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Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series Gregory G. Monks Editor Climate Change and Human Responses A Zooarchaeological Perspective Climate Change and Human Responses Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series Edited by Eric Delson Vertebrate Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History New York, NY 10024, USA [email protected] Eric J. Sargis Anthropology, Yale University New Haven, CT 06520, USA [email protected] Focal topics for volumes in the series will include systematic paleontology of all vertebrates (from agnathans to humans), phylogeny reconstruction, functional morphology, Paleolithic archaeology, taphonomy, geochronology, historical bioge- ography, and biostratigraphy. Other fields (e.g., paleoclimatology, paleoecology, ancient DNA, total organismal com- munity structure) may be considered if the volume theme emphasizes paleobiology (or archaeology). Fields such as modeling of physical processes, genetic methodology, nonvertebrates or neontology are out of our scope. Volumes in the series may either be monographic treatments (including unpublished but fully revised dissertations) or edited collections, especially those focusing on problem-oriented issues, with multidisciplinary coverage where possible. Editorial Advisory Board Ross D.E. MacPhee (American Museum of Natural History), Peter Makovicky (The Field Museum), Sally McBrearty (University of Connecticut), Jin Meng (American Museum of Natural History), Tom Plummer (Queens College/CUNY). More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/6978 Climate Change and Human Responses A Zooarchaeological Perspective Edited by Gregory G. Monks Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada 123 Editor Gregory G.Monks Department ofAnthropology University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB Canada ISSN 1877-9077 ISSN 1877-9085 (electronic) Vertebrate PaleobiologyandPaleoanthropology Series ISBN978-94-024-1105-8 ISBN978-94-024-1106-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-024-1106-5 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2016957497 ©SpringerScience+BusinessMediaDordrecht2017 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting,reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnot imply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsand regulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthorsandtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthisbookarebelieved tobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublishernortheauthorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty, expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinorforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeen made. CoverIllustration:ThisInuithunteronmeltingseaiceisametaphorthatcapturesthesenseofthisvolume.Photo courtesyofNationalGeographicSociety. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerScience+BusinessMediaB.V. Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:VanGodewijckstraat30,3311GXDordrecht,TheNetherlands To Janet, with gratitude, and to Denise, Reed, Abigail, Benjamin and Eden with love Foreword: The Essential Past LifewasmuchsimplerwhenIwasastudent.Pastclimatechangewasamatterofoscillations from warm to cold and back again, at the rather gradual pace that the palynological record seemedtoshow.Animalsrespondedbylatitudinalshiftsofdistribution(reindeer)orbygoing extinct(mammoths)(Evans1975;West1968;Zeuner1959,1961).Andpeopledidmuchthe same, adjusting their distribution and lifeways as climate and environmental change dictated, atleastuntilthe‘revolution’oftheNeolithicallowedman(sic)tomakehimself(Childe1936; Clark and Piggott 1970). Anthropogenic climate change had yet to hit the agenda, and even Marine Oxygen Isotope Stages were little more than a rumour (Shackleton et al. 1977). Palaeozoology was something rather outré practised by a few palaeontologists, whilst field zoology was carried out in the real world. Those two research communities seldom met, let alone communicated. Today’s students of palaeozoology and zooarchaeology (collectively the ‘palaeo record’, forbrevity)haveafarmorecomplexknowledgebasewithwhichtocontend.Proxyrecordsin marine oozes and polar ice show that global climates have swung from one state to another withremarkablerapidity,insertingbrieftemperateinterstadialsintoourbelovediceages,and acute cold snaps even into the Holocene (Thomas et al. 2007). Our understanding of the responseofanimalcommunitiestothoseclimatechangesisstillonlypartial,thoughwehave learnedthatcommunitydisequilibriummayhavebeensignificant(Wolvertonetal.2009),and that some species successfully habitat-tracked, whilst others did not (Dalén et al. 2007). The timingandrateofextinctioneventshasbeenre-thought,withmammothssurvivinginSiberia as the pyramids were under construction in Egypt (Guthrie 2004), and the palaeo record has forced a re-think of biogeographical assumptions, for example regarding the past distribution of elephants in Island Southeast Asia (Cranbrook et al. 2007). And rapid climate change has become a topic for the present and future, not only for the past, as atmospheric and climate data accumulate to confirm Arrhenius’s theories about global warmth (Arrhenius 1896). Inmanyrespectsweliveinexcitingtimes.Methodologicaladvancesandrefinementsallow ustoaskquestionsthatwouldhavebeenunanswerabletwentyyearsago.Advancesintheuse of the stable isotope record stratified into datable sediments, shells and skeletal tissues have simply revolutionized our investigations of climate changes, animal migration and transhu- mance, and diet (Gil et al. 2011; Schwarz et al. 2010). Our chronologies have become more refined. Individually characterized volcanic tephras provide marker-horizons on a regional scale(Laneetal.2011).Dendrochronologicalsequenceshavebeenpushedfurtherback,tothe Pleistocene/Holocene boundary (Kromer 2009), and developed for new parts of the world (Gou etal. 2008; Turney et al. 2010). Even that oldworkhorse, radiocarbon dating, has been givenanewleaseoflifeasAMSdatingandnewsamplepreparationmethodshavesqueezed ± errors down to a few decades even on dates in the Late Pleistocene (Higham et al. 2006). Rather pleasingly, the other advance in radiocarbon dating, Bayesian calibration, uses a sta- tistical technique first published in 1763 (Bayes and Price 1763; Bronk Ramsey 2009), reminding us that old tools can be put to new uses. We now have better resolution on dates vii viii Foreword:TheEssentialPast back to MIS3 than ever before. Our resolution has also been enhanced with regard to tax- onomy. We are no longer restricted to asking whether a particular species survived a climate change event, but whether the same genomic clades of that species did so (Hornsby and Matocq2012).Foratleastsomespecies,theresponsetoclimatechangecannowbestudiedat thepopulationlevel,andsomeofthesoft-tissuephenotypicattributesofthoseanimalscanbe inferred (Pruvost et al. 2011). What impact have all of these advances had on the dialogue between neo- and palaeozo- ology? On the palaeo side of that uneasy relationship, we have been accustomed to think in terms of whole organisms, populations of individuals and communities of species. People in the past acted as populations within vertebrate communities, and it was that relationship that underpinned much of our research. The individualistic, selfish politics of the 1980s bred a trend towards the individual within archaeology, one aspect of the ‘post-processual critique’ (e.g., Earle and Preucel 1987), steering us away from the generalizations of processual archaeology that lent themselves so well to comparison and integration with the generaliza- tions of community ecology. Meanwhile, technical developments within the biological sci- ences focussed interest at the sub-organism level, to details of biomolecular variation and, of course, to genomic research (Strasser 2008), with particular consequences for studies of the evolutionaryrecord(e.g.,Hackettetal.2008).Biomolecularresearchisexpensiveandquickly came to attract a high proportion of available research funds, thus drawing in more bright young researchers in a positive feedback loop. This has somewhat changed the dialogue between palaeo and neozoology. There have been remarkable advances in our understanding of ancient populations of animals,andevenextinctspecies(e.g.,Edwardsetal.2010),withneozoologistsquarryingthe palaeorecordforDNAandotherbiomoleculestogivetime-depthtothepresent-dayresearch questions,andmeanwhilereadingapalaeorecordfromthepresent-daygenomicarchive(e.g., Leonardi et al. 2012; Searle et al. 2009). Certainly, the palaeo record is an archive, and a precious and complex one at that. But more than that, it has its own research questions and agenda. It is a common criticism of the palaeo record that it lacks the precision of real-time neozoology. Even with advances in dating methods, our chronological resolution still cannot match that of a field experiment, and our data are often patchy in their temporal and geo- graphical distribution. Furthermore, we arelimited inourcapacityfor replication:if there are only two known assemblages of MIS3 date from a given region, then we cannot simply increase our inadequate sample size by doing more field research. However, the value of the palaeo record has to be seen as clearly as its weaknesses. As Lyman (2011) points out with exemplary precision, it is precisely the longer perspective of the palaeo record that makes it valuableasasourceforconservationresearch,encompassingevolutionarytimescalesandpast periods of rapid climate change. One issue that afflicts both neo- and palaeozoology is the shifting baseline syndrome (Papworthetal.2009;Pauly 1995). Whenstudies oftoday’sfauna seektoquantifyachange in distribution or abundance, we have to make comparisons with some baseline: numbers of Monks’ Porpoise have fallen 80% since 1990, for example. Why 1990? Is that when sys- tematicrecordsbegan,orwhenthecurrentpopulationfluctuationseemstohavebegun?Ifthe latter, do we have really good data to show that the 1990 population was typical of the preceding few centuries? Hardly ever, and more often the chosen baseline is defined by the previoushigh(or,lessoften,low)peakinarathershortrunofrecords,orbythebeginningof thattime-seriesofdata. Whendogoodrecordsofanimaldistributionandabundanceactually begin; that is, what is the baseline against which we assess the current state of the world’s fauna? Even a very generous estimate would put that baseline somewhere late in the nine- teenth century, acknowledging the pioneering, but region-specific, work of Humboldt and Wallace(e.g.,VonHumboldt1849;Wallace1895).Amorerealisticglobalbaselinewouldbe well into thetwentiethcentury,long after the consequences of human population growthand industrialization had wrought substantial changes to most global biomes. It is little wonder, ix Foreword:TheEssentialPast then, that the palaeozoology and zooarchaeology records often produce surprises, such as tigers on Palawan (Ochoa and Piper 2013). These baseline issues are a cause for concern. Neozoology alone will consistently under- state changes in terrestrial faunas on anything other than very short (i.e., decadal) timescales. For example, without the palaeo record, the devastating reduction in avian biodiversity throughoutthePacificoverthelastmillenniumorsowouldnotbeapparent(Steadman1995). Wewouldnotetheextinctionsandextirpationsofthelast50–100years,andprobablybemoan theimpactthat‘westernization’seemstohavehadonthisislandEden.Wewouldcertainlynot appreciate the damage that had already been done before the first Europeans sailed into the region (Boyer 2008). Looking forward, too, there is a challenge for palaeozoology. Despite the potential for understatement of the human impact on faunas, we are aware of, and concerned about, that impact,andonereactionhasbeentotrytorepairthedamage.Restorationecologyseekstogo one step beyond mitigating the worst consequences of human impact by ‘restoring’ habitat patchesandlargerenvironmentsthroughcarefullyplannedreintroductionofsomespeciesand extirpationofothers(foranoverview,seeSuding2011).Butwhatisthebaselinestatetowards whichthatecologyisbeing‘restored’?Ifrestorationecologyistohaveafirmevidentialbasis, a high-quality palaeo record is essential. The alternative is to limit ourselves to restoring damaged and degraded environments only to a previous state that happens to be our first detailedrecordofthatenvironment.Itisquitelikelythatrecordwillbeofanenvironmentthat was already impacted, perhaps degraded, and quite possibly in a state of disequilibrium. Withoutagoodlong-termrecord,restorationecologymayberebuildingcommunitiesthatare inherently unstable and of low resilience. The same applies to National Parks and other attempts at conservation of landscapes and their biotas. The wild places that John Muir and others sought to preserve may have been dynamic systems already undergoing processes of rapid change, so that at least some of our conservation efforts may be seeking to impose stability on inherently unstable systems. At its most intrusive, restoration ecology grades into rewilding, with the objective of returning some environments to their supposed condition before human perturbation and management became dominant (Brown et al. 2011; Meyer 2010). That issue in itself begs a numberofquestions.Allspeciescausesomedegreeofdisturbancetotheecosysteminwhich they live. How dominant does the human impact have to be in order for the ecology to be ‘wild’ no longer? To put that another way, could rewilding accept restoration to a biota that includesco-existinghumans?Rewildingproposalsincludereplacingextinctspecieswiththeir closest extant ecological equivalents. Applying these principles to the Great Plains of North America, some have suggested trying to put back the megafauna that greeted the first Ber- ingian human migrants. As mammoths, Smilodon and Arctodus have, regrettably, quit the scene, the proposed rewilding would populate the Plains with elephants, lions and bears (oh my!) (Donlan 2005; Donlan et al. 2006). Given that many contemporary Americans find it unacceptabletosharespaceevenwithcoyotesandbobcats,onecanonlysupposethatthisnew megafauna would be extirpated even more quickly than its predecessor. The point, of course, is that the palaeo record must be more than just a species list, a wish-list of potential reintroductees with which to wage the green campaign. Within Europe, various EU Species and Habitats Directives build on the 1979 Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats to effectively oblige signatory states to engage in restorative reintroduction. On what criteria? There has to be evidence that a specieswasextirpatedfromtheregionconcernedasadirectorindirectconsequenceofhuman activity. This treaty obligation has justified the reintroduction of red kite Milvus milvus to England, supported by historical records of the persecution of that species, and zooarchaeo- logical records of its formerly wide range. What about species for which there is only the palaeorecord,theirextirpationpre-datingreliabledocumentaryrecords?SurvivaloflynxLynx lynx into Anglo-Saxon times makes it likely that this species was lost to England through habitat destruction and, possibly, direct persecution. A case for the reintroduction of lynx to x Foreword:TheEssentialPast Englandcanbe,andhasbeen,made(Hetheringtonetal.2008).Howfarintothepastcanwe extend that principle? That lugubrious cervid the elk Alces alces (i.e., moose in North America, not the American elk Cervus elaphus) survived into the Holocene in England, and was certainly hunted by Mesolithic hunter-gatherers (Kitchener 2010). However, it would be difficult to argue that elk were extirpated through human predation. More likely, habitat changes and fragmentation following early Holocene warming progressively produced then replaced the wet woodland environments in which elk could flourish. Flooding of the North Sea basin, isolating British elk from continental populations, may have contributed to their vulnerability.Giventhateffectivepopulationsizecannowbeestimatedfromgeneticdiversity in palaeofaunal assemblages (Hofreiter and Stewart 2009), that possibility could be investi- gated if enough well-dated elk remains could be assembled and sampled. There is another challenge for the palaeo record, one that relates directly to modern con- cerns: how far back in time do conservation efforts extend? National Parks and species directivesarephenomenaofthelastcenturyorso.However,iftheimpactsofclimatechange andhumanactivitieshadadiscernibleeffectonthedistributionornumbersofaspeciesdeeper intothepast,wouldprehistoricpeopleshavetakennoteandresponded?Atitssimplest level, ofcourse,thatmayonlymeanprey-switchingormovinghome-rangetomatchthemovements of a favoured prey population. We can certainly detect those responses in the palaeo record and, at their simplest, see them in terms of logistic optimisation. Crabs are running out – eat more clams. Does that give prehistoric peoples due credit for their intelligence and forward planning?Themotivationmight equallyhavebeen‘crabs arerunningout–stop eatingcrabs so they can recover’. Mobile foragers might simply move to a stretch of coast where crabs were still abundant, but what of more sedentary foragers, as in the Pacific Northwest? Butler and Campbell(2004) make the point that theregion shows appreciable stabilityin settlement and subsistence: to what extent does that stability reflect care in the use, and therefore the conservation,ofanimalresources?Ourconservationeffortstodaydependuponwrittenrecords that chart past abundance and distribution, however fallibly. Non-literate societies had the memories and knowledge of older generations as their shifting baseline. It seems to be a common human cross-cultural trait that with grey hair comes the mindset that the past was different,usuallybetter(e.g.,seethebeginningofthisforeword!).Thegrandparentgeneration mayhavebeencriticalinenablingaforagergrouptodetecttheconsequencesoftheirimpacts or of some local change in weather patterns or more general climate, and to plan their response. In a similar way, neozoology needs the ‘grandparent’ memory of the palaeo record, and archaeology needs its use of that record to be informed by sound zoology and ecology. We need to keep the inter-disciplinary conversations going, to keep an integration of ideas and evidence from the short- to the very long-term, through collaborative projects and through publications that offer new ideas and information to all researchers concerned with the response of human and other animal populations to each other and to their climatic context. Thisvolumeprovidesjustsuchaconversation,demonstratinghowfarourpalaeostudieshave come since the days of Zeuner, and how much precious synergy results from taking a truly ecological perspective on the human past. Terry O’Connor PALAEO and Department of Archaeology University of York UK

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