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Lecture Notes ni Physics Edited by .H Araki, Kyoto, .J Ehlers, ,nehcni~M .K Hepp, ZBrich .R Kippenhahn, MiJnchen, .H .A ,relliLmnedieW Heidelberg and .J Zittartz, nISK 412 Hendrik laaroM ,lacissalC Discrete Spin :sledoM Symmetry, Duality and Renormalization galreV-regnirpS nilreB Heidelberg New York oykoT 1984 Author Hendrik Moraal Institut fLir Theoret~sche Physik, Universit~t zu K~ln Z~lpicher Stra6e 77, D-5000 K~ln 41, FRG ISBN 3-540-13896-X Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New Tokyo York ISBN 0-387-13896-X Springer-Verlag New Heidelberg York Berlin Tokyo This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whethtehre whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to "Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort", Munich. © by Springer-Vedag Bedin Heidelberg 1984 Printed in Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 012345-041313512 Nadie puede escribir un libro. (Borges) ,ECAFERP The present book is an outgrowth of a series of lectures held for students at the graduate level at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the University of Cologne over the past five years. The purpose of the book is to present three aspects of the statistical mechanical the- ory of discrete, classical spin models in a coherent and essentially self-contained fashion. These three aspects correspond to the three parts of the book and are: )i( The theory of the possible (finite) symmetry groups of spin models and their classification. This is an essentially mathematical sub- ject and is treated as such in the first six chapters. Nearly all of the theory of finite groups needed is developed in the text. (ii) The theory of the duality transformation is introduced for several reasons; it not only gives exact information on the phase diagrams of spin models, but also allows for a simple introduction of lattice gauge theories. These are treated exclusively from a statistical mechanics point of view. (iii) The theory of the renormalization of fields and interactions on recursively defined sequences of graphs gives a qualitative overview of possible symmetry-breaking patterns and other aspects of the phase diagrams of spin and gauge systems. In order to interrupt the flow of reasoning as little as possible, the number of references in the text has been kept to a minimum. For further reading, general references are given at the ends of some of the chapters. These are mostly to review articles, which, in turn, allow for easy access to the original literature. The numbering of equations, theorems, figures, etc., is by section. Reference is made to these as follows: suppose the reader finds, in Section 3 of Chapter :5 eq. (5); this is the fifth equation of the same section of the same chapter; Lemma 2.1; this is the first lemma in the second section of the same chapter; Fig. 3.5.1; this is the first figure of the fifth section of the third chapter, etc. The author thanks Professor J. Hajdu for pressing him not only to start, but also to finish the present work. Thanks are also due to Mrs. A. Schneider for expertly drawing the many figures. Cologne, September 1984. H. Moraal TABLE OF CONTENTS PART :A THEORY OF THE SYMMETRY GROUPS OF SPIN MODELS, I .I SPIN MODELS AND THEIR SYMMETRY GROUPS. I 1.1. Statistical mechanics of spin models on graphs. I 1.2. Interactions. 2 1.3. Maximal interactions and permissible groups. 7 1.4. CoMpletely permissible groups and P-algebras. 11 1.5. External fields and representation theory. 14 References and General References. 22 .2 SUBGROUPS AND PRODUCTS OF PERMISSIBLE GROUPS. 23 2.1. Permissible subgroups. 23 2.2. Wreath products. 27 2.3. Direct products. 13 2.4. Semidirect products. 33 2.5. Abelian groups, corresponding permissible groups and permissible subgroups of these. 34 References. 37 .3 PRIMITIVE AND IMPRIMITIVE PERMISSIBLE GROUPS. 38 3.1. Primitivity and imprimitivity. 38 3.2. Permissible groups on p p( a prime) letters. 40 3.3. The p-wreath product. 43 References. 46 .4 REGULAR GROUPS. 48 4.1 Spin models defined on groups. 48 4.2. Permissible groups corresponding to regular groups. 48 4.3. Permissible class function groups. 59 4.4. Permissible characteristic interaction groups. 64 References. 68 .5 GRAPH-THEORETICAL CONSTRUCTIONS OF PERMISSIBLE GROUPS. 69 5.1. Primitive permissible groups with two-graph MI's. 69 5.2. Platonic graphs. 72 5.3. Covering graphs. 78 References. 81 .6 TABLES OF PERMISSIBLE GROUPS. 82 6.1. The permissible groups on M~IO letters. 82 6.2. The regular groups with MS12 elements. 88 6.3. Special permissible groups. 89 lV TRAP :B ,YTILAUD 19 .7 DUALITY TRANSFORMATIONS AND DUAL MODELS. 19 7.1. Duality transformations and inequalities in two dimensions. 19 7.2. Dual permissible groups. 97 7.3. The question of duality for nonabelian, regular groups. 102 7.4. Duality transformations in dimensions higher than two; k-gauge models. 105 7.5. Duality transformations for k-gauge models in a magnetic field. 110 7.6. Self-duality for k-gauge models on hypercubic lattices. 112 7.7. General gauge models and Higgs fields. 127 References and General References. 130 PART C: PSEUDO-LATTICES AND RENORMALIZATION, 132 .8 PSEUDO-LATTICES. 132 8.1. Recursive site graph sequences. 132 8.2. Recursive bond graph sequences. 137 8.3. Free energies, thermodynamic limits and renormalization. 140 8.3.1. Spin systems on recursive site graph sequences. 140 8.3.2. Spin systems on recursive bond graph sequences. 143 8.3.3. Gauge models on recursive bond graphs of class r I. 147 8.4. Infinite pseudo-lattices (Bethe lattices) and the Be£he-Peierls approximation. 149 8.5. Other recursively defined graph sequences: Fractals. 154 References. 157 .9 HOMOGENEOUS SPIN MODELS ON CAYLEY BRANCHES WITH SURFACE FIELD.158 9.1. Small-field phase transitions. 158 9.2. The Ising and Potts models. 160 9.2.1. The small-field phase transitions. 160 9.2.2. Absence of high-field phase transitions for the Ising model. 160 9.2.3. Explicit solution of the recursion relation for Ising systems. 161 9.2.4. High-fieldphase transitions for the Potts model. 163 9.3. Phase diagrams for models with permissible groups with two-graph maximal interactions. 165 9.4. Phase diagrams for models with permissible groups with 3-graph MI's. 171 9.5. Phase diagrams for models with permissible groups, which do not have P-algebras. 179 IIV 9.6. The closed Cayley branch and the GsG~G symmetry-breaking phase transition. 182 9.7. The exponential branch. 184 9.8. Reduction of cactus branches to Cayley branches for small-field phase transitions. 185 References and General References. 186 10. RANDOM SPIN SYSTEMS ON CAYLEY BRANCHES WITH SURFACE FIELD. 188 10.1. Bond-random spin models: cumulant expansion. 188 10.2. The diluted bond case. 192 10.3. The spin glass case. 198 10.4. Site disorder. 201 Reference and General References. 205 11. SPIN MODELS ON RECURSIVE BOND GRAPH SEQUENCES AND FRACTALS. 207 11.1. Fractals: Koch curves and the Sierpinski gasket. 207 11.2. A self-dual diamond hierarchical lattice. 209 11.3. Other recursive bond graph sequences: the Potts model. 217 11.3.1. Absence of the high-temperature fixed point. 217 11.3.2. Absence of the low-temperature fixed point. 219 11.3.3. Absence of both high- and low-temperature fixed points. 221 References. 222 12. GAUGE MODELS ON PLAQUETTE BRANCHES. 223 12.1. General formulation. 223 12.2. The gauge Ising model. 226 12.3. Gauge Potts models. 229 12.4. The gauge C(4) model. 231 12.5. The Bethe approximation for gauge models. 234 Reference and General References. 236 13. CRITICAL EXPONENTS FOR SYSTEMS ON SELF-SIMILAR PSEUDO- LATTICES. 237 13.1. Introductory remarks. 237 13.2. General expressions for the critical exponents. 237 13.3. Cayley branches: phase transitions of continuous order. 239 13.4. Critical exponents for spin and gauge Potts models on recursive bond graph sequences. 241 References. 242 APPENDIX: TWO EXTENSIONS OF DISCRETE, CLASSICAL SPIN MODELS. 243 A.I. The Potts model for noninteger M and percolation. 243 A.2. A model with an infinite symmetry group. 245 General References. 246 SUBJECT INDEX. 248 PART A : THEORY OF THE SYMMETRY GROUPS OF SPIN MODELS, I. SPIN MODELS AND THEIR SYMMETRY GROUPS. 1.1. Statistical mechanics of spin models on graphs. In the following, the statistical mechanics of an assembly of spins, which for the purpose of these lectures are classical variables taking on a finite number of values (this number will always be denoted by M in what follows) will be considered. If these spins interact with each other pairwise only, as will always be assumed to be the case, it is expedient to consider them as attached to the vertices of a graph, two vertices of which are connected by an edge if and only if (iff) the corresponding spins have a nonzero interaction. The mathematical defin- ition of a graph is (i): Definition I. A graph G is a triple (V,E,I) consisting of the two dis- joint sets v (of vertices) and E (of edges) and of the incidence function I which maps every element eEE on an unordered pair of ver- tices v I and v 2 from V : I(e) ={v I ,v2}. )I( Graphs on which spin systems are considered will, in general, be such that v1~v 2 holds in eq. )I( and that e1~e 2 implies I(el)~I(e2) . These two conditions are easily seen to imply that )i( the graph has no loops, i.e., there are no edges beginning and ending at the same vertex, and (ii) there are no multiple edges connecting the same pair of vertices. In graph theory, the class of graphs satisfying conditions )i( and (ii) is called the class of simple graphs. For a pictorial representation, see Fig. I below. (a) (b) (c) Fig. I. )a( A simple graph. )b( A graph with a loop. )c( A graph with multiple edges. Given a graph G, the pair interaction energy of the assembly of spins on the vertices can be calculated once the spin-spin energy func- tion E(i,j) is known for all i,j~S, where S is the set of integers {I,2,..,M}. The total pair interaction energy is Epair = E e (ivl ) , )2( eeE ' iv2 I(e)={v I ,v 2} where provislon has been made for a possible edge-dependence of the energy function. In order to calculate the total energy, the interaction with external fields F(i) should also be taken into account: )3( Efield= v!V Fv(iv)" Now the partition function of the spin model on the graph G can be written down as Z(G)= ~ H ~ "( ,iv2) H Av(iv) , )4( {i v } eEE e iv I veV where the abbreviations (B=I/kBT, k B the Boltzmann constant) ~(i,j)= exp-BE ,i( )j )5( and A(i)= exp-~F )i( )6( have been introduced. The sum in eq. )4( is over the values from S for all spin variables. Interesting properties of spin systems on graphs can, of course, only be expected in the thermodynamic limit, i.e., eq. )4( must be evalu- ated for a sequence {G n} of graphs such that the number of vertices goes to infinity for n÷~. Special classes of such sequences, which are ob- tained from recursive prescriptions, are the subject of Chapter 8 of this work. In the following sections, the very generally defined inter- action energy E(i,j) will be studied from a group-theoretical point of view after certain restrictions have been introduced. i.2. Interactions. The M×M matrix E of the interaction energies E(i,j) will now be taken such that it satisfies the following three requirements: )i( The pair interaction is invariant with respect to the interchange of the spins: E(i,j)=E(j,i) for all i,jsS. (I) (ii) Let g be a permutation of the set S ; the energy function E(i,j) is invariant with respect to g if E ,i( )j =E g( )i( ,g(j)) )2( holds for all i,jsS. The set of all permutations of S which leave the energy function invariant form a group G, which is a subgroup of the group S(M) of all permutations of the M elements of S. The group S(M) is called the symmetric group on M objects and has M! elements, denoted as iS(M) = M! . )3( The second requirement is now that the symmetry group 6 of the pair interaction must be transitive, which means that {g(i) g~6}=S )4( holds for all iES. This means that for any pair i,j£S, there is at least one permutation gE G which maps i on j : g(i)=j. Referral to eq. (1.2) shows that the transitivity of G implies that a certain value of the total pair interaction energy can be obtained in at least M ways: a particular spin in state i can be transformed into any other state j by a permutation gs6 ; if all other spins are also subjected to the same permutation, the total pair energy must stay invariant. In particular, the ground state energy in the absence of external fields will be at least M-fold degenerate, so that one may expect symmetry- breaking phase transitions to occur at sufficiently low temperatures (in a suitable thermodynamic limit). This problem is considered at length in Chapter 9. (iii) The transitivity requirement (ii) implies that all "diagonal" energies E(i,i) are equal for all ;i this energy is chosen as zero: E(i,i)=E(1,1)=O for all ieS. )5( The above three requirements allow for a characterization of all possible pair interactions in a graph-theoretical way. Let E k be a value that E(i,j) can take for i#j. Then the number of times that E k occurs in this matrix for a fixed value of i is N (Ek) = Z ~ (E (i, )j ,Ek , )6( j~i where ~(a,b)=1 for a=b and &(a,b)=O otherwise. The transitivity of the group G implies that this number does not depend on the index i. This, together with the symmetry E(i,j)=E(j,i) , shows that a part- icular value E k shows up N(E )k times in every row and column of E. The set E k of different values that E(i,j) can take on for i~j then has at most M-I elements, since one has Z N(E k) = Z I = M-1 , (7) E k j~i This shows that E(i,j) can be written as s (8) E ,i( )j - -k kEi__ Mk(i,J) , where s~M-1 holds and the ~k are given as M llJi for E(i,j)=Ek, )9( otherwise. Now ~k can be read off from a (simple) graph G k with M vertices, pairs of which are connected by edges iff the corresponding entries of Mk(i,j) are nonzero. The simplicity of G k follows from the fact that the diagonal elements of the energy matrix are zero. Further, since ~k has exactly N(E )k entries equal to I in each row and column, the graph G k is regula ~, i.e., every vertex has Zk=N(E )k edges emanating from it; the number of edges of G k is then ZkM/2. The energy function of eq. )8( is' therefore, completely defined once the s graphs G k corresponding to the s matrices ~k are given. These graphs all have the same vertex set, but their edge sets are disjoint. By definition, the union of these edge sets must contain all edges which can be drawn between M vertices, so that the G k "add up" to the complete graph K(M) on M vertices:

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