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CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Permissive Cooperative Procurement Contract Annual Fire Alarm System ... PDF

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Preview CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO Permissive Cooperative Procurement Contract Annual Fire Alarm System ...

CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO    Permissive Cooperative Procurement Contract    Annual Fire Alarm System Testing, Inspection and Maintenance   and On‐Call Services    Contractor:  Convergint Technologies Date of Contract: April 23, 2015     Mailing  7678 SW Mohawk Street Date of Completion: May 31, 2018 Address:  Tualatin OR  97062    WHEREAS, Contractor and the Convergint Technologies/The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN)  previously entered into the following Contract: Security System Services (“Original Contract”), a copy of  which is attached hereto (excepting the project specific specifications); and     WHEREAS,  the  City  of  Lake  Oswego  may  enter  into  a  Permissive  Cooperative  Procurement  without  competitive bidding if the Original Contract and its solicitation complied with ORS 279A.215;    WHEREAS,  the  solicitation  of  the  Original  Contract  complied  with  the  requirements  for  a  Permissive  Cooperative Procurement;    WITNESSETH:      Contractor and the City of Lake Oswego, a municipal corporation, mutually covenant and agree to  and with each other as follows:    1.  SCOPE OF WORK.    The Contractor shall perform the following work:     A. Annual Maintenance:  Annual maintenance at specific locations, as set forth in Exhibit A – Scope of Work.    B. On‐Call Services as the City may request from time to time.  The specific time and locations of service to be provided hereunder are “on‐call” and shall  be defined by City in the individual job orders from time to time during the term of this  Contract. The amount of services to be requested by the City under the on‐call portion of  the Contract is unknown, and therefore there is no expectation on the amount of service  work to be requested.    2.  CONTRACT DOCUMENTS.  The contract documents shall consist of the contract documents as  stated in the Original Contract, and all terms and provisions, including insurance, and termination, are  incorporated herein.  The City of Lake Oswego Standard Public Contract Provisions attached are also  incorporated.    3.  DURATION OF CONTRACT.  This Contract shall become effective on the date this Contract has been  signed by every party hereto.  Contractor acknowledges that no work has been or will be performed for the  project under this Contract until this Contract is fully executed and effective.  Contractor shall complete  performance of this contract on or before the Date of Completion stated above. City May elect to renew the Annual Project or On‐Call Services, or both, under the Contract upon the same  terms, and conditions for not to exceed two (2) additional one‐year periods. Renewal shall be upon written  notice to Contractor not sooner than 120 days nor later than 60 days prior to the completion date stated  above, and the same date of each year thereafter for which the Contract is renewed.    4.  PAYMENT.  In accordance with the terms and provisions of the Original Contract, Contractor shall be  compensated for all goods, materials, expenses, and services as follows: at the rate(s) as set forth on the  attached Exhibit A, not to exceed the sum of Twenty Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars, ($25,000.00).    Upon any renewal, the rates shall be as set forth in Exhibit A, with the annual amount not to  exceed the sum of Twenty Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars, ($25,000.00).    No payment shall be due to the Contractor until the Contractor has submitted to the City’s Finance  Department IRS Form W‐9 Request for Taxpayer Identification and Certification  (http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs‐pdf/fw9.pdf).  The City prefers to pay contractors by electronic fund  transfer; the contractor may submit the EFT agreement (http://tinyurl.com/LO‐EFT) to the City’s  Finance Department.  Payment shall be tendered when due within 30 days from the date of receipt  of the invoice.      CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIES    CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO     By:__________________________      Name:________________________  ____________________________  Title: _________________________  Scott Lazenby, City Manager  Date: _________________________  Date: ______________________    Public Contracting Officer    380 A Avenue    P.O. Box 369  Lake Oswego, OR 97034    APPROVED AS TO FORM:    _________________________  Evan P. Boone  Deputy City Attorney      Ver. 1005 CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO STANDARD PUBLIC CONTRACT PROVISIONS FOR PERSONAL SERVICE / SERVICE CONTRACT (3/13) The following City of Lake Oswego Standard Public Contract any permitted subcontract under this Contract a requirement that provisions are made a part of the Contract between City and the subcontractor be bound by the following sections of this Contractor by reference. Where the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Contract as if the subcontractor were the Contractor: Independent Agency (LORA) is the contracting party, “City” shall refer to LORA. Contractor Status; Other Contractors; Hours of Labor; Ownership of Work; Indemnity and Hold Harmless; Records; Attorney Fees; CHANGES Compliance with Laws. PCO's consent to any subcontract shall not This contract, including all attachments and exhibits relieve Contractor of any of its duties or obligations under this annexed hereto, shall not be subject to modification or amendment Contract. except in writing, executed by both parties. This contract and any This contract is not assignable by the Contractor, either substantive changes to the scope of work or changes to the contract whole or in part, unless Contractor has obtained the prior written costs will not be effective until approved in writing by the City’s consent of the City. Public Contracting Officer (PCO). City and Contractor are the only parties to this Contract and are the only parties entitled to enforce its terms. Nothing in INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS this Contract gives, is intended to give, or shall be construed to The Contractor agrees and certifies that: give or provide any enforceable benefit or right, whether directly, A. The Contractor is engaged as an independent indirectly or otherwise, to third persons. contractor. Although the PCO reserves the right (i) to determine (and modify) the delivery schedule for the Work to be performed HOURS OF LABOR and (ii) to evaluate the quality of the completed performance, City For those employees of Contractor covered or subject to cannot and will not control the means or manner of Contractor's Oregon employment laws, the Contractor shall pay employees for performance, nor provide any tools or equipment for the overtime work performed under the public contract in accordance performance of the Work, except as provided elsewhere in this with ORS 653.010 to 653.261 and the Fair Labor Standards Act of Contract. Contractor is responsible for determining the 1938 (29 USC 201 et seq.). appropriate means and manner of performing the Work. B. Contractor shall be responsible for all federal or state ERRORS taxes applicable to compensation or payments paid to Contractor The Contractor shall perform such additional work as under this Contract and, unless Contractor is subject to backup may be necessary to correct Contractor’s errors in the work withholding, City will not withhold from such compensation or required under this contract without undue delays and without payments any amount(s) to cover Contractor's federal or state tax additional cost. obligations. C. The Contractor will not, on account of any REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS payments made under this contract, be eligible for any benefit A. Contractor's Representations. Contractor represents and from federal social security, workers' compensation, covenants to City that: unemployment insurance, or the Public Employee's Retirement (1) Contractor has the power and authority to enter into System, except as a self-employed individual; and perform this Contract, D. Contractor is not currently an employee of the (2) This Contract, when executed and delivered, shall be federal government or the State of Oregon; and a valid and binding obligation of Contractor enforceable in E. The Contractor is not a contributing member accordance with its terms, and if Contractor is a partnership, of the Public Employee's Retirement System. corporation or other form of business entity, this contract was F. Contractor is not an "officer," "employee," or duly approved and executed pursuant to authority of the "agent" of the City, as those terms are used in ORS 30.265. governing body or parties of the Contractor, (3) Contractor is not in violation of any Oregon tax laws. OTHER CONTRACTORS (4) Upon acceptance of each project, the Contractor The City may undertake or award other contracts for warrants that it will carefully examine, as necessary, the site of the additional or related work, and the Contractor shall fully work contemplated and any plans, specifications, and contract cooperate with such other contractors and with any City documents pertaining to work, with the exception of unknown employees concerned with such additional or related work, and physical conditions at the work site, of an unusual nature, differing shall coordinate its performance under this contract with such materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally additional or related work. The Contractor shall not commit or recognized as inherent in work of the character provided herein.. permit any act that will interfere with the performance of work by (5) Contractor shall, at all times during the term of this any other contractor or by City employees. Contract, be qualified, professionally competent, and duly licensed to perform the Work. SUBCONTRACTORS AND ASSIGNMENT (6) Contractor will accomplish the work using a standard Except as set forth in Contractor’s proposal or otherwise of performance and care that is currently accepted by other in this Contract, no subcontract shall be made by the Contractor contractors engaged in similar work, under similar conditions with any other party for furnishing any of the work or services and at the date the services are provided in the Portland herein contracted without obtaining the prior written consent of metropolitan area (Standard of Care). the City, which City may withhold without cause. In addition to (7) Contractor’s invoices shall describe all work any other provisions PCO may require, Contractor shall include in performed with particularity, by whom it was performed, and shall Page 1 – City of Lake Oswego Standard Public Contract Provisions (3/13) CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO STANDARD PUBLIC CONTRACT PROVISIONS FOR PERSONAL SERVICE / SERVICE CONTRACT (3/13) itemize and explain all expenses for which reimbursement is by conditions created thereby, or based upon Contractor’s claimed. Contractor shall send invoices to City’s Project Manager. violation of any statute, ordinance or regulation. (8) Contractor’s completion shall not extinguish or With respect to professional services performed under prejudice City's right to enforce this Contract with respect to any this Contract, Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the breach of Contractor warranty or any default or defect in City, its officers, agents and employees, harmless against all Contractor performance (defect is defined herein as services that liability, loss, or expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, do not conform to the Standard of Care (Section 6) in the and against all claims, actions or judgments based upon or arising performance of the Contract). out of damage or injury (including death) to persons or property , (9) Contractor has no present interest and shall not but only to the proportionate extent caused by any negligent act, acquire any interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any error, or omission of an act sustained in connection with the manner or degree with the performance of its Work, and that in the performance of this contract or by conditions created thereby, or performance of this contract no person having any such interest based upon violation of any statute, ordinance or regulation. shall be employed. (10) Contractor has no interest and shall not acquire any RECORDS interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner or Contractor shall have access to the books, documents, degree with the performance of contractor’s services, and in the papers and records of the City as necessary for Contractor's performance of this contract no person having any such interest performance of the work. The Contractor shall not disclose all or shall be employed. any part of such records to any other person, firm, corporation, B. Cumulative. The representations and covenants set forth in association or other entity except as reasonably necessary to carry this section are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other out the Work, without the consent of the Public Contracting representations and covenants provided. Officer. The Contractor agrees that the City and its authorized OWNERSHIP OF WORK representatives shall have access to the books, documents, papers All work products of the Contractor, including and records of the Contractor which are directly pertinent to the background data, documentation and staff work that is specific contract for the purpose of making audit, examination, preliminary to final reports, which result from this contract are the excerpts and transcripts. exclusive property of the City. If this contract is terminated by Contractor shall maintain all fiscal records directly either party or by default, the City following payment as required relating to this Contract in accordance with generally accepted by the Contract, in addition to any other rights provided by this accounting principles. In addition, Contractor shall maintain any contract, may require the Contractor to transfer and deliver such other records pertinent to this Contract in such a manner as to partially completed reports or other documentation that the clearly document Contractor's performance. Contractor Contractor has specifically developed or specifically acquired for acknowledges and agrees that City’s duly authorized the performance of this contract. representatives shall have access to such fiscal records and other The reports and all material contained in the reports books, documents, papers, plans and writings of Contractor that (graphics, photos, etc.) shall become the property of the City; the are pertinent to this Contract to perform examinations and audits City may reproduce and distribute the reports, or any part thereof, and make excerpts and transcripts. Contractor shall retain and in such form as the City desires. keep accessible all such fiscal records, books, documents, papers, plans, and writings for a minimum of three (3) years, or such ELECTRONIC VERSION OF REPORTS longer period as may be required by applicable law, following final Unless otherwise stated in the Scope of Work or payment and termination of this Contract, or until the conclusion separately waived in writing, all final reports, including reports of of any audit, controversy or litigation arising out of or related to phases of the project and of the entire project, shall be provided this Contract, whichever date is later. in both written and electronic format. Electronic format shall be in a format coordinated with the PCO and shall be fully compatible PUBLICATION RIGHTS/RIGHTS IN DATA with such software programs specified by the PCO, .e.g. Microsoft To the extent the Work Product consists of material Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Access, capable of publication, all publication rights in the product Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe PDF, or such produced by the Contractor in connection with the work provided other software program as specified by the PCO. for under this contract, whether in preliminary draft or final form, shall be vested in the City. INDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS The Contractor shall not publish any of the results of the The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the work without the prior written permission of the City. City, its officers, agents and employees, harmless against all All original written material and other documentation, liability, loss, or expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, including background data, documentation, and staff work that is and against all claims, actions or judgments based upon or arising preliminary to final reports, originated and prepared for the City out of damage or injury (including death) to persons or property, pursuant to this contract, shall become exclusively the property of but only to the proportionate extent caused by or resulting from the City. The ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques relating to any negligent or willful act, error, or omission (excepting data processing development during the course of this contract by professional services performed under this Contract) of an act the Contractor or City personnel, or jointly by the Contractor and sustained in connection with the performance of this contract or Page 2 – City of Lake Oswego Standard Public Contract Provisions (3/13) CITY OF LAKE OSWEGO STANDARD PUBLIC CONTRACT PROVISIONS FOR PERSONAL SERVICE / SERVICE CONTRACT (3/13) City personnel, can be used by either party in any way it may medical condition, or disability. deem appropriate. Material already in the Contractor's possession, WAIVER independently developed by the Contractor outside the scope of The failure of the City to enforce any provision of this this contract or rightfully obtained by the Contractor from third contract shall not constitute a waiver by the City of that or any parties, shall belong to the Contractor. However, the Contractor other provision. grants to the City a nonexclusive, irrevocable and royalty-free license to use such material to the extent such material is INTEGRATION incorporated into the Work. This contract represents the entire and integrated This contract shall not preclude the Contractor from agreement between the Contractor and the City, and supersedes developing materials that are competitive, irrespective of their all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either similarity to materials which might be delivered to the City written or oral. pursuant to this contract. The Contractor will not, however, use any written materials developed under this contract in developing materials for others, except as provided in this section. CONFIDENTIALITY No reports, information and/or data given to or prepared or assembled by the Contractor under this contract shall be made available to any individual or organization by the Contractor without the prior written approval of the City. MEDIATION / VENUE In the event a dispute shall arise between the parties to this contract, and prior to the commencement of any suit or action, the parties agree to participate in mediation in accordance with the mediation procedures of the Oregon Mediation Service, or such other procedures as the parties agree. The parties agree to share equally in the costs of the mediator. The mediator shall be selected by the parties, either upon mutual agreement within 15 days written notice by one party to the other requesting mediation, or if the parties are not able to agree upon a mediator within said period, the mediator shall be chosen by the City Manager from the list of mediators maintained by the Oregon Mediation Service (http://omediate.org). Any action or suits involving any question arising under this contract must be brought in Clackamas County Circuit Court. SEVERABILITY The parties agree that if any term or provision of this contract is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall not be affected, and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the contract did not contain the particular term or provision held to be invalid. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The provisions of this contract shall be construed in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of Oregon and ordinances of the City of Lake Oswego, Oregon. The Contractor shall comply with all federal, state and local laws and ordinances, applicable to public contracts relating to Contractor’s obligations and performance, and to the work to be done under this contract. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations on nondiscrimination in employment because of race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, age, Page 3 – City of Lake Oswego Standard Public Contract Provisions (3/13) 7678 SW Mohawk Street Tualatin OR. 97062 phone (503) 228-8522 fax (503) 228-8521 [email protected] www.convergint.com City of Lake Oswego 380 A Avenue Lake Oswego OR 97034 Fire Alarm & Life Safety Customer Support Program Date Submitted: April 8, 2015 By: Roger Hayworth Dedicated professionals making a daily difference… By saving lives… By ensuring comfort… By protecting people and assets… By managing our customer’s and nation’s resources efficiently… UNITED STATES • CANADA • ASIA PACIFIC Customer Support Program (CSP) Outline The following information is supplied as a summary of this service proposal. A complete description of services and scope of work is detailed in subsequent pages. Standard Service Offerings A Convergint Customer Support Program includes a combination of services tailored to meet your specific needs. Common features provided with all support programs include: Price Advantage Priority Response Time Service Documentation Trained and Qualified Resources Multi-Year Program Commitment Telephone Support and Consultation Test and Inspection Services All Fire Alarm Customer Support Programs services include the following Test and Inspection components designed to maintain compliance with manufacturer’s requirements, Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) and current NFPA72 standards. System Testing and Inspection Web-Based Inspection Reporting Preventive Maintenance Battery Load Testing Emergency Service and Repair Labor iCare Training Service Start Date: April 1, 2015 Program Duration: 5 Years Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 CSP Program Cost $15,035 $15,035 $15,470 $15,935 $16,450 Overview and Introduction Convergint Customer Support Program Goals A properly planned Customer Support Program (CSP) will optimize the performance and integrity of the Fire Alarm and Notification systems and extend the life of the systems without compromise to occupant safety and AHJ compliance. Page 2 of 10 The goals of this Customer Support Program are: 1. Perform comprehensive testing of the Fire Alarm & Life Safety system to ensure and validate system integrity. 2. Identify and list system deficiencies or facility modifications at the time of test and inspection that may impact equipment and system performance. 3. Retain the expertise and experience of NICET trained and/or factory certified technicians for the ongoing service of the Fire Alarm system. 4. Provide testing and service documentation to demonstrate compliance with AHJ requirements. 5. Avoid false alarms, tenant interruption and business downtime. Standard Service Offerings Convergint’s Customer Support Program includes a combination of services tailored to meet your specific needs. However, there are number of common features provided with all Convergint Customer Support Programs including: Multi-Year Program Commitment - Convergint is committed to establishing long-term agreements at mutually agreed pricing and escalation levels. When a customer agrees to purchase a multi-year support program from Convergint (3 years and above), the second year will automatically be secured at first year prices with no escalation. Price Advantage - Predictable costs by means of pre-established labor rates and material costs in accordance with Convergint’s published rates and associated discounts. Priority Response Time - As a Convergint CSP customer, you will be given priority for emergency service calls. Specific response times are identified under the Customer Support Program Implementation section of this proposal. Qualified Resources - A professional team of NICET certified and/or factory trained and qualified personnel deliver services performed by Convergint. Field technical personnel are also equipped with the proper tools and information necessary to perform their job. Service Documentation - Each and every system testing and service call will be documented utilizing an inspection report and/or work order completed by our assigned Customer Support Specialist. The Specialist’s job will not be complete until his/her testing and or service call is formally documented and presented to a designated customer representative. Telephone Support and Consultation - Telephone diagnostic support is available for all CSP Fire Alarm Customers. Our on-call technicians will provide diagnostic / troubleshooting support to help reduce your costs by trying to resolve issues prior to our arrival. Page 3 of 10 Test and Inspection Services System Testing and Inspection Annual testing of all devices and control functions will be performed in accordance with current and accepted NFPA72 standards (when applicable), manufacturer’s recommendations, as appropriate for the ambient operating environment and sequence of operation (if available). Notification appliance audibility testing will be coordinated with building personnel to mitigate occupant disruption. All material shall be defined in the List of Covered Equipment in the Appendix of this proposal. Visual inspection service will be provided while on-site for system testing. Inspection of the installed system is intended to identify changes or modifications to the facility or operating environment (construction, ambient conditions, etc.) that could adversely affect equipment performance. Actual operating performance will be provided under system testing. Convergint recognizes and recommends the test and inspection frequencies identified in NFPA72 for fire alarm equipment. In all instances, our goal is to achieve compliance with authorities having jurisdiction and our customer’s demands and requirements. Parameters for this proposal are provided in the System Testing Schedule and List of Covered Equipment. Preventive Maintenance Preventive Maintenance will be performed and scheduled by Convergint to coincide with normal Test and Inspection visits. Preventive Maintenance will be performed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and will depend upon the type of equipment and local ambient operating conditions. Preventive Maintenance will address the areas that can adversely affect device and appliance performance by means of cleaning and/or recalibration. Battery Load Testing NFPA72 includes guidelines for testing batteries as well as a requirement that sealed lead-acid batteries be replaced at specified intervals (According to specific equipment manufacturer requirements). This is due to the nature of these types of batteries that, over a long period of time, they lose their ability to provide standby power required by the system in the event of primary power failure. The only way to be assured batteries will work, when required is through proper load testing. Replacement battery costs are not included. Page 4 of 10 Web-Based Inspection Reporting Convergint’s web-based reporting starts with the application of unique, registered barcodes to initiating devices, control equipment, batteries and other system devices. As the devices are tested, they are scanned and critical information for the devices is documented. In addition, scanning the barcode automatically records the date and time of inspection. Within 24 hours following the inspection, an on-line database and report of the system test is available for viewing, downloading, printing or e-mailing. This information can be retrieved from anywhere via a standard internet browser. Color coded status flags provide an immediate summary of the building test status; normal, discrepancies found or devices failed. Proposed solutions to resolve discrepancies or failed devices are always included. Convergint’s web-based reporting system offers the only verified and authenticated test and inspection in the fire protection industry. This gives building owners and managers the confidence and knowledge that their fire alarm systems are being tested and inspected according to code or specific regulatory requirements and in a timely manner. iCare Training Convergint Technologies offers a very unique Service Management and Information Resource. Taking our relationship with customers very seriously, we have developed the iCare® Customer Portal. Users are able to generate electronic service work orders and possess a metric for measurement of Convergint’s performance in real time. This platform enables Convergint’s service customers to simplify the complexity of maintaining and servicing facility systems. At any time (and in real time) a customer can review the status of all open/closed work orders. Real time status and metric reporting provide the customer with the information needed to meet reporting requirements and measure Convergint’s performance. Data and information is protected through secured access and permissions, while data transmission is protected through 128 bit encrypted SSL certificate. The iCare® Portal is another tool in Convergint’s quest to be your best service provider and trusted business partner. Page 5 of 10

previously entered into the following Contract: Security System Services (“Original Contract”), a copy of which is attached . Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe PDF, or such . modifications to the facility or operating environment (construction, ambient utilizing the NEC Express
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