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CLEVELAND A Metropolitan Reader CLEVELAND A Metropolitan Reader Edited by W Dennis Keating, Norman Krumholz, andDavid C. Perry THE KENT STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS Kent,Ohio,& London, England y. sit er v ni U e at St d n a el v e Cl e, c vi er S n o ati m or nf I a at D & o _ Ohi 0 n 0 er h ort N y b s d d e o ar o p rhas) Pre io bore es. County,Oh NeighlandPlanningA LineCensusFil Cuyahoga 1990Cleve(Statistical MnUIe 1990TIGER/ R urce: o S y. sit er v ni U e at St d n a el v e Cl e, c vi er S n o ati m or Yilie Inf Br8cks Data & o . hi -Hilla ..Helgon ernO h NorthRoyalton edbyNort aries Prepar nty,Ohio tyBound Stn>ngsYi1le ensusFiles. u ni C Co mu Line hoga Com e GER/ Cuya 1990 BayVlII_ W_k 1990TI e: c ur o S ©1995byTheKentState UniversityPress,Kent,Ohio44242 Allrightsreserved LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber95-5535 ISBN978-0-87338-492-6 ManufacturedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Cleveland:ametropolitanreader/ editedbyW.DennisKeating, NormanKrumholz,andDavidC.Perry. p. ern. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-87338-492-X(pbk.) 00 1. Cleveland(Ohio)-Socialconditions. 2.Cleveland(Ohio)-Economicconditions. 3.Cleveland(Ohio)-PoliticsandGovernment. 1.Keating,W.Dennis(WilliamDennis). II.Krumholz,Norman. III.Perry,DavidC. HN80.c6c57 1995 95-5535 306'.09771'32-dc20 BritishLibraryCataloging-in-Publicationdataareavailable. 15 14 13 12 11 654 Contents Acknowledgments xi Introduction:Lessonsfrom Cleveland 1 DAVIDC. PERRY Part1.Cleveland: CompositeAmericanUrbanism Introduction 9 Cleveland:Journeyto Maturity 11 DAVID C. PERRY Part2. History: Growthto Decline Introduction Cleveland: The Makingand Remakingofan AmericanCity, 1796-1993 31 CAROLPOHMILLERAND ROBERTA. WHEELER Part3.Economy: Roots to Restructuring Introduction 51 The ClevelandEconomy:ACaseStudyofEconomicRestructuring 53 EDWARD W. HILL Part4.Politics: Conflictand Reform Introduction ATenYears' War FREDERIC c. HOWE viii . CONTENTS UrbanPopulism,Fiscal Crisis,and theNewPoliticalEconomy 97 TODDSWANSTROM Black CivilRights 119 CHRISTOPHERWYE POSTSCRIPTBYNORMAN KRUMHOLZ Part5.Governance: Publicand Private Introduction 135 The Ninety-YearWar OverPublicPowerin Cleveland 137 w. DENNIS KEATING, NORMAN KRUMHOLZ,AND DAVID C. PERRY HowBusinessBosses SavedaSickCity 155 MYRON MAGNET WhoGoverns:The CorporateHand 161 ROLDOBARTIMOLE Part6.Neighborhoods: CityandSuburbs Introduction 177 BetweenSpiresandStacks: The PeopleandNeighborhoods ofCleveland 179 EDWARD M. MIGGINS The ImpactofPovertyon ClevelandNeighborhoods 202 CLAUDIAJ. COULTONANDJULIANCHOW Politicsand theDevelopmentofPublicHousing 228 MITTIEOLIONCHANDLER HousingDynamicsoftheClevelandArea, 1950-2000 244 THOMAS E. BIER Part7.Race and Discrimination Introduction 263 BlackClevelandandtheCentral-WoodlandCommunity,1865-1930 265 KENNETHL. KUSMER Cleveland: The EvolutionofBlack PoliticalPower 283 WILLIAM E. NELSON, JR. OpenHousingin MetropolitanCleveland 300 w.DENNIS KEATING Part8.UrbanRedevelopment: Policy,Planning,and Prospects Introduction CONTENTS . ix Government,Equity, Redistribution,and thePractice ofUrbanPlanning 311 NORMANKRUMHOLZ ClevelandTomorrow:APracticingModelofNewRoles and Processes forCorporateLeadershipin Cities 321 RICHARD A. SHATTEN PostpopulistPublic-PrivatePartnerships 332 W. DENNISKEATING, NORMAN KRUMHOLZ, AND JOHN METZGER Housing: NewLessons,NewModels 351 CHRISTOPHERWARREN TransformingCleveland:Housing,Population,Neighborhoods, and the Future 362 PHILLIP L. CLAY Contributors Bibliography Index

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