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cates ox Jnl i op Pay Opes Ov ros Dewury Wau v ae ae LE Anguse 1977 SEYORANDIA FOR: NST Acting DDA SoD: Psychological Assessients A Now York Times article éeeling with the suliact and he Director's cuastions caused hy it ave attached, Please prepare a huoranéiot for the Nirectar, via the Acting DDC, dae covers the folloning: 8. What ve are cureently doing ia in the psychological assessuent. ares god wder wat guidetines and controls, ‘The eno should cover the Teqcirements for svch assesstunts as nell as the ranner in which they are prepared. D. A brio siemary of the VIP sent Program. c,_ Anything on this subhect which you betiove should be bronght to the hixector's attention. Assistaht oT TERRY DIRT “Attactenentss Approved For Release 2004/03/12 : CIA-ROPEOMCO165A002400150015-7 RASS ESP GAZ LEM Rept ndoseagipasoorseo%s.7 ~ Wy 5 ae aie lk donb ia monlensts snd suena? id rst tod augers few heen ‘esse What ste the pessoas pancighee? 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Chanie’ ELsberg ‘shoe ‘peop Fiacticm: " * IA eee a ee | po Approved For Release 2004/03/12 : GiA-ROPEOMCO185A002400150015.7 ‘Approved For Rie 20040512; cia-ROPoOMDOTESAgga«OOIs00I8-7 . ,fAe Min TL ASTINCON — There anol to be 3E goth te. Guo Teelgence Ageey, Sod ee emaieed, Letctens, power Fas kypnones mest tara cope Tow seer aid ted, Stein gt a | omiinen,seeth ctt Vy |. sepa eres Corrie ken hatte se sRrersed ngalamt Atuesicans iIside led Stace. he A K. 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( Approved For Release 2004/03/12 : ClA-RDPSOMO0165A0024001500) COMPUTER ABD INFORMATION S7STEMS DIVISION P. 0, SOX 3720, SANTA NOME, CALIFORNIA 5403 13) 45040500 CONFERENCE AYNOUNCERENT August 13, 1977 TO: FEDERAL AGENCY HEAIS ‘THE MINICONPUTER APPILICATION EXPLOS“CN CONTINUES! Inaginative minécomputer applications are recucing operating costs, increasing aradictivizy, improving managenent contro] and inpeaving quality of services. “tre you planning sflead te bike advantage af these changes in technelogy and ecanomics? fo your sys tom designs capitalize on the rapidly developing power and flexibitity of minfeomputers used alone? in mingcomputer networks? in networks with maxi- computers? Many noted teaders of the minteomputer revolution will apieer in a three cay program announced ir the enclosed brechure. Thay will present an update ard Forecast on technalogical and application trencs. APPLICATIONS EXPLOSICN October 12-14, 1977 washington, “aC: Featured speakers triclude: + Richard Janes, Vice President, Product Bevelopment, Interdata, Tinton Falls, No + Harris 2. Relcha. Qivector. Office of AUP Management, Sept. of the Interior Janes 6. Treybig. President, Tandem Conputers, Inc., Cupertino, California = sohn A. Lytle, Vice President, PRC Information Sciences Co., McLean, Weginia Ned Chang, Senier Vice President, Wang Laboratories, Inc., Lowell, Massachuset Bocause of the anticipated large audience, special provision has been nada for te: attendance at substantial discount, You may wisk to cansol date your organfrat registrations te fnsure ninxirum benefit from the tear fee. Additionai_ infomation and conference brochures may be obtained from Chrts Spark at (213) $60-0500 or from Dept. D-¥ AUIS’ Seninars P. 0. Bax 3727 Santa Monica, CA 90403 Approved For Release 2004/03/12 : C1A-ROPEOMCO185A002400150015-7 Hi ‘Aq Washington, D.C. — Octobar 12-14 ccf atire conferences: Les Angeles, Febraury 1978. ‘cage, fuse 1978 STAT Approved For Release 2004/03/12 : Cia-ROPEOMO0165A002400150016-7 Approved For Release 2004/03/12 : ClA-ROPEOMCO185A002400150015-7

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