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Ciba Foundation Symposium - The Kidney: Arranged Jointly with the Renal Association PDF

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THE KIDNEY General Volumes: Toxaemias of Pregnancy . . . . . . . 21s. Isotopes in Biochemistry . . . . . . 27s. 6d. Visceral Circulation . . . . . . . . . 30s. The Spinal Cord . . . . . . . . . . 30s. The Chemical Structure of Proteins . . . 25s. Peripheral Circulation in Man . . . . . 25s. Preservation and Transplantation of Normal Tissues . . . . . . . . . . . . 25s. 1 Hypertension: Neurogenic and Humoral Ready Factors . . . . . . . . . . . Summer . Leukaemia Research . . . . . . 1954 .I leaflet gicing fuller details of lhrse volumes, also of the C'iba Fouzdalion Colloquia on Endocrinology, is arailablefrom the Publishers. CIBA FOUNDATION SYMPOSIUM ON THE KIDNEY Arranged jointly with the Renal Association Editor for the Retial Assoeialiori A. A. G. LEWIS, B.Sc., M.D., M.R.C.P. Editol. for the Ciba Foundatiota G. E. w. WOLSTENHOLME, O.B.E., M.A., hI.B., B.Ch. Assisted by JOAN ETHERINGTON LONDON J. & A. CHURCHILL LTD. 104 GLOUCESTER PLACE, W.l 1954 THE CIBA FOUNDATION for the Promotion of International Co-operation in Medical and Chemical Research 41 PORTLANr) PLACE, LONDONw, .1 Trimtees : DR. E. D. ADRIAN, P.R.S. OM., RIGHTH ON. LORDB EVERIDGEK,. C.B., F.R.4. THE THE RIGHTH ON. LORD HORDERG, .C.V.0. MR. RAYMOND NEEDHAM, Q.C. Director, and Secretary to the Executive Council: DR. G. E. w. \vOIaSTENIIOLME. 0.R.E. :lssistarit Secretary: MISS s. BLAND Scientijc Assistant mid Lihrariati . MISS M. P. CAMERON,M A. Editorial Assistant: AIlSS JOANE THERINGTON ALL RIGHTSR ESERVED This book may not be reproduced by' anu means, in whole or in part, with- out tlte permission of the Publish,ers Printed in Great Britain PREFACE THEC iba Foundation is an international centre, established as an educational and scientific charity under the laws of England. It owes its inception and support to its founder, Ciba Limited of Switzerland, but is administered exclusively by its distinguished British Trustees. As one part of the Foundation’s activities, informal symposia or colloquia, strictly limited in membership, are arranged, to which leading research workers from different countries and different disciplines are invited. As the small- ness of the group necessarily excludes many people active and interested in the subjects discussed, the proceedings are being published and made available throughout the world. “The Kidney” was arranged at the request and with the assistance of the Executive Committee of the Renal Associa- tion. It was initiated mainly by Mr. G. J. Sophian, formerly Hon. Secretary of the Association, and considerable help was given to the Director of the Foundation in planning the programme and selecting the membership by Dr. C. E. Dent, Prof. K. J. Franklin, Dr. A. A. G. Lewis (Hon. Secretary) and Dr. W. W. Payne. The ground covered at this symposium included structural and functional relationships in the kidney, the regulation of acid-base balance, tubular functions other than the regulation of acid-base balance, general problems of electrolyte excretion, and the renal share in the volume control of body fluid. As membership was severely limited and, apart from many workers in the field in other countries, the great majority of the members of the Renal Association had to be excluded, a public session was held at the Royal Society of Medicine on the day after the conclusion of the symposium at which Dr. Jean Oliver, Dr. J. V. Taggart, Dr. R. F. Pitts, Dr. N. Alwall, V vi PREFACE and Prof. J. G. G. Borst reviewed in turn the proceedings of the five sessions of the symposium. A report of this public meeting was published in The Lancet Vol. 11, page 120). (1953, It is hoped that the full proceedings of the symposium recorded in this book will prove not only informative and stimulating, but will also give to readers a sense of participa- tion in this informal and friendly occasion. The Editors are greatly indebted to Mr. J. and Rlr. John A. Rivers of Messrs. J. & A. Churchill, Ltd., for their courteous attention and ready advice at all stages of the preparation of this volume. FOREWORD A. A. OSMAN,D .s.c., M.D., F.H.C.P. THIS book embodies a verbatim account of the proceedings at an international symposium on The Kidney arranged jointly by the Ciba Foundation and the Renal Association, and held in London from the 7th to the loth July, 1953. To facilitate a free, informal and intimate exchange of views membership was limited to thirty-five participants, but the last day of the conference was devoted to a review of the previous sessions by five of the participants. This meeting, at the Royal Society of Medicine, was made open to the Profession and was very well attended. The participating members were chosen for their eminence in those aspects of renal anatomy, physiology, pathology and medicine that it was desired to integrate for study, and included experts not only from this country but also from Belgium, Denmark, France, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.S.A. Twenty-two papers were read and each was followed by a full, and often vigorous, discussion under a number of dis- tinguished Chairmen. No one who was privileged to attend this Symposium would, I am sure, regard it as having been other than a most stimulating and rewarding, if somewhat strenuous, experience, and it was generally felt that the mass of valuable information presented, together with the illuminating comments made in the subsequent discussions, should be permanently recorded and made more widely available. That this volume will prove valuable to all interested in the kidney and its disorders can hardly be doubted, and is, I know, the earnest hope of the Editor for the Foundation, to whom, incidentally, credit for the success of the whole venture is chiefly due. vii CONTENTS PAGE Foreword by A. A. OSMAND, SC, MD, FRCP (Physician-in-charge, The Renal Unit, Pembury Hospital; President of the Renal Association) vii Part I-Structural and Functional Relationships in the Kidney Chairman: PROFESSDOORR OTHYRU SSELLS,C D, MD, FRCP, LLD (Bernhard Baron Institute of Pathology, London Hospital, London) The structural and functional aspects of recovery from acute renal failure J. OLIVERM, D (Dept. of Pathology, N.Y. State University; now at Renal Research Unit, Overlook Hospital, Summit, New Jersey) . 1 Discussion D. A. K. BLACK,S . E. BRADLEYG, . M. BULL, €3. M. DARMADYH,. HELLERJ,. P. MERRILLM, . D. MILNE, J. OLIVER,R . PLATTF, . C. REUBI, D. RUSSELLH, . E DEWARDENER . 11 Preliminary experiences with aspiration biopsy of the kidney F. RAASCHOMUD, (Third Medical Dept., Kommunehospitalet, Copenhagen) . 15 Discussion N. ALWALL, J. G. G. BORST,J . OLIVER,F . RAASCHOU, F. C. REUB. I, D. RUSSELLH, . E. DE WARDENERF,. R. WINTON 24 Renal lesions in relation to amino-aciduria and water diuresis E. M. DARMADYM,A , MD, MRCP . (Central Laboratory, Patho- logical Service, Portsmouth) 27 Discussion R. W. BERLINERE, . M. DARMADYC,. E. DENT, M. D. MILNE, J. OLIVER, W. W. PAYNER, . PLATTJ,. R. ROBINSON,D . RUSSELL, S. W. STANBURYH, . E. DE WARDENER . . . 33 ix CONTENTS s PAGE: The production of hypertonic urine by the mammalian kidney . H. WIRZ,M D (Physiology Institute, University of Bade) 38 Discussion R. W. BERLINERC,. E. DENT,H . HELLERM, . D. MILNE, J. OLIV.ER,R . F. PITTS, J. R. ROBINSON,H . E. 1 . DE WARDENERF,. R. WINTONH, . WIRZ 43 Part I I--Tubular Functions other than thc Regulation of Acid-base Balance Chuirmun: PROFESSOF.R R . WINTOND, SC, MD (Pharmacological Laboratory, University College, London) Distribution of functional activity among the nephron population S. E. BRADLEYM, D,E . LEIFER,M D,a nd J. F. NICKELM, D (Department of Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and Presbyterian Hospital, New York) . 50 Discussion R. W. BEHI.INEHS,. E. BRADLEYC, . E. DENT, A. A. G. LEWIS,F . R.4ASCHOLJ, F. R. WINTON . 61 Some biochemical features of tubular transport mecha- nisms J. V. TAOGARTM,D (Department of Medicine, Columbia. University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York) 6.5 Discussion R. W. BERLINERH, . HELLERJ, . P. MERRILI,,J . R. . ROBINSOND,. RUSSELLJ, . V. TAGGART 76 A study of the mechanism by which toxic tubular damage changes the renal threshold for glucose P. P. LAMBERTM, D (Laboratory of Experimental Medicine, University of Brussels) . 79 Glucose titration renal glycosuria in . F. C. REUBI, MD (Medical Clinic, University of Berne) 96 Discussion E. BALDWINR, . W. BERLINERD, . A. K. BLACKS, . E. BRADLEYC, . E. DENT,M . G. EGGLETOPN. ,P . LAMBERT, J. P. MERRILL,J . OLIVER,R . F. PITTS.F . RAASCHOU. F. C. REUBI, J. R. ROBINSONP, . H. SANDERSONJ., V: . . ‘FAOGART, H. E. DE WARDENER 107 Part III-Renal Share in the Regi~lntioito f Acid-basP Balancc Chairman: PROFESSOER:. BaLr>wm, PhLI (Department of Biochemistry, University College, London) Renal acid-base control and cell physiology J. R. ROBINSONM, D, PhD (Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Cambridge) . . 114 Discussion E. BALDWINR, . W. BERLINERD. . A. K. BLACKS, . H. BRADLEYA,. A. G. LEWIS,R . A. MCCANCEJ,. P. MERRILL. R. F. PITTS,J . R. ROBINSONS., W. STANBURY . . 11‘1 Regulation of the content of bicarbonate bound base in body fluids R. F. PITTS,M D,W . J. SCLLIVANM,D , and P. J. DORMAN, MD (Department of Physiology, Cornell Vniversity Medical College) . 1‘13 Discussion E. BALDWINR,. W. BERLINERS, . E. BRADLEYM, . D. MILNE, R. F. PITTSJ, . R. ROBINSONS,. W. STANBURY, J. V. TAGGART. . 114 The relationship between potassium excretion and urine acidification R. W. BERLINERB, S, MD, T. J. KENNEDYB,S , MD, and J. ORLOFF,M D (Laboratory of Kidney and Electrolyte Meta- bolism, National Heart Institute, Bethesda, Maryland) . 147 Discussion E. BALDWINR, . W. BERLINERG, . M. BULL,C . E. DENT, R. A. MCCANCEM, . D. MILNE,W . W. PAYNER, . F. PITTS, . J. R. ROBINSOPN., H. SANDERSONS., W. STANBURY 1.59 Renal response to massive alkali loading in the human subject P. H. SANDERSO.N M,B , MRCP (Medical Unit, St. Mary’s. Hospital, London) 165 Discussion E. BALDWINJ,. G. G. BORSTG, . M. BULLE, . M. DARMADY, C. E. DENT, A. A. G. LEWIS,J . OLIVERW, . W. PAYNE, R. F. PITTS,F . RAASCHOUP,. H. SANDERSONS,. W. STANBURYH,. E. DE WARDENER. . 173

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