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KEK-TH-1582,KEK-Cosmo-105 PreprinttypesetinJHEPstyle-HYPERVERSION Classification and stability of vacua in maximal 2 gauged supergravity 1 0 2 t c O Hideo Kodama 9 2 Theory Center, KEK, Tsukuba 305-0801, Japan; Department of Particles and Nuclear Physics, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, ] h Tsukuba 305-0801, Japan t - [email protected] p e Masato Nozawa h [ Theory Center, KEK, Tsukuba 305-0801, Japan [email protected] 2 v 8 3 Abstract:This articlepresentsasystematicstudy ofcriticalpointsforthe SL(8,R)-typegauging 2 in four dimensional maximal gauged supergravity. We determine all the possible vacua for which 4 . the origin of the moduli space becomes a critical point. We formulate a new tool which enables us 0 1 to find analytically the mass spectrum of the corresponding vacua in terms of eigenvalues of the 2 embedding tensor. When the cosmologicalconstant is nonvanishing, it turns out that many vacua 1 obtainedbythedyonicembeddingadmitasingledeformationparameterofthetheory,inagreement : v with the results of the recent paper by Dall’Agata, Inverso and Trigiante [1]. Nevertheless, it is i X shown that the resulting mass spectrum is independent of the deformation parameter and can be r classified according to the unbroken gauge symmetry at the vacua, rather than the underlying a gauging. We also show that the generic Minkowski vacua exhibit instability. Keywords: dS vacua in string theory, Flux compactifications, Superstring Vacua. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Maximal gauged supergravity 2 2.1 Embedding tensor formalism 3 2.2 Mass matrix 4 3. Electric gaugings 6 3.1 Vacua 6 3.2 Mass spectrum 7 3.3 Spontaneous symmetry breaking 10 4. Dyonic gaugings 12 4.1 Vacua 12 4.2 Mass spectrum 17 5. Concluding remarks 23 1. Introduction The maximal supergravity has played a distinguished role in the development of string/M-theory. Although the maximal supergravity fails to describe our realistic chiral world, lots of attentions have been paid to this theory mainly due to the hope of ultraviolet finiteness. Thanks to the high degree of supersymmetry, the particle spectrum is unified into a single supermultiplet and there is nofreedomtocoupleadditionalmatterfields. Theonlyknowndeformationofmaximalsupergravity is to gauge the theory by promoting the abelian gauge fields to the nonabelian ones. The gauging procedure gives rise to the scalar potential, as well as the fermionic mass terms. Recently the gaugedsupergravitytheorieshavebeenintensively studiedinthe contextofflux compactifications, the gauge/gravityduality and also the condensed matter physics applications. TheoriginalN =8ungaugedsupergravitywasconstructedbyCremmerandJuliaviaatoroidal compactificationofelevendimensionalsupergravity[2]. deWitandNicolaiprovidedthefirstexam- ple of maximalgaugedsupergravityby gauging28 vectorfields to have an SO(8) gaugeinvariance, based on the formalism of T-tensor [3]. This theory has a simple higher dimensional origin, since it is obtained by a dimensional reduction of eleven dimensional supergravity on a seven sphere [4]. Later on, some noncompact gaugings were found to be possible without giving rise to ghost [5]. Subsequently, these types of gaugings have provided a variety of nontrivial vacua. It is then im- portant to explore which types of gaugingsare consistently realizable. However,this is not aneasy task since viability is sensitive to the choice of (possibly non-semisimple) gauge groups and their embeddings[6,7]. Eveniftheconsistentgaugingisassigned,theextremalizationofscalarpotential is a formidable task in a general setting, since 70 scalar fields appear in the theory. Thus,thevacuumhuntingsofarhasbeenmainlyfocuseduponthetruncatedsectorswhereonly a few invariant scalars survive. This strategy has been active during the past 25 years [5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. In this traditional approachwe need to choose the particular gauging,compute the scalar potential and then scan the moduli space of critical points of the potential. Specifically, – 1 – de Sitter (dS) extrema have been found for SO(4,4) and SO(5,3) gaugings by confining to the SO(p) SO(q)invariantscalar. Atthesevacuaspontaneoussupersymmetrybreakingsoccur,hence × theymayberelevantfortheearlystagesoftheuniverse. Althoughthisapproachoffersaconciseway to find vacua, it does not revealmore than the invariant scalarsof specific subgroup. For example, despite the fact that all singlet scalars of SU(4)− SO(8) invariant sector are stable, non-singlet ⊂ scalars do indeed have instabilities [13]. It is therefore desirable to address the systematic survey of viable gaugings, scanning vacua and full stability thereof. We have recently witnessed two progresses in this line of research. One is the development of a new computational tool to find vacua [16]. A dozen of new critical points have been discovered numerically. Remarkablyitwasworkedoutthatsomenonsupersymmetricvacuaareperturbatively stable. Theseintensiveworksindicatethepossibilityofanabundantvarietyofvacuawithpotential phenomenologicalapplications. Forinstance,theanti-deSitter(AdS)vacuaareexpectedtobedual to the nontrivial conformal fixed points in the dual field theory. Another development is the formulation based on the embedding tensor [17, 18, 19]. The embedding tensor specifies how to embed the gauge group into the duality group. Using this formalism, all different gaugings can be described in a covariant manner and admissible gaugings can be characterizedgroup-theoretically. Underthesecircumstances,Dall’AgataandInversoutilizedthehomogeneityofthescalarcoset spacetodeterminethecompletemassspectrumof70scalarfieldsforsomegaugings[20](see[21]for an early study in half maximal supergravity). Instead of viewing the scalar potential as nonlinear functions of seventy scalar fields, it may be identified as a quadratic function of the embedding tensor. Since the scalar coset E /SU(8) is homogeneous, any point can be brought to the origin 7(7) by the E isometry, which acts also on the embedding tensor. Hence the critical point of the 7(7) scalarpotentialcanbemappedtotheorigin,atthepriceofvaryingtheembeddingtensor. Namely we can explore the possible gaugings, critical points and their mass spectrum at the origin of the scalar manifold, where the governing equations can be analyzed algebraically. See e.g., [22, 23, 24] for some related works by this method. The aim of this paper is to deepen our understanding of vacuum structure in maximal super- gravity. We make a systematic study of vacua and address some issues unresolved in [20]. We give a new tool which enables us to trace analytically the vacuum stability without resorting numerics or annoying diagonalizationof 70 70 massmatrices. We conclude that apartfromthe Minkowski × vacua, the mass spectrum is determined by the residual gauge symmetry, rather than the gaug- ing itself. In the meanwhile, the Minkowski vacua are shown to admit intricate mass spectra and possess instabilities in general. This paper is organized as follows. In the next section we succinctly describe the embedding tensor formalism and fix our notations. Sections 3 and 4 are devoted to the discussion of vacuum classifications and mass spectra. Finally, we conclude with some future prospects in section 5. 2. Maximal gauged supergravity In this section we will briefly discuss the gauging of maximal supergravity and fix our notations. In the maximal supergravity, the scalar manifold is described by the E /SU(8) nonlinear sigma 7(7) model. The E acts on the coset representative as isometries, while acts on the gauge fields as 7(7) global symmetries. We choose a subgroup of E and promote it to a local symmetry. In order 7(7) to keepthe supersymmetry,this deformationgivesriseto anontrivialscalarpotential, bywhich70 scalarfieldsmaygetstabilizedbyacquiringmass. Forthispurpose,theembeddingtensorformalism is of help, since it allows one to trace all equations formally in an E covariantfashion. Refer to 7(7) the original paper [19] for a more rigorous discussion. – 2 – 2.1 Embedding tensor formalism Since the gauge group is a subgroup of E , its generators X can be expressed in terms of the 7(7) M generators, t , of E as α 7(7) X =Θ αt , (2.1) M M α where α = 1,...,133 and M = 1,...,56. The gaugings are encoded into the real embedding tensor Θ α belongingtothe 56 133representationofE . Itspecifieswhichgeneratorsoftheduality M 7(7) × group to be chosen as generators of gauge group. A major advantage of adopting the embedding tensoristhatitallowsustokeepthe entireformulationinadualitycovariantway. IntermsofX M the symmetry can be made local by introducing gauge covariantderivative, ∂ D =∂ gAMX , (2.2) µ → µ µ− µ M where g is the coupling constant. The embedding tensor must satisfy linear and quadratic constraints in order to ensure the consistent gaugings. The quadratic constraint equation requires that the embedding tensor should be invariant under the gauge group, C α :=f αΘ βΘ γ +(t ) PΘ βΘ α =0, (2.3) MN βγ M N β N M P where f γ denotes the structure constants of E , i.e., [t ,t ]= f γt . Equation (2.3) implies αβ 7(7) α β αβ γ the closure condition [X ,X ] = X PX of the gauge algebra. It should be stressed that M N MN P − (2.3) involves a nontrivial information upon the symmetrization in (M,N). In addition to the quadratic relation, the supersymmetry imposes the linear constraint upon the embedding tensor. The concrete form of this constraint depends on the spacetime dimen- sionality and supercharges. In the present case, the embedding tensor is subject to the following restriction [18, 19], 1 (t ) NΘ α =0, (t tα) NΘ β = Θ α. (2.4) α M N β M N M −2 Here and in what follows, the indices α,β,... are raised and lowered by the E Cartan-Killing 7(7) metric η =Tr(t t ). Although the embedding tensor a priori takes values in the tensor product αβ α β 56 133 = 56+912+6480, the above constraint amounts to requiring the embedding tensor × to belonging to the 912 representation [18, 19].1 From equation (2.4) one may derive X = (MNP) X =X M =0, namely, the gauge group must be unimodular. Each solution to the above M[NP] MN set of constrains gives rise to a viable gauging. Inthepresentpaper,weareinterestedinagaugegroupembeddedintothestandardSL(8,R)sub- group of E . The branching rules into SL(8,R) representations are 7(7) 56 28+28′, 133 63+70, 912 36+420+36′+420′. (2.5) → → → Since the embedding tensor lives in 912 representation, the relevant branchings are given by 28 28′ 63 36+420 36′+420′ (2.6) 70 420′ 420 The representations 420 and 420′ appear not only in representations arising from the adjoint representation 63 of SL(8,R), but also in those coming from 70. Hence, for the embeddings in 1Ifonegauges thetrombonesymmetry,the56representations canbeexcited[25]. – 3 – SL(8,R), the embedding tensor has to belong to 36 and/or 36′, on which we will concentrate in the rest of the paper. The scalar potential arises from the O(g2) corrections of supersymmetry transformations. In terms of X , it is given by [19] M g2 V = X RX SMMPMNQM +7X QX NMMP , (2.7) MN PQ RS MN PQ 672 (cid:0) (cid:1) where M is a real and symmetric matrix with the inverse MMN and defined by MN M =L TL, M =(M) . (2.8) MN MN · Here L=L(φ) is the coset representative in the Sp(56,R) representation. From the higher dimen- sional point of view, the four dimensional scalar potential encodes the internal geometry and the flux contributions. For generic gaugings, the potential is unbounded both below and above, and fails to have any extrema. Forlaterconvenience,letusrecapitulatesomecosetrepresentations. CremmerandJuliaintro- duced the Usp(56) representation, in which the diagonal element of E algebra is SU(8) [2]. In 7(7) the Usp(56) representation the coset representatives take the form, 0 φ L(φ) N =exp ijkl , φ =φ =η(⋆φ¯) , (2.9) M φijkl 0 ijkl [ijkl] ijkl (cid:18) (cid:19) where the underlined indices refer to 28+28 of SU(8), and η = 1 corresponds to the chirality ± of the spinor representation of SO(8) below. Here i,j,... are 8 and 8¯ of SU(8), and are raised and lowered via complex conjugation, as usual. The change of basis can be done via gamma matrices in the real Weyl spinor representationof SO(8), i Γ ab iΓ L N = PL Q( −1) N, N = ij ijab , (2.10) M SM P S Q SM 4√2(cid:18)Γijab −iΓijab(cid:19) where (Γ )ab = (Γab) =: Γab, and there is no need to distinguish their upper and lower indices. ij ij ij In particular, we denote by to describe the coset representative in a mixed basis, V N =L P( −1) N. (2.11) M M P V S 2.2 Mass matrix Theseventyscalarsparametrizethehomogeneous(andmoreoversymmetric)cosetspaceE /SU(8). 7(7) The homogeneity means that every point on the (Riemannian) manifold can be mapped into any other point via a global transformation (isometry). In other words, the manifold admits the tran- sitive group of motions. What is important here is that the scalar potential is invariant under the simultaneous trans- formations of the coset representative and of the embedding tensor. Indeed, the potential depends on a single tensorial combination L−1Θ. To see this, let us define Θ˜ αt :=(L−1) NΘ αL−1t L. (2.12) M α M N α ThisistheanalogueofT-tensorintheSp(56,R)representation. IntermsofΘ˜ α,thepotential(2.7) M can be expressed as g2 V = Θ˜ αΘ˜ β(δ +7η ), (2.13) M N αβ αβ 672 – 4 – where Tr(t t†)=δ , Tr(t t )=η . (2.14) α β αβ α β αβ In this form, one notices that the potential depends (quadratically) only on Θ˜ α, as we desired M to show. Since any point on the scalar manifold can be mapped to any other point, the optimal setup is to move the critical point to the origin (φ = 0), where L(φ) = I . At the origin, the ijkl 56 extremum condition amounts to the quadratic conditions on Θ α. M To take the firstvariationofthe potential,we first note thateveryvariationofthe cosetrepre- sentative can be written in a form of an E transformationfrom the right. In the Sp(56,R) rep- 7(7) resentation we have ∂ L= Lt , (2.15) ρ ρ − where index ρ refers exclusively to 70 noncompact elements of e . This implies 7(7) ∂ L−1 =t L−1, ∂ M = L(t +Tt )TL, ∂ M−1 =(TL)−1(t +Tt )L−1. (2.16) ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ − Because of the relation ∂ (Θ˜ αt P)=t QΘ˜ αt P +Θ˜ αf γt P , (2.17) ρ M αN ρM Q αN M ρα γN the first derivative of V is obtained as g2 ∂ V = t NΘ˜ αΘ˜ β(δ +7η )+Θ˜ αΘ˜ βf γδ . (2.18) ρ ρM M N αβ αβ M M ρβ αγ 336 h i At the origin, ∂ V = 0 imposes a quadratic restriction upon Θ α, which should be combined to ρ M be solved with (2.3) and (2.4). It turns out that we can scan the critical points and underlying gaugings at the same time, as demonstrated in [20]. We can furthermore discuss the mass spectrum at the same time. By virtue of (2.15)–(2.18), we can likewise obtain the second derivatives of the potential g2 ∂ ∂ V = (t +Tt ) Nt PΘ˜ αΘ˜ β(δ +7η ) σ ρ ρ ρ M σM P N αβ αβ 336 h +Θ˜ αΘ˜ β(f γf δδ +(f f ) γδ ) M M ρα σβ γδ (ρ σ) α βγ +2(t Nf γ +t Nf γ)δ Θ˜ (αΘ˜ β) . (2.19) ρM σα σM ρα βγ M N i In order to reduce (2.19) to a more tractable form, we rely on the observation [Tt ,t ] e , α β 7(7) ∈ which suggests that there exist constants c γ such that [Tt ,t ] = c γt . Applying the Jacobi αβ α β αβ γ identity to (Tt ,t ,t ), we have α β γ c γf δδ = c γc γ f γf δδ . (2.20) (ρσ) γα βδ β(ρ σ)α α(ρ σ)β γδ − − Using this relation, a simple computation shows that (2.19) can be cast into 1 ∂ ∂ V =(M2) + c γ∂ V , (2.21) ρ σ ρσ 2 (ρσ) γ where M2 describes the mass matrix at the extrema, g2 (M2) := (s s ) NTr(X TX +7X X )+2(s ) NTr(s [X ,TX ]) ρσ 168 (ρ σ) M M N M N (ρ M σ) (M N) (cid:2) Tr([s ,X ][s ,TX ]) . (2.22) (ρ M σ) M − Here we have defined 56 56 symmetric matrices,(cid:3) × 1 s := (t +Tt ). (2.23) ρ ρ ρ 2 – 5 – 3. Electric gaugings We firstdiscuss the case in which the gaugegroupis containedin the SL(8,R) electric frame. This is the simplest setup where the relation to the flux compactification is clear [26, 27, 28]. This type of gaugings corresponds to the CSO(p,q,r) gaugings. Since the embedding tensor is described by the 36′ representation of SL(8,R) [18] as Θ c =δc θ , θ =θ , a,b,...=1,...,8, (3.1) ab d [a b]d ab (ab) the gauge structure constants X of CSO(p,q,r) are given by M X [ef] 0 X =(X ,XΣ)=(X ,0), X = [ab][cd] , (3.2) M Λ [ab] [ab] 0 X [cd] (cid:18) [ab] [ef](cid:19) where X [ef] =δ [eθ δ f], X [cd] = δ [cθ δ d]. (3.3) [ab][cd] [a b][c d] [ab] [ef] − [a b][e f] In this case the quadratic constraint is automatically satisfied. Thus any symmetric tensor θ ab defines a consistent gauging even if it is noninvertible. From (2.7) and (3.1) the potential at the extrema is given by 1 1 1 V = g2 Tr(θ2) (Trθ)2 . (3.4) c 8 4 − 8 (cid:20) (cid:21) In our present normalization, V is equivalent to the cosmological constant. c 3.1 Vacua In the electric gauging case, the origin of the scalar coset corresponds to the critical point if the following relation holds [20] 2θ2 θTrθ =2vI , v :=4g−2V . (3.5) 8 c − Note that the extremum condition is invariant under θ P−1θP. Hence we can confine ourselves → to the diagonal θ by taking P as an orthogonalmatrix. Since the 8 8 matrix θ obeys a quadratic × equation (3.5), its eigenvalues λ (i=1,2) should satisfy i 1 λ2 xλ v =0, x:= Tr(θ). (3.6) i − i− 2 Letn ( n =8)denotethedegeneracyofeigenvalueλ . Thentheextremumconditiontranslates i i i i into P (n 2)λ =0. (3.7) i i − i X Since we have 1 V = g2λ λ , (3.8) c 1 2 −4 the potential vanishes for n = 2 or n = 2, in which case the θ tensor is noninvertible. One also 1 2 finds that the potential is invariant under λ λ and λ λ , thereby these cases correspond i i 1 2 → − ↔ to the same vacua. It is observed that equations (3.4) and (3.5) are invariant under the rescaling θ eαθ with → g e−αg (α R). Using this freedom, we are free to set detθ = 1 for n =2, whereasfor n =2 i 1 → ∈ ± 6 (n = 2) we can choose λ (λ ) to take any nonvanishing value. Under these conditions, it turns 2 1 2 out that the extrema in the electric gaugings are exhausted by table 1 of reference [20]. – 6 – 3.2 Mass spectrum We now move on to the main part of this paper and determine analytically the full mass spectrum of 70 scalars. Let s =(t +Tt )/2 decompose into ρ ρ ρ s [cd] s s = ρ[ab] ρ[abcd] , (3.9) ρ s [abcd] s [cd] (cid:18) ρ ρ [ab](cid:19) where s [cd] = s [cd] =2(S ) [cδ d], (s ) =(s )[abcd] =(U ) . (3.10) ρ[ab] ρ [ab] ρ [a b] ρ [abcd] ρ ρ [abcd] − Each of real tensors (S,U) has 35 components and satisfies S =TS, Tr(S)=0, U =⋆U. (3.11) Substituting (3.2) and (3.9) into (2.22), we are led to M2 =M2 (θ)+M2 (θ), (3.12) (1) (2) with 1 M2 (θ)= g2 Tr(θ)Tr(S2θ) [Tr(θS)]2+2Tr(S2θ2)+2Tr(SθSθ) , (3.13) (1) 8 − − 1 (cid:2) 1 (cid:3) M2 (θ)= g2 U2 θ θ + U UTr(θ2) . (3.14) (2) 8 − [ab][cd] ac bd 24 · (cid:20) (cid:21) Here we have introduced the abbreviation 1 U U =U U , (U2) =U U , (U2) =U U = U Uδ , (3.15) · abcd abcd [ab][cd] abef cdef ab acde bcde 8 · ab where the final expression follows from the self-duality of U. We now split the matrix S into n and n blocks 1 2 A A λ I S = 11 12 , θ = 1 n1 , (3.16) TA A λ I (cid:18) 12 22(cid:19) (cid:18) 2 n2(cid:19) and define 1 1 A = Tr(A )I +Aˆ , A = Tr(A )I +Aˆ , (3.17) 11 n 11 n1 1 22 −n 11 n2 2 1 2 where Aˆ and Aˆ are trace-free parts of A and A , respectively. 1 2 11 22 In order to achieve the correct mass spectrum we need to canonically normalize the scalar kinetic function. According to (2.10), the fluctuations of scalar fields δφ are given by ijkl 1 2S [cδ d]+iU = ΓijΓklδφ , (3.18) [a b] abcd 16 ab cd ijkl Then the scalar kinetic term reads 1 1 1 1 µijkl = ∂ φ 2 = Tr((∂S)2)+ ∂U ∂U. (3.19) µijkl µ ijkl 12P P 12| | 2 12 · It follows that 1 1 8 Tr((∂S)2)= (∂TrA )2+Tr((∂Aˆ )2)+Tr((∂Aˆ )2)+2Tr(∂TA ∂A ) . (3.20) 11 1 2 12 12 2 2 n n (cid:20) 1 2 (cid:21) – 7 – With reference to (3.13) and (3.16), the mass matrix M2 can be expressed in terms of fields (1) (Tr(A ),Aˆ ,Aˆ ,A ). The canonical mass eigenvalues can be read off in such a way that each 11 1 2 12 coefficient of these fields agrees with (3.20), thereby 8 M2 = m2 Tr(A )2+m2 Tr(Aˆ2)+m2 Tr(Aˆ2)+2m2 Tr(TA A ), (1) n n 0(1,1) 11 1(N1,1) 1 2(1,N2) 2 ∗(n1,n2) 12 12 1 2 (3.21) where 1 1 N = (n 1)(n +2), N = (n 1)(n +2), (3.22) 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 − 2 − and g2 m2 = [2n (2 n )λ2+2n (2 n )λ2 (n n )2λ λ ], (3.23a) 0(1,1) 64 2 − 1 1 1 − 2 2− 1− 2 1 2 g2 m2 = λ [(4 n )λ n λ ], (3.23b) 1(N1,1) 8 1 − 1 1− 2 2 g2 m2 = λ [(4 n )λ n λ ], (3.23c) 2(1,N2) 8 2 − 2 2− 1 2 g2 m2 = (λ +λ )[(2 n )λ +(2 n )λ ]=0. (3.23d) ∗(n1,n2) 16 1 2 − 1 1 − 2 2 At the last equality we have used the stationary point condition (3.7). It follows that the A field 12 isalwaysmassless. Boldfacelettersinthe subscriptdenotetherepresentationsofSO(n ) SO(n ). 1 2 × Thisnotationmanifestsmultiplicitiesexplicitly,i.e.,m2 representsthemassspectrumforfields (k1,k2) with k k degeneracies. Note that fluctuations of Tr(A ) and A exist for n n > 0, while Aˆ 1 2 11 12 1 2 1 (Aˆ ) exists for n >1 (n >1). 2 1 2 When n = 2,6, the cosmological constant is nonvanishing. So we can normalize the mass 1 6 spectra in a unit of the cosmologicalconstant (3.8) and obtain a more comprehensive form 4V 4V m2 = 2V , m2 = c , m2 = c . (3.24) 0(1,1) − c 1(N1,1) n 2 2(1,N2) n 2 1 2 − − Whereas, for n =2 we have 1 1 m2 =m2 =m2 =0, m2 = g2λ2. (3.25) 0(1,1) 2(1,20) ∗(2,6) 1(2,1) 4 1 The n =6 case can be deduced similarly. 1 Let us turn to determine the mass spectrum of pseudoscalars U. We decompose the eight indices into n and n blocks, 1 2 S = 1,...,n , S = n +1,...,n +n . (3.26) 1 1 2 1 1 2 { } { } Let ℓ be a non-negative integer taking values in the range 0 ℓ 4, 0 4 ℓ n . Then the 2 ≤ ≤ ≤ − ≤ basis of antisymmetric four-formis labeled by pairs I ,I , where I (I ) is a set of ℓ (4 ℓ) indices 1 2 1 2 − belonging to S (S ). For any four-form Z , we find 1 2 abcd 1 θr θs Z = ℓ(ℓ 1)λ2+2ℓ(4 ℓ)λ λ +(4 ℓ)(3 ℓ)λ2 Z , (3.27) [a b cd]rs 12 − 1 − 1 2 − − 2 abcd (cid:2) (cid:3) from which we are led to (1+⋆)θr θs U =2µ U , (3.28) [a b cd]rs ℓ abcd – 8 – where 1 µ = ℓ(ℓ 1)λ2+2ℓ(4 ℓ)λ λ +(4 ℓ)(3 ℓ)λ2+(n ℓ)(n ℓ 1)λ2 ℓ 24 − 1 − 1 2 − − 2 1− 1− − 1 (cid:2) +2(n ℓ)(4 n +ℓ)λ λ +(4 n +ℓ)(3 n +ℓ)λ2 . (3.29) 1− − 1 1 2 − 1 − 1 2 (cid:3) Then the fluctuation mode of U is labeled by a non-negative integer ℓ satisfying n 2ℓ min(2n ,8). (3.30) 1 1 ≤ ≤ Since the kinetic term of U is given by (1/12)∂U ∂U , the normalized mass eigenvalue m abcd abcd [ℓ] reads 1 M2 = m2 U U, (3.31) (2) 6 [ℓ] · where g2 m2 = n ℓ(ℓ 1) (n ℓ)(n ℓ 1) λ2 2 ℓ(4 ℓ)+(n ℓ)(4+ℓ n ) λ λ [ℓ] 32 { 1− − − 1− 1− − } 1− { − 1− − 1 } 1 2 (cid:2) + n (4 ℓ)(3 ℓ) (4+ℓ n )(3+ℓ n ) λ2 , (3.32) { 2− − − − − 1 − 1 } 2 (cid:3) with multiplicities 1 2ℓ>n : C C , 2ℓ=n : C C . (3.33) 1 n1 ℓ×8−n1 4−ℓ 1 2n1 n1/2×8−n1 4−n1/2 For n =2,6, equation (3.32) simplifies in a unit of the cosmologicalconstant to 1 6 2[2ℓ2 2n ℓ+(n 2)2] m2 = − 1 1− V . (3.34) [ℓ] (n 6)(n 2) c 1 1 − − For n =2 i.e., λ =0, we have 1 2 1 m2 =m2 = g2λ2, m2 =m2 =0, (3.35) [ℓ=1](×20) (2,20)+ 16 1 [ℓ=2](×15) (1,15) where we have denoted multiplicities and representations in the subscript, and “+” stands for the self-duality. As argued in the next subsection, these massless modes have nothing to do with the Nambu-Goldstone bosons. We are now in a position to discuss critical points and mass spectra in the electric gauging. Our classification exhaustively recovers the list of critical points found by Dall’Agata-Inverso [20], whichwesummarizeintable3.2. Ouranalyticexpressionsofmassspectraareinperfectagreement with the reference [20], in which mass eigenvalues may have been obtained by diagonalization of 70 70 mass matrix. In our method it is obvious which parts of φ belong to scalars (S field) ijkl × and pseudoscalars (U field). Moreover, our formulation makes it clear that the mass spectrum is simply specified group-theoretically by multiplicities. In particular, it immediately turns out that the dSvacua necessarilyhaveunstable mode ofm2 = 2V , arisingfromthe tracepartofn -block 0 − c 1 [see (3.24)]. For SO(5,3) and SO(4,4) gaugings , this mode corresponds to the SO(5) SO(3) and × SO(4) SO(4) invariant scalar, respectively [10, 11, 12]. × WiththeexceptionofMinkowskivacua,wehavenormalizedthemasseigenvaluesbythecosmo- logicalconstant. Thisnormalizationisintuitivelyclearsinceitmeasuresthecurvatureofpotential. Then, inspection of (3.24) and (3.34) reveals that the mass spectrum is determined only by the remaining gaugesymmetryatthe vacua(i.e., n only), ratherthanthe gauging(actualvalue ofλ). i This statement will become more persuasive when we look into the dyonic case in the subsequent section, where several vacua of different gaugings can have the same mass spectra. – 9 –

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