'W 1 l~~·ID·~~·?ra.·~~·~~·~~·~ ~·o.~a·~·~~·~~(ll·q·~~·s·q·q~~~·~ll C1arifl1ittS Natural tl1~ Stat~ RANGJUNG YESHE BOOKS ""' WWW.RANGJUNG.COM PADMASAMBHAVA Dakini Teachings ""'Advice from the Lotus-Born PADMASAMBHAVA AND JAMGON KONGTRUL Light of Wisdom, Vol. I ""' Light of Wisdom, Vol. II YES HE TSOGYAL ""' The Lotus-Born GAMPOPA The Precious Garland oft he Sublime Path DAKPO TASHI NAMGYAL Clarifying the Natural State TSELE NATSOK RANGDROL The Heart oft he Matter ""' Mirror ofM indfulness Empowerment ""' Lamp ofM ahamudra CHOKGYUR LINGPA ""' Ocean ofA mrita, Ngakso Drubchen JAMGON MIPHAM RINPOCHE Gateway to Knowledge, Vol. I ""' Vol. II ""' Vol. III TULKU URGYEN RINPOCHE Blazing Splendor ""' Rainbow Painting ""' As It Is, Vol. I ""' Vol. II Vajra Speech ""'Repeating the Words oft he Buddha KHENCHEN THRANGU RINPOCHE Crystal Clear ""' Songs ofN aropa ""' King ofS amadhi ""' Buddha Nature CHOKYI NYIMA RINPOCHE Present Fresh Wakefulness ""' Indisputable Truth ""' Bardo Guidebook The Union ofM ahamudra & Dzogchen ""' Song ofK armapa TSIKEY CHOKLING RINPOCHE ""' Lotus Ocean TULKU THONDUP ""' Enlightened Living ORGYEN TOBGYAL RINPOCHE Life & Teachings ofChokgyur Lingpa TSOKNYI RINPOCHE Fearless Simplicity ""' Carefree Dignity COMPILATIONS Dzogchen Primer ""' Dzogchen Essentials ""' A Tibetan Buddhist Companion DICTIONARIES The Rangjung Yeshe Tibetan-English Dictionary ofB uddhist Culture CD Clarif1-fil1S Nat14ra1 t'h~ Stat~ A Principal Guidance Manual for Mahamudra by Dal<po Tashi N amgyal Foreword by KHENCHEN THRANGU RINPOCHE Translated from the Tibetan by ERIK PEMA KuNSANG Edited by MICHAEL TwEED RANGJUNG YES HE • Boudhanath, Hong Kong & Esby • 2001 RA.NGJUNG YEsHE PuBLICATIONS FLAT 5A, GREENVIEW GARDEN, 125 RoBINSON RoAD, HoNG KoNG AnDRESS LETTERS TO: RANGJUNG YESHE PuBLICATIONS KA-NYING SHEDRUB LING MoNASTERY P.O. Box 12oo, KATHMANDu, NEPAL www.RANGJUNG.coM [email protected] CoPYRIGHT © 2001 ERIK PEMA KuNSANG FIRST EDITION 2001 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHER PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON RECYCLED ACID-FREE PAPER PuBLICATION DATA: ISBN 962-7341-45-2 (PBK.) AuTHOR: DAKPO TASHI NAMGYAL (DVAGS PO BKRA SHIS RNAM RGYAL), (1512-1587). FoREWORD BY KHENCHEN THRANGU RINPOCHE (B. 1933). TRANSLATED FROM THE TIBETAN BY ERIK PEMA KuNsANG (ERIK HEIN ScHMIDT). EDITED BY MICHAEL TwEED. FIRST ED. TITLE: CLARIFYING THE NATURAL STATE; A PRINCIPAL GUIDANCE MANUAL FOR MAHAMUDRA TIBETAN TITLE: PHYAG RGYA CHEN PO'I KHRID YIG CHEN MO GNYUG MA'I DE NYID GSAL BA. I. VAJRAYANNMAHAMUDRA-TRADITION OF PITH INSTRUCTIONS. 2. BuDDHISM-TIBET. I. TITLE. Introduction 9 Opening Verses 13 PART ONE PRELIMINARY STEPS OF GUIDANCE General Preliminaries 15 Specific Preliminaries 15 PART TWO THE MAIN PART OF THE MEDITATION STAGES Steps of Guidance 17 Guidance Through Shamatha IJ Shamatha with Attributes 17 Supported Shamatha 17 Unsupported Shamatha 19 Shamatha with Breathing Practice 19 Shamatha without Breathing Practice 21 Shamatha without Attributes 23 Tightening 23 Loosening 24 Guiding by Means of Vipashyana 26 a/ Establishing the Identity Mind and the Various Perceptions 27 clarifying the natural state Establishing the Identity of Mind- the Basis 27 Establishing the Identity of Thoughts and Perceptions - the Expression 29 Clearing Up Uncertainties About Basis and Expression 31 Resolving That Thoughts Are Mind 32 Resolving That Perceptions Are Mind 34 Investigating the Calm and the Moving mind 36 Resolving That All Experience Is Nonarising 37 Steps of Pointing-Out Instruction 40 The Actual Pointing Out of the Innate 40 Pointing Out Innate Mind-Essence 40 Pointing Out Innate Thinking 43 Pointing Out Innate Perception 45 Eradicating Faults and Identifying the Meditation Practice 47 Describing Mistakes and Faulty Meditation 47 Explaining Flawless Meditation Practice 50 PART THREE SUBSEQUENT WAYS TO CONTINUE THE TRAINING General Reasons for Meditation Training 53 Special Training without Separating Meditation and Postmeditation 55 Cutting through Hindrances, Sidetracks and Straying 59 Sidetracks 6I Enhancing by Transcending into N onarising 64 The Time for Transcending 64 clarifying the natural state Investigating Thoughts and Perceptions 65 Investigating the Meditation and the Meditating Mind 66 The Actual Transcending into N onarising Openness 67 Mingling Meditation and Postmeditation, Day and Night 69 Developing Strength by Utilizing the Conducts 70 The Time for Utilizing and the Conducts 70 Utilizing Thoughts 72 Utilizing Emotions 73 Utilizing Gods and Demons 73 Utilizing Suffering 74 Utilizing Sickness 74 Utilizing the Process of Dying 75 How Realization Arises and the Enhancement Practices 76 The Various Ways Realization Arises 77 One-Pointedness and Its Enhancement 78 Simplicity and Its Enhancement 84 One Taste and Its Enhancement 89 Nonmeditation and Its Enhancement 95 PART FOUR THE WAY TO TRAVERSE THE PATHS AND BHUMIS THROUGH MEDITATION TRAINING IOI Concluding Verses 103 Colophon 104 Translator's Colophon ro5 Endnotes ro6 THE VERY VENERABLE THRANGU RINPOCHE ~, ~~::9·~~11·t~~~r~~·~"·;S~·~·at~·t:J2\1 1r.:t"~~·i~·a·~~·~·~~"·r.:ta·(· ~~s·~~9·4~ar~·~~·~z::~~~r9~·1;;rqa·i~·a·~~ii!~·~~1·r.:tf~·xtt~"'r.:t~· qa·~r.:t~, :er.:t·~~·~fiJ2\'~xtt·q·~~·(~~·a·~~·"~·1z::~~·q·~·19~·AI, ;·AI~·~· 1~·i~·sxtt·!i·~·tr-~·~13l~."~·:er.:t·AI·~~·~ii!~·r.:t~·r.:t1 i~2\·~~~~qa·~AI·~· ~r.:t·{r.:t·~·tr-r.:t@i1'1"'1 t.:l@i1·~·s~·t~·~~~·a·19"~·~1·~·~~~·t~·1·~·23\~· ~l'l~·~r.:t·~·tr-~~~·a~·~·~·1"·~~~·r.:t~~·a·~·~·~~t:J2\·~~q·~·s·~· ~·~1·at~·l~·~r.:t·r.:t~2\·~~z::~r~~·~·~AI·~·~·, ~~·t;~2\'1~~·tr-r.:t~r~~·~~·~·~ ~~z:,·~~~·~1 ~"¥1·1z::il·~·r.:ta·!'z:,·l~·~~·~r.:ta·~~·z:,~·~"'~~·r.:t~·t~·at~·t~a; s2\·~1 ~~·ii!~·~~z::r.:t·tr-~~~·a·~~~·~AI·1"'1 ~~·~?{~·f~~·~z::AI·Cllz:,·~~·~y ~~·t~·~·r.:ta·~~·z:,xtt·a)~·t~.l\·r.:t~~~ s~·ID·~~·~·(~·~~·~·r.:ta·~1·i.l\·1z:,·l ~fl· ~a·~·~l·XIf~AI't.:l'XIf~~·~·jSl't;~.l\'~~~~~·4"'J ~·~~~AI~~z:,·~·~·~~·~·~~~· ii!~·f!$~·~l'~2\·~~z::r.:t~·~l·~i!·~z::z:r~~·at~·q·lz::1 ~·:el·r.:t~2\·r.:t·~tqz::~l·at~· af;S·r.:t· ~z::,·t~·A~·~~·r.r~~·~·at~·q.l\1 (~·~·~~·ij"·;~l:;:el·arl·q·X!fA~'~·r.:t~l ~2\·~9·q~r\l~·r.:t:e"·~1 ~AI·~·~!i~·~~·~~·~~·~~~r.:t~~·~xtt~z::r.:ttt.l\·~·q~· (~·~·~~·ijz:_·ar1·t;~2\·r.:t~~~ rr"·9~·1&~·~1·~~r.:t·r.:ttt2\·~r.:t·t;~·Aj·~z::fiJ~·q·~~· ~~~·~·~·~ ~~~·~·,~~r~AI·i!z:,·q~, ~009 s·~· ~ ~~· ~ Allf ~ (f) THRANGU TASHI CHOEUNG, P.O.IIOX 1287,110UDDHA, KATHMANDU, NEPAL. PHONE: 4700ZI