Clinical Hemorheology CONTENTS AND AUTHOR INDEX FOR VOLUME 13, 1993 Editors-in-Chief SIEGFRIED WITTE Medizinische Abteilung, Diakonissen-Krankenhaus Diakonissenstr. 28, D-76199 Karlsruhe, Germany JEAN-FRANCOIS STOLTZ Centre Régional de Transfusion Sanguine et d'Hématologie INSERM U284 Plateau de Brabois, F-54511 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France Founded by A.L. Copley PERGAMON PRESS New York « Oxford * Seoul * Tokyo Clinical Hemorheology A Companion Journal of 'Biorheology' An Official Journal of the International Society of Biorheology, An Affiliated Commission of the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics Founded by A.L. Copley Editors-in-Chief SIEGFRIED WITTE, Medizinische Abteilung, Diakonissen-Krankenhaus, Diakonissenstr. 28, D-76199 Karlsruhe, Germany, FAX: +49 721 8893044 JEAN-FRANCOIS STOLTZ, Centre Régional de Transfusion Sanguine et d'Hématologie, INSERM U284, Plateau de Brabois, F-54511 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France, FAX: +33 83446040 Board of Editors M.R. BOISSEAU, Hémobiologie, Hdépital Cardiologique de Bordeaux, F-33604 Pessac, France, FAX: +33 56556419 T. DI PERRI, Universita degli Studi di Siena, Istituto di Clinica Medica Generale e Terapia Medica, !-53100 Siena, Italy, FAX: +39 577 286202 M. DONNER, Instrumentation Avancée et Réactifs, INSERM U284, Plateau de Brabois, F-54511 Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France, FAX: +33 83446040 A.M. EHRLY, Zentrum der Inneren Medizin der J.W. Goethe-Universitat, Abteilung fur Angiologie, Theodor-Stern- Kai 7, D-6000 Frankfurt/Main 70, Germany, FAX: +49 69 63017219 E. ERNST, Universitatsklinik fur Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation, Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Wahringer Gurtel 18-20, A-1090 Wien, Austria, FAX: +43 1 404005281 M.R. HARDEMAN, Academisch Ziekenhuis bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Academisch Medisch Centrum, Meibergdreef 9, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam-Zuidoost, Netherlands, FAX: +31 20 5664440 Y. ISOGAI, 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Jikei University, School of Medicine, 3-25-8 Nishi-shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan, FAX: +81 3 35789753 M. KAIBARA, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Teikyo University, School of Medicine, Ichihara Hospital, 3426-3 Anesaki, Ichihara-city, Chiba 299-01, Japan P.L. LA CELLE, Box BPHYS, Medical Center, Department of Biophysics, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY 14642-8408, USA, FAX: +1 716 2756007 F. LIAO, Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China G.D.O. LOWE, University of Glasgow, Department of Medicine, Royal Infirmary, 10 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow G31 2ER, United Kingdom, FAX: +44 41 5522953 D.E. McMILLAN, University of South Florida, Diabetes Center, 12901 Bruce B. Downs Boulevard, MDC 45, Tampa, FL 33612-4799, USA, FAX: +1 813 9744985 H.J. MEISELMAN, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Southern California, School of Medicine, 1333 San Pablo Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA, FAX: +1 213 3422283 G.B. NASH, University of Birmingham, Department of Haematology, Medical School, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom, FAX: +44 21 4144036 G. POTRON, Laboratoire Central d'Hématologie, Hépital Robert Debré, Rue Alexis Carrel, F-51092 Reims, France, FAX: +33 26058740 W.H. REINHART, Ratisches Kantons- und Regionalspital, Medizinische Klinik, CH-7000 Chur, Switzerland, FAX: +41 81 266379 ; H. SCHMID-SCHONBEIN, RWTH Aachen, Medizinische Fakultat, Institut fur Physiologie, Pauwelsstr. 30, D-5100 Aachen, Germany, FAX: +49 241 8080028 G.V.F. SEAMAN, Western Biomedical Research Institute, P.O. Box 22510, Eugene, OR 97402-0419, USA T. SOMER, 3rd Department of Medicine, University Central Hospital, Meilahti Hospital, SF-O0290 Helsinki, Finland, FAX: +358 0 4714012 J.-L. WAUTIER, Unité d'Immunohématologie, Hépital Lariboislére, 2 Rue Ambroise Paré, F-75010 Paris, France, FAX: +33 1 42852171 PRODUCTION EDITOR: Lorraine Petrella, Pergamon Press, Tarrytown, New York. CLINICAL HEMORHEOLOGY EXECUTIVE EDITORIAL OFFICE: Siegfried Witte, Executive Director, Medizinsche Abteilung, Diakonissen-Krankenhaus, Diakonissenstr. 28, D-76199 Karlsruhe, Germany, FAX: +49 721 8893044 PUBLISHING, SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISING OFFICES: Pergamon Press Inc., 660 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591-5153, U.S.A., E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]; or Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, England. PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY. Annual Institutional Subscription Rate (1994): North, Central and South America, US$485.00, Rest of World £315.00. Sterling prices exclude VAT. Non-VAT registered customers in the European Community will be charged the appropriate VAT in addition to the price listed. Prices include postage and insurance and are subject to change without notice. Cover by L. Alcopley CLINICAL HEMORHEOLOGY, Vol. 13, pp. 863-871, 1993 0271-5198/93 $6.00 + .00 Printed in the USA. Copyright © 1993 Pergamon Press Ltd. All rights reserved. CLINICAL HEMORHEOLOGY VOLUME 13, NUMBER1 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1993 CONTENTS S. Witte and J.-F. Stoltz Editorial Conference Communications Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Biorheology, Yokohama, Japan, 3-8 August 1992 — Part I Plenary Lecture In vitro testing of rheologically active drugs Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Southampton, U.K., 16-19 July 199] - Part VI Free Session: Drugs and Hemorheology S. Forconi, M. Guerrini, R. Cappelli, Effect of fibrin(ogen) degradation products on L. Furesi, S. Battistelli, P. Sani, G. Marotta blood viscosity values during thrombolysis and L. Trabalzini Non-Conference Communications Papers K. Aoshiba, A. Nagai and K. Konno Effects of temperature and pH level on neutrophil filtrability G. Caimi, A. Contorno, A. Serra, A. Catania, Red cell metabolic parameters and rheological R. Lo Presti, A. Sarno and G. Cerasola determinants in essential hypertension J.M.B. Péschl, C. Galanos and O. Linderkamp Lipid A binding and deformability of adult red blood cells N. Dikmenoglu, A. Akbas, N. Atakan, Erythrocyte rheology in psoriasis patients: S. Dundar and O.K. Baskurt Comparison of two patient groups treated with cyclosporin-A and by topical preparations respectively M. Lakomek, E. Friederichs, H. Winkler, Pyruvate kinase deficiency: Correlation between a W. Tillmann and W. Schréter perturbed energy metabolism of the red blood cells and altered rheological properties T. Béhler, A. Leo, K. Scharer and Red blood cell membrane deformability in O. Linderkamp hemodialysed children S.-A. Evans, J.G. Jones, C.A.J. Wardrop Leukocyte filterability in peripheral vascular and I. Lane disease G. Avellone, V. Di Garbo, A.V. Panno Haemorheological components in the pre-geriatric R. Cordova, G. Alletto, G. Raneli, and geriatric age range in a randomly selected R. De Simone, A. Strano and G.D. Bompiani Western Sicily population sample (Casteldaccia study) Letter to the Editors-in-Chief F. Jung, G. Pindur and W. Wenzel on the paper by W. Krill, et al., entitled Does 6% hydroxyethylstarch (HES 200/0.60-0.66) influence hemostasis (published in Clin. Hemorheol. 12, Suppl. 1, 79-91, 1992) LIST OF CONTENTS Vol. 13, No. 6 Abstracts: 15. Annual Meeting, Japanese Society of Biorheology, Gifu, Japan, 25-27 June 1992 107 Abstracts — Part Il: of the Beijing Satellite Symposium of the Eighth International Congress of Biorheology, Beijing, China, 11-13 August 1992 125 Abstracts: International Symposium on Oxygen Measurements in Patients, Sth Frankfurt Symposium, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 28-29 August 1992 143 Announcement 145 Contents of Biorheology Volume 29, Number 4. CLINICAL HEMORHEOLOGY VOLUME 13, NUMBER 2 MARCH-APRIL 1993 CONTENTS Conference Communications Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Biorheology, Yokohama, Japan, 3-8 August 1992 — Part Il Symposium: The Effects of Diabetes on the Flow Properties of Blood and the Behavior of its Formed Elements D.E. McMillan 147 Hemorheological studies in the diabetes control & complications trial Non-Conference Communications Review Article G. Potron, E. Petitfrére and P. Nguyen Platelet activating factor and ischemia Papers A. Acciavatti, D. Pieragalli, T. Provvedi, Circadian variation of platelet aggregation and G.L. Messa, C. Frigerio, M. Saletti, blood rheology C. Galigani, F. Guideri, M. Franchi, P. Blardi, F. Laghi Pasini and T. Di Perri J.F. Brun, C. Fons, I. Supparo, C. Mallard Could exercise-induced increase in blood viscosity and A. Orsetti at high shear rate be entirely explained by hematocrit and plasma viscosity changes? J.F. Brun, C. Fons, I. Supparo, C. Mallard Relationships between metabolic and hemo- and A. Orsetti theologic modifications associated with overweight J.F. Brun, P. Boulot, C. Fons, F. Frosi, Study of some physiological aspects of blood F, Deschamps, B. Bachelard, I. Supparo, rheology in fetuses by intrauterine umbilical cord J.L. Viala and A. Orsetti venepunctures. Relationships with hemodynamic measurements Vol. 13, No. 6 LIST OF CONTENTS G. Caimi, A. Serra, R. Lo Presti, G. Grif, 227 Red cell Ca2+ content (total and cytosolic) and A. Romano, A. Catania, G. Francavilla, erythrocyte membrane fluidity in several clinical S. D'Asaro, M. Montana and A. Sarno conditions S.U. Persson, P. Hedner, L. Cantera 237 Effects of corticosteroids on erythrocyte filter- and H. Larsson ability and blood viscosity in vitro F. Nobili, G. Rodriguez, S. Marenco, 245 Fibrinogen and cerebral blood flow: A correlative M. Gambaro, B.M. Stubinski and G. Rosadini study N. Tanahashi, Y. Fukuuchi, M. Tomita, 253 Erythrocyte aggregability in patients with cerebral S. Matsuoka and H. Takeda infarction with special reference to diabetes mellitus D.R. Rapin, M.S. Islam, M. Vicariot, 261 Study of hemorheological parameters in patients B. Bourbigot and F.C. Colin with postrenal transplant erythrocytosis 269 Abstracts: The 2:nd Scandinavian Symposium on Clinicai Haemorheology, Uppsala, Sweden, 4 and 5 April, 1992 Book Review S. Witte 277 FIBRINOGEN 4, CURRENT BASIS AND CLINICAL ASPECTS. Editors M. Matsuda, S. Iwanaga, A. Takada and A. Henschen 279 Announcement CLINICAL HEMORHEOLOGY VOLUME 13, NUMBER 3 MAY-JUNE 1993 CONTENTS SPECIAL ISSUE ABSTRACTS FIRST INTERNATIONAL AND EIGHTH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON CLINICAL HEMORHEOLOGY Vienna, Austria 5-8 July 1993 Guest Editor: E. Ernst 281 Abstracts 405 Contents of Biorheology Volume 29, Numbers 5/6 LIST OF CONTENTS Vol. 13, No. 6 CLINICAL HEMORHEOLOGY VOLUME 13, NUMBER 4 JULY-AUGUST 1993 CONTENTS Review Article M. Paulitschke and G.B. Nash 407 Micropipette methods for analysing blood cell rheology and their application to clinical research Papers O. Arend, S. Wolf, A. Harris, F. Jung and 435 Effects of oral contraceptives on conjunctival M. Reim microcirculation A. Vaya, M. Martinez, R. Carmena and 447 The lipid composition of red blood cells and their J. Aznar hemorheological behavior in patients with primary hyperlipoproteinemia B. Acikgoz, O.K. Baskurt and T. Ozgen 459 Altered erythrocyte filterability after neurosurgical laser application N.H. Schut, M.R. Hardeman, P.T. Goedhart, 465 Blood viscosity measurements are not sensitive H.J.G. Bilo and J.M. Wilmink enough to detect changes in erythrocyte deform- ability in cyclosporin-treated patients and its subsequent reversal with fish and corn oil N.Z. Ertan, M.W. Rampling, M.J. Pearson, 473 Time dependent effects of trypsin treatment of C.P. Winlove, P.M. Gribbon and D. Denison human red cells F. Zkhiri, M. Garnier, J. Garnier, P. Nicolas 481 The action of derived products nitrosin on human and G. Perret erythrocyte deformability in vitro G. Fischer, E. Schlappritzi and W.H. Reinhart 491 Hematological and hemorheological changes in rats with biliary cirrhosis A. Klee, D. Seiffge, D. Badorf, S. Vater, 501 Altered rheological properties of red and white S. Neumann and L. Heilmann cells during normal gestation Brief Communication K.R. Woodbum, A.W. Reid, G.D.O. Lowe, 515 Blood rheology, fibrin degradation products and A. Rumley, S. Lennie and J.G. Pollock von Willebrand factor in arterial and venous blood of patients with peripheral arterial disease Mini-Report H. Sabio, T. Jeraldo, V.C. McKie and 519 Erythrocyte centrifugal packing in sickle cell K.M. McKie anemia Book Review S. Witte 525 PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATION IN FIBRINOLYSIS, IN TISSUE REMODELING, AND IN DEVELOPMENT. Editors P. Brakman and C. Kluft Shi Yong-de, G. Artmann and H. Lechner 527 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MEDICAL BIORHEOLOGY, SHANGHAI, CHINA, 19-22, April 1993 Introduction G. Artmann and C. Schikarski Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) protects red blood cells from oxidative damage Abstracts Vol. 13, No. 6 LIST OF CONTENTS CLINICAL HEMORHEOLOGY VOLUME 13, NUMBER 5 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 1993 CONTENTS Conference Communications Proceedings of the First International and Eighth European Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Vienna, Austria, 5-8 July 1993 — Part I Welcome Address Opening Ceremony S. Witte A.L. Copley Memorial Lecture Fdhraeus Award Ceremony J. Stuart Laudatio: Fahraeus Awardee—Herbert J. Meiselman H.J. Meiselman Fahraeus Award Lecture: Red blood cell role in RBC aggregation: 1963-1993 and beyond Abstracts — Part II Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Biorheology, Yokohama, Japan, 3-8 August 1992 — Part Ill Symposium: Clinical Hemorheology S. Uchiyama, M. Yamazaki, S. Maruyama, 623 Shear-induced platelet aggregation and its inhibit- M. Handa, Y. Ikeda, M. Fukuyama, and I. Itagaki ion by antiplatelet agents in cerebral ischemia Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Biorheology, Shanghai, China, 19-22 April 1993 — Part Il H. Lechner, M. Walzl, and B. Walzl The position of heparin-induced LDL precipitation (HELP) in haemorheological research in cerebro- vascular disease Non-Conference Communications Papers R.J. Rasia, and G. Schiitz A numerical method to determine erythrocyte deformability distribution using data from Fraunhofer light diffraction C. Fons, J.F. Brun, I. Supparo, C. Mallard, Evaluation of blood viscosity at high shear rate L. Bardet, and A. Orsetti with a falling ball viscometer K.L. Pettit, W.B. Hunt, S.J. George, and The use of nickel and polycarbonate filters to assess A.J. Barnes erythrocyte filterability in control subjects and diabetic patients C.W. Baker, K.W. Anderson, M.M. Beaty, Decreased red blood cell membrane deformability R.W. Schwartz, and R.J. Dempsey in smokers and non-smokers with atherosclerosis LIST OF CONTENTS Vol. 13, No. 6 N. Specht-Leible, G. Schlierf, P.D. Lang, and Fibrinogen and bezafibrate — a pilot study in F.J. Neumann patients following percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) F. Laghi Pasini, P.L. Capecchi, L. Ceccatelli, 687 Rheological changes associated with neutrophil N. Buccianti, M. Franchi, T. Provvedi, priming and activation during provoked ischaemia A. Acciavatti, C. Frigerio, L. De Giorgi, and in man T. Di Perri P. Kowal, M. Walzl, B. Walzl, and H. Lechner 701 The influence of the H.E.L.P. system on yield shear stress in vascular disease 707 Abstracts: The 16th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Biorheology, Tokyo, Japan, 16-17 June 1993 713 Contents of Biorheology Vol. 30, Number 1 CLINICAL HEMORHEOLOGY VOLUME 13, NUMBER 6 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1993 CONTENTS 715 Editorial Conference Communications Proceedings of the First International and Eighth European Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Vienna, Austria, 5-8 July 1993 — Part Il Free Session: Hemodilution L. Heilmann 719 Hemodilution and pre-eclampsia G.F. v. Tempelhoff and L. Heilmann 729 The effect of plasma volume expansion on the utero placental perfusion Free Session: Fibrinogen L.B. Sigola, C. Dakwa, J.O. Adewuyi 737 Plasma Fibrinogen levels in a sample of black and and E. Keogh white Zimbabwean blood donors Symposium: Total quality in rheological studies J. Stuart 743 Quality control for tests of erythrocyte rheology S. Witte 753 Editorial quality and rheological publications Non-Conference Communications Papers M. Mukherjee 759 Prostaglandin metabolites and receptor density of platelet glycoprotein IIb-IIa complex in coronary heart disease G. Athanassiou, M. Savakis and Y. Missirlis 767 Filterability of erythrocytes in patients with myelodysplastic and B-thalassemic syndromes Th. Béhler and O. Linderkamp 775 Effects of neuraminidase and trypsin on surface charge and aggregation of red blood cells B. Lartigue, J. Barré, Ph. Nguyen 779 Comparative study of hydroxyethylstarch 200/0.62 and G. Potron versus Dextran 60 in hemodilution during total hip replacement: influences on hemorheological parameters Vol. 13, No. 6 LIST OF CONTENTS S.U. Persson and P. Hedner 791 Erythrocyte deformability measured by filtrometry: influence of variations in filtration pressure, MCV and MCHC Letter to the Editors-in-Chief H. Schmid-Schénbein 803 Editorial comment on paper by Boéhler and Linderkamp "Effects of neuraminidase and trypsin on surface charge and aggregation of red blood cells” (this issue) 807 Abstracts: Eleventh Annual Meeting of Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Klinische Mikrozirkulation und Hdmorheologie, Heidelberg, Germany, 11-13 November 1992 837 Abstracts: Twelfth Annual Meeting of Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Klinische Mikrozirkulation und Hdmorheologie, Géttingen, Germany, 11-13 November 1993 859 Announcements 861 Contents and Author Index for Volume 13, 1993 872 Contents of Biorheology Volume 30, Number 2