Delhi Public School Sonepat Session: 201314 th Class –4 Subject‐English SYLLABUSFORSESSION2013‐1014 SUBJECT‐ENGLISH CLASS‐IV MONTH TOPIC ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES APRIL Literature: story telling 1)Subuddhi and poetry recitation Kubuddhi to make a bookmark ( theme- 2)My Favourite plants ). Things students will make Grammar: “Preposition story” Articles (Givestudentsalistof30different Preposition prepositions,witheachlistin a Creativewriting: slightlydifferentorderthanthe others.Askstudentstowritea story, Rewriting the end usingeachprepositionin one of the story. sentenceafteranotherintheorder givenintheirlists.) PPTon prepositions enacting a part of the story MAY Literature: make a poster with message- 1)Henry and Ribsy Animals aremans best friend. Grammar: “Correction activity” on collective possessive nouns.Provide nouns studentswith a list of possessive sentencescontaining nouns incorrectly formed Creative writing: possessive nouns. Ask the Story writing step studentstochange the by step. incorrectnouns into correct English. Reading competition JULY Literature: Oral assessment:10M group conversation 1)Indias Fastest and (recitation ofmy “The longest list”Dividethe the Best. favouritethings) classintofourorfivegroups. Grammar: I.A:5M Giveeachgroupasmall adjectives Written test:35 object(fruit,candy,school comparative Literature: supplies,orpiecesof nature s and 1)Subuddhi and work well),andhavethem superlative Kubuddhi makealistof asmany Creativewriting: 2)Henry and Ribsy adjectivesas theycanto describetheobject.) “Picture Grammar: “Thepicturegame” description” articles prepositions collective and possessive nouns Talking about a visit to a place Poject presentation on superlative,comparitive and Literature: positive adjectives AUGUST 1)The GreatWall of China 2)My Chocolatey Journey Grammar: use of 'wh' words do and does Creativewriting: “Paragraph writing” Enacting a story Group discussion on general topics. Literature: Students will make “Verb SEPT. 1)Eh!Oh! books”with the words they are 2)The centipede unfamiliar with along with its Grammar: picture. verbs PPT on subject verb subject verb agreement on grammar bytes. agreement phrasal verbs Creativewriting: “Limerick writing” Talking about an experience Literature: Poetry writing competition OCTOBER 1)TryTry andYou Oral assessment:10 M “Tenseshift”(Havestudents will Succeed. (elocution) findaparagraphintheir 2)The river I.A:5M favouritebook.Thenhave Grammar: Written test:35M themrewritetheparagraph usingdifferenttense.) present Literature: continuous 1)The great wall of tense china onestopenglishformore activities past 2)My chocolatey continuous journey tense 3)The centipede Creativewriting: Grammar: Complete the story. useof'wh'words do and does verbs subject verb agreement phrasal verbs Elocution competition Project presentation ppt on present perfect tense on NOVEMBE Literature: R 1)Kite flying ytes 2)The harvest song Grammar: past tense and past participle Creativewriting: Writing a poem step by step Story tellingcompetition DECEMBER Literature: Project presentation on 1)Somu ofthe land present and futuretense. and Somu of the sea. Grammar: past continuous tense. Creativewriting: Notice writing To give a speech in class on Oral assessment:10M “Atrip to Mars” (speech) JANUARY Literature: I.A:5M 1)ATrip to Mars Written test:35M Grammar: Literature: present 1)Kite flying perfect 2)The harvest song tense 3)Somu ofthe land and Creativewriting: Somu of the sea. Letter writing Grammar: past tense and past participle past continuous tense. Delhi Public School Sonepat Session: 201314 th Class –4 Subject‐Math Delhi Public School Sonepat Syllabus 2013 – 2014 Subject : MATHS Class : IV Teacher/Facilitator : Ms Aanchal/ Ms Megha BROADSPECTRUM SYLLABUSMONTHLYBREAKUP S. MONTH TOPICS WITH SUBTOPICS SYLLA ACTIVITI SUGGESTED No BUS ES SITES TOPIC S FOR UT 1 April PLACE VALUE Indian & International Place Value chart Place value &face value Number names Expanded notation Skip counting Successor/predecessor Ascending & descending order Formation of greatest & smallest number. Rounding off to 10, 100, 1000. Introducing Decimal Place Value Chart. 2. MAY ROMAN NUMERALS MODLE h+Activities MAKING Roman Nos. from1 -39 Model making with the help of toothpics and matchsticks ADDITION representing Description of terms – Roman addends , sum Numerals. Addition without carrying Addition with carrying Properties ofAddition RELATIN Word Problems G MATHS Number patterns Problem Solving-using TO REAL LIFE strategies. SITUATIO NS Calculating SUBTRACTION the total expenditure Description of terms – of the house subtrahend , minuend , difference fora month Sub. without borrowing on printed Sub. with borrowing bills. Properties of subtraction Mixed operations Word Problems Problem Solving-using strategies. *Excluding operations on Decimals and Money 3 July MULTIPLICATION . LATTICE METHOD de4 Description of terms – multiplicand , multiplier , Calculating product. multiplicati Properties ofmultiplication on in groups Multiplication of a no. by a by Napier,s multiple of 10 , 100 , 1000 , Bones and their multiples. Multiplication by doubling. method and Multiplication of a three and a checkingthe four digit number answer by Number Patterns. simple multiplicati on 4 Aug REVISION FOR UT I U.T I DIVISION www.homeschoolmath. SYLLA AS EQUAL net/worksheets/grade_ DIVISION 4.php BUS GROUPIN Terms associated with G 1. Place division -dividend, divisor , value. Learning quotient , remainder division as Relationship among various 2. equal division terms Additio Properties of division grouping n and Div. of a no .by a 1-digit no. using Subtrac & 2-digit no. objects like Div. by 10,100,1000 tion. marbles, Number Patterns. pebbles or 3. buttons. Multipli cation.