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Clinical Anatomy and Mgmt of Back Pain [Vol 1- Low] PDF

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Preview Clinical Anatomy and Mgmt of Back Pain [Vol 1- Low]

Copyrighted Material Copyrighted Material Clinical Anatomyan d ManagemenotfLo w BackPai n Copyrighted Material CLINICAALN ATOMY AND MANAGEMENT OF LOW BACK PAIN L.G .F GileMsS c,D C(C)P,h D Reader Departmenotf P ublHieacl tahn d TropicMaeld icine, JamesC ookU niversiotyfN orthQ ueenslanTdo,w nsvilQluee,e nslanAdus,t ralia ChieEfx ecutiOvffiec eran d ResearcDhi rector NationaCle ntrfeo rM ultidiscSitpuldioinfeBaa srck y P ain, TownsvilGleen eralH ospitaTlo,w nsvilQluee,e nslanAdu,s tralia HonorarCyl inicSacli entist TownsvilGleen eralH ospitaTlo,w nsvilQluee,e nsland, Australia and K. PS ingeMrS c,P T,P hD AssociaPtreo fessor Schooolf P hysiotherapy, CurtiUnn iversiotfTy e chnology, ShentoPna rk, WesterAnu straliAau,s tralia HonorarRye searcFhe Uow DepartmenotfsR adiologNy,e urojJathology and Bioengineering, RoyalP erHtohs pitaPle,r thW,e sterAnu stralAiuas,t ralia UTTERWORTH E I N E M A I\l N Copyrighted Material Copyrighted Material Contents Lisotf c ontributors vii 10 Biomechanoifct sh el umbosacral Foreword ix spine 165 Preface xi MarJk.P earcy Acknowledgements xiii 11S acroiljioaicn t 173 SectiIo Inn troductainodnE pidemiology LG.fG ileasn dC .MC.r awford Introduction 3 12 Pathoanatoofmt yh et horacolumbar L.G.GF.iJ es transitional 183 K.P.S inger 2 Thee pidemiology 18 PauSl hekelle 13 Miscellaneous deveolpmental SectiIfo nA natomayn d conditions 196 LG.fG iles 3 Introductory graphic lumbosacsrpailn e 35 L.G.GFi les Sectilfoln S pinaCll iniNceaulr oanatomy 4 Lumbarin tervertdeibsrcasl 49 andN europhysiology JR.T ayloarn dL .G.Gfil es 14 Innervatoifos np inasltoJ r',',u'c t• u.Ir.'. e....s.- ,-2" 19 5 Zygapophys(ifaalc ejto)i nts 72 L.G.Gfi les LG.fG iles 15N ervense,u ropeptiadneds 6 Spinaaln di ntervertceabnraalls 97 inflammatiinos np inatli ssues: LG.fG iles mechanisms 231 7 Ligamenrtesl atteod MatsG ronblad intervertceabnraall 114 16A natomayn d HarolSd.A m onoo-Kuon nervreo otasn d MohammeGd. Y EI-Badawi compression 243 8 Bloosdu pployf KjeOlllm arker, vertebrsapei,n al cord,r onoetsr ve BjorRny devik andg anglia 134 17T hep athoanatobmaiscio sf s omatic, HidezYoo shizaawnad H enryV ernoCn rock autonomaincd n eurogensiycn dromes 9 Muscleasn dl igamenotfts h eb ack 156 originatiintn hge l umbosacsrpailn e 255 K,LM oore J RandyJ inkins Copyrighted Material viC ontents SectiIVo nD iap,llosainsdM anagement 22 rn"u'o,£'n,r managemeonftl ow paino fm echaniocrailg in Irnaginogfrn cchaniacnadl Burnasn dD ,R. degenerastyinvder omoefst hel umbar spine 275 23 Osteopatmhainca gemeonft mechanicloawlb ackp ain 358 LindsayR]o.w e TimM cCluneR,o berCtl arke, 19 Psychosocial oafbs apcekcp tasi n 314 Walkearn d Burton BasJialm es McDonald 24 Phvsiothemraanpayg emeonftl ow Diagnoosfim se chaniclaolwb ack paionf m echllalcalo rigin painw itho rw ithourte ferrleedg StepheJn E dmondstoann dR oberLt. E lvey pain 322 25 Contraindictaots ipoinnsa l L.G.GFi les manipulation 387 21 Medicaanld s urgimcaanla gement K,PS inger lowb ack mechanical Section DefinitionAsb breviatiorlS origin 334 Giles BruceR .K nolmaycHLo benM cAlinuofl andS amW Wiesel Index 401 Copyrighted Material Contributors HarolSd. Am onoo·Kuofi MB,C hB,P hD Mats GronblaMdD, PhD ProfesosfoC rl inicalA natomy,e paDrmtent of AssociaPtreo fessaonrd S enior LecturienrP hyScial AnatomyC olelge ofM edicine andKi ng Khalid Medicianned R ehabilitaUtniivoenr,sty i ofH elsinki, Univeristy Hospital,Ri yadh,S audAir abia Finland Mohammed G.YE.I ·BadaMwBi,B Ch,M S,M D BasilJ amesB Sc,M BBCh,F RANZCp,F RACp, ProfesosfAo nra tomyC,o llegoefM edicine,S uez FRSPs ych CanaUlni versity,I smaiJiEag,yp t ProfessoofrP s ychiatrya ndB ehaviouSrCaile nces, Queensland,A ustraal i Kim BurtonP hD,D O, MERgS DirectSopri naRle searcUhn itU,ni versity of J.R andyJ inkins MD, FACR HuddersfiUeKl d, DirectoofrN euroradiolUongiyev,rs ity ofT exas HealtShc iencCee nteart S an AntoniOT,e xasU,S A S.HBu.r ns DC(C),F CCS(C) PrivaPtraec ticoef C hiropratcic,S askatoon, Shinichi Kikuchi MD, PhD SaskatchewCaanna,d a Professaonrd C hairmaDn,ep artmento f OrthopaedSiucr gerFyu,ku shima City,J apan RobertC larkDeO Associate Osetopath and eRsearch sAsociate,S pinal Bruce R.K nolmayerM D ResearUcnhi tU,n ievrstyi ofH udclersfiUeKld , DepartmeonftO rthopedics,G eorgetowUnn iversity MedicalC ente,rU SA CM. CrawfordB AppSc(ChGirraod)D,i p(Neurosci), FCCS(C) Robert McAlindon MD ResearcFhe lloJwa,m esC ook University ofN orth Departmento fO rthopedics,G eorgetowUnn iverstyi QueenslaTnodw,n svilAlues,t ralia MedicCaeln ter,U SA Henry VernonC rockM D, MS,F RCS,FRA CS Tim McCluneD O Honorary Senior LecturOerrt,ho paediDce partment, Asosciate Osteopatha nd Research Associate, pSinal RoyalP osGtra duateM edicaSlc hoolH,a mmersmith ResearcUhn itU,n iversityo fH udderfiseld,U K Hospital,Lo ndon Frank McDonald StepheJn. E dmondstonD ipPT ,A dv DipPT , PhD ClinicalP sychologistD,e partmento fP sychiatry, LecturSecrho, olo f hPysoitherpay,C urtiUnn ievrsit,y TownsviHGee neralH ospitTaolw,n sville, PertWhA ,A ustralia Queensland,A ustralia Rober1t. E levyB AppSc,P GDipMT D.RM.i erauB SPED,C (C),M Sc(OrthF)C,C S(C) SeniLoerctu rer,S chooolf P hysiotherapy,C urtin PrivaPtrea ctiocfeC hiropriacc,Sta skatoon UniversPietrtyh, W A,A ustralia Saskatchewan,C anada Copyrighted Material Copyrighted Material Foreword My themef ort hifso reworids' Bactko t heB asics'.B ackP ains,e emsp articulraerlleyv abnetc ausietg ets SincWeo rlWda rI la,n dp articuliantr hleyp asdte cad,e backt ot heb asicAsl.t hougthh ef ocuiss o n manip­ thereh asb een an explosiionn the technologyu laticvaer et,h isse riefsul lrye cognizoepst imization andt reat lowp ainy,e ti ti s caref or low disorderresq uirtehse i npuotf ther atoef andc osts form ultipdlieS Ciplipnaerst.i culwahrelny conditiiosn disproportiotnoa tcglrvo wtihn t he chroniocr d isabling.a uthorrse cognitlhea tth e Theries n o advanciens disciplinesa common built diagnositmiacg intge chniquseusc,h a sM RIa ndC T arountd het raditioannadln eweru nderstandoifn g scannihnga,v ev astilmyp rovetdh ec linicicaanp'asc ityp atho-anataosmw ye,l la sp sychosoceivaeln twsh ich tol esisn vasiviedleyn tipfya tholowghyi cht hreatenss hapeo ur individuraels ponsteo p ains timulain,d neurolofguincc tiAolns.o t,h eriesn od oubtth atth ese how thiisn fluenfucnecst ioncaalp aciItnys .h ortth,i s advances irnprovetdh ec are wortheyf fo\'! to sturctural sllcahs dl;Jgnosainsd comeo ft het reatmeonfmt a jor irnpl'Ovementi n greateorr, primary andn eurologic fractures reduced ands omei nfectiaosnw se,l als t hec aroef t hoswei th What ares omeo ft hec ritiucnadle prininngc on­ clearmlayn ifedsits hce rniatiaonndss pinaslt enosis.c eptwsh ichw ililm provteh ev aluoef c aref ort hose Realistictahlelsyec, o nditioancsc ounfto ra small withb ackd isorders? minoriotfly o wb ackd isorders. Thep ractitinoeneedrs t ou nderstagnrdo sasn at- During decadteh ere and histopatho!Moogrle. i mportanits t he societal ofh ow health clinicaaclu men differentiwahteet he'ra bnormal' andh ow measureTdh.i s evideinnt anatomiys t he ofs ymptoms,s implay wherem arket forcehsa vc featuorfea ging. a narrov,;ed S d1i sc promotead v eryr apigdr owtihn m anagedc areT.h e spacsee eno n planrea diograpihsss urelays sociated challenignec reaSinpgolsye dt o provideirss t o withh istolocgihca ngeo f degeneratiyoent,t he explicidtelmyo nstratthee valueo f the servicesp resencoef t hifsi ndipnrge dicltist talbeo utth el ikely renderewdh,e re vailsum ee asurebdy qualiotfyt he causoef p ainE.v enm orep erplexiinsgt heo bservation outcome, thes ervice, When value significantp rotrusiaornes ism easured explicit careo fl ow ofp eoplweh o havee xperienced back pain founwda nting. eX;lmptlhee,r e backt ot he messagae ,g ood isa g rowing whichs how, cosotf s pinal examinationf,a rm ore int he fusiofno r madneyg eneratdiivseo rdeirshs i gher thavna smta joriotfyp eoplwei tha cutbea ckp aint hant he alternactaivree , ando utthceo meass m easurebdy mosts ophisticiamtaegdi ntge sts. relioefsf y mptomasn dfu nctioans,w elals a highr ate Similaral syy,s temataipcp roactho t reatmeanntd ofc omplicatisoungsg,e tshte p roceduhraes m arginal managemenitsc ritifcoraa ll wlh o engagien t hec are value. patienOtns . allopathic tlnally Thee vitipe;lIlH� ldiostx h aats technology becominagw are manipulativc has hase volved, seeansb y majori.tyo fu sers, SCientificparlolvye ne fficacOyn. the hand, hasm arginailmlpyr oveIdn.t his thec urrent engageidn m ;mipuiatitvree atment recog- volumeC,l inicAanla tomya ndM anagemento f Low nizweh ent hep atienpta'tsh oloigsny o ta menablteo Copyrighted Material

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