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Chubutemys, a New Eucryptodiran Turtle from the Early Cretaceous of Argentina, and the Relationships of the Meiolaniidae PDF

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Preview Chubutemys, a New Eucryptodiran Turtle from the Early Cretaceous of Argentina, and the Relationships of the Meiolaniidae

PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CENTRAL PARK WEST AT 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10024 Number 3599, 35 pp., 14 figures, 2 tables December 12, 2007 Chubutemys, a New Eucryptodiran Turtle from the Early Cretaceous of Argentina, and the Relationships of the Meiolaniidae EUGENE S. GAFFNEY,1 THOMAS H. RICH,2 PATRICIA VICKERS-RICH,3 ANDREW CONSTANTINE,4 RAUL VACCA,5 AND LESLEY KOOL6 ABSTRACT Chubutemys copelloi is the oldest nonmarine cryptodire from South America represented by a skull. The skull and associated postcranial fragments are from the Aptian Cerro Costan˜o Member of the Cerro Barcino Formation of Chubut, Argentina. Chubutemys has a processus trochlearis oticum, showing that it is a cryptodire, and an enclosed canalis caroticus internus extendingtotheposteriormarginofthepterygoid,showingthatitisaeucryptodire.Theskullof Chubutemysissimilartothatofotherprimitiveeucryptodires,particularlyDracochelys,butalsoto Hangaiemys,Judithemys,Sinemys,andOrdosemys.Chubutemysdiffersfromallthese,however,in possessing a solidly roofed skull, formed by long, wide parietals, rather than a posterior emargination. Chubutemysalso differsfrom these taxa in havingnocheek emargination. AphylogeneticanalysisusingPAUP*analyzed104parsimony-informativecharactersresolving intoonemostparsimonious cladogramof224steps,aconsistency indexof0.55,andaretention indexof0.74.ThephylogeneticanalysisweaklyjoinsChubutemysandmeiolaniidsonthebasisof the prefrontal-postorbital contact. Chubutemys also hasa fully roofed skull and slitlike posterior openingoftheforamencaroticumlaterale(foramenposterius canaliscaroticuslaterale), features tobeexpectedinameiolaniidsistertaxon.Chubutemysprovidesfurtherevidencethatmeiolaniids 1DivisionofPaleontology,AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory([email protected]). 2SchoolofGeosciences,MonashUniversity,Clayton,Victoria3800,Australia([email protected]). 3SchoolofGeosciences,MonashUniversity,Clayton,Victoria3800,Australia;MuseumVictoria([email protected]. gov.au). 4Origin Energy, Brisbane Origin Energy, GPO Box 1461, Brisbane, Queensland 4001, Australia (andrew. [email protected]). 5Museo Paleontologico Egidio Feruglio, Fontana y Lewis Jones, 9100 Trelew, Chubut Province, Argentina ([email protected]). 6SchoolofGeosciences,MonashUniversity,Clayton,Victoria3800,Australia([email protected]). CopyrightEAmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory2007 ISSN0003-0082 2 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3599 are related to ‘‘basal’’ eucryptodires (‘‘sinemydids/macrobaenids’’), that is, eucryptodires outside the living Cryptodira,the Polycryptodira. The basicranial morphology of meiolaniids, with an intrapterygoid slit, rather than being auniquefeatureofthegroupisinsteadamodifiedstateoftheprimitiveeucryptodirecondition,as seeninsuchformsasChubutemys,Dracochelys,Ordosemys,andSinemys.Theintrapterygoidslit of meiolaniids is homologous with the pterygoid flange associated with the foramen caroticum laterale (foramen posterius canalis caroticus laterale of Sukhanov) in non-Polycryptodiran eucryptodires like Ordosemys. Chubutemys shows that nonmarine eucryptodires were present in South America in the Cretaceous, as theywerein NorthAmerica, central Asia,and Australia. INTRODUCTION Barremian in age (Welles, 1962) and thus as old as or older than the Chubut cryptodire. The record of nonmarine cryptodires in However, this material has never been de- South America is very sparse, particularly in scribed and its age is not substantiated. comparisontothemoreabundantpleurodires. Later records of cryptodires in South There is a record of marine cryptodires America that postdate the Aptian Chubut from the Jurassic, but the nonmarine rec- cryptodire consist of meiolaniids: ord has been restricted to the eucryptodiran Meiolaniidae from the late Cretaceous– 1. Los Alamitos Fm., Rio Negro Province, Paleogene. Recent vertebrate paleontological Argentina, Campanian-Maastrichtian, field explorations (Rich et al., 1998) in the described by Broin (1987). Early Cretaceous of the Province of Chubut, 2. SalinasdeTrapalco,RioNegroProvince, Argentina, have yielded the oldest skull of Argentina, Campanian-Maastrichtian, a South American cryptodire and the oldest undescribed fragments reported by record of a nonmarine cryptodire from South Broin and Fuente (1993a,b). America. The only older cryptodire is the late 3. Sarmiento Fm., Chubut Province, Jurassic (Tithonian) Neusticemys neuquina Argentina, Eocene, tail ring described by (Fernandez and Fuente, 1993), a presumably Fuente and Fernandez (1992). marine form attributed to the ‘‘Plesiochel- 4. Niolamia argentina, Cretaceous or yidae-Thalassemydidae’’ by Gasparini and Eocene,ChubutProvince,completeskull, Fernandez (1997) and the ‘‘?Plesiochelyidae’’ see Gaffney (1996) for most recent byFernandezandFuente(1993).Neusticemys appraisal. neuquinaoccurswiththepleurodireNotoemys. The skull and cervical vertebrae of Another record, identified as a pleurodire: Neusticemys neuquina are unknown and thus ‘‘grand Chelidae primitif’’ by Broin and its more precise relationships are indetermi- Fuente (1993b, see Discussion below), is nate at present. Broin (1993) listed some probably a cryptodire similar to Chubutemys Jurassic localities that have yielded turtles, described here. none identified as nonmarine cryptodires. Although cladistic analysis has been the Broin and Fuente (1993b: 182) also listed norm for phylogenetic work (at least in ‘‘chelidae primitifs’’ from the Rio Limay morphology) for decades, recently some have Formation, thought to be Cenomanian- argued that there are limitations in the Turonian, but the basis of the identification Linnaean classification system that require is unknown and these must be considered its complete abandonment in favor of an Testudines indet. until described. alternative, the PhyloCode, incorrectly called The Albian Santana Formation (Maisey, by some, ‘‘Phylogenetic Taxonomy’’ (De 1990, 1991) has yielded a protostegid marine Queiroz and Gauthier, 1992). Although we cryptodire (Hirayama, 1998) that is probably do see some problems with the Linnaean later in time than the Chubut cryptodire. The system as an exact mirror of a cladogram, UniversityofCaliforniahasaskullandpartial with taxon names that can change in content skeleton (UCMP 38346) of an undescribed with every addition or subtraction of a basic chelonioid from the vicinity of Bogota, taxon or character, we do not think that Colombia (V 4538), that may be Aptian- abandonment and creation of a new system is 2007 GAFFNEY ET AL.:NEW EUCRYPTODIRAN TURTLE 3 the answer. We take a more traditional view, 1993a, 1993b; Brinkman and Wu, 1999; similar to that expressed by Gaffney et al. Gaffney, 1996; Gaffney and Ye, 1992; (2006; see also Nixon and Carpenter, 2000; Parham and Hutchison, 2003; and Sukhanov, Carpenter, 2003; Nixon et al., 2003; Schuh, 2000), we refer to these early eucryptodires 2003), that it is better to modify the Linnaean as ‘‘Sinemydidae/Macrobaenidae’’ for conve- system where convenient, rather than set up nienceandtoindicatetheinconsistentnatureof a new one, particularly a rankless one. An phylogenetic analyses of these taxa. Earlier extreme example of the abandonment of the works that have reviewed some of these taxa more traditionalsystem ofturtleclassification are Brinkman and Peng (1993a, 1993b), is the Joyce et al. (2004) version of the Brinkman and Wu (1999), Gaffney and Ye PhyloCode (q.v.) in which most of the pre- (1992),Gaffney(1996),ParhamandHutchison viouslynamedhighertaxaofturtles,including (2003),andSukhanov(2000).Specifictaxathat the name Cryptodira, have been replaced or have skulls and/or postcrania particularly redefined with new content. Although this relevant to the description of the Chubut exercise claimed to improve stability in turtle cryptodire and that are referred to in this text nomenclature,itisobviousthattheoppositeis are: the case. In fact, the two proponents of new 1. Dracochelys: Gaffney and Ye (1992), higher category definitions and names for Brinkman (2001). turtles (Lee, 1995; Joyce et al. 2004) do not 2. Ordosemys: Brinkman and Peng (1993a), themselves agree on the taxon names or Brinkman and Wu (1999). definitions. Another classification aspect is 3. Xinjiangchelys: Peng and Brinkman the use of geological range in naming groups, (1993b), Kaznyshkinet al. (1990). the ‘‘stem’’ and ‘‘crown’’ nomenclature, re- 4. Hangaiemys: Sukhanov and Narman- ferring to whether taxa include living species. dakh (1974), Sukhanov (2000), Parham We think that since extinction is not an and Hutchison (2003). element of the cladogram, it should not be 5. Sinemys: Brinkman and Peng (1993b). an element of the classification, which is 6. Meiolaniidae (including Meiolania, cumbersome enough without the added bur- Ninjemys, Warkalania, and Niolamia): denof geologicalrange. Therefore,we usethe Gaffney (1983, 1996). higher taxon names for cryptodires explicated 7. Otwayemys: Gaffney et al. (1998). See inGaffney(1996)forthetaxathatarerelevant Smith (1999) for another possible in this discussion of Chubutemys. Australian eucryptodire from the early The anatomical terminology used here is Cretaceous. developed in Gaffney (1972, 1979). The term 8. Judithemys: Gaffney (1996, as TMP ‘‘foramen caroticum laterale’’ as currently 87.2.1), Parham and Hutchison (2003). used actually refers to both a more anterior Skull figured in fig. 13. foramen opening into the braincase floor and 9. Macrobaena: Tatarinov (1959). amoreposteriorforamenopeningontheroof of the palate, with the canalis caroticus lateralis (Gaffney, 1979 and others) connect- INSTITUTIONAL ABBREVIATIONS ing them. Sukhanov (2000) used the term ‘‘foramen posterius canalis caroticus laterale’’ CNEA Comisio´n Nacional de Energ´ıa Ato´- mica for the posterior foramen, and we have MACN MuseoArgentinodeCienciasNatur- adopted that usage here. ales The Chubut cryptodire is most similar to MPEF MuseoPaleontolo´gicoEgidioFeruglio a series of largely Mesozoic eucryptodires TMP Tyrell Museum of Paleontology usually grouped as the family Sinemydidae UCMP University of California atBerkeley (Gaffney, 1996; Sukhanov, 2000), but which may also be interpreted as successive, para- ANATOMICAL ABBREVIATIONS phyletic, sister taxa to the Polycryptodira of Gaffney (1984, 1996). As has been done in bo basioccipital previous literature (Brinkman and Peng, bs basisphenoid 4 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3599 cci canalis caroticus internus Dracochelys, although the temporal roof is ex exoccipital incompletely known); broad parietal-squamo- fcb foramencaroticum basisphenoidale sal contact in contrast to Dracochelys, fpcci foramen posterius canalis carotici Ordosemys, Hangaiemys, and Sinemys; cheek interni emargination absent in contrast to Draco- fpcl foramen posterius canalis caroticus chelys, Hangaiemys, Judithemys, Ordosemys, laterale and Sinemys; triturating surface narrow as in fpp fenestra palatinumposterius fr frontal Ordosemys and Sinemys, but not very narrow ju jugal as in Dracochelys and Hangaiemys; foramen mx maxilla palatinum posterius similar in size to that in op opisthotic Ordosemys, not very large as in Dracochelys pa parietal andHangaiemys;deeppitonpterygoidabsent pal palatine in contrast to Dracochelys and Ordosemys; pf prefrontal foramen posterius canalis caroticus laterale po postorbital exposedinventralview,widelyseparatedfrom pt pterygoid foramen caroticum basisphenoidale, and qj quadratojugal formed in gap between pterygoid and basi- qu quadrate so supraoccipital sphenoid as in Dracochelys and Niolamia, sq squamosal in contrast to more posterior position as vo vomer in Hangaiemys, Judithemys, Sinemys, and Ordosemys; canalis caroticus internus only SYSTEMATICS partially floored by bone along contact of basisphenoidandpterygoidasinDracochelys, ORDERTESTUDINESLINNAEUS,1758 Hangaiemys, Ordosemys, and Sinemys; fora- mencaroticumbasisphenoidaleformedentire- INFRAORDER CRYPTODIRA COPE, ly by basisphenoid and open ventrally as in 1864 Dracochelys, Ordosemys, Hangaiemys, and Sinemys; basisphenoid triangular in ventral PARVORDER EUCRYPTODIRA view as in Dracochelys and Niolamia, not GAFFNEY, 1975 rectangular as in Ordosemys and Hangaiemys. FAMILY INDETERMINATE (‘‘SINEMYDIDAE/MACROBAENIDAE’’) Chubutemys copelloi, new species Chubutemys, new genus TYPE SPECIMEN: MPEF-PV1236, a partial TYPE SPECIES: Chubutemys copelloi, new skulllackingmuchofthebonefromitsdorsal genus and species. surface, but with an internal mold of it DISTRIBUTION: Aptian, Early Cretaceous, present, ventral surfaces preserved intact with Cerro Costan˜o Member, Cerro Barcino stapes in situ, atlas elements disarticulated, Formation. and a piece of presumed hyoid in right ETYMOLOGY: Chubut, for province of temporal fossa. Argentina in which it was found. TYPE LOCALITY: ‘‘Turtle Town’’, 43u369S, DIAGNOSIS: A genus of eucryptodire 68u559W (figs. 1–3; Rich et al., 1998: fig. 1), known only from the skull, similar to Chubut Province, Argentina. Dracochelys, Hangaiemys, and Ordosemys; HORIZON: Cerro Castan˜o Member (fig. 3), nasal-frontal contact absent in contrast to Cerro Barcino Formation, Chubut Group, Ordosemys; frontal does not enter orbit Aptian (Codignotto et al., 1978; Rich et al., in contrast to Dracochelys, Ordosemys, 1998; Rauhut et al., 2003) based on the work Hangaiemys, and Sinemys; temporal roof of two of the authors, T. Rich and A. broadly covered by parietals extending poste- Constantine. rior to otic chamber in contrast to the deep DIAGNOSIS: as for genus. emarginationseeninHangaiemys,Judithemys, ETYMOLOGY: For Maria Copello, who Ordosemys, and Sinemys (and probably discovered the holotype. 2007 GAFFNEY ET AL.:NEW EUCRYPTODIRAN TURTLE 5 Fig.1. RegionallocationmapsshowingthepositionofthetypelocalityofChubutemyscopelloi,n.gen. etsp. MPEF-PV1236 (fromRich et al.,1998). 6 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3599 Fig.2. Detailedlocationmap(from250Ktopographicmap)showingthepositionofthetypelocalityof Chubutemyscopelloi, n. gen.etsp. MPEF-PV1236. REFERRED MATERIAL: The locality that skull described here. No shell or postcranial yielded the skull of Chubutemys also coughed material was found directly associated with up enough turtle remains to cause its giddy the type skull of Chubutemys. However, there discovererstocallit‘‘TurtleTown’’(figs. 1–3; are postcranial elements that probably belong Rich et al., 1998: fig. 1). The fossils from the to Chubutemys. The cryptodire material is site consist of shell and postcranial fragments identifiable because it consists of a partial of cryptodires and pleurodires, as well as the carapace with anterior thoracic centra and an 2007 GAFFNEY ET AL.:NEW EUCRYPTODIRAN TURTLE 7 articulated eighth cervical, as well as periph- one, whereas in MACN 907 they are closer in erals, including bridge peripherals, that size. The other specimen, MACN 908, identi- are very similar to the ‘‘sinemydid/macrobae- fied as an eighth cervical (Broin and Fuente, nid’’ postcrania described for Dracochelys, 1993), probably is an eighth; it agrees closely Ordosemys, Hangaiemys, Judithemys, and with MACN 907 but lacks transverse pro- Otwayemys.Theshellfragmentwithaneighth cesses and a neural arch and only shows cervical, MPEF PV1940, is identified as a biconvex centrum, so its identity must a cryptodire on the basis of the widely spaced remain ambiguous. Nonetheless, it is very zygapophyses and the close agreement of this likely that MACN 908 is also a eucryptodire, cervical with those of Ordosemys and along with MACN 907. Dracochelys (see below). Three sets of periph- erals are also identified as cryptodire and GEOLOGY probably belong to Chubutemys. These are MPEF PV1941, PV1942, and PV1943. They LOCATION: The ‘‘Turtle Town’’ fossil lo- are very similar to peripherals figured by cality (Rich et al., 1998) is situated in the Brinkman (2001) for Dracochelys. They are center of Chubut Province approximately relativelyflat,showextensivecosto-peripheral 32 km north of Paso de Indios, on the north fontanelles, and have dorsally concave gutter- side of the Rio Chubut (figs. 1–3). Most of ing as in Dracochelys. the best turtle remains were found at a site Thereisatleastoneotherspeciesofturtleat (siteA:43u359510S,68u549370W)approximate- this locality, a chelid pleurodire much smaller ly 150 m east of the road (Route 40) leading than Chubutemys. Most of these chelid bones northtotheLosAdobesMine,whileasecond, differfromthecryptodireinbeingatleasthalf less productive site (site B: 43u359520S, thesizeandinhavingaverydifferentlyshaped 68u549450W)approximately400 mtothewest shell with fused pelvis, no costo-peripheral of the site A, but on the opposite side of the fontanelles, and finely incised sulci. road,hasalsoyieldedafewturtlefragmentsin DISCUSSION: Discovery of a definitive, addition to a large sauropod phalanx and skull-based eucryptodire in the Early Creta- a well-preserved seed cone. ceous of Argentina prompts reexamination of STRATIGRAPHY: TheEarlyCretaceousChu- the published record, which has generally but Group of Argentina is a sequence of referred nonmarine turtles to the Pleurodira fossiliferous nonmarine epiclastic and pyro- or Meiolaniidae (Broin and Fuente, 1993). clastic sediments up to 1500 m thick (Figari Much of this material is too fragmentary to andCourtade,1993)thatcropoutoveralarge reassess with confidence, but two specimens part of central Patagonia. The sediments previously identified as pleurodires are prob- unconformably overlie Middle–Late Jurassic ably cryptodires. These were originally identi- volcanics and nonmarine sediments of the fied as ‘‘grand Chelidae primitif indete´rmine´’’ Can˜ado´n Asfalto and Marafil Formations, (Broin and Fuente, 1993b: fig. 5, 18–19) and are unconformably overlain by latest from the Los Alamitos, Rio Negro, Late Cretaceous(Campanian–Maastrichtian)conti- Cretaceous. Both specimens are in the nentaltomarginalmarinetomarinesediments Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales and of the La Colonia, Paso de Sapo, and Lefipan have been examined by the senior author Formations (Figari and Courtade, 1993). The (E.S.G.). MACN 907 was identified as a fifth Chubut Group is presently divided into two cervical,butitisverysimilartotheundoubted formations called the Los Adobes Formation eighth cervical of MPEF PV1940. Both are and Cerro Barcino Formation, based on biconvexwithanarrowedcentrumandawide, sediment composition and depositional pro- midwaypositionedtransverseprocess,distinct cess. The older Los Adobes Formation is from any described chelid. MACN 907 lacks dominatedbyepiclasticsedimentsderivedfrom the neural arch as well as the zygapophyses. theunderlyingJurassicvolcanicbasement(un- The principal difference between them is that published CNEA report:Cerro Solo 1998, Un the anterior central articulation of MPEF Proyecto Para La Produccion de Uranio y PV1940 is slightly larger than the posterior Molibdeno en la Patagonia. CAE–UAG 8 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3599 2007 GAFFNEY ET AL.:NEW EUCRYPTODIRAN TURTLE 9 GeologiaEconomicayRegionalPatagonia).It 68u579240W) sides of Cerro Chivos approxi- isthoughttobeLateValanginian–Hauterivian mately 45 km north of ‘‘Turtle Town’’. inage(Cortin˜as,1996;Pageetal.,1999)andis The Cerro Castan˜o Member (fig. 3) is subdividedintotwounitscalledtheArroyodel a sequence of interbedded reddish-brown, Pajarito Member and Bardas Coloradas brown, and pale gray (occasionally white, Member. The lower unit, the Arroyo del yellowish brown, and pale orange-brown) Pajarito Member, is represented by up to tuffs, siltstone, and fine to coarse-grained 150 m of yellowish-gray to orange-brown, sandstone in excess of 90 m thick that interbeddedsandstone,pebblysandstone,peb- conformably overlie the La Paloma Member. ble-cobble conglomerate, and minor shale de- The difference in color between these two posited in a high-energy, low-sinuosity fluvial units is quite dramatic when both are present environment. The overlying Bardas Coloradas inthesame outcrop.The contactisoften very Member is up to 30 m thick and is composed sharp, and in some places, a thin lenticular largely of red to reddish-brown shale and coarse-grained sandstone with intraforma- minor fine-grained sand deposited in a lower tional clasts can be found at the base of the energy fluvial overbank environment. Both Cerro Castan˜o Member. units are well exposed at the Los Adobes All of the vertebrate fossils recovered Mine (43u21943S, 68u459220W) approximately from ‘‘Turtle Town’’ were found lying on the 32 km north-northeast of ‘‘Turtle Town’’, upper surface of outcrops of the La Paloma while another good exposure of the Bardas Member. In this area, Los Adobes Formation Coloradas Member can be found on the road is absent and the La Paloma Member rests leading up to the La Baritina Mine (43u289 unconformably on the Jurassic Lonco Trapial 350S,68u569090W)approximately15 kmtothe Formation. The basal contact is well exposed north. ina1.5-km-longsectionofcliffsupto30 min The Cerro Barcino Formation, in contrast, height on the northeastern side of the Rio contains large volumes of pyroclastic sedi- Chubut (43u359510S, 68u569440W) approxi- mentsandisthoughttobelateHauterivianto mately 2 km west of ‘‘Turtle Town’’. Here Cenomanian in age (Page et al., 1999). It is theLaPalomaMemberdipsverygently(,2u) currently subdivided into five units called (in to the east and infills/blankets the top of the ascending stratigraphic order) the La Paloma, Lonco Trapial Formation, which can vary in Cerro Castan˜o, Las Plumas, Puesto Manuel relief up to 12 m over a distance of approx- Arce, and Bayo Overo Members. Only two of imately 100 m (fig. 3). The basal unconformi- these units crop out in the vicinity of ‘‘Turtle tyisalsoexposedinthefloorofabroadgully Town’’: the La Paloma Member and Cerro about 1.5 km northwest of ‘‘Turtle Town’’ Castan˜o Member. (43u359290S, 68u579050W) where several small The La Paloma Member (fig. 3) is a se- mounds of Jurassic basement can be seen quence of interbedded pale light gray, pale protruding up to 4 m above the surrounding bright green, and pale reddish-brown (occa- La Paloma Member sediments in the floor of sionally deep red and purple) tuff, siltstone, the depression. claystone, and rare, very fine to fine-grained The depositional setting of the La Paloma sandstoneandlimestoneupto35 mthickthat Memberat‘‘TurtleTown’’isdifficulttoassess conformably overlie the Bardas Coloradas due to the abundance of clay minerals in Member of the Los Adobes Formation. The the sediments, which upon weathering effec- basal contact is well exposed at several tively destroy all sedimentary structures. localities on the northern (43u129030S, Consequently, the upper surface of the La 68u529260W) and southwestern (43u139320S, PalomaMemberongentletomoderateslopes r Fig.3. Upper,viewlookingwest(43u359290S,68u579050W)atoutcropsofLoncoTropialFormation(J) protrudingaboveLaPalomaMember(LP)sedimentsinfloorofgully,CerroCastan˜oMember(CC)visible inbackground;lower,enlargedviewofareashowninboxinleftsideofupperview,lineiscontactbetween LaPalomaMember (LP)and CerroCastan˜oMember (CC). 10 AMERICAN MUSEUMNOVITATES NO. 3599 Fig. 4. Chubutemyscopelloi,n. gen.et sp. MPEF-PV1236.Restored skull: left, dorsal; right,ventral. (, 30u) often has a ‘‘popcorn-like’’ appear- silcrete band probably accumulated on the ance with a deep weathering profile. This floor or edge of a lake prior to cementation. problem is further compounded by sediment beingwasheddowntheslopesfromhigherup, MORPHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION which masks the outcrop lower down and necessitates trenching to reveal the true color Figure 4 is a partially restored view of the and lithology of the underlying sediments. skull, figs. 5–9 are stereophotographs of the MappingintheareaofsiteAindicatesthat skull and fig. 10 is a key to the stereophoto- the vertebrate remains found at this location graphs. The reader should also see tables 1 arefromathinbandofsilcretelessthan1 cm and 2. thick that contains abundant, randomly ori- ented,millimeter-tocentimeter-sizedpiecesof NASAL silicified plant fragments and stems of branches up to 1 cm in diameter and occa- The anterior end of the skull is badly sionally short sections of tree trunks up to eroded; nasals could have been present or 20 cm in width. The silcrete band crops out absent. along the top of a ridge and forms small pavement surfaces. The silcrete band occurs PREFRONTAL above a 1.8-m-thick laminated pale gray calcareous siltstone that in turn overlies an The external surface of both prefrontals is 8-m-thick bright green massive tuff. Both badly eroded but enough remains on the right facies are weakly bioturbated in places, which sidetoseeamaxillacontactanterolaterallyand suggests the plant matter in the fossiliferous afrontalcontactposteriorly.Aspreserved,the

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