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Preview City motion in Sunshine lawsuit

Filing # 83254731 B-Filed 1/11/2019 07:41:24 PM. INTIP. CIRCUIT CORT OF TIT SECOND FODICIAT. CIRCTITT IW AND FUR LEON COUNTY. FLORIEIA DR. ERWIND. JACKSON, Plain ws CASE NO. 20:3-C8.08 CITY OP TALI AHASSER. stl, Detendens DEFENDANIS’ MO HON FOR SUMMARY IUDGMENT AND SUPPORTING MEMORANDUM OF LAW Come now Defendants, th> City of Lallahassee. John k. Dalley my Matlow. Curtis Ricureson, Diumne Willny-Cinx und Fling Bryn named in thei eal apostiss. amd sine this motian Cor summary judemect Lo Caetst Plainttt has brought this action alleging thse the submission of lists of names, by each member gly Tellskuss ty Germmgsiam, shoul! aye hoon conducted ina publie meeting and was therefore ie. vola:ion of the Sunshine Lav. sn this ease, cach metnber of the City Commission individually sa2caitod alist of names ‘ot persis: he considers to Filla vacancy in Coe Caummisson. The suksnasion oP each List names was an indiviexal act by each commissioner, and not the callegial act of the ity Caammission i "ge pty hows sted oa talismans balsspstcly lactams rommbalsy fram A unary of those mpd fe #0 oor ehh, Page 1 0€ 14 ‘Thery is ne alleioa tha ny commissioners corrnuicabal ar Fel a netop. bli raeeting. Plains arguncent is that merely submitting the ames af candidates should have beer core al publie mating “The fats ace nispate that on Derher 31,2018, the Cily Conus Meld pie nccting ant appouncd s,blane Bryant to la teenporary vecaasy on the Cry Comunassion ‘Thee migainy o's publicize, wollen by the publi; an bai! Ke mr thar smo Feu, Uhece was avare than an hour af public comment and 3U public speakers, AU:he meating. nine ownfidatos {seeking ty Fill the encamey ale prosenle tions am respimuler questions Hho ‘Ihe vacerey arose when Govemer Kick Scott suspsnded Comaussiorcr Seatt Maddox {isin aay City Connnissinn by THxecutiee Onder [E38 suet! on Dovenniber 12, 2018. pra iy ‘ce erence ol the véeancy, pursuée to Section 14 of he Tallahassee City Charte, the remain.ng ‘members ofthe City Cer nission were soil Ip mk am appointment by Gl the ‘eam, ‘On he ality Uhe vieany occurred, Becember 12,2018, the Cily posted a tice inviting, incerestod persons to appli to nll che ¥acaney, Lhe Cry alse published notiec in the nowesapst iuviirg irtorssesl porsoms ke aubvai applications, The City received upplicainy song Lecemer 22, 2018 arul 92 applications were submitted by City sesidents AN thy application period clays etch membseo ths Cily Commission submitted fist, ‘Three ctubidates tbe consieved lo Fil the sauaney. The connnissiamers Callow selection process se out an City Comutssion Policy “44 which fas bocw in effect sence 2009, Une toe Iubulation procexdury set putin iy zoliey, he Cily Trews 4s Offs assign pis ky the ames. Aller the tabulation. ali of the names s-bniited were placed on a publisnad Commins sygenemd the gvrcilates wer considaned atthe Docernber 31, 2918 reeling Page 2 0814 Al the Decomhur 31, 2018 public mating, ultraoliorcn une discussion, De. Tans Liryant ws appointed by the C.1y Commission 19 serve ies City Comeisshon Seat 1. W Sunnuniny tune Sandard ‘Summary metgmnsee is proper it thore are we gonuanc iste: of mt ronal tact are che sing purty i ie! 1g judgnagutay mater oF Tw, Sea Volusia County e, Aorleun ut Osmond Bs P,, Yod So, 24126. 180 (Fla, 20H, "Te jem s1aght shall be uendered mtith i ths leans mel surimary jeg fovddenes on fk: ghee that the «so genuine issue as es any tel Kat und st he eng pty is ei ot judyonent a6 aller a love" bla Cir 1.5106). In seviowang « motion for smuuary mitgaten. the const eaestces a Tiduvis,arssvers Io inbrrayaores arsine’ an or mali as soul be admisible in evidence” whiot ave submitted by the pates. Ad, In his case tbe parkes have ‘ipl to 9 st of Pots whi ferr the sis. fr this mation, AL. Submission of Napies Commplicd with Yuashone Law A. Sunhing Tay Provisin Section 286.11(L) aP the Higcida Stattas (20 3 sta All nesting nf my board or eormmrssien @ any sinks agency oe authority or of any 2 geney or auleity oF ny esunly, nnunieipal earponation, oe poliien {Enlivision, except us olhersive provised in he CostL.cion, including meetings swith or tended by ang person elooted ta such board or gercraission, but who has not yer taken office at eich afficul acts are fo be taken ave declare o be pubs eelings opin ta the publigal all mes, eré np rehutior, ru, ov lermid aclior Stull he oonsilred "singling excepts Ikon om wade! sush nnesting, The Bee ‘oF commission must provide teasonable notice afalt such meeting Amivle 1, Section 240hy of the Plo Constitutin sates Page 49814 AN meetings of'any cel2eial public bady 0° the executive branch oF sete overnmentor of sey collegial public hixly ala couats. municipality, school dlistict. or spocia! district, at which official nets ave to be taken ot az hich pb business af such hocty i be inmssicied ar discussed, shall he apen and metiged lo the public i Th, Suwhine Tave Applies ts Colleyiel Action ‘Section 284 4111(L) requites “oMicial acts” of “any board 9° commission" to be cenducted. stacpublie mectirg Likewise, Arrele 1, Section 24th) of the Hori Cemstinnign mgqires rat ‘neetigs wl any eollegial public hady” oF ued” gasernmment "at which Ciel act ice ly be token ar at wich public business of such body is c be ttansseted o- discussed” be cowducted in idle, nsbine Law have therelore Tocused on the cecision-mahing 0 he cases construing the S Teil as the colle bey. fea Worl w Marston, 442 So, 20.0 (Ey, LOB {advisory eonmnittes was pat al decison-nahing function srs hereive sect: Sunsne Loves Bennett v. Warden, 434 So. on callene OT Ua, 2 DUA 1976) iracomngs bet rosicer am! snupliyeust rol subjsel tp Sunshing Tae why rr onlloutie: doision- malig ©. Indivichall es Collegiel Setion Callegial ar collective Gecision-malking tuust he distinguished frum the unilateral seis of a siugle person, Yltore a govertmout official sets unilaterally, separate and apart fom a cnllegial boy, + aatlie mouting is not requir. Page ¢ 9814 ‘The follwing cows all ok Ha whore a sing’ individu] posses unilatan dein raking autbwrity, a public meeting is not equred.” See, 2., Cape Publications, Ine. v, City of Palm Buy, 472 Sq 222 Chl, Sih CS 1985) (ety maager hee sols ceciston-making authori i seleion uf police ciel): Molise. City af Misnul, #37 Se. 2462 (Mla. 3 3CA, AWE police chat decision-maker tn review of discharge of freanny; McDougall, Culver, 3 Sa.34 onemake™ intra uiTalry eyes): ea 391 (Phy, AITICA 2000: (het doc Jenne, 958 Se. 2d 526 (la. 4th DCA 2006] {snarilf was dacision-malea in disciplinary matter Sunrise », ews and Sim ominal Ce S12 8o 2 94 (Fle Ath DCA 198) (rmayor wR Aecisionema‘ter in emplayoe disciplinary malty ‘A.sens of opines trom the Florida Adtomey General recoguizes thatthe unalaceral act Hn Tigi sary ofa single ysivornmenl oli dos nol requine # puie meting Thu rember ofa board or conemnission, ‘This is uue ever: shough the wapic oc issue is subsequently proscmted Ip a hoard or com mission, ‘The Attorney Genel has recognized tha city cw-nmuissiower may prepare an cireulae a xoport te otter: Op. Atty hers of ths city comun:ssioa oursute ot « pubic meetin, Goon, Fh, 89-23 (1989), 1989 WT.431616, “The use ofa wi kev pont by we cmnsasime intovo ther ommisioners ofa subjest shih will ne discussed at a public meeting dows Solis Hlori's Goyemman! in the Sime “ay Por ty the public meting thers amo interaction related ty the eeport urn he eamunissianers.” KL see alsa Op. Aus Gen. Pla, Anformal (May 21, 200) 2008 WL 3360082 (same). Tike ying, the Anzimney Goneral Tas rocegd that. scl une ner sad aed reniorandum to the viher boaed mencbers stating a pestina and encouraging sgt Car he Fo smtgncctie vil ec aes wake eps aay he pss ts sian Page $0814 position, S203. ALy Gun. Fla, 95-25 (1998, 1996 WT. 267953. Ths Auarney Conera ‘apined: “IIIs rey op.nian that Te schol board member writes a memoeandumn to provide Jnfrmation or ta minke # regammedition bs athe aehoal boanl members on a paticnlyr subi, {ene is re vial of section: 86. J Acity commussioner may prepare and dlistribuce an mndividl positon sctemonr prier to a public muct'mg whine Frere isa wo on ty issue. Suz Op, AUy Glen, Th. 2001-21 4 1, 2IN1 WL 276607. Furter.2 ey commissioner any publish bis anticipated vowe on an issue on an intemal blog or Fra mesespnper before the pulbie-mesting, Soe Op, Aly Gen Hl Engel fan, 22, 2009), 2008 WI 326008 ‘Ihe lists of names sulbmatte by cach couimissionsr in this case were akan fo the remoramt gr proposals ene nplne By Le Alionisy General te epininse snd above and did not siggee any requirement (ae a public nteet.ng. P.— Subwnisson of Nurnes Wins ul'vidus” Act sn tis ease, ndradnal Cuty Commissioners svbenitrod ther ist of proposed cand:cates ‘The: submasign of gach Tist seas an india ap, Tessas re Crea a ths enling City ‘Commission, I, Fae she ‘Commission was (re te eejeot every candidate submitted by any “These are muoniber ol other instances seer wy inlividual cannnsissorter my unlaera ly toke 3 prelimmary stop mn preseatmy a mater to tee full City Commnission, Kor example, a ccommissiamer could prepares resolution or eatin primes: whic is ler pressmt io tho ll City Commission for coesideration, A commiss.oner may exmincte an indi. dual se¢ve 0n ‘one of mumy sition cena, A commissioner ry proper ular. sf elsing hows Page 6 of 14 fr ars ar reslaunails, eran initiative, og, ceo tomnie development on south side einen, Thy snoission af the proposal isthe commissioner’ ae, ao! the aot oP the callegial bac y. When Ultimately presente a publi ing. the City Commission muy ought reject, madi, anvend cr ask the proposal tn Rat Council on Vomp. Jus ¥, Fee, 219 So, 44 172 UF, Ist DCA O17). che oot slistinguiwal Reta inliyadul rel eel ectiee wen, Taig cs +i yous lla ta a ral proposal prepared by ce: -ndisidua! asthe subject of eollestive action. The court rejected thie argument and esplvinsd Tree ters hat Reven, t vis inivdual capac, acta in place a he vle- docermination camnuttes eoaremplated by seetion 427.U9L(ai, This sgummem Jguores the plaua Iergcage of the seture and che ordinary’ meaning of the forms within i. Sox Mek: TIC y. Betts, 923 $0, 21 1208, 1208 (Ts, 2006+ (exp laving Ta souglery eastruclipa stuns with an exsision af the plan language of he statuley; Stale » Bodden, 877 So, 2d 6X0, 685 Fla 24Wha} fabserving that it is assumed that the Feginat.e knows the gidinaey ning of words wlio. :t enaets 4 stant, The stahite spplics only to meetings ‘ofa rating ergrr vation eormmi ise where searke! sompensilin insurance ales fnew und determined, § “esrariltss” Tus en elie ay neues igeiup.” not single pers. See Cormmiliee, Dlagk's Liw Dietionars (1004 ei 214i, Moreover. the use af the rer "micets” indicates thar the statue fs designe 10 apply to.a group of acople, nor siple ndivieual, Lhe mmaln-peiso concep of ths tgera “egmmitigs” forth Finds support “n well-e-tablihed proses crstruing thy Sunshine “ays. Seu Surasals Cilizgns fur Respansihls Gov't v. Cy of Sarasota, 48 So, 3d 753, 764 (Tia, 2010) (explaining that Sunsbine Law protections estend io Ficmal and informal nieeL.ngs vals when tw or move -meaubors of the sats board or conun:ssion most to deal with a matésr on sehich, sion sil he tke > the: fury): OFT of the Attorney General. Gayermmen t= In The-Surahines Visual, at 18 Qi! 6 ell} (observing tha tho Sur:ine Law dove nol “oodiariTy apply tan invite] member ul «public bound ov ecanaanie a 16 publi officials who ate not board or camaission moimbers.i. Thus, under the plain and ordinary mening of the terns “comunities” aud “mest,” Rosen, in has ‘nulivigu eapeeity, ous nel ae om omic exnteniplatal by seca 63 ag he slur ra-alelerranaiom D1(6 1441 178-79. la cetermining thatthe individual action could not constitute the net ofa ‘oommitlee, the unui held thatthe individual action seas nol sujet ho the Sumner hl Page 7 0814 ‘The: express provisigns of le Sumshing Taye arg eae Ct kore rit be soune "Mika ac" ab the “eo legial public body" ora “hoard er ovsnmission" wo equi a public meeting. Che nile acl ann ivi cr hia does na 1 hrashol requir “The Plosida Suprenne Cau has explained: "Nothing inthe Sunshine Lave reguien each comuissionsr te da ta o her thinkang and studying an publi, ie laws sats tthe <onnnissiamers reac anal dein i me ml ten Hes wet kgm publi fae their Tomnual action." Qocideatai Cem, Ca, x, Maso, 351 So. 2d 336. 342 (Fla, 1972). In This ratings, gach commivsioner’s sabrnisyion af 4 st aPeamulihtes ws his or hoe coven propose] aml not hat of the collegial boy. Because the subanission a euch 1st ves Dre acz af the colleyiel body, tore was no requiremeat chat cack .ist be subuntted dts a public F.Cullegivl Action Distinguished Tecan the subnvvsion wl" each lis. al eens ws indivi al, Ue Cats i his ‘ease mus be distingnished thom rhe se 0: 0s addressmg the decisior- making process by a patel aregmniies Dlaindtl'sprigeipa. case .nvolvad a selection cveunitee where the members were actiag alloy Feely Planting on Leach-Welkey Cily of Braden, P44 So 2d“ 6 (Ely, MIC 1999. In lla selection vonnnitlee wie charyed with reviewing praponals ti prospective vondors and recommending three contractors. kd. at 1169. OF particular uote, the recannnndulions sera ta Be the acto Mes eaanmiltgs sa wel, Tel comnsiigs ert sinoivtad a -anking Ito which the committee's eeommendation would be Cormed. Leh Aer the egmmities members submited their rimkings, they campored, Hach ourvmitics member Page 8 ot 14 Tut! suber ed identi rankings, The cily Crk cho was 4 piombyr athe ecu) there rs decided ttat the action of tke comneitge could be determined without a public meeting. Jd, The ‘Sort eli thal where the eormmitise fssk fame selign cutis 0's rmcsHing, there wie Sunine violation, Wi, al 1171 ‘Bocanse Leach-Welis involved the dormal aotion of a couumtes. the c#se 18 20 applica to Ino “ols oF th insbia case, The: suborissins of the individual commissioners srs reauily distinguished Irom the collegial asian of Likewise. eis nulharily steal by Plaintiff mvolsirg collective or collegial decision of Lose Tribu rusking must be distinguished. C1, Silver Expres, Company v, Dinuist Doar ‘iustees of Meum Dade Community Colleas, 691 So. 3 1099 (hla Jf DUA. 1497} 4Saskone iohtion whery prcurament comariice lage setion aulsidepublie nicting: Wak] 8. Mision, 442 So, 2d 934 (Ha, 19831 (Soshine violation where advisory evenmttte took aetion outside public mactingy: Dacoit y Palm Bosch Cearaly, $77 Se A 8 Fly tIh DCA 2904) (umshine ‘ioluten weve diseip'inary eornmlice took aetion cnbvie public meting T. Cglision - Purp! Sunshine Violation Based on te Foregaing, this Court should eaver summary judgrtent declaring that individual egmmnisy oncr submission ot enacts to he earsidarcd by the full Cily Commiscon consplied with the Sunshine Lase TV. Bublig Muvlirg Cunad Any Purportsl Suushing Valation Leven iP these war technical vivlauion of the Sunshine Lave hy the City Canuaission, the violition as eure a the publie mecting hell gn Dacember 31,2018 ‘The Morel Suprene Poge $9814 (Cart in Tal“, Selo! Roar ol Liherty Courts, 398 So. 2d 427 (Flu, 198 1) exp vine that nol all violations ofthe Sunishiae Law are incursiale or require thatthe Cnal action iaken by the Dublic body he eid InTiya, the coumy soho super enddgnt-s cet am members ohh sch snd “net und discussed peter] rearganiicion and personel malters. Subsequernthy it publi open mceting, the schodl bose vaved to abolisk: che position of duestar of aalrsinistralion wlig aster plainatig am elowertary sehiol, Whilyaclerow lege tha the private discussions berween the superintendlant and board members were a violation 0° te Sndine Laws the eum fri th the olson wns cred by the indepsander, lation in Uke sunshine” been hy Bre board a he pe etiny al Creel, the Rl tlio ten ny the board wonld not be voided. 1d, 99 “Ths rennin is Tar go oii sera cans to pho! ks Final wage oP public body. Un Hingh », Seminole Cats School aged, 99S So, 2d 1068, WTI Ta. 8" DEA, 2008). xchielbored members iogk 4 bus Iaur logether “ke explore the sel evening woul have ‘on a nursher od event communities atl bs tsamspostation 90.428." The bus tour was wot pet tothe public and no notice wns publiske in violation ofthe Suushins Law In subsequea: pubic rvoiings, Une eoconing plan was sliseusses are evomuully adgplea To upholding tke meaning plan, the ov. sated [?ublie Fil sion o's honrd or cormiltes skis ip the Sumsbing Liew will mt abwign be void ual incunuble simply because the topic athe public wet ws previously dincwsed ala private meeting, idee, Nhe Suuwhire Las can be Satisfied i® the board ar commission reaches a mutual decision on the vertinent issue when they subsequently mot opether in publue tor taeir “formal sotion” See Ooeidgmal Ch "Marve, 351 Su. 2¢) 3364F la, LFF, Thal in 10 yy sorne Sunshing Tay vilaions way be curs by lator actions at the dso rakes Doge 1 of -4

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