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Ciba Foundation Symposium - Ageing in Transient Tissues (Colloquia on Ageing), Volume 2 PDF

294 Pages·1956·4.224 MB·English
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CIBA FOUNDATION COLLOQUIA ON AGEING Vol. 2. Ageing in Transient Tissues A leaflet giving details of available earlier volumes in this series, andalso of the Ciba Foundation General Symposia and Colloquia on Ageing, is available from the Publishers. CIBA FOUNDATION COLLOQUIA ON AGEING VOLUME 2 Ageing in Transient Tissues Editors for the Ciba Foundation G. E. W. WOLSTENHOLME, O.B.E., M.A., M.B., B.Ch. and ELAINE C. P. MILLAR, A.H.W.C., A.R.I.C. With 96 Illustrations LONDON J. & A. CHURCHILL LTD. 104 GLOUCESTER PLACE, W.1 1956 THE CIBA FOUNDATION jor the Promotion of International Co-operatwn in Medical and ChkalR esearch 41 PORTLANPLDA CEL,O NDONW, .1. Trustees: THE RIGHTH ON.L ORDA DRIAN,O .M., F.R.S. THE RIGHTH ON.L ORDB EVERIDGKE.,C .B., F.B.A. THE HON.S IR GEORGEL LOYD-JACOB MR. RAYMONNDE EDHAMQ, .C. Director, and Secretary to the Executive Council: DR. G. E. W. WOLSTENUOLMEO,. B.E. Assistant Secretary: MISS N. BLAND Librarian: MISSJ OANET HERINGTON Editorial Assistants: MISS C. M. O'CONNORB, .Sc. MISS E. C. P. MILLAR, A.H.W.C. ALL RIGHTSR ESERVED This boolc may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, with- out the permission of the Publishers Printed in Great Britain PREFACE THE Ciba Foundation, London, is an educational and scientific charity founded by a Trust Deed made in 1947. Its distinguished Trustees, who are wholly responsible for its administration, are The Rt. Hon. Lord Adrian, O.M., F.R.S.; The Rt. Hon. Lord Beveridge, K.C.B., F.B.A. ; The Hon. Sir George Lloyd-Jacob ; and Mr. Raymond Needham, Q.C. The financial support is provided by the world-wide chemical and pharmaceutical firm which has its headquarters in Basle, Switzerland. The Ciba Foundation forms an international centre where workers active in medical and chemical research are encouraged to meet informally to exchange ideas and information. It was opened by Sir Henry Dale, O.M., F.R.S., in June 1949. In the first six years, in addition to many part-day discus- sions, there have been 37 international symposia, each lasting two to four days, attended by outstanding workers from many countries. Other symposia are planned at the rate of five or six a year. Early in 1954 the Trustees decided on special measures designed to encourage, internationally, basic research relevant to the problems of ageing. As part of this programme the con- ference already arranged in that year on General Aspects of Ageing was taken to be the first in a series of colloquia, to be held annually. A second colloquium was organised in 1955, and at the welcome suggestion of Professor E. C. Amoroso, this one dealt with studies on the ageing of tissues, the normal life of which is shorter than that of the organism as a whole. It was hoped that inferences of more general value might be made from researches on the ageing of the placenta, the repro- ductive system, deer antlers, erythrocytes and so on. This volume contains papers and discussions of this second colloquium, on Ageing in Transient Tissues, at which Professor Amoroso graciously acted as Chairman. V vi PREFACE The informality and intimacy of these meetings have per- mitted discussion of current and incomplete research and stimulated lively speculation and argument. They have also been the occasion for reference to much published and unpub- lished work throughout the world. The proceedings are issued in full, with only the minimum of editing, in order to pass on to a far wider audience the benefits of these meetings. It is hoped that readers will not only gain information and inspiration from this report, but will also feel that they share in these frank and friendly discussions. CONTENTS PAGE Chairman’s opening remarks . E. C. AMOROSO 1 Organ culture studies of foetal rat reproductive tracts . by DOROTHPYR ICEan d RICHARDP ANNABECKER 3 Discussion: AMOROSOCO, RNERJ,O STP,A RKEPSR, ICE,V ILLEE, . ZUCKERMAN 13 The age factor in som. e prenatal endocrine events . by A. JOST 18 Discussion: AMOROSOD,A WESH, UGGETTJ, OSTPR, ICE,R ow- . . LANDSV, ILLEE,W ISLOCKZI, UCKERMAN 27 The regenerative capacity of ovarian tissue . . by S. ZUCKERMAN 31 Discussion: CORNERD, EMPSEYH, UGGETTK, ROHNM, ATTHEWS, . . PARKESST,R AUSSW, ILLIAMSZ, UCKERMAN 54 The history and fate of redundant follicles . . by P. C. WILLIAMS 59 Discussion: AMOROSOCO, RNER, DEMPSEYH, ARRISONK,R OHN, . PARKERSO, WLANDSST, RAUSSW, ILLIAMSZ, UCKERMAN 66 The corpus luteum of the guinea pig . by I. W. ROWLANDS 69 Discussion: AMOROSOH, ARRISONH, UGGETJTO, STK, ROHN, . MATTHEWRS,O WLANDTSU, CHMANN-DUPLESSIS 83 Observations on the cytomorphosis of the germinal and interstitial cells of the human testis . b;y D. W. FAWCETanTd M. H. BURGOS 86 . Discussion: FAWCETTM, ONTAGNAW, ISLOCKZI, UCKERMAN 96 Mitochondria1 changes in different physiological states . . by E. W. DEMPSEY 100 Discussion: DAWES, DEMPSEY, FAWCETTM, ONTAGNA, . . WISLOCKI 103 vii viii CONTENTS PAGE Morphological aspects of ageing in the placenta . . by G. B. WISLOCKI 105 Discussion: AMOROSOD, AWESH, AM.IL TONH,A RRISONH, UG. - GETT, JOSTV,I LLEE,W ISLOCKI 114 Chronological changes in placen. tal function . by A. ST. G. HUGGETT 118 Discussion: AMOROSOD,A WESH, UGGETTJ,O ST,T UCHMANN- . DWLESSISZ, UCKERMAN 125 Biochemical evidence of ageing in the placenta . by C. A. VILLEE 129 Discussion: AMOROSOD,E MPSEYH, UGGETTJ,O STV, ILLEE, . . WILLIAMSW, ISLOCKYI, EMM 144 Uptake of radio-potassium ("K) by the uterus and placenta during the advancement of pregnancy in the rat and the goat . . bg R. J. HARRISOaNn d J. L. D'SILVA 148 Discussion: AMOROSOH, AMILTONH, ARRISONH, UGGET. T, MONTAGNSAT,R AUSWS, ISLOCKI . 159 Modifications in the foetal development of the rat after administration of growth hormone or cortisone to the mother by H. TU.C HMANN-DUPLEASNSDIS LUCETTEM ERCIER.- PAROT 161 Discussion: AMOROSOH,U GGETTJ,O S. TM, ONTAGNAS, TRAUS. S, TUCHMANN-DUPLESWSIILSL, IAMS 173 The growth cycle of deer a.n tlers . by G. B. WISLOCKI 176 Discussion: BOURLIBREB, OYD,D EMPSEYH, UGGETTM, AT- . THEWS, STRAUSSW, ISLOCKZI,U CKERMAN 183 Ageing of the axillary apocrine sweat glands in the human female . . @W.MONTAGNA 188 Discussion: AMOROSOH, ARRISON.,H UGGETT,M EDAWA. R, MONTAGNAS, TRAUSSZ,U CKERMAN 199 CONTENTS ix PAGE The metabolism of senescent leaves by E. W. YEMM 202 Discussion: BOURLI~RHEU,G GETTK, ROHNM, ONTAGNAR, OW- LANDS, VILLEEW, ILLIAMSY,E MM . 210 The physical instability of human red blood cells and its possible importance in their senescence . by J. E. LOVELOCK Ageing in human red cells . by P. L. MOLLISON 233 Discussion: AMOROSDOE, MPSEYH, UGGETTK, ROHNM, OLLISON MONTAGNA, PARKESR, OWLANDST, UCHMANN-DUPLESSIS, . VILLEEW, ILLIAMSW, ISLOCKYI,E MM 239 General Discussion: AMOROSBOO, URLI~RCEO,R NERD, ENPSEY, FAWCETTH, UGGETTJ, OST,K ROHN,M ONTAGNA,P ARKES, . VILLEEW, ILLIAMWS, ISLOCKYI,E MM 246 List of those participating in or attending the Colloquium on Ageing Ageing in Transient Tissues “ ” 5th-7th July, 1955 . E. C. AMOROSO Royal Veterinary College, London . F. BOURLI~RE Facult6 de MCdicine de Paris . J.D.Boyo Anatomy Dept., Cambridge University . G. W.CORNER Embryology Dept., Carnegie Institution of Washington . E. CROFT LONG Physiology Dept., St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School, London . G.S.DAWES Nuffield Inst. for Medical Research, Oxford . E. W. DEMPSEY Anatomy Dept., Washington university Medical School, St. Louis . D. W. FAWCETT Anatomy Dept., Cornell University Medical School, New York W. J. HAMILTON Anatomy Dcpt. Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, London R. J. HARRISON Anatomy Dept., London Hospital Medical College A. ST. G. HUGGETT Physiology Dept., St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School, London . A. JOST . Lab. de Biologie Animale, University of Paris. . P.L. KROHN Uept. of Anatomy, University of Birmingham L. HARRISOMN ATTIIEWS Zoological Society of London . P. B. MEDAWAR Zoology Dept., University College, London . P. L. MOLLISON Postgraduate Medical School of London . W.MONTAGNA Biology Dept., Brown University, R.I. . A. S. PARICES National Institute for Medical Research, London . DOROTHPYR ICE Zoology Dept., University of Chicago . I. W. ROWLANDS Institute of Animal Physiology, Brabaham, Cambridge . P. STRAUSS Anatomy Dept., University of Berne H. TUCHMANN-DUPLESSIS FacultC de MCdicine, Universitk de Paris . C. A. VILLEE Biological Chemistry Department, Harvard University Medical School . P. C. WILLIAMS Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London G. B. WISLOCKI Anatomy Department, Harvard University Medical School . E.W.YEMM Dept. of Botany, University of Bristol . S. ZUCKERMAN Anatomy Dept., University of Birmingham xi

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