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Class, States and International Relations: A Critical Appraisal of Robert Cox and Neo-Gramscian Theory PDF

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Class, States and International Relations This book provides an outline and a critique of neo-Gramscian International Relations theory, from a Marxist perspective. Focusing on the pioneering work of Robert Cox, but also drawing on the wider neo-Gramscian literature, this book presents a comprehensive account of neo-Gramscian International Relations theory. It highlights the neo-Gramscian critique of mainstream Realist theory and the theoretical innovationsthat resulted from the mobilization of Gramsci’s ideas and Cox’s emphasis on the social forces underpinning forms of state and world orders. The author explains how this is especially relevant in the current period of war and crisis, when the international dimensions of social existence continue to exercise a major influence over ‘domestic’ politics and economics, and when the interest in Marxism can be expected togrow. Thebook continues to provide a critique of the neo-Gramscians and of what the author argues is theirone-sided reading ofGramsci.Placingcoercionatthecentreofamodeof productionanalysisofworld order, the authorelaborates a Marxist alternative to neo-Gramscianism that provides more robust explanations of world order dynamics and change. Using a combination of International Relations theory and historical explanation, includingof contemporaryworld orderdynamicsand US power, thisbookwillappealtobothstudentsandscholarsofInternationalRelations, international studies and international history. Adrian Budd is Lecturer in Politics and UCU secretary at London South Bank University, UK. Routledge Innovations in Political Theory 1 ARadicalGreenPoliticalTheory 10 EthicsandPolitics in AlanCarter ContemporaryTheory Betweencritical theoryand 2 RationalWoman post-Marxism Afeministcritique ofdualism MarkDevenney RaiaProkhovnik 11 CitizenshipandIdentity 3 RethinkingState Theory Towardsa newrepublic MarkJ.Smith JohnSchwarzmantel 4 GramsciandContemporary 12 Multiculturalism,IdentityandRights Politics EditedbyBruceHaddockand Beyondpessimism oftheintellect PeterSutch AnneShowstackSassoon 13 PoliticalTheoryofGlobalJustice 5 Post-EcologistPolitics Acosmopolitancasefor the Socialtheoryandtheabdicationof WorldState theecologistparadigm LuisCabrera IngolfurBlühdorn 14 Democracy,Nationalismand 6 EcologicalRelations Multiculturalism SusanBoard EditedbyRamónMaizand FerránRequejo 7 ThePolitical TheoryofGlobal Citizenship 15 PoliticalReconciliation AprilCarter AndrewSchaap 8 DemocracyandNational 16 NationalCulturalAutonomyand Pluralism ItsContemporaryCritics EditedbyFerranRequejo EditedbyEphraimNimni 9 CivilSocietyandDemocratic 17 PowerandPolitics in Theory PoststructuralistThought Alternativevoices Newtheoriesofthepolitical GideonBaker SaulNewman 18 CapabilitiesEquality 28 TheNewPolitics ofMasculinity Basicissuesandproblems Men,powerandresistance EditedbyAlexanderKaufman FidelmaAshe 19 MoralityandNationalism 29 CitizensandtheState CatherineFrost AttitudesinWesternEuropeand EastandSoutheast Asia 20 PrinciplesandPoliticalOrder TakashiInoguchiand Thechallenge ofdiversity JeanBlondel EditedbyBruceHaddock, PeriRobertsand 30 PoliticalLanguageandMetaphor PeterSutch Interpretingandchangingthe world 21 EuropeanIntegrationandthe EditedbyTerrellCarverand NationalitiesQuestion JernejPikalo EditedbyJohnMcGarryand MichaelKeating 31 PoliticalPluralismandtheState Beyondsovereignty 22 Deliberation,SocialChoiceand MarcelWissenburg AbsolutistDemocracy DavidvanMill 32 PoliticalEvilina GlobalAge HannahArendtandinternational 23 SexualJustice/Cultural Justice theory Criticalperspectivesinpolitical PatrickHayden theoryandpractice EditedbyBarbaraArneil,Monique 33 GramsciandGlobalPolitics Deveaux,RitaDhamoonand Hegemonyandresistance AvigailEisenberg MarkMcNallyand JohnSchwarzmantel 24 TheInternationalPoliticalThought ofCarlSchmitt 34 DemocracyandPluralism Terror,liberalwarandthecrisisof Thepolitical thoughtof globalorder WilliamE. 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Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedor utilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans,now knownorhereafterinvented,includingphotocopyingandrecording,orin anyinformationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwriting fromthepublishers. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Budd,Adrian,1961- Class,StatesandInternationalRelations:acriticalappraisalof RobertCoxandneo-Gramscianinternationalrelationstheory/Adrian Budd.–Firstedition p.cm.–(Routledgeinnovationsinpoliticaltheory;52) Summary:‘Thisbookprovidesbothanoutlineandacritiqueof neo-Gramscianinternationalrelationstheory,fromaMarxist perspective’–Providedbypublisher. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. 1.Cox,RobertW.,1926-2.Internationalrelations–Philosophy. 3.Internationalrelations–Socialaspects.4.Internationalorganization. 5.Cox,RobertW.,1926-6.Gramsci,Antonio,1891-1937.I.Title. JZ1305.B832013 327.101–dc23 2012047032 ISBN:978-0-415-68186-5(hbk) ISBN:978-0-203-48673-3(ebk) TypesetinTimesNewRoman byTaylor&FrancisBooks Contents Acknowledgements viii List of abbreviations ix Introduction 1 PARTI Robert Cox and neo-Gramscian theory 13 1 Robert Cox and the origins of the neo-Gramscian perspective 15 2 Production, Power, and World Order: Cox’s operationalization of neo-Gramscian theory 39 3 Transnationalization: The latest stage of capitalism? 63 PARTII Critique 85 4 Marxism, Gramsci and International Relations 87 5 Production, Power, and World Order: A critique 117 6 Transnationalism: A critique 145 Conclusion 174 Bibliography 181 Index 203 Acknowledgements As befits an academic from one of the more neoliberal economies I have accrued considerable debts in writing this book, although mostly of the intellectual kind. I have benefitted a great deal over the years from the work of, and/or conversations with, the following: Colin Barker, Alex Callinicos, Gareth Dale, Neil Davidson, Kate Hudson, Phil Marfleet, Donna Seale, Jeffrey Weeks and Andrew Wright. I also gained enormously from the work of Chris Harman and Peter Gowan, whose early deaths in 2009 deprived the Marxist left of two towering intellects. One person above all others helped me to produce this book. Shaminder Takharisaconstantsourceofinspiration,intellectualadvice,loveandsupport. My deepest thanks go to her, with love. Abbreviations ACCs advanced capitalist countries ANZUS Australia, New Zealand, United States CCOC comprehensive concept of control CEEC Committee of European Economic Co-operation (later OEEC) CENTO Central Treaty Organization CIA Central Intelligence Agency DWSR Dollar-Wall Street Regime ECB European Central Bank EEC European Economic Community EMU Economic and Monetary Union ERP European Recovery Program (aka the Marshall Plan) ERTI European Round Table of Industrialists ETUC European Trade Union Confederation EU European Union FDI foreign direct investment GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GDP gross domestic product IFIs international financial institutions ILO International Labour Organization IMF International Monetary Fund IPE International Political Economy IR International Relations MAD mutually assured destruction MSRP mode of social relations of production MsSRP modes of social relations of production MUNS Multilateralism and the United Nations System NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NIEO New International Economic Order NMD National Missile Defense OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OEEC Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (formerly CEEC)

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