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II FUNDING SEWS IIS STIFF SHIS F.S CITY COLLEGE NEWS JANUARY 1997 GEORGE BROWN COLLEGE VOLUME 14 N0.5 Deregulate tuition, boost funding, improve student aid, says panel An Ontario government panel has method of distributing the gov¬ research in both the public and recommended sweeping changes ernment’s core operating grants private sectors. for Ontario colleges, including to colleges change to a form of deregulated tuition fees, increased corridor funding, reflective of 6. i) We recommend that an government funding and a new circumstances faced by colleges, institution should be free to set academic credential called the with attention to other issues such tuition fees at whatever level it Ontario College Diploma as the appropriate relationship of regards as appropriate, program (OCD). support for part-time and full¬ by program, on condition that if The Panel on the Future of time students. an institution chooses to set fees Post-secondary Education also above the government-specified recommended that student loan upper limit defined in (ii), it must repayment be based on a gradu¬ “We recommend that distribute 30 per cent of the ate’s income rather than be a incremental revenue as financial fixed monthly amount assistance to its students, based George Brown made a presen¬ an Ontario College on need. tation to the five-member panel at ii) We recommend that the gov¬ a1 7h.e aring at the college on Oct. Diploma (OCD) eferensm uesnetd s teot acanl cuuplpateer tlhime iatm ono unt Ontario Education and of government-provided student Training Minister John Snobelen be developed as a assistance for which a student says the government is reviewing would be eligible. There should the panel’s recommendations. be a single limit used for all insti¬ “A health post-secondary unique designation." tutions, both publicly and private¬ Theo Dimson (left) — one of Canada's top graphic designers — shares his system is essential to Ontario’s ly funded, participating in the decades o’Tetfpei fence ii( tntriFFUUctfy^MTTT ntJOtge'BfSWn sttJdSFflS.'FTfS'" economic and social wcfi-being. public student assistance pro¬ d1a9u8g6h tGeer oNrgiceo lBe r(orwignh tg) riasd aulastoe .a teacher in the Graphic Design program and a Tmheen draetpioonrts mfoark cesh asnegrieo,u ws hreiccho mw¬e 5G. oiv) erWnme ernect oomf Omnetnadri oth iantc trheea se igiir)a mW. e recommend that, with Graphic Design students wsaiildl eixna am rienlee avseer. y carefully,” he tOhve esrihzee aodfs t/hInef rRaesstreuacrtcuhr e rfeeessp,e tchto tsoe c ionmitipautelsdo bryy satnucdilelanrty The panel’s report contains the Envelope from its current level of governments should continue to following recommendations: about $23 million to about $100 be determined by current learn from leading designer million annually, processes, but all other ancillary 1. We recommend that Ontarians ii) We recommend that Ontario fees should be incorporated in the undertake to correct the current develop a research policy. This overall tuition fee. ttttGohrhye eaa o tf a rorhdgaraver vmee eB roc trciorsooemiwln ltebgnhci anatCinnavo tde4illol 0yedn geyi esnoe ifafigls rutn sahe .li noencmndetuseds ¬ ggDNGrriieaacmopporhhslgeoiiecc ns dsBaityseru.sso d iAwegev nnnGe t gsnien r okwasrntdghrouueewac ntBt eowsr hrohh eweNo rw nisTce aolhsfl e,e ao, usfpbpieinoonlridssaitttoneyssurc eettsicchaa ookialn nnitrna eddidgnsaaeo crriqlyysuu u raiedcan deecsssushit e icagatsaurvo teitaivnidoioe l ntnarroe.nbs ts,mla peTsl oe thtunnoi¬s ts,i ¬ dtrcrOheeoenssevveet eegaaarlrrrro ioccbophwho’m. st ia hnecnTg onbdh mtac esisopsh inp ceouc oturaieltglinricdevndy nese a tsnap phicbonpooos lumviiuteliidtepdo w a ns soo fn iwftdvieevi)ente sh t,Wt s ogi nf rertse hotariemett eucn rtos eifumoerbndemsse t tdeasoonhn pmtodiru ao tllih.tdn ea tcbs,et e ats tlstiouennn¬gsg i ¬ Father and daughter Theo student, she was often asked if dents and their families, and the Continued on page 2. and Nicole Dimson share their her father was ‘the’ Theo private sector. design know-how in the graphics Dimson. communications classrooms at “A part of me was very proud 2. We recommend that provincial the St. James campus. of that but then you’re expected government support of universi¬ Renowned graphic artist Theo to live up to that quality of ties and colleges in Ontario be Dimson offers college students a design.... I grew up with his comparable to the average for unique opportunity to learn from posters on my bedroom walls, other Canadian provinces and be a man who helped create design and I spent Saturdays in his reasonably in line with govern¬ history. studio when I was a kid with a ment support of major public He is a design industry leader, pad of paper and markers. I was university and college systems in listed in Canada’s Who’s Who, always involved.” the United States. This goal winner of countless design Today, she’s teaching part- should be achieved by arresting awards and international acclaim. time in the full-time Graphic reductions in government grants In his 40-year career, he designed Design program, where she helps now and by building towards this Canadian stamps, re-styled the students hone their techniques on goal over several years in ways Eaton’s logo and designed ads for Macintosh computers. that strengthen excellence and the former fashion retailer It’s an aspect of design that accessibility. oLfi pthtoen w’so. rHlde’’ss ma omste mexbcelur soivf eo ne bedar ferloym ex Giseteodr gwe hBerno swhne ignr a1d9u8a6t¬, f3e. aWtuere rse ocof mthme ceonrdr itdhoart styhset emma jfoorr graphic alliances - the Alliance she says. distributing the government’s core Graphique Internationale). Nicole also operates her own operating grants to universities be Theo’s poster designs for the graphic design business that maintained with minor modifica¬ Toronto Workshop Productions includes a list of varied clients. tions to enhance flexibility. in the 1970s are now considered Combined with teaching at (Editor’s note: Corridor funding collectible and he’s the only George Brown, says she has allows for limited fluctuations in graphic artists to have held a one- found her niche. enrolment without affecting fund¬ man show at the Royal Ontario Says Theo proudly, “Nicole is ing.) SO YOU’RE SANTA, EH? - Niipadi Quartey, 10, looks a little skeptically at Museum (1993-94). a designer of the ‘90s and she’s Santa (also known as Hospitality dean Brian Cooper) at the college’s chil¬ According to daughter and good, very good.” 4. We recommend that the dren’s Christmas Party on Dec. 14. Niipadi is the son of Gifty Quartey of the Registrar’s Department at 500 MacPherson. Ontario panel fpeadreerda lt og ocvoeorpnemraetne tw isi tnho Ot pnrtea¬ri o ionfc ionmcoem taex t.a xIat tiiso an cthleaatr i nprteinrecsipt le in this task, the provincial govern¬ paid on money borrowed to earn Continued from page 1. ment should take whatever steps income should be tax deductible, unanticipated increases in tuition are necessary to implement an and taking out a loan to make an fees for programs in which they ICLRP on its own. In this latter investment in education is analo¬ are currently enrolled. case, we would urge the federal gous to taking out a loan to make Itunisttiiotunt ifoeenss oarne tehnec boausrias goefd p troo ¬s et gatoev aesrsnimstaennct et oa npdro svuidpep oarptp troo pthrii¬s asu brue ssihnoesusl din bvee simtmpelnetm. eTnhteids mbye a¬ L twghrheae mbraessv oiesfr osthtfu icsdo ycu ar-ns re arset hoaesro rt netharmbanlsy o -b ne tFeafexfdo aertsr,ap ile-ncPctrlsou ovdifinn tcghi eaa ldp Tmlaainnx iu sCnteodrleilner gctth iteoh ne wtOhene tuaGrrgoioev ettohrn eim nGdeioncvta etoerfn tCmo atenhnaetd ofaef,d aenradl adsetp saprrtminegn atsn dto s ouumtlmineer aI nmd edti swciuthss s ata sftfr iante cgoilcl edgiere fcatciuolnt ifeos ra nd done. Agreements and, if necessary, government that it supports such George Brown College. Moreover, institutions should providing full compensation to a change and is prepared to Our strategic direction will be driven by the academic programs and make special efforts to allocate Ontario to allow it to withdraw forego the provincial tax revenue services we offer and will focus on program offerings for which we their financial assistance funds in from the Canada Student Loans involved. have demonstrated excellence and for which there is growth potential. a way that does not preclude a Plan and offer an integrated vi) We recommend that the George Brown College will lead in providing innovative, applied saptbruoildgiteryna,m tf, rswo wmithi tp htuh hresi gumhinoegtri vfceaoetuiso.r sne as nodr iIdiCie)n LtWsR. Pe orepctoiomn mtoe nOdn ttharaito, isntu p¬l ace pcSlraoevssieenrng ttso RP Relagengissit se(treRerEedd SE PRd)eu tbcieare tbimornoe nutg ht eemdupclaotyioabni laitnyd i ntr athinei nsgh oprrto agnrdam losn fgo rte ardmu.l tPs rsoegerkaimng etmo pehnahsains cwei ltlh beier in of the current approach on loan Savings Plans (RRSP) in order to the broad sectors of hospitality/tourism, health and community services 7. i) We recommend that the forgiveness under OSAP which encourage saving for postsec¬ and in specific areas of business, technology and the arts. All programs government introduce an income- creates uncertainties for students, ondary education. In particular, will be supported by high-quality educators and trainers, and reflect the contingent loan repayment plan a program of needs-based grants we urge that the federal govern¬ educational and training needs of a large, urban centre. (ICLRP) that would have a num¬ be introduced. Grants would be ment provide the same tax Following staff meetings and other discussions with various groups ber of helpful features to students, provided only to students in pub¬ deductibility for RESP contribu¬ and individuals across the college, senior management developed a i-mn pceolnustdstp iunognn:te ilm aeftnetr othf ein stteurdesetn pt’asy ¬ livic)l yW ases irsetecdo mcomlleegneds tahnadt tuhnei ver- btcioloenn ttsor it bheufafttei oicsnt aso,vn aaein-latdibm tlhee a fttor iart n RbsRefe SprsoP s si¬ •S Itnractoegrpico rDatiere scttriaotne gFicra ombejewctoirvke st haantd w aillli:g n them with the college’s program of study is completed or Ministry investigate the causes for from RRSPs to RESPs within the strategic direction. after a fixed number of years high rates of default on student total RESP limits. It should be • Begin the process of developing a common language of simple, (whichever comes first); and loans. It should explore the use possible to roll the accumulated concrete terms and descriptors for use when articulating our strategic -several options for the student to of penalties that would make Investment Income in RESPs that direction. choose from regarding the repay¬ postsecondary institutions with is not used for postsecondary • Make a significant amount of information understandable. mowpiettnihootn us ctt ohp eerdneupallaetyy, ,i fnacsltuerd iantg a nany time umthnoautrs ewu raoelulsypld oh nnigsohitb lwreae tfeaoskr eo tnfh ead celcofaessuss,l tbt ou t ueGdroguvec eatrhtnieom nGe ionnvtt oeo rfan OmRnRetnaStrP ioo. f s TChhoanuea ldd a •c aFno csuersv aen tdo sculaprpifoyr tw tahyes sitnra wtehgiicch d viraerciotiuosn initiatives around the college ii) We recommend that the postsecondary education. to implement such a change soon. The Strategic Direction Framework includes five key strategic income-contingent loan repay¬ v) We recommend that interest If the federal government is not objectives: ment plan be delivered as a joint on money borrowed to pursue prepared to proceed with this 1.Ensure program excellence. federal-provincial student assis¬ eligible postsecondary education change, the provincial govern¬ 2.Communicate and build college-wide commitment to/accountability tance plan, administered through programs should be deductible ment should provide at least a for the strategic direction. the tax system, but that, if the from income in calculating bpuarttiioanl st aaxn dcr tehdei tf feodre rRaEl gSoPv ecronn¬tr i¬ 3.Generate sufficient revenue from existing and new sources to support Official-Languages mcreednitt sfhoor utlhde apdrmoviinnicstee. r such a cthaep asctritayte. gic direction; in particular, increase the college’s fundraising Monitor Program 4. Ensure the staff team has the skills, abilities and resources to imple¬ 8. We recommend that donations ment the strategic direction. of assets be exempt from the 5. Increase external awareness of/support for George Brown College. Do you want to help teach English or French capital gains tax. This change Each of these five key objectives is linked to numerous supporting " “ on a part-time or full-time basis? would benefit all charitable orga¬ objectives, which will be outlined in a Strategic Direction brochure to You can apply under the Official-Languages Monitor Program to nizations. be distributed to all staff by deans and directors this month. bacea adne mEnicg lyiseha ro. r French-language monitor during the 1997-98 9. We recommend that colleges Each dean and director, in consultation with faculty and departmen¬ soeuctsoIfin dydeo uylaro nfuigrr ushta olgamen etge upaarcoghvee inirs c ineE .n aYg sloicsuhh ow, oyilllo, uhc eowllpill elf ghraee,nl pco ora pnuh nEoivnnegerl sisistthyu dauessnu aat sll y ienxtpelronraet imonoarle t raacitnivinelgy pprroivgaratem asn d traela fsftairfmf, wthielli rb fea ucusilntyg atnhed Sdetrpaatergtmice Dntiarle cotbiojenc tFivreasm, eawndo rtko teox dpelovreel op or learn more about the English language and culture. and that the provincial govern¬ opportunities for cooperation and synergy with other areas of the col¬ If your first language is French, you will help a French as a sec¬ ment’s coordinating and regulato¬ lege. The Framework provides the opportunity for each of us to play a fosprcrnaohdnvo ciolnoalcn,p eghc.uo oalnlgeeegs etw,e iaollc rb hueen rai vsoesrri swgitnoyer, kdo wutotis thiind aset ityteuoatuicorh nhesor imnin etah p eFirror evhnioncmche-e.l aSnogmuaeg e oirmnyfte ocrnoe talnsec t ircbnaoel uti hzsnueetd p c ptochoolelrle tlnigevceeetsei. dv sTe hf hooauger rl fedtleee r¬txami kbsiel ¬ kinevyTo rlhovelee d S iwntr ahsteuerpgepi cyo oDrtu io rcefac tnthi eob nec soFtl rlseaegmrev’eesw ysotorruaktr e wngieilcle dsdesir rvaenec tdiao stn ha.o Irs eeuf erogrfee tn hyceoe u cpo tololie nggtee .t Part-Time Monitor ity to develop these programs. by which we will measure our collective performance, and it will be an You will work between six and eight hours a week for eight months. More broadly, there are growing important measure of success. Its contents will not, however, remain Yonoue wreiltlu eranr tnr i$p 3b,5et0w0e. eYno yuo mura yh oamlseo arencde ihvoes at ptrraovveiln caell.o wance for opportunities for partnerships static and will be modified to reflect new information and opportunities To be eligible, you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent with private institutions on educa¬ as they present themselves. rsdmee'eoscitnoYduinetdoodnuerat ss mrha ycinu podss.lt l tuye bdgoeiiuae alsme fsbuu yislnl tJ- tQuhimanuveeee bs1 ect9uco9d.m 7e,pn olte rft oeyrdo tu ah tem ldueuasrts ath toiaonvnee oyyfoe yauorr uoDrf i pploosmt e ttatihhnoeadn tr upeansrnepidvso eernrresvssiiebeti aietlrhisct eyht o iopn hfrte oaagvgllrer ica tgoymul losied.fg e teIlhsiten iiesr s udsir ewI cbetleilol ifneo vrree t qhthueii srf euadtpu tproer .ob aWucihlidt hp o rtnohv eoi duceor smp Gamsetio tamrcgceeon Bmt arponlwids nhc mrweeaitnthitv sti htayen odfof p caoullss ci taoinollnde g e institutions in such partnerships. staff, we can bring the strategic direction to life. Our students, staff Full-Time Monitor and the communities we serve will all benefit. Here’s to an exciting Y$m1oa1uy , 4wa0lilsl0 ow aronerdcke ri2ev5ce e haivo teura ravs ecplo eamrl lwmoweuetaiknn cgfoe a rf lonlorin wtewa mnoc oreen totuhfr snu. ptYr tioopu s$ wb9ie9llt0 we.a eYrenon u m10e. nWt-dee rfeinceodm cmatecnhdm thenatt garoevaesr nf¬o r 1997! your home and host province as well as a moving allowance of at colleges be abandoned. At the Frank Sorochinsky is president of George Brown College. ^ olreenaseisT dts eo$en 3mbt0 eae0 nse.t ldieg rhi bwalveite,h yibnoe uteh nme ruleasgstti sbttwee roae dyC eaaansr asa.d ifPaurnlilo -ctriiimttyize we snilt lu obdre ep ngetir vfmoenar nateot n let ast stcoaa mtfiuoeln fti ilaml ntehd,e tcirroa loilnbeiglnieggsa otmifo utnhsset ficoro rln oetcdianulu¬ e Ii Call or- listen for- college s-torm clo-sing infor-mation i esleicgoibnled acrayn sdtiuddaiteess owr,h oif yhoauv ea rceo min pQleuteebde tcw, oto y ceaanrsd oidf aptoess tw ho or linguistic communities. i i have completed one year of university by June 1997. 11. We recommend that the • Here’s how to find out if classes are cancelled at George Brown • AGop tpol yth eN coawre!e r/placement office of your institution to obtain an aanrrda ncgoeompeernatt ifvoer ccorelldeigte t-ruannisvfeerrs ity ' oorth iefr t heem ceorglleengcei eiss :c ompletely closed because of bad weather or ' application package. Send your completed application form to programming, as well as for yInocuoYr mnopue lacertaeens to arcl aslaorte ewe rar/ipptpel alticoce:a mtioennst wceilnl tnroet bbye Fceobnrsuidaerrye d1.5 ,1997. sshhoarueldd sdeervveicloeps afunrdt hfeacr iwlitiitehs ,g ov¬ ] LCIHSUTMEN-F TMO, MTHIXE 9R9A.9D, CIOF:R TBu n1e0 1i0n, tCo HCFBIC-F-AMM, 6 78400 N, EWS, OPrfofviciniacli-aLl aCnog-uoargdeisn aMtoorn, itor Program ethrannm wenitth e gnocovuerrnagmeemnet ndti rreactthioenr . |■ cCloFsNedY o, rQ c1l0as7s.e sG aeroer gcea nBcreollwedn. will let these stations know if it is ■ Curriculum Learning and Teaching Branch The advisory body we propose in I I 16th Floor, Mowat Block, Queen’s Park this report should be responsible | CALL THE COLLEGE: Call (416) 415-2000 (or long dis- | Toronto, ON M7A1L2 for stimulating and monitoring I tance 1-800-265-2002) from a touch-tone phone and enter | TDheep aOrftfmiceinalt- oLfa Cngaunaagdeisa nM Honeritiotar gPer oangrda mad mis ifnuinstdeerded b byy t hthe ef eOdnertaarl io the evolving linkages. I mailbox 3905 when prompted. A message about closings or I oMf iMnisitnriys toefr sE odfu Ecadtuiocna tiaonnd, TCraaninaidnag. in conjunction with the Council 12. i) We recommend that an I caanndc e3l lpa.tmio.n fso wr iellv ebnei nugp dcalatessde sa.s Inf eyeodue dd obny’ t6 h aa.vme. af otor udcahy- tcolanses es I Ontario College Diploma (OCD) phone call the college and speak with an operator. ^ L_ ■ H £ ^ Canada Continued on page 4. 2 ★ ★ ★ GEORGE BROWN'S STAFF STARS HONOURED ★ ★ ★ SdDntioeTioden Amc cnshF.eie1aFnrr1n avhS gttieTeoceldAe d—p , Rb iidcnyS k e m tSS dhuaiHieepkcigI airNanf tGricEgioce enG-odo ,G’le rasegoe dxerDoegc riBseegn lreiflBonr ewoBgrnom nrcRwo e cowtn,ho o niaelmn’l senb.B aoe“Togvtshatuatereatedrirrso esp,on "lwfw aa cGcehnaeroodme v t boa3eeed r 3wnosa towuop errttisk amn tnaabioento nrddas ¬ , sESFKCtitunausedgbhmpysalheao.n irentgH*ni*h n e,a,gB rnHeF*ud ,aret rhtrJD.ic eomLieyelanie aa fAiG tsrM eletfao: oe tP andr(oi*slegnoe,rh f.tiA ttooT, lt ns ohs,Ke ei r*Yrucdi,groa tJrhsnzoamt*dw,n ,i f ,ner rHo loWeDwenfli:atte e ltrNnltooir ,oiw BcrCrih)rag ao* EhrwK,otv :nilRa ay,S nanLSucg uGuse*marl.re in,anS y Mdasentarodc nrie,a l *, MMCSAKhlaaieeektvxlhkeia se BynVsr aaaiYanur kebUegwai hKleR i,WrIs aO*,N t.orhK ioo(e l‘a*anaN tn*hTad,oyn o mS udRKh dioerne*dnnla,U dd tHoBealGdnalrliti *atdaRo,n sOen R Si.Ipn UocMasIbhiUrlelitbIos rUoestt. zirf Rn, hD tghoFaa cueibfocr eroc\nar om,a*I Dn ,SM *vtu»Dho,az eacIcav atPnpuetnhhi oFeeonlr tes omto eanianr*meg ,a. )n d No college funding cut in 97/98 - province NEWS SHORTS JORDANIAN INSTRUCTORS TO TRAIN AT GEORGE BROWN Ontario won’t cut college funding before the final impact is known. colleges and universities. George Brown will train six teachers from Jordan in six areas over the next year. Funding for individual col¬ The rest of George Brown’s coming weeks as part of a program to improve vocational education in After steadily decreasing col¬ leges is based on their student revenue comes from a variety of that middle Eastern country. The “lead instructors” will study curricu¬ lege grants for the past few years, enrolment averaged over three sources including the federal lum development, teaching techniques, fashion design and production, the province has decided that years in relation to enrolment government, other specific hairdressing and cosmetics, electronics, and food and beverage manage¬ funding will remain at this year’s levels at all Ontario colleges. provincial grants, tuition fees, ment at George Brown. In addition, two other Jordanian teachers will level for the 1997/98 financial “There remain several chal¬ contract training,bookstores and study at Centennial College and six will study at the Southern Alberta year. lenging revenue and expense cafeterias. Institute of Technology in Calgary. The training is part of the That’s good news for Ontario factors to deal with,” Sorochinsky Canada/Jordan Economic Development Technical Skills project that is colleges, including George said. being funded by the Association of Canadian Community Colleges. Brown, as many staff had expect¬ Ministry announcements on United Way goal reached George Brown Faculty of Technology teacher Shon Sorensen has been ed a funding cut for the coming funding and tuition are expected selected as team leader for the project and will supervise training at the year, which starts on April 1, later in January, he said. Thanks in part to submarines three colleges. 1997. Snobelen’s announcement and volleyballs, George Brown’s Provincial funding makes up followed the release of a govern¬ United Way campaign met its BURSARY FUND ESTABLISHED FOR ST. JAMES CAMPUS EMPLOYEE about 45 per cent of George ment-commissioned report on target. A bursary fund has been established in the memory of Michael Brown’s annual revenue of about the future of post-secondary In addition to staff contribu¬ Silvestri, who died in late October, 1996 after a long illness. Silvestri, $93 million. education that recommended tions, which make up most of the who joined George Brown in 1989, was an assistant to the St. James In a voice message to staff, higher funding levels for Ontario donations, Versa Foods made a campus manager, helping staff and students. “One of the college’s president Frank Sorochinsky said colleges and universities. (See contribution based on the num¬ friendly faces, Michael was always willing to help you solve a problem the Dec. 20 announcement by story on page one for a list of ber of inches of submarine sand¬ or direct you to a solution,” says staff member Lisa Trudel, who was Minister of Education and recommendations.) wiches sold, and a staff volleyball one of Silvestri’s many friends at George Brown. The Michael Silvestri Training John Snobelen was Sorochinsky said in his mes¬ tournament in December raised Student Bursary Fund will provide annual financial assistance to quali¬ good news, but details of George sage that apparently the govern¬ several hundred dollars in pledges fied business students. To make a donation or get information about Brown’s share of funding and of ment had appreciated the to help the campaign reach its the fund please contact Kathy Kendall in the Student Affairs tuition fee levels are needed arguments for more funding from goal. Department at 415-2640. Another reward of higher GRAD education... program HI t§00GMm^ Get $750 towards the purchase or lease of any new GM vehicle. 3 EVENTS Ontario panel accountability processes for both Ontario’s policy precluding the colleges and universities. establishment of new, privately- CbtomratTsmsCiiehhnenooneocoa ood nnucldotdsuul ,tthetege iaeillafbdnngvnddcrina .oueecci ddzbbcselaloeooe Aakeedtmoiv pgr e opttcdffeeypd rnar otslAde lo hosr,aniba m t isppanfiyatsthcpoisem nd nm tpuadl id aiete almt ehe r aodanguadenerse tnelv p t t ,lsAocos ai iorp2etq.r nofwh reweO.u t g sedcTusie tnrn iepra ahaOatggdnnramlne oeiteCrdfzid sicnosacaoaiD erltogrt’o sidnsnt osfo ¬sa n ¬ s fmeeautafsc1hoashnnonn4c,eeroc.idnd i evtolcusW g hiteafotult eeorridrelreoesu rlrx agesia g nctgp urgonyrtmoeeeseiavg.coti cspo eenio nptnhrarmegm lensinoda ct eemdmni if nxetnr uaenetuieatss tenanrntnit n otocifidet nsvohhlnsw imgehtir avsh or oleeep cs aftulixinohi tyntpml,pltyi, dil er tiaesioe ainsnigna ncg ctettdoarhidro viearloe n daem rgsse ¬ sr fttftdiSmsairaionhniieisneetnnov se tursgdpeadatni i sriceer ennwe tetpnwatsur ccte airtmaencteet;asoiptrh oddd oibifmtpwo nt,e inlt ,gunlnicdhi niaysonanutatieloh hintiv elnt oivtmla oacdeo-ydanen iufr n eeiar bondrstnsosnrleheyra i s tfac-rtocasn t iepncosoiturnectsrrtaiagfsluediputoadt cnyt p iodbfrisetsoi ri o neetztmtntcinroans nveouauaain iadatmbngclncmsldtl it id eryplauveqmiealii ner.eyruttnon idyeie rs-aodrttsrs;s¬ hl i ne ;i ¬e tdsy , , tlrfssaibdassiihuuachhnw)isele_lththoosdiieus atosieWuu yegrrfboodlledy nddecol ue i sao dt n fottcbghtr l aagiurtoleieeotnhe vncn ce ongedpesioa tf.ev atnaoi rmp ansse r eso pnaedrusetmssurcdhiseribisu.ta e atvi hcltilrbnteaoeoaodW i,dtsm rll rseb li h ie ad tetteefovyhgyte o eww o eaag tttrtch h tr eoomtr aaiehatveu stnheutise ielgs o tepsd raiO eh en,om t sn tnafCtta eoolsha .Dibrti ¬s ¬a I t mfuferssbso1oueethnno5prtecnnoid.aeam vunidurnoiWoesntde lgw rfrdisono tseon.ms hift n srgct r iuao eFh iefesdo apnfcosopseu ctpo,pleer snautxmoe tcs rtchlficirtistosaomaefyti tail linr iale nple rnefdh cde unrgmgaiain onnde brrdefagisegd yanewt,tra i cc hmgajngtsauhueh m oglilaoin .ectevn ny fio ssegopdd F.trh r earr otno ovbrariuelugnn illsrs¬gddaht m¬ CTesscreohvahIprtoeCCleiTyyonuo sio rpttlnbYemty du.o o r bcmCb fdeloC ieiycoucnn o nlaOddoslmtiteeiicnitoLgvatim nuopteeiL tnole ooiNoosnsnfEp tnsdetaseh Gaweeandeldcn ds Efo bd iaisn yns iMtl d Nauattahhna rmrEeriedysk. ao Wea nretdditdvhnsuSi¬g ¬¬ fJCsCtecTriBlw2CdpMotCKCohnoaeyatvA9nlreeuoirelengcoceae oel lan1lntSdlrtnl a.cninywnnaJ cht .ue4stIetettr .tdatkt8N nPt eea dr1eri Oe nwrnea i Aen iedkO,hi5alsaatVn s.iln e pue sl lte3 n -in i1ols lcigA aO n ie2pnr tdo00ppNdbnntlh osn l2N i ve n0eol etgia vo2ept-a kn4het l1 hncf en 0herCkcaAat.4e0AerBese oiic 0ee toAnr dodf sr ctlloTo e- aeomSil oieurtaMeK vrrgaalsthelrCtfbc teee ia e. ir 4u dPtiit baDnd9gstidt ahnrJ1lhd (Uhctty tdsilsraablgeri 5esaeh-ee o.Syaao aym w tt .fs-fo Ru iortS 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l.dddudnepoOlod lrere,pntrlgueWre . cn eey yartes re ooaeatttgn lgshoas rmgssib oansedntteutosmeiIpdimtvetoasrha ot-siv teshshasofeh rseitosg r ei’e r eitn os tos,enaiosibeaarscajnreir onsh gsuue p so latipnn feipa tup s’tologinc r llna-rn rsi adsnpbtyondyi a aura toienht, snadiiy ovdsoir irodnpdlsmulddveitbnsttdeo dasi usvnhnso,e nsis wte eg t ot ucpmpifrhimuda assierrba- e soeptnveeusseetr nnors eriesosesea sraioeo e ocmbptup rt etemtr ansknrot srsoayenlhhroyleahcgsptgisdhntdenbldn.sue cair nrsoa-eo oatlebot . lg tcd leslto attid neobvnn csye uoiheh oPucatc svedAoneiaesn seldt.epiorrzpaeain ed oran.nm gydi byonan tnsvnao tret dgot O ti tll b deao pypmTshtenocoietyr c oilteoaotrf dfaemna loat fhsheeor tfratnveur hl eybnabhohyop oaneeabbcicsas l teoeotmrnr trt oli ¬haeisuioses w ntis¬ v fnh,¬hr ¬ e¬ s eei¬ c iisptirwieapramepoi1rpitws11nnnnineinheernanpr6elol7ft8icgd seah gascoiuet .rssp.ttn.teperi e ciclhf ehaupshusbWieosvW uraWeoaeernrtofoer oereaoiirde r rd raeei dnfu sfsfcrtfcemaen cpciceu n o outeouptthnhtte r atgial lm sorsh lraroardeoaxfb rg,ssrt eu p em i enlarcrtssecneeet ielat crchyfecshc tcehec csn neatooo o ooor.oooaee laphoeaa t ndftrlmfmfrft .tfmssf owpoeeomm e c r h t es ,cupunit cepnref memumsaarahoignfamrnccorrd ,nrtseoclamn irietooeiem del sggncviehavcate ancnvpveneti s soen ee gppepindisedtrehedpd rvsrvnceesi eporr s vsio s iaeest aetvmontngitsirifeeaahh nt nt,hcrt oocihs aee islainalnenasah eaeaualepe nvrcicavdtitgpassintssteabrn ,ahdasn i,es sr,g irctdi ol brguwdiae eoigdlooouienuot nio rt esnc thvgtabifwiengeian hmayten entnaalosihn ,rias ayvr a ni rofaid dsnt¬ree cno r,nedsi¬, r ddr s i¬ ns, CGSn2MSDBEPeC4Fibcpni-atar0t1rhortdie me.aayaiotlxa lo0o5inylpi.tiJlw tal liln(er -t oiaatCtToli4g CKnng2heleerarmn:eG 1geo t,6:ih orenC( mn 6nnnec24lN aBfBdegeolsm)otased1a2e ,er eplo Srd t4nol6gCsdic.Tn C£eeel ttiwrtg1se) rt.hogs c ia Mge seio f5nk4rteie7lENm osofytlae - .cc 1i. stC rn1c2l,Ge@G^o p eF :5m tCo9Bwo3 pnRuoi oe-Pllglt9y0as,e2lloorslora. biee r tO73e voor0Mp iisrligggr.dngm s.ol6 wea ee 5es ehfwsBy0 , a ou Tt c ng5 Bv o nolrco G4a 2xmeacrfmhor f2Ti.e o 1gliawmoEaac9nt0erneibs u .g o1c l¬aenea5 t Jan. 13 - Staff seminars: adequacy of quality assurance and Windows Introduction, Basic The Training Information Centres in conjunction Knowledge of Windows start today. For more information call with Human Resources Development Canada Marg Whitdeton in the Staff present: GAIN ALIA » Resource Centre at 415-4663. \\0NDERIAND SUMMIT '97 JGane.o r1g5e -B Irnotwernv avresritsyu sb aHskuemtbbaellr: CAREER Tata keP aara mloooukn ta tC aPnaardaam’so uWnto nPdaerrklas’n da.l l nInedwo oern tSetratgaein msheonwt hpirgohglriagmhtmineg College. Women play at 6 p.m., contemporary dance and gymnastics. Outdoor musical revue featuring men play at 8 p.m. St. James a live Caribbean Band. Costume characters in their own shows. gym. Investigate Training and Employment Plus Star Trek™ aliens and a 60’s/Motown musical revue. opportunities at this FREE FAIR. We’re looking for trained singers, dancers, gymnast/acrobats, character Jan. 16 - Intervarsity volleyball: Hospitality, Travel/Tourism or Personal Services such as mimes, instrumentalists and costume characters. George Brown’s women’s team Alternative Health, Beautycare,Financial Planning, and We’re also interviewing for the following technical positions: Sound vCearssau sL Sohmear igdyamn .C ollege. 8 p.m. Thursdamya, nJya mnuoarer.y.. 9, 1997 SBFtloaoagorerd CMOreapwnea,r gaCetorosrs ,t uwVmiitdeher o, ,m DMurseaiscsstaeelrr,, sECtaloegncect reiarctni adn&/, o SFr posleltcoriweal e tS Eptvohete,n atFstr.l ey meaxnp, eRriiegngceer , Jan. 17 - Last day for post-sec¬ 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. are asked to fax resumes and references to (905) 832-7459. fornodmar ay psrtuodgeranmts twoi twh iath fdurlal w Holiday Inn on King (370 King St. W.) ThFurirdTsadoyar,y oJ, naJtnaoun, auOiavrn y3t a13r,01i,o 91 9979 7 ParamSaotuuVrndatau yCg, haFanenab,dr uOaa'snr ytWa 1ro,i1on9 d9e7r land refund (less an administrative Visit Exhibits, Meet Trainers, Employers, and SUt.n Vivleardsiimtyi ro'sf ITnosrtoitnuttoe STuhned aPya,r aFmeboruunart yT 2h,e1art“re’ c- hBaarsgkee)t.b all: George Brown ver¬ For more inAfsosromcaiatitoionn a Rbeopurte tsheen ftaatiirv, eosr to pick up 12:610220:00.pC0 m Shp apm-r 3aa •:cd0 tSie0nir npsa,gm eEA rTssc,ve oAcerhtncsnt uiocreisa ,n s, Tec1h2n:0i1c02i ap:0nm0s, p-C mShi an-r g3ae:c0rtse0,r Aps,m cEt osrcso,r ts sus Alumni. Women play at 6 your free tickets for the Guest Speakers please visit Instrume2n:3ta0l ipsmts .■ CDhaanrcaecrtse,r Mimes 2:30 pm - Dancers, Gymnast/Acrobats p.m., men play at 8 p.m. St. one of these locations: Gymnast/Acrobats James gym. For more information call Jbaans.k e1t8b a-l lW tooumrnenam’s ehnitg,h 9 s ac.hmo.o lt o T2T1or arSiontn.i tnCog l aInirf oArvmea. tEio, n# C60e4n tre ET53troa5bi3ni ciDnoguk neIdn afos rSmt.a tWio n# 1C0e1n tre ParamEnoHtueornttlitan iCen:ma (ne9a0nd5t )aD '8se3 pW2a-7rot4mn5d4en etr land 4

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