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Planning Commission Meeting Agenda June 11, 2018 Page 1 C I T Y O F E A S T P A L O A L T O PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2018 – 7 P.M. East Palo Alto Government Center 2415 University Avenue, First Floor – City Council Chambers East Palo Alto, CA 94303 ========================================================================== PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Chairperson: Robert Sherrard Vice Chairperson: Briana Carter Commissioners: Robert Allen Uriel Hernandez Ofelia Bello Javanni Munguia-Brown Kyra Brown Court Skinner (Alternate) Staff: Rafael E. Alvarado Jr., City Attorney Valerie Armento, Special Counsel Sean Charpentier, Assistant City Manager Leticia Garcia, Secretary Michelle Markiewicz, Assistant Planner Guido F. Persicone, Planning Manager Notice of Availability of Public Records: All public records relating to an open session item which are not exempt from disclosure pursuant to the Public Records Act, that are distributed to the majority of the advisory bodies will be available for public inspection at the Community and Economic Development Department, 1960 Tate Street, East Palo Alto, CA at the same time that the public records are distributed or made available to the advisory bodies. Such documents may also be available on the East Palo Alto website www.ci.east-paloalto.ca.us subject to staff’s ability to post the documents prior to the meeting. Information may be obtained by calling (650) 853-3186. East Palo Alto City Council Chambers is ADA compliant. Requests for disability related modifications or accommodations, aids or services may be made by a person with a disability to the City Clerk's office no less than 72 hours prior to the meeting as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. ======================================================================== 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL A. Introduction and swearing in of our new Commissioner Ofelia Bello and re-appointment of Commissioner Uriel Hernandez and Commissioner Court Skinner 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (Government Code §54957.7(a)) 1 1 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda June 11, 2018 Page 2 3. COMMUNITY FORUM Notice to the public: Anyone wishing to address the Planning Commission on any matter for which another opportunity to speak is not provided on the Agenda, and which is within the Commission’s purview, is requested to submit a completed Speaker Sheet to the Planning Commission Secretary. When your name is called, step to the podium and address the Commission. Each speaker is limited to two minutes. The Commission may take information, but may not take action on any item not on the agenda. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT REGARDING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS Notice to the Public: Members of the public wishing to address the Planning Commission on the Consent Calendar Items are requested to submit a completed speaker sheet to the Planning Commission secretary. Each speaker is limited to two minutes. The Planning Commission Chair has the discretion to lengthen or shorten allotted times. There will be no separate discussion of Consent Calendar items as they are considered to be routine by the Planning Commission and will be adopted by one motion. If a member of the Planning Commission, staff, or public requests discussion on a particular item, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered separately. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Recommendation: That the Planning Commission adopts the Consent Calendar as indicated below. A. Adopt the February 26, 2018 Planning Commission minutes, as presented in the packet, as an accurate reflection of the meeting. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Subject: Zoning Text Amendment ZTA 18-001 (Repeal the 2003 Zoning Code Code and the 1983 Subdivision Regulations and replace with the 2018 Development Code) Location/APN: Citywide Proposal: Planning Commission recommendation to the City Council to repeal the 2003 Zoning Code and the 1983 County of San Mateo Subdivision Ordinance and Replace with the 2018 Development Code. Project Planner: Guido F. Persicone, Planning Manager, 650-853-3148, [email protected] 2 2 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda June 11, 2018 Page 3 B. Subject: A Design Review (DR17-003) for a new single-family residence. A Variance (V 18-001) is being requested from the 750 sq. ft. rear yard open space requirement in order to preserve a tree in the front of the parcel. Location/APN: 2219 Addison Avenue/APN 063-171-510 Owners/ Applicant: Michael Howes/ Raynold Viotti Proposal: Applicant is proposing a new two story single-family home with attached (1) one car garage. This new residence will be approximately 1,352 square feet on a 3,300 square foot lot. Staff Recommendation: Approve the Design Review (DR17-003) proposal for a new two story single-family home with attached (1) one car garage and find the project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines. Project Planner: Michelle Markiewicz, 650-853-3195Assistant Planner, [email protected] C. Public Hearing: To consider the consistency of new projects of the Ten-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) with the 2035 General Plan Location: Citywide Proposal: Consideration of a finding that the Draft Ten-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is in conformance with the 2035 East Palo Alto General Plan. Recommendation: Staff recommends finding that the Ten-Year CIP is in conformance with the General Plan Project Manager: Kamal Fallaha, Public Works Director, [email protected], 650 853-3189 ITEM CONTINUED TO THE JUNE 25TH MEETING 7. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Regional Planning Update - Commissioner Bello B. Commissioner Skinner - Certificate of Appreciation C. June 18, 2018 - City of East Palo Alto 35th Anniversary Celebration at City Hall from 5PM-7PM. 8. ADJOURNMENT This Notice is posted in accordance with Government Code §54954.2(a) or §54956. Members of the public can view electronic agendas and staff reports by accessing the City website at http://www.ci.east-palo-alto.ca.us/AgendaCenter and can receive e-mail notification of agenda and staff report postings by subscribing to the “Notify Me” service at http://www.ci.east-palo- alto.ca.us/list.aspx#agendaCenter Agendas and staff reports may also be obtained by contacting the Planning Division’s Office 650-853-3165. Posted: June 8, 2018 at 9:45 a.m. 3 3 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda June 11, 2018 Page 4 Upcoming Planning Commission Meetings June 25, 2018  RV Safe Parking Program-Temporary Use Permit  116 Lotus Way-Design Review Extension Planning Commissioner Seats as of June 1, 2018 Seat Commissioner Expires Seat Commissioner Expires 1 Briana Carter 5.31.19 5 Kyra Brown 5.31.19 2 Robert Allen Fisk 5.31.19 6 Javanni Munguia-Brown 5.31.20 3 Uriel Hernandez 5.31.21 7 Ofelia Bello 5.31.21 4 Robert Sherrard 5.31.21 8 Court Skinner (Alternate) 6.12.18 Notice: A challenge to the above items in court may raise only those issues which were raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence to the City of East Palo Alto at, or prior to, the public hearing. For your comments to be fully considered, you must (1) attend the meeting, or (2) submit written comments to the Planning Division or (3) submit written comments to the Planning Commission before the Planning Commission takes action on the above item. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires reasonable accommodation and access for the physically challenged. Those requesting such accommodation should contact the Planning Division office at (650) 853-3186 three days before the hearing date. Additionally, those wishing to include an electronic media presentation must furnish/provide their own equipment. For further information regarding these items, you may contact the City of East Palo Alto Planning Division at 1960 Tate Street, or call (650) 853-3186. Nota: Una apelación ante la corte acerca de los asuntos arriba mencionados, únicamente pueden incluir asuntos que fueron discutidos en la audiencia pública, o que fueron comunicados por correspondencia escrita a la ciudad de East Palo Alto, durante, o antes de la audiencia pública. Por lo tanto, para que sus comentarios sean considerados usted debe de (1) asistir a la reunión y discutir el asunto que usted considere pertinente, (2) o someter comentarios por escritos a la División de Planeación, (3) o someter comentarios por escritos a la Comisión de Planeación antes de que la Comisión de Planeación tome acción en el asunto arriba mencionado. El Acta de Americanos Deshabilitados (ADA) requiere proveer acomodación y acceso razonables a individuos con dificultades físicas. Las personas que soliciten tal acomodaciones deben ponerse en contacto con la oficina de la División de Planeación al (650) 853-3186 tres días antes de la fecha de la audiencia. Además, ésos que deseen incluir medios electrónicos en la presentación, deben equipar/o proporcionar su propio equipo. Para obtener información adicional con respecto a los asuntos arriba mencionados, usted puede contactarse con la División de Planeación de la ciudad de East Palo Alto, en el 1960 de la Calle Tate, (1960 Tate St.) o llamar al: (650) 853-3186. Mission Statement The City of East Palo Alto provides responsive, respectful, and efficient public services to enhance the quality of life and safety for its multi-cultural community. 4 4 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Date: 06.11.2018 February 26, 2018 Item: 5A Page 1 CITY OF EAST PALO ALTO PLANNING COMMISSION - R EGULAR MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2018 – 7:00PM ACTION MINUTES DRA FT EAST PALO ALTO GOVERNMENT CENTER 2415 UNIVERSITY AVENUE - FIRST FLOOR – CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER CHAIRPERSON: Robert Sherrard VICE CHAIRPERSON: Briana Carter COMMISSIONERS: Robert Allen, Kyra Brown, Javanni Munguia-Brown, Uriel Hernandez (Alternate), Alex Quezada, Court Skinner STAFF PRESENT: Rafael E. Alvarado Jr., City Attorney Guido Persicone, Planning Manager Michelle Markiewicz, Assistant Planner ================================================================ REGULAR MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The Planning Commission (PC) meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chair Sherrard. PRESENT: Allen, Brown, Carter, Hernandez, Sherrard, Skinner ABSENT: Munguia-Brown, Quezada 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (Government Code §54957.7(a)) Action: Upon motion, by Commissioner Skinner and seconded by Commissioner Allen, the Planning Commission unanimously voted 6-0 to approve the agenda as amended by Chair Sherrard, deferring the Planning Commission Re-organization items to after May 31, 2018. Motion approved. 3. PLANNING COMMISSION REORGANIZATION A. Nominations and Selection of Chairperson B. Nominations and selection of Vice Chairperson C. Comments by the new Chairperson and Vice Chairperson Item was deferred to after May 31, 2018, during the approval of the agenda. 4. COMMUNITY FORUM There were no speakers for Community Forum. 1 5 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 26, 2018 Page 2 5. PUBLIC COMMENT REGARDING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS There were no speakers for Public Comment Regarding Consent Calendar Items. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR A. 2018 Planning Commission Meeting Calendar Action: Upon motion by Commissioner Skinner and seconded by Madam Vice Chair Carter, the Planning Commission unanimously voted 6-0 approving the consent calendar. Motion approved. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Subject: A Conditional Use Permit for a tenant improvement for a dentistry office. Location/APN: 1805 Bay Road/APN 063-133-130 Owners/ Applicant: Wang Philip & Louise Lessor/ Luisa Buada Proposal: Applicant is seeking to convert 3,017 square feet of the existing Dental Clinic through a Conditional Use Permit to expand existing dental clinical space. Staff Recommendation: Approve the tenant improvement for a dentistry office through a Conditional Use Permit (CUP 16-004) and find the project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines. Project Planner: Michelle Markiewicz, Assistant Planner, [email protected] Assistant Planner, Markiewicz delivered the presentation. Action: Upon motion by Madam Vice Chair Carter and seconded by Commissioner Brown, the Planning Commission unanimously voted 6-0 to open the public hearing. Motion approved. The following individuals spoke on this item:  Luisa Buada  Mayra Tirado  Christina Meacham  Linda Rios  Sensertia Conley  Maria Arciga  Ana Gomez  Danny Perez  Melini Talakai  Pia Thurlemann  Marcellene Combs Action: Upon motion by Commissioner Skinner and seconded by Commissioner Hernandez, the Planning Commission unanimously voted 6-0 to close the public hearing. Motion approved. Action: Upon motion by Commissioner Skinner and seconded by Commissioner Hernandez, the Planning Commission unanimously voted 6-0 to approve the tenant improvement for a dentistry office through a Conditional Use Permit (CUP 16-004) and find the project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines. Motion approved. 2 6 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 26, 2018 Page 3 8. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Planning Commissioner Academy Update April 4-6 2018 B. Planning Commissioner Rules Review by the Commission Planning Manager Persicone entered the informational items into the record. 9. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission of the City of East Palo Alto adjourned at 7:41p.m. Minutes Recorded, Prepared and Respectfully Submitted by Leticia Garcia, Planning Commission Secretary. _______________________________________ Leticia Garcia, Planning Commission Secretary Mission Statement The City of East Palo Alto provides responsive, respectful, and efficient public services to enhance the quality of life and safety for its multi-cultural community. 3 7 CITY OF EAST PALO ALTO Date: 06.11.2018 PLANNING AND HOUSING DIVISION Item: Item 6A 1960 TATE STREET CITY OF EAST PALO ALTO, CA 94303 Planning Commission Agenda Report Date: June 11, 2018 To: Honorable Chair and Members of the Planning Commission From: Rafael Alvarado, City Attorney Valerie J. Armento, Special Legal Counsel Sean Charpentier, Assistant City Manager Guido Persicone, Planning Manager Subject: Planning Commission Recommendation to the City Council to repeal the 2003 Zoning Code and the 1983 County of San Mateo Subdivision Ordinance and Replace with the 2018 Development Code. Recommendation 1- Determine that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 2- Review staff report and associated documents and adopt resolution recommending approval of the 2018 Development Code to the City Council Alignment with City Council Strategic Plan: This recommendation is primarily aligned with: • Priority #3 – Increase Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency Consistency with General Plan: Staff has determined that the proposed Development Code is consistent with the East Palo Alto General Plan: Economic Development 1.7 -Expedited permitting. Ensure permits and entitlements processes are streamlined and expedited in order to help attract desired commercial development. Land Use Goal 1-Maintain an urban form and land use pattern that enhances the quality of life and meets the community’ vision for its future. Background: On October 4, 2016 the City Council adopted the 2035 General Plan, providing the long term, overarching policy guidance for East Palo Alto. The General Plan acts as the constitution to guide decisions on growth and development by identifying the types of allowable land uses and patterns of future development. The primary tools to implement the goals and policies of the General Plan are the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Code. Staff has been working on a 8 comprehensive new Development Code (combining both zoning and subdivision regulations), comprised of 8 Articles. Article 1 General Provisions and Definitions Article 2 Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards Article 3 Regulations Applicable to All Zones Article 4 Regulations for Specific Land Uses and Activities Article 5 Subdivisions Article 6 Nonconforming Uses, Structures and Parcels Article 7 Permit Processing Procedures Article 8 Development Code Administration On September 28, 2017, Planning staff released the draft Development Code (dated August 2017) for public review by providing notice and a website link. The original review schedule was overly ambitious; ultimately, staff extended the time for comment to November 13, 2017. Over twenty-five different individuals/entities submitted comments on the draft, some general but many very detailed in nature. On April 23, 2017 a Development Code study session was held with the Planning Commission. At the conclusion of the study session, City staff agreed to return with additional topics, areas of concern and follow up items for review by the Commission. On May 14, 2018, at a second study session, the Planning Commission came to consensus on several key areas of the Development Code. These encompass the larger policy items. A revised draft Development Code, bearing the date May 2018, reflects the changes made as a result of the two study sessions. This staff report focuses on two major components: Areas of Agreement and Topics for Further Discussion. Areas of Agreement Parking Ratios-The current multiple-family parking ratios will carry over to the new Development Code, as set forth in Table 1. Table 1-Current and Proposed Multiple Family Parking Ratios Unit Size Parking Ratio 1 bedroom 1.2 space 2 bedroom 1.5 spaces 3 bedroom 2 spaces Guest Parking .2 guest parking spaces per unit (existing requirement) 9 Open Space Provisions-The open space provisions, as recommended by Matt Raimi and Associates and noted in Table 2 will be incorporated into the new code. Table 2-Open Space Provisions Revised RHD-5 Revised RUHD (22-43 du/acre) (43-86 du/acre) Common Open Space Common Open Space 100 sq. ft. per unit 50 sq. ft. per unit Private Open Space Private Open Space Ground Floor Ground Floor 50-100 per unit 50 sq. ft. per unit Upper Floor units Upper Floor units 50 sq. ft. per unit 50 sq. ft. per unit Language will be added to the Development Code stating that the square footage for the open space within a development may be aggregated on the parcel, the minimum dimensions shall be 20 feet (width and depth) and the common open space must be usable and have amenities. Setback areas may be counted towards common open space if these requirements are met. Woodland Park would like the City to grant developers a 50% credit if the open space is accessible to the public. As an example, if a project requires 1,000 sq. ft of open space but 500 sq. ft of it will be publically accessible, then the remaining requirement of 500 sq. ft of open space would be removed. This approach raises policy questions that need to be addressed, such as: How does the City maintain public accessibility? What happens if the parcel configuration or the project does not lend itself to accessibility? Would an easement be required on the property to main access? The proposal appears better suited for use within a Planned Development project or through a Development Agreement rather than as a universal allowance. Setbacks-After review by Matt Raimi and Associates, the City’s 2035 General Plan consultant, the revised multiple-family setbacks will be as follows: Table 3-Revised Setback Requirements Front Rear Side Street Side RHD 15 ft. 20 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. (22-42 du/acre) RUHD 20 ft. 20 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. (43-85 du/acre) Nonconforming Parking-In the current Zoning Code there is a provision mandating that significant increases in square footage, units or structures to a property requires upgrades to parking for a parcel. This provision is carried over to the new Development Code. 10

to the City Clerk's office no less than 72 hours prior to the meeting as Section 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the CEQA . Clinic through a Conditional Use Permit to expand existing dental clinical space. Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA Guidelines.
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