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Preview Clay City times, 2015-01-01

CCllaayy CCiittyy TT IIMMEESS 50¢ Proudly serving Stanton, Clay City and Powell County for more than 100 years V . 118, N . 10 • 14 . - . T , J 1, 2015 OL O PAGES WWW CLAYCITY TIMES COM HURSDAY ANUARY Clay City woman dies after being hit by stray shot Inside: Home invasion in Winchester apartment complex ends in shots fired, two others injured; two arrested as police investigate By WHITNEY LEGGETT of The Winchester Sun A young Powell County woman is dead and three others are in critical condi- tion after a home invasion at an apartment complex in MMaayy yyoouu hhaavvee aa Winchester last week.  Winchester Police BBlleesssseedd && HHaappppyy Lillian Barnett, 18, and Lamont Wilkerson, 20, have been Department Capt. James Hall arrested and charged with Caudill’s murder 22001155!! said officers were dispatched to Apt. 47 at The Summit nounced dead at the scene. Caudill’s body was trans- apartment complex located “During the exchange of ported to Frankfort for an on Oxford Drive around 8 gunfire in the upstairs apart- autopsy. p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 23.  ment, a shot went through The other victims were “When we arrived, we the floor and struck the vic- transported to University of found two individuals that tim in the downstairs apart- Kentucky Medical Center. had been shot in Apt. 47,” he ment,” Hall said. Another individual said. “There was another vic- Clark County Coroner was transported to Clark tim in the apartment directly Robert Gayheart said Caudill, Regional Medical Center by beneath.” who was a pre-art design private vehicle and taken to Hall said the victim in major at Eastern Kentucky UK from there, Hall said. AA88 -- CChhrriissttmmaass the downstairs apartment, University, sustained a fatal Hall said WPD has two CCoolloorriinngg 19-year-old Amber Caudill injury from a single gunshot of Powell County, was pro- Amber Caudill wound.  See TRAGEDY, A2 CCoonntteesstt WWiinnnneerrss AAnnnnoouunncceedd New Year brings new hope for child born with rare kidney disease dialysis a day and has since he volumes, requiring intensive By JAMES COOK was six weeks old. His mother care and close monitoring. Times Editor has to use a catheter on him Incidence is one in 8,000 The child was calm and every six hours and he has to babies.” seemed to like Santa. Many take shots weekly to build up Colton, according to his age do not. Maybe this his red blood cells and other Roxanne, was born with one child is a little different shots to help his growth. kidney much smaller than the because he has seen so many Roxanne knew there was other. “He was born with less BB55 -- CCoouurrtt NNeewwss different people. He met going to be some prob- than 50 percent function in Santa at the Powell County lems when she was carrying his left kidney,” Roxanne said. Courthouse just two days Colton. He developed a rare Because of the rare disease before Christmas. He smiled. abnormality while she was Colton has, she has had to Index: While many people may pregnant. It caused some- watch his diet and every- look forward to the new thing known as PUV. thing. “He’s been on a strict LLooccaall NNeewwss:: AA22 year so they can try to lose According to the website, diet and it is easy to keep weight, quit a bad habit or Wikipedia, “Posterior ure- track of things like potassium EEddiittoorriiaall:: AA44 just try to do something new, thral valve (PUV) disorder is and sodium when its baby OObbiittuuaarriieess AA66 Colton Swartz is looking for- an obstructive developmental food,” Roxanne admits. “But SSppoorrttss:: BB66 ward to turning two years anomaly in the urethra and now that he is eating foods we old. His family is looking genitourinary system of male cook, it gets a little harder.” CCllaassssiififi eeddss:: BB44 toward a long two-day event newborns. A posterior ure- When Colton was born you CCaalleennddaarr:: BB22 at the Cincinnati Children’s thral valve is an obstructing would have not known he was Hospital. membrane in the posterior sick. “He weighed 6 pounds Colton was born with a male urethra as a result of and 8 ounces when he was Contact Us: rare kidney disease. The smil- abnormal in utero develop- born,” Roxanne remembers. ing, calm child will face nine ment. It is the most com- “But then he started getting appointments in those two mon cause of bladder outlet smaller and I knew that was 4477 Main Street days. The goal is to try to get obstruction in male new- not right.” him a kidney. borns. The disorder varies Roxanne and her husband Colton Swartz and Santa were hanging out last week at Clay City, KY 40312 the Powell County Courthouse. Colton goes to Cincinnati His parents, Roxanne and in degree, with mild cases had taken Colton to doctors later this month to have tests run to see if he can receive Dustin Swartz, have been followed conservatively. More to be checked out. One day PO Box 668 a new kidney. doing their best to make severe cases can have renal they decided to go to UK. It Clay City, KY 40312 Colton’s life manageable as and respiratory failure from was good thing they did. ting ready to go into cardiac Phone: he fights the rare disease. lung underdevelopment as “When we got him there See COLTON, A2 arrest. He had some respira- 606.663.5540 He goes through 10 hours of result of low amniotic fluid they said he was almost get- 2014: A year with lots of laughs, tears and everything in between Fax: 606.663.6397 The year 2014 had its ups Snow and ice took over and Passes Away prise for most people. The old about the clinic than any Email: and downs, and a small town the school system ended up Former Powell County building used by the late Dr. other subject. The city tried cctimesnews seems to have just as many as missing over 30 days due to Sheriff and Stanton Police Sam Cecil was being turned unsuccessfully twice to stop the big cities. We’ve laughed, the weather. There were acci- Officer Billy Joe Bowen, Jr. into a suboxone clinic to help the clinic. But a ruling by @bellsouth.net cried, lost loved ones, gained dents, one was fatal due to the passed away on Jan. 8. He get addicts away from nar- Circuit Judge Frank Fletcher new friends, got mad, got weather. That happened on was 45 years old. Bowen was cotics. But some in the local aid that the building owner, To advertise: over it and learned about our Welch’s Cut when a wreck on a police officer until he was community felt it was being Anne Cecil, acted in good cctads@ past and hoped for our future. an icy roadway claimed the elected sheriff in 2002 and done secretly and without faith and that zoning ordi- windstream.net So here is a look back at life of Amy Campbell. served for one term. He loved all of the truth being told. nances could not discrimi- 2014 in the pages of the- The county suffered some to fish, hunt and he loved Regardless, after a meeting nate against those with dis- Times: salt shortages and water pipes PCHS baseball. He was sur- with local political, church abilities. His ruling, based on JANUARY freezing and bursting became vived by his wife, sons, par- and law enforcement offi- other higher court rulings, New Year, Bad Weather a problem. Even for the city ents and a sister. cials, the clinic opened up seemed to lump drug addic- The New Year started water departments. Tough despite serious concerns. tion with disability. That did out with some of the cold- way to begin a new year. Suboxone Clinic Comes The clinic dominated the est temperatures the county to Town news for most of the year. See 2014, A2 had seen in almost decade. Former Sheriff It sort of came up by sur- The Times had more stories The joy of Christmas can be yours all year long. Keep your eyes on the manger. James Ed Dennis - General Agent KY Farm Bureau Insurance Office (606)663-2222 • Home (606)663-4888 LOCAL A-2 C C T Thursday, January 1, 2015 LAY ITY IMES Oath of Offi ce administered to local elected offi cials Times Photos by James Cook Though some may have not made it, the offi cial oath for each elected offi cial was administered by Kentucky Court of Appeals Justice the Hon. Sara Combs last Sunday afternoon. Above you see each group taking the oath. Top left is the Powell County offi cials including the judge executive, county jailer, county clerk and staff, magistrates, county surveyor and even representatives of the county coroner’s offi ce; top right are city offi cials from both Clay City and Stanton; bottom left are the constables; and the fi nal group is the Powell County Sheriff Danny Rogers and his deputies. Congratulations to each of them and may God bless them in 2015. TRAGEDY on Dec. 24 and charged him COLTON grandmother is Mary Morton and her “He’s (Colton) happy. He usually with murder and fi rst-de- uncle is Clay City Elementary Youth doesn’t go to strangers but he let Santa gree burglary. Service Director Gary Morton. hold him with no problem.” Roxanne Continued from A1 Th e individual transport- Continued from A1 Now Roxanne and Dustin are be- said. “Th ey said at UK that they have ed to Clark Regional is also ing tested as possible donor for their only seen one other child born with suspects in custody. Lil- a suspect, but the investiga- tory failure. He never made a sound, son. Th ey have completed blood kits this and now Colton. It’s that rare, but lian Barnett, 18, was ar- tion is still in progress, Hall he never cried. You couldn’t tell it was and sent them off . It is during those he is special to us.” rested around 6:30 a.m. said. that bad,” she said. “God is the reason appointments on Jan. 29 and 30 they To be born with a rare disease, fac- Wednesday, Dec. 24, and An additional suspect is why he is here. God helped us that may fi nd out if they can give a kidney ing doctor aft er doctor and treatment charged with murder. shown on surveillance foot- day.” to Colton. aft er treatment and still have a smile Following the execution age at the emergency room, And she believes everyday since. “I hope we can match or fi nd one on his face – that is special. Being of a search warrant at 308 but has not yet been iden- Th e family lives in Bath County, but that does and be able to do this (re- able to believe God is watching over Moundale Court in Win- tifi ed. Roxanne and Colton were in town place the kidney) while he is too young Colton is even more special to Rox- chester, offi cers also arrest- for a visit. Roxanne is the daughter to remember all of the bad stuff ,”Rox- anne and Dustin. ed Lamont Wilkerson, 20, of Darlene and Cory Buckland. Her anne said. 2014 of choppy. Dispatcher Tim Great Britain and was as- Taylor into the position as a more determined team, to accept an off er from the Addison was able to piece signed as a radio gunner chief. if that was possible for Commonwealth Attorney’s enough together to get help on a B-17 Flying Fortress. Clay City Police Offi cer this squad, and their third offi ce and will receive pro- Continued from A1 to Neal. Th e men were ar- While on a bombing mis- James Kirk was promoted straight district title. Th ey bation. Anthony E. Samaan, rested without incident sion in January, 1944 his to chief. beat Lee County 65-43 in of Lexington, took a deal not sit well with some Addison was named as plane was shot down. the championship game. that gave him a fi ve year people and other appeals the county’s Dispatcher of Cox and the crew para- MARCH Th e Pirates meanwhile sentence. But that will be may be forth coming. But as the Year for his help in this chuted, landing near the #WEGOTTHIS – PCHS had to take on Estill, who probated for fi ve years, so of press time, the Renewed event and his hard work all German-Belgium border. sweeps district was a thorn in their side all he will not have to go to jail. You Clinic, which has other year long. Th ey were taken captive It was a week of ups and year. Samaan, who was for- clinics in Beattyville, Lex- and became prisoner of downs for Powell County Using a deliberate half- merly employed at Stan- ington and two other cities, County Suff ers Salt war (POW) for the fi nal basketball. But in the end court off ense instead of ton Drugs before his arrest is still open. Shortage 16 months of the war. On the school’s motto, #wegot- the run-and-gun style they last December (2013), was Th e hard winter, with Easter of 1945 the prisoners this, was very fi tting. liked to play, Powell was charged with 12 counts of Pergram Sentenced to the snow, ice and seeming he was with were forced to Th e Pirates entered the able to take a lead late in attempting to or obtain- 10 Years constant deep-freeze tem- march nearly 5,000 miles in tournament on a six game the championship game. ing controlled substances For some family mem- peratures, took its toll on rain and snowy conditions. skid and was not favored Two free throws by Brad through fraud, giving a false bers of James Todd, it was the county’s salt supply. So Cox who was 242 pounds by some to advance past Smith gave Powell a 49-46 report or forgery. He was ar- at least something to hold in early February the coun- when his plane was shot the fi rst round. Meanwhile lead, but a quick layup by rested and spent about nine people accountable. Todd ty ran out of salt. In some down, weighed 140 when the Lady Pirates have been Estill’s Trevor Jones made days in the Powell County was robbed and beaten in areas the road crews would he was released. the expected champion all it 49-48. Powell missed two Detention Center. July 2012. A nearby vid- scrape the roads and use When he came back to season with easy wins over free throws and Estill had a During a Powell Circuit eo surveillance camera gravel to help with traction. the states he fi nished his their district foes. On pa- chance to win at the buzz- Court motion hour in late caught the images of a Th e county was able to fi - education and graduated per, the fates looked to be er, but the ball was knocked March Samaan accepted man and woman involved nally get some salt, but like from the UK Law School in set without a problem. away from Jones and Powell the deal and pled guilty to in the crime. Th e woman, many other counties, the 1948. He opened an offi ce But the games are not captured the title. one count. Th e other 11 Leann Pergram, fought the hard winter made salt a rare in Stanton in July of that played on paper and some- Powell’s Matt Brooks was counts were dismissed as charges, but ultimately ad- and precious commodity. year and stayed in Powell times life can shake things named as the Billy J. Hearne part of the plea deal. He mitted her guilt in open County the rest of his life. up. Award winner as MVP could have received 1 to 5 court. Lyons Retires Cox was elected as the Th e Lady Pirates re- in the tournament. Lady years on each count. Todd, a WWII veteran, Karen Lyons, who had county judge in 1950 and grouped from a scare in Pirate Keely Rogers took was treated for his head in- been taking care of custom- served until 1954. But was game one against Estill home the MVP Award for Lady Pirates juries aft er he was hit with er service at Clark Energy’s liked on both sides of the County and the devastating the girls tournament. Make History a metal weapon. Todd died offi ce in Stanton since Oc- political spectrum. He news that their coach’s son Th e Lady Pirates had several months later, but tober 1989, retired at the was also elected as Powell had died unexpectedly the Samaan Pleads Guilty prosecutors and doctors end of February. She start- County Attorney in 1958 day before the champion- A former pharmacist at a could never connect the See 2014, A3 ed in the old surplus style and served in that offi ce for ship game. Th e result was local pharmacy has decided beating as a direct cause of building that sat on Hall’s 32 years. Todd’s death. Lane across from the high Get Focused! Pergam took a deal and school. It was cold in the Clay City Police Chief received 10 years. She tried winter and too hot in the Says Goodbye to withdraw her plea deal, summer. But over the years Stating that another op- but that was denied aft er a she saw a new building built portunity had become video of her admitting her and said that technology available closer to home, guilt was played back to her was the biggest change. Her Clay City Police Chief and her attorney. Th e case smiling face will be missed. Shannon Taylor announced against her co-defendant his resignation to the city had been dismissed. John Cox Passed Away council at their meeting on He served his country Feb. 17. FEBRUARY proudly and in adverse Taylor told the Times that Fugitive Manhunt Ends conditions, He also served he has enjoyed working in Peacefully his adoptive county for well Clay City and Powell Coun- A Saturday morning stab- over 50 years. John L. Cox ty, but the chance to work bing and shots fi red call in was a hero, a trusted lawyer closer to home was a big Wolfe County spilled over and a friend to everyone reason for leaving. into Powell, as local po- who knew him. Cox passed “I can spend more time lice units began searching away on Feb. 13 at the age with my family and be there for the suspects. Th eir car of 92. when my kids need me,” he was found on Red Hol- He was born in Campton said aft er the meeting on low Road. Stanton Police on Oct. 21, 1921 to the late Monday. Chief Kevin Neal, while Dr. John L. Cox, Sr and the Taylor came to work for Make an making another check on Halls Hill Road, found the late Vivian Stamper Cox. the city just days aft er the appointment with Aft er graduating from Al- tragic death of then Clay two suspects, Boyd Roberts Helderman & Jacobs Vision Center vin Drew High School in City Police Chief Randy and James Johnson on the Pine Ridge he went to col- Lacy in June 2007. Accord- side of the road. Neal held lege. By the time he was 21 ing to city offi cials at the them at gunpoint and tried he was serving his coun- time, Taylor was supposed 325 E. College Avenue 1 N. Maysville Street to use his radio to call for Stanton Office Hours: try with the U.S. Army Air to be coming to Clay City Stanton Mt. Sterling assistance, but the location Mon., Tue., Wed., and Fri. Force in World War II. to work with Lacy. Th e un- 606-663-9998 859-498-6001 made the radio traffi c sort 8 am to 5 pm In 1943 he was sent to timely death of Lacy placed LOCAL A-3 C C T LAY ITY IMES Thursday, January 1, 2015 Powell Valley Millwork enjoying family, friends and holidays Powell student graduates from MSU Morehead State University’s Fall Commencement exercises were held Dec. 13, with more than 600 degree candidates participating. Among those who took part in the cere- monies was Whitney J. Briscoe of Stanton, who was a candidate for a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in marketing. She was congratulated by MSU President Wayne D. Andrews. Rogers named to KWC Dean’s List Kentucky Wesleyan Col- lege announces the Fall 2014 Dean’s List. To be el- igible for the Dean’s List, students must attain a 3.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale while carrying a mini- mum of 12 semester hours. Powell County native, Keeley Rogers, a freshman, majoring in elementary ed- ucation, was named to the Dean’s List. Powell Valley Millwork (PVM) recently held their fi rst Family BBQ for all employees.  She is the daughter of Ste- Th e BBQ was held on Friday, Dec. 12 in one of the buildings on site at the manufacturing phen and Angela Rogers, facility located on Loft y Heights Road.  Stanton. Seen here (photos) are several employees and family looking at some of the new equip- Kentucky Wesleyan Col- ment and enjoying the food provided by Billy’s.  lege, located in Owensboro, A growing business of some 65 employees, PVM is a manufacturer of interior mould- is a highly-ranked four-year ings, shutter components, and other wood products located in Clay City, Kentucky. United Methodist-related We’re proud of the work we do here and are happy to call Powell County home. academic institution off er- ing a wide range of majors “America’s Next Top Model” Auditions at Just Plain Fancy in the liberal arts. Keeley Rogers Sat. Jan. 3 • 10 am-3 pm 2014 opportunities.” Friday, April 5 aft er Ryon Offi cers received a call Whitaker had been named a release also issued to the Hall came to the Pirates at Stewart, a relative of Rice, near daybreak on Saturday as the new Pirates skipper. Times. “Th e school and the the beginning of the 2008- apparently went to Rice’s stating that Rice had come Whitaker was a graduate community are extreme- Continued from A3 2009 season from Betsy home to confront him back to his home. Offi cers assistant at the University of ly supportive of the boys Layne. His fi rst season was about some stolen prop- obtained an arrest warrant Pikeville and has been since basketball program. Th ere made history just making defi nitely a rebuilding year erty. Th e two men got into and executed the warrant graduating in 2011. is a passion for basketball it to the school’s fi rst ever as he ended up with one a physical altercation and just aft er 9 a.m. Rice was Whitaker played his high in Powell County. Th ose girl’s regional fi nals. Th ey senior on his squad. Th e Pi- Rice stabbed Stewart. Stew- charged with fi rst degree school ball at Bell County things were the selling had blasted Jackson City in rates went 0-24 that season art received several injuries, assault and lodged in the where he was a four year point for me. Aft er meeting the fi rst round and pulled and Hall oft en wondered if one was a deep stab near Powell County Detention letterman. He is the school’s everyone involved in the off a stunning win over that would be his only sea- the artery in his arm. He Center. Rice has since been third all-time scoring leader hiring process and seeing the host Leslie County the son in the red and black. also had facial injuries. indicted and his case is still and was an All-State Hon- the desire they had for bas- night before. But Powell, Overall Hall ended up Offi cers responded to the pending in court. orable Mention in 2007. He ketball, I knew this was the despite a valiant eff ort, fell with a 66-101 record as area as a caller to dispatch played one year at Lincoln place for me. I know that we to Perry Central 59-54. the Pirates head coach. His reported shots being fi red. MAY Memorial before transfer- will be successful at Powell But the free throws were teams went 23-25 against Allegedly a neighbor may Pirates fi nd a New ring to Pikeville. While at County and cannot wait to the diff erence. Powell was district teams in the six sea- have fi red a shot or two to Head Coach Pikeville he was named a get to work.” 21 of 38 from the chari- sons he led the Pirates. He try to stop Rice’s attack on Th e search is over and conference defensive player ty stripe, missing 17 foul was 1-4 in regional tourna- Stewart. Rice fl ed the scene Powell County has a new award winner and was part Epperson to get a New shots. In the fi nal quarter, ment play. before police arrived. He high school boys basketball of the 2011 NAIA National Trial fi ve of those were the front Hall has since taken the was reported to possibly coach. Young blood will be Championship team. A Clay City man convict- end of the one-and-one. girls head coaching job at have a high powered rifl e infused into the program, “I want to thank everyone ed of second degree man- But despite missing those Estill County. with him and fl ed into a in fact that young blood is involved with this process. slaughter, DUI and fourth chances, Powell gave Per- wood line nearby. not much older than some Th ank you all for believing degree assault will be get- ry Central everything they Family dispute sends Stewart, according to po- of his players. Maybe youth in me and selecting me as ting a new trial. Th e Ken- could want and then some. one to hospital, one to jail lice reports, suff ering from will be the theme for the the next leader of the Pi- tucky Court of Appeals has APRIL An apparent family dis- serious stab wounds to the young Pirates that will take rate basketball team. I am made that determination pute that turned violent shoulder area and cuts to the fl oor next season. very excited about this op- aft er ruling that the trial Pirates and Hall and sent one man to the his face was airlift ed to the A press release from portunity and feel that it is Part Ways hospital with serious stab UK Medical Center for the school district in early the ideal situation for any Th e Pirates basketball See 2014, A4 wounds while one of his treatment. He has since May announced that Ryan coach,” Whitaker said in team came up with a shock- relatives went to jail. been released and was re- ing 49-48 win in the 56th Police were called to the covering with family mem- District Championship home of Brian Scott Rice on bers at last report. game back on Feb. 28. Th e win came against Estill AJET General Store County, Powell’s biggest district and regional rival 721 River Drive • Irvine • (606)726-9584 and a team that had beaten Business Hours: Mon-Sat: 10am-6pm Powell twice this past sea- Closed on Sunday! son. Th ey even had a de- The Southern Wrestling cent showing against Wolfe County in the 14th Region Federation back in action opener, losing by 11 against January 3, 2015 a team that seemed to have their number with two easy Lions Club, Stanton, KY wins over Powell. But neither showing was Doors open at 7:30 p.m. enough. Now Powell will CRAZY BREAD CRAZY BREAD CRAZY BREAD Bell Time at 8 p.m. be looking for a new head 5 Big Matches 99¢ 99¢ 99¢ coach. Powell’s coach, Brian Tickets $8 at the door CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY Hall, will not be return- SAUCE 89¢ SAUCE 89¢ SAUCE 89¢ ing to helm next season. Advance tickets $5 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL Th e decision, according to On sale now at a press release, seems to AJET General Store be amicable. Th e released issued by Powell County 721 River Drive • Irvine Athletic Director Monroe Purchase tickets online at Jones states, “Coach Brian www.ticketriver.com Hall and the District have Visit us at agreed to move in diff er- www.swfkywrestling.com ent directions. Th e district wishes Coach Hall the best 606-726-9584 in pursuing other coaching KBWA-W-220780 OPINION A-4 C C T Thursday, January 1, 2015 LAY ITY IMES Guest Column: Local Option Taxes - Leaders in State House deserve recognition for bipartisan support to allow greater local control It’s time to move Kentucky forward. We are encouraged their costs. If the voters say yes, the project goes ahead. If And, importantly, any local option sales tax would be that two important leaders from both sides of the aisle, voters say no, the project doesn’t move forward. capped at 1% and there is a legal requirement for the tax to House Speaker Greg Stumbo (D) and Minority Leader Jeff 37 other states allow local citizens to vote for or against end once the project is completed. Hoover ( R) are doing just that though their leadership of a projects, paid for by a temporary local option sales tax— Bipartisan cooperation can work for the Common- very important initiative to allow for greater control to be but in Kentucky, we don’t have that option. Recent state- wealth. House Speaker Stumbo and House Minority Lead- returned to local communities and citizens. wide polls show that more than 60 percent of Kentuckians er Hoover are showing true leadership by urging their col- Th e two leaders recently came together in Frankfort favor this local approach. leagues to allow voters to have a say. to announce that Local Investments for Transformation Representatives Stumbo and Hoover realize that Ken- (LIFT) Kentucky will be the top priority, House Bill 1, in tucky citizens should have the right to decide if they want Monty L. Boyd, CEO, Whayne Supply the upcoming session of the General Assembly. Th e ini- to invest in their communities in this way. Th e General Mac Brown, VP, Brown-Forman tiative has the broad support of over 42 groups from across Assembly should follow their bipartisan lead and allow for Stephen C. Gault, Founder, Stephen C. Gault Co the Commonwealth including the Kentucky Chamber of this question to be put to the voters. C. Edward Glasscock, Chairman, Frost, Brown & Todd Commerce – as well as numerous local Chambers of Com- Communities across the Commonwealth, both urban Jonathan D. Goldberg, Managing Partner, Goldberg merce from every corner of the Commonwealth - the Ken- and rural, could use this economic development tool. Simpson tucky Association of Counties and the Kentucky League Princeton KY has identifi ed the need to build a fi rehouse Jim Host, Founder, Host Communications, former Ken- of Cities. Th e full list of supporting organizations can be as a critical priority. Leaders in Marion County have talk- tucky Commerce Secretary found on LIFTKentucky.com. ed about the need for a convention facility to leverage the Bill Samuels, Chairman Emeritus, Makers Mark LIFT, also known as the local option, is very simply about bourbon boom. Pulaski County has a grand vision to at- Kerry Stemler, CEO, KM Stemler Company the right to vote. It would allow voters to decide whether tract visitors with an amphitheater set in the area’s natural John A. Williams, Sr., founder and Chairman of Com- they want to pay for new community projects, by giving beauty. All of these are just ideas – using LIFT, it is the vot- puter Services Inc. them the right to vote – up or down – on those projects and ers who will ultimately decide. 2014 the amended charge would was amended down from various illnesses. However, have “resulted in an admis- murder aft er evaluations it was not made public as Continued from A3 sion of guilt under the DUI and the case going to medi- to what those illnesses may statute,” the appeals court ation. have been. ruled. Th ey also stated that Allyn, 67, was accused Under the deal Allyn will judge should have al- it was the “very essence of and indicted for the Sept. serve 13 ½ years for fi rst de- lowed a continuance in the prejudice 23, 2012 death of Barbara gree manslaughter. case. Th e ruling was handed Epperson, though his at- Martin, his alleged girl- down last week. torney, asked for a contin- friend. Just aft er 5:30 a.m. Merriman Honored as Brian P. Epperson was uance aft er a jury had been on a Sunday morning dis- Top Special Education found guilty in January of selected and the trial was patchers received a 911 Administrator 2013 aft er being tried for about to begin, according call from 1995 Lower Cane For over 30 years Kathy the Nov. 14, 2011 death of to the appeal motion. How- Creek Road from a male Merriman has been an edu- Donald Th arp. Th arp died ever, Powell Circuit Judge subject stating that he had cator and advocate for those on impact when Epperson’s Frank Fletcher denied the “just killed my baby.” Offi - with special needs. As she truck crossed the centerline motion. cers were sent to the scene has worked tirelessly to not on Hardwick’s Creek Road Th e appeals court ruled and information was un- only improve the schools near Clay City causing a that they did not have any clear for a short time. systems ability to provide head on collision. A passen- problem with the trial But when offi cers arrived a solid education in those ger in Th arp’s truck, Con- court’s decision to amend no one would come out of areas, she also worked even stance Puckett, was injured the indictment, but that the the house despite several harder for each and every and had to be fl own out to court should have granted attempts over a 15 minute student who has needed the UK Medical Center. Nikki Wells, Kenzie Barnett, MaKayla Rucker and a continuance. Th e failure span by using sirens and those services. Epperson was indicted for Whitney Cook were named to the 2014 56th District to do so coupled with the loud speakers. So it is no surprise that DUI and murder, along with All-Tournament Team. “court’s inadequate justi- Th e dispatcher was able to she was named as the Out- the assault charges on Puck- ett. But just before his trial fi cation for immediately make contact with the man standing Special Education ever since. Merriman re- their family’s situation may was set to begin the court proceeding with the trial who made the call, later Administrator of the Year. tired this past year. be. constituted an abuse of dis- identifi ed as Allyn. He came She received nominations allowed Commonwealth “In the past we’ve had to cretion.” out of the house and was from co-workers in the JUNE Attorney Darrell Herald to work with the free and re- Th e appeals court re- taken into custody. At fi rst Powell County School Sys- Kids Eat for Free at amend the indictment. Th at duced lunch forms to try to manded the case back for a he allegedly told offi cers no tem. More impressive was School amendment under a diff er- get to this point. But now it ent subsection of the state’s new trial. one else was in the home, the nominations from other It is something that Lau- is determined by a program DUI law, Epperson’s appeal In August Judge Fletcher according to Powell County districts directors of special ra Young has been working that plugs in things like stated, moved the burden recused himself from the Sheriff Danny Rogers. Rog- education, like in Scott and on for several years. No one SNAP, foster care, homeless of proof from the state hav- case and the Chief Judge ers and offi cers from Clay Anderson counties, also likes to see kids or fami- and migrant percentages, ing to prove impairment to of the Mountain District, City and Stanton, as well as nominating her. Merriman lies struggle just so they and that helps make the de- only proving that Epperson Hon. John David Caudill, deputies, responded to the is believed to be the fi rst top can have a good breakfast termination,” Young said. had substances in his sys- took over. Epperson was scene. educator of the year award or lunch. Now thanks to a “We were close before, and tem that could impair him. released on bond and the Offi cers searched the winner for Powell Coun- section of the new law that at one time at four of our Aft er the fi rst trial Epper- retrial was set for January. home and found Martin, ty in the Central Kentucky governs school lunches schools eligible, but how do son’s attorney was quoted. Th en in December Caudill 64, lying in the kitchen fl oor district. enacted four years ago, all you feed four schools for “We plan to appeal,” David announced his retirement. face down. She had been Merriman began her ca- Powell County students will free and not the fi ft h one. Ward told reporters aft er Th e retrial set for January shot twice with what state reer at Powell County in not have to worry about Th is way everyone is eligi- the trial. “Th e prosecution was put off until July 2015 police called a “large caliber 1981 as a special education that anymore. ble.” Th e lists are certifi ed amended the indictment aft er a new judge, 21st Cir- weapon.” One shot was to teacher at Bowen Elemen- Starting with this school by state offi cials and helps for DUI literally 30 minutes cuit Judge Beth Lewis Maze, her head, the other to her tary. In the fall of 1981 she year (2014-2015) every stu- to make sure the district before the trail began. So we was appointed. chest. was moved to the Powell dent of the Powell County can receive the benefi t. will have an appeal ready to In the 20 months since County High School where School System will receive “Th at form helps the dis- fi le at the sentencing.” Allyn Pleads Guilty the shooting, Allyn has she taught until 1989. In the a free regular breakfast and trict qualify for many other Th e appeals court agreed Th e man police say shot been evaluated at the Ken- 1989-90 school year she be- lunch. Th e program that has items and federal assistance that the amendment “fun- his girlfriend almost two tucky Correctional Psychi- came the teacher and direc- made it possible is called to help the schools and our damentally altered the de- years ago has decided to atric Center in LaGrange. It tor for early Childhood De- the Community Eligibility students. A lot of other pro- fense’s strategy literally on take a plea deal. In Powell was also alluded to during velopment. But in 1990 she Provision and it is part of grams are based on that in- the eve of the trial.” Th e Circuit Court last Wednes- several pretrial conferences was named as the director the Hunger Free Kids Act defense that Epperson’s at- day Ralph Allyn pled guilty in court that Allyn had been of federal programs, special of 2010. Th at means all kids See 2014, A5 torney had planned, under to manslaughter. Th e charge treated by the Veterans Ad- education and preschool. will eat free, no matter what ministration Hospitals for She has held that position CCllaayy CCiittyy HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEW WBFC! NEW DEADLINES FOR THE TIMES: TT BLUEGRASS, SOUTHERN GOSPEL & CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN MUSIC! • LETTERS TO EDITOR / LEGAL ADS IIMMEESS BY FRIDAY AT NOON “SOMETHING FOR THE EVERYTHING ELSE - MONDAY 1 P.M. ENTIRE FAMILY” Listen to The • GUEST COLUMNS/NEWS ITEMS/ADS/ Phone: (606) 663-5540 Clay City Times OBITUARIES & ANNOUNCEMENTS OF ALL TYPES Fax: (606) 663-NEWS (6397) MONDAY BY 1 P.M. E-mail: [email protected] News Notes TERESA HATFIELD-BARGER OWNER/PUBLISHER Monday - Friday at 5:45 p.m. This JAMES COOK MEGAN PARKER on WBFC1470 AM Editor Ad Composition New Years and Got something to say? GREG MCINTOSH Sportswriter Want to let the community know? weekend, Send your letters to The Clay City Times (USPS 116-540) is published week- we want you to have fun, ly by Citizen Voice Inc. Periodical postage paid at Clay [email protected] City, KY and additional mailing offices. To advertise or sub- but be safe as well! scribe, call (606) 663-5540. POSTMASTER: Please send all by Noon each Friday. changes of address to the Clay City Times, Post Office Box Drive Carefully! 668., Clay City, Ky, 40312. Six-month subscription rates are Please keep it under 300 words and remember it $10.60 inside Powell County, $12.72 elsewhere in Kentucky may be edited. Addresses and telephone numbers and $18 out-of-state. One-year subscription rates are $15.95 must accompany all letters. Street addresses and tele- State and local police could set inside Powell County, $23.95 elsewhere in Kentucky and phone numbers will not be published. Any letter not up a checkpoint at any time in signed and does not have the proper information will the county to insure the $32 out-of-state. Signed opinions on this page represent the not be published. safety and well-being of all opinion solely of the writer. Unsigned opinions on this page Letters and guest columns do not necessarily refl ect drivers. The roads are busy represent the views of this newspaper. The deadline for sub- the opinions of the Clay City Times or Hatfi eld News- so please be careful. mitting letters to the editor is noon Friday. The deadline for papers and is subject to editor's review and discretion. all other news is Monday at 5 p.m. LOCAL A-5 C C T Thursday, January 1, 2015 LAY ITY IMES 2014 most directly across from soon. Her attorney has stat- er’s home on Fourth Ave- Vivian’s home. She was pro- ed to other news sources nue in Clay City. According Continued from A4 nounced dead at the scene. they will prove she was not to Rogers, who was assisted Witnesses told police that under the infl uence. by his chief deputy, Rob- formation,” Young ex- the truck did not attempt ert Mathews and a sheriff ’s plained. “So that still needs to stop or avoid Vivian. It Soccer comes to PCHS offi ce detective Larry Pat- to be fi lled out.” was also noted that it had Whether it was World terson, Rice allegedly took Th e new eligibility means been raining earlier that Cup fever or the fact that part in an armed robbery of kids can receive a free break- evening. But witnesses also soccer has been growing the Community Trust bank fast and lunch, at least the reported seeing only one leaps and bounds in Pow- in Winchester. Th at rob- items on each day’s menu. person at the truck. Offi - ell County, soon there will bery took place on Dec. 18, “We will still have a la’ carte cers found the truck’s keys be Pirates and Lady Pirates 2002 and $1,999 was taken. items and extra meals, but in Moore’s pocket when he kicking goals into the net. According to the sher- students will have to pay was searched aft er the acci- Th e Powell County iff ’s offi ce, information was for those,” Young said. “If dent. Moore was arrested at School Board approved a given to them a couple of it was not for this program, the scene. proposal last week to start months ago about the un- we would have had to raise A blood sample was tak- the new sport at both the solved crime. Th e offi ce’s the lunch prices from $1.40 en at the scene within the State, federal and local elected offi cials, along with area middle school and high detectives began an inves- to $1.45 next year.” two hour time frame police judges watched as the great grandsons of Albert Martin school levels for the 2014- tigation. Th e Powell Coun- try to obtain such evidence. unveiled the road sign honoring the WWII hero this past 2015 school year. Soccer, ty Sheriff ’s Offi ce informed July. Quarry Proposal Rocks State police reported in a has been growing steadily the Winchester Police De- Furnace Residents preliminary hearing the over the past fi ve years with partment and indictments received a call from local It took nearly three and next month that his blood both spring and fall leagues. were returned in the case. County to look at law enforcement about the half hours, some of that was alcohol level was .140, near- At one point the leagues “Th rough the joint eff orts Zoning incident. State police was intense, but it may not mat- ly double the legal limit in were reporting almost 400 of the two agencies it re- With the proposed lime- called because Barnett is a ter much when a decision Kentucky. kids were playing at various sulted in indictments being stone quarry permit re- county offi cial. State police has to be made following age groups. issued and this arrest being quest apparently on hold indicated that Barnett al- a permit conference held Part of Hwy 213 Named Last year the school dis- made,” Detective Patterson for now, the Powell County legedly hit the vehicle and last Th ursday at the Pow- aft er WWII Hero trict recognized soccer as said. Fiscal Court has decided to went inside the courthouse, ell County Courthouse. While many of us cele- a club sport at the middle look into a very touchy sub- She was found in the court- Th e meeting was held by brated our nation’s 238th school. Th e team played Sheriff ’s Offi ce Busy ject. Th e court talked about house and admitted to driv- members of state’s Energy birthday on July 4, a Powell several other clubs and per- Busting Meth Labs looking into county zoning ing the truck and was going and Environment Cabi- County family was prepar- formed rather well. So with It seems to be an every to help with such issues. to “resolve the situation.” net, Kentucky Department ing for a memorial and cel- those students moving up week occurrence. Th e Pow- Th e topic has been one Th e responding trooper for Natural Resources. Th e ebration of sorts for a man to PCHS and more coming ell County Sheriff ’s Offi ce that usually receives a com- indicated in reports that director of the Division who gave his life to ensure to the middle school, the receives a complaint, they plimentary glance and then Barnett had slurred speech, of Mine and Reclamation the freedoms we enjoy. And timing seemed to be right. do some investigating uti- is passed over as many peo- unsteady balance and that and Enforcement, Billy A it is a man that his children Th e high school team lizing their drug task force ple, especially those who she failed fi eld sobriety Ratliff , led the six member can barely remember, if took part in district play led by former state police live outside city limits, fear tests. Th e arrest citation committee to hear concerns they can at all. this past season. detectives and then a bust that local governments will said there was no sign of al- from Powell County resi- But a portion of Highway is made. Last week was no try to regulate what can cohol present on a portable AUGUST dents over a proposal for 213 north was dedicated in diff erent. In fact over the be done on their proper- breathalyser. a new rock quarry. As one honor of Albert Martin for PCSO Makes Arrest in weekend they even caught ty. But as Chris Chaney of Barnett was taken to a resident put it, the opinions his sacrifi ce in defending 12 Year Old Bank two people allegedly mak- the Bluegrass Area Devel- hospital in Montgomery of 100 people does not mat- this nation in World War II Robbery ing meth in a church park- opment District explained County to have her blood ter apparently. some 69 years ago. His sto- You may think you get ing lot. at last Tuesday’s regular tested. Th at quarry would be lo- ry is one of both history and away with it, but sooner or Two arrests were made at meeting, the ordinance and Barnett was also arrest- cated, according to the ap- the cost of freedom. Martin later you never know who an active meth lab in Clay comprehensive plan is only ed in December 2011 for plication fi led by Red River was aboard the U.S.S. India- is knocking at the door. City. For the fourth time in as restrictive as an entity AI aft er visiting a friend at Materials, LLC, just 425 feet napolis when it was sunk by Th at is what one Clay City the last month, the sheriff ’s makes it. the jail. She pleaded guilty west of Knowlton Road and a Japanese submarine aft er woman must be thinking offi ce has come across one- Th e comprehensive plan to that charge and paid a Furnace Road, and approx- it had delivered an atomic aft er she was arrested Mon- step meth labs. is a living document and fi ne. Barnett ran for and imately a quarter of a mile bomb, the fi rst used to help day on an indictment for an Th e department spent can be changed,” Chaney won another term as county from Pecks Creek. end WWII. Martin died in almost 12 year old armed most of the summer gather- explained to the magis- clerk in November. She has Th e Powell Circuit Court- that attack. bank robbery. ing information and mak- trates. “You can try some- worked in the offi ce posi- room was packed and had Danny Martin, who Powell County Sheriff ing arrests. Many of those thing and if it does not tion she since 1994. standing room only status spoke with the Times about Danny Rogers arrested Sa- work you can change it.” Her case has been de- for most of the three and a it all, along with his sib- mantha Rice at her moth- See 2014, A7 However, not a whole lot layed, but should be settled half hour meeting. A hand- lings C.B. and Carol Jean, of action or discussion has ful of the crowd wore stick- were part of the memorial come up about zoning since ers proclaiming “Citizens and celebration in honoring the July meeting. e w for Jobs for Powell Coun- their father. With help from N r , ty.” But the majority of the people like Mark Hawkins a County Clerk arrested e over 150 people were clear- of the AmVets Post #67, Y for DUI ly against a quarry opening Powell County PVA Dustin Powell County Clerk up. Billings and State Represen- Rhonda Allen Barnett has w Most of the crowd who tative Richard Henderson, e ? found herself in trouble N lives on Furnace expressed the section of Highway 213 u with the law again. Th is their concerns with several north from the intersection o time she was arrested for issues. Th ose ranged from with Highway 15/11 in the Y DUI aft er her truck hit a the narrow roads shared middle of Stanton and run- vehicle behind the Powell with school buses to creat- ning to the Montgomery County Courthouse Tues- ing problems for the water County line was named af- day morning. tables, damage to property ter Seaman Second Class State police reports, they from blasting and even the Albert Martin. possible presence of an en- dangered species in a cave The nearby. Clay City Times Th e decision to approve Why not start was delayed and no action this New was taken by the company wanting to open the mine. Year with a So the application was de- nied in the Fall. subscription to JULY the Clay City Moore Pleads Guilty to Manslaughter Times? Keep Th e Mount Sterling man up with all the accused of DUI and mur- der in the death of a Clay PPaattrriicckk''ss KENTUCKY Call to place local news City woman has decided AIR FILTER CCoolllliissiioonn to take a plea deal. Johnny ySoEuRrV IbCuEsSi,n Iencs.s and events AIR DUCT D. Moore pleaded guilty to CCeenntteerr on your local second degree manslaugh- CLEANING happening in ter last Wednesday aft er his CCllaayy CCiittyy KKYY 4400331122 Service Guide! Residential Services your hometown. case went to mediation. Th e PPhhoonnee::666633--22554477 6Vid0eo6 In-s6pe6cti3on- A5va5il4ab0le lesser charge will carry a Contact: Frank Carter Subscribe sentence of 10 years. FFaaxx:: 666633--00552266 606.663.4365 859.227.6821 Moore had been charged kyair.fi [email protected] today! and indicted in the death of OVERBEE’S CARPET & 79 year-old Martha Vivian on Feb. 28, 2013 aft er state FURNITURE CLEANING police say he was under the In Powell County - $15.95/year infl uence when his truck CAROPVEETR CBLEEEA’SN ING Scotch struck and killed Vivian 471 Adena Drive Guard Out of County - $23.95/year on Black Creek Road just Mt. Sterling Deodorizing north of Clay City. Vivian is KY License # HM00862 Carpet Repairs Out of State - $32.00/year 859-499-4247 Water Removal believed to have missed her 859-499-4247 Mike & Valerie Teasley, 606-205-3306 driveway just before 9:30 Mike & Vale rOiew Tneaesrlsey, Owners 663-4305 p.m. that evening and in an attempt to turn around in a Name: neighbor’s driveway she ran John Doe's into a ditch. Vivian then ap- Call to place Address: parently went around the Storage your business vehicle to check it out and 476 Washington was struck by a 1992 GMC on your loStreceta, Slta nton 295 11th Street City/State/Zip: truck. 60Se6r-v6ic6e 3G-u5id8e6!6 Clay City Vivian was found sever- Dr. F. G. Brammell Phone: 606-663-0731 al feet away from her car 606-663-5540 Interested in a historical Stanton in the roadway, while the building for preservation? Please Mail along with payment to Competitive Rates truck careened off the road contact Dr. Brammell. PO Box 668 • Clay City, Ky 40312 and ended up in a ditch al- LOCAL A-6 C C T Thursday, January 1, 2015 LAY ITY IMES O BITUARIES Amber L. Caudill, 19 Sr. and Marie Christopher; and one sister, Wavilyn Bonnie Sargent, 50 Amber Lynn Caudill, 19, died on Dec. 23, 2014 at Ginter. Bonnie Sargent, 50, wife of Robert Sargent of Rog- her residence on Oxford Drive in Winchester. Born A memorial service was held Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2014 ers, passed away Friday, Dec. 19, 2014 at her residence. in Honolulu, Hawaii, she at the Grayson Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Gary She was a housewife. was the daughter of Marc Willoughby offi ciating. Burial followed in the Pow- She is survived by her A. Caudill and Karen ell’s Valley Cemetery. Grayson Funeral Home was in husband Robert Sargent Hoskins Caudill. Amber charge of services. of Rogers; one son, Th om- graduated from Powell as Pressnell and wife Ang- Roy W. Moore, 55 County High School in ie of Rogers; one daughter, Roy Wayne Moore, 55, of Jeff ersonville, passed 2013 and was a sopho- Lucille Spicer of Rogers; away at his residence Sun- more at Eastern Kentucky eight grandchildren; four day, Dec. 21, 2014. He was University. She was pre- brothers, David, Jimmy a carpenter. ceded in death by her pa- and Earl Pressnell of Tenn. He was survived by one ternal great grandparents and James Pressnell of son, Bryan Moore and his Shirley Barnett Bolduc Rogers; three sisters, Betty wife Amanda of Mt. Ster- and Malcolm Lovell Cau- Trent of Pine Ridge, Mar- ling; three grandchildren, dill; maternal great grand- garet Creech of Hazel Green and Patricia Roberts of Bryson Moore, Sophie parents, Dollie Barnett, Campton. Moore and Logan Miller; Simpson Barnett, Marcella “Cricket” Hoskins and She was preceded in death by her parents, Daney one brother, Archie Utter- John William Hoskins and by her maternal grand- and Lucille Pressnell. back of Clay City; three mother, Floria Iline Barnett Hoskins. Funeral Services were held Sunday, Dec. 21, 2014 at sisters, Patty Catron of She is survived by her father, Marc A. Caudill of Clay Th e Grayson Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Frank Middletown, OH, Th eresa City; her mother, Karen Hoskins Caudill of Stanton; Bryant offi ciating. Burial followed in the Reynolds Miller of Jeff ersonville and her fi ancé, David Arbic of Winchester; one brother, Cemetery in Wolfe County. Susan Bond of Jeff ersonville. Jacob Anthony Caudill of Morehead; two sisters, Lak- Pallbearers were Earl Pressnell, Ryan Cunningham, He was preceded in death by his parents Harold and en Iline Short of Stanton and Kelcy Dawn Short of Scott Roberts, Nathan Friend, Mike Brundon and Laura Mae Moore and grandchild Riley Moore. Nashville, TN; paternal great grandparents Richard Roger Th rash. Grayson Funeral Home is in charge of Funeral services were held Saturday, Dec. 27, 2014 Edward Bolduc and Julia Caudill of Clay City; pater- services. at the Little Ella Church in Jeff ersonville with Bro. nal grandparents, Malcolm (Claudette) Caudill, Jr. of Steve McGuire offi ciating. Burial followed in the Little Betty L. Townsend, 62 Lawrenceburg and Cynthia Bolduc (Michael) Davis of Morehead; maternal grandparents, Gary Warren Ella Cemetery. Grayson Funeral Home was in charge Betty Lou Townsend, 62, of Cat Creek Road, Stan- (Linda) Hoskins of Stanton; along with her special of services. ton, passed away at her residence on Dec. 25, 2014. grandparent, Linda Miller of Georgetown and special Born in Winchester, she was the daughter of Rosie Tracy G. Profi tt, 75 aunt, Teresa Melton of Georgetown. Lee Poe Trent and the late Herbert Trent. She was a Tracy Gene Profi tt, 75, passed away Sunday, Dec. Funeral services offi ciated by Bro. Phillip Pogue former factory employee of Continental Metal Spe- 21, 2014 at the UK Medical Center from injuries re- were held on Monday, Dec. 29, 2014 at Hearne Funer- cialty and she attended Stanton Baptist Church. ceived in an auto accident. He was a retired pastor, al Home, Stanton. Interment was in Stonegate Cem- She is survived by her husband, William Townsend, carpenter and was a mem- etery, Stanton, with Steve Knox, Alex Bolduc, Steve Sr. of Stanton; her mother, Rosie Lee Trent of Clay ber of the Vaughn’s Mill Everman, Matt Watkins, Seth Caudill, Nicholas Jones, City; two sons, Michael Henry Vanover and Chris- Church of God. He loved Perry Barnett, Cody Short and Evan Short serving as topher Scott (Becky) Va- to coon hunt and rabbit active pallbearers. Arrangements by Hearne Funeral nover of Stanton; one hunt. Home, Inc. daughter, Lisa Gail Potts He is survived by one of Clay City; one brother, Noah R. Christopher, 69 son, Tracy Dewayne Prof- Herbert Scott (Roxanna) itt and his wife Sheryl; Noah Roger Christopher, 69, passed away Th urs- Trent of Jeff ersonville; two daughters, Donna day, Dec. 4, 2014 at the Hospice by the Sea in Boca one sister, Patty Gail (Tim Westphal and husband Raton, FL. He was a truck Shackelford) Trent of Clay Barry, and Tina Rogers salesman and a Veteran of City; two grandchildren, and ex-husband David; the United States Army.   Derrick Tyler Potts and six grandchildren, Bran- He is survived by one Darren Douglas Potts; don Profi tt, Kasey Drew son, David Christopher one nephew, Scotty Shane Profi tt, Katherine Rogers Franklin, Autumn Rogers of Maryville, TN; one Trent of Jeff ersonville; two Gecas, Amanda Westphal Gecas and Emma Westphal daughter, Angie Chris- nieces, Rebecca (Kevin) Boseman; four brothers, James, Earl, Richard and topher of Dayton, OH; Shackelford of Mt. Sterling Larry Profi tt; three sisters, Betty Booth, Mae Barnes two grandchildren; three and Shanna Trent of Jeff ersonville; and special friend, and Rose Wireman; and many special family mem- brothers, Wayne Chris- Beth Riggs. bers and friends. topher and wife Joan of Funeral services offi ciated by Rev. M. C. Rice and He was preceded in death by his parents, John and Cookville, TN, Sammy Rev. Anthony Molihan with eulogy by Glen Oliver Martha Profi tt; two brothers William and Shirley Christopher and wife were held on Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014 at Hearne Fu- Profi tt; and two sisters Roberta Profi tt and Polly Eller. Nikki of Franklin, OH, neral Home, Stanton. Interment will be in Stonegate Funeral services were held Friday, Dec. 26, 2014 at and Ernie Christopher Cemetery, Stanton, with Austin Bowels, Harry Lowry, Th e Grayson Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Gary and wife Reda of Tip City, OH; two James Townsend, Charles Johnson, Glen Oliver and Mathis and Bro. Teddy Linkous offi ciating. Burial sisters, Ellen Cunningham of Mt. Scotty Shane Trent serving as active pallbearers. Ar- followed in the Kennon Cemetery. Grayson Funeral Washington and Deborah Butcher rangements by Hearne Funeral Home, Inc. Home was in charge of services. and husband Brian of Kettering. He was preceded in death by his parents Noah State: Emergency road funds awarded to Powell “America’s Next Top Model” will be at Just Plain Fancy on Saturday, County for repairs on Millstone Road Jan. 3 10 am-3 pm. Th e Kentucky Trans- school buses and other ample of the cabinet’s wealth.” portation Cabinet today vehicles that rely upon commitment to provid- Th e Powell County I-75, Exit 90 announced that Pow- the roadway. ing a solid infrastructure Fiscal Court is responsi- ell County will receive “Th ese emergency in Powell County and ble for administering the At The Corner Of $16,600 in County Road funds are being used to all across the common- work. Four Mile Road & The By-Pass Aid emergency funds. repair roadways and to 800-688-6968 Th e money will be used improve safety and mo- to repair a slide on Mill- bility in Powell County,” Dennis “I love coming to work each day at Toyota South. stone Road (CR 1345) said Transportation Sec- near Brush Creek Road, retary Mike Hancock.  With our great products and helping customers buy making it safer for cars, “Th is project is one ex- Monument Co. them what could be better? We accept MEDICAID The day I started at Toyota South nearly 15 years & all other insurances ago Steve Gates empowered me to make decisions Best Quality, Price that satisfy customers. Accepting New Patients The Gates family philosophy of dealing with people IRVINE FAMILY DENTISTRY & Service is simple. Jason W. Gay, D.M.D. When there is a question David T. Monson, D.M.D. Always of who is right between 10 River Drive • PO Box 86 the customer and Irvine, KY 40336 our company the Ph. 606-723-1000 Fax 606-723-1039 customer is given Office Hours By Appointment the benefit of the POWELL COUNTY ALUMNI 5-YEAR doubt. (cid:47)(cid:33)(cid:38)(cid:44)(cid:29)(cid:42)(cid:3)(cid:51)(cid:65)(cid:78)(cid:82)(cid:69)(cid:63)(cid:65)(cid:3)(cid:51)(cid:76)(cid:65)(cid:63)(cid:69)(cid:61)(cid:72)(cid:79)(cid:4) (ALL CLASSES) REUNION No wonder I love SATURDAY MAY 23, 2015 (cid:135)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:76)(cid:85)(cid:72)(cid:86) going to work (cid:37)(cid:85)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:74)(cid:3)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:75)(cid:76)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:71)(cid:3) each day… it (cid:135)(cid:3)(cid:43)(cid:72)(cid:68)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:86) (cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:85)(cid:72)(cid:70)(cid:72)(cid:76)(cid:89)(cid:72)(cid:3) (cid:7)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:3)(cid:50)(cid:41)(cid:41) reminds me of SINCE 1977, 69 Alumni Scholarships have been (cid:135)(cid:3)(cid:38)(cid:68)(cid:69)(cid:3)(cid:40)(cid:81)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:82)(cid:86)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:72)(cid:86) (cid:85)(cid:72)(cid:74)(cid:88)(cid:79)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:89)(cid:76)(cid:70)(cid:72) my roots in Powell awarded to PCHS Seniors. The 5-Year General Class (cid:135)(cid:3)(cid:41)(cid:68)(cid:70)(cid:87)(cid:82)(cid:85)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:85)(cid:68)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:72)(cid:70)(cid:75)(cid:81)(cid:76)(cid:70)(cid:76)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:86) County. Reunions serves as the primary fundraiser to support (cid:51)(cid:68)(cid:85)(cid:87)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:9)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:89)(cid:76)(cid:70)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:41)(cid:82)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:36)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:3)(cid:37)(cid:85)(cid:68)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:86) Powell County Native, this scholarship. Order your tickets now and make Charlie Johnson plans to attend- spread the word to your classmates. General Manager of Toyota South Please register as a Powell County Alumni on our (cid:25)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:3)(cid:49)(cid:17)(cid:3)(cid:48)(cid:68)(cid:92)(cid:86)(cid:89)(cid:76)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:87)(cid:17)(cid:3)(cid:135)(cid:3)(cid:48)(cid:87)(cid:17)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:79)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:74)(cid:15)(cid:3)(cid:46)(cid:60) website. Visit www.powell.kyschools.us under “Forms (cid:27)(cid:24)(cid:28)(cid:16)(cid:23)(cid:28)(cid:26)(cid:16)(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:19) and Links” you will find the link to Alumni. Simply (cid:43)(cid:82)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:29)(cid:3)(cid:55)(cid:88)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:17)(cid:3)(cid:16)(cid:3)(cid:41)(cid:85)(cid:76)(cid:17)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:80)(cid:3)(cid:16)(cid:3)(cid:25)(cid:3)(cid:83)(cid:80) click on Registration to get started. (cid:54)(cid:68)(cid:87)(cid:88)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:68)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:68)(cid:80)(cid:3)(cid:16)(cid:3)(cid:23)(cid:3)(cid:83)(cid:80)(cid:3)(cid:135)(cid:3)(cid:38)(cid:79)(cid:82)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:54)(cid:88)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:68)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:9)(cid:3)(cid:48)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:68)(cid:92) LOCAL A-7 C C T LAY ITY IMES Thursday, January 1, 2015 2014 may even have been some- Among those arrested battle to see who wants to one who wanted to get out was a former Powell County play Powell County for the of a test or assignment. We School Board member. Po- championship. More so it Continued from A5 may never know for sure. lice arrested James A. Bai- has been to see who will be But a bomb threat at the ley, 65, as he was indicted the runner-up in the dis- were meth producing cas- Powell County High School for complicity to traffi c in trict and go with the Lady es, along with other drug on Wednesday, Sept. 10 controlled substances fi rst Pirates to the regional tour- related off enses. Th e pros- did make something really degree which is a Class C nament. At least it has been ecution rate on the cases clear. Th e police will waste Felony. He was also indict- that way for the past eight were running at nearly 100 no time to fi nd who did it. ed for facilitation to traffi c years. percent. In fact they had a suspect in a controlled substance Oops, make that nine. in custody before school fi rst degree, a Class A Mis- Powell rolled to their Dream Coming True was out and transported to demeanor. ninth straight district cham- A fi eld trip to a sculptor, the Breathitt County deten- Th e Powell County Sher- pionship in Owlsey County. turned into a dream. Th at tion center before nightfall. iff ’s Offi ce issue a press re- Th e win was not only Pow- dream is about to become a Th e threats kept coming lease about the operation. ell’s ninth straight champi- full blown reality for Tenny for almost a month. Th e Detective Ernie Dudle- onship, but they have won Ostrem. middle school and Stan- son, issued the statement 11 of the last 13 titles. Ostrem, with the lov- ton Elementary were also which read: “Early Tuesday ing prodding of her high NOVEMBER aff ected. Student suspects morning the Powell County school art teacher and now were found and disciplined. Sheriff ’s Offi ce Drug Task Election has friend, Jennifer Billings, Many are still in the court Force began once again Few Surprises followed the dream of hav- system. Th e Times quit rounding up drug dealers County Judge Executive ing a Pirate sculpture made covering the stories aft er throughout Powell County James Anderson, County for her alma mater, Powell it was suggested to us that and parts of Estill County. Clerk Rhonda Allen Bar- County High School. For our coverage could become On Monday Oct. 20, 2014 nett and Sheriff Danny fi ve years Billings, with a part of the problem. But the Detective Larry Patterson Rogers claimed their offi ces lot of help from the com- schools seem to be back to testifi ed before a Special again as the 2014 Election munity and students, have normal now. Miss Powell County 2014 Manda Katherine “Katie” Knox Powell County Grand Jury, Results came in. Both Clay been raising money to help there he presented evidence City Mayor James Caudi- Ostrem’s dream come true. 14.8 points and placed them Wethington had been the Storms and Flooding of drug purchases the task ll and Stanton Mayor Dale Th ey reached their goal of in the 72 percentile and also pastor at the Stanton Chris- created Problems. force had made in Powell Allen also won their seats $30,000 this year. It has tak- in the top 125 schools. tian Church during a time At least two bridges were and Estill counties. A total back. But Caudill’s race was en a lot of work and hope, Last year Clay City and frame that ran through damaged severely by heavy of 40 individuals were in- the closest of the bunch. but it pays to dream. Stanton had the lowest 2012 and 2013. He was storms and rainfall during dicted on various drug re- New magistrates will fi ll Th e sculpture/statue scores in the district. Now replaced in December of the Labor Day Weekend. lated charges.” the fi scal court. Keith Hall, should be ready by spring both are listed as profi cient 2013, but that was not re- Th e county received some Most were found that day Kenneth “Goat” Rice, Mike and placed in the grassy schools and a “high prog- lated to the charges he now emergency road funds to and others were arrested in Lockard and Timmy Tipton area near the student park- ress school.” faces. help replace the bridges the days and weeks to fol- will joins incumbent Donna ing lot and the front gym Th e Powell County Mid- Despite claims that a along the Jerrica Leigh lane low. It was the third round Gabbard on the court. Tip- lobby doors. dle School also enjoys that background check was area. Th e work took some up in a year for the depart- ton and Rice have served as “high progress school” title run on Wethington by the time but was mostly com- ment. magistrates before. SEPTEMBER as well. Th ey jumped from church, the former pastor pleted by late October and As for city councils, Clay Knox Crowned as 57.3 to 65.1. was found to have some early November. Band and Volleyball City will have Kenny Rice, Miss Powell County Bowen Elementary and felony charges in his past. Th e same storm system make it Nine Straight Al Campbell and Bobby It was a storybook end- the Powell County High Th ose included an assault aff ected the Times as well. Eight may be great, but Carmichael returning to ing for Manda Katherine School each scored 60.6 last charge, terroristic threaten- A lightning strike took out nine is fi ne. Especially when join with newly elected Knox, aff ectionately known year in the testing. But both ing, domestic violence and all but on computer, the you are talking about mak- members, Cody Meadows, as “Katie” to all her friends, also saw improvement this a kidnapping charge that phone lines and fax lines ing it to the state marching Hugh L. Reed and Chris- last Saturday night. Knox year. Bowen raised their was amended down to fi rst at the Times offi ce. It took band semi-fi nals. Or cap- tina Ballard. Stanton will was one of 17 young ladies scores 7.2 points to 67.8. degree unlawful imprison- most of September to get turing the 56th District Vol- have Linville Bellamy, Tom- vying for the title of Miss while PCHS rose to 65.5. ment. Th ose charges were everything back on line. leyball Championship. my Mays, Dixie Lockard. Powell County. Both schools are now listed in 2000 and Wethington Th e Powell County High Pam McIntosh Tipton and Th e competition was OCTOBER as “Needs Improvement” was sentenced to fi ve years, School Marching Band Margarita Arnett returning. good and the ending was but also as “Progressing.” but was placed on fi ve years KPREP Scores Increase competed at KMEA State Paul Mallory will take the a surprise, for Knox as she Th e high school will re- supervised probation and in All Powell Schools Quarterfi nals at Bourbon seat left open when Char- won the crown as the pag- main in the Focus School was to pay restitution. Who said it could not be County High School with lotte Estes ran for mayor. eant’s 52nd Miss Powell category. A Focus School Since his latest arrest an- done? 11 Class AA Bands in the Th e only real surprise was County. has a non-duplicated stu- other alleged victim has It may have been said by a East Region. Th e Band that State Representative Knox was joined in the dent gap group score in fi led charges in Fayette few, but the Powell County placed 5th with a Distin- Richard Henderson was fi ve fi nalist group by Brook the bottom 10 percent of County and that paper- School System staff believed guished rating, moving on beaten by Menifee County Billings (1st Runner-up), the state, has an individual work was served on him in it could be done. Th at is to to State Semi Finals/Finals pastor, Davis Hale. Hen- Jennifer Creech (3rd Run- group of students scoring November. He is still in the say, they believed that the for the ninth year in a row. derson carried Powell, but ner-up), Katelyn Rogers signifi cantly low or has a Powell County Detention KPREP Test scores could Th e top eight in the east and lost Menifee and his home (2nd Runner-up) and Al- graduation rate less than 60 Center under a $185,000 go up and they did just that the west will meet in the county of Montgomery. yssa Pennington (4th Run- for two consecutive years. cash bond. this time around. semifi nals. ner-up). Pennington is a ju- Focus schools are identifi ed Powell County Schools Th is was the fi rst time the School Parking Lot nior at Powell County High based on federal require- Sheriff ’s Offi ce saw a jump of nine points, band has achieved a Dis- Issue Coming to a Head School, while the other four ments. Conducts a Drug from 57.8 in the 2012-2013 tinguished rating at a State Th e high school renova- are seniors. Round Up testing period to 66.8 in Level event in Marching tion and addition project Knox won special awards Former Pastor Arrested Th e Powell County Sher- the 2013-2014 time frame. Band.  has been a little bit of a thorn for Poise, Talent and Smile. for Th ird Degree Rape iff ’s Offi ce Drug Task Force Overall the system may still “We have had some good in then side for school ad- Other special award A former minister of a set up and conducted their be in the “Needs Improve- groups of students over the ministrators. Bad weather winners were: Macken- Stanton church is facing third major raid in a year ment” classifi cation, but years but we knew at the last winter and some chang- zie Faulkner-Eyes, Brook legal problems aft er being against drug dealers and two schools scores jumped start that these kids were es due to companies going Billings-Hair, Alyssa indicted for two counts of even a few food stamp fraud so much they are now con- diff erent.  We pushed them out of business, led to a few Pennington-Personali- third degree rape. Accord- cases on Tuesday morning. sidered “Profi cient” and to be their best and they delays. But none have been ty, Chazney Crowe -Most ing to sources the victim Th e raids began just aft er “Progressing.” in turn challenged us to be as controversial as the park- Photogenic, Katelyn Rog- is under the age of 16 and 8 a.m. Th e Powell Grand Clay City Elementary out best.  Th e staff and I ing lot. Soft soil and other ers-Formal Wear and Jenni- was a member of his former Jury met on Monday and saw the biggest jump. Th eir have loved this year,” PCHS commitments apparently fer Creech-Swimwear. congregation. returned approximately 40 scores went from 50.7 to Band Director Mike Estep have taken center stage with Senior Krista Estep re- Barry N. Wethington, 35, indictment warrants cover- 70.5, 19.8 points, placing said. “We prayed before the subcontractors. ceived the coveted Miss of Lexington, turned him- ing nearly 100 charges. them in the 74 percentile they played, before they Th e student/public park- Congeniality Award. It is self on Oct. 1 to Stanton Offi cers from the sheriff ’s ranking. Th ey also placed performed and then quoted ing lot was supposed to be the only award that the con- Police Sgt. James Watson. department, Clay City and in the top 125 elementa- the famous comedian Steve completed soon aft er school testants vote on and give to Wethington was indicted on Stanton departments, as ry schools in the state, out Martin,’Be so good they began in August. Th en a de- the girl they believe is the Sept. 29, just four days pri- well as US Marshals, Proba- of over 500 elementary can’t ignore you.’” lay pushed it back to Oct. 1. kindest and sweetest in the or. Th e indictment claims tion and Parole, the US For- schools.. Th e 56th District Volley- But some stern discussions pageant. that Wethington had sexu- est Service, Montgomery Stanton Elementary also ball Tournament has basi- al intercourse with a minor and Clark counties aided in saw a vast improvement. cally become a three team See 2014, A8 County Mourns Loss of child under the age of 16 on the round-up. Th e school went from 55.2 Bill Orme at least two occasions. Both last year to 70 this time William T. “Bill” Orme, of those allegedly occurred around, which is a jump of 86, former coach, educa- in August. tor and athletic director at Hospice East Powell County High School passed away on Sunday morning, Sept. 14 at his res- idence. Orme was a former educator and coach at Beth- If you or someone you love el High School and Powell is struggling with grief County High School. At PCHS he coached and loss, you don’t have to from 1952-1965 and was Stanton Mt. Sterling Morehead athletic director from 1975- face it alone. Call on us to (606) 663-4500 (859) 498-8936 (606) 780-0528 1985. His 1955 team was assist you with an runner-up to Hazard, which won the state tournament individual bereavement that year. He picked up 253 Personal Injury Criminal Defense visit or join our support wins as a head coach, most Bankruptcy (cid:3)(cid:10)(cid:12)(cid:7)(cid:5)(cid:12)(cid:15)(cid:13)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:10)(cid:8)(cid:11)(cid:5)(cid:9)(cid:13)(cid:4)(cid:14)(cid:6)(cid:10)(cid:9) of them at PCHS. group. He was a well respected Probates/Estates (cid:1) Divorce/Custody/Adoption member of the community We meet monthly on the Social Security Disability/ SSI and just a few years ago the basketball court at the high fourth Thursday school was named in his from 6-8 P.M. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief honor. 407 Shoppers Drive under the bankruptcy code. Winchester, KY 40391 Bomb Th reats Create We are here to serve you and yours during Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. (cid:1) Problems for Powell times of diffi cult loss. Schools Closed for lunch daily 12:00 p.m. (cid:1) 1:00 p.m. Maybe it was the drill the 859-744-9866 day before or possibly just Hospice East Staff MasterCard, Visa and Discover accepted someone being bored. It *This is an advertisement LOCAL A-8 Thursday, January 1,2015 CLAY CITY TIMES Clay City Times Christmas Coloring Contest Winners Age 5-7 Winner: Katy Gray Age 8-12 Winner: Cheyenne Barnes Photos byCommunity Friends The Community Friends held their annual Free Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day so no one had to be alone for the holiday. Jackie and Eloise Rose (bottom left) started the idea. They fed over 450 people this year, including carryouts to shut-ins. What this group of volunteers (above) do istruly what Christmas is all about - love for each other. willhave to serve 85percent Wright said he sawthe ac- hustle and bustle of a long block and struck two Clay That iswhere the Catch A 2014 ofhis sentence. cident and helped to get the day of Black Friday events, City Police cruisers. Dream Foundation comes Vires had been indicted other driver out ofthe truck local law enforcement had He then went back to- in. That very foundation Continued from A7 for sexual abuse first degree, just moments before the to swing into action. An ward Stanton, but made a heard from a Powell Coun- sodomy first degree and at- truck exploded and caught attempted traffic stop on sudden stop to turn into his ty teen fighting cancer and and meetings seemed to tempted rape first degree. fire. His employer and even a burglary suspect turned mothers home. A Clay City helped him catch his dream. have the ball moving. De- The indictment alleged that those who witnessed the into a full blown police cruiser struck him from be- Dakota Tipton, a 17year spite the efforts, the delays Vires had engaged in those event, perhaps even those chase, with cars reaching hind. He then took off on old junior at Powell County continued and the lot was activities with avictim who who responded to the call, speeds of 100 miles per foot and was caught. But a High School, hasbeen fight- not completed until after was nine years old at the may consider Wright a hour. Before itwas over two taser had to be used as he ing abattle with Non-Hod- Thanksgiving. At least most time of the offenses. The hero. But he does not look police cruisers were taken resisted arrest. gkins Lymphoma. The dis- of it. The final product will indictments stated that the at it that way. out of service, two officers Watkins is now facing ease is a cancer that starts be complete when the lot crimes took place in June "I'm not a hero. I did received minor injuries, several serious charges and in cells called lymphocytes, is re-striped in the spring and July of2011. worry a little, I mean these cars ran through yards and Clay City has two cruisers which are part ofthe body's and aconcrete cap isplaced babies (his grandchildren) the suspect was caught with out ofcommission. immune system. Lympho- on the cut-out along the Local Truck Driver need their grandpa. And the help ofataser. cytes arein the lymph nodes entrance road. That is sup- Honored for Saving A Life I was little leery at first. I The chase was caught by Catch A Dream helps and other lymphoid tissues posed to have been com- Delbert "Tiny" Wright just did what you would the Clay City Police De- Local Teen such asthe spleen and bone pleted during the Christ- was honored the Monday do if you were there, what partment's new dash cam- Many of us have heard marrow. Other cancers can mas break. before Thanksgiving by anyone would do to help in era system. about the Make A Wish move into the lymph nodes, his employer, Prestress, in that situation;' he said when Police say they were try- Foundation. They work to but they are not lymphoma. Clay City Man Lexington. The honor was asked what he thought of ing to pull over Joseph make wishes come true for Tipton loves to hunt and Convicted of Sex Crime thanking him for helping people saying he was ahero. Watkins because there was children who are facing a while in the hospital one AClay City man has been savethe lifeofafellow truck "I'm just glad God used me. a warrant on him. He had life altering and threaten- day for a chemotherapy convicted of sexual abuse driver. I don't know about being a been accused of burglar- ing disease. Trips to famous treatment, his family heard and attempted rape after a The accident happened hero:' izing a storage building. parks or meeting their he- about the Catch A Dream jury decided to believe the in Indiana back in Octo- But instead of pulling over roes seem to the norm for Foundation. They took him child victim in a trial last ber. The fiery crash could DECEMBER Watkins took off toward the foundations work. But to Wyoming for a hunt, week. Archie Vires, 52, was have ended differently if Chase Damages Two Clay City on Highway 15 what about those kids who where he bagged a 10point found guilty by a Powell Wright had not been there. Cruisers, Arrest Made at speeds nearing 100mph. like to hunt or fish? What buck. County Jury. Based on the "I watched it happen and it While some people were He tuned around in agravel can be done for them? How Here's hoping 2015 is a nature of the charges Vires was alittle scary;' he said. just trying to rest from the parking lotwhen sawaroad canthey catch their dreams? better year for everyone! LLiiffeessttyylleess B-1 C C T Thursday, January 1, 2015 LAY ITY IMES New Year’s Day Recipes Black Eye Peas: 1 teaspoon sea salt ¼ teaspoon pepper Th e peas are suppose to be a symbol of good luck. Th e more of them you eat, the more prosperity you’ll experience. Directions Hoppin’ Johns Add pork to your slow-cooker. Mix together the remain- Ingredients ing ingredients and even- 1 1/2 cups dried black-eyed peas ly pour on top of the pork. (note: there will be peas left over to Cook on low for 4-6 hours. serve as a side) 8 cups water, divided 3 teaspoons salt Cornbread 1 small ham hock (or 1/4 lb. hog jowl) Cornbread is just a good addition to any Southern meal. Folks will argue over wheth- 5 slices of thick cut bacon (or hog er it should be white or yellow. Th e yellow cornbread is thought to represent gold… thus jowl) adding more of a chance of good fortune and prosperity to the New Year. Also, baking 1 large onion, chopped your cornbread in a round skillet forms a circle, like a cake. It’s a continuous circle of 2 cups long-grain white rice, uncooked prosperity. 1 teaspoon dried red pepper fl akes Ingredients Directions 2 cups self-rising cornmeal Over medium heat, place the dried black-eyed peas, 6 cups of water, salt and ham 1 cup self-rising fl our hock. Cook covered over medium heat until tender. 1 egg (optional) While the peas are cooking, fry the bacon until crisp. Remove bacon, crumble and set Add buttermilk or sweet aside, reserving the bacon grease. milk to desired thickness Sauté chopped onion in the bacon grease until soft ened. In a large sized sauce pan, with a tight-fi tting life, add the rice, 2 cups of the pea liquid, Directions 2 cups of water, 2 cups of the cooked black-eyed peas, sautéed onions, bacon grease, In a large round cast iron crumbled bacon and red pepper fl akes. skillet, add in a large spoon of Cook covered over medium-low heat until rice is done, about 15-20 minutes. If need- grease, vegetable oil or lard. ed add more pea liquid if rice gets too dry. Place the skillet in a 400 de- Collard Greens gree oven until grease is melt- ed and hot. Combine ingredi- Th e collard greens are suppose to represent folding money. Collards are green, so is ents into a bowl, add your desired amount of buttermilk or sweet milk until you get our folding money. It’s all about wealth, prosperity and good fortune as the New Year your desired thickness for the batter. A thicker batter is your best option. Pour batter begins. into the hot skillet and bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Approximately 20 minutes. Ingredients Round Cake 2 lbs collard greens, rinsed 1 tablespoon canola oil A round cake symbolizes a continuous circle of prosperity for the New Year. 1 cup 1/4-inch diced salt Sour Cream Pound Cake pork 1 cup diced onion 1/4 teaspoon crushed red Ingredients pepper fl akes - optional 2 cups butter, soft ened 1/2 teaspoon freshly 3 cups white sugar cracked black pepper 6 eggs, room temperature 1 cup chicken stock 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup water 3 cups all-purpose fl our 1/3 cup white vinegar 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon hot pepper 1/2 teaspoon salt sauce, plus more for serving 1 pinch ground mace (as a substitute you can use Directions ground allspice, cinnamon, Cut off and discard the tough stems and discolored leaves from the greens. Cut across ginger, nutmeg or cloves, the leaves into 2 inch ribbons. starting with half the amount In a large stock pot, over medium-high heat, add the canola oil and the diced salt specifi ed in the recipe and pork, and cook until light golden brown and just crisp. Remove to a paper towel lined adding more to taste) plate and let cool. 1 cup sour cream Add the onion to the pot and cook until translucent, about 5 minutes, then add the 1 tablespoon confection- red pepper fl akes, black pepper, and the collard greens. ers’ sugar for dusting Stir every few minutes, or until the greens have wilted down. Add the chicken stock and the water and cover. Cook for 30 to 45 minutes, then remove the lid, increase the Directions heat to high, and add the vinegar and a teaspoon of hot sauce. Adjust the seasoning, if 1.Preheat the oven to 350 needed, then put into a serving bowl. Sprinkle with the salt pork and serve with addi- degrees F (175 degrees C). tional hot pepper sauce on the side. Pork Grease and fl our a 10-inch Bundt pan or 9-inch tube pan. Beat the butter and sugar with an electric mixer in a large bowl until light and fl uff y. Th e mixture should be no- ticeably lighter in color. Add the room-temperature eggs one at a time, allowing each Pigs it seems, root or forage in a forward direction. Th is moving forward is seen as egg to blend into the butter mixture before adding the next. Beat in the vanilla with the symbol of moving forward in the New Year. last egg. Pour the fl our mixture into the bowl alternately with the sour cream, mixing Simple and Delicious Slow-Cooker Pork Loin until just incorporated. Transfer the batter into the prepared pan and spread it smooth Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted in the cake comes out clean, about 1 hour and 20 minutes. Cool for at least 10 minutes before inverting pan onto a cooling Ingredients rack, and tapping out the cake. Dust with confectioners’ sugar before serving. boneless pork loin or tenderloin, 3-4 lbs juice from 1 lemon Many people would consider this New Years meal to be a “poor man’s meal”. It was 3-4 garlic cloves, minced oft en thought that if you “Eat poor on New Years, you’ll eat fat the rest of the year”. 1 teaspoon parsley fl akes ½ teaspoon thyme C M OMMUNITY EETINGS Powell County Powell County Powell County Public Library. If you have any questions or Democrat Committee Tourism Commission you would like to volunteer or foster, please stop by. Th e Powell County Democrat Committee will meet each Th e regular board meetings are held every fourth third Th ursday of the month at 7 p.m. at the courthouse, Wednesday at 1 pm. Th e meetings are held at the new of- Brianna’s Sanctuary Meetings if court is in session we will be in the small courtroom. fi ce location at 164 N Main Street, Stanton. Th e old depot Brianna’s Sanctuary & Rescue monthly meeting will be Come out and join your party. building next to the Dollar General Store. Th e meeting held at 6 p.m. on the second Friday of each month, at the time is 1 pm. For more information call 606-481-9470. Powell County Public Library. If you would like to volun- AmVets Meeting teer or fi nd out the requirements for fostering, come by AmVets Post 67, Clay City, monthly meeting, the fi rst Red River Gorge/ and join us. For questions call (606) 663-2353 or (859) Sunday every month at 2 p.m. Bingo every Monday at 6:30 Nada Tunnel Festival 576-4846. p.m. Th e committee for the Red River Gorge/Nada Tunnel Festival will meet the fi rst Tuesday of each month at the Red River Homemakers Club Th e Powell County Library Middlefork Fire Department at 6 p.m. during the winter Th e Red River Homemakers Club will hold their meet- Powell County Public Library Board Meeting will be months. ings on the fi rst Th ursday of each month at 6 p.m. at the held on the third Monday of the month at 4 p.m. in the Extension Offi ce from September through May. Call 663- library. Story Time at the Powell County Public Library is Vets Benefi ts 6405 or 606-231-6383 for more information every Th ursday from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. for ages 3 to 5 years. A Veteran’s Benefi ts Field Representative will be at the We will read stories, do craft s and sometimes a movie. Powell County Courthouse in Stanton, Kentucky on the Clay City Homemakers fi rst Th ursday of each month. Th e hours are from 8:30 Th e Clay City Homemakers meet on the fi rst Th ursday of Save Furnace Mountain a.m. to 11 a.m. For further information call toll free 1-866- the month at noon at the Powell County Extension Offi ce. Save Furnace Mountain is hosted by the Mountain 376-0308. Preservation Coalition and meets the third Tuesday each Quilt Club month at 6 p.m. at the new CSEPP Building located at the Stanton Parks and Recreation Board Th e Quilt Club meets the second Monday of the month Industrial Park in Stanton. Everyone encouraged to attend! Th e Stanton Parks and Recreation Board will hold their at 11 a.m. at the Powell County Extension Offi ce. regular monthly meeting on the fi rst Tuesday of every Disabled American Veteran Meeting month at 6 p.m. Th e meetings will be held at the city build- If your organization has a regular or special meet- Th e Monthly Meeting of the Powell County Disabled ing in the Senior Citizens building located at the city park. ing you want to let people know about call us at American Veterans Powell County Chapter # 103 is held 663-5540 or email us at cctimesnews@ on the second Th ursday each month at 30 Bright Street Friends of PC Pets Meetings bellsouth.net Stanton at 6 p.m. Friends of Powell County’s Pets hold their monthly meet- ings at 6:30 p.m. on the fi rst Tuesday of every month at the B-2 C C T Thursday, January 1, 2015 LAY ITY IMES COMMUNITY CALENDAR Help Powell Search & Rescue 606.663.2283 606.663.2276 The Powell County Search and Rescue Team is running the snack bar at the AmVets Post #67 in Clay City every Monday night 6-9 p.m. during bingo, as their main fundraiser to buy and maintain equipment. www.whitakerbank.com The team is made up all local volunteers who respond not only to woodland emergencies such as falls in the gorge area, but also to general community needs such as Amber and Golden Alerts. You don’t have to play bingo to enjoy eats & treats from the snack bar, but if you do, you will be helping two charities at once! HARPER’S AUTO PAWN Veterans Benefits 1128 West Lexington Ave., Winchester A Veterans Benefits Field Representative with the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs will be at the Powell Mon.-Sat. 10 am to 7 pm County Courthouse, Stanton on the first Thursday of each month from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Veterans and their families will be given counseling in filing for Federal and State Veterans benefits. This service is provided free of Need Cash? any charge or fee by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Department of Veterans Affairs. Call and leave a message at 1-866-376-0308, leave a message, your call will be returned. Bring all documents pertaining to filing a claim. 859-737-0870 or 859-771-8191 PCHS All Classes Alumni Reunion The PCHS Alumni Reunion will be held on May 23, 2015 – All Classes. For tick- et information and agenda please call the Powell County Board of Education at 606-663-3300. Yoga Class There will be a Yoga class at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays at the Clay City Municipal build- ing, The cost is $7 per class or $50 for a 10 class card.   Beginning in August there will be a Tuesday and Thursday night class.  Bring your own yoga mat, a beach towel and a bottle of water. In Estill County 888-399-9118 Veterans Support Group Accredited by the Joint Commission A Veterans Support Group will meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at the AmVets Post #67 in Clay City. Hurst Furniture Genealogy Help Desk & Appliance The Red River Historical Society and Museum located at 4541 Main Street in Clay City has opened a Genealogy Help Desk. It will be staffed by members of the historical society and members of the Red River 175 Blackburn Street Valley Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). If you are researching your Eastern Stanton, Ky. Kentucky roots we hope we can be of some help to you. The hours are 2 to 5 p.m. each Sunday at the museum. 663-9942 Hall’s Cemetery If you have loved one buried in Hall’s Cemetery on South Fork all donations for the upkeep of the cemetery will be greatly appreciated. Call or see Clayton Rogers in Bowen, or call 663-0756. Rogers Help for Drug Abuse is available H A R D WA R E Narconon would like to remind families that the use of addicting drugs is on the rise, take steps to protect your & Building Supply family from drug use. If you know anyone who is struggling with drug addiction get them the help they need. “Everything to build anything” Call for a free brochure on the signs of addiction for all drugs. Narconon also Lumber & Building Materials • General offers free screenings and referrals. 800-431-1754 or DrugAbuseSolution.com Contractors Addiction Counseling also available. Narconon can help you take steps to over- 663-2598 • 176 E. College, Ave. • Stanton come addiction in your family. Call today for free screenings or referrals. 800-431-1754. Nada Cemetery Donations needed for the upkeep of Nada Cemetery, send dona- tions to: Debbie Russell 151 Nada Tunnel Road, Stanton, KY 40380. Kennon Cemetery If you have a loved one buried in this cemetery on Hardwick’s Creek Road and would like to donate money to help with the up-keep, there is an account set up at Whitaker Bank located in Clay City or Stanton. All donations would be greatly appreciated. Nolan Cemetery If you have loved ones buried in Nolan Cemetery please help with the mow- 149 Richmond Rd ing by making donations to Wyonna Nolan Blythe at 661 Maple Street, Stanton, KY. 40380 Irvine, KY 606-723-2225 CHURCH NEWS Dr. John Allen, D.C. Chiropractor Hatchers Creek Church of God Emily Allen, LMT Massage Th erapist The Hatchers Creek Church of God will now be holding Sunday services at 11 a.m. Pastor Billy Puckett and the congregation invite everyone to attend. For more information call 606-663-9513. Phildirt Enterprises Full Gospel Lighthouse Community Fellowship •Backhoe work • Remodeling The Full Gospel Lighthouse on 5th Avenue, Clay City, will be having community fellowship on the second • Construction Consulting Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to join us for food, fellowship and good clean fun. Phillip Waite PCCUAD Prayer Meeting Irvine, KY Home: 606-723-9784 The Powell County Christians United Against Drugs prayer meeting is held each Saturday at 9 am at Cell: 253-261-1334 the Clay City Baptist Church until April then once a month they will meet at the different churches. [email protected] This prayer meeting is for all people of our county to meet together for a time of prayer not only for our drug situation but other concerns as well.  If further information is needed, please call 663-4356. Prayer Line If you are in need of prayer or need to leave a prayer request, call (606) 663-6172 or (606) 663-6385. Complete Dentistry of Stanton Adam D. Stowe, D.MD. 606-663-6021 210 North Main Street Hrs: Mon-Wed-Fri Community Calendar and Church News presented so that the commu- Stanton, KY 40380 8am-5pm nity can be made aware of local events. We ask that all announcements should include a brief description of the event along with the time, date and location. Please include a phone number THE CLAY CITY TIMES HAS for more information with the announcement. BEEN SERVING CLAY CITY, Announcements can be submitted by mail, email or phone. STANTON AND POWELL Deadline for announcements is Monday at 1 p.m. COUNTY FOR OVER 100 YEARS!!

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