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Northern Alliance Bull Sale 1:00 pm, March 30th, 2013 V BC, BC L C - Y anderhoof iVestoCk o op ard Please join us for lunch at 11:30 am prior to the sale. Lunch is sponsored by Integris Credit Union, Vanderhoof Branch. Coffee is sponsored by BC Livestock. Marberly Angus View the Sale Online Kim Beaudette Online viewing will be available through TEAM Houston, BC, Tel 250-845-7483, Cell 780-507-1905, log onto www.teamauctionsales.com marberlyangus@yahoo.ca to watch the sale. Poplar Meadows Sale Day Phones: Tanya, Monty and Taylor Belsham 250-567-0063 (Shirley Moon) Houston, BC, Tel 250-845-3050, Cell 250-845-8474, 250-567-0922 (Jim Moon) Show and Sale Cattle - Bianca Berasconi 250-845-8474 (Tanya Belsham) Cell 250-845-1247 250-845-1247 (Bianca Berasconi) www.poplarmeadowsangus.ca 250-845-1147 (Lia Long) 250-845-9046 (Frank Strimbold) 780-507-1905 (Kim Beaudette) Blast Angus Brent, Lia, Shea and Tori Long Houston, BC, Tel 250-845-3500, Cell 250-845-1147, Sale Conducted By: www.blastangus.ca BC Livestock Producers Hwy 16, Vanderhoof BC Sale day phone 250-567-4333 Red Moon Angus Al Smith cell 250-570-2143 Jim, Shirley and Tom Moon Vanderhoof, BC, Tel 250-567-9762 Buyers Representative: redmoon@hwy16.com, www.redmoonangus.com Clint Ellis (604) 309-5355 Poplar Meadows BC Angus Assoc. Rep Frank and Dianne Strimbold Jack Brown (604) 816-3764 Topley, BC, Tel 250-696-3672, Cell 250-845-9046, www.poplarmeadowsangus.ca Insurance: Hartford Insurance available through BC Feed & Delivery Livestock office. Bulls can be fed until May 1st for $2 a day . Bulls must be insured. Accommodations: North Country Inn 250-567-3048 Free delivery to Williams Lake and Hillview Motel 250-567-4468 Kamloops BC Livestock yards on bulls over $2500 at our convenience prior to May 1st. VieW the CataLoGUe onLine at: WWW.northernaLLianCeBULLsaLe.Com GLossarY of terms Expected Progeny Difference (EPD): Is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Interim EPDs may appear on young animals when their performance has yet to be incorporated into the American Angus Association National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) procedures. This EPD will be preceded by an “I”, and may or may not include the animal’s own performance record for a particular trait, depending on its availability, appropriate contemporary grouping, or data edits needed for NCE. Birth Weight EPD (BW): Expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Weaning Weight EPD (WW): Expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Yearling Weight EPD (YW): Expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Maternal Milk EPD (Milk): Is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability. Total Maternal EPD (TM): The expected overall difference in weaning weight pounds of calves out of a bull’s daughters compared to calves from daughters of a bull with a zero EPD for total maternal. The total materanl EPD is a measure of both growth and milking ability and is an indication of the size of calf a bull’s daughter will wean. The maternal milk EPD is combined with half of the weaning growth EPD to produce the total maternal EPD. This is a prediction of the total genetic influence that a sire will have on his daughter’s progeny. How Do I Use EPD’s? Imagine you are interested in purchasing a couple of bulls for your herd. You are looking at the EPDs in a sale catalogue. Bull A has a weaning weight (WW) EPD of +10 and Bull B has a WW of +60. What does that mean? How can you use those EPDs to choose between the two bulls? If these animals were randomly mated with 10 similar cows, we would expect the group average weaning weight of Bull A’s offspring to be 50 lbs lighter than that of Bull B’s (60-10=50). So, if you were interested in producing heavier calves, Bull B would be the one to choose. Remember, EPDs evaluate group average and offspring’s performance. They cannot predict individual performance or weights. 2 Welcome to the 2013 Northern Alliance Bull Sale. I have 7 yearling bulls on offer this year. Every bull in this group is structurally correct, and they come backed by proven maternal genetics. Four of the bulls, 22Z, 24Z, 26Z, and 28Z, are sired by the bull Wise Guy 10W; a bull I raised. I was very impressed with the quality and uniformity of the calves he sired. My top weaning bull calf is a 10W bull, and many of Wise Guy’s heifers have made it into my replacement pen because they are proving to be very correct and easy fleshing. Three of bulls, 2Z, 6Z and 11Z, are sired be leading AI sires. I selected these sires for their excellent calving ease, explosive growth characteristics and good carcass qualities. The bulls and their dams have been fully vaccinated with the Express Vaccine Program, guaranteeing them to be BVD PI free. The bulls are being fed at the Lazy B Bull test and can be viewed there prior to the sale. I hope calving is going well for all who are calving and wish good calving to those who have yet to start. If you have any questions regarding the bulls please call, I would be happy to help. I look forward to discussing the bulls with you on sale day. 1 marBerLY Zoom in 2Z Gender Male Tattoo NXS 2Z Reg# 1658932 DOB January 3, 2012 JAUER 353 TRAVELER 589 27 BALDRIDGE KABOOM K243 PLEASANTA OF CONANGA 736 SIRE: CONNEALY THUNDER BON VIEW BANDO 598 PARKA OF CONANGA 241 PARTINA OF CONANGA 6237 B/R NEW FRONTIER 095 B/R NEW DESIGN 036 DAM: SMW HEATHER 126W WHITE FENCE PRIDE H1 CROWFOOT HEATHER 2107M SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF STEVENSON HEATHER 499G BW: 70 lbs Adj 205D: 654 lbs Jan. 27 wt. 1206 lbs NXS 2Z EPDs BW: -1.5 WW: +43 YW: +88 Milk: +26 TM: +48 Zoom 2Z is a really stout bull with a strong herd bull look to him. He is thick topped with excellent muscle expression and a good disposition. 2Z has been a stand out in my 2012 bull pen, and he continues to grow more impressive each time I see him. His dam, 126W, is a model Angus cow with excellent feet and a nice tidy udder. Connealy Thunder is a noted calving ease and growth sire whose calves are sound and easy fleshing. Zoom is a great choice if you are looking for a bull to service heifers or cows and not sacrifice growth and production. 3 2 marBerLY ZeppeLin 6Z Gender Male Tattoo NXS 6Z Reg# 1658933 DOB January 16 2012 SITZ TRAVELER 8180 SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 DMF SITZ BARBARAMERE JET 2698 SIRE: K C F BENNETT TOTAL N BAR EMULATION EXT EXT OF CONANGA 6790 LADY ENCHANTRESS OF CONANGA KBJ MAXER 01R KBJ MAXER 447M DAM: EVERBLACK BT QUEEN 11T KBJ BLACKBIRD 143B KBJ QUEEN 805R MINBURN MAIN EVENT 50M BT QUEEN 657K BW: 94 lbs Adj 205D: 693 lbs Jan 27 wt: 1268 lbs EPDs BW: +2.7 WW: +44 YW: +77 Milk: +20 TM: +42NXS 6Z Zeppelin 6Z is a real performance bull. He displayed excellent growth from birth to weaning, and he has continued to be a top gainer at the Lazy B Test station in Fort Fraser. He is long, smooth and thick topped. 11T is a moderate, easy fleshing cow with good feet. Bennett Total combines physical superiority, performance and carcass excellence. He stamps calves with a square hip, rib depth and stunning profile; NXS 6Z is no exception. 6Z will work well on cows, and should sire calves that weight up well in the fall. 3 marBerLY ZeLos 11Z Gender Male Tattoo NXS 11Z Reg# 1658936 DOB January 24 2012 G D A R TRAVELER 71 SITZ TRAVELER 8180 SITZ EVERELDA ENTENSE 1137 SIRE: S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 BON VIEW BANDO 598 S A V EMULOUS 8145 S A V SKY EMULOUS 2124 YOUNG DALE TOUCH DOWN 36M YOUNG DALE REAL DEAL 18K DAM: SCC PRIDE 54T PAT LADY SANDRA 2C SCC 65M PRIDE 45M 73P REMITALL MIDAIR 65M SCC 4480 PRIDE 45M BW: 94 lbs Adj 205D: 695 lbs Jan 27 wt: 1180 lbs EPDs BW: + 2.7 WW: +51 YW: +85 Milk: +23 TM: +49 NXS 11Z Zelos 11Z is a bull I really like, and I showed him with success last year. He is a smooth made bull with good thickness, depth, muscle expression and an easy going nature. He has nicely balanced EPD’s with strong maternal numbers and well as good growth numbers. 54T is a cow from the Stewart Cattle Co of Manitoba. She is very maternal with an excellent udder. 11Z is sired by Final Answer, one of the most popular AI sires on the market, who is known for calving ease, excellent growth, and strongly maternal daughters. 11Z would work well on cows. 4 marBerLY Zip driVe 22Z Gender Male Tattoo NXS 22Z Reg# 1658941 DOB February 14 2012 O C C LEGEND 616LOSF B C LOOKOUT 7024 GIBBET HILL MIGNONNE E37 SIRE: MARBERLY WISE GUY 10W BR MIDLAND MARBERLY MAYFLOWER LASS BLAST MISS MAYFLOWER 1N CRESCENT CREEK CHIEF 94H DWAJO CHIEF 92E DAM: GET-A-LONG DUCHESS 4159 OPALVILLE MARGARET 12’89 GET-A-LONG DUCHESS 785 STANDARD HILL JUICE 1E GET-A-LONG DUCHESS 5206 BW: 97 lbs Adj 205D: 705 lbs Jan 27 wt: 1122 lbs EPDs BW: +3.1 WW: +35 YW: +61 Milk: +16 TM: +34 NXS 22Z This very good bull had the heaviest 205 day weaning weight of all my 2012 bulls, and he has continued to grow very well on test. Zip Drive 22Z is long, thick topped and strides out well. His sire Wise Guy 10W is a home raised bull that has done a great job for me. His calves were born without assistance and were very vigorous. Duchess 4159 is a really great cow who consistently brings home a top calf each fall. NXS 22Z will work well on cows, and his calves should pound the scale down in the fall. 4 5 marBerLY ZaZU 24Z Gender Male Tattoo NXS 24Z Reg# 1658943 DOB February 21 2012 O C C LEGEND 616LOSF B C LOOKOUT 7024 GIBBET HILL MIGNONNE E37 SIRE: MARBERLY WISE GUY 10W BR MIDLAND MARBERLY MAYFLOWER LASS BLAST MISS MAYFLOWER 1N A C REMINGTON GDAR SVF RUSS 184B DAM: ATLASTA ANNA 93S CHARTERED EMULOUS LADY D319 ATLASTA BLACKCAP 27J ALSIKE ACRES EX NITRO BLAST 3F MLA BLACKCAP 20’91 BW: 77 lbs Adj 205D: 589 lbs Jan 27 wt: 948 lbs NXS 24Z EPDs BW: +1.3 WW: +31 YW: +59 Milk: +13 TM: +29 Zazu 24Z is a really neat calf; he is moderate framed and well made with good depth and thickness. He is great choice if you are looking for a heifer bull. His dam, 93S is a picture perfect cow with excellent feet and a great udder. 24Z is sired by Wise Guy 10W whose calves were born easily and grew well last summer. 10W is a moderate, easy fleshing bull that is good footed and travels freely when on the move. 6 marBerLY Zander 26Z Gender Male Tattoo NXS 26Z Reg# 1658944 DOB February 24 2012 O C C LEGEND 616LOSF B C LOOKOUT 7024 GIBBET HILL MIGNONNE E37 SIRE: MARBERLY WISE GUY 10W BR MIDLAND MARBERLY MAYFLOWER LASS BLAST MISS MAYFLOWER 1N POPLAR MEADOWS EQUALIZER 17L EBON HILL EQUALIZER 55’96 DAM: WYSPERING WYNDS DELIA 7R POPLAR MEADOWS ERICA 9B WYSPERING WYNDS DELIA GABBRIEL GET-A-LONG DOWN PAYMENT 425 WYSPERING WYNDS DELIA ANNE BW: 96 lbs Adj 205D: 610 lbs Jan 27 wt: 1028 lbs NXS 26Z EPDs BW: +3.6 WW: +29 YW: +55 Milk: +13 TM: +28 Zander 26Z is another good Wise Guy 10W calf. He is smooth and wide over the top, with good length and depth of rib. 26Z has really excelled on test, and is one of my top gaining bulls at Lazy B. 7R is a broody cow with solid feet and an excellent production record. 7R’s calves tend to have heavier birth weights, so 26Z will work well on cows. 7 marBerLY ZiGGY 28Z Gender Male Tattoo NXS 28Z Reg# 1704302 DOB March 16 2012 O C C LEGEND 616LOSF B C LOOKOUT 7024 GIBBET HILL MIGNONNE E37 SIRE: MARBERLY WISE GUY 10W BR MIDLAND MARBERLY MAYFLOWER LASS BLAST MISS MAYFLOWER 1N L T 598 BANDO 9074 S A F 598 BANDO 5175 DAM: HAPPYVALE IDELETTE 4S MILL COULEE BARBARA K 323 HAPPYVALE IDELETTE 6H MINERTS FORTUNE 2000 HAPPYVALE IDELETTE 46 BW: 76 lbs Adj 205D: 598 lbs Jan 27 wt: 874 lbs NXS 28Z EPDs BW: +1.3 WW: +28 YW: +56 Milk: +15 TM: +29 Ziggy 28Z is the youngest calf I have on offer and he is a good one. He is a smooth made calf with good muscle expression that is structurally correct. Idelette 4S is a good footed maternal cow sired by Bando 9074. Bando 9074 is a proven calving ease sire known for his great marbling genetics and excellent disposition. Wise Guy 10W is a bull I raised and used with great success. He is sired by BC Lookout a bull known for his moderate frame, calving ease and rapid growth. 28Z would work well on heifers. 5 6 This is the second calf crop from our Kodiak son and we are still impressed with their performance, light birth weights and good weaning weights. His first daughters are due to calve soon and they are impressive putting down great udders. They appear to be going to be great cows. The weaning weights are a little behind last years as we were very dry last summer. We do not have a big herd but after 48 years of our selections we are very proud of our cattle and feel they should be predictable. We have not strayed from our philosophy of low maintenance cattle. They spend summers in bush pastures and winter on hay. We have had our bulls at Lazy B feedlot as we have for the past eighteen years. We thank all our past buyers and hope to visit with you at the sale. If you want any more info call us. 8 popLar meadoWs BLiZZard 2Z Gender Male Tattoo HXT 2Z Reg# 1659404 DOB January 18 2012 SANDY BAR ADVANTAGE 43M HF KODIAK 5R WILBAR RUBY 955N SIRE: HF KODIAK 132W RIVERBEND POWERLINE 0050 HF MISS BLACKCAP 50N HF MISS BLACKCAP 8G SITZ TRADITION RLS 8702 VERMILION DATELINE 7078 DAM: POPLAR MEADOWS ERICA 11T R L S EISA EVERGREEN 5018 POPLAR MEADOWS ERICA 19F RAINMAKER OF GUMBO GULCH 5D POPLAR MEADOWS ERICA 1A BW: 82 lbs Adj 205D: 690 lbs Jan 27 wt: 1058 lbs HXT 2Z EPDs BW: +1.6 WW: +48 YW: +81 Milk: +20 TM: +44 This is a tough calf with an excellent mother. We checked her at midnight doing nothing and when we went back a six she had this calf up and nursing even though it was minus 40. Dam has 4 calves with avg birth weight 82 lbs.Avg 200 day wt 693 lbs. 7 9 popLar meadoWs kodiak 6Z Gender Male TW Tattoo HXT 6Z Reg# 1701415 DOB January 31 2012 SANDY BAR ADVANTAGE 43M HF KODIAK 5R WILBAR RUBY 955N SIRE: HF KODIAK 132W RIVERBEND POWERLINE 0050 HF MISS BLACKCAP 50N HF MISS BLACKCAP 8G POPLAR MDWS FREE LANCER 4T TC FREEDOM 104 DAM: POPLAR MEADOWS ERICA 11W POPLAR MEADOWS ERICA 25K POPLAR MEADOWS ERICA 20M Y-NOT BATTLE CRY 5J POPLAR MEADOWS ERICA 26J BW: 62 lbs Adj 205D: 652 lbs Jan 27 wt: 986 lbs EPDs BW: +1.7 WW: +43 YW: +73 Milk: +18 TM: +49 HXT 6Z Twin with a heifer and both raised by their mother. 6Z is smaller framed calf but with two crosses to Equalizer, T C Freedom and Battle cry he has a lot of thickness. The Grand dam has raised us many top calves. The dam has an excellent udder good feet and is very docile. She has two calves (twins ) with birth weights of 62 and 60 pounds. 10 popLar meadoWs kodiak 8Z Gender Male TW Tattoo HXT 8Z Reg# 1701414 DOB February 01 2012 SANDY BAR ADVANTAGE 43M HF KODIAK 5R WILBAR RUBY 955N SIRE: HF KODIAK 132W RIVERBEND POWERLINE 0050 HF MISS BLACKCAP 50N HF MISS BLACKCAP 8G BENCHMARK PARADIGM 4176 B/R PRECISE 242 AMF DAM: POPLAR MDWS LADY HEATHER 29U TIBBIE D OF ALCAN 145 POPLAR MDWS LADY HEATHER 8R TC FREEDOM 104 POPLAR MDWS LADY HEATHER 16K BW: 65 lbs Adj 205D: 652 lbs Jan 27 wt: 1092 lbs EPDs BW: +0.7 WW: +53 YW: +91 Milk: +23 TM: +50 HXT 8Z From a large Paradigm cow who is a great milker as he is a twin that she raised them both with a combined weaning wt of 1475 lbs. Dam has 4 calves with avg birth wt of 70 lbs. Avg 200 day wt of 707 lbs. 11 popLar meadoWs kodiak 10Z Gender Male Tattoo HXT 10Z Reg# 1659408 DOB February 02 2012 SANDY BAR ADVANTAGE 43M HF KODIAK 5R WILBAR RUBY 955N SIRE: HF KODIAK 132W RIVERBEND POWERLINE 0050 HF MISS BLACKCAP 50N HF MISS BLACKCAP 8G Y-NOT BATTLE CRY 5J O G L BATTLE CRY 427 128 DAM: POPLAR MDWS LADY HEATHER 30M GET-A-LONG PEBBLES 475 POPLAR MDWS LADY HEATHER 6E BICKFORD HI SPADE 48B POPLAR MDWS LADY HEATHER 5Y BW: 80 lbs Adj 205D: 654 lbs Jan 27 wt: 1054 lbs EPDs BW: +0.6 WW: +39 YW: +66 Milk: +14 TM: +34 HXT 10Z From an old Battle Cry cow that we have always appreciated. Her last years calf went to Bar K Ranch. 30 M has never failed to raise us a good calf. Dam has 9 calves avg birth wt of 76 lbs. Avg 200 day wt of 636 lbs. 8 12 popLar meadoWs kodiak 11Z Gender Male Tattoo HXT 11Z Reg# 1659409 DOB February 03 2012 SANDY BAR ADVANTAGE 43M HF KODIAK 5R WILBAR RUBY 955N SIRE: HF KODIAK 132W RIVERBEND POWERLINE 0050 HF MISS BLACKCAP 50N HF MISS BLACKCAP 8G BLAST RITO 4P PEAK DOT RITO 35L DAM: POPLAR MEADOWS ERICA 34S POPLAR MDWS LADY HEATHER 16H POPLAR MEADOWS ERICA 24N LEADTIME OF ALCAN 150 POPLAR MEADOWS ERICA 25K BW: 86 lbs Adj 205D: 661 lbs Jan 27 wt: 1062 lbs HXT 11Z EPDs BW: +1.1 WW: +40 YW: +72 Milk: +16 TM: +36 A little different pedigree on the dams side with Lia’s Peak Dot bull. 34S has perfect feet and udder and has all bull calves to date. Dam has 5 calves avg birth wt. 78 lbs. Avg 200 day wt, 645 lbs. 13 popLar meadoWs kodiak 12Z Gender Male Tattoo HXT 12Z Reg# 1659410 DOB February 04 2012 SANDY BAR ADVANTAGE 43M HF KODIAK 5R WILBAR RUBY 955N SIRE: HF KODIAK 132W RIVERBEND POWERLINE 0050 HF MISS BLACKCAP 50N HF MISS BLACKCAP 8G BENCHMARK PARADIGM 4176 B/R PRECISE 242 AMF DAM: POPLAR MEADOWS MAYFLOWER 26U TIBBIE D OF ALCAN 145 POPLAR MEADOWS MAYFLOWER 15K EBON HILL EQUALIZER 55’96 POPLAR MEADOWS MAYFLOWER 7H BW: 84 lbs Adj 205D: 675 lbs Jan 27 wt: 1140 lbs HXT 12Z EPDs BW: +1.1 WW: +45 YW: +77 Milk: +18 TM: +41 From an excellent milking Paradigm cow and our old Mayflower family. His dam has an excellent udder and feet the kind that will last a long time. This calf is one of my favourites. Dam has 3 calves avg birth wt 80 lbs. Avg 200 day wt. 623 lbs. 14 popLar meadoWs kodiak 13Z Gender Male Tattoo HXT 13Z Reg# 1659411 DOB February 04 2012 SANDY BAR ADVANTAGE 43M HF KODIAK 5R WILBAR RUBY 955N SIRE: HF KODIAK 132W RIVERBEND POWERLINE 0050 HF MISS BLACKCAP 50N HF MISS BLACKCAP 8G TC FREEDOM 104 CONNEALY FOREFRONT DAM: POPLAR MEADOWS CASSIE 9W T C RUBY 9095 CAF POPLAR MEADOWS CASSIE 14S BENCHMARK PARADIGM 4176 POPLAR MEADOWS CASSIE 6G BW: 72 lbs Adj 205D: 687 lbs Jan 27 wt: 1098 lbs HXT 13Z EPDs BW: +0.2 WW: +48 YW: +84 Milk: +22 TM: +46 From a Cassie cow sired by the legendary TC Freedom. Her last years bull went to Hatch Creek Ranch. This is a cow that we should have taken out to the shows. Good udder and feet. Dam has 2 bull calves avg birth wt 78 lbs. Avg 200 day wt 742 lbs. 9

Mar 30, 2013 own this bull in partnership with Heart of the Valley Ranch, Brad and Aleta Chappell of Courtney. BC. The bull .. BELVIN BLACK MAGIC 42'92.
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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.