103 o p y 5.2 Clinicalintuitionandclinicalanalysis:expertiseandthecognitive rig h continuum–thesixmodesofinquiry(Hamm1988:87) 114 t © M 5.3 Cognitivecontinuumofclinicaljudgement/decision-making–nine c G modesofpractice(Standing2007,2008) 117 ra w 10.1 Reflexive-pragmatism:Logic,practicality,rigourandrelevancein -H patient-centred,interprofessionalclinicaljudgementand ill G lo decision-making(StandingandStanding2010) 215 ba l E d u c a tio n H o ld in g s, L L C . N o t to b e re d istrib u te d o r m o d ifie d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . vii P1:OSO/OVY P2:OSO/OVY QC:OSO/OVY T1:OSO MHBK018-FM MHBK018-Standing July14,2010 14:15 D o w n lo a d e d b y [ F a c u lty o f N u rsin g , C h ia n g m a i U n iv e rsity 5 .6 2 .1 5 8 .1 1 7 ] a t [0 7 /1 8 /1 6 ]. C o p y rig h t © M c G ra w -H ill G lo b a l E d u c a tio n H o ld in g s, L L C . N o t to b e re d istrib u te d o r m o d ifie d in a n y w a y w ith o u t p e rm issio n . viii