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ON TEST: DONALD HEALEY’S 100S COUPÉ C L A S S IC & S P O R T S C A R D E C E M B The world’s best-selling E R classic car magazine 2 December2015 £4.80 0 1 STRATOS MAGIC! 5 Driving, owning and rallying Lancia’s spectacular 1970s icon L A N C I A S T R A T O S M G K 3 , H e a le y 1 0 0 S c o u p é , P a n t h e MG’s Mille Miglia racer Daytonashootingbrake Alpine’s greatest hits r F e r Ex-EarlHoweK3driven WildestChinettiFerrari A110leadscelebration r a r i D a y t o n a , A lp in e a t 6 0 N O T I D I E 1S T FIRENZE LORO CIUFFENNA CASTELNUOVO BERARDENGA CASTELNUOVO DELL’ ABATE Organised by H A P P Y F E W R A C I N GTM SOME FATHERS, SONS AND FERRARIS Following the great success of the Rallye Père-Fils™ (father & son) in France, HappyFewRacing™ invites you to take part in a brand new event dedicated to Ferrari owners. And like for each event we organise, the programme is built to give time to meet other teams, share very human moments, enjoy the ride of your car on selected routes and fine cuisine. TUSCANY, STARTING FROM FLORENCE ONLY 45 TEAMS ENNOTRWIESINVITED 8-10 JULY 2016 ADMITTED www.RadunoPadreFiglio.com THE Bonhams is pleased to announce that it is now inviting consignments for the annual Bond Street Sale. BOND STREET SALE With only 35 entry slots available and several motor cars already Sunday 6 December 2015 consigned, the annual event is set to be another exciting auction New Bond Street, London from Bonhams record breaking motoring department. 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The conversation turned to an FAX02082675318 WEBSITEwww.classicandsportscar.com accident that he suffered in 2013, when, at high speed on a night MAGAZINEEDITORJamesPagejames.page@haymarket.com DEPUTYEDITORMalcolmThornemalcolm.thorne@haymarket.com ARTEDITORMartinPortmartin.port@haymarket.com stage in Dalby, the little Lancia got away from him over some bumps. CHIEFSUBEDITORDavidEvansdavid.e@haymarket.com DESIGNERMeiHaumei.hau@haymarket.com The affable Perez is a four-time national champion, but even he admitted DIGITALEDITORGregMacLemangreg.macleman@haymarket.com CHIEFPHOTOGRAPHERTonyBakertony.baker@haymarket.com PHOTOGRAPHERJamesMann that the car swapped ends in an instant, before he’d really registered it. EDITORIALSECRETARYCathyWythecathy.wythe@haymarket.com EDITORATLARGESimonTaylorsimontaylor@stoveboltspecial.com The fact that somebody as talented as him readily confesses that he finds SENIORCONTRIBUTORSJulianBalme,MartinBuckley,JonPressnell EDITORINCHIEFMickWalshmick.walsh@haymarket.com GROUPEDITORJamesElliottjames.elliott@haymarket.com the short-wheelbase Stratos a handful tells you all need to know about its GROUPEDITORINCHIEFSteveCropley SUBSCRIPTIONS on-the-limit characteristics. There is footage of the accident on YouTube, UKTEL08448488835E-MAILclassicandsports@servicehelpline.co.uk OVERSEASTEL+44(0)1795592976USATEL18882015267 but there is also a minute or so of clips showing Perez and co-driver Paul USAE-MAILusaclassic&sportscar@servicehelpline.co.uk ADVERTISING Spooner on the 2012 Wales Rally GB. It’s this sequence that really gets E-MAILads.C&SC@haymarket.com Commercial/display to the heart of the sometimes-wayward but hugely charismatic Lancia’s TEL02082675377 FAX02082675312 Private/classified appeal, its glorious V6 bark echoing around the valleys and forests as TEL02082675937 FAX02082675404 the car flicks one way then the other. It’s a sight and sound that can’t fail GROUPCOMMERCIALDIRECTORBenGuynan HEADOFSALESTahirSaleem SALESTEAMClaireHenderson,NabilaMoughal,MassimoCristallo, to give you goosebumps – rallying’s equivalent of the Matra V12. RezMellar,IsabelleMcKeever SPECIALPROJECTSMANAGERJohnDeverell Driving the featured example – at far more sedate speeds than the PRODUCTION AilsaDonovan(manager),LeeBrister,KevinConroy,AnnaGray, AbbeyGunner likes of Perez, I should add – brought to mind Murray Walker’s USAADVERTISINGOFFICE SharonSpurlin,14215RiverRatRoad,Athens,AL35611 thoughts after his ride in the two-seater McLaren F1 car: “If you ever TEL+19545795280 E-MAILclassicads@hughes.net AdvertisementsareacceptedonlyuponHaymarketMediaGroup’s think that life is dull and ordinary, and things are passing you by, you standardTermsofAcceptanceofAdvertising,copiesofwhichare availablefromtheAdvertisingSalesDepartmentofClassic&SportsCar should try this… fabulous.” JAMESPAGE PUBLISHING GROUPDIRECTORTimBulleytim.bulley@haymarket.com PUBLISHINGTEAMAngelinaThompson(publishingmanager),John Rumble(seniormarketingexecutive),JamieBallantyne(headofnewstrade marketing),NigelDonnelly(productmanager) INTERNATIONALDIRECTORAlastairLewisalastair.lewis@haymarket.com Griffin gets into gear SYNDICATIONENQUIRIESIslaFriendisla.friend@haymarket.com Onlineofferings ©2015HaymarketMediaGroupLtd.Reproductioninwholeorpartofanytext, photographorillustrationwithoutthewrittenpermissionofthepublisheris strictlyprohibited.Thepublishermakeseveryefforttoensurethemagazine’s contentsarecorrect,butcanacceptnoresponsibilityforanyeffectsfrom errorsoromissions.Unsolicitedmaterial–includingtransparencies–isused fromtimetotime,butissubmittedentirelyattheowner’sownriskandthe publisheracceptsnoresponsibilityforitslossordamage PRINTEDBYWyndeham(Roche)Ltd COLOURORIGINATIONHaymarketPre-Press Classic&SportsCar,ISSNnumber0263318X,ispublishedmonthlyby HaymarketMediaGroup,TeddingtonStudios,BroomRoad,Teddington TW119BE,UnitedKingdom. TheUSannualsubscriptionpriceis$75.Airfreightandmailinginthe USAbyagentnamedAirBusinessLtd,c/oWorldnetShippingInc,156-15, 146thAvenue,2ndFloor,Jamaica,NY11434,USA.Periodicalspostage paidatJamaicaNY11431.Subscriptionrecordsaremaintainedat HaymarketMediaGroup,TeddingtonStudios,BroomRoad,Teddington TW119BE.AirBusinessLtdisactingasourmailingagent Amongourfreewallpapersthismonthis DistributedintheUKbyFrontlineLtd,MidgateHouse,Midgate, thisstunningphotooftheLanciaStratos Peterborough,CambsPE11TNTEL01733555161FAX01733562788 BACKNUMBERS £6.60,subjecttoavailability TEL08448488835 OVERSEASTEL+44(0)1795592976 E-MAILclassicandsports@servicehelpline.co.uk EDITORIALDIRECTORMarkPayton Thisyear,ImademyfirstvisittoKopHillandwasbowledoverby Keepupwithallthenewsat STRATEGY&PLANNINGDIRECTORBobMcDowell MANAGINGDIRECTORDavidPrasher thequalityoftheentry.Onthefirstday,Iwasapassengerin(and www.classicandsportscar.com CHIEFEXECUTIVEOFFICERKevinCostello laterdrove)PaulClayson’sex-ETCCVauxhallVX4/90.Onthe Sunday,IwasentrustedwiththeHeritageCentre’s30-98,David orfollowuson Kirkebeingonhandtogivetuition.NeverhaveIhadsuchapublic foruminwhichtomakemyfirstfewgearchangesinavintagecar www.facebook.com/CandSCmagazine thatI’dneverdrivenbefore.Havingcrunchedfirsttosecond,then www.twitter.com/CandSCmagazine secondtothird,Ihadtogobackdownthe’boxnearthetopofthe hill.Youwouldn’tbelievethereliefwhenIdiditquicklyandsilently. www.youtube.com/CandSCmagazine Afterabitofpractice,thesecondrunwasagreatimprovement. HaymarketiscertifiedbyBSIto environmentalstandardISO14001 10 Classic&SportsCar December2015

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