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Classical probabilistic realization of “Random 5 Numbers Certified by Bell’s Theorem” 1 0 2 Andrei Khrennikov n International Center for Mathematical Modeling a in Physics and Cognitive Sciences J Linnaeus University, V¨axj¨o-Kalmar, Sweden 5 1 ] Abstract h p Wequestion thecommonly acceptedstatementthat randomnumbers - t certified by Bell’s theorem carry some special sort of randomness, so to n say, quantum randomness or intrinsic randomness. We show that such a numberscan be easily generated by classical random generators. u q [ 1 Introduction 1 v The idea that quantum randomness (QR) differs crucially from classical ran- 1 domness (CR) is due to von Neumann who pointed that QR is intrinsic and 8 5 CR is reducible to variability in an ensemble [1]. At the first stages of the de- 3 velopment of quantum theory (QM) von Neumann’s viewpoint to QR and its 0 exceptional nature was merely of the purely foundational value. It was used . 1 to support various no-go statements, starting with von Neumann’s no-go the- 0 orem [1] (in fact, this no-go statement was called by von Neumann “ansatz” 5 and “theorem” as it is common in modern literature), see [2], [3] for discus- 1 sions. However, with the development of quantum information theory and its : v technological implementation the inter-relation between classical and quantum i randomness started to play the important role in real applications. X In this note we shall discuss one very novel and important application of r a quantum randomness, namely, in the form of random number generators cer- tified by Bell’s theory, see, e.g., [4] for details and review. As was claimed in [4]: “Itistherebypossibletodesignofanewtypeofcryptographicallysecurerandom number generator which does not require any assumption on the internal working of the devices. This strong form of randomness generation is impossible classically and possible in quantumsystems only if certified by a Bell inequality violation.” Itseemsthatthisstatementisincontradictionwiththerecentresults[5],see also[6],onembeddingofthedatageneratedinexperimentaltestdemonstrating violations of Bell’s inequality into the classicalprobability model (based on the 1 Kolmogorov measure-theoretic model [7], 1933). As well as in [4], we consider the case of CHSH inequality which were tested and confirmed in numerous experiments (although it might happen that the final loophole free test will be performed not for Bell’s inequality not in the CHSH form, but in the Eberhard form [8]). 2 Classical probability space for data violating the CHSH inequality For readers convenience, we present shortly the model from [5]. In the CHSH-test we operate with probabilities p (ǫ,ǫ′),ǫ,ǫ′ =±1, – to get ij t(θhe,θre′)s.ulWtseabθior=roǫw,bpθj′ro=baǫb′iilnititehseferoxmpertihmeemntatwhietmhathtiecafilxfeodrmpaailrisomf oorfieqnutaanttiounms i j mechanics: p (ǫ,ǫ)= 1cos2 θi−θj′,p (ǫ,−ǫ)= 1sin2 θi−θj′. (1) ij ij 2 2 2 2 Letus now considerthe setofpoints Ω (the space of“elementaryevents”in Kolmogorov’sterminology): ′ ′ ′ ′ Ω={(ǫ ,0,ǫ ,0),(ǫ ,0,0,ǫ ),(0,ǫ ,ǫ ,0),(0,ǫ ,0,ǫ )}, 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 where ǫ=±1,ǫ′ =±1. We define the following probability measure1 on Ω 1 1 P(ǫ ,0,ǫ′,0)= p (ǫ ,ǫ′),P(ǫ ,0,0,ǫ′)= p (ǫ ,ǫ′) 1 1 4 11 1 1 1 2 4 12 1 2 1 1 P(0,ǫ ,ǫ′,0)= p (ǫ ,ǫ′),P(0,ǫ ,0,ǫ′)= p (ǫ ,ǫ′). 2 1 4 21 2 1 2 2 4 22 2 2 We now define random variables A(i)(ω),B(j)(ω): A(1)(ǫ ,0,ǫ′,0)=A(1)(ǫ ,0,0,ǫ′)=ǫ ,A(2)(0,ǫ ,ǫ′,0)=A(2)(0,ǫ ,0,ǫ′)=ǫ ; 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 (2) B(1)(ǫ ,0,ǫ′,0)=B(1)(0,ǫ ,ǫ′,0)=ǫ′,B(2)(ǫ ,0,0,ǫ′)=B(2)(0,ǫ ,0,ǫ′)=ǫ′. 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 (3) and we put these variables equal to zero in other points. We find two dimensional probabilities 1 P(ω ∈Ω:A(1)(ω)=ǫ ,B(1)(ω)=ǫ′)=P(ǫ ,0,ǫ′,0)= p (ǫ ,ǫ′),..., 1 1 1 1 4 11 1 1 1TomatchcompletelywithKolmogorov’sterminology,wehavetoselectaσ-algebraF of subsets of Ω representing events and define the probability measure on F. However, in the case of a finite Ω={ω1,...,ωk} the system of events F is always chosen as consisting of all subsets of Ω. To define a probability measure on such F, it is sufficient to define it for one- pointsets,(ωm)→P(ωm),PmP(ωm)=1,andtoextenditbyadditivity: foranysubsetO ofΩ,P(O)=Pωm∈OP(ωm). 2 1 P(ω ∈Ω:A(2)(ω)=ǫ ,B(2)(ω)=ǫ′)=P(0,ǫ ,0,ǫ′)= p (ǫ ,ǫ′). 2 2 2 2 4 22 2 2 We also consider the random variables which are responsible for selections of pairs settings (θ ,θ′). For “the settings at LHS”: i j ′ ′ ′ ′ η (ǫ ,0,0,ǫ )=η (ǫ ,0,ǫ ,0)=1,η (0,ǫ ,0,ǫ )=η (0,ǫ ,ǫ ,0)=2. L 1 2 L 1 1 L 2 2 L 2 1 For “the settings at RHS”: ′ ′ ′ ′ η (ǫ ,0,ǫ ,0)=η (0,ǫ ,ǫ ,0)=1,η (0,ǫ ,0,ǫ )=η (ǫ ,0,0,ǫ )=2. R 1 1 R 2 1 R 2 2 R 1 2 The points of the space of “elementary events” Ω have the following in- terpretation. Take,for example, ω = (ǫ ,0,ǫ′,0). Here η = 1, i.e, the LHS 1 1 L setting is selected as θ , and η = 1, i.e, the RHS setting is selected as θ′. 1 R 1 ThentherandomvariableA(1) =ǫ ,A(1) =0andB(1) =ǫ′,B(2) =0.Consider 1 1 now, e.g., ω = (ǫ ,0,0,ǫ′). Here η = 1, i.e, the LHS setting is selected as θ , 1 2 L 1 and η = 2, i.e, the RHS setting is selected as θ′. Then the random variable R 2 A(1) =ǫ ,A(1) =0 and B(1) =0,B(2) =ǫ′. 1 2 3 Classical random generation of “Random Num- bers Certified by Bell’s Theorem” ByusingthepreviousclassicalprobabilisticrepresentationofCHSH-probabilities, we can now construct the classical random generator (at least theoretically) producing 6-dimensional vectors ξ = (A(1),A(2),B(1),B(2),η ,η ),m = m m m m m Lm Rm 1,2,.... The last two coordinates take values 1,2 and the first four coordinates takethevalues{−1,0,+1}.Nowifwefilterfromthese6-dimensionalvectorsthe zerocoordinates,weshallget4-dimensionalvectors(a ,b ,η ,η whichare m m Lm Rm indistinguishable from the viewpoint of Bell’s test from those obtained, e.g., in the quantum optics experiments. The corresponding conditional probabilities, conditioning with respect to selection the fixed pairs of settings (θ ,θ′), violate i j the CHSH inequality. Finally we remark that our random generator is “local”, see [6] for details. 4 Conclusion In the light of recent author’s results on embedding of quantum probabilistic data into the classical Kolmogrov model of probability von Neumann’s state- ment about irreducible and intrinsic quantum randomness as opposed to clas- sical reducible randomness which based only on the lack of knowledge has to beseriouslyreanalyzed(aswellasitsquantuminformationtechnologicalimple- mentations). In fact, already careful reading of von Neumann’s book [1] makes the impression that his conclusion about novelfeatures of quantum probability andrandomnesscomparingwiththeirclassicalcounter-partswasnotcompletely logically justified. Roughly speaking he said. See, each electron is individually 3 random! However, at the same time he pointed out that this individual ran- domnesscanbegainedonlyfromanensembleofelectrons. Thelatterensemble approach to probability is purely classical. Therefore it would be natural to expect that one might be able to embed quantum probability into the classical probability model. Precisely this was done in [5], [6]. InourapproachtheCHSH-probabilitiesappearasclassical conditionalprob- abilities. In general I claim that all quantum probabilities can be modeled as classicalconditionalprobabilities. In such a situation it is difficult to believe in some mystical and non-classical features of quantum random generators. Finally, I remark that in this paper I do not question the quality of “Ran- dom Numbers Certified by Bell’s Theorem”. If they pass the standard tests for randomness, e.g., the NIST-test, they are good, if not, then they are bad, irrelativetonon/violationoftheCHSH-inequalityandirrelativetotheproblem of closing of experimental loopholes [8]. My main concern is about claims that quantum random generators are in some way better than classical ones. Acknowledgment This paper was written under support of the grant Modeling of Complex Hier- archic Systems, the Faculty of technology, Linnaeus University. References [1] J. Von Neuman, Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Princeton University Press, Princeton (1955). [2] A. Khrennikov, Interpretations of Probability (Berlin: De Gruyter) 2d ed (2010). [3] A. Khrennikov Contextual Approach to Quantum Formalism. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York (2009). [4] S.Pironio,A.Acin,S.Massar,A.BoyerdelaGiroday,D.N.Matsukevich, P. Maunz, S. 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