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_ I Advertlzement C _ |O rY My wash days were a living hell ! My Cl'l11dI'6I1 sald - - I“, 6 A ,4 P‘ [A mm Q) %%.. '“'—'="?"0" " ~' Mum, out cioihea ate 4f4FK fiuFF ;§?\ 06 gaaaag gntme ' / I / B ‘Qtv é' ;@% '§\ \.:'‘- Q. "A in . **"\ /§L ‘J ‘Q\0\2:»-w v"“*\\ n~ gfggkjh (Q, '%5““”K\ M \*‘ Jl\ K .$‘dc’ \O \/ ......_..... lg R E My husband said: But all that changed w1th new J. »- - ¢=-~ 4? - .-=1»: Y" Q» fe 0/\ formula ‘DO YOUR OWN BLOODY Love, mg cliozfha/.» cute /51/{M813 @182 WASHIN <4’ In 05 gneaag gntm . Y §_fi%&Wv 0"L) @ ..'{§5,d:,,§ ” it O L_/ D0 TOIJKOLIN ~ ,6 fil @ swovvunsmu O /7" D / K‘) §O ~ © “J <-> _ * K 0 ....But out c£0theA....!! DO YOUR I’ OWN BLOODY \ '#l 41% §-..,= @ WASHIN * “m0q"ulhofiw. Q; ( ) Egéfifilffly mw“ @ 0 04--/"“ O 4' »#7 There's the powder, there's the Gets rld of Pl0d y ;1|m< machine, I'm off to dance in the \\ _t___h§1r_ l lmv m'_'"J3:.q"“,,“"j.' woods ll! mm . - - . . - *1?-"\li"" _fi- - __ T ——*’*fT+7 _ - _ _ __ ___-----.....,,,__ __— 7 _ _ __ ____ _ ———-1 - _; if A‘___ _____.._ _..__,_..__,_4—---——______€-—----~- - ——4_a-—_n I ‘50Li>i£i\, 5olDlER woumunttv /“\E 1’; and clubs, and attracts young people from normal that department stores use Notting- NOTFINGHAMSHIRE, better known for throughout the Midlands. “Stand in the Old ham as a testing ground for newproducts. it legend and lace than murder, is Britain's Market Square and listen to all the ac- doesn’t have a drug problem." greatest killing ground. Statistically, the cents," says Chief Inspector Jim Hewitt. Although Nottinghamshire had hail‘ as r—"- - — ~ : 1 - ~ ~-- T’ ii "T": I T " ’ county’s villages and towns," notably Not- ISOLDIER. SOLDIER won? on No sneer/-|A|o so OFF 5H6 (/JENT To HERGKHMDFHTHERS “They come from Derby, Leicester, Birming- many killings in 1990 as in 1991, other evi- tingham and Mansfield, are more danger- no nanny mt, an-rH I cannot M5337) You ¢H€$'\Z Arm BRoUoHT HIM A Hm or -rn6 ham, Coventry. it is a Mecca. There is a dence suggests that last year was not a sta- ous than the streets oi‘London or Liverpool. tribal element. it is like the football match; Twenty-tour people were killed in Not- tistical freak. in I989, the latest year tor "'i\J$;<FEIFE,TAND ibicgfi NO i/ER)’ \/ER); BQS-T’ AND SHE BROUKTHT mp] A you suppoI1 your own team.H . e which Home Oiiice iigures are available, tinghamshlre last year - one for every '' ' ' “""I>i*"rnEvErw\1ER~/ sear. AND THE Nottinghamshire has mining areas and 40,000 people. Figures for London, Man- Nottinghamshire recorded the- country's . - .\ 5oI.DIER 9UT IT oil... N -' I .11“ -'-2: 3? highest proportion oicrimes ofviolence: '7i6 the “coal-face culture” oi “work hard, play ____.J chester and Merseyside ranged it-om one in hard" accounts for some killings in Mans- r--J._I--_-_-_-I per 100,000 population against 451 in Lon- 48,000, to one in 60 000. don, and 355 in Merseyslde. .. , ~.,\ ilei_d, a top poilce oiiicer said. But Dr Bean .7 I OW“ _ ‘ ‘* ?' .Yet, according td a Gallupf survey last says it. goes deeper.-.t‘lt is aatrange. place,. -1;»: -Nottinghamshlre,-»Dr Beansaya, “has ai-. ._.i. year, whichIcombined-o_IIlcial_. statistics=oi‘ =. terribly introverted.» On top of the macho E.=waya~-beenr lilfigthls.-" ii‘ you go back to the housing, education and.I_health._eare with» l ' " 192tll Ind 19 "it had a high murder rate’ world there are family-v_endettas."' -_-'ii '-'T'““':-';'?""“"-- “' '1-!~'1'1‘I\-.vv. .-. "43 ~a-I =1-;=‘-'.:I..'-.'-II";|-'.s-..i-'..-av ' - -- -- I . peop e s views of their community, Notting Yet neighbouring Derbyshire, aisoa tra- I I “I I I \ JNVASEON of-\'a-I5 with a-_very-high concentration oi violent hamhasthehighestqualityofliteinBritain. It isalso,accordingtoDrPhilipBean,direc-.I., o‘ti‘ences.”-'-'- ' ~ ‘ IM1, - -- . .-.-- ditional mining area, has one oi the coun- -\_____\_: —.__‘I_>__/.....I\ try’s lowest murder rates. So do Durham, tor oi the Midlands Centre lor Criminology Old emu, he says, die hard. “Just go to '43 J‘-9:.‘ W I 1 I “""'- —- I-.'~'7'..'I\"$’-'.¥iI‘!i-‘iii-‘i$'?'i-TI "!i'.T§'-v.'.rr:*"-'-." Northamptonshire and much-maligned Es- Nottingham on a Saturday night. it can be at Lpughborough, the typical British city. fearful . . . ‘Young people surrounded by po- sex. Britain's safest streets are in lnverness |‘IJ.. ‘ 7 {;-"'|': \"'.‘\';- W,” T ‘F 6 6‘ ( l - I M. I “its population comes closer to the national - , -_‘-'.'.-' . - 1 -I -. I " I and the City of London, which saw no average than any other city in terms oi the lice cars waiting for the ritual to happen, k i‘ -fiJ . I J'1! L , . + ,dJ“oQ / I and it does.The homicides are an extension killings last year. ' numberoiold andyoung,workingclass and _/'_ . I " * . middle class, black people and almost any oi that ritual!" to I <':‘I:§' .._i;: 1b--..-2 I i I 7 GCSQ?4 L£JL1?EBl€E?Y’r7D;:;:dQ%‘ #' / \ I .;_‘ ‘_|_, -. . _. , other indicatoryou care to mention. it is so . _- _,Nottingham's city centre has 200,pubs - " \- _'II _ I ' . i '- . I=_....."—-A-_.-___ . _ g _ '_. £5-_'_ ' .{;"'__- D J _ ‘--§-Iu-nu-.fl,,,___-a. ,, in 4' WOMEN'S _ --‘<5 ,.a|Irr_':'.- M ,__,,, ‘U ’ ’ I I .i~__‘:;F;-.%t'r-'{l._I'i‘ ,_'aIat-'ZS"fi-- - I " ._--"' "' II’3.1¥“ '":{§?"“" _ L.‘l...§.. *1 %.- —- ‘r. "- .._ 1'-_ "" I -I £ "' '" --— ‘LO’ --Q - - /-ji-U ' -"' -- " "‘ . ?-"~ " "' ___ _ """ _ .,‘___ --Qua» . 1 I C" THIS lSSUE'S C.l.A. WAS BROUGHT ' 1_-"-'-o.I'_r1,,.,--.:_1_‘,_—.a*-_-!‘-—---=-§I‘r""'.:?.Q_pQ_'-_- __,~_—--1'-5._-‘’-_-"s~-_1“-"»I="''_"._I.--_7.—-' __*_ -"'-!''v-1--"I-.'-7D"-''_-' _L_l -' "“-'___ ' _- ' __ ".-_-_—1:"&_ ".--'7P."’--_,"'f.?—--a'v-»_:-'I..I-—;__'"°T'-.~1.. _'' -'=.-‘.--'_T--"-.,-,"_1_“_¢"3_¢lD'_a_*-._‘ .‘~. 0 a u II J i-- 1-._._ -.. -—-1 . Q -. 1 _ -_-___ ...;_'_ '_ - , _ _.,- >1 ___ ___ , - ~ -V _ . - ._ ‘oi-i:l'ili.r-I TO YOU BY THE FOLLOWING $0LDIEPc$oLoI.€K won? on Nost~.I6E1'M|oU '‘ T I ‘ TT I TY I TTTy .;:|.:\-‘I You MERRY !'It:,I-JITH I CANNOTMARR7 Yo I9. SAFETY eased ‘ gown MUSKETPIFE moo B€CfiU$€t|-|i\\iEJi!~.lO 1 Q19/\_ I PEOPLE: Q53 Rim. ...'? coat-romr on 1 _ , 50 OFF SHE HEHT 1'0 HER <:RflNDFH'IHEK3. Qifisli Mo ssovont mm A om-r or -rm-: I E?-T-1'1 AITCI-I ESTELLE v 3 I :"°:R2>;’ .Y2E RifY:*BE.S:Tfi. A¢ND>s;ume 8#KoIKrHT HIM A 30 -YOUDG CI-A g 1 i ,1 AKIKO EW/\ ‘\ E-. BOLSHY BETH JEAN BOYD AULD I l ‘ ii on liléllsllfliit/fl“‘3.?i/€@§‘§iiil99l>. ~ ' *- - --AND THI5 HEMT on ‘SEV€KAL.'TiMES AS CHARLOTTE J OYC E 3*T'"'551,“; g I l;;.1\, 1'HE 5°!-PIER HAD Mo BOOTS, movscas, , I5’ McI<&'Ij, socI<S.- ._ BASICRLL?’ HE »Jeeoeo~ DONNA K.C. I ' \ ’ 4')/ yI ,“\~ an some /vw wnaozosc. so1'nE sneer EBONY FURNISH- PAULINE II s ' ' "W0 INWT Bold Polo FORTH vmn, HER ‘:-~__.__ -i" O. gt I‘ qemwi coast Mn! (.OM?LET€L.‘/ i2' so Q ae T". ($'9~P|i'~iD /VT ' V0 Goddesses, ERICA SNOPES __.__}__* The Fly Gills and I ante KH-:.\--1___ t_,-._.______ 25.I._.» '____'______- 1 _-.-_=¥‘~J‘-'-_"_‘:"TH:‘:_?7-""-.~'"-'i“—T1‘§.'_-—.I_,.s I ---1-.'2- ‘ _j I hangin' out in my cltib maxin' an’ Icelaxin', 1""''~E-.,_=..-:-. II.;_l;---— I’a_H}--“I-‘II-.-—._.-.--#5-_--‘=*.s—--1.-,--.' \\‘.~1"‘Z-* ..,-../t-Z-'. 1.'- -' -"-I’!-- .--;-_g\'*3.-g,"'_-_-‘ -_._,:_-a...._, _-_-_ —---|_=!'.*"...-- ..;--In.‘ _..h- ' 2 . *-/T‘ C.I.A. NUMBER 16 APRIL 1992 "' ‘ _..:-;_q-¢’.=' "*I'._L~—-1I'.Z"’- .- - - - " .p- dissin' the btothets an'shit an’ we healized ‘*""-----_""'-- ---1.._‘ .=“"' --- --- -r —-5:15---’;.-. - -“-'.7""' --'— ‘T?-- -'. " -' I 5TARS ‘—_ _ 50tDiER.5oLDlERlii0MT1" OH No swéerwnialiol it was about time 6011 some Sistelt Unity an’ ‘ Yot) "IFiKRY MI-1.wI"rH I csmdofntnsyJ You" J Copyright @ D.M.G. No part of this shit. we Sistets got nice shit an’ we gonna I YOUR M\J$KE:T Pm: mo Because I nave A 1 0R\.Wi....? uIFEoFnvoJ-Int I fllaunt it. we've had it with dick swingin' comzine may be reproduced without i I4- J_§:£<ATE BUNNIES‘ Tel: <5 __ bullshit. This is ggg time an'this is out prior permission of person responsible -/I - '“ ’ ‘I ii-IT$ I .. ) I thyme, for the part. So NO nicldn' ! 0.K. ! ,g\ sh. adore 5T°R>’ SPECIAL. !.' Thanks Lyandah. Checkulatet. So it's all overt. The dull scuttling 05 the gtey men, C.I.A. welcomes contributions, so send pn- Q iv pertveyorts ofl GREVNESS to the yawning masses us your cartoons, strips, scripts, 1607'/IQ fl7easw-e op/i /7761. BUT AT LEAST ‘THERE'S NOTHING GREV ABOUT Q‘i'I\., V."" ; articles, letters, clippings, samples, _.___=_..:.,.‘ I::::I ' H l far’ C.I.A. 1o,w0nAns OWN ISSUE. Instead 06 John stories, reviews, recipes, quotes, hair I /’I I " -I " \ .//' i 7 S @ Qnofifila Ii; I - ‘ _ y , ' I this Gney Eminencei Majot we've got Madonna. _ ‘___ 4 " ‘H care tips, ideas....etc etc. ill I ' I ' I D /$9 In place ofi Paddy Ashdoom we have Bitches ;;;=.;isi,-i,r"__,_—~— ‘,_g_-1'5-'l‘_"_'=“_~=-_j_:-Z.-T-"-‘~_'€+ . .. . ' - .I _ . -- -‘.2? -'=-€_-—=.--""“*-‘--~: '-'-'-'.?¢-" -:.:'r...._ . -"—-"%"--"—-*-'---="-'-"FP-5-"l."7"-'"1-"‘ - _--'.-i.'"!I' ~ ~ '1" i _-J-;'_=_It\'!.£\“ 5-Z""“'_‘_-F . _,,;1\,_. fili:-_.|,-_| 9 . .%g“T_l1‘=,-TxH:iIH_‘T..."--|-4-'r .1. _—-—- -I”__.,-:- _ ,:\-,, iii. - 2 .' - with Ptoblems. We oflflet you, not Neil —---»- --_.-—“"--—_e_..---—."—""'*=a--.' — ..-,_. ..._ -Ir" -I if _ ';-_'--_r_"’;€-._..L*__--1__-l"'- -a3h--.1 - ‘- £ ~' 0-IInIt--:§—I‘ Our address is: C.I.A. ,1"-;.-"T"--___-—.2~_-.-~'I_-7‘-—'=§?~:4-'="-Ti‘1-Z‘_.T{—'!_"-'-‘I5-.-I=__ .1 ;i)_=;_'I ~_..,*--..e I _-'.._.-_=v —_J';-_" _""'—' ‘-*__a'-—A- ‘_ "_ -'4''47; _'1_-—'-7---.?‘T"-i-Q- I H. fi—_;-1 _ 7 i _<_ Kinnock but Queens 06 The Cloakltoom. So ARTS on Rentu/.-..? mono so LC]!E.... oimmernary T I ;...gT %n¢___2!2‘ Ia N D E unhook those stays, slip into something silky, bteak loose the Cadbunies Moments and L I-II -¢-~ ,. Al. voun ouesnus Alusweaso 2 - HYSON GREEN ptepate to INDULGE youtselfl. NOTTINGHAM t 1.; By the way, we've had alot 06 complaints I _| $- q\ NG7 6BE I I 12 2115 a Feminist Heterosexuality fltom blokes lately. Not about anything. Just -g G"*:2»_ ,3} --'» \ °* Possible <> I. ENGLAND complaints. It's what they do, tight‘? itiell um? - K" ._ (‘Q b1-I'‘ . ii - /vs, they aJren't going to make out lives the Q»-I in ‘I . v 4-" ‘ ;/ 1‘'Z-r’ 4‘ ‘ HOLIDAY (“UIDE - -/iii‘ //' I 4*!‘ 2.2" TOTALLY CREEPED SCENARIO that theits ate. So all you Noaning Minnies can fluck tight 056. C.I.A. ~ not as thick -' iii. - V5 __‘ __. I / -<n%k__q_ \‘lg 9!""- The test 06 you, ENJOV. “1| *II I as the othets --‘"5"-i-.__ w.,._...__;;;_, E/Compeilibionllme -._ rW. I ‘ . (2"59 Di Snopes 5-2-1“-\__Y.1=*=f'ifZl,-5-‘“'__-.__:-I-'_ F._'-_i—s-_1.‘-“.N,-.I,"._rT~-".-..i__x:.=_...-.-_=-'"~’-_~_-__3‘-,”:—I_="'-I"__._:_:'_--'-_3n.--'—"L‘:-:<_;—-_-_-_a.;' _ _.__—-_.."r;I:ar-;.-‘-"._'-..‘ 3_1 ;‘;.--'--""IHI,f5"’. l'..._,.-- Ic"a IF.|,.'|-A‘.r;‘__._a..l..l.’_fi—-t1'}1.B-___I - ~-1?’-‘.-".-.'.';.’Y.§' . . ti‘-"'~;_IL Q-I ~ - '-‘UI’¢Z.-_ '__ "-~ ___.____ ' ___ , . . “-_-_--1,-..,._...=-1I-n——-_-.:n1_\"“_“_'-"'—_"-_I-.-_——'‘--';:g..,.—..:v:“_'1'-"1-‘---c_t_,:-_.--Zr-"-ll -*-I—1"1--'—.-.-—~:-=~-.'_—-_--».-.._~:_.-.---~,¢..-...' .-~—.e_'-_-IQ-_-’ .~~.»Y~+.:-'_=_.,-;.=-:.r~-7.-':-.—.-.'-1‘.'»-=*.s._-. . * ~ -I K -.~ 0 U ‘ ,' HELL now sues A moot-1.... _ @ H, I . 1 Kw C.I.A. T6 is dedicated to out mothets, t 21;. Q/Lundmothelcs, out glceai gtandmothets, out ._ \\, i 26 ees<<>n@u oer/thug Femcestots, out aunties, out grzeat aunts, Mi/in ' fin 5:1 out sistets, out blood sistets and out blood I .1 b- "T oE5:9§c~ sistets sisterts, all out flemale pets J/‘_1"’ I I ,4! *1 27 1Ys>@veo=@?z?/©,Z§_‘€>>_ ii?’ ‘I?’ ‘ “' co including Ethel the goldfiish and Kali the as ;d" Jack Russellyteruiiet and to nit nunses, \I\ i I L I I I: ! I. { \ cookety teuchens, school ca/tetukets wives, Ii ' T I O "1 ad '_. '. ‘t_ _ J k I ,'/ ll K I Q lollypop ladies, the woman in the sweet shop /as ‘- h "9 $T<;Ii%|§0;§ BO‘-De?‘ DA2-'4“, §'2,S“"“l wk-— t 4, ac I -' I -I , I ..\ '‘if-'5'‘ J, tight next to out school and flinally, to the i _ | H’__,..a-' v ‘I’ ' §¥%%§§§§§%%%g§%%%%é§%;§f:i3s is» "'"' “-' °°"L H 7‘ . ‘av-"E. LL_-.. 7'.” \,, L)_ I‘ . ' ' »=1-\""".' .-‘I-"'»7'" ..i.- .- ..-.» . Fem—Fount within us all. -' p" _a~_ . 1" \ l.~-T'\I '\ :,,_.- '- ' I" I - J" - \..-P"! _ _ -Ii _ “-1 El-INOBRE M» .-. ‘ 1-14 :-5 -- wJ~A _\-»\\° \'~\- fin”, fi“,. n~'",‘1nn1nJ0IAInQj=—- -_:, _"£--._ "' "0. " '-' 794' "'04 -. ‘F _.';’l\ '01? Em —'= .. e-. .._--_-.. .- - -..5,-es- -"fiflfiflmvom ’uq,w7;:ld@;?;t74;,gFi' }’;;.'8e};f-'._$_§J 2- '3' f‘°"'° "v" " ‘Z . guao rad 98 e..10J1sI\-II_[.1#a~."'*"ri’rIF:e B '-ii‘ .. ‘-E E »‘Isive1§ga°°_fi.'L‘§__'g ,. 4. -; T"‘.>_Z@.€.I'!E?F arnimueam 210501, Aux: "tn we i 3<1'9=0.;.,_1's9.,5g* 3-1g;!e) n;e',”l=0:’.:9»I- f8“:». - I ‘ H'3 0a _ - r2»0T:15»- sir.- a.\o.idurr- oi samsea'u .7’ - It ‘ Y.' ‘-Q1‘I6". 5JIu; ‘Th"‘~\ \‘-l\.g\_L topa- '<."§?{Paj“'nQ’ ‘"41, " 1-» ' ' 8Iapafles :7IV/»9''71./0 Iii HIIE PHI FIE I'\€m\B|1'|'|_P5 OIPwu0511 3!. , HIT SI0o‘.ny IHS . A ‘M __ "' 1 - -='P .'" ..Q.0.-_vss"'W'E-I TIM‘.‘ED guhsme, FvHaoEwIJTEiSteLmEE ; ma mBm€IF. FIRlEM%’ .--.‘fl1u iasm9 3obT3of,ydeo-\. :- §L_Hho is your heroine/hero 7 - besides your family ' .- " H704 3 EEM75 U 3IF=1-%I ieiria BIB-TIA" no At I0 Donna 44 C I A 4 youngut ‘.-5 J MUCi eg0wees e? H1l.EUU1R _ ml m ‘C’ 5u3;, “‘Te-,1-‘Pu j ta ‘H1 D I'd like to be myself \Q Eaégé conUr4buto4 La/st 444112 4he. wrote a ‘lfllq_u§p\uo.'3d §.A“ ire nanu-QCPar _ _ UNH1 "186 4ho4t 4to4g 604 u4 Th44 444ue. 4he_ 44 _S___ What quality do you adnire in yourself 7 ... = K1-Jp‘!l =- r1i"'IiI1é5I es. F1‘;-Tea Et-IF- =a 3?; ‘fioaéi SO paftfl‘Iu:-1 gifi D I'm mature for my age 32;- U2 . ' m§e”°'e' C 4nte1w4ewe.d by Snopu 1- 7 Ow..n; J"\ ‘.111 §_ what quality do you wish you had 7 Tu‘'h ll! gM.iii“ has 5 all" D Better spelling P.Ja5n9“"-.“1 IiQMngqWc\!M //H; h g°f1@ .= o n c Home at school is Madonna right 7 How do you ,,.‘:."|":\'--:. ~\..- \ H‘ 3V9 hea e a u S_ What do you admire in other people 7 :_“IgQ'l :._-:‘_.31=;-;Uq19 , 1L’i)n '0-(_ *4 e§§*_ .1“! H ¢§°5a D Personality %_;' ejefliET I nkhéfis i'Bo'it°ic e hego I oE'Qe£i g =8 s pa etic §__Nhat do you mean by that 7 @f;s.;§§" 75 Syfs dgg you think she's a good role model for young women of D Offering to help people °§§§ig\\(tR0‘ (Q00'5 /I I se\°w.' 0°10?Ni "‘'‘Je41- dn'6,“4 9-) b.:“|\“-r\ +- 01;‘- Is :: § F In! TI ad tJ'__' -’ -I _- Ft ':~"*"<‘<‘"-‘T‘Q-i-¢\. _; §\ 4-4,__ E41 -*:<v "‘ %'I‘-bQ0u, ~“II-'97.4» rape n IreI%nd].Hd IR ytwon t Ie e er av 15% g grtion \ te§§s;>“ ‘ _ ,_Q\ "L-19' _s,, 1Qé - -- .a5-"' 0%4~:. g't.' Q“ '90» ‘Q1 ""0. Y: 4_| u-";'..l-'4O--u‘ _.3-o_l-5 2FIIQ-:i"FI-A1.i \1.. .-~:- "\ti’.-" .\\\U 1--~" EPWQ0 SVFApPolite) She's so pathetic and dirty D upt h s her cislon If she wants an 4 _ w?” facet Isonry a?Q¢>.;,“m; Og°se -rat” ‘ -‘Lu ~71n'-:-'_"'- 5L/'>§DL/‘I DYeiarhtysh7e Issnashges 7the floor "-'~K.."*";'::='--‘ aDSbowNrhoetonninthseIreeblasabnyodus bThohaernvyewI'odIn'thavleet ihteardopted sx_.-ei t iiSCAFPPo€s.s/:'5|lIu'-.N|'ST'IK.. U.Y&\<\.,'J-E"£’ '$-'~I‘E*~k.- t, I0.-.b.sy-0I-su-q.Iét'k-‘7tpI:.,‘h(.1*_5‘,I5.:-\Q\‘.\e25-_“"_\:"‘0“';\\e‘.lf)"'9l-.>r~4139%1"J.",,5_-,’1’~»/<"”7/.I2=’1.../‘-b%9k9_’'-T9P"§.(",-0)QC-0.ea-.»4,{9,I"’~9iv-?I(-n”1;"/0-1u00Ofi7//Q.19’'e9‘I9J‘"91,‘.-?T‘-_;Q4-T.‘I'Q,3-L0--':_x.:i_ts3-0103-q.Hh6to-01.4!c“',1O\'\§oe’-v-'3iwP"hu.:_!30-L381Jrrhwg.fiI-n1!_‘+Hd'aO ;Qa_a“e\lto5pfi"m}F'\.ng.Y‘‘,-E‘1“2;E4_:1-‘3rS.sE-!§L-.3.04"O‘Y'1%HpWS1U80] 0W C0 hS-.I a"lIIlI“::-"3":2-S'‘a:07.8”'3I[.S‘ "Ilvs"'\(.é'i)ll7-“Q1?U;|‘'e0"“JF"V908“8IP0E"L4a d04p*» §_ Do you object to her sexuality 7 w.-,1fi:-:' U :e.:./_/Q.{_3,3I;-0“9#R7#-:7.‘:-cThe\ oQ“4, ‘\t.-‘e“,4“.\ -D7,.7-/,(.9‘Jo4,09-'lb" ,.,1_9'34'944*eO‘°/0°0,J0°94I'/;J>,» ’.2=.<nu;aDCB‘5¢»h. a-.‘ tw- fl w.hat ‘,23’-Gk lCU1LY- DDTUJ )2 mm T :010.’0'/4| PwhE fiIt5p:}g:baulieo h Y hggtgiggbggwaua 'gshaggin the floor Don t you £3. '=':_e_3_ ‘¢»$.?_“ee, MwD'\T\¢wbwi Qt“a‘O/%;O£J‘:’_§, J w0 .’0ae/Pa0':‘?¢> /5'9 499,,‘/0 J9-3' 19' gr)‘; 'L“‘c‘c5 be \\\“e 5‘ WEI YDBI W Q 7+ %_.:'¢,°e.\s677-‘ff’appears ‘°fi , :\\b"" 1-EY SINHIIIIHE l~EI3HEN3) H X“ What music do you like thi best 3 5 '1" Jo -..~.~ ,. vi, \ . _ -J .. " t Q4 ' ' “'<=’*"%‘,°a we one teem. ours sevsmr smii not b .2? 2 ',"i3¢c oi uaaemwmammwwmmm W Guns 'n' Roses E2 §i PE/'17/005, “Ammq\.“\ ., . _; ... t\R 94"' Q r) /r I6 E"" 2 :7 # rose o= re mam H.LE . ERE. 0-D war mm; oumm 7 __ that do you like about them '> FERl1I3"'3Tfl\(UUlTM I11 Bill RI}fl' I14 loo 2a%r__ Q—l Qiber esc '16m:y.1.%;L It alri ht b t s e e s ch n in it ever; 2 nths I AN INEQESFNG 75/>1cs Ik E ght o,s c e or a cou le o y The change in rrusic gig goin own e dra n Do you pay much attention to the word of the songs 7 '5 " S How 7 L/15!./IGU7 L_ -_,-- -*—" 1-. _-I er e r alwa s ot the s tu e They r D B5 9 ILHI o, E n no ieshaetod , 9 9) h QEE T n 5h Q em n he; SH lgg ygugggtsyggé Qgggnrognd the songs that are I ead an JUS% changes E1? an uses em U 5? -a D I don't listen to them W what about Madonna's videos 7 UW1-L Q00 §_ Do those sort of songs reflect on the band as people J It .11 Should be on later They're shit A load of balls I dag fiogheéngrghg ymean it Most people who are into g_ 5 Q5 U fl \U0l_l -rn -In. Sn ‘ '_7': ind the contrac- has H viable {mu C ‘H4 Q U|,(j ou Ehi k o r b other's attitudes are affecte y §},=‘?I1n.', == VUn g$1-» : e"-.n e ual meas-ure, r. ')1!U s-=9!; ..eo 4 : M _will .W W~-vld “a-w Wu='\<1-or 5 330$“*= ‘"on* -- ~- CPL/'!C7(..l'lIJTJDa on glgegutgarfilge catri d up [IR he ail?“ oioés awn ¢ I V 0d ‘li H HQ U EU UH §US " "7 -.~- -j."—T ,5-.3’ ifiaf. -Ul'0Il?ll1lC| will ne\-- p.r uccr Sc‘ Hg Programmes such J "'0 "-’-to )3 P10 Bing] flu JO‘/IO‘ - -wO‘:)q~. adoing PU“ "°'.55!‘umg" '.s>"\\.,\.\\5' 9*“ Ago‘? A-mutplo Jo we?“ B gmag .. ... make the oroiect pav and that the as Mulder and The Bl” to the nmwoflri um"! ‘DP \‘~is'“°'~ Ed-‘P he,E//I41 SL734. Dug.-11;... 1111.4 otlicq F 1°} d“'.'\*s 4.05 _..b@$4>°\\ ax". 135,398 qgtlom . pu°un99.L 3 I think t e e talkinaaa out a articular woman in ' "r" -- - "’" ' rs " ' ' ""' i t ou gee men doing that sort of thing with mo e s he song No l women y e she ave em permission ei vi eos Advertizement D I know, but Madonna THE FLOUR Madonna is a disease What keeps you awake nights 7 A PuHiC bur rl I, Do you -love your man ? Bob ‘l Next door's music - in sunny -'-it 503,; S what do you think of boys 7 Do you want to be with your man ‘? »- No I meant what do you worry about 7 FT.oi-la IR d gends what their personality is 99 are rm. A ick ea Nothing really I keep my light on all night But sometimes does your man S why 7 ___Hhat word or expression do you use most 7 k~- , _.\ make you mad ? he I15 o e y to be t ‘em - os who do you think I am Mary Poppins 7 *>"I)|h{3 WI" g t of Shoot I I be afrae eir mates ormen ng What s your favourite TV progranne 7 Are there things about your man \ §__what do you most fear from boys or men 7 Murder Squad Anything else 7 gkttwef/~;~,§‘ Hease you wish you could "change ‘.7 Ah mélkkfid ego30i£,tbE yeI ke me I know they ' re goin ‘ No I think we've done it all E)airmail But he just doesn't seem to listen ? What about if I found a lot of money S what s that 7 UK What would you do if you found a lot of money 7 D Havin' me on If the answer to all these is ‘Yes’, Give it to my loved ones give it to my mum EL/13$./1$C3@L/33L/‘TEL/7 illlilu §__why is that so frightening 7 Isn t she one of your loved ones 7 then we've got an answer for you. let. Helm... I do t I ke bein' ri ked a ver ne at sc ool 3 IDQ U" U me Q01" 9" I9 3" C3111“ D su SE you re right I think seriously I'd give o he BI e ovgew Send him flowers. /\ --fig‘ Aren't you bit young to be going out with boys 7 S The PDLICE 7 \-I ‘V want Age doesn't matter Its their personality D Hand it in but keep some of it Yes. Send him a bunch of Interflorist 0, Chi-7'5! §_ But suppose you HUN it in a lottery 7 O70- red roses. A special arrangement Have you any close girlfriends 7 5 D I igk I'd gye it up If I ever had children Pafer with a’ very special message. o No 1 had one but we moved Save 01' "W '1 "YB" u.mbr¢"a What about charities 7 5 Ar n't the re any other girls you could have a Eben? ien ship wi h 7 Cot death Just cot death 7 gltfifis aEI1;_!]:P'l‘t;3£ r3 oet back vitHe$J“'1§ e ys ._ Cot death and the RSPCA I/Q6 Q 0‘! r- 5qd '6 ' Nothing else 7 014.3260IL”/4s1,fé"65 :_;~ ,»-- SQIUJEYQ ljfl. §_ How do you see yourself ID years fron now 7 Cot death Salvation Anmy and RSPCA h 15.7 Q‘ (5 born ijnornnk I N 6 ___Nhat about people starving to death in Africa 7 K.PC Q/4-f éew ‘ll I t q¢Bg seen plenty %¥°tooEe5eoS‘%%T3tiBoeRio%' the 0 Tell em to get stuffed or S S would you like to have kids 7 Why s that 7 -- bFE\!/CV3 eahnb trz do“ n'e'X I’-To ¥r'§a¥EeE“tt'l5n§I itmleii Not really I don t know Sen ou on Cl/'7@U"3CL/TEL/7@ .¢eY'“-01s» ,Q__ gnog t because you think they're too far away to worry (1. ftllnlhj lnterflorist §_ what are you going to do when you leave school 7 Cot4r'.S6? D No I don't know what I'd do with it if I had it I'm onna go to welding college and I'm gonna try to orm a roup Cwbon / __ How do you win friends and influence people Donna 7 ,,s“_o“\,v'$ Guaranteed to get through to him §__Nhat sort of group 7 Mixed or all women 7 I need the toilet F?i<l|e $0’? D Men and women I'll be the singer f "_'?'-iii M&D_G_lRL -- we 7- e vw ates" *-*'=~°"~' ° “- 6‘ . ' . . . . . FA1-QHQL was pfciuwl em by most of E1/UL _r 5 ' so she wa"5"'5m OUTSIOER . G61 really *\<1"¢°' M" boqs 'o‘.-r-Ti“l;q BQ Etl the atcu..| slu. §'lldd2.'\\j V O0 ' ' . but wasqp-aid oj hzr cos sht had Q N’-'“P"-;“_'Ss*“" OX'a\:_Q CL?! g!!“£0 guztie. t0 CVLL ¢~¢-wnaleol on I361 bail/h sud-\ Viol-¢.nC.(. I910-L 9.4:!/'\-to 6~JaSn't l:I-uch but -£v¢-"‘Jth"19 sh‘ wrath“ ‘:5 she’ bod; ' Iq d. I: D1 t B61 pottrontztol ht!‘ /</"d °f J“'”b"d “P So”? chow. gomctsmllsaw her S(J\'°o. people we ‘First 0 Shag-an wLt1’\ t$:J&?'?2n|?1c'ke oufoif til}. mend that he hfld '1 /4q,al;}6s . S‘!-is gob ajobm ldoolwor I A bissnse. . She le.;t; a.S.a.p tmgo be wt '-'- ° ma ¢J4)p shop on£,_l:lM-6.50:!!! mitt"; ¢°~" shq has Song kind of Job to do u.>\l-1'1 (Mt <1-*\d~ that 5012- oltid. lives alone.- B/1-CH QU_E§]i{_-- never‘ Cmed qf CQUI/9 us Shefd had !3LA)f/y_V_5:-_F_'_I€L_1_)_Qy§§_H_-—-was tEaJJ,Stror9 and, -6-(0--c_u-J= fag-gong’ - S110-w b, ~.J0-S.fllb E00 bf’'9 b-ut had m_c't_g-n/D-rrc- enlz and (2><c_2J/{ed I‘n all 5"""''95 II’ /‘i \\ I » I "\/fir- CL ‘S1/rwbiotic. I-Q./a.C1c:fHSl-TIP wfrb‘ Q CIQVU gm’ wt; /7//vs/c/14., She didn't; newt to be» -5”’7‘-"*4 O" S‘/W TH/97' /acked /42,. confydgngq _ Tb Q/r~/_$ $11.0, Cb/1-$rd.Q1td' I ppm, has 5/we <4...r<x ow-1': H-P Cm-'-1°""“’-E .\ /I64//v BITCH be /1121' )nfer'ror‘$‘('”°5'T OFUSD Ska‘ Could be Slienmg 9 >\ ‘~ - Q’ /\\ 7' T- /vi S/12 C/40.8.0 to. 5/1.0. otooa/.FQd H4?‘ ;w:l{2;uz_ pa.éroniz/Q-:19 crr cur evil t0*'M°J'lt°"- H°""9°°' ‘For 4/vo I'LL RIP bog 2 ( most of (7-,a_ feathery, Shoe JO/rm. her‘ 1:0 F/9/L ea become heed 9'7"/J be eeewv 5°" M/q_F'§ /~e/' Shel c s¢J~§e>/_----- You/=1 FACE :>\ nea/1derl:ho.f. .;ar-me.» and spend hr-7‘ 71/"3 “P 5° hi’-" OFF I .’.’ ii (‘\‘%"”\ k/19.5.5‘ }/7 pi? S/‘lib -.. \ ''r|:''|.' J5 iii \ - PSST... uI§" =2=:’; ’ \\ ii ;fI '1;-a-' I.1 =1’ '\l>‘“\ LINDA AND =-“5-V4 \\\-_.\\__ 5 ‘ I5“ \ __ _ IF. ai§!:gg‘\_\- lm CID? 'n-/ -2' '"1'-5e J$l— CAROLE FIRE -.‘;,_I-/J?' \ .t|i!lo"‘¥=:-.;.ni1 5:_ \a\—ll ALN/‘IVS TOGETHER AREN'T THEN. . ___/,1 d ha C £913 nqang, Q; -- £9613 QUQI 01171. > I BET THEY RE §»l§%;Ne%$5,%t{?%%.'».aoQa 6230.5 inl C1! 5'46-Fl'“‘5t 5° -5-'5 Z§5"s_Z>%'_§':'c:FZ'-alot or‘ of; 10012513 a4!C€r‘ LEZZIES! get 8050;-y|S‘_ 553 rolled Htf‘ $}Zl7't U-P -chart and I'I()h’2€J"OL4-S YIUZ SIBIIWQS. P“;/780‘ on her he pp. f3-ows wt-"<1 Q'w<=u45 '?'“'4""3 to - beccume She had ~#ew -/r'i¢r1d5 and no detences 1..L==U ywgoehtfbra and put thew“ h¢1"d-3 UP '7' 5" "'3 /ga ya/d M6 had Sex with her~.;aL'l»1e.r. S Q She's a Soh'cilIOf' nod. 9| Le/6: a. s‘.a.p and I olont: knew what *\¢\PP¢"¢d -- A . ~ $ CO 1/L2,!‘ . 3: _J_:._ .. 1;“ . 4.. :;.'§.,.:_; $2,.‘ _ //A1>:.'I':.4 £1-_. @"€€.»Y.~ was the 9'” “We” EXAM QUEEN - was the arch.nJ:'4{=-e\1- 7 -==-.-:1 -.-vi Q . . I I . - ‘Q li.vI . OI.‘ }.~| '.' 2'55}-,"¢M( 1-D b[Fi5tic.a.d by . She ooasfcievc/' and ".‘.’.l"{'n"" I. L-V.’ "'u\'iv.' ‘Q’! Z>'r~c-:-t'.'1?n_q‘_§I';~-(:"'"i;_olustrio14s near st hi-4’-(1, I-tad a"(=:."|."~:_ .'h,o~\"..Iln'a1."n.‘:l'f,rl.1\"0‘,I:f-a".I‘\I'.>’ ":.‘‘ 0I '-\‘n *5 .- '5'?‘ ‘I '|:.‘:,| ‘II’... n° I'l,l\‘\'\ ~‘| "C...o‘ 9O(*9€Ou_S‘ Ma 0,1514 Iw'c..zuw,. wade SM Me? S/<4» 0... Q . 0 0- .. -q‘. "0. I -0 '\ J‘ ‘$.12-» Ito)”, 'I0. I ‘a-IQ.’-r 9" n-‘I‘ /‘o v 0!} ' ‘(I-' Z1 '\.$""\'l%§ "0"! ° |;. '. 1 u.I:Q..‘ _g Q’. ‘r. /34¢ (3300/1,b£cam.e ct mane #1 L01-'u0(.O"| a/1-at tzravdn " :0'c.:~_:.‘ 1 ,0‘! “IS I\Q was a _FofQ_i9/\ tO_hQ('. ghfl. UQCIS QV-El . M" '-I-I--‘-‘II-I-' .1:-'----'.-... -7‘-1'-7-‘~.'-.:': q.(O¢; @0101 61 6U(/I’!/LGLI1 b&£7(.u-61.-I1 rwcrs/mg 470 0(Q bribttant. 0-C Unzuersrby , have a lorilltanll '1',’ °"' ' ‘H "" /‘l.0u‘ I ch-|'I I." "'3 ' """".. . )2". ./crfo_s..... carcer Th sc.i'enc_o.. . She Stu-Prlif-d'Q'"="4°"“ I '1": ‘ 1 : F" \' Q \ I . Q! 1-‘,llI ' \ 0 0'0‘ aJh£rI S-Adi [eff 3&|_g-pl H/10../‘I'll-A (LA-d /f'v" I ' Q) <::> ‘ f '.‘fo..|‘ If‘ X‘ }z'aLs be on: ohsO..P ear ' onemnfm _ II‘. ‘I ha] I 0 " Q I AM CLEVER af q of/71-1 ‘kids iofsc/‘tool. p Ina ":5 ‘I I II. I \' ‘ ""’I_.¢‘ "*0;-‘n ‘lg :7 " ..-;='.-?;‘~ " "" v .7 ~ fill /tOCt?.4?€.a¢( |' ‘ o' vaa -r AND GORGEOUS ‘roam :vow. :1’ ,g f Y5 ‘ "0 I‘ , ll ' \ . ___ I 4. . .-"-"r~:- .':v '\ -~ ' 0 AND RTHLE-TIC IT ,s IN THE I-riif. " ' it ‘ ' ' '7 ' roll? i{.’o.0.~i.'.:\0'-‘kI¢.:.n.:.I ':-o' auo-\I'. I 0.0-0 u ‘ v . \.‘\ 0 :0'.:‘‘I. -I?.V: 'A\ I0.‘ . /We r mus?" \. 0-%’..I‘‘..o.!:’‘I‘I"'.I....." 1.:.'-" I . ‘.0. u - I 0. 0 ' - ‘ ' . . ' Iu'44.o'‘.0 I‘: ‘ Ff‘. ‘I ;-‘- .2". . , . ‘Lo. .. \,', I )' .¢ 0‘ . 0. n :.'. ,\"" PLH I T'§ . ~ 1'» . . 0 . , 1 0.: Q -| 0. .‘ o.'.'f' '. , \'o | . . g 1. ‘ '0. u . 0 . . ;. v~u .1“ GET OUT of ' | . t u .¥'1 ‘ 1 40,‘! , ‘I, ¢ 0 . D‘, I0. 0--' Jo rms room Fnsr \,15,”- ' ‘1 In d,"O . 0I 0. 0‘ "1 | -yr1 ' \.‘O| F CI ' "' . EVERYONE \‘-\ ¢P""_I' ' :' ..' 0-.0' n‘I ".'°"0‘ ":'-o "I 0 oI""'0 l'l 0 -_ l'l \‘ KNONS THRT. Q @*‘% t55Forz.e. Some. .............. ( C\_/ I-mvmo PL.mT$ DORK TRIES TO MERRY MEL. INTELLIGENT. » 4 4 7 o 7* I I I * I K- 49, to I Qxw.-=1 I T vb” i _e _ at ' &'~l k F \'\_'__\‘Q..f\,, L. v<§ 1 T l I Y ' 1;-\-~ t-a---~'-7.7:.=';¥': It 5 ‘;~_';~._'.‘>\\.' V'.0'¢=0";'-;':{ ‘\S-Q.., Q"0 _' i ~ Q 4 I -1 1 es 'ZfQQ€.H_@9.€§!§‘_ /we M ~*e- RF-Q Md ‘T 5;? ‘ H Q10’ ;,oeP~ r J \ I A; ___M‘/_ /J D UEE wrote bribltrrnfi Loflird sl:or|.¢.3 T A 4 I I / I A EA A I I thought “ H. 1. A.Q. She was Queen of like hoc/Qty plbdo Jdfizé-3%‘-Kn-gaot read out Th claSS- SW-e M19-Fl -‘"/A4/7,73, l . ' _ A L —' — , WHAT - to coal): 4oo~epovc._0ne ewe, the sefko "@074 ('5.-t; IWHS Wtlzkmg /Q/Uaough $114 looked down cm bur, BC! tort her _ A A dfdyou ' X home from the Shops ct/one . 77o, told on M» crab the P6"/9 P‘7'1$"5 M/stress a./Q/Z24‘ luv ‘O/f <40“ O" WPP9 5'4‘/V. ' Int‘//I i I Say? n0'£parfiaipotin§i/L to katmcwdu ?" to oo/1:61 she replied," NO. ARE’ ¢'Qa__¢j1_p/", /c o._1a_.s has/-red u-p be-I M we-*-F0"¢@'¢='=> )/Ou _7 " $11.2 wt’/11: to oniucrfllzij then b¢carw0_ at or BEAUTY CONTEST... leave. She Lqc 3'0/100/Zfiv‘/7.: “ad °‘ ¢""'°' and "_""' p.n'/cl-|}a.t.r¢2; rm-rse, hand war-4-1.5‘ fr: at ba.k'<Z/‘S’ shop-/I -.._, 2. kids and is I101-J _ J L _\I1 /(Q,/\n;' Jt{$/"£fi"lS‘ + _1 "‘*v "19. and-/t1slS. I I263’/A oo N T irvsr D E ‘IT -||- \ <5 @ "00 HMM..FUNNV ST/-wvom1.et-:1 @ How THIN6-S and 5peakmg er TACKLE 7 of 15/5 BELl_lE5- TURN OUT iii Ox 5% up \ you re not so bad Q H ER Yo u J \ yourself -—and YOUR L01/E -.4. Why don't you do T|r5 @551 bi {er DOZY I3 I TCH f Q .o\;'-‘\\.'~; S summat useful like learn Io IT ""2? T Suck yaisefif off and keep “""W.,+‘~ khan mine! ' ’ 0 _ '. .- your mouth occupied 7 \*" A . ,_ 1:‘. L _ o _ . . —I ‘ _ ,. ~ - -. . 6 I >1 ‘ _.____*_ -___-.- __ I _ must state NOTTINGHAM WOMENS CAMPAIGN One .firm that .I iwdrked For the next few days we IKE? SAFE TRANSPORT GROUP It's December last year, categorically that time vast for had a Gambling House at can't stop thinking about it half three in the morning, I majority of taxi drivers are the back and a Betting Shop all and wondering what else There are_ hundreds L_and am asleep and downstairs decent. hard-working at the side I It was WOMEN'S if anything else happened thousands of untold stories below my room someone is individuals, male and particualry difficult to get that night. But we don't of women who have been raped ringing' the intacom trying female, who have never drivers to do jobs for me, hear anything and become or attacked. Jean Auld's to wake somebody else in committed ea crime .hi their as they were more interested resigned to never finding points when using a taxi are some flat above me. whoever lives except maybe parking in the 3.30 at Ascot 1! it _is down _there buzzes out and gradually stop very useful. Women .have on a double yellow’ or SAFETY " There were one or two of again and again and whoever thinking about it. when out started and are strarting to refusing to pay the Poll perhaps 20 drivers, who were it is buzzes so many times of the blue a month later we take action on making Tax ! there to work. And I had to that they wake me up. So I'm get a ,phone call from the transport and their They would be as rely _on these drivers who awake and I'm annoyed police. That evening a environment safer in horrified as the next person rarely let me down. So, if a because it does happen once detective turns and at the Nottingham as well as other to find out that a co-worker long distance fare came ‘lfl a while and it's usually flat to take statements and parts of Britain. Local had perpetrated such a along, then those guys got finally a month after it has women have come together to someone who's forgotten heinous crime as rape. the preference. The others all happened .we find out form the .Nottingham~ womens thelr- key orh_someone back Obviously, steps must be knew this and _complained what really- happened* that Campaign for Safe Transport from a club in party mood Every woman has v-a right to taken in Parliament to make little. They knew the score. December night. Group and are working on (though when I do it myself sure that cab firms are I was told I was a~ hard be able to walk- the streets The squad cars thatlhad ways to improve womens I certainly never" worry required by law to check for woman but I had to be. day or night justjlike any man about who I wake up in the come "in answer our ephone safety using' taxis, buses, I was the one that had the 'p.c.'s' and to refuse to middle of the ni ht....). So call had in .fact'picked the car parks, cars, walking and to expect‘. to be safe customer shouting employ drivers with a record I'm annoyed am? I try to woman up further‘ down the etc. obscenities down the phone of violent crime. doing so. So why is this not drop back off to sleep again road — she had shrunk from We are: " at me. I'm all for how it actually is? ‘V but know that I can't until them but they still managed l. Working with women, I had one customer rehabilitation _ of ex—’ whoever it is down there to spot her. From this it initially in The Meadows and 1 was watching ‘Rides’ on threaten to decapitate me. offenders but should we put gets in and I wish they seemed that she was Clifton, using a Safety He followed up the threat, them into positions where TV. In it a woman, yvhose would just get let in.... reluctant to report the rape Check Kit to note all the almost ! Thankfully, several they can re—offend ? friend had been raped by a’ when suddenly whoever it is and, the detective unsafe areas on the streets of the drivers ushered him dowh_at the intacom below me explained, .if she had and look at ways they can be man she had considered’ a out, after taking a rather Here are a few pointers that breaks; into sobs” and‘ they reported it there was always made safer ie. more friend, was asking her mean—looking machette off of may help if you find are =_a" woman's sobs and the chance that she may not lighting, cut back hedges him I He tried to climb yourself needing a taxi cab; husband/partner "Why do men hearing sobs like that at have -been believed but etc. through the hatch to get to that time of night makes me because outsiders had 2. working on a ‘taxi code’ do it and why do other men me. Then he proceeded to lhlways use ea reputable jerk upright and makes my reported the rape it was which is useful ro women allow them to do it ‘?" The heart, jerk right -inn my immediately taken seriously chop through tin? office firm. OK it may cost more, when using taxis (similar to door, with me trembling husband's answer lwas "l throat. ' M (though awe didn't really but what price is safety ? the points made in =Jean's behind it ! The drivers had I J shoot out of my bed understand this at all). lillways order a minicab by suppose because it's not in article). - and straight into my mum and The woman had been out heard the commotion but had phone, making sure ix) ask 3. Replying to Nottingham our interest -to prevent them." dad who have also been woken to a club and had taken a decided to finish off their your driver's name and the City Council's car parking The woman turned away up — I'm not surprised, even taxi ‘home and the taxi game of '79’ before they type of car. strategy which describes though their room's a long driver had raped her. A "rushed" out to help me, in lIf you are calling from a disgusted. The man had been their plans for car parks in way from the intacom, but I cowboy taxi driver, a dodgy the nick of‘ time. Funnily public place, try ix) make the future. honest. Ensuring that women am surprised that nobody firm, not a firm at all, enough, I never saw that sure no one overhears you we will be working" on feel at risk on the streets is else in_v__the_ whole block of just a man and a car. customer again.... 1? was a giving your name and safety of other -forms of flats seems.-I to have heard Because the rape was little shaken I can tell details. a very effective way. of transport and safe womens anything at all..... My dad reported immediately and you ! lTravel with a friend if you transport schemes. maintaining mens power. Not leans over the balcony and from the woman's description There are many ex- can. COME AND JOIN US. we can many men would admit to "it shouts out to her and asks of him, a dog patrol offenders in the taxi game. lDon't drink too much. do something ! The more her what has happened, he policeman spotted the man It's extremely difficult to You're more vulnerable if but it's true none the less. women. involved the more we can't see her because she is the next day. In a few weeks get a job when you have a you're pissed out your head. can do. All women welcome. How many times have you hidden in. a recess he'd be in court. They record (in fact it's lAsk if any women are going Everyone has something to been walking down the street underneath my room and she caught him they next day extremely difficualt to get your way. offer. can't see him either and all because the rape was a job even if you haven't lCarry a personal alarm (but minding "your own business We meet at: ' she can manage to say to him reported immediately and by got a record). But if you make sure that the batteries Nottingahm womens Centre when a man or group of men is "I'VE BEEN RAPED." outsiders. But what would have a record for theft or work). 30 Chaucer Street has reminded you, in a subtle We're really stunned have happened if we hadn't violence then, ironically, 0Never get in ea minicab if Nottingham even though ‘we expected intervened ? would the woman you are probably less likely it is in a bad state of or not so subtle way that you something bad and we don't have gone to ‘the police of to get a job as a taxi repair. There ;n; wheelchair access, are only allowed to go on know what to do. We want to her own accord or left it driver than someone who has lnlways sit in the back we can pay childminding your way unmolested on their go down and let her’ in but unreported as so often a rape conviction, seat. i costs and can arrange a sign are worried because we can't happens ? And would she have particularly, if the lIf you do chat with the say so. The ‘reminder’ may be- language interpreter. we see her, don't know who she been taken seriously had she interviewer is male. driver, be careful not to meet cw] the second Thursday in the form of unwanted is or if she's alone or not reported it ? Or would the “well, between you enni me reveal personal details. of every month at 7pm. attention, verbal abuse, and at half past three in rape go undetected leaving Guv, she asked for it. You lAsk the driver what route the morning can't be sure of the rapist free to attack know what I meant? Her'skirt he's ltaking to your threats or actual attack. The Contact us at: anything at 'a'Il'.,_.,So my mum any other woman who hapgened was round her bleedin' destination, before you set tree articles that follow Nottingham womens Campaign straightaway 1' rings the to pick up his phone number neck." Laughs.... off. If he goes in a for Safe Transport Group attempt, their different ways, police and my dad leans back out from the list of numbers Nudge, nudge, wink, completely different c/0 33 Mansfield Road over the balcony to tell her scrawled on the wall by the wink.... Same old story. I direction, and, won't give to address one element of the Nottingham L to wait for them but she phone in any club in mean she was wearing a mini an adequate explaination, larger issue of womens NGl 3FF doesn't answer him. She Nottingham 2° England's most skirt, so,- she invited him get out at the nearest Or ring Kathy on 0602 702879 safety: Transport. It makes doesn't answer .him* because violent city. ‘ to rape her, didn't she ? lights. (day — Wednesdays, disturbing reading but as you she's gone and a couple of Most cab firms don't ask lIf you feel uneasy with the Thursdays,Fridays). Or minutes later-two squadycars questions, as long' as you driver, ask him to stop at a will see there are things that Pauline on 0602 413279 (day and a police van suddenly have a current licence, are busy place and get out. — Thursdays, Fridays). ' we can do to help ourselves appear in the dark’ main 'badged' and have a vague lHave cash ready before you claim our right to go where road. idea where 'Ritzy's' is ! arrive at your destination. If you would like help or Now we.don't know what . Some" more responsible Get out before _paying the we please when we please. If advice on starting a womens is happening, we don't know firms get the prospective dfiV6fu Safe Transport ‘Group where women are terrorized into where she's gone and a few driver to fill in a form IHave your door keys ready you live please contact us. minutes more the van and asking ' about previous and enter your home quickly. staying» home at ight by fear I've worked for several taxi convictions but if they have lDo not hail minicabs - they the cars are gone too and firms, both ;h1 Nottingham, of male violence then we it's 3.35 in the morning and any they usually sag no are not allowed to ply for and, ;h1 Brixton, London, so might as well be in chains.- now I know I'm going to find anyway. Few, if any, check trade in the streets in the you could say I'm well They musn't be allowed to lt- very difficult to get up on them. It's a nonesense way black/black and white seasoned. I've worked,‘ in Cont ri but ors : Snopes_, Anon , back to sleep again. really. ca s do. get away with it. - T some pretty joints ! Jean Boyd Auld, Pauline. C} . 8 - _ Twiii — ‘ "— _ — - 2 I _ _ HA _ M M r 'TI/EBLOODJTHE BLOOD.’-'-'-' 7 _ ii T 44:? _ _ 7.7:, __ ___i _ ... we 91:!-?.-".0;If!+¢‘.‘!'_I;,¢-=>>.;4,_!=:"I!‘ 1 P:=1‘ " , .. -2; r= - 1. -‘ 2- ;<1+._-»_--"- I s~* -'.Y"*'<- " -I .,_,.-— ‘-;"'"- ~‘ Nikki was nv TROUBLE, are BIG movers HER one was MAD, REAL,REAL MAD 2 U-'1": qt xv .-- ,‘-’-» -_,_K,.-g"'1'-’.'---Qr7,‘ -1| ‘ t“ $ HP‘ THEN HE “A ._iil "r:/r1' fig;-_$ 1"P4%lb._ 1-118*’: '1 SHE W/'5 /"db, REAL REM /Mb ‘cos HER mum ’cos sHE'n BORROw£I> ms mam/suave "E'a§;'. g_1;'-If HA HA /‘/A HA Wx F S/410.... “B HA “Fl 2: B £‘B1.ooo!ms . _ I 1-boo, It "" 2'3‘-‘PI"_ .3; __ .__. . .. I ._ A/vb Mb HERE eomvn .sENb HER TO DOROTHY. /’\ TO G-IVE PI;-5-y PENAJV FROM NE_)g_-er " 3' ' I I 1 Q 0' ‘In lg’ “ i ‘ '/E pours Fgns Q 2’;:;-’;'--‘"Z"“-7".’-'52-5 \. 4'11: Boasm-Io Au. anus scuooi. m A oouPi..a or . 7!/owsntlans Q ' J MONTHS wsrsno or HILLOW con? wmsrte nu. down down Iv.'143..'"‘\-_\ii.\IfIQ What do you think of the Queen ? u Han MATES A/Ens cows . ._ . to 5'11 €o.r-U1 "-@L',';';-¢...._ \.§.“_,\.."\|/-C' "'v__'.. v . I think she is a nice woman, but / QM the Etooo ;ml'lh'-'¢'*7""" uv.'*.‘.‘I_;-\.I‘. zfi 1"" ' ' she has all of this money when , I QM I;he ‘.JL:~"\'L\sfe-'\'_-\ "' “ "1 )">> ( Iii flk€ki”/ . 2, 1 -,, there are people that are living aEtarPt/h0.:/1£.t.... ,. /d,'.':f) r '1s.0 if '19 . , , _ on the street. »do I0 ,.\“\\\n.I-I II:3»‘'0'?-‘‘-1‘-.5'1.\I.; ‘‘I-i\nq‘g;-,'k\' \l """"'°’ G:..".?;‘:n. l lélhgtedg ylelu think_of John Mgjorfil . \:>\\ '-- i-= . e came in sa in e wi H L~_ 22 — :2 _2 i 4\A.)1\- _ l\- f dbl this and that and ngthing got H ‘- /I4 /-3 z k done e.g. Poll Tax. il'(‘\\\T\-\_ \ 44 *2 »»l *2 . — 2 WY 3/ood. 5",.-I‘--. 2 4;§}).‘,\~\».“.1-_ . ?( 2 ,2!@. yr”/"'1R, 7 What do you think of President --' ‘é-he sap 0/ /11¢, ‘§§»};;,7:3?‘1="-fi\'~'2-4;-zefig '3'?’-'B'.'."_{,I||,,_ , '. , ' Bush ? ___ W: i f if f i i l£'hlJ.U!CQ of "J" " .r;,$4 P3,"! {léw T - to" J ‘ "-- e or "i . "1 mar» Naéw-e ‘7r9“2'lurrl}.' \MifififiFf;@}flxy_ ' I don't like him cos he started ARE YOU HAPPY », ...'_|,.'.-.‘-_~_~\ I that war. I hate him. L A _ill.-1.10-K LJITH OUR SEX LIFE ? l A/VD 5»/2 on too, sropmrn ll HP, W‘ "~”¢gf’¢ __,-V__ SA/0... STOPPIT,/_ .. ' '2 e. "° "39 , l What do you think of Arnold 4 1 e can grow dot; _- .. Swartzenegger ? l‘ HHHO ‘ 4' A 9r-owu. '1"-v.\ HER mum was mno, RE/IL,R£AL MAD HER BRo'm¢-IR umsmno, R£AL,Rgm_ mm; He_is the sexiest man I have ever 5-'>§::, L ' & HA /51:7 F l 4 _-.l “ 0. U312. Um. '.—\—_§‘- -cos. SHED BROKENWS NINTENDO laid eyes on and a good actor. ‘cos sz~1£’o LOST -me NI-ZN sun-rcH snap ' . ' ‘moon's ~?§' l"¥":1= 5 ' .'». ~— I Swnuz .’*/ qr ... ~. ' » V B56060 mm Bseseo -ro HAVE FOR HER , ICQS |T WAS NOISY AIUD §TUplD.... do YQU of Macaulay T Culkin ? _ 8/RTHDHY WHEN SHE WENT SUHWFTING-,,,.'.. l ,, r I ETERNAL 5r,3-'.\\\.‘,\.‘\A0i\‘\‘10.r.-'_5°'"“5\‘:.1¢\ He's a good actor for his age. \QI-".\;‘ ‘ll.’'-.‘.!.\_l\. _ 1 1— 5 T ' "~31 “Jr ’ He's good. I NIKKI! 6, ml r‘ "_I_~ 3‘ ‘ Jg _ _ _ Z What do you think of Julia Roberts . W T’, 77 7 __ She's good. She's pretty. f,§;,{,~ , I »i'l/// QT““'\ <%“/ rmEseA' .3a'-T‘ ".S . '- ii}-4 e TH_ E sen U<51 :.0‘u55,5’\‘~\ '02'!:*"'£'\MS"c.\,~._Hj efl . I ‘“ @ What do you think oi‘ Kylie -_ L \.2‘. \‘\\_\‘Q~4Xit.‘I: 4T bQ “."''=-"‘-'3"§5} Z ",~:i'_-.:'- 1. i ///e €6Q.r!‘Lf.1.£ ‘ Q Minogue . /C. t»ua.S/14$‘ 1'11., £__ 1 _-;'¢'¢'="-';;er " I Kylie Minogue is OK at singing but II-1-ini-— I * ** iI1i;1-'inI_n-|_ _oI__1*;_nr My b/o1:\oL __'\-.- I )1 ‘Q l _______._...._ '6" :f-'1 she is trying to get like Madonna. __,__________._ , 22 2 ’ _ I 2, _ __ g _ ~,~>~u»»y,,<a¢//>5» Q; 'i'I?\? ."': 4' 1 .0 , of \:‘_I- ‘fear’ ..!'(‘fir.- . --‘I §uPr’o5E 50.... l HI)/’/‘I’, LJHFI T3 THE 4| PRIVATE T I "l o{0zor1,c(0I<.>n 1:0 t\\\\\\\%, F\)f_l,§\ R, ’ 0 I What do you think of Michael v o l a/wf -uU\t.\‘\‘\ \ ’._-.~'n'&_'_:’ "'~'.:. :-- l; I-OK-E‘-THEN; 9 1 If/19. §f‘C/LL/Id \ '‘1"'"¢-..i""J Jackson ? 1, I - “W u IS _ . . 1 j pL0u)ERS 5P”."5 ._.__‘|..‘_\ ‘"4'5u-I’:\"n.Fm'JI-nl‘Q I"9"./ Z\'1\u‘\p::"1.::.-/I .,'\_-g‘\...J.‘,‘\fi0" \-4,‘_'_._5-\ \\..;§_.. __\k He is OK at singing but he has had \ ; \ ' l\Jh..l/fi Lt, ‘U '1" '1' 0 \|I too many face changes. wan-r's1ue| ”"~’- '°’°"'*"-">" ' ‘I. T’. joke I 3, 1 cuad Shrub! /K t A F-' L WM HR‘ ' ' . -‘Q -. _\ l \ trees and 64¢/as | , .,, What do you think of ‘Blue l HA ' ’ ""‘ ' /¢¢d0P1 fl-.eS1.ooa 'r Bur woxse ‘man 'nm"r_ MucH,MUcH‘ Peter‘ ? Lucy LASTJC. HOkJ1TT(wHO uoaoov l ' if "'3; 2 . _2i./2,; _ I I like it, its good it shows you -il- MORSE THAN Au. '174/‘IT, SHE. 607' L/KES A/wwnv) was r-mo, RE/lL,REAL lots of things to make and do and Home TOO LATE’ "ro SEE A/vv 0F they raise lots of money for all q MAD ‘cos SHE’): elven HER A BLACK ;:"'7#‘|'f- - ..‘* j t*'* t"' *1awH“w\ ‘ NE/a=Hsou/as ./ /1 . - different charities. Z ' .. ‘ »;~ 14"»? , - ' ////////vi, . 2 W-"=‘ ROOTS-' E‘/E HHEN THE‘/"D HAD A FIGHT 'cos sue 4Id;) " ' - ..'.' " -’- -.',.'-"c - 7-(,1, . 1 -1‘ . wou:.r:>n'-r 1.5-r ms/2 ow wen FAVOURITEST What do you think of / . . \‘-..‘ 3 rfiaalcb-.5 -'1' 55 ., 5 ,.,\ //,q HH S'kJm6-..-...-- . WOT?/7 s 'Neighb0urs‘ ? /,4/"."2?r'/"l ' - \ , I| maQ‘t'/E9 if \W".-_l\ -';_:n.,"_;\.‘ \ hovhm I think it is OK but it is getting I " | 9' / ,1 0(m.-on dawn \.L'.'I\IL.),-ll 4:1I.;...’ I , Nikki! %,,,, ‘Y stupid. /f7’ Q3" 4 _fiJ4t}‘ \%>.jgfi to lflu. heal-1'3 {f_"';’_ 1; ;.»*YoUr>u>:v'T Q; \ 7 '\ "er g't M » What do you think of school ? I '7 . 441/17]:I "-t 7 Mame’ I ,3)“: in:.£.:fi_', e A T £¢u~t1-t.... Q \ I like school but some lessons are IQ. ‘ Z-2%,, OK and some are good like Drama, ‘e j _i_*W_ if i i 4 U/WYBLDOD . '~-. - 3 " J‘ o to ‘ J * - — -~ 1./ml .- dbqliyab/‘\ i?’ ' If n\‘ l 60”/IVA 7ELL e l /‘fl/f\~10t'1C.f:S' _ lizifgg ff) English and other ones U5 we/W. on oo ow! 2 My a..,._¢m1,/ad ,2’ ,S Foe TH!S!_! vr K .|T ,9/P ‘\$§~..._,_ ‘ ' r ._ aid Lu/Mm/'n_r ~ . f- What do you think of the Police ? ~.lyw, W 5/O06/..._, -/_‘/" They are good but it takes them \ I /fly? cflb , .'.f.&(?5"-a too long to get where they are 4 '-~ 2 222* 2 _ I' X 4. if * . . wanted. 5»...' " F ii /T‘ RUNS.’ _-':~ -- What do yeu think of expensive TOP 7 {cuss ' wongs / 7" onN055 It skips ‘0.‘:-5.:-’¥_N.."- 7F.". trainers . through £710. .,ci:./ds UII,f‘IlJ.’IfuIi‘ €£t'n5c'W'wl°°D A6.R\ev/nYw~s I think its stupid. They cost too \/' ',. /5.//ooos Uwough ’ 9 R17!fl€=No5=T»<sAcH6R<>u5 much just for some trainers. 1. Y'feet 2. Y'bum “ IMFORMFWT... ‘ to441-1* hfftt. wood? and (/7?/4 I_‘_/,Q\'JI_:-.;',4_;1'-';_€'_=.7 3. Y'brain ,_ - < _ -~.»~r,_ _ What do you think of ‘Super ; lU’ H(M 6'0 ON 75¢-$41‘‘"1 5"‘-*1 //(“lg-'I::~ 4. Y'dad 5. Y'mum * '_:-F, “";I_ Mario‘ ? Q “R M "A HR rm H11 J //éeo. /q;//5 " jl 6. Y'face .3.‘..- \’ ~‘ _-I‘_ . Stupid. Costs too much. Games cost ._- /_ \ .?‘:_.\_____:_.\_--1:: I’ *1- eeiiwwat '2F”*/ ..-:_%-*£ T -J5 dklanu' 7. Y'breath 1" 9 2 too much. ~ rg‘eggtg’: _v"'_-» 2 . , e I :7.-5 |\ ""' "" HA HHf ~/45 "aQo/"¢o9wM!! ' 7"*,1.;--fsf-..-1."‘-=..’l ' ' ' 7' V‘ ’ * ' I What do you think of‘ the fact that v .\- ‘\._.-/\ IT//E Biooo! ‘ “ _-Y\.‘1;; jéreiieC/:c?i/7;/u I E/"51'/ft:efe'dI /\/5'2 we live in a capitalist society \ which is destroying the people of -—- _— i I , 22 2 _ -2 I _ 2. '77/EBLOOD.'f 1», the world and the planet ? ....'0l.DoNhE_>GL. r»--~ — 1|' .we Vb Me»/(ER AD L»E >1AYcTL.Y ."-\' . ‘ ‘ N" _ . - 1/ L_4| "0':I‘I .sg><...._ W 2-»- —-——~ , .. {._ 7 ‘ ‘.7 I ‘ ggi n J__,_ _ 7I_ .4’ ':\ “Y av all-I04. 1-1. ~2 2 — -_ _. —2~ ____ I ,2_—2—_ — .»// ll Q ., sI\2f 137' r’\ l....- -- " J7 ‘In I __,,__._-.._ f—§ . //l M-h~H~\‘\ I H I’ 9‘ l--___...--(=.____________ __________\_ .4 e (yeti v/w.Y’oow L , /W Tow WHEREJ1.:‘-.w_ :.'~\‘.“‘-1\\;\‘-\I\\\‘WQ’'\.\'~if‘.__\_é\-4\ '_‘!._.->._ -3I’:‘to‘so_ ,Q.1..‘J'.4,1"'.". .~s",§ ‘ I HAD MyT|-HGHS REMOVED -l .- I = . . ,mHEL[S NAME <~1.2‘i=‘* ;§;?=Z_;;i"% -,, 3 yrfmow Beta!/§£ T/-MY \ MP5 scored surpriIsiIngly well on overall street ‘T: -. ‘QQ< “I-_ -_a_-\\"''__a.-.T 3 3 F it 4:-41' r ~_ credibility,judging by the answers to the final I ialk 500003 TLESBEE ‘E ~13 . * A. »l>|1>I PUT M .11. (Ev?..;--—;r—F—_J ' Q’ )7 ' \\,Ur i Zr‘ question. 'I\vo-thirdsofthem knew that, in the ' IJAPST H00 Toooo. ,. , _ I v THE DAM N \ lijigiiiiéé-.-=.oI..youth ~ .€‘c'|-ucial” and \ \ ‘q, T/lMPONS!?,' w. \\\““"' - 39'‘4 w~.il\t5s-.’:*1:\.. n \!~l5', ;‘.12‘.%"'$ - _ £_._./ é-J’) are.a!*v;=_.instts!';I1=1!m!..'!I§- .1 K‘ h‘‘J"‘E':-b-l/':'\':“.‘\ l 42'", -' ;./ ' -:_ /1" -'.\ /1/A HF! ' / \ er "F'~‘\32'J... l ‘§thai§'W>1‘¢'11‘§.l"-".l¢,> 1* \fll1'l'11iP>15:€1i55l‘$5°9!a_; {Q l 0 1: 5, \_/ W I / FF. J‘ ’ J I _,.-' ,1’;.¢,PoobL€Re£heé;ov <'-hild which I5 also a ...'vtéf¢.!z.‘b!i;iii'i§bbi=risf¥¢;n_'§Wi§§*£$h@§4>2' MA HA Q A‘ '9 \ 4111/ ' /_.>_}'., j r¢'@,l¢=l.*!!!=!!i*“f."I1!f-f” W oriahlflr # time ‘ &m£xfMIu1?w1 tgzésarwoksoamgn term to describe the odour left in a room afler' E " 45!. KIr'I:O%'~ ~ ,' X Part N92 IO 65 IE3 got} Qqq hqygjguf ° C it _ or 2 I FODDLE with supper..- 'mfladhfly ~ ” l ill” I I if . Ml-» Il'----m .---L» I-.--- 1-~-. ¢............ -1.:v.:...... - It) e I . '1 7 - ‘ Q 2/‘.23 7 7 " T" """ t W" Zia QB 3:-i4-Tl-i~7,l‘7l,l .l 1. .1 --1__,- av‘ -1 ax -l 1 4~.l~.w-H-1.—;a~'- 7_; _ _ _ __—' _ 7777 7 7' -;* Je ' 7 7 7’ .~ 7'71 lll 1 —1 in — K 7 v il 1-In 77 L171-—I| 777 — l y m- .‘uuoR~/1.51‘: co M Y l TO WM(DONfiLD$ut .‘-iI_._.....L H —sy1n_‘.-nr.-i 1. :51’771*“ Y. H\ 1| in your pocket. The idea that. If bitches get left 1 . ) llS1C being that any black person pregnant they make damned 1 F l First up is Coming Back with signs of' money about sure he pays his child ‘ \ Strapped. Here's the I I‘ them must have committed a support cos, WI don't take .‘ \ ‘ -_\.l& I scenario; A woman is walking crime. This makes the no shit. I'm the sort of \ rfi -— \ ‘ THE BYTCHES ’_ 1 /kc" down the street and some guy Y /' / Bitches real, real mad. bitch gnu; don't wanna fuck 1 L " _ l _ oi shouts “Say ‘hoe, how're y' The racist woman boss is with.“ _ 1.\ \ doin'?” She responds in BWP 7 next for a mauling. She's The Bitches got advice for l i i _ _ ,_ | /_/_,» \. kind, "Fine motherfucker but -4.-”/' real disrespectful and women who've been physically _~—~t1 I 7 1 777 Ivan?- '7 — — I-1-\-vi No Face Records your mother's a goddamned insulting to her black abused by men too. By now I l 'hoe." The guy cuts up rough 7,. l employee. She thinks that \ expect you can guess what I (presumably because l You won't have heard being on her period makes it that might be. It doesn't O7 -7 anything like this before so ‘bitches’ aren't supposed to O.K. but the Bitches say, *3. . '1 \i involve kissing arse. better be prepared for a answer back. His mates join “BITCH, GO CHANGE YOUR a1._’—i—— ___. 7 ——_ _—_ _ -— -~ — - ——*7 — j~if — 7 iii T -I--In:4 '1 7 ii :7—77 ' 7 — -7‘? 7'7 7* 7;77'é:_7' 7- ""7 77 7 7 7 77 77 777 7 777 7 7 _i_ _ L; _* ~ I—|lII11|r.fi7777 __* _1_* 7 — 7— 7 '77 ' 7 _ __;r—_ ‘ —1'7 _ -|__7 __’_ 7"-'7' ——7 '4?‘ 77777477 " L1 with more abuse and _ _ W 7,7 _ iii ._ __ __ _____Tl_ _ : —_1 1__ ' 7;__ 7 _ —~. ——— ——— 7 77 surprise or two. At first KOTEX!“ T - '- sat. r'1mam - aqmehfl. cnnsen ax1;ngs - l 'Sam:'Thhfi.Nmfld'<mnnnfieL uhnelmstufldhhen ‘fin marlat Hx$DGEfld£i]B bm*fl.on mau.'UFW gflmndo flrfir lfims fiiy aflinfly amfifmfial threats. The woman is , yan:\rdenxurkied,zne amnafly eqnrtIRE flfiigl hearing 17M? Bitches I One of the Bitches meets an llzmfllkns f‘ sway ' cnunrus _:44u-k staple crcps m animal feed - i.e. to fatum cattle l¢nnfitflns<fi‘hqp finuny firms wfihrra thought, this is cum; harsh surrounded and afraid but ex boyfriend. They go to her ginqjnut tn: wmdfi. lhns Jggsnhgg cnnmmnt --___ it; lf‘or:'t11rningintoh1r'ger'sf‘or'rl1e ‘First hbrld i ?to ah-o arshnn amlrn flmndnlofxmwamnt. Bitches make sure they nflam%yer,<kw by dmn of ammmLs'hxn arllmedy _ _ \ world view' they have here place for a shag. I won't go ysole tOlBi1lI'fBdiIlUOI4lJdd1'l'1a1fiSpI\Ifl1JCtS....* ;'Ihen'deathsareb].oodyenibarba1'1c.... but, then .T rwmunnhored one remember a face. into details but they're U i “So, yo, when the bitches I time being in the street, having a good time and, for . i are steppin' Y minding my own business when once, she finishes first. I was approached by three Just remember we got "NOW ctr THE.‘ FUCK our: she l 1 l \\ weapons.“ 10; men. Most of you will know orders him. He protests (he /7 ,'/' ~/»’I/’*'' ‘ / j 7/ / Ii . The song ends with the what comes next. There are didn't come yet) but Bitches 1 \| woman shooting up the guys ll r three of them and one of you wait for no man, besides, as I . who were dumb enough to ‘E /‘ _/'7/' ‘ and they want you to .know she says, "Motherfuckers do ‘ Z, ll __ , My .-___ think they could be 73 7 >. that they own the streets that to bitches ALL the "Now if all of this sounds \ ___ i iii --i Y‘; __ _ ._-_ — n l . i J 7 77 7 \ disrespectful ix) her. well, and you can be their victim time." Well alot of them do like it might be a teeny bit f it's about time they just any time they choose. alot of the time. indigestible. well, it 1._~_— 4~Q-Q-_; learned. The Bitches don't Yeah, well you .are .furious isn't.You'll probably end up take nothing from nobody ._____ _ l _ _,__-_ ____..__ -_— ___ __ --1-! 1 —_ _ and you .have this fantasy: laughing in a demented jn1_77]_*_ e __ ,_— ’ ._. —_ _ _ ~'l'~--'—' 7 — - —* ' lying down. 71 You whip out the AK47 from fashion while dancing like t__ if if 7__:7 __ —: ,7 ii =__; _7_ Y‘ 7 "777"‘ ‘ 7 7 F777l*7 77 7 7'*7777 77 777 777 7777 77 Mfllflrs of axes of Us test finmhId.iH PIT] Y» o|<. some/A KING under your coat, you turn on en] atomic- windmill. Fuck a l 7"'“7l -ouxmnfl§:am:hfin1sedibr<;u‘h!efiu;-toTBH. \ ‘l THEnL.H tfmnn arm? yrrtl ‘Whey Elrscfluvle, Man is particularly looffee, tomcoo, etc. - while people d:1e.}:'e aljel would you like to repeat irresistible to happy feet. 1nandqplMddbmfld%stsdhnofly:nwohmd1n\hnn y 1 leuxnmkz hqnrkdflmm Ydfich Kai? [Est bhmk\* what you just said to me?“ You'll have noticed that ~pwpk:pux'amihun¢y\dfihemanrflhnnsggoufat.I 1 If you have ever had an the Bitches don't mince V* I “‘r77Ii_:__ ‘ Y 1. experience like this then words. There's alot of \\\ \ you just might enjoy what Two Minute Brother is about cussing and bile and __ — _ p i C "'\ — '—’ ' 7 ' .,| -‘I The Bitches have to say. men who think" they're real sexually explicit language. ll If that's run: your (nu) of ' | good lovers but turn out to tea ghn1%i better keep clear 7 1 be inn) minute brothers. Say / \ w a ___ _ l_ (M* the Bitches Inn: if‘ you .',/L ;~ 7/I-7:» 7 §l1||]l\\\a no more. They know who they ‘ /’/'7'/' 7‘ -11- :-u|-I. are and so do we. do, you'll be missing \ \ __ 7 ___1*——— ' 7 7 _ : I BWP say "I'm not the type to something seriously spicey. ' ; ' go’-"' :1A-._,_ get mad. LI just get even,“ and Fuck a Man is about If you'd like to hear the 4,. 3 2 l H1 Bitches with Problems album getting (nan: with (nun; who ‘__ ‘Li _ __ *7 if -7; 7:7 — — ___ —- _ ti 7 _ T ~~*i‘ 711- 7 7 —7 7.-e -—7 T — 77777 "— 7 7 777'-‘-7 7; ’ ‘-17’ 7717 77 77 7 7 7 7 N§Xt up is a song about send us a ‘blank 60 minute like to fuck around but being harrassed by police cassette with return postage don't think the consequences 7*/"1/7\o/’”“e"—\v”7\,/”\//’\o/’\o/"is/”“\_//7"\/’”\/”\o/’”\¢/’\/’“v’”\//"K/’”” . v, Wk lyfilké; CO5 90U're black and you and we'll send you a copy belong to them. Now the look l ike you ' ve got money 12> I w Bitches put ‘em right on absolutely free I CAPRICORN THL CRAP (Lunchtime-Teatime) I Change your name it's stupid. Q1-+ v .-1DI/lE.:RT1SEME!\’T Es at fix X 9FrE7o>s7§no—joyC@ "'7 »- B DEREK THE CHICKEN (Yesterday) ill -J< ==l~_s._“___fi .- Send ten pounds to stop me revealing what a pervert you are. ‘-‘.- You 44 . *_ i V if __ ____ if 77 ; ___ 7 — —i — *"" 7 7 77 - 7 _| ___ __ j '\ -_-.5--.. , _, T listen -l PERCY THE PIG (Wardrobe) u-—-|.-.-.--iv ' - \ *__ -. 7 7 7 -‘- ___‘ muss (M 21-A 20) st. Q - * Discourage relatives from building houses L........ Y_OU _h]-In 71 "’o:,.=-.-. Your 5152715 cuifiently in line with jupiter A @ \ lfi the dick out of straw. Balifs will arrive to collect and Clacton on sea. This means your children Z 3 your existence tax, however putting on a W Y ’ will all leave home without any explaination. \ german accent and claiming to be a visitor l ~J 3 If you have no children this means other i i--~ looking after the house may tide you over peoples children may squat in yoyr kitchen- + . V-.____.______.______,__..,___.-—-"r _ _ until the end of the month. T‘. I1 '--—7: LIBRA (3ept 2%-Oct 25) i l SHARON THE MOUSTACHE (s5.u9) E swig: This month will see you winning a "Guess ‘Y J Take this opportunity to buy soap. You may ii .fZm the weight of the massive vegetable" comp- zEC> - \--...'.' g. etition. Try not to get too big headed ~ fllfl be clean but appearing over confident may 3535; . land you a new position squtting in somebodys a bout it though as friends may marinade you ‘j”T kitchen. in a white wine sauce. _l-l.________My '4'.-..u.Le:: - r FATIMA THE TIN or PEAs(&§g88k) a ~ x Prssos THE; cop (Mar2'|-Oct 25) * ~4 l Hl You may find it useful to wear full diving 1 !7\'kn" =1? Try to see reason it's a superb play although \. gear this month as doing too much washing . the casting of sue lawley as dick turpin up could easily cause your hands to go a _ left a little to be desired._ repeat . bit wrinkly- _Tyi1F_M_r_gW t i. ‘iii _ rt 77 "1 HAT norenn THE GLASS FACTORY (Yawn) I __ _4_pI— LEO THE LIZARD (1066-196'?) ; m » This month finds you typing a loda a crap --pwwur-r1-"I-Iv-rvv-w-v--ova-or." 7l7o‘7( A recent arguement will cause you to and becoming bOreDDddd A ;dDdDd“du ~—44~:-n-n@n-r .‘. .‘ 1 pour hot coffee over relatives or co-hab1— “““r—~————---J Stage 1: You listen. At first you probably won't Stage 2: You repeat out of shock. Words and Stage 3: You take direct action. You choose a u tants. Try to resist as this may cause y _1l gt o , m;::\ O. o - (9 understand nuch, but very quickly the words, phrases becone fanllar. You silrply cannot believe method of retaliation that will cause the optinun friction by the weekend. )7 >7\( 7,7/777' 0 0 +7» § fi "K X phrases and expressions will becune lnprlnted on what you've Just had ycllcd at yw. , danage physically and phychologlcally "' I 3 ' your mind. ‘ ['7- '1 _ . -__- g i i soworgws can A '_—""'M’_* RT *"‘| Q:-"\V\/V _ at thang E‘ The fiottowing day, 501 a change, Hwfiéw;'z ‘Iv I can‘ t Lat rem dill O h l U I8 PR9" FI -PW The scofll 5° Fa]: Wolflgang, Nameteot and Boneo wene up _ L ;'1'neaofiHowow‘Y Steph." we ""“"“”"=_r- and 1 5"” / quite eaaty. wett it wao not yet dank. 01 ' ‘new’ 91'°‘§p B'w' I [1 ‘,.. '01 They unne paaoivety watching ‘Thin as I "WM "°£ - ; w I The Skate itfllhujlnqlgftude) have f1"a]:19t-22% (Bll""1e5 '¥ 1 jg. So successful 1“ with Manning’ when Steph fiinatly came . ; g = -nonchatando amaiu innit." IM'vde Pd“umped d,‘g“'1§~G_C.,,\ a success u 96 invited to £011! ,H.| wer downitaixo. that they edge hardcore bliznfr next "youuflfl gt /-khan __ ‘§%L_'n_..!-\\ "They loved at. Y'ohoutd've bin straight ; on lie . gammy - e I ‘wide "-" w/, -=J%;:;/ V‘ II 0" '.._ ‘ rrrresioeibf-',f§Y§C§ecei1s last 2:315-3; MKKAH , "ALL rue me m EVERYWHERE m theme." the oaid with tome Aatiafiaction. (“E I "'”‘“}‘ h bitten!!! ht. - “‘ .'./>c~if*".: 1 n bald Ste-Pb don 1 y||Q.|l 5- ‘Lg __'~1‘§-, "wetl, I 'eand they only 'umouned lflrithghwgglds "and upwards "° _ woman I131"; W9! Hf" demanded Steph totatty pa "fiyvegukm fzntbiyn excea,-H 5 . I In 0 - ' . ' _ . . ‘J . Ibewitdeaed and manginatty p4'44Q_d 0“ 5 e to /-““"-<»=~ I. . CLi I5 nTWO LWLOHeQ . . , "a' Ran"all - 8-A . . . 9 y'coo y'wIMHIN I" Wolfigang oniped. gggcessful 919' - ' ' 0 U144 budden blast ofl blatant aexim and SPA ti; 6 :1‘:pa‘an?"Fraud“? 1:???L ed Staph O "Look," Adid Steph, "You ain't gonna .. wd'enee M \ Q wounded maocuiinity. RE Tl; _‘ "uue,{[€,hc_w:;(:> eon. Join U"-" AM fi epoit it. Since yeotenday we've ‘ad gigo e _ 7&7!“ V " ' "Mom; I MORE I Uauef 2:: bmga @6111 '1 have u'nv¢ going to do any 04 oue ‘°°'¢1£d ‘heat “QM. 3 0“ O0 comin' out oua cane. we'ae ptayin' T e “Fe moo?“ Nqeetub mm.‘ ‘-"3‘-‘-'Tg.."f'i‘Ii‘.?;."T° ‘ nudging Staph the band !‘?! P-1°1“’"" the gm“ ‘£6 gouge with them !"_ Nametui blunted "Ac take w°"d¢4in tap,‘ at 03 Otd Uevit pub, then The Smanty “nee U! tatked ab M214 packed _-.-_1 "wot 2 Lwve _ H ‘"5 to... ""1 e - - It eked- mute !" ' ‘um (hind eneq*"' exhalusted stevh¢"*"- g’ °° {"9 1‘ 3¢¢P" _¢-4 4_6 4he'd thaeatened Q an-ely I , U14} Q Illqv at OPP-(‘Hg Goodflella, then...." to kott and eat h-u Auutboan. m‘ 5"“ ole? “' U12 5"‘ WP" ""°. ‘dict. Jw-\15°"-t eued.---" - wgh '9 “'2 thd be“ chnew .d¢"ete 6°94 o "DahQ In Mud ' I LM9e now P‘ "Well !" intelaupted Nameteoo, U‘ "Look, I mite all the lyaico, to in “rem 0“-9"‘ I eck ‘"411. °""'°"t o Skate Bun. "we"“’- .L“"" Skate BM d4-dn,tu . They. {had no -.__n g — Y "Seeing at how you'ne to buoy and att, "£et'n”ay 1 Thez ed the c°"¢€e(1g Ihmvé-Iin" °"' is’-Lb Ibehf-"4 Emu’ J ‘I ‘ “yeah !nI Add-d BOIIQA all" ' eoay II can do whatevu I with with "-6 My Hi. . n S-C2pI|'n L6 M19 wag hi. U19 H" and B.W.A. it to UNIHPORTANT, theae'o no em.... Steph dectaned coldly. "But ii P“¢¢¢'n he ““- "M could 4 -U".'¥9 to . G" e 1,‘ ' “*4 B I We Q 'bl1J- new »They‘|“';:-lo¢phoutgckin' mmaonn?e-Uy .O. ". ,v‘mg mumbud you mutt know I've got plenty 0' tango d 4 ,1‘/I \ neat point in you being in the band I‘#1 2,...“ _,_' :-.§- 4C0lged wot‘ (L4 to the One-6, ~(-~ "E ! . I ""5?-'1 M bed you tot ‘ave neven don't you think f" Nameieoo and Wolflgang } . '5 y 94119, ted "CANS K 1',od.6- . N01"?!-"*6" sham? the thouQ"t. that 4een...." y»Q4-n"04. it/I12: vbew“ U230‘?Q!oSodtevp/tg‘;“Jfl0e,d‘ ‘Qbacfkf ‘ tooked at hen an cotd an yeoteadayhs 3 ¢ ; ¢e'“ue?lé I know "Wild !n Mug a. ghoup ob 9°h“'22ud the audfl’-"'-"2' "Didn't waate any time eh I" mumbled C 90$ . pen-6. ,i3-:~:..- " 9" ~a#p~‘":.":'~~.9e4."we 111.;: weS' e... PH W!" "4‘-... ... ... we 2.3;: on0”;ze¢find' oee Z4-9*‘-,9 Wizze;-‘:2 C _ Nameteoo iancaiticatty. eoun'tI:e{{'_v- uhifigang Skate BM M~9"'-"' "Y'tJlyin' t'oay ounnut ?" oaid Steph neagaug) I "Shwuup I I didn't bothu with tome S .'/I-I (vb “U Qt T d §/.'L('k £414 icowting. ' £“Qk.. »g‘“"~=' mum .3-W-A.' »w'”“'££/ A "Got any "-°°"' -,4 the bfl19"" SQW-7' back '§°"Q4 (1?-6 1_ fliguhed they'd be "traepnhgo/lope2duUtg'¢y4e' "'Mhea;uR-we"bQoa‘ -t7. 9I4,,; ~ "T think he'o tnyin' t'¢ay....” oaid " ‘"4412 ’ 311/t h Mom be-M u)olb9“"9 0° .1 the van towwde 1"“ ,(z . b ck - and 4"-"4PP*°P4¢t¢-- - - - " Anapped Steph . kneef. Pl W114 auddefijy dqze ¢It..._n dudd BORQA beeaking the icy Ailenee. $5\ to .:"M4 yo ya the but “F H¢u";d sf:,f,.." ‘dd O 06¢ If-lei pub. Lfizeuinumped 011.1. . _ Elliot I Songt 'ab'out"1';t}|'ing_i_u....f"' "Shuoh Boneo." intenupted Nameiebo. e -In hui GURRR-8Z who’ 0 my dience. O9 ‘Md-WRUQMQ Qlddling with hit guitan. W0‘ ' ‘(l€Q{ed I wllflée "we don't want to get in the way 05 youa O ’ O I 0 ° opened the back 09” had a young woman Pqhhg §0"' -.W°£tI'9¢ln9fe 90"“ need Wot 7" A/and Ste . """-"W1 "“"d' M' in the Pub. "Y'know. lrlotapiti. . . . " {nee-nod “?d?g't'§%M?n:a:(I-R-”' we an. 0 Um“ CAREER do we I" Nameleoo and Wotflgang "Go on SULPI‘ ! S owwh¢1;cl1d- Qot bk; O O0 ”¢'ne.((,_M.944¢t<',,g ghbaq, on . . . " Lied ‘“__~;,-;;§::n=:..u.....¢ - Ahook the-in heado with exaggeaated vigoa. "1 with two otheu. otand-M9 I9"-U9M9 otilt avoid-in h _"€a.1 on Shuw “'6 d a qflllng bio Q0 withing he wan -someone yea: ?,:;¢|,::i "Yeah. ‘Ave y'caneeh. Then ‘ave ~‘>‘te 1, Q C7-<to -the ‘aloe. H ‘heated -[Qua ! ll hflblta OW he- I doom:vay- ' it ind____» Mid Steph. I nyeah GI . Q4. huwuwu.-gm‘ _ v etoe with’ oomething to nay. ye . 1 I Mtg n ma... hide. Then o' counte go back t'y'caneea mg °"“°"@d o¢'t°°" Urea ~ PITNOQQRRRMAI mg?» to let them kn -5:, 16 Y do" "' - unlllflll-" IHCOUYLABQ. not.'L aaid fleiaioufilieh MA "Wot !" Aaid Steph advancing tit ehe 3 e'&"'9 W c“"- . ' 444' —--——— an...." tang wolfigang. .‘."'?'1d the 5 -Q at/IBM we Peozto, "“"9‘"9 fiuN"J- L, mice we‘ O0 waa ctoae enough to poke him. £.e.£60b0Fo , . I” M4. "Act y'age Wolfigang I" onapped Steph new Th{.'({6t 40,19 {Q Qeady th 'cking up 1'“ .""“‘ 9 _ "I'm > wax’ I,’.°"‘"g hai PW’ got n poke Steph 0‘ well “' nee ! '5 1 tick 05 thein wounded dog hootility. . U1 oneefi . bulb "_Y'know.... Yea, 01.... Wiminhs weal?I10“ me E4’ I fee;-ow “Mutt 80"?‘ "o'...:I-'I""' re? “"'*' ded' an I Iikaning HP “QMMI Um “IL,” thatho "Act y'age 1!? Act y'age ?I?” mocked £hing4...." 4 c¢l€Ced {acglted C0 Ith 'J°"'u. avethe ‘hie. Th‘ wdktfttdlfe thnwlh III hel That’ A PM -Lad and "PERIODS I" yetted Steph in hie fiace oug 0nl;;t4e’0-{Q45 In - . , _ n he Qonignul 'M \ J wolflgang. "Sonny I kinda keep 5'gettin' uckjne mag gnabbl-"9 high. The Uoung Ighncote. " The wimmin M"- menta.Lly_ehopping him into Amati dice. ua boyt it teen HA-CHEU—WA than you . WE 7 1- | fl0ddQndg-gpmme"b StaPh." ,t M and up -oa_id"lwAoilJfiglicgmhgt..c.o.wTehneinzg.no need t'i-wean." be/rind h3u'1m. too»; ‘Md“aadlanSmti9nPg/I géamsinegd ... WleflIHtoHvINe.a" Ahainedwictihpaflwteoat acachnuteadch ptikicenic.a ohoutedm ! W00 1 wo iMnotom"yQLoaluI1bg!tenw(‘.eR,fi.-fio Bt_hl|eI.h-M-L_ Clo., "9AQnu' id£':,°o1ShtaMpwhet """"' we I‘"°w'¢B°egked Pat. Look. I'm gain’ t'oee the band an’ "Look, ifl y'wanna give an the 'eave eonfiidenulél 1‘ .,» mining to 004 I packirv uP I-Ila 9"“, ' be along in a 'WP¢6wL&y when I tee y'next time you '0. y'gonna ‘ave t'tay it big boy...." -III Q . , 0 " M De Moth - ' But mlua %_\~<?” age /ma U1{gaze “.3- 9‘Hoes “ "No '10- Th“ u d ek a otant l0§'£l ‘ave devetoped -some matunity." -0 90 taid Steph impatiently. all ‘£411 9 ’ '&(kQ l1|o£hw9e‘"'9'steph -I w¢_'hneo,D,-ebb¢;u',eve'lA out 9°9¥1P9"0"-11198 minute. ‘I IM1 thought I’ M Aeud Steph munching out the loom and I 1,4 ;_. "Well 1...." blunted Wolflgang. b Pug ,.. _@ eneom Wgh U, ‘k " ‘eh the “‘“"""~'"9 4‘-he dooe behind hen. I9; 1,,» I?'L-;'.~.v...-\§':~ aye‘ ya 1‘ got bflmid L‘ "5 hearty threw“? “" "wett'we...." web P°*°""d' Pmed Ily ‘add Q16. "Th bthuene . - . ‘u aemnne Q‘-Q,»we’ M“nidae Rachel, IllsPackauy you-1 Wot ea!“ But ‘mt Pdotea Q,“ Qoftnq The Riveaboat 4 gm B. - - "WE I?!" Bonei iaid dumbflounded. A coupte 05 dayo Latex xound Pat.‘ what d_qanQ_ “Efl 4,! -.,_n pe!t60!|.mGJ1C£." h_.| Staph acid The Ctito have been ettin tom I In "Nobody aAked...." 9 e ton A "’%..ouF°udfi'S.e'”»Y§a§"doet 5'11"" Md ow '3!!! _In _ I ugh, ta veay M16 "we-don't need ya no mote !" oaid 444d I dolvrl, the band take a tea buck in the kitchen. fig: to join Thl cutizh some '0' 9 wotflgang. blubhing. in g-own tyhico ‘?" asked "we'M'- The °" - ..uas_1e-nh. 1 "Do QM W‘ "Wow I I can't betieve ‘ow mu wg eadq--S-.2 - I » "Fine by me...." began Steph ?~ iwoLikh _ to9ethen I" oai'd Steph P"‘~’bab- ly "k9n,owuMnit»ab‘ I Main angaily. aBoSuIIIOQ ‘U nyg_a}1_ Sametimeo I coat 06 Mi“- Ia" “4*“4¢*¢411U- "I'm an pleated at 9"“bI’.‘“9 an’ W6 5“""h I em in the "You, you go to youn GURRRL-Qaiende. I'€k'ety '"(eawt ‘~- '"P’c0ved I it "MORE H MORE !!" yeiied the eah POAIEQQ 1 Hy cup ovexfltoweth." y a ygung bl.0 ¢ we don't need you. we can canny on.... e. 3-(0.4 . audience M The Bum teflt the Atage nsao-n' yMa,0060.11.011" Play an Y§“h ] You've waitten tome ace w-u“nwlll-I-R='I-n .......- Mid- .we ~'-~I ““'; --u You ain't that im—impoatant." itutteeed “Mu-’¢n’o»6<s. Fm- aTghe dudience' Wee £atq_ afltea theia moot oucceoeflul oet even. "0"-'74’ “dd “'15.”! dwflpmg hen teabag Nameteoi. an. 51 ! weuteli/bglrey appeluugj. geqgmg "Gneat t'ave- y'back Steph." gainned than ?Il abhgd CGJLO-£2. ' lde)‘ ax on tsp ofi the fleidge, III“ ‘A |you|u "Yeah I Yeah .I we'tt itaat an, an -1 teannt 1 Pm‘! “Q0 PM Win" "4 <3!» NE” "Weov Boneo thaowing hit aam aound hen. ALL BOY BAND...." blunted Wolfigang. He like thin -J?-‘h.hIi?:-dfezhehfi. do “"94 thbb un ‘ , .. -'" 4a4'd “fled .3 h E9 8.01.4 "So, I'm back am I, Wolflgang ?" we-1“ '|‘|;Q_ Teou.6eJ|-4'1,» ow". gonna, eh _. -; ochotuiul’ Ioh. W" I can otopped, Auddenly aeatizing how titty he "Welt, ea.... The ' "Wot .2 M {MUM yam blob?- "l_2‘Q-]._Z__3a LIQQUOU4 @098” Haj“ aaked Steph. bounded. QlLii;"dA)cLtw.:.1-u"1J "">' "°' ‘_nnha' bcaunmd-|...II oenoitive to jemait iooué:qg%k::fi..??:ze -70/In _4 Nqm dQ¢Z)1g_ "Well ea.... I6 y'wanna be...." Adid LQUQ, him a a_ LOIIQ LOO‘?- "Welt that'4 a novetty innit...." fYeah. but they can only be S0 hing Saph gave . 066 M19." ll b count wotflgang oheepiohty. - hl. "We'ne efl»u§"dT 9' I '.' t l1w~Q .' . oaid Steph catmty leaving the aoom. baoo. Um viojent 39¢)! wag‘ ad in, :fiE:4€::fiéz.They'ae btoket innit....' mm gunned. “fling; ¢_a.n't. V ~,, ’¢wnble 9%: can "N0." oaid Steph floncefiuity. "Do YOU Rae fiflice name." int?-WP“-d Staph no 1 -vat. 4°" °'- what elte to M1!- "C;u40z_n Acid ad Banana wnat me to be ?" euae “nut we IM1. got pad w?-wfi E on Bo _ "vfiflh. but they'ae good btokei....". at 1 1, ya...--" ' Laughteb "Well, I gueot 40....” muttehed 2%.‘ Acid Steph not withing to deny hen pact. . POOWWHFEIRFF fl“ '"l_2_a_’_g_HE~ ‘In Sign nt be int hut won The‘ u1die:¢¢b’::£$_t opaunctulled w t69'"‘~9.' Wotflgang. “Q "3 4» “ti-id v\'v'Q7Q9 ‘M:"9Iua.'§-"addyead “FMote' , tld -buggb L'1 7"‘ “mg bio a E. " 1 do 2" A cguplt 9‘ E0 Q4:J‘ h _ _ Nam. “Q4-6 QQ ’1QQk(Q4 "Y'btoody wimp I" oaid Steph, dendé "(fen Hajmud B0 ounted Ll!-I'l9;Bhbq b-G59" fffsge, WM-‘t um I I we we "J we in afiflectionately thumping tllotfigang in the 9411"?-' But rd ‘wet h ‘heaving a -H9. Hamel-06-5 Md BM ing 10 9"-t “P M - ..." '11 5 “P gem . SNOQRIN, RR1~: batto. "An' woua baa/at me mateo eh ?" wid “Pat baghwg huh foe van. "1>¢Y-s~I..T'°W ._:, deum ino V don’: ,aW_ tlabh theta "“"-12$‘9-hump.’ boy A1m§f°§s-y.gg#P- QM . l Q . vilain . |=_Y"' QUE ‘(ad-6 1 ‘El , ' ‘E ‘*FREI "The.y'ae alnight by u.o...." eaid fl’ wphoeglta6n0fll¢h__ MTheMy weneHwMo-ib¢eIle*n"9b In gnoaned “R'““‘“E5 I w”00.’I“"Ron "IQ... °' '§.,,“,,,d@ 410313;?’ 4 z Nameteoo. pogem” ioAogio‘ n dp ya_&9|! Staph hc,haue/IZ6U'~d.-kg“; UIHOA I!" 9?‘!-{Ted sfi$'¢;LtoaIta.61'I'1-"‘”'- hit‘ WeLeo»o. eu- e--" "M..d dick} 5ETTYR3U0B0B0]0$11'.-' ‘I ge9lEfgRde0wo§§'9f}"9 G0EekZ” "So we gonna do an encoae on what ?" "°‘ "“"-“I ‘.§f‘°§..e oi aw ""°"'°'§I “Iii: ~ N "DWI; bet can w;¢_gMt",ad a'g4.g BN0 no, .604. _Ul t ht F ! 5 . aAked"Steph. . - 9'1 * "".9 The gext day at ‘Skate Bunnie Aceeoh... ,, . 00 , 9ERo 0" °"‘d“'2cfl, chock. 7"‘ ‘UL: Mt But "Hightaawett....” choked wolflgang ibbdh d'gIi_t;‘;hetB.1'.lu.£lAa'th1e-ilte wguyo axe 'G!'JL.Lgh£- I; cg-e4,tu’Z-(Pig 064 00 !!' “Lag; 0 n M . . W0!-b9“""9' JIM nth it don'1- "'9-I‘ M M 0" QIMI goddeoe 31¢ h hie eyeo watching. dun“ w wab “mug “mo ' 1 ofi ti 5ns.muA1- StQph‘.. "n ti £00k‘.n' “M h I came ice ‘em compta/min 513: have time tomouow Z"taf¢'lehance SIP-P" “."‘9 ' 5 90¢ U"-. 9“ Snssflflfll 1 nee/1'4 " "‘° cab,-"J96? "what'4 it gonna be then guyo ?" thoug ' It ea,“ - noon to um audience :‘tu 1 '4_|\u£_R- 43$; ‘ 0 £iuw_n L bum." nuuuld Bonebzu. "See I d_ud R46/vet too 900d G. I, 0 ID9- - 'em .1» W?‘ ‘em ',,~ ‘?€'4'¢tey_ 5°“ ‘em O aiked Steph gninning. mocked 90'“ bend s.w./I. 2" 6'¢°"' M" “Mn ax, o»u.tw9"* “L I"O' Jud‘ 1&1 QOIUIQ ploua nab -» “'*'-'/ 5'te ?9"¢- r/1 . lu "Shoutdn't you aok youn mateo at was 06 W ““" ., -me. 16 "" mu, peeetioe; . _.. Steph. on one knae in filont 05 ad . £11“ welt ?" iaid Nameteao winking. -n| Oul AILLLLQ 4"."-4-‘t *6.-'/!(_I(_>_ llL00k," yetted stflpfh IIIIUQ |ad . “"’“‘§f,f_" wdience net‘-?:£'g'dM53 they'll ufiect. we'll ‘I'M - 'n 14- , . 'ad\-I /\ "Yeah. Good idea." oaid Steph ~»ev‘%@ K"Qtts .-., LIIIM that week at a. B.lU.A. paacticeI upto 'g - it Steph mentioned The Ctits oflea. ain'¢___l_%. with you 4"/U19 butbshit. I initialaizgfik and qt,“ -VEAH I” they Iiaid uot&g¢"9tMc:,'h\hh:uTlI:e CU“ "°'En'; Ste ;, ' they. M ed Ca/mg a bit _.'\. waiking back on otage. "Come on up Mud‘, L a'p whole‘ ciwlb .‘__3'_*-*-"' .- "So ! We HEN amen't good enough 601 “"""§$’§m YEAH 1 ALRITE I nu ,5 The haufl to bothea. Thed NMQLLM gtoomillk 5Ec.oi_ En,3 P»?-Z;.'0’u3£y. deéelu/Q $- ;.' ~ gieto !" the yetted geotuning to hen "ah welt . . ... fé . ‘I: fleitow Ctito. ya anymoee eh H?” Mid Wolflgang onidety nrtnb au c0mf”' 4-ntlllllptfld 4“-*"' CM btoku» a I‘ Mi ocene. 5b‘-I35an . in out now eh gadg Lug, ‘In ll ‘OM young a|,,m¢ them.-~ ‘RE not on the . ; d§¢n_q_ wed _ \- r "I do with the want aiwayo call ue wobbting hit head like a Wooden Top. jltbt butu,h' - we'ae A 9. ghyie. wen-_ . .. cob WE _ meta O fr'1o!’m D0 I3 . ' - - - " §l":~-.-.-.~"" .- we tin begqn ~...?*.*. . ' 'ginlo'...." Aaid Rachel getting on "Yeah I I Auppoae ifl wehad a oex On ' Q Th _.§.a.; _,-_~>- "Y ‘item new Me‘ we 9" I’ RwubM£'t to 4-PP"-°“"'uwI'» acid one. w -uonfhhw '"‘- H A -only 2 9‘f"¢/lth “Bose . I otage with Pat and Canote. They nodded change you'd Mitt be .6-tltging with at St¢Ph onpickin it Not me." beeathed 1‘I!" -who w"Vu0.1u9 ‘Gil-P-5 5"*“u"'h4"'Ua‘ 'P001 coP'J "6 ‘ tiMe be6oi'ls¢- woenQdufiint g‘iIh'e“phone ‘M9’ nklghr ’6l{_n whié olit _ can’: eh H?" hinted Nameiezas iuikity. Peetending tmigyeffncatge Ulp‘§'Pu Md "Yeah. *°“"d|f',‘,i “Ma Methyl- '"""9‘;A.-’6.1,%£;"“¥'»'.’;°.;.. op~~"“‘3,.‘1;‘I.;.’§.' ;.;" ROLL»on,,, - r/M-4 ".P‘ @/'BleRd1~yca-m1” 5"" go an W.-i'.*“" "Hi'o" to the neat 05 the Bum. "what we E- ‘Q gonna do ?" atked Rachel. "Gaow up ! Anapped Steph, "I will "L00k, we win»: ta .0 U4 M¢P- ' Bo-|-706 In T99 u “lid 1]-|¢, thtld. ma‘ " ' U1 no =n.o= "I knau I" oaid Boneo whiopeaing in 90% on with ‘-6 P-td. W2 know -,_.; nflah. |'|0!-R» Abaut M ggigt Mid woLQga.ng'.ma'2he1o6e: umu then “"4-ie -H ‘I YEAH 1 E 305' otitl be tingin' with ya. I juot wanna -aHprfaeerrreonts{Hgmpaearrmreents"IP"aar’ents "But no. B111 ‘Pd’ gm gowuh. Hwmod',,,eeg hen ean. Rachel pasted it on to the neat nnce c£¢pp.('n ' !/EA” In baoaden me hotizono a bit an...." Pointi . at 3 you w”""4'"-" Mid Nameteeo %SCUM nodded ht-on T . . - nq “-95- " M4 oung "An ace 1' . .. - ed Nelfld-'-M‘ l'IQ¢U1g_ may 30%‘ 05 the band then ahouted to the "wot ? An’ get in touch with yo’ "Yeah .7 Ah bet - M 5a_m_nn)ldlI\¢-- tad a 910119 O‘ 9 . -- |I thou Chan ed "who it it 2 I1-ll-‘mm -Mohawk Befi-U audience: “Right, you tot'tt pnobabty FEMALE SELF e" mocked Wotfigang. MANIFESTO .. - M 8 1 we» * "T .- know thio one. So ting aiong ifl K:°%II'*IIMA aumdy M ‘gm ‘In 4"4'P¢!daW0iw6JuOd? Ma ' . -sflumhlf town UQMQ bz°hu,.,.uut 51%-Pk "Stop bein' metodeamatic. Anyway Q Iphgng ll. T I Boolbltfiibg Il~liE:a5ut' “frnfigptoot. bewtidéfed gfiélt away 9 ge“&e€d y'want...." . L Mg I ‘ U, ; n ![Q4_ . " _ they might be no good innit !" oaid hie head wand the 4 B°"u Poking took» 06 °°‘]_ nutlggng. . A Mao,‘ "A-I-a—2-a—1-2-3-4." counted in Steph taken aback at the dioptay ofl npu be back "002. muoducedwu "ed :1; Takb: on 1" .;,aL'r£ol$bg9we,u do -‘id! wioaofizgmgfi 3 ";FeT:hRT _rn yeaed Iceptied Ca/cote. emotion 4he'd caused. wao Rachel on the phonempped Ste'Ph' It D M “I353 To Hold U4 Bach’ 132;; 1" o.bI1¢dI"I:aTHe'Exc€1_LIv:TS I H" Thie I‘ gm.’ Q4. Yo wozagotdydng, "EBONEE AN’ IVOREE, LIVE T0 GEDDA IN " "05 counoe they'll be good. we att ‘¥' R I ’ . . ,. _ Q . . M a H . m ' I gang. 0 PERFECT 'ARMONEE, SIDE BY SIDE LIKE know when WIMHIN get togethen wondeafiul 511941. ' '0'" 9024 it 1"’ aoked ZIIIT Z=I»“E.eo.. He went it-U-fit ”'@{f?:¢f:’° Out tlfeiemu Q01 wig: dead" PIANNA KEYS, 0H BAY-BEE WHY CAN'T thingo happen !" eaid Nameleu geotuning ."G1eec. '0» . a , », be. . B 0' seem, Q -'" he ' : - - " /laid "On- wEEE...." tang s.w.A. and The Ctito -U1 a manne-I that auggeoted he wan about hotding each otheu handi above theie to tun naked thnough the fiietdt, in a heado and iwaying fiaom Aide to Aide. The ~ ‘<9 ~ S th aud' The Ctita tefit the etage "°“- u 1 wow <1" *' P“ 'vai)l9- "“PP¢d w 1: °”“'6ucke . ‘Met panody ofl hie idea ofi what goeo on when -___-‘.1-f, Band tnouble 2-. - e tence M g-wee. A . um; in you“ "* , ad w.5;;, ° [gang -_ Ad Q 6.‘ The .4». "yeah A agtea theta encome. I d HIM‘ Om In, notoviénteil NM ghoul abgut nfifszfuch chuimliung M0“nd49..,_» audience fiotlowed ouit. Someone heid wimim get togethen. atogt theie tit ciganette tighten. "0/*. The b0 ¢' "llIe'&e a hit ." annouce t t - 1 don'i 9f -L give a 6 4 . S” IT _; , an 3 . 4:496 "Yeah. Stu“ like not 'avin' ..=.:'7-'.- Ctit - 9 "Q 9°43 d caoe "Oh God. Thin i/A ouch an emotional wiping hen bnow. btood'- A“ Ilodtonutnh H°'*'-’“" compaung a IT _ -'1" y SHIT 5’ ‘F033/511% Qua’ t'l/Zoten t'cIzap like that." mutteaed ..-.'§_'5,'I;"~~'.,'7*'-'3 whenz hwey’nnextM&uUd1¢aSat4aqp,h[ on9100"".£9 ' "£6° moment." oaid a young bloke waving hit "Yep ginto. we'ne the new Madonna." the $111‘ 9°r"j‘é:f_"_- _ kw cha_u_ pmffitatgb-My gazed the N F00Km» Steph. MQWZ about a REAL GK‘; !n ecu/L5. "I coutd cay. Honut I could." Ioaid Steph. Thene wan a momenta oilence. weflwglfigafig my toweau-irhapsaning new duck{_I....ea. ..-.e1¢ I audience "Ah bet you'll be doin' thooe "Oh Ahuhltup I" oaid a young wummwn, paedictabte man hating lyaica we ‘ean @\:EM(OT€+ be — Th2. C-Lt-Q GI Qflflh Ot'l€/l- Thib ‘MA hib p¢__u,onulhI1R-U5“ pwnlzub ab head Jig, (L6 a bee)!-‘.._n "Mind you. It'd mek an ace hock movie "Bad choice, Steph " oaid Rachet M U,“ W and 1 - can why-zzed Wotgganq ALL the time EVERYWHERE !" hinted innit....” "Yeah. Bad choice." ageeed Steph. fi"p:;m_u,_ womens Disco. W9’! hie lllolflgang. '3 _ -- —--7- -——————-—-——————-—--— - _ o I ' .-_.“..,_. — - \ - _ _ .| . pl A \_. ‘_ _ '_ _ _ I I . . I ..I--._- v -d .,, - . . i . H -“' - , - . u, . . ._ ~ - 0 I ' I‘: _- y | I __ '1 I -‘l .‘ .1 In _ T/l2 /77ea.sw~e o /4 /7761.11 4 \'. 4" ‘. .0 .“ -|_.'.._I ~ __ " ' - "'0." ';_-.'.’: o ‘-\.' ' I '3-\'. .' _ \ ' ._ '1 _‘|'.|." ' . ' ' -I..-..-’. ' ' ‘ . - , ..-'.. v~_,- -’ /173”; _;(;cL¢¢s(:ccs hqvt not: bum corms: darcd CobQ o.$ vital 45 LOOMQ"-5'1 Tl4l'$ 5&3 They're trying to come out. in society - sexism, anti- /0/'*€.SGnCL.O( an ocd/ama -For cm. woulol b2. mconstmotcd man no-wv"t/<11-L. Haw CA/v "1-" here in wales, it really is Slowly they're .starting' to Irish feelings, homophobia ;,@p¢, go MEASURE UP 1,: ha. dots no-t know what Lt IS thaiz /1.0. is Supposed to m:.a.sw‘fi» vital to everyone that they crawl out the gutter. At the etc. The NF and BNP claim are both physically and ¢¢pTO 50 how {>0 you 1:‘/nol THE MEAS CL-MAN? As‘/Q 01 doctor“ Co-u..::5€.v moment they're leaving a that women and black people ideologically opposed. slug.trail of Nazi stickers prevent all tflna young, fit, INDAYcSons av OTHERS ARE OF THE down the back alleys and white men in this country SOME MEN USED E subways of Nottingham, from getting jobs and TOTHM/K IT MAS ususally at night or early THE $11.2 os THEIR housing. Part of their THE(3fl9QALLL£NGWJ a';' @253? in the morning, hoping that ridiculously simplisticr and BICEPS‘ WHICH OF ‘THEIR "mouseR ” ” 4 no one will see them. Yes, backward solution is that ' REVEALED me ‘rave S‘NAI<€ THAT ooumsf ” ” § the National Front (NF) and all white women should be MEASURE OF THEIR bQ Du the British National Party ALL Tms REVEALS IS A chained to the kitchen sink MANLINESS... *3’ <"" (BNP) are trying to nwiggle and have, lots of white seruous nemcrr IN wEu_ IF YOU ‘ out of their fowl, dingy { " I'h""5'~'r.-;-. babies to ensure the ms PERSONALITY .DEP1'_ drains and bring their 1 WANT TO SPEND continuity of the “superior” voun LIFE wA|'rma- diseased racism aux? fascism white race. On no account SOIWITIXMUAITHE out on to the streets. FOR A PIANO (TS should white women Ix? able PIECE OF STRING- coon. av ME mas I But they need some to get an abortion or AND THE smcu. 1-Rv so-r mo cram; helpers to spread their contraception. Their role rr 1.4 outv END mI'T£nR5 warped ideas. Their prime ~__--'/ would be as ‘breeders’. targets for recruitment are Recently a woman in -_ young, white, unemployed, soms; MEN BELIEVE A FE“/MEN Nottingham vwu) publicly working class men (they're spoke out cu) women s .right THAT HAVING AN BE‘-‘EVE '1' DARLING- ‘- ‘" The anti—raci.st _i and not very interested in to abortion, recieved IS "THEIR ABILITY I WAS anti-fascist movement is not ENORMOUS BRAIN recruiting women, mainly letters from fascists rs Au. AMAN NEEDS WONDERFUL! because women aren't excited all about 'right—on' men threatening to fire bomb her with baseball bats .running by the idea of kicking a house. T0 MEASURE up . . around after fascist thugs. grandma's head in because of In their papers, the THAT DETERMINES HEAR '1" NH5 RED son oswovs REASONS Its about joining -together, her skin colour !). They are nazis have run stories about WHETHER mzv vou co ? women and men, black and attempting to exploit the how white women "who live IT HAS‘ PROVED __ ME/=|suRe up white, straight and gay to anger and despair that many with or marry black men are )MPossusLE -ro OR MOT. .... _____,_-I-—-1 people feel in the current slags and traitors and how oppose these .nazi bastards - coubucxr my SERl0u5 in everyway. "roo can ma ,-//"._\ economic climate. The NF and they will be murdered by / SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AUDIENCE LEFT‘ //-—~ ___ BNP offer “a future and their partners. This is an This includes: humus THE i___ -- ______ self-respect" -.a future of attempt to intimidate women INTO THIS QUAINT *Producing publicity — m-rsnvm. AND ... ‘white power’ and so called by using a warped stereotype NOWWCNV leaflets; _posters, .stickers 5lO I5 ‘self respect’ PKN1 by going of black men and by playing DID ~01 RETURN "— etc - that expose the NF and around inya gang attacking - (N7 women's ikmur of physical BNP for the nazis they are, '2/g /xi“ ) and occasional y killing — threats. Black women, the I\. and encouraging people to individuals soley because of fascists claim, should be support anti-fascism. their colour, religion or YET OTHER MEN t ¢4_€"‘£"+~ r~ sterilized 2%) they can't Mad (Hay aJ.( got Ll; wro»-L9, *Defending individuals and sexuality. There have been 3 aeueve THATTHEY . Q 4, have any children and so racist murders in the first communities from racist and Sc/once /1a.s"p/“owed _;or‘ o fad“. (final: their race will die out. MUST LEARN T0 EXPRESS Q é "' 0" W V DVV WW 6 weeks of this year alone. The fascists try to make fascist attacks. f n/um 5701/9! D0_ NOT wzeasausa u/7. THEIR ‘mus I“ ~"“v They also attack buildings, people believe that somehow *Defending women's rights to ___ FEELING-S MY MUM 0550 W’ v You o(ort’(: Z4/lot/t/-cs lb ? (J_K //ug,re;’g contraception and abortion. monuments and graveyards, if all the Afro—Carribean -rm-:~, /mo T0 BEAT "E ‘Opposing fascists standing slightly easier targets and Asian people were sent Iv <1? :7-/F45 PRQOF :.-___ as" parliamentary candidates‘ because solid objects can't back to their country of WILL THEY sou. /mo THAT5 (the BNP are standing J Q ‘[000 /1€¢£f'<_>$¢Xua/ women were asked to comp/etg Q run away. Last year in origin, miraculously there candidates in Erewash and BE ABLE To A/HVI G‘-REM UP ¢M¢$¢/<>"¢1//*6 on mens qua/ltzes In the Nottingham several family wouhi be jobs for all white Balby in Derbyshire in the houses were attacked, and ‘British’ men. In Britain "' MEASURE 7° FEAR "Nb -[Of/000;‘,-3 0J‘66l$I I) 51$ /0|/Q,/*5‘ general election) the Jewish Cemetary and the black people make up 4.4% of UP TO sews RESENT EVERY *Putting on gigs and events 1) as-friends Madni Masjid Mosque in the population. Total A MAN...‘ WOMHN [EVER to raise money for publicity V _ 3) Q5 work 5116-U‘Cr'S Forest Fields were both unemployment (including oaenm on MET and campaigns. Computer‘ analysis 9; the results N-v¢al$ U141? 5|!- desecrated. . people on income support, '1 anornea *Its even just pulling l6/17 gyear olds who, womea €»<p2.r‘ie.nC€.d nun to/M fameuhd: Iatikigf... .. l fascist stickers off although not working, cannot /\fl4 lamposts when you see them. clainz benefit and the E- homeless) is over l2 UTTINGHAM There are many women G Howw LL ooes as ST o D /5 H£ A 6-coo us raue: bot-:5 HE no ms FAIR SHARE million. So clearly (and some men) involved in /Inoun/o "rue House 2 someone's got their sums Y(OUR Y1 Nottingham Anti—Fascist wrong anyway. 0.) V€J'y w all 0.) very good ---- -- QJ ¢flMndyh¢,im.Hm KI] Alliance so if you want to It would be great to be stop fascists gaining ground able to stand back and say b) when /was hospflralfzed )>) he. seams to HA-nk It Isa b 0r]/y If Q rnatCI"l !..S that the NF and the BNP “are in Nottingham, if you,want \\\.I§..I . SM;-ferirvj -from exhaust/on to stop them) being elected," 5/oC Madame. - Held I7ear'/um 0-nd W- just a bunch of sick, warped haied hiMself_...... E3 | and if you want to stop has previously been boneheads, who no one’s racist attacks, JOIN US c ad men art going ix) support cu" join.” Soalredln pam_}/n...[:] C) Q5/Menarf I But when there's an NOW ! (or join_your local baSbardS ~ Anti—Fascist group wherever ba_séarc/(5 | estimated 17,500 racist C)cLL(/wen ctr: tuck b4-PX attacks a year in Britain you may be I) 1.»!-m.h Gfflu (5 basta/‘d5 ha YOU UQIIO (police figures) and fascist .““.‘.‘\q\II¢O parties are gaining support N.A.F.A. in elections across .Europe PO BOX NO 179 Not 'all”‘ racists are ~\ Q" fascists, BUT fascism and America; when the Ku NOTTINGHAM parasitically thrives on Klux Klan are trying to NG1 3AQ racism and other divisions establish themselves over I6 K.C. I? T '3 1 ¢' _ -_ _______-—, ___ _ — ._._ -._..._-_-___-‘...,__..-.-_;1-n_ __ ____i____ = _ 7 -* T 7* olwuflfil J HIANITJ 1.ou6- Fm; mmks §';u.':,': “UM L_a____‘f!l] C WHAT 1’ D; 5.)-TH|'l 5 §~”§e1A§Z€z~cu1¢v éiee Q BEND LJITH THE CJIND ;~R:::_s:'=""‘-= 81' RuummA Fflon PCOII-E I _ HMKJ/we .‘£ O Powm ‘fa mum YOU maau vodv: we: -UVA15 m Nolan» -r CHANGGD nenan rm A _‘ wow-s QunCLl\fA(:|( I LESBIAN? _ 7 I vvv hug fl-Mn """" ‘ j ‘ i ” ” * E: .T__- --—-— — Ii DJ’ Q3 yd vv " "" 1:: TI 2/ Q33] ~'“- I;__ ‘-1 a}\¢,_( \§n W - 7'“ 110 H 1»! -__- <l-_- Q __s- g *3 Bfb\T3H£lOP Q} __ ‘,2 I---_ Kdm-y-|5L1$0" i 1.-&'__ &_ ,- E32??? _ -ii‘ \- —.--¢ ~ _- Q-.. -__ <aQ3;3* {L ‘Q‘- if -1;-_,_ gfi 1 HOPC To El-'3TP§L ——-“; H" QL1/An 4,2 Q59 h*%Q5_ 913 w1TH /W AAP 1, ——- -I-1.1 C'é5??' 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