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Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 3:285 © 1993 Raven Press, Ltd., New York Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine Volume 3, 1993 Issue Text Pages 1 (January) 1-74 2 (April) 75-138 3 (July) 139-210 4 (October) 211-288 AUTHOR INDEX Agnew, D. K., 161 Horlick, Simon G., 251 O’Brien, Moira, 144 Amendola, Annunziato, 48 Horner, Eithne B., 144 Oh, M. K., 149 Andrzejak, Dennis V., 217 Indelicato, Peter A., 86 Papalia, Shona M., 14 Bar-Or, Oded, 2 Pecina, Marko, 36 Berg, Eugene E., 101, 161 Jacobsen, Dennis J., 82 Pedotti, Enrico, 265 Blair, Steven N., 274 Janda, David H., 78, 217 Perdue, Philip S., 259 Bojani¢, Ivan, 36 Jaweed, Mazher, 26 Phillips, Jack P., 144 Bouchard, Come S., 118 Jewett, Don L., 20 Polglaze, Ted D., 6 Boyd, Joel, 78 Johnson, Chrisanna W., 229 Pronk, Nicolaas P., 82 Johnson, Phillip Q., 189 Boyle, James C., 201 Bradshaw, Chris, 262 Keast, David, 6 Reid, David C., 139 Branch, Thomas P., 86 Khan, Karim M., 262 Reid, W. D., 69 Bray, R. C., 60 King, Graham J. W., 129 Riley, Susan, 86 Brodersen, Mark P., 31 Kohl, Harold W., III, 199 Rock, Michael G., 48 Brukner, Peter D., 262 Kormano, Martti, 44 Rohack, J. J., 82 Brune, Kay, 106 Koskinen, Seppo K., 44 Rowe, Brian H., 273 Kozinetz, Claudia, 153 Colvin, Ed, 149 Kuusela, Timo, 52 Sansone, Valerio, 265 Crouse, Stephen F., 82 Schoene, Robert B., 153 Lawrence, Steven R., 6 Schootman, Mario, 174 Dafoe, William A., 131 LeBlanc, Adrian D., 26 Schreiner, Andrea B., 6 Dahlstrém, Seppo, 52 Lee, T. C., 144 Sebastianelli, Wayne J., 20 De Meirleir, Kenny, 256 Leon, Arthur S., 275 Shek, Pang N., 75, 211 Del Maschio, Alessandro, 265 Levine, Mitchell A., 62 Shephard, Roy J., 75, 186, 211 Dendale, Paul, 256 Linenger, Jerry M., 229 Sherman, Joseph W., 123 Loomer, Richard L., 251 Simoneau, Jean-Aimé, 118 Evans, Harlan, 26 LLootwtee,r, RAonbne,r t 12C8. , 82 SSttireantef,o rdH, enPrayul , A.,1 989 5 Strother, Ralph, 133 Feinstein, Ronald A., 149 Macera, Carol, 200 Symanowski, James T., 31 Fitch, Kenneth D., 14 Macintyre, James G., 132 Flinn, Scott, 229 Mackesy, Derek, 78 Taimela, Simo, 52 Fowler, Peter, 78 Magee, David J., 201 Taunton, Jack E., 235 Frank, C. B., 197 Maguire, Richard, 78 Thériault, Germain, 118 Frankeny, John R., II, 20 Markiewitz, Andrew D., 36 Thomas, Bruce, 229 Fry, Rod W., 6 Matheson, Gordon O., 1 Thomas, Scott G., 211 McCargar, Linda J., 235 Tipton, Keith F., 144 Gauthier, Janik M., 118 McCleary, Joseph D., 217 Trepman, Elly, 192 Gerstein, Hertzel C., 61 McCormack, Keith, 106 Goitz, Henry T., 259 McCue, Frank C., 259 van Mechelen, Willem, 174 McKenzie, Donald C., 123, 174 Vanzulli, Angelo, 265 Hanks, Gregory A., 20 Meeuwisse, Willem H., 58, 196, 272 Verde, Tony J., 211 Hart, Lawrence E., 58, 196, 272 Miller, Gary, 86 Viano, David C., 217 Hawkins, Richard J., 78 Miniaci, Anthony, 189 Heinonen, Olli J., 44 Mohtadi, N. G. H., 59 Waslen, Paula E., 235 Hergenroeder, Albert C., 153 Montgomery, David L., 134 Wiley, Preston, 130 Holland, Stephen P., 242 Morin, Francois, 118 Hopkins, S. R., 174 Morton, Alan R., 6, 14 Zenteno, Benigno C., 268 Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 3:286-288 © 1993 Raven Press, Ltd., New York SUBJECT INDEX Achilles tendon, tarsal tunnel syndrome after injury to, 192 Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine Adolescent Annual General Meeting and Symposium, 72 chronic disease and, 2 News, 70, 135, 202, 278 heat-induced illness and, 2 Position Statement pelvic avulsion fracture and, 268 Bicycle Helmets, 276 physical education and, 153 HIV As It Relates to Sport, 63 American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, | Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic, echocardiography in, 149 Anabolic steroid, rat tendon and, 60 Cardiovascular fitness, mortality and, 199, 200 Analgesia, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, 106 Carpal tunnel syndrome, 36 Anemia, in female basketball player, 82 Chest pain, exercise and, 2 Ankle Chlorine, asthma and, 2 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in soft tissue injury to, Clavicle, osteolysis of, weight lifting and, 59 106 Clonixin, in soft tissue injury, 106 radiography in acute injury to, 273 Compartment syndrome taping methods for, 20 chronic, magnetic resonance imaging in, 44 tarsal tunnel syndrome after Achilles tendon injury to, 192 peroneal, isolated, 48 Anterior interosseous syndrome, 36 Competition, athletic, susceptibility to infection and, 75 Antihypertensive agent, progressive exercise test and, 256 Compression thrombosis, in rock climber, 123 Army, physical training in, musculoskeletal injury and, 198 Computed tomography Asthma in femoral osteochondritis dissecans, 101 in pediatrics, 2 in stress fracture of medial cuneiform bone, 262 in power athlete, salbutamol and, 14 Creatine kinase salbutamol in, power athlete and, 14 in central nervous system injury, 144 Atraumatic scapholunate dissociation exercise and, 2 Australian College of Sports Physicians, 1 in muscle injury, 26 News, 207, 281 Cruciate ligament, anterior Avulsion fracture, pelvic, 268 kinematic analysis of, 86 Azapropazone, in soft tissue injury, 106 reconstruction of patellar fracture after, 118 Back, low, spondylolysis and hypertrophy as cause of pain in, radiographic evaluation in, 161 189 Cystic fibrosis, pediatric, effects of training in, 2 Backpack paralysis, 36 Ballet, tarsal tunnel syndrome and, 192 Dancing, tarsal tunnel syndrome and, 192 Baseball Dehydration head impact and, 217 cystic fibrosis and, 2 low back pain and, 189 heat stress and, 2 sliding injury and, 78 Diabetes mellitus, exercise and smokeless tobacco as cardiovascular risk factor in, 62 as prevention, 61 softer baseballs for, 217 as treatment, 2 standard versus break-away base for, 78 Diclofenac, in soft tissue injury, 106 Basketball, hematological status of females in, 82 Digital nerve entrapment syndrome, 36 Basketweave taping method, 20 Dilantin, side effects of, 186 6-2 agonist, nonasthmatic athlete and, 14 Disc, intervertebral, juvenile kyphosis and protrusion of, 52 Bicarbonate, as indicator of training stress, 6 Diving reflex, asthma and, 2 Bicycle helmet, 276 Dopamine agonist, 256 Bicycle tour, medical services during, 242 Drowning, in whirlpool bath, 186 Biological parameters, overtraining and, 6 Duchenne dystrophy, pediatric, exercise and, 2 Blood flow, respiratory, aerobic exercise and, 174 Dystrophy Blood pressure, pediatric, exercise and, 2 Duchenne, exercise and, 2 Bone scan, in stress fracture of medial cuneiform bone, 262 muscular, exercise and, 2 Book Review Hand Injuries in Athletes by J. W. Strickland and A. C. Ret- Echocardiography, in preparticipation examination, 149 tig, 201 Elbow, osteochondritis dissecans of, 129 Living With Exercise by Steven N. Blair, 134 Electrical stimulation, in rehabilitation following anterior cruci- Physical Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete by David J. Ma- ate ligament reconstruction, 118 gee, 201 Emergency medical services, bicycling tour and, 242 Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function: Implications for Re- Enolase, neuron-specific, as marker in central nervous system habilitation and Sports Medicine by R. L. Lieber, 69 injury, 144 Bowler’s thumb, 36 Enzyme marker, in central nervous system injury, 144 Boxing, central nervous system damage and, 144 Epilepsy, whirlpool bath and, 186 Brace Exercise ankle taping method as, 20 aerobic knee for adolescent, 153 anterior cruciate ligament-deficiency and, 86 respiratory factors as limitation in, 174 in football, 31 asthma and, prescription for, 2 epidemiological assessment of, 166 cystic fibrosis and, prescription for, 2 in medial gonarthrosis, 251 diabetes mellitus and valgus, 251 prescription for, 2 Brachial plexus, compression of, 36 as prevention, 61 SUBJECT INDEX 287 hypertension and, prescription for, 2 magnetic resonance imaging in internal derangement of, 197 isometric, following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in soft tissue injury to, 118 106 muscular dystrophy and, prescription for, 2 osteoarthritis of, middle age and, 274 pediatric disease and, prescription for, 2 osteochondritis dissecans of, patellofemoral origin of, 101 patellar fracture following anterior cruciate ligament recon- Fasting, in weight cycling, 235 struction in, 118 Female athlete, hematological status of, 82 Kyphosis, juvenile, thoracic disc protrusion in, 52 Fenbufen, in soft tissue injury, 106 Ferritin, serum, in female basketball player, 82 Leg, isolated peroneal compartment syndrome of, 48 First aid, bicycle tour and, 242 Life expectancy Football, prophylactic knee brace in, 31 lifestyle changes and, 200 epidemiological assessment of, 166 physical fitness as long-term predictor of, 199 Fracture world class male athlete and, 275 avulsion, pelvic, 268 Lifestyle, mortality and, 200 patellar, following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, Ligament. See Cruciate ligament, anterior 118 Lipids, serum, physical activity and, 131 stress, of medial cuneiform bone, 262 L-tryptopham, running performance and, 132 Lymphocytes, heavy training and, 211 Gas exchange, aerobic exercise and, 174 Glucose level, weight cycling and, 235 Magnetic resonance imaging Gonarthrosis, valgus knee bracing in, 251 in compartment syndrome Guyon’s canal, ulnar nerve entrapment in, 36 chronic, 44 peroneal, isolated, 48 Head injury, softer baseballs in prevention of, 217 in internal derangement of knee, 197 Heat stress in muscle injury, 26 bicycle tour and, 242 in stress fracture of medial cuneiform bone, 262 pediatric disease and, 2 in thoracic disc protrusion, 52 whirlpool bath and, 186 Malnutrition, athletic competition and, 75 Heel, pain in, 36 Meralgia paresthetica, 36 Helmet, bicycle, 276 Metabolism, weight cycling and, 235 Hematocrit, female basketball player and, 82 Metatarsalgia, 36 Hemoglobin, female basketball player and, 82 Middle age, physical activity and knee osteoarthritis in, 274 Hepatitis B, transmission of, 63 Military training program, musculoskeletal and medical morbid- Hepatitis C, transmission of, 63 ity associated with, 229 High jumper, pelvic avulsion fracture in, 268 Mitogens, heavy training and, 211 Hinton-Boswell taping method, 20 Morbidity, associated with rigorous physical training, 229 Hormone level, weight cycling and, 235 Muscle Hot tub, drowning in, 186 knee, patellar fracture during rehabilitation of, anterior cruci- Human immunodeficiency virus, transmission of, 63 ate ligament reconstruction and, 118 Hypertension quadriceps, chronic compartment syndrome in, 44 pediatric, exercise and, 2 respiratory, aerobic exercise and, 174 pergolide mesylate in, 256 thigh, magnetic resonance imaging of, 26 Hypertrophy Muscular dystrophy, pediatric, exercise and, 2 cardiac, echocardiography in, 149 Musculoskeletal injury, of contralateral pedicle, in low back pain, 189 associated with army physical training, 198 Hypoglycemia, pediatric, exercise and, 2 associated with rigorous physical training, 229 Hypoxemia, aerobic exercise and, 174 Myopathy, pediatric, exercise and, 2 Ibuprofen, in soft tissue injury, 106 Naproxen, in soft tissue injury, 106 Immune function Nerve entrapment syndrome, in athlete, 36 athletic competition and, 75 Neuroma, interdigital, 36 heavy training and, 211 Neuron-specific enolase, as marker in central nervous system Indomethacin, in soft tissue injury, 106 injury, 144 Infection, susceptibility to, 75 Neuropraxia, in rock climber, 123 Insulin level, weight cycling and, 235 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in acute soft tissue injury, Isolated peroneal compartment syndrome, 48 106 Nutritional status, psychosocial, 75 Judo, weight cycling and, 235 Obesity Ketoacidosis, pediatric, exercise and, 2 adolescent physical education program and, 153 Ketoprofen, in soft tissue injury, 106 pediatric, asthma and, 2 Kiloh—Nevin syndrome, 36 Osteoarthritis, of knee Kinematic analysis, of anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee, middle age and, 274 86 valgus knee bracing in, 251 Knapsack, brachial plexus compression and, 36 Osteochondritis dissecans Knee of elbow, 129 anterior, pain in, 139 femoral, patellofemoral origin of, 101 bracing of Osteolysis, clavicular, weight lifting and, 59 anterior cruciate ligament deficiency and, 86 Overtraining football and, 31, 166 biological parameters as indicators of, 6 Clin J Sport Med, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1993 288 SUBJECT INDEX immune function and, 211 Soft tissue injury, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in, 106 musculoskeletal and medical morbidity associated with, 229 Softball. See also Baseball Oxygen consumption sliding injury and, 78 aerobic exercise and, 174 Spondylolysis, unilateral, in low back pain, 189 female basketball player and, 82 Sport Medicine Journal Club, 1, 58, 128, 196, 272 Oxygen uptake, adolescent physical education program and, 153 Sprain Oxyhemaglobin desaturation, arterial, cystic fibrosis and, 2 ankle taping and, 20 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in, 106 Pain, chest, exercise and, 2 Steroids, anabolic, structure and function of rat tendon and, 60 Paralysis, backpack, 36 Stress Patella, fracture of, following anterior cruciate ligament recon- athletic competition and, 75 struction, 118 training, biological parameters as indicators of, 6 Patellofemoral pain syndrome, 139 Stress fracture, of medial cuneiform bone, 262 Pediatrics Sudden death, in young athlete, 149 chronic disease in, 2 Suprascapular nerve, entrapment of, 36 heat-induced illness in, 2 Sural nerve, entrapment of, 36 pelvic avulsion fracture in, 268 Swimming, asthma and, 2 physical education for, 153 Pedicle, reactive sclerosis of, in low back pain, 189 Tarsal tunnel syndrome, 36 Pergolide mesylate, 256 after Achilles tendon injury, 192 Peroneal nerve, entrapment of, 36 Tegetrol, side effects of, 186 Piriformis muscle syndrome, 36 Tendon, rat, anabolic steroids and, 60 Piroxicam, in soft tissue injury, 106 Tennis, nerve entrapment syndromes and, 36 Plantar nerve, entrapment of, 36 Tennis elbow, 36 Pronator teres syndrome, 36 Testosterone, as indicator of training stress, 6 Prostaglandin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, 106 Thigh, magnetic resonance imaging of Psychological test, immune problems and, 75 muscle damage and, 26 Pubalgia, 265 pain and, 44 Pulmonary system, aerobic exercise and, 174 Thoracic outlet syndrome, in athlete, 36 Thrombosis, compression, in rock climber, 123 Radial tunnel syndrome, 36 Thumb, bowler’s, 36 Radiography Tobacco, smokeless, as cardiovascular risk factor in baseball, 62 in acute ankle injury, 273 Triiodothyronine level, weight cycling and, 235 in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction evaluation, 161 Tryptophan, running performance and, 132 flexed-knee, in femoral osteochondritis dissecans, 101 Respiration, aerobic exercise and, 174 Ulnar nerve, entrapment of, 36 Respiratory disease, athletic competition and, 75 Ulnar tunnel syndrome, in athlete, 36 Rock climbing, compression thrombosis and neuropraxia and, Ultrasonography, in rotator cuff tear, 130 123 Urea, as indicator of training stress, 6 Rotator cuff tear, ultrasonography in, 130 Uric acid, as indicator of training stress, 6 Rowing, biological parameters as indicators of training stress and, 6 Ventilatory control, aerobic exercise and, 174 Running Vertebra biological parameters as indicators of training stress and, 6 lumbar, spondylolysis of, in low back pain, 189 immune function and, 211 throacic, juvenile kyphosis and protrusion of, 52 L-tryptophan and, 132 Viral infection, athletic competition and, 75 stress fracture of medial cuneiform bone and, 262 Wartenberg’s disease, 36 Salbutamol, in nonasthmatic athletes, 14 Weight lifting Saphenous nerve, entrapment of, 36 clavicular osteolysis and, 59 Scapholunate dissociation, atraumatic, 259 thoracic spine irregularity and, 52 Scheuermann’s disease, kyphosis and thoracic disc protrusion Weight loss in, 52 methods used by high school and collegiate wrestlers, 95 Sclerosis, reactive, in low back pain, 189 weight cycling and, 235 Serum lipids, physical activity and, 131 Whirlpool bath, drowning in, 186 Skinfold measurement Wilson test, 101 adolescent physical education program and, 153 World class male athlete, increased life expectancy of, 275 weight cycling and, 235 Wrestling, weight-loss methods and, 95 Sliding, injury related to, 78 Wrist, atraumatic scapholunate dissociation in, 259 Clin J Sport Med, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1993

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