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Clark Construction Company Workers Compensation Experience Modification Please acce PDF

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Submit copy of EMR information on your insurance carrier's letterhead. Wtlhs Telephone: 248-539-6600 Fax: 248-735-7585 Website: vvww.willis.com Direct Line: (248) 539-6631 Direct Fax: (248) 735-7585 E-mail: [email protected] February 6, 2014 To Whom It May Concern: RE: Clark Construction Company Workers Compensation Experience Modification Please accept this letter as confirmation of Clark Construction's experience modification for the past three years. This experience is intrastate. 2/01/2014-2015 .71 2/01/2013-2014 .72 2/01/2012-2013: .70 Sincerely, Darlene Pappas-Goodman, CPCU Asst. Vice President /dpg Proposal for Construction Management Services CLARK Macomb County Central Campus Renovation Mt. Clemens. Michigan Construction Company Construction Company Professtonai Construction Serv~ces If yes, provide a copy of your firm's program/statement. CLARK Construction Company AFFIDAVIT OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY It is hereby certified that this contractor or contracting organization agrees to provide equal employment opportunity to all employees and applicants, and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, (except where sex is a bona fide occupational qualification) or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rate of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination policy. In signing this affidavit, the contractor further certifies that he does not maintain or provider for his employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that he does not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under his control, where segregated facilities are maintained. The bidder, applicant, or subcontractor agrees that a breach of this certification is a violation of this equal opportunity affidavit. As used in this certification, the terms "segregated facilities" mean any waiting rooms, work areas, rest rooms and wash rooms, restaurants and other eating areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, and housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, creed, color, sex (except where sex is a bona fide basis for segregated facilities) or national origin, because of habit, local custom or otherwise. On behalf of this organization, I hereby certify that compliance with the above equal opportunity policy is now and will continue to be maintained. CLARK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Proposal for Construction Management Services CLARK Macomb County Central Campus Renovation Mt. Clemens, Michigan Construction Company Pro1e~<$iV!1-ill C(frlStn.:ctkm S~!r\?iC:;}S ~ c Q ~ )> en en c 0 :J 0 (]) Construction Company Pn:Aess1orwl Construction Services Provide a copy of your firm's Quality Policy Statement and Table of Contents from your Quality Manual. If certified (ISO Q I, etc) provide a copy of your firm's quality certification document(s). Provide a copy of your most recent Customer Satisfaction Survey produced from the program. Quality & Environmental Policy CLARK Manual L' _ Construct_ion Company _ Doc. No. QPM-004.1 Version: 5 Date: 4/8/11 Page 1 of 1 Quality & Environmental Policy Manual Environmental Policy and Objectives Environmental Policy Clark Construction is committed to constructing and delivering to the client a project completed in an environmentally conscious manner. • We will seek ways to continually improve our Environmental Management System. • We will practice pollution prevention through monitoring, educating and self auditing. " We actively promote dialog with our neighbors on our environmental policies; our policy is available upon request and on our World Wide Website. • We will comply with all environmental laws and regulations, that apply to our operations, as well as any compliance required specific to a client. Charles J. Q§. , CEO A & !II _ j! "Cu~tr. ,;/ c' ~--/-(///~ ~~ ) Gerald Boerner, VP of Operations Proposal for Construction Management Services CLARK Macomb County Central Campus Renovation Mt. Clemens, Michigan Construction Company Pt((t~S$lm~<ll Gcmstr;;ctkm S<on··..,,(:~s 401PR001 Continuous Improvement 7/20/2010 3:54PM 7.0 402PR002 Projf'.Q:_ _ A.(;.Q..lJj,;.it[()n Procedure Hard Bid·GMP·GC 4/8/2011 11:33 AM 5.0 402PR003 Preconstruction Estimating Procedure 6/26/2009 10:21 AM 2.0 402PR004 NEW PROJECT ACQUISITION PROCESS-CM, Negotiated, 10/6/2009 1:21 PM 3.0 Design Build :;_Q;?pROOS Environmental Pro_<;~_L![!" 5/17/2010 4:22PM 1.0 19..1P_R001 Design Control 3/17/2009 8:50AM 1.0 405PR001 Document and Data Control 3/17/2009 8:50AM 1.0 '1.Q5?.8\1Ql~r1frastructl![E'!L1.'119rk f,:Qyir.Q!JDJ<elJti'lllc:l__E:.q!!iQmen_t: 3/17/2009 8: 51 AM 1. 0 Maintenance :'I:Q5f'RQQ2,1 pi,;a,t;erR,e<:Qv<ervf'r9<:<ec:lur<= 4/8/2011 9:40AM 1.0 405PR003 Overhead Expense Budgeting Procedure 2/17/2010 7:56PM 2.0 405PR004 Capital Asset Budget and Request Procedure 4/10/2009 9:50AM 1.0 405PR005 Information Technology Procedures 5/18/2010 9:11 PM 1.0 405PR005.2 IT HelpDesk Procedure 7/20/2010 3:59PM 2.0 405PR005.3 Security Patch Management Procedure 5/18/2010 9:14PM 1.0 405PR005.4 System Back-up Procedure 5/18/2010 9:15 PM 1.0 406PR001 Purch_asinq Management 4/8/2011 11:47 AM 6.0 406PR002 Change Orders 3/17/2009 8:51AM 1.0 409PR001 Project Management 4/8/2011 11:46 AM 9.0 409PR,Q_QJ..,1 Closeout Procedure 4/8/2011 11:50 AM 5.0 409PR001.2 Constructability Review Procedure 4/8/2011 11:51 AM 3.0 409PR002 Crisis Management Plan 4/10/2009 9:52AM 2.0 409PR003 Employee Health and Safety f'.1anual 7/20/2010 4:02 PM 5.0 409PR,QQ1_LEED Documentation Process 7/20/2010 4:12PM 1.0 410PR001 Receiving and Inspection 3/17/2009 8:52AM 1.0 413PR001 Non-Conforming Management 3/17/2009 8:52AM 1.0 414PR001 Corrective Action Procedure for Construction, Safety and 3/4/2010 11:59 AM 3.0 Environmental Concerns 414PR002 Corrective Action Procedure for Quality, Environmental and 3/17/2009 8:52AM 1.0 Saff>tv Management System Internal Audit Concerns 414PR003 Corrective.Preventive Action Procedure for Customer 3/17/2009 8:53AM 1.0 Concerns 415PR001 Handling, Storage, Preservation af}d Delivery 3/17/2009 8:53 AM 1.0 416PR001 Records ~1anagement 3/17/2009 8:53AM 1.0 417PR001 Internal Auditing 6/26/2009 11: 16 AM 2.0 418PR001 Training 4/8/2011 11:55 AM 4.0 Proposal for Construction Management Services CLARK Macomb County Central Campus Renovation Mt. Clemens, Michigan Construction Company Pr::>k~siot~<l! C<mHtr;;cti<m SQrv:~:~;:,s I Date: ;). j ') 1: J L( Client Satisfaction Survey CLARK CProomjepctle: tedBy:1 61D '.J b4-v(~d,;s- V Initial Review Cf>orrn>fsl!tc!nl~.'<hlr:.~>~:l<tCCh>om&l tCu<':o!bmn!!lp<>rav;n,_,y, PRECONSTRUCTION SERVICE 4, 1 5. Would you recorr:mend Clark Construction Company? _ __,,__,'-C=---''---(---------------------- Number: 409FR009-Date: 1123/09-Version 1 Proposal for Construction Management Services CLARK Macomb County Central Campus Renovation Construction Company Mt Clemens, Michigan ?tofess!V!1<.l! (::cynstn;ct!N< S.Nv:c~s Construction Company Professional Construction Services Minimum Qualifications ---·----·-··---~-----··-·----·····-----~ In addition to the other requirements of this l<FP, the follov,;ing minimum qualifications must be met by the CM firm in order to submit a Proposal: Hove been in business for at least the lost 5 consecutive years. Clark Construction Company was incorporated in the State of Michigan in 1946. Be familiar with and have experience in the government sector including having at least five different public sector clients within the last 70 years. 1. Washtenaw County ~ 14~A 1 District Court and Jail Expansion 2. City of Ann Arbor~ Municipal Center 3. State of Michigan -State Police Headquarters Building 4. Emmet County-90th District Court and Jail Expansion; Sheriff Department Road Patrol; Day School 5. State of Michigan~ W.J. Maxey Juvenile Training Facility Expansion & Renovations 6. Ingham County-911 Central Dispatch Facility; Jail Expansion 7. Clinton County-Animal Shelter; Mid-Michigan District Health; Maintenance Building; Jail Expansion 8. City of Marshall -Regional Law Enforcement Center; New Fire Station Have completed renovation projects of at least $3D-OOO,OOO for at least f'.No (2) different public sector clients within the lost 70 years. 1. Washtenaw County- 14-A 1 District Court and Jail Expansion; $32 million; completed September 2010 2. City of Ann Arbor-Municipal Center; $41.8 million; completed June 2011 Hove experience with parking structure demolition and/or parking structure construction. Clark Construction Company has managed construction of numerous parking structures over the years, including some of the first in the City of Lansing. Romp designs have been both pre-cast and cast-in-place, underground and vertical. We have built ramps in tight, urban sites requiring off-site staging, just-in-time deliveries, and extensive site signage. The following structures ore some of our more recent projects: Capitol View Office Complex; 9-story, pre-cast parking structure with 1,230 spaces FireKeepers Casino Parking Structure; 5-story, pre-cast structure with 2,068 spaces Harborside Office Center Parking Structure; 3-story, pre-cast structure with 400 spaces Proposal for Construction Management Services CLARK Macomb County Central Campus Renovation Mt. Clemens, Michigan Construction Company ?rof~s!>fl)?~<ll Cunstn.:ctkm $(~;1.';C!~S Have experience in multi-phased projects which require multiple moves of departments/staff: Particular attention will be given to relevant firm and key firm team member experience in similar size and complexity governmental (preferred) or public sector projects requiring phased construction/ occupancy. Respondent should include a brief description of such projects, number of phases, and phased occupancy approach utilized, etc. to successfully complete said projects. Clark Construction Company has provided construction services on many complex renovation projects where ongoing business operations could not be disrupted. We pride ourselves on the various solutions we have implemented successfully in these difficult situations. Many of the municipal, educational and healthcare projects we have completed hove involved extensive renovation that required multi-phased construction and renovation of the existing spaces while the building is occupied and utilized for daily business. Understanding that these facilities also serve the public, we know that communication is key to providing security and safety to the staff during the renovations while maintaining easily understood public accessibility to the facilities to perform their duties. It is extremely important for the users of the facility to understand the progress of construction and the direction the project is taking. We will consistently inform the staff and public of upcoming activities by using on-site signoge and distributing way finding mops via the County's websites and moss e-mails to employees to identify construction hazards and keep everyone informed of the upcoming renovations and project activities well in advance. Washtenaw Countv 14-A 1 District Court and Jail Expansion Chad Riehl and Jim Anderson have worked together through all phases of this project. For the jail addition and renovations the project approach was to construct the new addition to the housing unit first and then use the new area for swing space for clearing the areas to be renovated of inmates and jail staff. Several phases of the renovations had to be completed individually, as areas of the renovations were completed they too were utilized as swing space. Careful coordination with the Jail Administration was necessary to ensure the security and safety of the inmates and the jail staff. This project also included the complete renovation of the food service areas and the inmate laundry facilities. This portion of the project was fast tracked by utilizing 2 shifts per day. The neighboring County Jail Facility in Livingston County provided the food service and laundry service while the existing areas were renovated. This area was completely demolished and renovated in an 8 week time period to minimize the impact to the existing facility and reduce the cost impact of utilizing outside services. The administration areas of the jail facility were completed in the same manner. Swing space was created to temporarily relocate administration staff out of the areas to be renovated. Once the renovations were completed the staff was returned to their renovated areas and the swing space was then renovated. Through these efforts the administrative staff and the corrections staff were all able to remain on site and close to their respective departments and colleagues minimizing the impact to their work efficiency. Proposal for Construction Management Services CLARK Macomb County Central Campus Renovation Mt. Clemens. Michigan Construction Company· ?ro~e:!>Ji.k·l~<:ll <>:m;;tr;.:ctkm S.;;r;;-:~:%

renovations to several floors of the existing City Hall. equipment and mechanical and electrical equipment. totaling 3,200 s.f throughout the construction process as issues arose with existing pipe tie-in as needed. We wilt draw from the vast pool of talented subcontractors making Macomb
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