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Classification of Irreducible Weight Modules with a Finite-dimensional Weight Space over the Twisted Schrödinger-Virasoro Lie algebra PDF

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Preview Classification of Irreducible Weight Modules with a Finite-dimensional Weight Space over the Twisted Schrödinger-Virasoro Lie algebra

Classification of Irreducible Weight Modules with a Finite-dimensional Weight Space over the Twisted Schr¨odinger-Virasoro Lie algebra Junbo Li Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240, P. R. China; Department of Mathematics, Changshu Institute of Technology, Changshu 215500, P. R. China Email: sd [email protected] 8 0 0 Yucai Su1 2 Department of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China n Hefei 230026, P. R. China a J Email: [email protected] 5 1 Abstract. It is shown that the support of an irreducible weight module over the Schro¨dinger- ] Virasoro Lie algebra with an infinite-dimensional weight space, coincides with the weight lattice A and that all nontrivial weight spaces of such a module are infinite-dimensional. As a side-product, R it is obtained that every simple weight module over the Schro¨dinger-Virasoro Lie algebra with a . h nontrivial finite-dimensional weight space, is a Harish-Chandra module. t a m Key Words: The Schro¨dinger-Virasoro Lie algebra, weight modules, irreducible modules [ Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 17B10, 17B65, 17B68. 1 v 1. Introduction 5 0 The twisted Schro¨dinger-Virasoro Lie algebra is the infinite-dimensional Lie algebra L 2 2 with C-basis {L ,Y ,M |m,n,p ∈ Z} and the following relations n m p . 1 0 [L ,L ] = (p−n)L , 8 n p n+p 0 n v: [Ln,Ym] = (m− )Yn+m, 2 i X r [Ln,Mp] = pMn+p, a [Ym,Ym′] = (m′ −m)Mm+m′, [Y ,M ] = [M ,M ] = 0. m p n p where m,m′,n,p ∈ Z. This infinite-dimensional Lie algebra is the twisted deformation of theSchr¨odinger-Virasoro Liealgebra, which was originallyintroduced in[3]inthecontext of non-equilibrium statistical physics, as a by-product of the computation of n-point functions that arecovariant under the actionof theSchr¨odinger group, containing assubalgebras both the Lie algebra of invariance of the free Schr¨odinger equation and the central charge-free Virasoro algebra. Both original and twisted Schr¨odinger-Virasoro Lie algebras are closely 1Supported by NSF grants 10471091of China and “One Hundred Talents Program”from University of Science and Technology of China 1 related to the Schr¨odinger Lie algebras and the Virasoro Lie algebra (cf. [2,5-7,10,11,14]). They should consequently play a role akin to that of the Virasoro Lie algebra in two- dimensional equilibrium statistical physics. One attempt of introducing two-dimensional conformal field theory is to understand the universal behaviour of two-dimensional statistical systems at equilibrium and at the critical temperature, where they undergo a second-order phase transition. A systematic investigation of the theory of representations of the Virasoro algebra in the 80es led to introduce a class of physical models (called unitary minimal models), corresponding to the unitary highest weight representations of the Virasoro algebra with central charge less than one. Miraculously, covariance alone is enough to allow the computation of the statistic correlators (or so-called ‘n-point functions’) for these highly constrained models. Motivated by the search for deformations and central extensions of both original and twisted Schr¨odinger-Virasoro Lie algebras, Roger and Unterberger presented the sets of generators provided by the cohomology classes of the cocycles in the fifth part of [9]. In [12], Unterberger constructed vertex algebra representations of the Schr¨odinger-Virasoro Lie algebras out of a charged symplectic boson and a free boson and its associated vertex operators. A weight module M over L is an H-diagonalizable module, where H := Span {L ,M } C 0 0 is the Cartan subalgebra of L. If, in addition, M is irreducible and all weight spaces M λ (cf. (1.1)) are finite-dimensional, the module is called a Harish-Chandra module. If M is an irreducible weight L-module, then M must act as some complex number 0 h on M. Furthermore, M has the weight space decomposition M M = MMλ, where Mλ = {v ∈ M|L0v = λv}, (1.1) λ∈C where M is called a weight space with weight λ. Denote the set of weights λ of M by λ Supp(M) := {λ ∈ C|M 6= 0}, λ called the support of M. Obviously, if M is an irreducible weight L-module, then there exists λ ∈ C such that Supp(M) ⊂ λ+Z. An irreducible weight module V is called a pointed module if there exists a weight λ ∈ C such that dimV = 1. Xu posted the following natural problem in [13]: λ Problem 1.1 Is any irreducible pointed module over the Virasoro algebra a Harish-chandra module? An irreducible weight module V is called a mixed module if there exist λ ∈ C and i ∈ Z such that dimV = ∞ and dimV < ∞. The following conjecture was posted in [7]: λ λ+i 2 Conjecture 1.2 There are no irreducible mixed modules over the Virasoro algebra. Mazorchuk and Zhao [8] gave the positive answers to the above question and conjecture. In [10], the authors gave positive answers to the above question and conjecture for the twisted Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra. In this note, we also give the positive answers to the above question and conjecture for the Schr¨odinger-Virasoro Lie algebra. Our main result is the following: Theorem 1.3 Let M be an irreducible weight L-module. Assume that there exists λ ∈ C such that dimM = ∞. Then Supp(M) = λ+Z and for every k ∈ Z, we have dimM = λ λ+k ∞. Theorem 1.3 also implies the following classification of all irreducible weight L-modules which admit a nontrivial finite dimensional weight space: Corollary 1.4 Let M be an irreducible weight L-module. Assume that there exists λ ∈ C such that 0 < dimM < ∞. Then M is a Harish-Chandra module. λ 2. Proof of Theorem 1.3 We first recall a main result about the weight Virasoro-modules in [8]. Theorem 2.1 Let V be an irreducible weight Virasoro-module. Assume that there exists λ ∈ C, such that dimV = ∞. Then Supp(V) = λ + Z and for every k ∈ Z, we have λ dimV = ∞. λ+k Lemma 2.2 Assume that there exists µ ∈ C and a non-zero element v ∈ M , such that µ L v = L v = Y v = M v = 0 or 1 2 1 1 L v = L v = Y v = M v = 0. −1 −2 −1 −1 Then M is a Harish-Chandra module. Proof. Indeed, under these conditions, v is either a highest or a lowest weight vector and hence M is a Harish-Chandra module (see, e.g. [6]). (cid:3) Assume now that M is an irreducible weight L-module such that there exists λ ∈ C satisfying dimM = ∞. λ Lemma 2.3 There exists at most one i ∈ Z such that dimM < ∞. λ+i Proof. Assume that dimM < ∞ and dimM < ∞ for different i,j ∈ Z. Without λ+i λ+j loss of generality we may assume i = 1 and j > 1. Let V be the following L-module: Ker(L : M → M )∩Ker(Y : M → M )∩Ker(M : M → M ) 1 λ λ+1 1 λ λ+1 1 λ λ+1 ∩Ker(L : M → M )∩Ker(Y : M → M )∩ Ker(M : M → M ). (2.1) j λ λ+j j λ λ+j j λ λ+j 3 Since dimM = ∞, dimM < ∞ and dimM < ∞, λ λ+1 λ+j all cokernels of the maps appearing in (2.1) are finite-dimensional. Thus dimV = ∞. (2.2) Since [L ,L ] = (p−1)L 6= 0, [L ,M ] = rM 6= 0 and 1 p p+1 1 r r+1 1 [L ,Y ] = (q − )Y 6= 0 1 q q+1 2 for 1 6= p ∈ Z, q ∈ Z, 1 ≤ r ∈ Z, we get L V = 0, p = 1,j,j +1,j +2,··· , and p Y V = M V = 0, q,r = 1,2,··· . (2.3) q r If there would exist 0 6= v ∈ V such that L v = 0, then Y v = M v = L v = L v = 0 and 2 1 1 1 2 M would be a Harish-Chandra module by Lemma 2.2, a contradiction. Hence L v 6= 0 for 2 all v ∈ V. In particular, dimL V = ∞. 2 Since dimM < ∞, there exists 0 6= w ∈ L V such that Y w = M w = L w = 0 (as λ+1 2 −1 −1 −1 in the proof of (2.2)). Let w = L u for some u ∈ V. For all k ≥ j, using (2.3), we have 2 L w = L L u = L L u+(2−k)L u = 0. k k 2 2 k k+2 Hence L w = 0 for all k = 1,j,j +1,j +2,··· . Since k [L ,L ] = (l+1)L 6= 0, [L ,M ] = M 6= 0 and −1 l l−1 l −1 l−1 l [Y ,L ] = (1+ )Y 6= 0 −1 l l−1 2 for all l > 1, we get inductively L w = Y w = M w = 0 for all k = 1,2,··· . Hence M is a k k k (cid:3) Harish-Chandra module by Lemma 2.2, again a contradiction. The lemma follows. Because ofLemma 2.3, we cannow fixthe following notation: M isanirreducible weight L-module, µ ∈ C is such that dimM < ∞ and dimM = ∞ for all i ∈ Z\{0}. µ µ+i Lemma 2.4 Let 0 6= v ∈ M be such that Y v = M v = L v = 0. Then µ−1 1 1 1 (1) (L3 −6L L +6L )L v = 0, 1 2 1 3 2 (2) Y v = M v = 0, k k (3) Y L v = M L v = 0, k 2 k 2 where k = 1,2,···. 4 Proof. (1) is the conclusion of Lemma 4 in [8]. (2) Since Y v = M v = L v = 0 and [L ,Y ] = (l− 1)Y 6= 0, [L ,M ] = lM 6= 0 for 1 1 1 1 l 2 l+1 1 l l+1 l ≥ 1, we inductively get (2). (3) follows from Y L = L Y −(k −1)Y , M L = L M −kM and (2). (cid:3) k 2 2 k k+2 k 2 2 k k+2 Proof of Theorem 1.3. Denote V := Ker{L : M → M }∩Ker{Y : M → M }∩Ker{M : M → M }. 1 µ−1 µ 1 µ−1 µ 1 µ−1 µ Since dimM = ∞ and dimM < ∞, similar with the discussion of (2.2), we have µ−1 µ dimV = ∞. For any 0 6= v ∈ V, consider the element L v. By Lemma 2.2, L v = 0 2 2 would imply that M is a Harish-Chandra module, a contradiction. Hence L v 6= 0, in 2 particular, dimL V = ∞. This implies that there exists w ∈ L V such that w 6= 0 and 2 2 Y w = M w = L w = 0. Using −1 −1 −1 [L ,M ] = (1−k)M and −1 −k+1 −k 3 [L ,Y ] = ( −k)Y , −1 −k+1 −k 2 we obtain Y w = M w = 0, k = 1,2,··· . −k −k From Lemma 2.4, we have (L3 −6L L +6L )w = 0, and Y w = M w = 0, k = 1,2,··· . 1 2 1 3 k k Therefore, 2 Y w = [L ,Y ]w = 0 and 0 −1 1 3 M w = [L ,M ]w = 0. 0 −1 1 The above relations mean that Y ,M act trivially on M for all k ∈ Z. Therefore, M is k k simply a module over the Virasoro algebra Vir. Thus, Theorem 1.3 follows from Theorem (cid:3) 2.1. Proof of Corollary 1.4. Assume thatMisnotaHarish-Chandra module. Thenthereshould exist i ∈ Z such that dimM = ∞. In this case, Theorem 1.3 implies dimM = ∞, a λ+i λ contradiction. Hence M is a Harish-Chandra module, and the rest of the statement follows (cid:3) from [6]. References [1] Arbarello, E., De Concini, C., Kac, V. 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