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CLASS STRUGGLE Trotsk:yist quarterly edited by SPARI< " Nailing address : ..S PARK P.O. Box 1047 Detroit, Michigan 43231 YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION (4 issues) U.S.A.: $6.00 overseas: via surfa ce mail Canada and $6.50 ~lexico All other countries: $7.50 via air mail Canada, Hexico Central America and Caribbean: $11.00 Europe, South America and North Africa: $14.00 Asia, Middle East and Africa: $17.00 For all overseas subscriptions, please send payment in the form of international postal money order. • • • • • • • For subscriptions to the French-language Trotskyist journal LUTTE DE CLASSE (CLASS STRUGGLE) write to: LUTTE DE CLASSE Lutte ouvriere BP 233 75865 Paris - Cedex 18 FRANCE For one-year subscription (10 issues) in the U.S.A., please enclose: $20.00 via air mail $15.00 via sea mail Please write for subscription rates for other countries. TABLE OF CONTENTS REAGAN'S POL ICY: A SCENARIO FOR WORlCER.S' SACRIFICES Page l THE u.A.w.'s POLICY: A DEAD END FOR. 'DIE WORlCER.S Page 7 THE c.1.0. : FROM MIL !TANT STRUGGLE TO CLASS COLLABORATION Page 13 THE AMERICAN c.P. : GOOD-BYE TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, HELLO TO THE DEMOCRATS! Page 21 A STARVING WORLD FED UP Winl PROFITS Page 25 EL SALVADOR.: 'lllE NEx.T VIET NAM'l Page 31 REAGAN'S POLICY: A SCENARIO FOR WORKERS' SACRIFICES Hollywood came to Washington when Reagan delivered his Budget Message. His scriptwriters created a speech for him which conveyed the sense of an Adminis tration seriously trying to come to grips with the economic problems facing the nation. Feelingly evoking the sense of an economic crisis almost as severe as· that of the Great Depression, he called on everyone to make sacrifices today , ..... teniporary ones, of course -- so that tomorrow the economy could be restored to health. Calling inflation the nation's worst enemy, he admitted and loudly at that -- that it was the government deficit spending whi~h had caused the inflation, and he spoke of his resolve to cut that spending -- even if that must mean that everyone will be temporarily discomforted. Underneath all the Hollywood veneer, there were some proposals, most of them· vague, to be sure; but even these vague proposals allow us to see the of his actual policy. outlin~s First, he is calling for cuts in the currently mandated government expen ditures for 1982. 'lbese cuts will total nearly 49 billion dollars, with more than '40 billion of them coming directly out of the social programs. (Of course, we have ·to take all these figures with a large grain of salt; the budgets sub mitted by presidents have always been notoriously -- and self-servingly -- ina c'cura te.) Se~ond, he is calling for a total increase in direct military spending of almos·t 42 billion dollars', ·with additional funds to be directed toward activi ties which reinforce the military, such as Radio Free Europe and the mari time industry. Third, he is calling for a roll-back of income taxes -- totalling sup posedly 44 billion a year to individuals, and 10 billion a year to the cor porations. Finally, he is proposing to deregulate much of industry, to let the so called more efficient companies win out over the less efficient, to let the big corporations increase productivity by removing most of the regulations on consume't and worker safety and health, and on environmental standards. 'lbese are the main lines of Reagan's proposals -- these are the tools he proposes to use to right the economy and get rid of inflation. A_·~ IQ GET RID OF INFLATION .:.=. OR TO GET AROUND IT? Reagan, himself, admits that stopping inflation isn't really part of his "scenario" this year. Oh, certainly, he has promises for later on, but as far as the next 2 or 3 years are concerned, he says that ail he can do is pick up the mess Carter has created. (Carter, of course, said the same thing about Ford 1 s b'udget.) -t- Even with Reagan's rosiest "scenarios" of what next year's budget will produce, he is forced to admit that there will be a deficit of 45 billion dollars. In fact, because of the way he estimates the r~sult of the tax cut, this figure is undoubtedly grossly understated -- for he assumes the tax cut will not really lower government revenues. In addition, some of the increase in military spending is to be included in this year's current expenditures, and so while formally it may not show as a part of next year's budget deficit, in fact, the money will be spent, and will add to the tota 1 growing deficit, no matter which year it appears in. But even assuming that all of Reagan's figures were correct, what we see is a budget deficit which will continue to fuel the fires of inflation, over the next year or two. And what about-;the. more distant future, 3 or 4 years from now? In fact, Reagan says one of the main causes for inflation is that people nbw expect it to happen and act accordingly, in anticipation of it. this is why, he says, he proposes such severe sacrifices -- they are a kind of shock therapy to destroy inflationary expectations. In other words, Reagan's prescription for stopping the inflation is: Don't expect it! The fact that Reagan's budget eliminated the government's precise econom ic predictions, as rosy as they were, and replaced them with pleasant "scenar ios" of how the budget ought to fare if people allow Doctor Reagan to work on their psychological expectations -- this fact in itself is a tacit admission on Reagan's part of the strong likelihood of inflation continuing on into the foreseeable future. Certainly, up until now, the bourgeoisie has been able to avoid the worst effects of the inflation for itself by making others pay the cost of it. In the four years of Carter's administration, the inflation was one of the primary means by which the bourgeoisie protected itself against the inroads of the eco nomic crisis. In those 4 years, wages increased by only 31%, a good deal less than the 41% increase in consumer prices; while profits increased by 55%, sig nificantly more than the rate of inflation. In fact, so long as it is manage able, the inflation is a useful tool for transferring resources to the bour geoisie, at the expense of the laboring and other poor layers of the popula tion. It was used that way during Carter's administration, and it is clear that Reagan will continue policies which will allow the inflation to be used in the same way. Of course, at a certain point, the inflation could become a problem for the bourgeoisie itself. And in fact, if all Reagan's proposals for tax cuts and for budgetary increases in spending were enacted, there would be an enor mously increased deficit which might easily push the inflation beyond the bourgeoisie's reasonable bounds. It is to forestall this possibility that Reagan has been applying the broad ax to all the social programs. The· cuts he is asking for are a partial means of compensating for the increases he wants. In reality, Reagan's cuts couid in no way eliminate the inflation. They are only the means by which Reagan hopes to limit it, maintaining it at some thing like the current rate, preventing i.t from getting totally out of hand, and in this way, continuing to make the working class and other poor layers of the population pay for the current crisis, without there being too big a price paid by the big bourgeoisie. · · IF NOT INFLATION. THEN WHAT IS REAGAN AIMING AT? Reagan's policy is marked by a single-minded purpose to protect the -2- bourgeoisie against the ravages of the current economic crisis. Above all, he is looking to protect the big monopolies. First, the new Administration plans to spend more on the military-goods producing industries. This is, apart from the role it plays in foreign policy considerations, primarily a plan to subsidize most of the big monopolies that dominate the c.ountry. For military contracts go not only to airplane, tanks and weapons manufacturers; they also go to the steel, the auto, the tin, .the aluminum, the plastics, the chemical, the oil, the electronics, the data pro industries, etc. ces~ing Military spending may be the most spectacular and the most significant way by which subsidies are given to the large monopolies, but it is by no means the only way. Reagan proposes to continue many of the other typical means such as subsidies to highway construction, maritime, and even the oil industry. , Second, Reagan proposes tax cuts for everyone. In reality, under the guise of ,an across-the-board tax cut, he is proposing to shift the tax burden eve.n more onto the working class. That is, he is proposing to take money from the poorer layers of the population and give it to the bourgeoisie and its corporations. In the first place, although Reagan has proposed a tax cut for both busi ness and for individuals, it is corporate taxes alone which have been cut so retroactive to January l, in fact, while the individual tax cut has been f~r, postponed, supposedly only until June. Of course, this short postponement could always lengthen, if the Administration happens t6 notice the inflation. But even if the individual cuts are enacted, they won't mean the same thing for the wealthy and for those who work for a living. The last few de cades of inflation have continued to push the workers into much higher tax brackets, with the result that they now pay a much higher rate of tax than be fqre. The wealthy were already in the top bracket, so their income tax rates. not increased over the years. The result of course is that there is much hav~ less. difference today in the tax rate paid by the wealthy and that paid by the workers, than there was, for example, 20 years ago. Reagan's across-the-board cut does nothing to remedy the fact that the income tax is becoming more and more regre.s s i ve • .M p:reover, in reality the poor will see very little, if any, of this cut;. Given the fact that this year also the poor will continue to be pushed into the higher tax brackets by the inflation, and given the fact of another social security tax increase, the taxes of the workers will remain relatively the same -- if the individual tax cut is ever enacted. The wealthy, of course, are not affected in the same way by these changes, and so they will see the full ~Oi.. A~d, of course, the bourgeoisie will benefit twice -- first as the QWners of the big corporations, and second as individuals. Third, Reagan proposes "deregulation. 11 The justification for this is. that Americai;t business has become less and less productive, that it stands a.t mor~ and more of a disadvantage to the other imperialisms, especially to the Japan ese and the German, precisely because its natural bent for productivity has been strangled by government red tape and regulations. Reagan says that a re moval of the red tape would be accompanied by greater competitiveness, and, he -3- implies, lower prices. And so Reagan is proposing to cu't back on many inconvenient regulations which limit the bourgeoisie in certain areas. The health and safety of workers and c~nsumers; environmental protection; the cushion for small businessmen and farmers against the· weight of the big monopolies -- all of the regulations which set' limits as to how far the big monopolies could go in these areas are to be shaved away. In reality, the protections that were aiecorded because of government regulations were minimal, nonetheless, the elimination of even mini mal standards will give to the big monopolies a not totally insignificant way to increase their profits. Certainly, no one can be so naive as to expect that, just because the companies had used the imposing of these same· regulations to justify price increases, now the removal of restrictions will be accompanied by a lowering of prices. We have already seen proof it doesn't work this way with the deregulatio"n· of the airline industry over the past several years. What was supposed to be used to create greater competition and lower prices in fact was accompanied by increases of great magnitude in airline fares. is nus ~NEW ROAD FOR THE GOVERNMENT? In none of these programs is Reagan setting otf on an entirely different course than Carter. It was Carter himself who began the cuts in the· social programs at the same time tnat he increased military spending. It was Carter who deregulated the oil and trucking industries and the airlines -- Reagan only advanced the date for final deregulation of oil. It was Carter who im._ posed the latest inflationary spiral on the working class. It was CJrter who gave money to Chrysler while refusing unemployment extensions. The new administration has the same goal as the old: to shift the burden of the continuing economic crisis onto the working class and the poorer layers of the population. Obviously, in times like these, the bourgeoisie and· its politi.cians don't willingly choose other roads. And up until now, the working class and other poor layers of the population have done nothing to cause· the bourgeoisie to question this road. If there is a difference in Reagan and Carter, it lies first in the fact the crisis continues, and even gets worse; given this, Reagan proposes a more radical version of Carter's policy. Second, Reagan has taken a different tack toward .the working class in imposing the policy. He makes a point ·of calling on the working class to sacrifice . .I n fact, all of Reagan's Hollywood flourishes have one· important goal: to convince the workers to impose on themselves a real austerity program. He asks .tJle American workers to believe that they can have no hopes for thein selves unless Ametitan business can be revived. And this has implications way beyond Reagan's budgetary policy. For, in fact, he is calling on the workers to make whatever saLrifices are necessary in order to restore business to good health. He spea.k.s, of the need to make American business "competitive," of the need to help it "re-industrialize." Implied in this is that the workers must take actual wage cuts -- not just those imposed by inflation -- that they must tolerate the speed-up and accept unemployment, all in order to· 'increase th'e "competitiveness" of the big American monopolies. In dramatic fashion, Reagan has given notic~ to the workers that they can expect very little of their lives but sacrifice over the next several years. -4- The bourgeoisie certainly must hope that in the Hollywood actor, it has found a useful con man to front for it. Whether the workers are fooled by him remains to be seen. Even if the con tinuing inflation disabuses them of any hope for improvement, it also remains to be seen if the workers are ready to take upon themselves the road of struggle against the bourgeoisie. -5- THE POLICY= U.A~V'S A DEAD ENO FOR THE WORKERS In discussing the 1981 Chrysler contract, Doug Fraser, president of the United Aut.o Workers union, called it, "the worst econ_omic settlement the union's ever been involved in." But then, of course, he recommended its ratification and signed the contract. This was the third round of concessions to Chrysler in a little more than a year. Ea.ch con.tract made ever greater concessions to Chrysler than the previ a ous one. The latest concession will mean a wage cut of al.most $50 week start ing March, 1981. And since the newest contract gave up a cost~of-living aliow ance, the workers' wages will continue to fall ever further behind inflation. Altogether by September, 1982, when this contract expires, Chrysler workers are expected to earn $4 an hour less in wages and benefits than GM or Ford workers. (This is assuming that their wages are not cut also.) Moreover, there is little chance that most of the 60,000 Chrysler workers,. half its 1979 work force, who are now permanently laid off will get their jobs back. The UAW says that Chrysler'~ financial situation made it a special case which gave the union no choice. Said Fraser, "These conditions were imposed on us." But is Chrysler so special? During a crisis any company can be or pretend to be· in bad financial shape .• According to Fraser's logic, every company can expect the workers to bail it out. This should serve as a warning to all work ers that the union will not protect them. The UAW has already proven this in the case of Ford, which has not taken long in shoving its foot in the door by demanding $1.50 an hour wage cuts for the over 5,000 workers in its steel-making operations. The UAW leadership - as we might expect -- pushed the Ford steel workers also t.o accept these cuts. The UAW is not alone in pushing the companies' wage cuts. The other union apparatuses act no differently. Already several rubber companies have gotten wage concessions from the United Rubber Workers. The Teamsters union at Bran iff Airlines accepted a 10% wage cut. If the UAW has become a kind of symbol, it is because of its reputation in the past for militancy and for being in the forefront of winning gains for its workers. For this reason it can be used by the government and the bourgeoisie to make the idea of wage cuts more accept able to all workers. ECONOMIC FACTS -- NOT ECONOMIC POWER The UAW's policy was summed up by Walter Reuther in 1949: "We would like to see a situation in America where we can raise collective bargaining above the status of a struggle between com peting economic pressure groups, We would like to reso_lve our economic demands on the basis of the economic facts and not upon economic power ••• Table pounding and picket line marching are part of the problem but you have to base your demands and f;trug gle on sound economic facts. We keep saying to our workers that they have to understand these facts because these facts. are the arithmetic of our future." -7- Implicit in Reuther's statement is the fact that the UAW accepts the capitalist system, and it does not see the need to make a fundamental change in that system, Since it accepts the society the way it is, it also accepts the rules of the game as laid out by the bourgeoisie. For the union bureau cracy, the first rule is that the unions and the companies have mutual inter ests, and the union can work together with the companies to assure these interests. For the union apparatus, the means to assure the workers' interests is collective bargaining with the company. The workers are supposed to be able to guarantee their future, not through their own struggles, but through com pany and union· negotiations and the product of negotiations, a contract. In the contract, the company promises certain wages and benefits for a fixed period of time. In return, the workers promise that they will respect so-called management rights. This means that management runs its business and organizes production the way it sees fit, with no interference from the workers. The no-strike clause is the union's pledge that the workers will not disrupt pro duction during the length of the contract, And the company and the union supply a grie·vance procedure in which the workers are allowed to protest company practices. But the grievance procedure is merely a way to take the protest out of the hands of the workers. When all else fails, the union can resort to a strike -- at the end of the contract. Behind this so-called civilized relationship between the company and the union is the idea that not only are workers tied to the capitalist system, but also workers in each company are tied to the fate of that particular com pany, If that company does well, these benefits will trickle down to the workers. And also the inverse follows in this logic: the workers have no in terest in hurting that company, because it would be the equivalent of hurting their own interests. On the general level, the UAW takes the same stance toward the bourgeoisie and its government as it takes toward the individual capitalists. The needs of the workers which go beyond what can be met in the contract, can be met by government legislation. And this legislation can be influenced by working with the Democratic party. By supporting and pressuring the Democratic party, the workers could make it more progressive and responsive, The UAW holds up as an example of what can be accomplished with the Democratic party what has been accomplished in Michigan. Thus, Michigan's laws for unemployment com pensation and workman's compensation for many years were more liberal and generous than in most industrial states. And Michigan had far reaching legis lation which protected women workers and early civil rights laws. The UAW leaders explain that these things were won because in Michigan the UAW made itself into a major force in the Democratic party by providing much of the money and precinct workers for the party. WHAT WERE THE RESULTS? Did the UAW's policies benefit the workers? The leadership claims that since World War II, the UAW has made unprecedented gains, On the leve 1 of the contract, it led other unions in winning health and dental insurance, auto matic annual productivity increases, cost-of-living adjustments, paid vaca tions, retirement pensions and supplemental unemployment benefits. These were supposed to protect the workers against al 1 adversity. In fact, almost each gain in the contract had its own built-in limit, So, -8-

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