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Ciba Foundation Symposium - Neurological Basis of Behaviour PDF

441 Pages·1958·6.34 MB·English
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NEUROLOGICAL BASIS OF BEHAVIOUR Ciba Foundation Symposia General Volumes : MammalianGermCells- - - - - Preservation and Transplantation of Normal Tissues - - - - - - - - - - LeukaemiaResearch - Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines Porphyrin Biosynthesis and Metabolism Histamine - - - - - - Extrasensory Perception - - - - - Bone Structure and Metabolism Paper Electrophoresis - - - - Ionizing Radiations and Cell Metabolism The Nature ofviruses - - - - Chemistry and Biology of Purines - - Drug Resistance in Micro-organisms - Chemistry a-nd B-i olog-y of- Mu-c opo-ly sac-- charides TheCerebrospinalFluid - - - - A leaflet giving fuller details of these volumes, also of the Ciba Foundation Colloquia on Endocrimlogy and Colloquia on Ageing, is available from the Publishers. CIBA FOUNDATION SYMPOSIUM ON THE NEUROLOGICAL BASIS OF BEHAVIOUR in commemoration of SIR CHARLES SHERRINGTON, O.M., G.B.E., F.R.S. 1857-1952 Editors for the Ciba Foundation G. E. W. WOLSTENHOLME, O.B.E., MA, M.B., B.CH. and CECILIA M. O’CONNOR, B.Sc. With 109 Illustrations LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY BOSTON Library of Congress Catalog No. 58-8770 THE CIBA FOUNDATION for the Promotion of International Co-operation in Medical and Chemical Research w.1. 41 PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON, Trustees : THE RIGHTH ON. LORDA DRIAN,O .M., F.R.S. THE RIGHTH ON. LORDB EVERIDGEK,. C.B., F.B.A. SIR RUSSELLB RAIN,B T. THE HON. SIR GEORGEL LOYD-JACOB SIR RAYMONNDE EDHAMQ, .C., F.S.A. Executive Council : SIR RAYMONNDE EDHAMC, hairman PROFESSDORR. D R. h.c. R. MEIER LORDB EVERIDGE MR. PHILIPM AIR PROFEEISAO. HR ADDOWF.R, .S. PROFESSFO. RG . Yomo, F.R.S. Director, and Secretary to the Executive Council: DR. G. E. W. WOLSTENHOLMOE.B, .E. Deputy Director: DB. H. N. H. GENESE Assistant Secretary: Editorial Assistants : MISS N. BLAND MISS CECILIAM . O'CONNORB,. Sc. MISS MAEVEO 'CONNORB,. A. Librarian : MISS JOAENT HERINQTON ALL RIQHTSR ESERVED This book may not be reproduced by any meam, in whole or in part, zwith- out the pmission of the Publishers Published in London by J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 104 Gloucester Place, W.1 First Published 1958 Printed in Great Britain PREFACE A SERIES of international congresses in neurological sciences in Brussels in the summer of 1957, suggested that it would be useful to arrange a symposium on a related subject in London shortly beforehand, thereby giving some assistance to people from long distances to be present both at the Ciba Foundation and in Brussels. As suggested by Professor J. C. Eccles, such a meeting could also serve to mark the centenary of the birth of Sherrington, recalling in gratitude his greatness as a man and as a scientist. After helpful discussions with Professor G. W. Harris, the Director of the Foundation organized a symposium on “Neurological Basis of Behaviour ”, at which Professor Harris took the Chair, and this volume contains the proceedings of this occasion. The group present was a small one, as is usual at the Ciba Foundation, for the purpose of thorough discussion of the subject, but it is hoped that this publication will reach and interest a very much wider circle of physiologists, anatomists, neurologists, pharmacologists, psychiatrists, endocrinologists and biologists, who could not be invited to participate in this fairly intimate and informal meeting. To some readers, this book may form an introduction to the work of the Ciba Foundation, which is an educational and scientific Charity, administered by the distinguished Trustees and Members of Council whose names are given on the opposite page. The Foundation occupies a house nearly 200 years old in the medical heart of London, where accommodation is provided each year for nearly 1,000 scientists from thirty to forty countries. Its activities include conferences, such as that reported here, many briefer meetings, annual lectureships, a V vi PREFACE postgraduate exchange scheme between Great Britain and France, support of basic research on the problems of ageing, and a library service in special fields. The Foundation gives assistance to scientific institutions, and to the organizing committees of international congresses. It is hoped that in its hospitality, its meetings, and in such a volume as this, it is also proving of value to the individual research worker. CONTENTS PAGE Chairman’s opening r.e marks G. W. HARRIS 1 Early development of ideas relating the mind with the brain . byH.W.MAGOuN 4 Discussion: ADRIAN,B RAIN,D ELL,E CCLESE,L JCESH, ARRIS, KL~VERL,E WIS, MACLEANM, AGOUN, MALCOLM, PEN- FIELD, SHERWOOD 22 The behaviour of nerve cells by J. C. ECCLES 28 Discussion :B EINE, CCLEES,L KESG, ASTAUTJ, ASPEKRL.U, VER, MACLEANM, ALCOLMN, AQUET, OLDS, SHERWOOD 47 The behaviour of chronically decerebrate cats . by P. BARDa nd M. B. MACHT 55 Discussion : BARD, GASTAUT,J ASP.E MRA, CLEAN,M AGOUN, MONNIER,P ENFIELWDI,L LIAMS 71 An appraisal of the effects of diencephalic stimulation of conscious animals in terms of normal behaviour by B. ANDERSSONP, . A. JEWEaLnLd S. LARSSON 76 Discussion: ANDERSSON, BEIN, DELL, ECCLESE, LEES, FELDBERGGA,S TAUT,H ARRISM, ACLEAN,M ALCOLMO, LDS, PENFIELRDI,C HTERS,K ERWOOD, 85 The effects upon behaviour of lesions in the dorsomedial and anterior thalamic nuclei of cat and monkey . by J. B. BRIERLEYan d ELISABETBHEC K 90 Discussion : BARD, BECK, BRIERLEY,J ASP.E RK,L UVER, MACLEANM, AGOUNM, ONNIER,S HERWOOD 101 Correlated effects in behaviour and electrical brain activity evoked by stimulation of the reticular system, thalamus and rhinencephalon in the .c onscious animal by M. MONNIERa nd R. TISSOT 105 Discussion : GR.E EN, JASPEKRL UVER, MACLEAN,M ONNIER, PROCTOR 120 vii viii CONTE” PAGE Selective effects of drives and drugs on “reward” systems of the brain . by J. OLDS 124 Discussim: BRAIN, ELKES, GASTAUT, HENRY,J ASPER, KLUVER, LEWIS, MACLEANM, ONNIER, OLDS, SHERWOOD. 142 The r61e of the temporal cortex in recall of past experience and interpretation of the present . by WILDER PENFIELD 149 “The temporal lobe syndrome” produced by bilateral ablations . . by H. KLU”V ER 175 Discussion : BR. AIN, ELKES,J EFFERSOKLNUV, ER, LEWI.S , PENFIELD 182 Some basic mechanisms of the translation of bodily needs into behaviour . . &P.DELL 187 Discussion : DELL, FELDBERHCAI,R RISJ, ASPEMRA, GOUN. , ROSENZWEIG. 201 Neurological basis of respo.n ses to stress . by C. P. RICHTER 2M Discussion : BRIERLEYE, LKESH, ARRIS~, U V E RM, ACLEAN, MONNIE.R , OLDS, PENFIELDRI, CHTERR, OSENZWEISGE, ER. - WOOD 217 The rhinencephalon and behaviour . &g J. D. GREEN 222 . . Discussion: BARD,G REEN, KL~~VEMRIC,H AEL 233 Neurological site of action of stilboestrol in eliciting sexual behaviour by G. W. HARRISR, . P. MICHAELa nd PATRICPIA. S COTT 236 Discussion : BARD,G ASTAUT, GREEN, HARRIS,. J EFFER.S ON, KLUVER,M ICHAEL,O LDS, PENFIELSDC, OTT 252 CONTENTS ix PAGE Some aspects of the neurophysiological basis of con- ditioned reflexes and .b ehaviour . by H. GASTAUT 255 . Discussion: ECCLEESL, KES,G ASTAUTK, L~~VEMRA, GOUN 272 Patterns of cortical neuronal discharge during con- ditioned responses in monkeys . . by H. H. JASPEGR. ,F . RICCIa nd B. DOANE 277 Discussion : ECCLESG, ASTAUT, JA.S PEMRA, CLEILNP, EN. - FIELD, ROSENZWESIGH,E RWOOD 290 The electrical activity of cortical neurones in relation to behaviour, as studied with microelectrodes in unre- strained cats . . by J. L. MALCOLM 295 Discussion : ECCLESJ,A SPEMRA, CLEANM, ALCOLM,R OSE.N - ZWEIG, SHERWOOD aoi Drug effects in relation to receptor specificity within the brain: some evidence. a nd provisional formulation . byJ.E~ms 303 Dismsion: DE.L L, ECCLESE, LKES, FELDBERG%=, IS, . SHERWOOD 382 Brain enzymes and adaptive behaviour . by M. R. ROSENZWEDIG. ,K RECHa nd E. L. BENNETT 837 . Discussion: FELDBERJGA,S PEKRL,~ ~VERR,O SENZWEIG 856 The relevance of some neurophysiological data to be- haviour disorders . . by S. L. SHERWOOD 859 Discussion : ELKES,F ELDBERGJA, SPERM,O NNIER, PEN. - FIELD, SHERWOOD 378 Group Di.s msion: ADRIAN,H ARRISK, LUVER, Oms, PEN. - FIELD 880 List of those participating in or attending the Symposium on “Neurological Basis of Behaviour ” 2nd-4th July, 1957 TEE RIGHTH ON.L ORDA DRIA.N Trinity College, University of Cambridge . . B.ANDERSSON Dept. of Physiology, Royal Veterinary . College, Stockholm . . P.BARD Dept. of Physiology, Johns Hopkins Uni- versity School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland . . . ELIS~LBETHBECR Dept. of Neuropathology, IMt. of Psychi- atry, Maudsley Hospital, London . . . H. J. BEIN , Biological Division, CIBA Linited, Basle . . . . S.BERMAN Dept. of Neurology, Medical School, Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Capetown SIR RUSSELBLR AINB, T. The London Hospital, London . . . J.B.BRIERLEY Dept. of Neuropathology, IMt. of Psychi- . . . . atry, Maudsley Hospital, London P.DELL Laboratory of Neurophysiology, HBpital Henri Rousselle, Paris . . J. C. ECCLES Dept. of Physiology, The John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Austral- . ian National University, Canberra . . . J.EL~Es Clinical Neuropharmacology Research Cen- ter, National Inst. of Mental Health, Saint Elizabeths Hospital, Washing- ton, D.C. . . . W. S.FELDBERG National Inst. for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London . . . H. GASTAUT Facultd de MCdecine, Marseille J.D. GREEN. . Dept. of Anatomy, University of California Medical Center, Los Angeles . . . G. W. HARRIS Dept. of Neuroendocrinology, Inst. of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, London . . J.P.HENRY. European Office, Air Research and De- velopment Command USAF, Brussels . . . H.H. JASPER Dept. of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Inst., McGill Uni- versity, Montreal . SIBG EOFFREJYE FFERSONu niversity of Manchester xi

Content: Chapter 1 Chairman's Opening Remarks (pages 1–3): G. W. HarrisChapter 2 Early Development of Ideas Relating the Mind with the Brain (pages 4–27): H. W. MagounChapter 3 The Behaviour of Nerve Cells (pages 28–54): J. C. EcclesChapter 4 The Behaviour of Chronically Decerebrate Cats (page
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