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Clin. Lab. Haem. 2000, 22, 379-384 Author Index to Volume 22 Akarsu, E. see Kaya, H. Bellamy, G.J., Hinchcliffe, R.F., Crawshaw, K.C., Finn, A. Akinyanju, 0.0. see Ibidapo, M.O. & Bell, F. Total and differential leucocyte counts in Alexander, H.D. see Ritchie, J.L. infants at 2, 5 and 13 months of age, 81 Alexander, H.D. see Ritchie, J.L. Bene, M.-C. see Lesesve, J.-F. Alexander, H.D., Sherlock, J.P. & Bharucha, C. Red cell Béné, M.C. see Lesesve, J.F. indices as predictors of iron depletion in blood donors, Bevan, D.H. see Boutros, N.Y.Z. 253 Bharucha, C. see Alexander, H.D. Allain, J.-P. Genomic screening for blood-borne viruses in Bhavnani, M. see Ridyard, J. transfusion settings, 1 Booker, D.J. see Sokol, R.J. Ames, P.R.J., Nardiello, S. & Tommasino, C. Efficacy of low Bordin, S. see Barjas-Castro, M.L. dose intravenous immunoglobulins for post-splenectomy Botchway, A.N.S, Flores, N.A., Sheridan, D.J. & Cohen, H. treatment of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia in a Storage pool defect in pooled buffy coat platelet patient with hereditary spherocytosis, 225 concentrates within the shelf-life period, 21 Aune, M.W. & Sandberg, S. Automated counting of white Bottini, F. see Valetto, A. and red blood cells in the cerebrospinal fluid, 203 Bournier, O. see Dhermy, D. Avilés, A., Diaz, N.R., Neri, N., Cleto, S. & Talavera, A. Boutros, N.Y.Z., Dilly, S. & Bevan, D.H. Amiodarone- Angiocentric nasal T/natural killer cell lymphoma: a induced bone marrow granulomas, 167 single centre study of prognostic factors in 108 patients, Bowen, R.H. see Bamford, E.J. 215 Bozkurt, E. see Kaya, H. Aydin, H.H., Selvi, N., Saydam, G., Tobu, M., Uzunoglu, S., Briggs, C., Harrison, P., Grant, D., Staves, J. & Machin, S.J. Uslu, R., Buyukkececi, F. & Omay, S.B. Up-regulation of New quantitative parameters on a recently introduced serine/threonine protein phosphate type 2A regulatory automated blood cell counter — the XE 2100™ 345 subunits during methylprednisolone-induced differen- Broad, J.P. see Bamford, E.J. tiation of leukaemic HL-60 cells, 271 Brookfield, C.J. see Rimmer, J.E. Aydogdu, U. see Sevinc, A. Brough, S. see Barnett, D. Brummitt, D.R. & Barker, H.F. The determination of a Bain, B.J. New Diagnostic Methods in Oncology and reference range for new platelet parameters produced by Hematology, 59 the Bayer ADVIA™ 120 full blood count analyser, 103 Baines, P. Haemopoietic and Lymphoid Cell Culture, 377 Buisine, J. see Lesesve, J.-F. Bamford, E.J., Bowen, R.H., Broad, J.P., Hawken, A., Buisine, J. see Lesesve, J.F. Morgan, J., Owen, C.L., Powell, L., Sullivan, B.C., Buxton, M.J. see Davies, A. Tollick, H., Wakeman, L., Lewis, M.S. & Beddall, A.C. Buyukkececi, F. see Aydin, H.H. A capillary whole blood method for measuring the INR, 279 Cachia, P.G. see Kerr, R. Barjas-Castro, M.L., Carvalho, M.H., Locatelli, M.F., Carey, P.J. see Summerfield, G.P. Bordin, S. & Saad, S.T.O. Molecular heterogeneity of Cartuyvels, R. see Dekoninck, A. the A,3 subgroup, 73 Carvalho, M.H. see Barjas-Castro, M.L. Barker, H.F. see Brummitt, D.R. Casimir, C. see Emilien, G. 3arnett, D., Storie, I., Granger, V., Whitby, L., Reilly, Cavill, I. Classification and diagnosis criteria of the J.T., Brough, S., Garner, S., Lawry, J., Richards, S., erythrocytoses, 129 Bell, A.E. & Shenton, B.K. Standardisation of lympho- Cavill, I. Color Atlas of Haematology, 310 cyte antibody binding capacity — a multi-centre study, Cavill, I. Modern Hematology: Biology and Clinical 89 Management, 183 Bayston, K. see Macclean, F.R. Chan, C.H. see Mak, Y.K. Beddall, A.C. see Bamford, E.]. Charles, K.S., Kanaa, M., Winfield, D.A. & Reilly, J.T. Bell, A.E. see Barnett, D. Scrotal ulceration during all-trans retinoic (ATRA) Bell, F. see Bellamy, G.J. therapy for acute promyelocytic leukaemia, 171 © 2000 Blackwell Science Limited 380 Author Index to Volume 22 Ching, L.M. see Ma, S.K. Flores, N.A. see Botchway, A.N.S Chiodini, P.L. see Moody, A.H. Fong, E.A., Davies, J.I., Grey, D.E., Reid, P.J. & Erber, W.N. Chu, Y.C. see Mak, Y.K. Detection of massive transplacental haemorrhage by Cleto, S. see Avilés, A. flow cytometry, 325 Cohen, H. see Botchway, A.N.S Ford, A. see Horton, Y. Cooper, P.C. see Rimmer, J.E. Froment, N. see Lesesve, J.-F. Cotton, R. see Sundaram, K.K. Coulson, I.H. see Young, H.S. Galloway, M.J. see Summerfield, G.P. Crawford, V.L.S. see Ritchie, J.L. Galloway, M.J. see Tiplady, C.W. Crawshaw, K.C. see Bellamy, G.J. Garner, S. see Barnett, D. Cristino, J.M. see Hanscheid, T. Gascon, F. see Rios, R. Cross, L. see Sukhu, K. Ghosh, K. see Daar, S. Cynober, T. see Dhermy, D. Giangrande, P.L.F. see Sukhu, K. Giangrande, P.L.F. see Sukhu, K. Daar, S., Ghosh, K. & Nirmala, V. Transfusion related Goodeve, A. see Emilien, G. urticarial reaction in multitransfused B thalassaemia Gould, J. see Myers, B. major patients starts on the anterior, 55 Gould, S.R. see Sundaram, K.K. Davies, A., Buxton, M.J., Patterson, D.L.H. & Webster- Goupil, J.J. see Lesesve, J.F. King, J. Anti-coagulant monitoring service delivery: a Grandchamp, B. see Dhermy, D. comparison of costs of hospital and community out- Granger, V. see Barnett, D. reach clinics, 33 Grant, D. see Briggs, C. Davies, J.I. see Fong, E.A. Green, D.A. Pl blood group and haemolytic uraemic Davies, J.M. see Myers, B. syndrome, 55 Dekoninck, A., Cartuyvels, R., Magerman, K., Peeters, V.., Green, D.A., Murphy, W.G. & Uttley, W.S. Haemolytic Meewis, A., Wuyts, B., Delva, A., Vanstraelen, D. uraemic syndrome: prognostic factors, 11 & Rummens, J.L. Natural killer (NK) cell leukaemia in Green, P.J. see Hirri, H.M. a patient with B cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 115 Gregoire, M.-J. see Lesesve, J.-F. Delva, A. see Dekoninck, A. Grégoire, M.J. see Lesesve, J.F. Dhermy, D., Steen-Johnson, J., Bournier, O., Hetet, G., Grey, D.E. see Fong, E.A. Cynober, T., Tchernia, G. & Grandchamp, B. Coin- Grey, M.R., Flanagan, N.G. & Kelsey, P.R. Severe skin rash heritance of two «-spectrin gene defects in a recessive in two consecutive patients treated with 2-chlorodeoxy- spherocytosis family, 329 adenosine for hairy cell leukaemia at a_ single Di Martino, D. see Valetto, A. institution, 111 Diaz, N.R. see Avilés, A. Grobusch, M.P. see Hanscheid, T. Dilly, S. see Boutros, N.Y.Z. Giindogdu, M. see Kaya, H. Dini, G. see Valetto, A. Gupta, V., Hedge, U.M., Parameswaran, R. & Newland, Dolan, G. see Myers, B. A.C. Multiple myeloma and autoimmune thrombocyto- penia, 239 Edmonson, R. see Mir, N. Emilien, G.., Maloteaux, J.-M., Penasse, C., Goodeve, A. Hamilton, P.J. see Tiplady, C.W. & Casimir, C. Haemophilias: advances towards genetic Hanley, J.P. see Macclean, F.R. engineering replacement therapy, 313 Hanscheid, T., Pinto, B.G., Cristino, J.M. & Grobusch, M.P. Endo, T., Tamai, Y., Takami, H., Matsuki, A. & Munakata, Malaria diagnosis with the haematology analyser Cell- A. Acute myeloid leukaemia wih trilineage myeodys- Dyn 3500™: What does the instrument detect?, 259 plasia complicated by masked diabetes insipidus, 233 Harrison, P. see Briggs, C. Erber, W.N. see Fong, E.A. Harrison, P. see Robinson, M.S.C. Ermens, A.A.M. see Vlasveld, L.Th. Hart, D.N.J. see Macclean, F.R. Hart, P. see Sundaram, K.K. Feugier, P. see Lesesve, J.P. Hawken, A. see Bamford, E.]. Finn, A. see Bellamy, G.]. Hedge, U.M. see Gupta, V. Flanagan, N.G. see Grey, M.R. Hetet, G. see Dhermy, D. © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd., Clin. Lab. Haem., 22, 379-384 Author Index to Volume 22 FRR Hill, K. see Johnston, A.McD. Kuhne, T. see Staehelin, F. Hinchcliffe, R.F. see Bellamy, G.J. Kuku, I. see Sevinc, A. Hirri, H.M. & Green, P.J. Pure red cell aplasia in a patient Kuno, H. see Kodama, K. with chronic granulocytic leukaemia treated with Kutlu, N.O. see Sevinc, A. Interferon-a, 53 Horton, Y., Ford, A., Mackie, M.J. & Johnson, P.R.E. Rapid Labouyrie, E. see Lesesve, J.-F. detection of BCR/ABL and PML/RARA using fluores- Lamy, T. see Lesesve, J.F. cence in situ hybridisation in cytospin preparations, 97 Lanciotti, M. see Valetto, A. Huissoon, A.P. see Myers, B. Langevitz, P. see Sherer, Y. Langley, S. see Macclean, F.R. Ibidapo, M.O. & Akinyanju, 0.0. Review, 151 Lanza, T. see Valetto, A. Irjala, K. see Kauppila, M. Latger, V. see Lesesve, J.P. Lawry, J. see Barnett, D. Janes, S. see Lidstone, V. Lawson, R.A. see Keating, E. Jeffery, G.M. see Macclean, F.R. Leach, M., Parsons, R.M., Reilly, J.T. & Winfield, D.A. Johnson, P.R.E. see Horton, Y. Autoimmune thrombocytopenia: A complication of Johnson, P.W.M. see Simnett, S.J. fludarabine therapy in lymphoproliferative disorders, Johnston, A.McD., Hill, K. & Woodcock, B.E. Lupus L753 anticoagulant in a_ patient with parvovirus B19 Lecompte, T. see Lesesve, J.F. infection, 109 Lederlin, P. see Lesesve, J.-F. Jolobe, O.M.P. Prevalence of hypochromia (without Lee, C.A. see Yee, T.T. microcytosis) vs microcytosis (without hypochromia) Lenormand, B. see Lesesve, J.F. in iron deficiency, 79 Lesesve, J.-F., Buisine, J., Gregoire, M.-J., Raby, P., Jones, L. see Sundaram, K.K. Lederlin, P., Bene, M.-C., Froment, N. & Labouyrie, E. Leukaemic small cell variant anaplastic large cell Kanaa, M. see Charles, K.S. lymphoma during pregnancy, 297 Kauppila, M., Koskinen, P., Pulkki, K., Sonninen, P., Lesesve, J.F., Feugier, P., Lamy, T., Béné, M.C., Grégoire, Remes, K., Irjala, K. & Viikari, J. Interferon-« treatment M.J., Lenormand, B. & Loughran, Th. Association of decreases serum cross-linked C-terminal telopeptide of B-chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and T-large granular type 1 collagen in haematological diseases, 15 lymphocyte leukaemia, 121 Kaya, H., Giindogdu, M., Tekin, S.B., Akarsu, E. & Bozkurt, Lesesve, J.F., Goupil, J.J., Latger, V., Buisine, J. & Lecompte, E. Essential thrombocythemia and recurrent myocardial T. Artefactual elevation of the automated white cell infarction, 161 count in the context of a bone marrow aspirate Keating, E., Lawson, R.A., Li, T.C. & Makris, M. Monthly analysis, 57 haemoptysis in a woman with platelet storage pool Lewis, M.S. see Bamford, E.]J. disease, 295 Li, T.C. see Keating, E. Keeling, D.M. see Sukhu, K. Lidstone, V., Janes, S. & Stross, P. INR: Intervals of Keeling, D.M. see Sukhu, K. measurement can safely extend to fourteen weeks, 291 Kelsey, P.R. see Grey, M.R. Livneh, A. see Sherer, Y. Kendra, J.R. see Swann, L.L. Locatelli, M.F. see Barjas-Castro, M.L. Kendra, J.R. see Young, H.S. Loughran, Th. see Lesesve, J.F. Kerr, R., Rawlinson, P.S.M. & Cachia, P.G. Direct antiglobulin test negative, non spherocytic autoimmune Ma, S.K., Yip, S.F., Wan, T.S.K., Shek, T.W.H., Ching, L.M. haemolytic anaemia, 365 & Yeung, Y.M. Acute myeloid leukaemia with giant Khan, A.S.A. see Young, H.S. granules: association with t(10;11)(p13;q14) and Kodama, K., Kuno, H., Koide, M. & Matsuo, T . Virus- disseminated intravascular coagulation, 303 associated hemophagocytic syndrome responsive to Macclean, F.R., Hanley, J.P., Patton, W.N., Hart, D.N.J., steroid pulse therapy and double filtration plasma- Langley, S., Bayston, K. & Jeffery, G.M. Successful high pheresis, 179 dose therapy for relapsed mediastinal large B cell Koide, M. see Kodama, K. lymphoma following surgical repair of anterior chest Koskinen, P. see Kauppila, M. wall defect, 127 © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd., Clin. Lab. Haem., 22, 379-384 382 Author Index to Volume 22 Machin, S.J. see Briggs, C. Pasi, K.J. see Yee, T.T. Machin, S.J. see Robinson, M.S.C. Patterson, D.L.H. see Davies, A. Mackie, I.J. see Robinson, M.S.C. Patton, W.N. see Macclean, F.R. Mackie, M.J. see Horton, Y. Pearson, T.C. & Messinezy, M. Classification and diagnosis Magerman, K. see Dekoninck, A. criteria of the erythrocytoses. Reply, 129 Mak, Y.K., Yu, P.H., Chan, C.H. & Chu, Y.C. The Peeters, V. see Dekoninck, A. management is isolated thrombocytopenia in Chinese Penasse, C. see Emilien, G. adults: does bone marrow examination have a role at Pinto, B.G. see Hanscheid, T. presentation?, 357 Polack, B. & Vignier, J.P. Stability of prothrombin time and Makris, M. Hyperhomocysteinemia and thrombosis, 133 the impact of container material, 58 Makris, M. see Keating, E. Powell, L. see Bamford, E.J. Makris, M. see Rimmer, J.E. Poynton, C.H. Haematology at a Glance, 311 Maloteaux, J.-M. see Emilien, G. Poynton, C.H. Immunophenotyping, 309 Martin, P.G. see Sukhu, K. Poynton, C.H. Text Atlas of Lymphomas, 312 Matsuki, A. see Endo, T. Pras, M. see Sherer, Y. Matsuo, T. see Kodama, K. Preston, F.E. see Rimmer, J.E. Mcnulty, M. see Ritchie, J.L. Pulkki, K. see Kauppila, M. Meewis, A. see Dekoninck, A. Messinezy, M. see Pearson, T.C. Raby, P. see Lesesve, J.-F. Mills, K. A Practical Guide to Human Cancer Genetics, Rashid, H. see Mir, N. 310 Rawlinson, P.S.M. see Kerr, R. Mir, N., Edmonson, R., Yeghen, T. & Rashid, H. Gastro- Rea, I.M. see Ritchie, J.L. intestinal mucormycosis complicated by arterio-enteric Reid, P.J. see Fong, E.A. fistula in a patient with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 41 Reilly, J.T. see Barnett, D. Moody, A.H. & Chiodini, P.L. Methods for the deiection of Reilly, J.T. see Charles, K.S. blood parasites, 189 Reilly, J.T. see Leach, M. Morgan, G. see Simnett, S.J. Remes, K. see Kauppila, M. Morgan, J. see Bamford, E.]J Richards, S. see Barnett, D. Munakata, A. see Endo, T. Ridyard, J., Bhavnani, M. & Seal, L.H. Reply, 251 Murphy, W.G. see Green, D.A. Rimmer, J.E., Cooper, P.C., Brookfield, C.J., Preston, F.E. & Myers, B., Gould, J. & Dolan, G. Relapsing polychondritis Makris, M. Evaluation of a global screening assay for the and myelodysplasia: a report of two cases and review of investigation of the protein C anticoagulant pathway, 353 the current literature, 45 Rios, R., Sole, F. & Gascon, F. Simultaneous occurrence of Myers, B., Speight, E.L., Huissoon, A.P. & Davies, J.M. the 5q-syndrome and multiple myeloma, 49 Natural killer-cell lymphocytosis and _ strongyloides Ritchie, J.L., Alexander, H.D. & Rea, I.M. Flow cytometry infection, 23 / analysis of platelet P-selectin expression in whole blood — methodological considerations, 361 Nardiello, S. see Ames, P.R.]. Ritchie, J.L., Crawford, V.L.S., Mcnulty, M., Alexander, Neri, N. see Avilés, A. H.D. & Stout, R.W. Effect of tourniquet pressure Newland, A.C . See Gupta, V. and intra-individual variability on plasma fibrinogen, Nirmala, V. see Daar, S. platelet P-selectin and monocyte tissue factor, 369 Robinson, M.S.C., Mackie, L.J., Machin, S.J. & Harrison, P. Omay, S.B. see Aydin, H.H. Two colour analysis of reticulated platelets, 211 Ormerod, I.E.C. see Otton, S.H. Rummens, J.L. see Dekoninck, A. Otton, S.H., Standen, G.R. & Ormerod, [.E.C . Red Cells, 307 Saad, S.T.O. see Barjas-Castro, M.L. Owen, C.L. see Bamford, E.]. Salomon, O. see Sherer, Y. Ozgen, U. see Sevinc, A. Sandberg, S. see Aune, M.W. Saydam, G. see Aydin, H.H. Parameswaran, R. see Gupta, V. Scuderi, F. see Valetto, A. Parsons, R.M. see Leach, M. Seal, L.H. see Ridyard, J. © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd., Clin. Lab. Haem., 22, 379-384 Author Index to Volume 22 Selvi, N. see Aydin, H.H. Swann, I.L. & Kendra, J.R. Severe iron deficiency anaemia Sevinc, A., Kutlu, N.O., Kuku, I, Ozgen, U., Aydogdu, U. and stroke, 221 & Soylu, H. Severe epistaxis in brucellosis-induced Sweetenham, J. see Simnett, S.J. isolated thrombocytopenia: A report of two cases, 373 Shek, T.W.H. see Ma, S.K. Taher, A. see Yee, T.T. Shenton, B.K. see Barnett, D. Takami, H. see Endo, T. Sherer, Y., Salomon, O., Livneh, A., Pras, M. & Langevitz, Talavera, A. see Avilés, A. P. Thromboembolism in a patient with transient Tamai, Y. see Endo, T. eosinophilia and thrombocytopenia, 247 Tchernia, G. see Dhermy, D. Sheridan, D.J. see Botchway, A.N.S Tekin, S.B. see Kaya, H. Sherlock, J.P. see Alexander, H.D. Thomas, R. Progress in Anti-Cancer Chemotherapy, Simnett, S.J., Stewart, L.A., Sweetenham, J., Morgan, G. Volume II, 59 & Johnson, P.W.M. Autologous stem cells transplanta- Tinegate, H.N. see Summerfield, G.P. tion for malignancy: a systematic review of the Tiplady, C.W., Hamilton, P.J. & Galloway, M.J. Acquired literature, 61 haemophilia complicating the remission of a patient Sokol, R.J., Booker, D.J., Stamps, R. & Walewska, R. Cold with high grade non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma treated by haemagglutinin disease: clinical significance of serum fludarabine, 163 haemolysins, 337 Tobu, M. see Aydin, H.H. Sole, F. see Rios, R. Tollick, H. see Bamford, E.]J. Sonninen, P. see Kauppila, M. Tommasino, C. see Ames, P.R.]. Soylu, H. see Sevinc, A. Speight, E.L. see Myers, B. Uslu, R. see Aydin, H.H. Staehelin, F. & Kuhne, T. Identification of a new Bruton’s Uttley, W.S. see Green, D.A. tyrosine kinase (BTK) mutation associated with a mild Uzunoglu, S. see Aydin, H.H. phenotype in a child with X-linked agammaglobuline- mia (XLA), 123 Valetto, A., Di Martino, D., Scuderi, F., Lanza, T., Lanciotti, Stamps, R. see Sokol, R.J. M., Bottini, F. & Dini, G. Detection of T cell receptor Standen, G.R. see Otton, S.H. delta gene rearrangements in childhood B and T lineage Staves, J. see Briggs, C. acute lymphoblastic leukaemia by Southern blot and Steen-Johnson, J. see Dhermy, D. PCR: technical comparison of two methods of analysis, Stewart, L.A. see Simnett, S.j. Storie, I. see Barnett, D. 263 Vanstraelen, D. see Dekoninck, A. Stout, R.W. see Ritchie, J.L. Vignier, J.P. see Polack, B. Stross, P. see Lidstone, V. Viikari, J. see Kauppila, M. Sukhu, K., Keeling, D.M. & Giangrande, P.L.F. Variation in Vlasveld, L.Th. & Ermens, A.A.M. Inverse relation inhibitor reactivity in acquired haemophilia A with between plasma G-CSF levels and neutrophil counts different concentrates, 287 in a patient with autoimmune neutropenia treated with Sukhu, K., Martin, P.G., Cross, L., Keeling, D.M. G-CSF, 119 & Giangrande, P.L.F. Evaluation of the von Willebrand factor antigen (vWF-Ag) assay using an immuno- turbidimetric method (STA Liatest® vWF) automated Wakeman, L. see Bamford, E.J. on the MDA~ 180 coagulometer, 29 Walewska, R. see Sokol, R.J. Sullivan, B.C. see Bamford, E.]J. Wan, T.S.K. see Ma, S.K. Summerfield, G.P., Carey, P.J., Galloway, M.J. & Tinegate, Ware, R.E. see Zimmerman, S.A. H.N. An adult of delays in diagnosis and treatment of Webster-King, J. see Davies, A. lymphoma in district hospitals in the Northern region of Whitby, L. see Barnett, D. the United Kingdom, 157 Winfield, D.A. see Charles, K.S. Sundaram, K.K., Cotton, R., Hart, P., Jones, L. & Gould, Winfield, D.A. see Leach, M. S.R. Laboratory findings associated with thrombophilia Woodcock, B.E. see Johnston, A.McD. are not more common in inflammatory bowel disease, Worwood, M. Molecular Haematology, 131 243 Wuyts, B. see Dekoninck, A. 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd., Clin. Lab. Haem., 22, 379-384 Bter) Author Index to Volume 22 Yee, T.T., Taher, A., Pasi, K.J. & Lee, C.A. A survey of Zimmerman, S.A. & Ware, R.E. Palpable splenomegaly in patients with acquired haemophilia in a haemophilia children with haemoglobin SC disease: Haematological centre over a 28 year period, 275 and clinical manifestations, 145 Yeghen, T. see Mir, N. Yeung, Y.M. see Ma, S.K. Yip, S.F. see Ma, S.K. Young, H.S., Khan, A.S.A., Kendra, J.R. & Coulson, I.H. The cutaneous side-effects of hydroxyurea, 229 Yu, P.H. see Mak, Y.K. e 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd., Clin. Lab. Haem., 22, 379-384 Clin. Lab. Haem. 2000, 22, 385-387 Subject Index to Volume 22 5q-syndrome 49 count #-spectrin Bughill 329 immature granulocyte 345 a-spectrin LEPRA 329 nucleated red blood cells 345 ABO 73 platelet 345 activated protein C resistance 351 cytogenetics 97 acute illness 151 cytospin 97 acute myeloid leukaemia 97 ADVIA 103 delay all-trans-retinoic acid 171 diagnostic 157 amiodarone 167 patient 157 anaemia 151, 337 treatment 157 severe 22] desmopressin 233 anti-coagulation 33 diabetes insipidus 233 anticoagulant 359 differentiation 271 antigen density 89 direct antiglobulin test 363 A subgroup 73 district hospitals 157 autoimmune 337, 363 donation frequency 253 neutropenia 119 DNA 1 haemolysis 225 double filtration plasmapheresis 179 autologous stem cell transplantation 61 drug adverse effects 53 automated blood cell counter 345 EB virus 179 counting 203, 345 ELISA 29 detection 259 eosinophilia 247 erythrocytes 259 B cell non Hodgkin’s lymphoma 115 blood FACS 363 donors 253 factor VIII 313 groups 73 inhibitor(s) 163, 275 bone marrow 167 concentrates 287 examination 355 factor XI 313 transplantation 127 feto-maternal haemorrhage 325 bone metabolism 15 fibrinogen 313, 367 brucellosis 371 FISH 97 buffy coat 23 flow cytometry 89, 325, 345, 359 fludarbine 163, 175 capillary blood 279 folate 133 calcium 279 evaluation 29 cerebrospinal fluid 203 circulating anticoagulants 275 clinics 33 gastrointestinal 41 coagulation 313 G-CSF levels 119 coagulometer 29 G-CSF treatment 119 cold agglutin disease 337 gene colour analysis 211 rearrangement 263 conventional chemotherapy 61 therapy 313 costs 33 genotyping 73 © 2000 Blackwell Science Limited Etiam =S ubject Index to Volume 22 haemaglobin SC 145 laparotomy 41 haematocrit 279 large granular lymphocytes 115 haematological diseases 15 leucocytes 259 haemostasis 287 leukaemia 115, 233, 271 haemophagocytic syndrome 179 acute promyelocytic 171 hemolysins acute lymphoblastic 263 serum 337 chronic granulocyte 53 haemolytic 337 chronic myeloid 97 haemolytic uraemic syndrome 11 B-chronic lymphocyte 121 haemolysis 363 T-large granular lymphocyte 121 haemophilia longitudinal melanonychia 229 acquired 163, 275, 287, 313 lupus anticoagulant 109 haemoptysis 295 lymphoproliferative disorders 175 haplotyping 329 lymphoma 41, 157 HCV 1 anaplastic large cell 297 hemicolectomy 41 lysis 359 hemiparesis 221 high-dose therapy 61 major basic protein 247 HIV 1 malaria-pigment 259 HI-60 cells 271 mean cell haemoglobin 253 homocysteine 133 mean cell volume 253 homocystinuria 133 mean platelet component 103 hydroxurea 229 mediastinal large B cell lymphoma 127 dermopathy 229 methylprednisolone 271 hypersplenism 145 microcytosis 79 hyyppoocchhrroommi a 7 9 minimal | residuluaal l d disease 226633 hypopituitarism 233 molecular biology 263 MTHFR 133 “tr is mucormycosis 41 immunization multiple myeloma 49, 233 Rh(D) 325 mutation 123 immunoglobulins 225 myasthenia gravis 307 Rh(D) 325 myelodysplasia 45 immuno-turbidometric 29 infection 151 nasal cavity 215 acute 259 natural killer cell 115 inflammatory bowel disease 243 natural killer cell leukaemia 115 inhibitor assay 287 non-caseating granuloma 167 innovin recombinant thromboplastin 279 non Hodgkin's lymphoma 163 INR 279 nonscarring alopecia 229 monitoring 291 normal range 89 interferon-« 53 nucleotides 23 interferon-x« treatment 15 international prognostic index 215 Pl phenotype 11 intra-individual 367 pain 151] iron parasites 189 deficiency 79, 2?2 ?] parvovirus B19 109 depletion 253 patients 33 IVIg 239 safety 291 © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd., Clin. Lab. Haem., 22, 385-387 Subject Index to Volume 22 ERRy phenotype 123 standardization 89 platelet(s) 359 steroid pulse therapy 179 activation 103 storage pool defects 23 concentrates 23 stroke 221 count 243 storage pool disease 295 T cell polymyositis 307 receptor 263 PPZA 271 lymphocytosis 307 pregnancy 297 thrombin 313 proC global 351 thrombocytopenia 145, 167, 247, 371 prognostic factors 215 autoimmune 175 protein C 351 immune 239 protein S 35] isolated 355 P-selectin 359, 367 thrombomodulin 247 pulmonary endometriosis 295 thrombophilia 243 pure red cell aplasia 53 thrombosis 133, 247 purpura thymoma 307 idiopathic thrombocytopenic 355, 371 tissue factor 367 T/NK cell lymphoma 215 quality control 89 tourniquet 367 transfusion 1 recessive herditary spherocytosis 329 transplacental haemorrhage 325 reconstructive surgery 127 red blood cells 203 viral vector 313 reference range 103 virus | relapsing polychronditis 45 vitamin B12 deficiency 79 reticulated platelets 211 von Willebrand’s disease 29 scrotal ulcer 171 warfarin 33, 291 sequestration 145 white blood cell sickle cell crises 151 count 203 single centre 215 differential 203 spherocytosis 225 splenectomy 239 X-linked agammaglobulinaemia (XLA) 123 splenomegaly 145 © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd., Clin. Lab. Haem., 22, 385-387

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