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Circle Of Mysteries: The Women's Rosary Book PDF

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Preview Circle Of Mysteries: The Women's Rosary Book

of Circle Mysteries CIRCLE OF MYSTERIES • ' Praise for Circle of ,Mysteries: ef "I do not hesitate to recommend Ord~ Mysuries, Just as Christ transcends the his torical Jesus, Mary transcends the historical Jewish mother. The revelation of Mary is the revelation of our own humanity. In the fullness of Christ, Jesus and Mal)', togeth er, constitute human wholeness as well as oneness with the Divine Logos. The Incarnation of the Logos (Christ) transcends male and female to embody the whole of humanity. So long as we continue to divide humanity into male and female, so long do we fail to realize Christ, and so long is there a need for Mary in our lives. She is a major step in our spiritual evolution; by filling in the gap created by the masculine Incarnation of the Logos, she leads us to the realization that Christ (not Jesus) com bines and ultimately transcends our human division of male and female. This is what Mary is all about. This is her divine purpose and function in our lives." BERNADFITE ROBERTS Author of Tiu &p,riena of N..-Sdf. The Purh ef No-Se!f •nd Who1 u S,ffe "Like the householder bringing out of the storeroom things new and old, Christin Lore Wtber's womanly reading of the traditional prayer of the rosary releases its unsuspected power and grace. A beautiful series of meditations that brings the reader into the heart of the mysteries." EUZABETIJ A. JOHNSON, CSJ Profc::ssor of Theology, Fordham UnJ\~ity Author of Sh, ll'ho Is "At once ecstatic and earthy, this exquisite book prays within the heartflre of moth erlove, both human and divine. Embrace your destiny as woman-becoming and be blessed in the sacred circle of this prayer!" THE REvEREND Au.A RENEE 807.ARTH, PH.D. Author of ll'iJ<km anJ Wondtnnenr. Womanpntst, and Sum Your Bones ,n " 'l have an tnstinct about beads,' Christin Lore Weber says. And indeed she does. Whether you grtw up with rosaries--and have loved them all your life or relegated them to an old-time piety you can live without-or whether you've never owned a rosary in your life, this book will make you want to touch, foel, and experience. To read this book is to enter the most profound mysteries of life-living, dying, and liv ing again. To read this book is to stand in the universal experience of joy, sorrow, and glory in a wholly new and particular way." JAN JOliNSON DRANTELL Author of Hwli.n9 Heoru: ,lftd,wrtons for Women lirlntJ w11h Dm,ra, "Sensate meditation tools are experiencing a rebirth of interest because they take us if to the center of ourselves through a direct and reliable route. Circle Mysreries helps us rediscover through the rosary a pathway to the Feminine in the Divine for all who have ached for the mystery to be revealed to them." TH.E REvEREND DR. LAUREN ARTR.ESS Canon of Grace Cathedral, San FranciS<.'O Author of Wal.king o Saatd Pach: Aedrsco,mng rh, l.abynruh OJ a Splmua/ Tool ., CIRCLE OF MYSTERIES The Woman's Rosary Book Christin Lore Weber Yes International Publishers Saint Paul, Minnesota or Sections th is book were previou.;ly printed dscw'1 ere: "A Lening Go Like Rain" inSurui Today, (,\larch 1993, Volume 65, Number 2). "Wise Blood" in Daughtui efSarah (October 1991, Volume 17, Number 5). The article was .:ntitlcd "Mary at Middle Age." Saint Jouph's llovie N<!ti, September I 990, Vol 4, No. 9 AU rights reserved, Copyright © 1995 by Christin Lore Weber No pan of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information and permissions address: Yes lntem,1tional Publishers 1317 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 5S I 05-2602 Phone: 612-64S-6808 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data \Veber, Christin Lore Circle of mysteries : the women's rosary book/ Christin Lore Weber, P· cm. Includes bibliographical references. lSBN 0-936663-1 1-1 (pbk..) I. Women-Prayer-books and devotions-English. 2. Mysteries of the Rosary. 3. Goddess religion. I. Title. BL625.7.W44 1995 242' .74--dc20 95-11309 CIP Printed in the United States of America. I To " Aunt Eva ,,vho loved and kept the rosaries APPRECIATION I am grateful to the many people \Vhose friendship, faith and " creative suggestions inspired this book: to Jan Johnson \vho con- ceived the idea and passed it on to me; to Alla R. Bozarth \.\'hose poem "We Ntake God Out of Me: The Song of Mary" first caused me to listen for the voice of Mary in n1y soul; to my sister, O\.\'n Liz Kensinger, \vho gave the book its title. for help in connecting the rosary and its mysteries to I lindu and Jewish tradition I thank Linda Johnsen and Pepe Kahn. And for delivering this book into the \,Vorld I bless Theresa King who recognized in its mysteries the san1e spirit I experienced in \·\rriting of then1. Thank you to everyone \vho, through the years, gave n1e rosaries and believed that I \vould use then,, and to those, particularly rny mother, ,vho never ceased their rosary prayer. Always I thank John \,\/hose love n1akes all n1y ,vriting possible.

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