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Springer Series in Computational Physics Editors: C. A. J. Fletcher R. Glowinski W. Hillebrandt M. Holt P. Hut H. B. Keller J. Killeen S. A. Orszag V. V. Rusanov Springer Series in Computational Physics Editors: C. A. 1. Fletcher R. Glowinski W. Hillebrandt M. Holt P. Hut H. B. Keller 1. Killeen S. A. Orszag V. V. Rusanov A Computational Method in Plasma Physics F. Bauer, O. Betancourt, P. Garabedian Implementation of Finite Element Methods for Navie .... Stokes Equations F. Thomasset Finite-Difference Techniques for Vectorized Fluid Dynamics Calculations Edited by D. Book Unsteady Viscous Flows. D. P. Telionis Computational Methods for Fluid Flow. R. Peyret, T. D. Taylor Computational Methods in Bifurcation Theory and Dissipative Structures M. Kubicek, M. Marek Optimal Shape Design for Elliptic Systems. O. Pironneau The Method of Differential Approximation. Yu. I. Shokin Computational Galerkin Methods. C. A. 1. Fletcher Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Variational Problems R. Glowinski Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics. Second Edition M. Holt Computer Studies of Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena O. G. Mouritsen Finite Element Methods in Linear Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics R. Gruber, 1. Rappaz Numerical Simulation of Plasmas. Y. N. Dnestrovskii, D. P. Kostomarov Computational Methods for Kinetic Models of Magnetically Confined Plasmas 1. Killeen, G. D. Kerbel, M. C. McCoy, A. A. Mirin Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics. Second Edition C. Canuto, M. Y. Hussaini, A. Quarteroni, T. A. Zang Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 1. Second Edition Fundamental and General Techniques. C. A. 1. Fletcher Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 2. Second Edition Specific Techniques for Different Flow Categories. C. A. 1. Fletcher Methods for the Localization of Singularities in Numerical Solutions of Gas Dynamics Problems. E. V. Vorozhtsov, N. N. Yanenko Classical Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete Variable A. F. Nikiforov, S. K. Suslov, V B. Uvarov Flux Coordinates and Magnetic Field Structure: A Guide to a Fundamental Tool of Plasma Theory W. D. D'haeseleer, W. N. G. Hitchon, 1. D. Callen, 1. L. Shohet Monte Carlo Methods in Boundary Value Problems K. K. Sabelfeld A.F. Nikiforov S.K. Suslov V.B. Uvarov Classical Orthogonal Polynomials of a Discrete Variable With 26 Figures Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Budapest Professor Dr. Arnold F. Nikiforov Professor Dr. Vasilii B. Uvarov M.V. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Miusskaya pI. 4, SU-125047 Moscow, USSR Sergei K. Suslov Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, SU-123182 Moscow, USSR Editors P. Hut The Institute for Advanced Study C. A. J. Fletcher School of Natural Sciences Department of Mechanical Engineering Princeton, NJ 08540, USA The University of Sydney H.B. Keller New South Wales, 2006 Australia Applied Mathematics 101-50 Firestone Laboratory California Institute of Technology R. Glowinski Pasadena, CA 91125, USA Institut de Recherche d'Informatique et d'Automatique (INRIA) 1. Killeen Domaine de Voluceau Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Rocquencourt, B. P. 105 PO. Box 808 F-78150 Le Chesnay, France Livermore, CA 94551, USA S.A.Orszag W. Hillebrandt Max-Planck-Institut fUr Astrophysik Department of Mechanical and Karl-Schwarzschild-StraBe 1 Aerospace Engineering W-8046 Garching, Fed. Rep. of Germany Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544, USA M. Holt VV Rusanov College of Engineering and M. v. Keldysh Institute Mechanical Engineering of Applied Mathematics University of California Miusskaya pI. 4 Berkeley, CA 94720, USA SU-125047 Moscow, USSR ISBN-13: 978-3-642-74750-2 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-74748-9 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-74748-9 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Nikiforov, A. F. [Klassicheskie ortogonal 'nye poli nomy diskretnoi peremennoi. English). Classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable I A. F. Nikiforov, S.K. Suslov, v.B. Uvarov. p. cm. - (Springer series in computational physics). Translation of: Klassicheskie ortogonal 'nye polinomy diskretnoi peremennoi. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-387-51123-7 (U.S. : alk. paper). 1. Orthogonal polynomials. 2. Functions, Special. 3. Multivariate analysis. 4. Mathematical physics. 1. Suslov, S.K. (Sergei Konstantinovich). II. Uvarov, v.B. (Vasilii Borisovich). III. Title. IV. Series. QC20.7.075N5513 1990 515'.55---dc20 90-9793 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is con cerned, specifically the· rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilm or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9,1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1991 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 15t edition 1991 The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Typesetting: SpringerTEX inhouse system 57/3140-543210 - Printed on acid-free paper Preface Mathematical modelling of many physical processes involves rather complex dif ferential, integral, and integro-differential equations which can be solved directly only in a number of cases. Therefore, as a first step, an original problem has to be considerably simplified in order to get a preliminary knowledge of the most important qualitative features of the process under investigation and to estimate the effect of various factors. Sometimes a solution of the simplified problem can be obtained in the analytical form convenient for further investigation. At this stage of the mathematical modelling it is useful to apply various special functions. Many model problems of atomic, molecular, and nuclear physics, electrody namics, and acoustics may be reduced to equations of hypergeometric type, a(x)y" + r(x)y' + AY = 0 , (0.1) where a(x) and r(x) are polynomials of at most the second and first degree re spectively and A is a constant [E7, AI, N18]. Some solutions of (0.1) are functions extensively used in mathematical physics such as classical orthogonal polyno mials (the Jacobi, Laguerre, and Hermite polynomials) and hypergeometric and confluent hypergeometric functions. On the other hand, along with the special functions which are the solu tions of (0.1), in various fields of physics and mathematics wide use is made of quantities that are determined on a discrete set of argument values. Examples are the Clebsch-Gordan and Racah coefficients (the 3j- and 6j-symbols), which have long been used in quantum mechanics and in the theory of group repre sentations. Moreover, in probability theory (specifically, in problems of queuing theory [F1a] and birth and death processes [F1a, K6-9]), in coding theory [L6], etc. classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable (the Hahn, Meixner, Kravchuk, and Charlier polynomials) are extensively used. It has been proved that all these functions may be described by means of a unified treatment in terms of polynomials which are solutions of the difference equation of hypergeometric type, proposed in [N17]. This equation may be obtained by approximating the differential equation (0.1) on lattices of certain classes. It has been found that the polynomial solutions of the above difference equation include the polynomials earlier introduced from various considerations by Markov [M5], Chebyshev [1'3], Rogers [R21-R23], Stieltjes and Wigert [S24, W6], Pollaczek [PlO], and Karlin and MacGregor [K6], and also the Askey-Wilson polynomials [A27, W8, A29] , introduced by means of the basic hypergeometric series. v A general theory of polynomial solutions for the difference equation of hyper geometric type was first constructed in preprint [NI7] by generalizing the methcxl applied earlier to the differential equation (0.1) [NI6, NI6a]. The present mono graph represents an appreciably revised and extended version of the book [NI4] earlier published in Russian (see also [NI8]). In the monograph the reader will find a systematic, concise presentation of the theory of polynomial solutions of the hypergeometric-type difference equa tion. The book contains methods for solving a wide class of difference equations and recursion relations as well as applications of the classical orthogonal poly nomials of a discrete variable in computational mathematics, probability theory, and coding theory, for information compression and storage. It is shown that the basic quantities of the representation theory of the rotation group - generalized spherical harmonics and the Clebsch-Gordan and Racah coefficients - can be expressed in terms of the classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable. Moreover, a general methcxl for obtaining particular solutions of arbitrary difference equations of hypergeometric type in the form of generalized q hypergeometric series has been constructed. The book has been written according to the following scheme. The first three chapters form the basis of the book. Chapter 1 gives a concise review of the theory of classical orthogonal polynomials - the Jacobi, Laguerre, and Hermite polynomials which satisfy the differential equation of hypergeometric type (0.1). Polynomial solutions of Eq. (0.1) are studied, using the fact that derivatives of the solutions of (0.1) also satisfy the equation of type (0.1) [N5,NI8]. This enables us to obtain readily explicit expressions for classical orthogonal polynomials in the form of the Rodrigues formula. Then the orthogonality property is proved and differentiation formulas, recursion relations, and some other properties are deduced. Chapter 2 considers the difference equation of hypergeometric type a(x) [y(X + h) - y(x) _ y(x) - y(x - h)] h h h (0.2) r(x) [y(X + h) - y(x) y(x) - y(x - h)] \ ( ) = 0 + 2 h + h + Ay X , which approximates the differential second-order equation (0.1) on a lattice with constant mesh h up to the second order of accuracy [S 1, G 17]1. For some values of A = An (n = 0, 1, ...) the particular solutions of Eq. (0.2) are classical or thogonal polynomials of a discrete variable - the Hahn, Meixner, Kravchuk, and Charlier polynomials2• The theory of these polynomials is developed following 1 The difference operator Lh approximates the differential operator L at point z to the order of accuracy m with respect to mesh h if LhY(Z) - Ly(z) = O(hm) when h ..... O. 2 The origin of the term "polynomials of a discrete variable" may be explained as follows: for the Hahn, Meixner, Kravchuk, and Charlier polynomials the orthogonality property is written in the form of a sum with a certain weight over a discrete set of lattice points (instead of the integral form for the Jacobi, Lquerre, and Hermite polynomials). VI the same logical scheme as in the theory of the Jacobi, Laguerre, and Hennite polynomials, but the derivatives have to be replaced by appropriate difference quotients. For the Hahn, Meixner, Kravchuk:, and Charlier polynomials an analog of the Rodrigues fonnula is obtained, the orthogonality property is established, and the "difference differentiation" formula, asymptotic representations, etc. are derived.3 Chapter 3, which is fundamental to the whole book, gives a generalization of the difference equation of hypergeometric type (0.2) to the case of a lattice with a varying mesh. In order to obtain the respective difference equation for nonuniform lattices it is convenient to pass from the variable x to the variable s assuming x = x(s) and to use the values of x(s) on an s-unifonn lattice s = Si (i = 0, 1, ... ), where Lls = Si+l-Si = h. Then the mesh LlX(Si) = X(Si+l) -X(Si) will be variable. After the replacement of x by x(s) we obtain the difference equation a[x(s)] [y(S + h) - y(s) y(s) - y(s - h)] x(s + hj2) - x(s - hj2) x(s + h) - x(s) - x(s) - x(s - h) (0.3) r[x(s)] [y(S + h) - y(s) y(s) - y(s - h)] ). () 0 = , + -2- x(s + h) - x(s) + x(s) - x(s _ h) + y s which corresponds to Eq. (0.2). In this equation a(x) and r(x) are arbitrary polynomials in x of at most the second and first degree respectively and ). is a constant. Equation (0.3) approximates the original differential equation (0.1) up to the second order of accuracy when h -+ 0 on a nonuniform lattice x = x(s). It is shown that, for a certain class of nonunifonn lattices, Eq. (0.3) allows the keeping of a property similar to the fundamental property of the differential equation (0.1) and the difference equation (0.2): the function v(s) = y(s + hj2) - y(s - hj2) x(s + hj2) - x(s - hj2) , which is approximately equal to the derivative dyjdx at the point x = x(s), satisfies an equation of the same type as the function y(s). For the above class of functions x(s) this property lets us reserve all the basic points of argument used in Chap. 2 and, by applying elementary mathematical tools, obtain the basic properties of polynomial solutions of Eq. (0.3) - a dis crete analog of the Rodrigues formula, the orthogonality property, the recursion relations, asymptotic representations, etc. The class of functions x(s) under consideration has the fonn (0.4) where Cl, C2, and C3 are arbitrary constants and q is a parameter. This class also includes linear and quadratic lattices because constants Ct. C2, and C3 may, 3 Particular solutions of Eq. (0.2) with arbitrary complex A are obtained in [NIl] (see also [NI8]. VII = in general, depend on q, so that we may choose the constants Ci Ci(q) such that the expression (0.4) transforms into x(s) = ClSZ + Czs + C3 when q --t 1. For the functions x(s) of the form (0.4) Eq. (0.3) is called the difference equation of hypergeometric type. The polynomial solutions of this equation that have the orthogonality property in the form of a sum over a discrete set of lattice points are called classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable (according to terminology accepted in [E7]). The Racah polynomials and the dual Hahn polynomials for the quadratic lattice x(s) = s(s + I) that are important in applications are studied in particular detail. For all nonuniform lattices at q f 1 the systems of polynomials that in the limit q --t 1 take the form of polynomials orthogonal' on linear and quadratic lattices are constructed. In Sect. 3.10 the polynomial solutions of the difference equation of hyperge ometric type (0.3) are considered for arbitrary complex values of the equation coefficients. It is shown that under certain conditions these polynomials have the continuous orthogonality property in the form of an integral in the complex plane of variable s over a contour C (in particular, the PolIaczek polynomials). In Sect. 3.11 the explicit expression of polynomial solutions in terms of gen eralized q-hypergeometric series is obtained from the Rodrigues formula for the most general case [N22]. These series are introduced by replacing in the gen eralized hypergeometric series the values (ah = r(a + k)/ r(a) by the values (alqh = i'q(a + k)/ i'q(a), where i'q(s) = q-(s-1)(s-Z)/4 rq(s) is a generalization of Euler's gamma function r(s) [11, NI8]. From the expression of polynomials in terms of generalized q-hypergeometric series that was obtained for the most general case, the formulas for all particular cases are derived by an appropriate choice of parameters and by taking various limits. The consideration of these particular cases gives us the classification of corresponding q-polynomials. All the earlier introduced polynomials are included in our scheme. We use generalized q-hypergeometric series instead of basic hypergeometric series [A27, A29, W8, G7a] because they have more symmetry (for example, these series do not change after replacing q by 1/q ) and for q --t 1 they transform = into generalized hypergeometric series, since limq ..... li'q(S) F(s). The remaining chapters (4-6), which form the second part of the book, deal with applications. Chapter 4 discusses applications of classical orthogonal poly nomials of a discrete variable in computational mathematics and the theory of difference schemes, in information compression and storage, for the function approximation in a rectangle and on a sphere, in the theory of probability and coding theory, in the genetic Moran model, and in some problems of queueing theory. Here the difference analogs of spherical harmonics orthogonal on a dis crete set of sphere points are constructed by using the Hahn polynomials and the q-analogs of the Racah polynomials on a cosinusoidal lattice4• 4 For other important applications see [N2a, VI]. VIII In Chap. 5 the basic quantities of the theory of representations of the three dimensional rotation group and the quantum theory of angular momentum - generalized spherical harmonics, the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and the 6j symbols of Wigner - are expressed through the Kravchuk, Hahn, and Racah polynomials, respectively, which allows the representation of properties of these quantities in a simple form. Since the Hahn polynomials are difference analogs of the Jacobi polynomials, the relation between the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and the Hahn polynomials easily explains an analogy between these coefficients and the ~acobic polynomials, noted by 1M. Gel'fand [G13]. Chapter 5 discusses also close connections of the Hahn polynomials with the group representations offour-dimensional rotations SO(4) and the Lorenz group SO(3.1), as well as the Racah polynomials with the representations of group SU(3). It is shown that the 9j-symbols form up to normalization a new system of orthogonal polynomials of two discrete variables. The main properties of these polynomials are established by building on the quantum theory of angular momentum. Chapter 6 considers the method of trees - a simple graphical technique of solving a multidimensional Laplace equation - proposed by N.Ya. Vilenkin, GJ. Kuznetsov, and Ya.A. Smorodinsky in [V8, VIO]. Coefficients of transformation between solutions of the Laplace equation in different systems of spherical co ordinates (the T-coefficients [KIO]) are expressed through the Racah, Hahn, and Kravchuk polynomials. The first four chapters of the book were written by A.F. Nikiforov and V.B. Uvarov except for Sects. 3.10.3-5, some material from [NI8] being used in the first part on foundations of the theory; Chaps.5 and 6 were written by S.K. Suslov. The book is aimed at a wide range of specialists in theoretical and mathemat ical physics and computational mathematics. Most of the material is sufficiently elementary that it is possible to use it as a textbook for undergraduate and grad uate students of physical and mathematical disciplines, those studying quantum mechanics, and also those who lecture on mathematics and physics. Moscow A.F. Nikiforov April 1991 V.B. Uvarov S.K. Suslov IX Foreword to the Russian Edition Classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable are an important class of special functions arising in various problems of mathematics, theoretical physics, computational mathematics and engineering; this field is now under extensive development. It should be noted that there is a deep analogy between classical orthogonal polynomials of continuous and discrete arguments, and the theory of group representation is one of its basic manifestations. This analogy was noted by I.M. Gel'fand in the mid-fifties [G 13] in connection with the study of representations of the rotation group playing an important role in theoretical physics. Studies of classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable were initi ated by P.L. Chebyshev in the middle of the last century and continued by many prominent scientists. However, there are no books where a theory of these poly nomials is consistently developed. Up until recently it was not even clear what polynomials introduced by different authors from various viewpoints belong to the above class of special functions. In this book the reader will find for the first time a systematic, compact pre sentation of both the theory of classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable and its main applications. The authors have made a significant contribu tion to this field. They have developed a simple approach to the construction of the theory of classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable as solutions of a difference equation of hypergeometric type. Also of interest is a nonstandard approach to investigating the representations of the three-dimensional space rotation group by using the theory of classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable. This comprehensive book will be useful for both mathematicians and physi cists. Moscow M.I.Graev February 1984 (editor of the Russian edition) XI

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