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Ciba Foundation Symposium - Hormones in Blood (Colloquia on Endocrinology), Volume 11 PDF

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CIBA FOUNDATION COLLOQUIA ON ENDOCRINOLOGY Vol. 11 Hormones in Blood A leapet giving details of available earlier volumes in this serie8, and also the Ciba Foundation General Symposia and Colloquia on Ageing, is available from the Publishem. CIBA FOUNDATION COLLOQUIA ON ENDOCRINOLOGY VOLUME 11 Hormones in Blood Editors for the Ciba Foundation G. E. W. WOLSTENHOLME, O.B.E., M.A.,M.B., B.CL and ELAINE C. P. MILLAR, AH.-W.C., A.R.I.C. With 74 Illustrations LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY BOSTON THE CIBA FOUNDATION for the Promotion of International Co-operatwni n Medical and Chemical Research 41 PORTLAND PLACE, LONDONw, .1. Trustees : THER IGHTH ON.L ORDA DRIAN,O .M., F.R.S. THE RIGHT HON.L ORDB EVERIDGKE.,C .B., F.B.A. SIR RUSSELBLR AIN, BT. THE HON. SIR GEORQEL LOYD-JACOB SIR RAYMONNDE EDHAMQ, .C. Director, and Secretary to the Executive Council: DR. G. E. W. WOLSTENHOLMOE.,B .E. Assistant to the Director: DR. H. N. H. GENESE Assistant Secretary: MISSN . BLAND Librahn: MISS JOAENT HERINGTON Editorial Assistants: MISS CECILIA M. O'CONNOR,B .Sc. MISS MAEVE O'CONNOR,B .A. ALL RIGHTSR ESERVED This book may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the permission of the Publishers Library of Congress Catalog Number A58-7465 Published in London by J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 10.1 Gloucester Place, W.l First Published 1957 Printed in Great Britain PREFACE UNDERi ts eminent Trustees, the Ciba Foundation is engaged in a number of activities with the purpose of improv- ing co-operation in medical and chemical research between workers in different countries and different disciplines. At its house in London the Foundation provides accommodation for scientists, organizes conferences, conducts a medical postgraduate exchange scheme between Great Britain and France, arranges a variety of short informal discussions, awards two annual lectureships, is building up a library service in special fields, and assists international congresses and scientific institutions and societies. This volume contains the proceedings of the forty-third small international conference, each of which has lasted two to four days, held at the Foundation since 1950. It was the seventeenth conference on an endocrinological subject, pro- posed in this instance by Professor F. G. Young. Its organiza- tion was mainly in the hands, for the first time, of Dr. Genese, who received much helpful advice from Professor Young, Dr. A. S. Parkes, and Dr. J. A. Loraine. Dr. Parkes very kindly acted as its Chairman, a r81e he had filled with distinction several times before at the Foundation, but never more effectively and delightfully than on this occasion. The Group was, as usual at the Ciba Foundation, much restricted in size, partly because accommodation is limited, but chiefly because it is found that useful exchanges and arguments can best be obtained when the members can easily and quickly come to know each other well. The senior Editor wishes to place on record here the debt of the Foundation and its guests to Miss Elaine Millar, who now leaves to take up work in the United States. This volume is the seventh she has edited for the Foundation in the past V vi PREFACE two and a half years. Both Editors hope it will prove accept- able and informative to the original participants in the colloquium and to many readers throughout the world who could not be present in person. CONTENTS PAGE Chairman’s opening remarks . by A. S. PARKUS 1 The state and concentration of the neurohypophysial hormones in the blood . by H. HELLER 3 Discussion: ASTWOODH, ARRISH, ELLER,I NGBARLO, RAINE, . PARKESQ, UERIDOS,A MUELSSO, NENBERG 14 Some general principles in the bioassay of anterior pituit- ary and placental hormones in blood with special reference to clinical problems . by J. A. LORAINE 19 Discussion: BORTH,B USH, FARRELL,H ELLER, LO.R AINE, PARKEPSR, UNTYR, ANDLER, OBERTSS,T ACK-DUNNE 33 Inhibition of thyrotrophic activity with acetylated thyrotrophic hormone preparations . . by M. SONENBERaGnd W. I,. MONEY 38 Discussion: ASTWOODB, OTTARIB, USH, INGBARM, ORRIS, . PARKESP, ITT-RIVERSQ, UERIDOS,O NENBERG 49 The concentration of thyrotrophic hormone in the blood of the rabbit under different .e xperimental conditions by P. M. BOTTARI 52 Discusszon: ASTWOOD,B OTTARI, DICZFALUSYF, OGLIA, HARRISH, ELLERIN, GBAR, LORAINEM,O RREALED E ESCOBAR, PARKES, PITT-RIVERS,Q UERIDO,R OBERTS,S AMUELS, . SONENBERG 69 General Discussion :A STWOOBDO, ITARI,D ICZFALUSHYE, LLER, INGBAR,L ORAINE,M ORRIS, PEARLMANP, ITT-RIVERS, QUERIDOR, ANDLER, OBERTSS,A VARDS,O NENBERSGZ, EGO 73 Thyroid hormones in the blood by ROSALINPDII T-RIVERS 82 Discussion : ASTWOODB, USH, HELLER, INGBARM, IGEON, MORRIS,P ITT-RIVERSP, RUNTY,S AMUELSS,O NENBERG 90 vii viii CONTENTS PAGE Iodine in blood by E. B. ASTWOODC., E. CASSIDY, M. S. RABENa nd . SARAM . ASTWOOD 95 Discussion: ASTWOODB, USH, GRAY, HELLER, INUBAR, LORAINEM,O RREALE DE ESCOBAMRO, RR.I S, PARKESP, ~r.r - RIVERSP, RUNTQYU, ERIDOSA, MUELS 110 Insulin in Blood . . by P. J. RANDLE 115 Discussion: ASTWOODD, ICZFA.L USFYO, GLIAG, RAY,P ARKE. S, RANDLEV,A LLANCE-OWEN 132 Factors influencing the level of ACTH in the blood . . by G. SAYERS 138 Experiments on the level of blood corticotrophin with particular reference to scurvy by F. T. G. PRU.N TYB,A RBAREA. CLAYTONa nd JOYCE.E. HAMMANT 150 Discussion: ASTWOODB, USH,F ARRELHLA, RRIS,P RUNTY, . . SAMG'ELSSA, VARDVO, GT 161 Corticosteroid-releasing activity in blood . by S. ROBERTS 167 Discussion :A STWOODF, ARRELHLE, L.L ERL, ORAINER,A NDL. E, ROBERTSSA, MUELTSA, IT,V OGT 190 Morphological changes in the adrenal cortex in relation to concentration of steroids in adrenal vein blood . . by MARTHEV OGT 193 Discussion : ASTWOODB, USH,D ICZFALUSMYIG, EON, MORRIS, . SAMUELSST, ACK-DUNNVAEL, LANCE-OWEN 199 General Discussion: ASTWOODB, USH,V ON EULERF, ARRELL, HARRIS, PEARLMANP, ITT-RIVERS,R ANDLE, SHORT, . . STACK-DUNNE 205 Extra-adrenal factors affecting the levels of 17-hydroxy- corticosteroids in plasma by L. 1'. SAMUELHS., BROW. NK,. EIK-NESF, . H. TYLE.R and 0. V. DOMINGUEZ 208 . Disncssion: BUSH,H ELLERP, RUNTYSA, MUELSS,Z EGO 230 CONTENTS ix PAGE Circulating steroid hormone levels in relation to steroid hormone production . . by W. H. PEARLMAN 233 . Discussion: BUSH,D ICZFALUSMY,O RRIS,P EARLMASHNO,R T 248 Studies on the steroids of human peripheral blood . . by K. SAVARD 252 Discussion : BU. SH, KELLIE, MIGEON, MORRIS, SAMUEL. S, SAVARD 258 The physicochemical state of cortisol in blood . . by I. E. BUSH 263 Discussion : BUSH, MIGEON, MORRIS, PRUNTY, SAMUELS, . . SONENBERTGA, ITS, . TAIT 282 Steroid interaction in the in vitro biosynthesis of steroid- protein complexes . . by CLARAM . SZEGO 286 Discussion : ASTWOODB, USH, DICZFALUSYM,I GEON, PEARL- . . MAN, ROBERTSS,A MUELSS,Z EGO 306 The use of [16-8H] aldosterone in studies on human peri- pheral blood by P. J. AYRES,0 . GARRODS, YLVIAA . S. TAIT, J. F. . . TAIT,G . WALKERan d W. H. PEARLMAN 309 Discussion :B USH,D ICZFALUSYFA, RRELHLE,L LERL, ORAINE, MIGEON,M ORRIS, PEARLMAPRNU, NTYQ, UERIDOS, AMUELS, . . SAVARDS,I NGERT, AIT 327 Short Communication: The determination of plasma oestrogen levels in late pregnancy . by E. H. AITKENa nd J. R. K. PREEDY. 331 General Discussion : BUSH., D ICZFALUSYFA, RRELLL, ORAIN.E , QUERIDOS,A MUELS 335 Metabolism and placental transmission of cortisol during pregnancy, near term by C. J. MIGEON, J. BERTRANDP,A TRICEIA. W ALL,R . S. . . STEMPFEaLn d H. PRYSTOWSKY 338 Discussion : BUSH, DICZ.F ALUSYG, RAY, HARRIS, MIGEON., SAMUELSSH, ORTT, AIT 356 X CONTENTS PAGE Progesterone and related steroids in the blood of domestic animals . . by R. V. SHORT 862 Discussion :A STWOOBDO, RTHD, ICZFALUSLYO,R AINME,I GEON, . PARKESP,E ARLMASNA, MUELSSA, VARDS,H ORT 375 Catechol hormones in blood . . by U. S. VON EULER 379 Discussion : ASTWOODD,I .C ZFALUSVYO, N EULER,H ARR.IS , RANDLES,I NGERV, OGT 391 General Discussion :B USHD, ICZFALUSVYON, EULERF, ARRELL, HARRIS,H ELLER,K ELLIE,L ORAINEM, ORRISP, ARKES, PEARLMANP,I TT-RIVERSP, RUNTY,Q UERIDOR, ANDLE, . . SAMUELSSA, VARDS,O NENBERTGA, IT 394

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