CITY OF LOGAN, UT AH ORDINANCE NO. 14-08 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 17 THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AND THE ZONING MAP OF LOGAN CITY, UTAH ESTABLISHING A NEW COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL ZONE AND MODIFYING THE EXISTING COMMERCIAL ZONES WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Council to manage growth by implementing the principles of the General Plan and Land Development Code; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the vision of the General Plan, the Council desires to make land use decision which promote enduring quality and consideration for the entire community; and WHEREAS, the Council finds that the current commercial zoning system does not provide enough commercial land use flexibility to promote quality development consistent with the General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Council finds that the inclusion of the Community Commercial zone designation will fill a need between the Neighborhood Center zone and the Commercial zone by providing for a range of commercial uses and activities that are commercially viable in existing buildings without negatively impacting existing neighborhoods; WHEREAS, the Council further finds that the adoption of the Community Commercial zone benefits the public interest by promoting economic development and encouraging the redevelopment of existing commercial properties in a manner that is consistent with the character of Logan's neighborhoods. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LOGAN, STATE OF UTAH AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That certain code entitled "Land Development Code, City of Logan, Utah" Chapter 17 .16: "District and Corridors", Chapter 17 .17: "District and Corridor Uses", Chapter 17.18: "General Development Standards: District and Corridor Zones", and Chapter 17 .19 "Specific Development Standards: District and Corridor Zones" are hereby amended as attached hereto as Exhibit A. SECTION 2: That certain map or maps entitled "Zoning Map of Logan City, Utah" is hereby amended and the following properties are hereby zoned from Neighborhood Center (NC) to Community Commercial (CC) and as attached hereto as Exhibit B: TIN# 07-007-0030, 07-007-0031, 07-007-0032, and 07-007-0033. This ordinance shall become effective upon publication. 'fr# PASSED BY THE LOGAN MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, ST AT E OF UT AH, ~--- THIS DAY OF Pn' µwir 2014. AYES: ~~I ~l\;U~ Lvb--\.ol,~JlLo..t,\A ()~ I NAYS:~ ' ABSENT: V\.~ / ~ A ,. // /4 / ~ Karl B. Ward, Chair Teresa Harris, City Recorder PRESENTATION TO MAYOR The foregoing ordinance was presented by the Logan Municipal Council to the Mayor for & approval or disapproval on the day of ~q/ic.<M'f , 2014. ~ al~ Karl B. Ward, Chairman MAYOR'S APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL O::p p J j_ ~ The foregoing ordinance is hereby VUu-e this day of ,l,oi.u ""':] , 2014. ~F~ H. Craigi'etersen, Mayor L GAN .. ~ ~-"- (OMMUHITV DEVElO~iEtft-~ .. - . - -· - MEMORANDUM TO MUNICIPAL COUNCIL DATE: January 9, 2014 FROM: Mike DeSimone SUBJECT: Land Development Code Amendment - Community Commercial Zone, Code Amendments (17.16, 17.17, 17.18, 17.19), Zoning Map Amendment Summary of Planning Commission Proceedings Project Name: Community Commercial - Code Amendments and Zoning Map Amendments Project Address: Citywide One Site Specific Rezone: (1) Frederico's & Beaver Mtn. complex 1349 East 700 North Request: Amendment to LDC 17.16, 17.17, 17.18, 17.19 Zoning Map Amendment Site Specific Rezone Recommendation of Planning Commission: Approval On January 9, 2014, the Planning Commission recommended that the Municipal Council approve a request to amend the Land Development Code, Sections 17.16 (District and Corridors); 17.17 (District and Corridor Uses); 17.18 (General Development Standards: District and Corridors); 17.19 (Specific Development Standards: District and Corridors), amend the Logan City Zoning Map, and approved the request to rezone the above referenced parcels to Community Commercial. Summary of Issues Discussed at Planning Commission: 1. Request to rezone the "Bishop's Storehouse Building" pulled from consideration. 2. Concerns raised over fenestration requirements and whether Logan City's fenestration requirements are too restrictive. Staff sampled other jurisdictions to assess where Logan compares. It was determined that we are generally in alignment with other jurisdictions regarding fenestration requirements and, with the new "discretion" language inserted into the LDC in previous amendments, the Planning Commission has additional discretion they can exercise during the Design Review process in evaluating fenestration on specific projects. 3. No concerns voiced or raised over the proposed rezone to Frederico's/Beaver Mtn. site. 4. Discussions about the where the Community Commercial zoning designation would be applied in Logan. Council's packet includes photos of sites representative of the Community Commercial zone. Planning Commissioners, vote (4,1): Recommend approval: Dave Adams, Amanda Davis, Russ Price, and Garrett Smith. Recommend denial: Steve Stokes. Attachments: Staff Report Ordinance 14-08 PC Meeting Minutes EXHIBIT A I CITY OF LOGAN• LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE Feerua,,,· 13. 2:lll lJanuary IJ. 2014 • Page 16-1 17.16: District and Conidor Zones Chapter 17.16: District and Corridor Zones §17.16.010. Overall Purpose The purpose of this Chapter is to implement the applicable goals, policies, directives and actions of the Logan General Plan's commercial, industrial and mixed use areas. "Districts" are commercial or mixed use centers whereas . es desigee1eEi 0R l:ke begaA GefleFOI Plan. "Corridors" are commercial or mixed-use areas that are generally aligned along major transportation routes. The Districts and Corridors zones implement the following principles and policies from the Logan~ General Plan: • Develop a stable economic environment for residents and businesses which maintain ~ Logan 11_the economic center of the valley. • Keep jobs, shopping, and residential life the focus of activity in central and downtown Logan. • Foster quality development that increases the quality of life and attractiveness of Logan. • Encourage both mixed use zones and a mixture of use within each f the L n where appr priate. • Maintain Logan's traditional atmosphere, as expressed in building and site design. • Promote beautification and improve the City's overall cleanliness. • Revitalize Logan's downtown. _•_Enhance and beautify the gateways into the City. • Encourage new residen1ial growth within and adja enl to the downt wn area. • Foster growth and expansion in and around the Cache-Logan airport, building an economic base in the northwest of the city. The City seela; re r=ellif'A te LfaElitienal e0FREF11:1:R:ity h1:1ihiiRg 13rieei13les af: • IBlereeBHee!ee reaas • Sei1:1are er rectilinear hloeks surrounded by puelie slr=eets • Pedestriafl sieewa!ks • Park strii;,s with stJ:eet lrees ~17,16.020. Reletieash:ip of Distriet eed CeffideFS bmes 11ed Onrlay-Z&ees Tf:te aeeve slated 13l:1:fl:10Ses of tl=i:is Chapter are i.m13leme0led lAr01:1gh the Distriel aA d CorriEler 2.eRei:;. The zoRes establish the basie la-eEI use a:ed deYelopmeftl regulations whieh apply wf:tere·,•er the Elislliets er eerridors are showe on I.he LogB-B Zofti:ng Map. Overlay Zoees. iRelt:tEHRg speeifie P18fl overlays. apply i:H some erea5 ltflEI pre'riEle a rReees ta medil'y and suf!Plem@Rl rt1g1:1lations to the partie1:1:le:r t? ef iRElividu-el eislriel!:i er eerriders. All HOR residentially eesigAatee 13ropert.ies have a Zoee desige:atien laeeled in the sl=teft feffll of me distriet e.g. TC fer Tewa G0flter. 0¥erley Distriets are laeelee ll:Sing a hyphen and the ::;hart form of the Overlay Zone (e.g., GW AP for GateYt·ay wi~ BR AirpeFt Overlay). §l 7.16.G:J4J020. Districts and Corridors Zones Established District and Corridor zones are established to implement the land use categories of the Logan General Plan's Future Land Use Plan. Table 17.16.~20 lists the Future Land Use Plan categories and corresponding zones. CITY OF LOGAN• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 290 North 100 West• Logan, Utah 84321 • 435-716-9000 ] CITY OF LOGAN• LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE Fel'lfllaF)' 13, 2Q I IJ nuarv tJ, 2014 • Page 16-2 17.16: District and Corridor Zones Table 17.16.()J4).020 General Plan Land Use Districts and Implementing Districts and Corridors Zones ( 1~l'L"L1l l'i,111 I )l'"c-'J';J[J,\Jl /., l' lJ,·, _. ., 1,•11 Town Center (TC) Town Center (TC) Commercial (COM) Commercial (COM) Commumtv Commerc1aJ (CC} Mixed Use Center (MUC) Mixed Use (MU) URh•en,i1y CerriEleF (UC) Gateway (GW) Gateway O erlay(GW) Commercial Service (CS) Commercial Service (CS) Industrial Park (IP) Industrial Park (IP) Airport (AP) Airport (AP) I §17.16.040 Districts and Corridor Zones Pu.rposes A Town Center (TC) Purpose The intent of the Town Center (TC) zone is to promote and complement the historic and cultural center of Logan and to ensure that the downtown continues to be the central hub for both Logan and the Cache Valley. The Town Center~ encourages a mix of retail, office, entertainment, residential, and civic uses with a variety of entertainment and cultural activities, consistent with h D \ mown Logan Specific Plan.The .f1:Jlllfe f.or DevattoYl-ft Lega:e PlaR and Specific PlaR for Do·1rF1to1uR. l. The Town Center development and design standards are intended to implement the following objectives: a. Foster !!_Compact, walkable urban form with greater intensity focused along Main Street. b. Provide a mix of complementary uses, with ground floor spaces reserved for commercial and civic uses, while re idential and offic u es should be located afld residential l:iSeS in upper building stories. c. Promote high quality civic spaces that serve as public gathering places and provide space for outdoor dining, festivals and other community events. d. Ensure pedestrian-scale building and streetscape designs that conceal CITY OF LOGAN• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 290 North 100 West• Logan, Utah 84321 • 435-716-9000 I CITY OF LOGAN• LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE l'eln'l:lllf)' I J, ;rn I IJanuruy 9, 2014 • Page 16-3 17.16: District and Conidor Zones parking and emphasize pedestrian uses. e. Provide internal shared parking courts or parking structures on each block. f. Promote high quality architecture that complements existing historic structures and Logan's unique sense of place in Cache Valley. g. EeollU:rage a rat.Ii of uses t:hat iReluaes resieeAltel en upper tle01:s tallowed but aot requir«I). 2. Main Street The Main Street frontage of the Town Center is dominated by multi-story historic buildings that are critical to the historic value of the downtown. The Main Street area within the Town Center is uniquely important because it defines the image and quality of central Logan and the entire city. New development shall ensure the preservation and enhancement of the historic heart of Logan. This Main Street portion of the Town Center is defined by the properties which front on Main Street between 200 S and 500 N. This area is further regulated by the owntown Lo2an Specific Plan for D0wel0W11 Log8:B and the General Plan with the following intent: a. Ensure Main Street is pedestrian friendly. b. Create green civic spaces for suilabl for public gathering. c. Increase residential living opportunities. d. Protect and maintain the irreducible structures, spaces, and skylines. e. Ensure new buildings are consistent with historic preservation guidelines for the period of 1890-1930. f. Enhance existing storefrontsJ2y; maintaining a continuous build-to line and storefront character along retail frontages. g. Focus the tallest building heights (up to 5 stories) along Main Street, with step-downs to adjacent properties within the Town Center and adjacent zones. CITY OF LOGAN• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 290 North 100 West• Logan, Utah 84321 • 435-716-9000 I CITY OF LOGAN• LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE F\!lm1a~ 13, J(l f lJanuary Q, :?014 • Page 16-4 17 .16: District and Corridor Zones B. Commercial (COM) CommercialGQM areas are intended for retail, service, and hospitality businesses that serve city-wide or regional populations. ommercialGGM uses are located on high capacity roads and are served by mass transit. Residential development is encouraged so long as it is integrated into the design and function of the corrunercial project (not free standing residential structures). Multi-story buildings are encouraged to maximize the density of development. _Residential development is encouraged in the CommercialGQM zon when it is designe.d as an as-an-integral part of 2.._commercial project. h preferred patt rn for r sidenlial development within the mmer ial zone is designing residential living space above commercial space. de·,elopmtmt wheA leeetea a001,·e a relail 1:1se. The Cemmereia:I (COM) zeee allows eommereial deYelopment without e mandalory residentia:I eompoeeel. New, infill, and redevelopment projects will have buildings that meet high architectural standards, are constructed of quality building materials, are laid out with an emphasis on pedestrian-orientation (i.e., connectivity and quality pedestrian ways), and which are provided with attractive landscapes that provide shade, interest, and whlea-help screen parking areasthe v1s1:1el impeets of parJci:Rg located at the rear or sides of main buildings. I. Main Street Corridor, Within portions of the Corrunercial Zone, the Main Street Corridor plays a vital role for promoting business activity. The Main Street Corridor is intended to ensure that development along Main Street outside of the downtown c re, . eetweee the Towe CeRlt!'F a-nd MiJEed Use CenleFs. provides for commercial activity that is attractive and economically vital. _Development within this zone shall rueel ln.e ieteAI of the GeAerel PlaR by pmvidiegpro ide the following: a. A transition toward a more compact urban form with more multi-story CITY OF LOGAN• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 290 North 100 West• Logan, Utah 84321 • 435-716-9000 I CITY OF LOGAN• LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FehRJIH"'/ 13, 2QI IJ nuary 9, 2014 • Page 16-5 17. 16: District and Corridor Zones buildings and structured parking as economics allow. b. Coordination between adjacent properties regarding parking, access, circulation, and landscape design. c. Buildings oriented to streets in order to maintain and enhance pedestrian scale. d. High Where bu1ldmgs do not frool on slreets ~re,<isioe of quality pedestrian areas.w a;is,: e. High quality architectural standards using. with 1:1:Se of quality materials. f. A highly landscaped character along Main Street. g. Minimization of the visual impacts of parking areas. h. Transit-oriented design and land uses near transit stops. _i._Appropriate transitions in building intensity and landscaped setbacks adjacent to neighborhoods. CITY OF LOGAN• DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 290 North 100 West • Logan, Utah 84321 • 435-716-9000