R A EVIEW RTICLE Clinical Applications of Recent Molecular Advances in Urologic Malignancies: No Longer Chasing a “Mirage”? George J. Netto, MD renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has incited interest in identi- Abstract:Asourunderstandingofthemoleculareventsleadingtothe fying predictive markers of response and in exploring new development and progression of genitourologic malignancies, new targets oftherapy forothertypes of renaltumors. markersofdetection,prognostication,andtherapypredictioncanbe exploitedinthemanagementoftheseprevalenttumors.Thecurrent review discussestherecent advancesinprostate, bladder, renal, and PROSTATE CANCER testicularneoplasmsthatarepertinenttotheanatomicpathologist. Emerging Prognostic Factors KeyWords:molecular,genetics,biomarkersprognostics,urologic, Firmly established parameters such as clinical stage, neoplasms pathologicstage,histologicGleasongrade,andserumPSA levels are routinely used for prognostication and guidance (Adv AnatPathol 2013;20:175–203) ofdiseasemanagementinPCa.13–15Asthemolecularevents underpinningthedevelopmentofPCaandthepathogenetic Recent advances in cancer genetics and genomics are steps detailing the epigenetic and genetic alterations reshaping management paradigms in solid tumor involvedintheprogressionofPCahavebeenbroughtinto patients. Molecular diagnostics have become an integral focus (Fig. 1), an extensive list of molecular biomarkers part of clinical management algorithms of patients with have been evaluated in the last decade for their potential lung, colon, and brain cancers. Till recently, implementa- role in predicting disease outcome.3,7,10–12,16–20 The wide tion of molecular biomarkers in the management of uro- arrayofmolecular-basedPCamarkersincludeproliferation logic malignancies hasbeenanillusive target. index (ki67),21–27 microvessel density,28–33 nuclear morph- In prostate cancer (PCa), the continuous debate on ometry,34–37 tumor suppression genes (eg p53, p21, p27, whethercurrentserumprostate-specificantigen(PSA)-based NKX3.1, PTEN, retinoblastoma gene “Rb”), oncogenes screening strategies are potentially leading to “overtreat- (eg Bcl2, c-myc, EZH2, and HER2/neu), adhesion mole- ment” of a subset of PCa patients has further fueled the cules (CD44, E-cadherin), PI3K/akt/mTOR pathway,38 interestin pursuing clinicopathologic and molecular param- apoptosisregulators(eg,survivinandtransforminggrowth eters that may help identify patients with biologically factor b-1), androgen receptor status,39 neuroendocrine “significant” PCas.1,2 More recently, applying sophisticated differentiation markers,40–45 and prostate tissue lineage- bioinformatics tools to increasing number of datasets gen- specific markers expression (PSA, PSAP, and prostate- erated from genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic studies specific membrane antigen“PSMA”). ofPCahasledtothediscoveryandvalidationofagrowing listofmolecularbiomarkerswithpotentialroleinpredicting Epigenetic Changes in PCa diseaseprogression,responsetotherapy,andsurvivalinPCa ChangesinDNAmethylationmarks,accompaniedby patients.3–62Identifyingmolecularprofilesthatcanaccurately epigenetic gene silencing, seem to be the earliest somatic predict “insignificant” PCa tumors would be valuable for genome changes in PCa18 (Table 1). New generation of alternative PCa management approaches such as “proactive assay strategies for detection of specific DNA sequences surveillance” thatareincreasinglyoffered. carrying 5-meC, offer promising opportunities for clinical For bladder cancer (BC) patients, the need for new tests for potential PCa screening, detection, diagnosis, treatment options that can improve upon the modest out- staging, and risk stratification. Hypermethylation of glu- comes currently associated with muscle invasive bladder tathione S-transferase-p (GSTP1) transcriptional regu- cancer(MI-BC)isevident.Validatedprognosticmolecular latorysequenceshasbeenconsistentlydetectedin>90%of biomarkersthatcanhelpcliniciansidentifypatientsinneed PCas. GSTP1, encodes an enzyme responsible for detox- of early aggressive management are lacking. Robust pre- ifying electrophiles and oxidants thus shielding cell from dictive biomarkers that can stratify responses to emerging genomedamage.LossofGSTP1expressionseemstobean targeted therapies are also needed. early event in the initiation of prostatic carcinogenesis as Similarly, the increasingly momentous adoption of evidencedbythepresenceofGSTP1methylationin5%to targeted systemic therapy strategies in advanced clear cell 10%ofproliferativeinflammatoryatrophylesionsthought by some to be the earliest PCa precursors, and in >70% ofhigh-gradeprostaticintraepithelialneoplasialesions.46,47 From the Departments of Pathology, Urology and Oncology, Johns In addition to GSTP1, >40 other genes have been HopkinsUniversity,Baltimore,MD. shown to be altered by epigenetic hypermethylation.48 Theauthorhasnofundingorconflictsofinteresttodisclose. Reprints:GeorgeJ.Netto,MD,DepartmentsofPathology,Urology Yegnasubramanian et al49,50 found hypermethylation at and Oncology, Johns Hopkins University, 401N. Broadway, GSTP1, APC, RASSF1a, COX2, and MDR1 to be Weinberg2242,Baltimore,MD21231(e-mail:[email protected]). detected both in localized and in metastatic PCa, whereas Allfigurescanbeviewedonlineincolorathttp://www.anatomicpathology. hypermethylation of other genes such as ERa, hMLH1, com. Copyrightr2013byLippincottWilliams&Wilkins and p14/INK4a were more likely to be found in latter Adv Anat Pathol(cid:2)Volume 20, Number3, May2013 www.anatomicpathology.com |175 Netto AdvAnatPathol (cid:2) Volume20,Number3,May2013 FIGURE 1. Somatic genetic alterations involved in the pathogenetic steps of prostate cancer progression. Adapted from Netto and Cheng.63 stages of PCa progression suggesting “2 waves” of epi- expression as a surrogate approach to detecting geneticalterations in PCa. TMPRSS2-ERG fusion by FISH. We, and others, have demonstrated a strong correlation between ERG over- ERG-ETS Gene Fusions expression by IHC and ERG fusion status with over 86% In 2005, Tomlins et al51,52 identified a recurrent sensitivity and specificity rates. ERG IHC may offer an chromosomal rearrangement in over one half of their accurate,simpler,andlesscostlyalternativeforevaluation analyzed PCa cases. The recurrent chromosomal rear- ofERGfusionstatusinPCaonneedlebiopsyandradical rangements lead to a fusion of the androgen-responsive prostatectomysamples69,70(Fig. 3). promoterelementsoftheTMPRSS2gene(21q22)to1of3 members of the E26 transformation-specific (ETS) tran- PI3k/mTOR Pathway scription factors family members ERG, ETV1, and ETV4 The PI3K/mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) located at chromosomes 21q22, 7p21, and 17q21, respec- pathway plays an important role in cell growth, pro- tively. Although the prognostic role of assessing liferation,andoncogenesisinPCa.71–77PTENisanegative TMPRSS2-ETSrearrangementsinPCatissuesampleshas regulator of this pathway. Several recent well-designed been called into question by recent well-designed large retrospective studies have revealed that loss of PTEN cohort studies including ours,53,54 the discovery had great tumor suppressor gene (TSG) activity and the ensuing implications in terms of furthering our understanding mTOR pathway activation is associated with poor prog- development and pathogenesis of PCa and provide a new nosis in PCa. In a recent large-nested cases control, tissue marker for molecular diagnosis in PCa.55–62,64,65 The microarray-based,studyfromourinstitution,wewereable potential diagnostic and prognostic role of detecting to show loss of immunoexpression of PTEN to be a pre- TMPRSS2-ERG in postprostate massage urine samples dictor of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatec- requires further investigation.66–68 Figure 2 depicts a tomy independent of Gleason grade, cancer stage, and commonly used FISH split apart-based approach for the other clinicopathologic parameters.78 In a second study evaluation of ERG gene fusion. Recently, commercial from our group by Lotan et al,79 the prognostic role of anti-ERG monoclonal antibodies became available that PTEN alteration was further linked to adverse pathologic makes it possible to use IHC for evaluating ERG protein features and decreased time to metastatic disease in a 176 |www.anatomicpathology.com r2013LippincottWilliams &Wilkins AdvAnatPathol (cid:2) Volume20,Number3,May2013 MolecularAdvancesinUrologicMalignancies TABLE1. SalientGeneticandEpigeneticAlterationsinProstateCancer(PCa) GeneandGeneType Location Notes Tumorsuppressorgenes CDKN1B 12p13.1-p12 Encodescyclin-dependentkinaseinhibitorp27.Onealleleisfrequentlydeletedin primaryPCa NKX3.1 8p21.2 Encodesprostate-restrictedhomeoboxproteinthatcansuppressthegrowthof prostateepithelialcells.OnealleleisfrequentlydeletedinprimaryPCa PTEN 10q23.31 Encodesphosphataseandtensinhomolog,suppressescellproliferation,and increasesapoptosis.OnealleleisfrequentlylostinprimaryPCatumors MutationsarefoundmorefrequentlyinmetastaticPCa TP53 17p13.1 Mutationsareuncommonearly,butoccurinabout50%ofadvancedorcastrate- resistantPCa Oncogenes MYC 8q24 Transcriptionfactor,regulatesgenesinvolvedincellproliferation,senescence, apoptosis,andcellmetabolism.mRNAlevelsincreasedinallstages.Low-level amplificationoftheMYClocusiscommoninadvancedPCa ERG 21q22.3 Fusiontranscriptswiththe50 portionofandrogen-regulatedgene(TMPRSS22) arisefromdeletionorchromosomalrearrangementscommonlyfoundinPCa ETV1-4 7p21.3,19q13.12, EncodesETS-liketranscriptionfactors1to4,whichareproposedtobenew 1q21-q23,17q21.31 oncogenesforprostatecancer.Fusiontranscriptswiththe50 portionof androgen-regulatedgene(TMPRSS22)arisefromchromosomal rearrangementscommonlyfoundinalldiseasestages AR Xq11-12 Encodestheandrogenreceptor.ProteinisexpressedinmostPCa.Locusis amplifiedormutatedinadvancedandcastrate-resistantPCa Activationoftheenzyme Maintainstelomerefunctionandcontributestocellimmortalization.Activatedin telomerase mostPCa,mechanismofactivationmaybethroughMYCactivation Caretakergenes GSTP1 11q13 Encodestheenzymethatcatalyzestheconjugationofreducedglutathioneto electrophilicsubstrates.Functionstodetoxifycarcinogens.Inactivated>90% ofPCabysomatichypermethylationoftheCpGislandwithintheupstream regulatoryregion Telomeredysfunction Chromosometermini Contributestochromosomalinstability.Shortenedtelomeresarefoundin>90% ofprostaticintraepithelialneoplasialesionsandprostatecancerlesions Centrosomeabnormalities N/A Contributestochromosomalinstability.Centrosomesarestructurallyand numericallyabnormalinmostPCa Othersomaticchanges PTGS2,APC,MDR1, Various ThehypermethylationofCpGislandswithinupstreamregulatoryregionsoccurs EDNRB,RASSF1a, inmostprimarytumoursandmetastaticlesions.Thefunctionalsignificanceof RARb2 thesechangesisnotyetknown AdaptedfromDeMarzoetal.17 surgical cohort of high-risk PCa patients. The correlation stage, and margin status.26,33,83–88 More recent genome- of PTEN immuostains with genomic loss of PTEN gene wide studies seems to support the prognostic role of p53 wasalsoestablishedisthelaterstudy.ThemTORpathway alterations89 (see below section on Integrated Genomics). is also a potential target for PCa treatment and several The majority of studies of another TSG p27, a cell cycle rapamycin analogs are currently being tested as potential inhibitor, have also supported a correlation with pro- therapeutic agents for PCa.76,80 We recently reported the gressionafterprostatectomy.Althoughlessrobustevidence results of a pilot study evaluating the pharmacodynamic exists for the prognostic role of p21,90 a downstream efficacyofneoadjuvantrapamycintherapyinPCa.80Using mediator of p53, and transcription factors such as IHC analysis, we found a significant decrease in Phos-S6 NKX3.1,19,91 preponderance of evidence supports a prog- protein, the main downstream effector of mTOR path- nostic role for Bcl222,81,83,85,87 and myc oncogenes92,93 as way, in patients receiving neoadjuvant mTOR inhibitor potential adjuncts tohistologic prognostic parameters. agent.80 Integrated Genomics Other Tumor Suppressor Genes and Oncogenes Gene expression profiling studies using cDNA micro- AmongTSGs,theroleofp53expressioninpredicting arrays containing 26,000 genes identified 3 subclasses of prognosis in prostate carcinoma has been extensively prostate tumors based on distinct patterns of gene expres- studied.Brewsteretal81foundp53expressionandGleason sion.4 High-grade and advanced stage tumors, as well as score in needle biopsy to be independent predictors of tumorsassociatedwithrecurrence,weredisproportionately biochemical relapse after radical prostatectomy. Another represented among 2 of the 3 subtypes, one of which also study found p53 status on prostatectomy but not needle included most lymph node metastases. Furthermore, 2 biopsies to be predictive raising the issue of sampling.82 surrogategenesweredifferentially expressedamong tumor Many studies evaluating prostatectomy specimens found subgroups by immunohistochemistry. These included: p53 to be of prognostic significance independent of grade, MUC1, a gene highly expressed in the subgroups with r2013Lippincott Williams &Wilkins www.anatomicpathology.com |177 Netto AdvAnatPathol (cid:2) Volume20,Number3,May2013 FIGURE2. FISHanalysisusingERGsplit-apartprobes.Thepresenceofjuxtaposedredandgreensignals(occasionallyformingayellow signal)indicateslackofTMPRSS2-ERGfusioninbenignglands.Lossofgreensignalin1alleleindicatesthepresenceofTMPRSS2-ERG fusionbydeletioninvolving50 ERGregion.Splitofgreen/redsignalsasshownhereinthemalignantglandsandhigh-gradeprostatic intraepithelialneoplasiaininsetsindicatethepresenceofTMPRSS2-ERGfusionbysplitinvolvingERGregion.Thisfigurecanbeviewed onlineincolorathttp://www.anatomicpathology.com. “aggressive”clinicopathologicfeaturesandAZGP1,agene hybridization (array CGH). They were able to identify highly expressed in the favorable subgroup. The surrogate recurrent copy number genetic aberrations that corre- genes were strong predictors of tumor recurrence inde- sponds to 3 prognostically distinct groups of PCa: (i) pendentoftumorgrade,stage,andpreoperativePSAlevels. deletions at 5q21 and 6q15 deletion group associated with Such study suggests that prostate tumors can be usefully favorableoutcomegroup;(ii)a8p21(NKX3-1)and21q22 classified according to their gene expression patterns, and (resulting in TMPRSS2-ERG fusion) deletion group, and these tumor subtypes may provide a basis for improved (iii) 8q24 (MYC) and 16p13 gains, and loss at 10q23 prognostication andtreatment stratification. (PTEN) and 16q23 groups correlating with metastatic dis- In another study, Tomlins et al6 used laser-capture easeand aggressive outcome. microdissection to isolate 101 cell populations to illustrate Finally, in a recent genome-wide analysis of PCa, gene expression profiles of PCa progression from benign Tayloretal95elegantlyillustratedhowdetailedannotation epithelium to metastatic disease. By analyzing expression of PCa genomes can impact our understanding of the dis- signatures in the context of over 14,000 “molecular con- ease and its treatment strategy. Assessing DNA copy cepts,” or sets of biologically connected genes, the authors number,mRNAexpression,andfocusedexonresequencing generated an integrative model of progression. Molecular in218PCatumors,theauthorsidentifiedtheroleofnuclear critical transitions in progression included protein biosyn- receptor coactivator NCOA2 as a novel oncogene in 11% thesis,ETSfamilytranscriptionaltargets,androgensignaling, of PCa cases. TMPRSS2-ERG fusion was associated with and cell proliferation. Known prognostic markers such as novel prostate-specific deletion at chromosome 3p14 that grade could be ascribed to noted attenuated androgen sig- may implicate FOXP1, RYBP, and SHQ1 as potential naling signature seen in high-grade cancer (Gleason pattern cooperative tumor suppressors. Most intriguing was their 4), similar to metastatic PCa, which may reflect dediffer- ability to define clusters of low-risk and high-risk disease entiation and explain the clinical association of grade and beyond that achieved by Gleason score using DNA copy prognosis. Taken together, these data show that analyzing number data. Six clusters of PCa tumors are identified by geneexpressionsignaturesinthecontextofacompendiumof unsupervised hierarchical clustering with distinct risk for molecularconceptsisusefulinunderstandingcancerbiology. biochemical recurrence. Lapointeetal94complementedtheirabove-mentioned In summary, genomic studies suggest that PCas gene expression findings by looking for associated copy develop through a limited number of alternative preferred numberalterationsusingarray-basedcomparativegenomic geneticpathways.Theresultantmoleculargeneticsubtypes 178 |www.anatomicpathology.com r2013LippincottWilliams &Wilkins AdvAnatPathol (cid:2) Volume20,Number3,May2013 MolecularAdvancesinUrologicMalignancies FIGURE3. ERGoverexpression,asdemonstratedbyimmunohistochemistry,isasimplesurrogatemethodforevaluatingTMPRSS2-ERG fusioninprostateadenocarcinoma.ERGpositiveexpressioninGleasongrades6and8casesthatwerealsopositiveforTMRSS2-ERG fusionbyFISHareshownin3A,Band3C,D,respectively.3Eand3FillustratelackofERGexpressioninaGleasongrade6tumors thatlackedTMRSS2-ERGfusionbyFISH.(ERGimmunostains:3A,C,andE, (cid:3)100;3B,D,andF, (cid:3)200magnifications).Adaptedfrom ChauxA,etal.70 provideanewframeworkforinvestigatingPCabiologyand inactivation of the tumor suppressors p53 and PTEN loss explain inpart the clinical heterogeneityof the disease. and the TMPRSS2-ERG fusion were assessed. Unsu- Markert et al89 also illustrated the potential utility of pervised clustering identified PCa subset with “stem-like molecularsignaturesasprognosticatorinPCa.Theauthors signatures” combined with p53 and PTEN inactivation to assessedmicroarraydatasetcharacterizing281PCapatients beassociatedwithverypoorsurvivaloutcome.PCatumors from a Swedish watchful-waiting cohort. mRNA micro- characterized by TMPRSS2-ERG fusion had intermediate array signature profiles for gene signatures reflecting survivaloutcome,whereasremaininggroupsdemonstrated embryonic stem cell, induced pleuripotent stem cell, and morefavorableoutcome(Fig.4).Theexcitingfindingswere polycomb repressive complex-2 phenotypes, in addition to further validated in an independent clinical cohort at r2013Lippincott Williams &Wilkins www.anatomicpathology.com |179 Netto AdvAnatPathol (cid:2) Volume20,Number3,May2013 FIGURE 4. Clinical outcome data for Swedish watchful-waiting cohort in distinct molecular profile subgroups found by signature profiling.Kaplan-Meierestimatesforsurvivalfunctionsforthedifferentsubgroups,includingside-by-sidecomparisonofsurvivalanalysis basedonsignatureprofiling(AandB)andGleasonscore(C).D,Clinicalvariablesforthesubgroupsshowahighlysignificantprognostic valueforthestem-likesubtype.Significanceofassignmentsisindicatedbyasterisks.AdaptedfromMarkertetal.89 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. This classi- for active surveillance.105–108 Multiplex urine assays to fication was independent of Gleason score and therefore include PCA3, TMPRSS2-ERG, SPINK1, and GOLPH2 can provide additional added value in prognostication in are also under evaluation with recent data suggesting an patients withlower GleasonGrade PCa. improved performance of such assays compared to PCA3 alone.109 Emerging Early Detection Markers and Targets Finally, several markers are being investigated as of Therapy potential targets of therapy for PCa. The list includes: Markers of PCa detection that can be applied to tyrosine kinase receptors (eg, EGFR), angiogenesis targets blood, urine, or prostatic secretion fluid (ejaculate or [(eg, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)],110 fatty prostatemassagefluids)havebeenthefocusofactiverecent acid synthase,111 PI3K/akt/mTOR mammalian target of research. Markers that have been investigated in the urine rapamycin,76,80,112 endothelin receptors,113,114 and or prostatic secretions include gene promoter hyper- PSMA115–118to namea few. methylation profile assays48,96–98 and DD3 (differential In summary, a wide array of molecular markers dis- displaycode3),alsoknownasPCA3.DD3isanoncoding cussedinthischaptermaybeutilizedinthenearfutureas RNAthatwasinitiallyidentifiedbyBussemakersetal99as adjunctstocurrentlyestablishedprognosticparametersand one of the most specific markers of PCa. PCA3 gene is early detection markers. Loss of PTEN and PCA3 are 2 located on chromosome 9q21.2 (Fig. 5). Quantitative real- suchmarkersthatare mostlikelytosoongainwidespread time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) assay detecting utilization. Current research efforts in prostate are also PCA3 canbe appliedto blood,urine, orprostatic fluid.100 focused on biological markers that can serve as target of EvaluationofPCA3inpostattentiveprostatemassage therapy. urine samples using transcription-mediated amplification technology has shown to be superior to serum PSA in prediction biopsy outcome with sensitivity and specificity approximating 70%and80%, respectively,anda negative URINARY BLADDER predictive value of 90%101–104; it is currently under evalu- In2012,over73,510newcasesofurothelialcarcinoma ation for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval (URCa) were diagnosed in the United States leading to intheUnitedStates.EncouragingdatafromtheREDUCE over 14,880 deaths.119 BC is the fourth most common trialsupportaroleforevaluationofPCA3inpostattentive tumorinmalesand11thmostcommoninfemales.Because prostate massage urine sample in predicting positive pros- of the high rate of tumor recurrence and the need for fre- tate needle biopsy in immediately subsequent as well as quentcystoscopy,URCaisthecancerwiththehighestcost futurebiopsiesafterinitialnegativebiopsy.PCA3mayalso perpatientwithanannualburdenofover4billiondollars have a role in predicting the risk for higher Gleason score toourhealthcaresystem.Nevertheless,URCapresentsus and larger tumor volume on radical retropubic prostatec- with unique challenges and opportunities given urine sam- tomy. If confirmed, the latter could be of great value in ples amenable to the application of noninvasive molecular treatment options algorithm and delineation of candidates detection methods and the relative ease of delivery of 180 |www.anatomicpathology.com r2013LippincottWilliams &Wilkins AdvAnatPathol (cid:2) Volume20,Number3,May2013 MolecularAdvancesinUrologicMalignancies FIGURE5. StructureofthePCA3/DD3gene.ThegenenoncodingRNAtochromosome9q21-22andconsistsof4exons.Alternative polyadenylation at 3 different positions in exon 4 (indicated 4a, 4b, and 4c) gives rise to 3 different-sized transcripts. The most frequentlyfoundtranscriptcontainsexons1,3,4a,and4b.6.AdaptedfromHesselsandSchalken.367 molecular targeted therapy to a topographically accessible deemedtorecuraftertransurethralresection(TURB)with tumor.120 onlyaminorityofcasesenduringprogressiontohigh-grade Clinically, URCa present 2 distinct phenotypes. The carcinoma thatwill ultimately progressto MI-BC. first phenotype is superficial (nonmuscle invasive) URCa Three primary genetic alterations have consistently representing three fourth of cases. Fifty percent of these been associated with the pathogenesis pathway of NMI- superficial tumors will recuras nonmuscle invasive tumors BC. These include tyrosine kinase receptor FGFR-3, and only 5% to 10% of progressing into muscle invasive H-RAS,126andPIK3CA.124,127,128AlterationsintheRAS- disease. MAPK and PI3K-Akt pathways are in large part respon- The mainstay of therapy in superficial tumors is sible for promoting cell growth in urothelial neoplasia. TURB with or without intravesical chemotherapy and ActivatingmutationsinRASleadtoactivationofmitogen- immune therapy (BCG). The second phenotype is the activated protein kinases (MAPK) and PI3K pathways. muscle invasive URCa representing 20% to 30% of all Notsurprisingly,activatingmutationsinupstreamtyrosine URCa. Only 15% of muscle invasive URCa have a prior kinasereceptorFGFR3seemstobemutuallyexclusivewith history of superficial URCa and represent a progression RAS mutations given that both signal through a common fromthesuperficialphenotype,whereasthemajority(80% downstream pathway in urothelial oncogenesis. PIK3CA to 90%) are “primary” de novo muscle invasive URCa. and FGFR3 mutations generally co-occur suggesting a Currently, patients suffering from muscle invasive high- potential synergistic additive oncogenic effect for PIK3CA gradetumors aredestinedtoa disappointing50%to 60% mutations. overall survival despite aggressive combined treatment ThepathogenicpathwayforMI-BCprimarilyinvolves modalities including cystectomy andchemotherapy. alterationsinTSGsinvolvedincellcyclecontrolincluding Accumulating molecular genetic evidence supports 2 p53, p16, and Rb122,125,129 (Fig. 7). As illustrated distinct broad pathogenetic pathways for BC development in Figure 6, progression of the subset of NMI-BC into thatseemtoparallelthecontrastingbiologicalandclinical higher grade muscle invasive disease is similarly based on phenotypes of nonmuscle invasive (superficial) and muscle alterations in p53andRbTSGs. invasiveURCa(Fig.6).Althoughthemajorityofinvasive Established clinicopathologic prognostic parameters URCasarethoughttooriginatethroughprogressionfrom for NMI-BC include: pT stage, WHO/ISUP grade, tumor dysplasia to flat CIS and high-grade noninvasive lesions, size, tumor multifocality, presence of CIS, and frequency superficial urothelial lesions are thought to originate from andrateofpriorrecurrences.130Prognosticparametersthat benign urothelium through a process of urothelial hyper- can accurately predict progression in patients with NMI- plasia. Progression from nonmuscle invasive to muscle BC tumors are actively sought to further facilitate identi- invasivediseaseaccountsforonlyasmallpercentage(10% fication of those in need of vigilant surveillance and to 15%) of the entire pool of noninvasive lesions. Genetic aggressivetreatmentplan.Thelatterisespeciallypertinent instabilityiskeytotheaccumulationofgeneticalterations in a disease where the financial burden and quality of life required for progressionto MI-BC.122–125 forpatientsundersurveillanceissignificant.Perpatient,BC Clinically, a significant proportion of nonmuscle isthemostexpensivesinglesolidtumorintheUnitedStates invasive bladder cancer (NMI-BC) (pTa and pT1) are with a staggering 3 billion US Dollars estimated annual r2013Lippincott Williams &Wilkins www.anatomicpathology.com |181 Netto AdvAnatPathol (cid:2) Volume20,Number3,May2013 FIGURE6. Divergentmolecularpathwaysofoncogenesisinnonmuscleinvasiveandmuscleinvasiveurothelialcarcinomaofurinary bladder. Genetic alterations are depicted in key stages of disease progression. HG URCa indicatesnoninvasive high-grade urothelial carcinoma; LG URCa: noninvasive low-grade urothelial carcinoma; URCa: urothelial carcinoma of urinary bladder. Adapted from Netto.121 cost to our health care system.131 Furthermore, given the was developed160 based on the above numerical chromo- current poor outcome of muscle invasive disease (r60% somal alterations and is now commercially available and overall survival rate), markers that can improve prognos- commonly used in clinical management (Fig. 8). Initially tication inthis groupofpatients are equallyneeded.132–134 FDAapprovedforsurveillanceofrecurrenceinpreviously Asourunderstandingofmolecularpathwaysinvolved diagnosed BC patients, the test subsequently gained in urothelial oncogenesis increasingly come into focus, the approval for screening in high-risk (smoking exposure) translational field of molecular prognostication, thera- patientswithhematuria.ThemulticolorFISHassayseems nostics, and targeted therapy in BC has sharply gained toenhancethesensitivityofroutineurinecytologyanalysis momentum.135–153Evidently, a rigorousvalidation process andcanbeusedincombinationwithroutinecytologyasa ought to precede the incorporation of such molecular bio- reflex testing in cases with atypical cytology. A sensitivity markers in clinical management. Initial retrospective dis- range of 69% to 87% and a specificity range of 89% to covery studies need to beconfirmed and validated in large 96% have been reported with the multitarget interphase independent cohorts. The subsequent crucial step is vali- FISH assay.162 With the exception of 1 study,161 the mul- dating the robustness of the proposed biomarker in well- titarget FISH urine assay has been shown to be more sen- controlled multi-institutional randomized prospective sitive than routine cytology. An additional advantage of study. Such prospective study should support an additive urine-basedFISHtestingcouldbetheanticipatorypositive role for the inclusion of the new biomarker over existing categoryofpatientsidentifiedbysuchassay.Thisrefersto management algorithm(s).154,155 It is the lack of the latter patients where FISH assay detects molecular alteration of crucialstepsinbiomarkersdevelopmentthathadhindered BCinurinecellsseveralmonthsbeforecancerdetectionby the streamlining of clinical utilization of several promising cystoscopy or routine cytology. In the study by Yoder markers inBC patient management.63,121,156,157 et al,163 two thirds of the 27% of patients categorized as “anticipatorypositive”developedBCthatwasdetectedby cystoscopyupto29monthslater.Suchencouragingresults Emerging Molecular Diagnostic Applications point to the great potential of molecular testing in early Chromosomal Numerical Alteration detection and allocation of vigorous frequent follow-up Chromosome 9 alterations are the earliest genetic cystoscopy in at-riskpatients.164–167 alterations in both of the above-described divergent path- Finally, several recent studies have pointed to the ways of BC development. They are responsible for pro- potential prognostic role for multitarget FISH anal- vidingthenecessarymilieuofgeneticinstabilitythatinturn ysis.158,159,168–170Maffezzinietalwereabletodemonstrate allows for the accumulation of subsequent genetic that low-risk FISH-positive patients, defined as 9p21 loss/ defects.125 Several additional structural/numerical somatic Ch3 abnormalities, had a higher rate of recurrence as chromosomalalterationsarealsoacommonoccurrencein compared with FISH-negative patients.169 The recurrence BC. Among these, gains of chromosomes 3q, 7p, and 17q rate was even greater in patients with a high-risk positive and 9p21deletions (p16locus) are of special interestgiven FISH (Ch7/Ch17 abnormality). Both Kawauchi and col- their potential diagnostic and prognostic value.158,159 A leagues, using bladder washings, and Kruger and col- multitarget interphase FISH-based urine cytogenetic assay leagues, using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) 182 |www.anatomicpathology.com r2013LippincottWilliams &Wilkins AdvAnatPathol (cid:2) Volume20,Number3,May2013 MolecularAdvancesinUrologicMalignancies FIGURE7. Receptortyrosinekinase(EGFR/Ras/Mek/ERK)andcellcycleregulators(p14,p16,p53,p21,cyclinD1,cyclinE,andRb) pathwaysinurothelialcarcinoma.Greenandredarrowsrepresentstimulationandinhibition,respectively.AdaptedfromNetto.121This figurecanbeviewedonlineincolorathttp://www.anatomicpathology.com. transurethral biopsy samples, independently found loss of nonmuscleinvasivedisease.Suchpromisingprognosticrole 9p21topredictrecurrencebutnotprogressioninNMI-BC. for multitarget FISH awaits prospective randomized trial Furthermore,bothSavicetal168andWhitsonetal170found before clinical integration into practice algorithm. Clear urinecytologyandFISHinpost-BCGbladderwashingsto guidelines for interpretation and test performance param- be predictive of failure to BCG therapy in patients with eters in terms of interobserver reproducibility is also needed.171 Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Recent studies have pointed to the potential prog- nostic value of evaluating the expression of receptor tyro- sine kinases (RTK) such as FGFR-3, EGFR, and other ERBfamilymembers(HER2/neuandERBB3)125,142,172–182 in NMI-BC andMI-BC disease. FGFR3mutationsareacommonoccurrenceinNMI- BC and can theoretically be used alone or combined with RAS and PIK3CA oncogenes as markers of early recur- rence during surveillance. Both Zuiverloon et al183 and Miyake et al184 independently developed sensitive PCR assays for detecting FGFR3 mutations in voided urine. A positiveurinesamplebytheassaydevelopedbyZuiverloon groupwasassociatedwithconcomitantorfuturerecurrence FIGURE 8. Interphase FISH urine cytology analysis using Vysis in 81% of NMI-BC cases. An even higher positive pre- UroVision(TM)probesetsforchromosomes3q(red),7p(green), dictive value of 90% was achieved in patients with con- and17q(aqua/blue),and9p21deletions(p16locus:gold).Note secutive FGFR3-positive urine samples. Similarly, Miyake polysomyfor17q(aqua)anddeletionof9p21loci(absenceof and colleagues were able to detect FGFR3 mutations in gold signals) in 2 urothelial carcinoma cells. Adapted from Moonen et al.161 This figure can be viewed online in color at 53% of their 45 patients and found their assay to be http://www.anatomicpathology.com. superiortocytology(78%vs.0%)indetectingpost-TURB r2013Lippincott Williams &Wilkins www.anatomicpathology.com |183 Netto AdvAnatPathol (cid:2) Volume20,Number3,May2013 recurrence in NMI-BC harboring FGFR3 mutations in A synergistic prognostic role for combining p53 eval- primary tumors. uation with other cell cycle control elements such as pRb, Kompier et al128 were recently able to develop multi- cyclin E1, p21, and p27 is emerging both in NMI-BC and plexPCRassayformutationalanalysisdetectingthemost MI-BC.145,147,194,203,204InastudybyShariatetal,147NMI- frequent mutations hot spots of HRAS, KRAS, NRAS, BC patients with TURB demonstrating synchronous FGFR3, and PIK3CA in FFPE TURB samples. They immunohistochemical alterations in all 4 tested markers demonstratedevidenceofatleast1mutationinupto88% (p53, p21, pRb, and p27) were at significantly lower like- oflow-gradeNMI-BCsamples.Hernandezetal185revealed lihoodofsustainingDFScomparedwithpatientswithonly that FGFR3 mutations were more common among low 3markers.Thenegativepredictiveeffectwasdecreasedwith malignant potential neoplasms (77%) and TaG1/TaG2 decreasing number of alteredmarkers (3vs. 2vs. 1). tumors (61%/58%) than among TaG3 tumors (34%) and Similarly, the same group later found that combining T1G3tumors(17%).Onmultivariableanalysis,mutations p53, p27, and Ki67 assessment in pT1 radical cystectomy were associated with increased risk of recurrence in specimens improved the predictionof DFSand DSS.204 NMI-BC. Asimilarsynergisticprognosticrolefortheassessment Van Rhijn et al186 previously proposed a molecular of immunoexpression of multiple molecular markers (p53, grade parameter (mG) based on a combination of FGFR3 pRb, and p21) was demonstrated by Chatterjee et al145 in genemutationstatusandMIB-1indexasanalternativeto patients undergoing cystectomy for MI-BC (Fig. 9). The pathologicgradeinNMI-BC.Recently,172thesamegroup superiority of multimarker approach compared with prior elegantly validated their previously proposed mG parame- singlemarkerapproachcertainlymeritsfurtherassessment. ter and compared it to the European Organization for Suchmultimarkerapproachofprognosticationcouldsoon ResearchandTreatmentofCancer(EORTC)NMI-BCrisk be integrated in the standard of care in BC management calculator187(weightedscoreof6variablesincludingWHO once additional multi-institutional prospective trials con- 1973 grade, stage, presence of CIS, multiplicity, size, and firmthe above promisingfindings. priorrecurrencerate).ThemGwasmorereproduciblethan Tumor proliferation index measured immunohis- the pathologic grade (89% vs. 41% to 74%). FGFR3 tochemicallybyeitherki67orMIB-1hasbeenconsistently mutations significantly correlated with favorable disease shownto beaprognosticatorin BC.172,186,196,201,205–208As parameters, whereas increased MIB-1 was frequently seen mentioned above, tumor proliferation index (MIB1) in with pT1, high grade, and high EORTC risk scores. NMI-BC plays a prognosticrole as oneof the elements of EORTC risk score remained significant in multivariable the mG parameter forwarded by van Rihjn et al.186 The analyses for recurrence and progression. Importantly, mG independent prognostic role of proliferation index meas- also maintained independent significance for progression uredbyKi67hasalsobeenshown.InthestudybyQuintero anddisease-specificsurvival(DSS)andtheadditionofmG et al,205 Ki67 index in NMI-BC TURB biopsy was pre- to the multivariable model for progression increased the dictive of progression-freesurvival (PFS)and DSS. predictive accuracyfrom 74.9%to 81.7%. A similar role for proliferation index assessment as Several studies have suggested a negative prognostic prognosticatoris established inMI-BC.Building oninitial role for HER2/neu amplification/overexpression in MI- findingsofsignificanceinanorgan-confinedsubsetofMI- BC.154,188–190 Most recently, Bolenz et al180 found HER2/ BC by Margulis et al,206 a recent report of the bladder neu-positive MI-BC patients to be at twice increased risk consortium multi-institutional trial (7 institutions; 713 for recurrence and cancer-specific mortality on multi- patients) again confirmed the role of proliferation index, variable analyses adjusted for pathologic stage, grade, measuredincystectomyspecimens.207Inthelaterstudy,Ki lymphovascular invasion, lymph node metastasis, and 67improvedpredictionofbothPFSandDSSwhenadded adjuvant chemotherapy. to standard prediction models supporting a role for pro- liferation index assessment in stratifying patients for P53, Cell Cycle Regulators, and Proliferation Index Markers Early studies by Sarkis et al191–193 revealed p53 alter- ations to be a strong independent predictor of disease progressioninBC(NMI-BC,MI-BC,aswellasCIS).P53 hasalsobeenshowntobepredictiveofincreasedsensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents that lead to DNA dam- age.194–196 Recent studies have further supported the prognostic role of p53197 in pT1-pT2 patients after cys- tectomy showinganindependent role for p53 alteration in predicting disease-free survival(DFS) and DSS. Among other G1-S phase cell cycle regulators, cyclin D3 and cyclin D1, p16, p21, and p27 have also been eval- uated as prognosticators in NMI-BC.153,196,198–202 Lopez- Beltran et al198 confirmed their initial finding196 of the independent prognostic role of cyclin D3 and cyclin D1 overexpression in predicting progression in pTa and pT1 tumors. Their findings, however, are in contrast to subsequent findings by Shariat et al153 emphasizing the FIGURE 9. Synergistic prognostic role of immunohistochemical need for further validation in multi-institutional large analysis of 3 markers (p53, p21, and pRb) in muscle invasive cohorts ofpatients. bladdercanceraftercystectomy.AdaptedfromChatterjeeetal.145 184 |www.anatomicpathology.com r2013LippincottWilliams &Wilkins