A&A manuscript no. (will be inserted by hand later) ASTRONOMY AND Your thesaurus codes are: ASTROPHYSICS missing; you have not inserted them 2.2.2008 Class Transitions and Two Component Accretion Flow in GRS 1915+105 Sandip K. Chakrabarti1,2, Anuj Nandi1, A. K. Chatterjee3, A. K. Choudhury3 and U. Chatterjee3 5 1 S. N.Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Salt Lake,Kolkata 700098, India 0 2 Centre for SpacePhysics, Chalantika 43, Garia Station Rd., Kolkata, 700084, India 0 2 3 Centre for SpacePhysics (Malda Branch), AtulMarket, Malda 732101, India n e-mails:[email protected], space [email protected] a J Received ; accepted , 4 1 1 Abstract. The light curve of the galactic micro-quasar yet the light curve has remained largely unpredictable. v GRS 1915+105changesin atleastthirteendifferentways Belloni et al. (2000), in a model independent way, clas- 7 7 whicharecalledclasses.We presentexamplesofthe tran- sified most of the light curves into twelve classes which 2 1 sitionsfromoneclasstoanotherasobservedbytheIXAE are designated as χ, α, ν, β, λ, κ, ρ, µ, θ, δ, γ and φ. 0 5 instrument aboard the Indian Satellite IRS-P3. We find Naik et al. (2002a)showed that there is another indepen- 0 / thatthetransitionsareassociatedwithchangesinphoton dent class called ω. Alhough the light curve was observed h p countsoveratime-scaleofonlyafew hoursandtheytake to change from one class to another, the actual transi- - o place through unknown classes. Assuming that the tran- tionwasneverreportedandtherefore,the actualphysical r t s sitions are caused by variation of the accretionrates, this processwhichtriggersaspecific classtransitionhasnever a : implies that a significant fraction of the matter must be been investigated. v i nearlyfreelyfallinginordertohavesuchdramaticchanges X Itwaspredictedinseveralearlierpapersusing the ad- r in such a short time. a vectiveflowparadigm(Chakrabarti&Nandi,2000;Nandi, Manickam & Chakrabarti,2000; Chakrabarti et al. 2002) ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION IN ASTRONOMY that variation of the Keplerianand the sub-Keplerianac- AND ASTROPHYSICS cretion rates might cause class transitions. It was pointed out that there are actually five fundamental states differ- 1. Introduction ing only by Keplerian and sub-Keplerian accretion rates. GRS 1915+105 is well known for its diversity of light Ways in which the transition occurs between these states curves (e.g. Morgan, Remillard & Greiner, 1997; Belloni decide which class would be seen. It was also pointed et al.2000).RXTE has pointed at it numerous times and out that the outflows play a major role in class transi- Send offprint requests to: S. K. Chakrabarti tions, since they interact with the soft photons and affect [email protected] the spectral slopes as well. Recently, Chakrabarti et al. 2 (2004) presented two examples of class transitions from the Keplerian disk rate, or the sub-Keplerian flow rate or IXAE observations and concluded that a class transition both maybe changing,(b) Inbetweentwoknownclasses, always take place through some unknown class. In many a class of unknown type appears for hundreds of minutes of the classes that GRS 1915+105exhibits, one could see and (c) During a transition, the photon index becomes the presence of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPOs). Very noisy until the flows settles into a new class indicating recently, using extensive time-dependent numerical sim- the presence of turbulent behaviour during transition. At ulation of accretion flows that include cooling effects, it the same time, we also study the behaviour of QPOs and hasbeenshown(Chakrabarti,Acharyya&Molteni,2004) show how the frequency is changed consistently with the that the so-called advective disk paradigm is capable of accretion rates as inferred from the spectra. In the next explaining QPOs very naturally. The prime cause of the Section,wepresenttheobservationalresultsonclasstran- quasi periodic oscillations (QPOs) of X-rays from com- sition. Based on the new inputs from the observational pact objects is found to be quasi-coherent shock oscilla- results, in Section 3, we discuss what the nature of the tions. The post-shock region(i.e., the so-calledCENtrifu- accretion flows might be. We find that in order to enable gal pressure supported BOundary Layer, or CENBOL) class transition in a few hours, a significant fraction of outsideablackholehorizonactsastheComptoncloudby the flow must be nearly freely falling, i.e., sub-Keplerian. interceptingsoftphotonsfromaKepleriandiskandrepro- Finally, in Section 4, we draw our conclusions. cessingthem to highenergies.Along withthe shockoscil- lations,thesizeoftheCENBOLchangesandthereforethe 2. Observation of Class Transitions number of intercepted soft photons oscillates,causing the The results we discuss in this section were obtained by observedQPO.Powerdensityspectraofthese‘simulated’ the Pointed Proportional Counters (PPCs) in the IXAE light curves directly show how QPOs occur at or near instrument aboard the Indian Satellite IRS-P3 (Agrawal break frequency – a well-known observed phenomenon. 1998) which functioned during 1996-2000. The operating The frequency of oscillation is thought to be related to energy range is between 2 and 18 keV. The counts are the inverseofthe infalltime-scale(Molteni,Sponholzand saved in the archive only in two channels – one is 2-6keV Chakrabarti, 1996) and as such should increase with the and the other is 6-18keV.The time resolution in Medium increase of the sub-Keplerian accretion rate undergoing mode could be 0.1s but normally the time resolution was the shock transition as the cooling rate is increased. This set to be 1s. As a result of the presence of only two en- generalbehaviourhasalsobeenobserved(Remillardetal. ergy channels, only two points could be obtained in the 1999). spectrum and a so-called ‘mean photon index’ (MPI) s φ Inthispaper,wepresentalargenumberofexamplesof can be calculated after each second. Similarly, 0.1s time the ‘rare’ class transitions, all of them being from the In- resolution in the Medium mode restricts the observation diansatellitedata,andanalyzewhathappensduringsuch of QPOs up to 5Hz only, while the 1s resolution restricts a transition. In particular, we follow the light-curve, the thereportingofQPOsupto0.5Hzonly.Nevertheless,the power density spectra and the photon spectra through- light curves are clear enough and the identification of the out the transition. We found that: (a) A class transition specificclasscanbedonewithoutambiguity(e.g.,Naiket is invariablyaccompaniedbya significantvariationofthe al 2001, 2002ab; Paul et al. 2001). It is to be noted that average X-ray photon count rate, indicating that either (a) the counts in the high energy bin could be very low 3 and the s suffers from low number statistics and (b) the InTable1,wepresentthelogoftheobservationswere- φ slope itself is knownto vary inthe 2−18keVrange,espe- portinthispaperwhichshowedclasstransitions.Thefirst cially, the spectrum becomes harder above 10−12keV in column refers to the figure where the results are shown. the hard state. An assumption of a constant slope s will ThesecondcolumnreferstothenameoftheSatellite.The φ thus be erroneous.Therefore,whiles givesanindication third column shows the date of observation and the time φ of how the slope changes (as a colour-colour diagram) its whentheobservationstarted.Thefourthcolumngivesthe absolute value should be treated with caution. orbitnumbers(or,theObs.IDincaseofRXTE)plottedin the Figure. Typically, the time interval between two suc- Before we present the IXAE observations, it is useful cessiveorbitsisaround80minutes.Thefifthcolumngives to give a brief description of the QPOs which are so far the exact nature of class transition. Since during transi- observed in GRS 1915+105. Broadly speaking, this can tion,agivenclassisnotfoundtobe‘canonical’asdefined be subdivided into four classes: (i) low frequency QPO (LFQPO) in the range ∼ 0.001−0.02 Hz, (ii) break fre- byBellonietal.(2000),wehaveputtheclass-namesinside quotation marks. quency (BF) or intermediate frequency QPO (IFQPO) in the range ∼ 0.1 − 0.3 Hz, (iii) high frequency QPO (HFQPO)intherange∼1−10Hzand(iv)theveryhigh Table 1. Class transitions of GRS 1915+105 reported in this frequency QPO (VHFQPO) around 67 Hz. paper FIGURE Satellite Date Orbit No. Class transition Time (UT) ObsID 1. IXAE 22th June, 1997 1, 3, 5 κ → ρ 12:12a 2. IXAE 25th June, 1997 3, 4, 5 ‘χ’ → ρ 11:12a 3. IXAE 08th June, 1999 2, 3 ‘χ’ → θ 11:02a 3. RXTE 08th June, 1999 40702-01-03-00 ‘χ’ → θ 13:52 5. IXAE 25th June, 2000 2, 3 ‘ρ’ → α 14:07b a) Observation time at thebegining of thefirst orbit; b) Observation time at thebegining of thesecond orbit Fig. 1. 2−18keV light curves as observed by IXAE (upper In Fig. 1(a-c), we present the light curves (2−18keV) panel) and the mean photon spectral index sφ (lower panel) of the June 22nd, 1997 observation in the upper panel in 1st, 3rd and 5th orbits of June 22nd, 1997 (see, Table 1). and the mean photon index (MPI) in the lower panels. GRS1915+105 was (a) in theκclass, (b)in an unknownclass The MPI s is obtained using the definition: φ and (c) went to the ρ class on that day. Lower panels show how sφ distinctly change. Specifically it is noisy during the s =−log(N6−18/E2)−log(N2−6/E1), (1) transition. φ log(E2)−log(E1) 4 where N2−6 and N6−18 are the photon count rate from the top layer of the PPC and E1 and E2 are the mean energies in each channel. Thus, E1 = 4keV and E2 = 12keV respectively. We have thus normalized the count rate per keV and then obtained the slope in the log-log plot since we expect a power-law slope in the 4−12 keV range. The panel 1a is in the so-called k class (Belloni et al., 2000). The panel 1b is in a unknown class and the panel 1c clearly shows the transition from the unknown class to the so-called ρ class. The panels are separatedby about three hours. In the lower panels, the s oscillates between ∼2.4 to φ ∼ 1.4 in Fig. 1a very systematically. In Figs. 1b and 1c, the unknown class produced very noisy photon spectral Fig.2.ClasstransitionofGRS1915+105asobservedbyIXAE slopevariation.Assoonastheρclassisachievedafterone onthe25thofJune,1997inthreesuccessiveorbits(See,Table ‘semi-ρ’ oscillation, noise in s is reduced dramatically. φ 1).Itwas(a)inanunknownclasssimilartoχ,(b)intransition The IXAE observation of the 23rd, 24th and 25th of toρ-typeclasswithverylowcountrateand(c)inρclassafter June, 1997 showed that the system was still in ρ class stabilization in that class. In the lower panels are sφ showing after the transition on 22nd of June, 1997. Subsequently, noisy behaviour duringtransition before settling down in (c). on 25th June, 1997 there was another transitionto χ and it returned back to ρ. It remained in ρ class on the 26th countratewentupfurtherbyaboutafactoroffouranda of June before returning to κ on the 27th. Thus κ →< steady ρ state was achieved. The average (photon) spec- unknown >→ ρ →< unknown > ρ →< unknown >→κ tral index s was ∼ 1.75 in Fig. 2a, but it became ∼ 1.9 φ transitions took place in a matter of five days. The exact in Fig. 1c, indicating general softening. time and duration of the last transition mentioned above In Fig. 3(a-b) we show the light curve and s from φ could not be seen because of the lack of observation. IXAE data obtained on the 8th of June, 1999. The two InFig.2(a-c)theobservationofIXAEon25thofJune, panels are fromtwo successiveorbits ∼80 minutes apart. 1997 is presented. The panels are separatedby about one InFig.3a,thecountratewasveryhighcomparedtowhat andahalfhours.Heretoo,theupperandlowerpanelsrep- isexpectedfromatypicalχstatealthoughthepowerden- resentvariationofphotoncountratesands respectively. sity spectrum (PDS) is typical of that of the χ class. A φ In Fig. 2a, the GRS 1915+105 is in the so-called χ-like QPO at 4.7Hz is present. The s is 0.85 which is harder φ class, though the photon count rate showed considerable than what is observed in Fig. 2. When combined with variations, not characteristic of χ. Correspondingly, the RXTE data of that date (Fig. 3a), one finds that for a averagespectra also softened as is suggested by the grad- long time (∼ 3000s) there was no signature of any ‘dip’ ual decrease in s . In Fig. 2b, this trend continued until whichisthe characteristicofthe θ class.Hence,this must φ a ‘semi-ρ’ class was achieved and the noise in the photon be in an unknown class, more close to χ than any other. spectra went down. In Fig. 2c, after one full orbit, the RXTE also observed this object on the 7th of June, 1999 5 the science data is available in a maximum of 35 chan- nels. Thus the energy channel width could not be made identical to 6−18keV as in IXAE) before computing s φ from s =−log(N6−15/E2)−log(N2−6/E1), (2) φ log(E3)−log(E1) where E1 = 4keV, E2 = 9keV and E3 = 10.5keV. Note that there is a large difference between the mean spectral slopes calculated from IXAE and RXTE data. The main reasons appear to be (a) by decreasing E2 from 18keV in IXAE to 15keV the value of s is increased by ∼ 15 φ per cent. (b) usually the spectrum in the low state (as in between the ‘dips’ in the θ class) has a harder tail for energyabove12keV.Thusdecresingthebinsizelimitfrom 18keV to 15keV decreases the photon counts in harder Fig. 3. Class transition as seen from IXAE and RXTE ob- parts of the spectrum. These two combined effects cause servations on the 8th of June, 1999 in two successive orbits the mean spectrum of RXTE to be softer. Its lower noise (marked). RXTE photon count rates are divided by 50 and is clearly due to its very high count rates (about 50 times shiftedupwardby200/sforcomparison.In(a),foraperiodof higher than IXAE) for its higher effective surface area about 3000s, there was no significant variation in light curve 2 2 (6500cm as opposed to 400cm for one of the detectors or spectral index. The object was in a class similar to χ but of IXAE) and its usage of xenon as opposed to a mixture thecountrateswereafactorof10−20timeshigher.Thereisa of 90 per cent argon and 10 per cent methane. gap of44minutesin thetwoRXTEdatapresentedin (a)and To show that the class in Fig. 3b is indeed that of (b). In (b), the object is distinctly in the θ class. RXTE data is less noisy than the IXAE data because of higher counts. It the θ class, we plot in Fig. 4 the power density spectra. wasbinnedin2−6and6−15keVbeforecomputings sothat ThisshowedacharacteristicbreakatBF∼0.1Hzandthe φ comparison with IXAEcould be made. HFQPOat5.4Hzwithabroad‘Q’weakQPOatthebreak frequency. The PDS of the light curve (Fig. 3a) in the and found the object to be in the χ class. In Fig. 3b, the previousorbitis χ-like andit does notshowany LFQPO, light curve in the next orbit of IXAE shows evidence of BF/IFQPO or VHFQPO. the so-called θ class. Interestingly, the spectra gradually In Fig. 5(a-b), we show another example of a class ‘hardened’ to s ∼ 0.6 just before the ‘dip’. The spectra transitioninwhichthelightcurveinthe‘ρ’class(Fig.5a) φ characteristicallysoftenedinthe‘dip’regionwiths ∼1.4 goesovertotheso-calledαclass(Fig.5b).Thisisfromthe φ as the inner edgeofthe disk disappeared.This classtran- IXAE observation on the 25th of June, 2000. The count sition is confirmed in the data of RXTE also shown in rate in this ‘ρ’ class was much higher than that seen in Fig. 3b. The lower panels showedthat the spectral slopes Figs. 1 and 2 and the photon spectral index in the lower obtained for RXTE data calculated in a similar way to panel also showed that the spectra are harder (average s was calculated (Eqn. 1). Here, the photons were first s ∼ 0.65 as compared to ∼ 1.8 in Fig. 1 and ∼ 1.9 φ φ binned in 2−6 keV and 6−15keV(In epoch 4 of RXTE, in Fig. 2.). So, it could be an intermediate class. In the 6 Fig. 4. The power density spectrum of theRXTElight curve in (b). The signature of 0.1Hz break and a kink (weak and Fig.5.TwosuccessiveorbitalIXAEdatashowingaclasstran- broad QPO) at around 5.4Hz are typical of a θ class. These, sition on the 25th of June, 2000. In (a), the class is similar to along with softening of the spectrum at the dips (prominent ρbutthecountrateishigherandtherecurringtime-scale be- in both thedata) indicating that a class transition hasindeed tweenburstsislarge(∼100s).In(a),thespectralindexisless taken place. noisy but in the beginning of (b) it becomes noisy though su- perficially it is still in ‘ρ’ class. After transition it went to the alpha class s became noisy and the transition is clearly φ so-called α class and s becomes verynoisy. φ obvious.This‘α’lastedforashorttime,sinceobservations from 18th June, 2000 to 25th June, 2000 as reported in the highestpowerremainsataroundlog(ν)∼−2intheρ Naik etal(2002b)alwaysshoweda ρclasswith gradually state. A weaker peak occurs at around log(ν) = −0.85. increasing burst recurring time-scale. On the 25th, this However, after the transition, the dominant frequency trend reversed after this ‘α’ class and from the 26th the seems to be at around log(ν) ∼ 0.4 which corresponds recurrencedtimeagainwentup.Sothesystemmighthave to ν ∼2.5Hz. experience perturbations for only a short time. ThechangeofclassisalsoreflectedinFig.6wherethe 3. Possible nature of the accretion flow emerging time dependence of the power density spectra (PDS) is from class transitions plotted.AlongtheY-axis,thefrequency(ν)ofthePDSis presented.The power(P)itself is markedonthe contours Thefirstandthemostimportantpointtonoteisthevari- plotted: solid curve, dotted curve and dashed curves are ation in the count rate in the pre-transition period and for log(P)=−0.5, −0.8 and −1.2 respectively. Note that the duration of a transition. The variation in the count 7 2001) since this is around T ∼r3/2(r /c)∼( rd )3/2( M )s∼2.6×105s. infall d g 1.5×106 14M⊙ (3) The viscous time for a Kepleriandisk of similar size must beatleasttentoahundredtimeslarger,i.e,few×106sfor any reasonable viscosity. This indicates that if the tran- sition takes place in ∼ 104s, the accretion flow must be nearly freely falling, i.e., sub-Keplerian, and must origi- nate from intermediate distances, rather than from the outeredge,i.e.,outofaKepleriandiskthroughenergyde- position orotherwise.This flowis neither a static corona, nor a flow which is radiatively less efficient. Smith et al. (2001)andSmith,Heindl andSwank(2002)indeedfound observational signatures of the nearly free-falling matter in several black hole candidates which causes dynamical spectral state changes.We thus believe that the variation oftherateofthesub-Keplerianmattermayberesponsible Fig. 6. Time dependence of the power density spectrum for for the class transitions we presented here. the medium mode (0.1s time resolution) IXAE observations presented in Fig. 5b. Along X-axis is the time after the ob- 4. Concluding remarks servation started. The contours of constant power (in loga- rithmic scale) are plotted (marked on the contours). A strong In this paper, we presented several examples of variabil- peakatlog(νQPO)∼−2inthefirsthalfsignifiestheLowFre- ity class transitions in GRS 1915+105as observedby the quency QPO (LFQPO) in the ρ state and another weak peak IndianX-RayAstronomyExperiment(IXAE)aboardthe at ∼ 0.1Hz (break frequency, see text) is also present. After Indian Satellite IRS-P3. We also presented one example thetransition, thepeak occurs at ∼2.5Hz. fromRXTE.Weshowedthatwhilethesignatureofaclass transition in the light curve may be abrupt, the process ratepointstothe variationintheaccretionratewhile the itself is gradual over a period of about 3−5 hours dur- duration gives an indication of the infall time. Details of ingwhichthelightcurvepassesthroughunknownclasses. the possiblenatureoftheflowgeometryduringtransition During the transition, the photon count rates change sig- will be discussed elsewhere (Nandi et al. in preparation). nificantly which indicates changes in the accretion rates. Giventhatthereisagapofmoreorless80minutesinbe- Inamodel-independentway,wearguethatprobablyonly tween two successive observations of IXAE, the duration the rate of the sub-Keplerian flow changes since the du- T couldbeatthemost∼3−5hoursi.e,10,000−20,000s. ration of transition is ∼ 2×104s, much shorter than the d Thisisshortevenforafreefallinggasfromtheouteredge viscoustimebyfactoroftentohundred.Duringthetran- ofthedisklocatedatr ∼1.5×106r ,wherer =2GM/c2 sitions,thephotoncountrateswerefoundtobeabnormal d g g is the Schwarzschild radius of the central black hole of and were rapidly changing. For instance in Fig. 3a, the mass M ∼ 14±4M⊙ (Greiner, Cuby and McCaughrean, X-ray count rate was seen to vary by more than 25% in a 8 matter of a few minutes in the unknown class. These are Naik, S., Agrawal, P. C., Rao, A. 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