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Ciba Foundation Symposium - Regulation of Cell Metabolism PDF

409 Pages·1959·9.41 MB·English
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CIBA FOUNDATION SYMPOSIUM - REGULATION OF CELL METABOLISM G. E. W. WOLSTENHOLME AND CECILIA M. O’CONNOR Copyright © 1959 Ciba Foundation REGULATION OF CELL METABOLISM Ciba Foundation Symposia General Voiumes : Mammalian Germ Cells - - - - - 30s. Preservation and Transulantation of Normal Tissues - - - - - - - 25s. LeukaemiaResearch - - - - - 30s. Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines - - 42s. Porphyrin Biosynthesis and Metabolism - 30s. Histamine - - - - - - - 50s. Extrasensory Perception - - - 27s. 6d. Bone Structure and Metabolism - - - 45s. Paper Electrophoresis - - - - - 35s. Ionizing Radiations and Cell Metabolism - 45s. The Natureof Viruses - - - - - 42s. Chemistry and Biology of Purines - - - 48s. Drug Resistance in Micro-organisms - - 50s. Chemistry and Biology of Miicopolysaccharides 45s. The CerebrospinalFluid - - - - 50s. Neurological Basis of Behaviour - - 52s. 6d. Amino Acids and Peptides with Antimetabolic Activity - - - - - - - 45s. Medical Biology and Etruscan Origins - - 45s. Biosynthesis of Terpenes and Sterols - - 45s. Carcinogenesis : Mechanisms of Action - - 48s. A leajlet giving fuller details of these uolumes, a150 of the Ciba Foundation Colloquia on Endocrinology and Colloquia on Ageing, is available from the Publishers CIBA FOUNDATION SYMPOSIUM ON THE REGULATION OF CELL METABOLISM Editors for the Ciba Foundation G. W. WOLSTENHOLME, O.B.E., M.A., M.B., B.Ch. E. and CECILIA M. O’CONNOR, B.Sc. With 109 Illustrations LONDON J. & A. CHURCHILL LTD. 104 GLOUCESTER PLACE, W.l 1959 This book is protected under the Bmne Convention. It may not be reproduced by any means, in whole OT in part, without permission. Application with regard to reproduction should be uddressed to the Publishers. @ J. & A, CHURCRILL LTD, 1959 Printed in Great Britain THE Ciba Foundation, a unique international institution, owes its inception to the generosity of CIBA Limited, Basle. However, being established under British trust law, it enjoys complete independence in practice and policy. Under the guidance of its distinguished Trustees, the Foundation offers accommodation to scientists from all over the world at its home in Portland Place. Foremost in its acti- vities is the organization of small conferences, the proceedings of which are published in book form in the manner of the present volume. The Foundation convenes many other in- formal discussions between research workers of different dis- ciplines and different nationalities and each year invites an outstanding authority to deliver a special lecture. An exchange programme between French and British postgraduates is con- ducted and a library service is available. Furthermore, the Ciba Foundation attempts in every other way possible to aid scientists, whether they be Nobel Laureates or young grad- uates making their first original contributions to research. The purpose of the Ciba Foundation, which is to promote international co-operation in medical and chemical research, is symbolized in the armorial bearings by five interlaced rings representing the continents, a black sacrificial cock (emblem of Aesculapius) holding a medical caduceus, and three regular hexagons for chemistry. Its domicile in London is indicated by the sword of St. Paul and the British lion; the wyvern and the crozier, symbols associated with Basle, refer to the sponsoring firm located in this ancient Swiss town. V THE CIBA FOUNDATION for the Promotion of International Co-operation in Medical and Chemical Research 41 PORTLANPLDA CEL,O NDONW, .l. Trustees THE RIQHT HON.L ORDA DRIAN,O .M., F.R.S. THE RT. LORDB EVERIDGEK, .C.B., F.B.A. HON. SIR RUSSELLB RAIN,B T. THE HON.S IR GEORGEL LOYD-JACOB SIR RAYMONNDE EDHAMQ, .C., F.S.A. Executive Council SIR RAYMONDN EEDHAMC, lkairman PROFESSDORR. DR. h.c. R. MEIER LORDB EVERIDGE SIR. PHILIPM AIR PROFESSOA.R HADDOWF,. R.S. PROFESSOF. RG . YOUNG,F .R.S. Director, and Secretary to the Execulive Council DR. G. E. WOLSTENHOLMOE.,B .E. W. Deputy Director DR. H. N. H. GENESE Assistant Secretary N. BWD MISS Edilorial Assistants MISS CECILIAM . O'CONNOR,B .Sc. i\I~sRs IAEVE O'CONNORB, .A. Librarian Miss JOANE THERINQTON PREFACE SIR HANS KREBSr efers in his opening address to the origins of this symposium. It will be clear to readers that in addition to being largely responsible for initiating it, he greatly influenced its organization and, as Chairman, its course. For his encouragement and wise counsel the Director of the Foundation is deeply indebted-an increase in personal and professional indebtedness which goes back to the Director’s undergraduate days at Cambridge. Gratitude is also due in full measure to Professor Dickens, who warmly supported the proposal of the symposium, and gave valued assistance in its preparation. Although the Editors are accustomed to the task of pre- paring for publication conference proceedings on very diverse subjects, they are more conscious than ever on this occasion that this book, by experts for experts, may clearly reveal their deficiencies. If the final product is satisfactory, it will be largely due to the ready co-operation of contributors, pub- lishers, and Mr. William Hill, who compiled the index. It is hoped that this work, as Sir Hans has suggested, prove will to be a pioneer book of great value and importance in the coming years. CONTENTS PAGE Chairman's introductory address. Rate-limiting factors in cell respiration . by SIR HANSK REBS 1 Discussion :C HANCED,I CKENSD,E DUVEG, REVILLE,H INSHEL- WOOD, KREBSL, IPMANNM, AGASANIKM, C.I LWAIN,P ARDEE, POTTERR, ACKERS,I EKEVITSZL, ATER 11 On the meaning of intracellular structure for metabolic regulation by P. SIEKEVITZ 17 Discussion : ALDRIDGEB, ARTLEYC, HANCE., KING, LIPMANN, LYNENP, OTTERR,A CKERS,I EKEVITZ 45 Some topographical aspects of the regulation of cell metabolism . byC.DEDum 50 Discussion :C HANCE,C OXOND,E DUVEE, STABROOGKR,E VILLE, LEHNINGEPRO, TTERS,I EKEVITSZL, ATER 53 Control of rate of intracellular respiration . by E. C. SLATERan d W. C. H~LSMANN 58 Discussion : CHANCEH, ESS, HOLTONK, REBS,L EHNINGER, . LYNENP, OTTER, RACKERS,I EKEVITZ, SL.4TER a3 Quantitative aspects of the control of oxygen utilization . byB. CHANCE 91 Discussion : ALDRIDGEC, HANCEG,U TFREUNDH, ESS,H O. LZER, LIPMANNM, CILWAINR,A CKERS,I EKEVITSZL, ATER 122 Control points in phosphorylating respiration and the action of a mitochondria1 respiration-releasing factor by A. L. LEHNINGECR. ,L . M'ADKINSa nd L. F. REMMERT 130 Discussion :C HANCEE,S TABROOHKE,S S,H OLTONL,E HNINGER, . LIPMANNR,A CKERS,I EKEVITSZL, ATER 145 Some problems in the choice of oxidative pathways of carbohydrate metabolism by F. DICKENSG,E RTRUDEE. GLOCKa nd PATRICIAMCLEAN 150 Discussion : CHANCE, DICKENSD,E DUVE,G LOCKG, REVILLE, HESS,H OLZERK, INQ,P OTTERR, ACKER 183 viii CONTENTS ix PACE Short Communication: Recent observations on the mechanism of glycogen syn- thesis in muscle . . by P. W. ROBBINaSn d F. LIPMANN 188 Alternative pathways of electron transport . . by C. MARTIUS 194 Discussion : CHANCEE,S TABROOKKI,N G,K REBSL, EHNINGER, LIPMANX,M AGASANIKM, ARTIUS, POTTER, SIEKEVITZ, . SL.4TER 200 Limiting factors in glycolysis of ascites tumour cells and the Pasteur effect . . by E. RACKEaRn d R. Wv 205 Discussion : BARTLEYC,H ANCEG, REVILLEH,E SS,L EHNINGER. LIPMANNL,Y NENM, CILWAIRNA, CKERS,I EKEVITZ 219 R6le of triphosphopyridine nucleotide in the regulation of glycolysis in a cell-free preparation by V. R. POTTERan d H. NIEMEYER , 230 Discussion : GREVILLEK,R EBSL, EHNINGELRI,P MANNL,Y NEN, . MAGASANMIKC, ILWAPIONT,T ER, RACKER, SL.4TER 253 Phosphate turnover and Pasteur effect by F. LYNEN,G . HARTMANKN., F. NETTERa nd A. . SCHUEGRilF 256 Discussion : COXON,H ESS,H OLTONH,O LZERL,Y NENP, OTTER 273 Enzymic regulation of fermentation in yeast cells by H. HOLZER 277 Discussion : CIIANCE, COXON, HESS,H INSHELWOOHDO,L ZER, . KING,K REBSL, YXENM, AGASANIII,R ACKERS,L ATER 287 Mechanisms for control of enzyme synthesis and enzyme activity in bacteria . by A. B. PARDEE 295 Discussion : KREBS, LEIININGERL, IPMANNM, AGASANIK, . PARDEEP,O TTERR, ACKER 304 Automatic adjustment mechanisms in bacterial cells . by A. C. R. DEANa nd Sir CYRIL HINSHELWOOD 311 Discussion :C IIASCED, EANG, UTFREUNHDE,S S,H INSHELWOOD, KING,K REBSL, EHKISGERLI, PXAKNM, AGASANPIKO,T TER, . RACKERS, IEKEVITZ 320 CONTENTS X PAGE Regulation of growth and composition of the bacterial cell by B. MAGASANIK,A DELE K. MAGASANIKa nd F. C. . . NEIDHARDT 334 Discussion : COXON, LEHNINGER.P, ARDEE, MAGASANI.K , MCILWAINR,A CKERS,I EKEVITZ 349 General Discussion CHANCE, DICKENSD, E DUVE,K REBS,L EHNINGERLI, P- MANN, LYNEN,M AGAS.A NIKM, CILWAINP,A RDEEP, OTTE. R, RACKERS,I EKEVITZ 353

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