T SEGA D L EH LATIGI YRARBI COLLECTIONS T G A EH OLDEN LPHABET yb noeg rsueplSrahC oT eh tstnedutS fo eht ,sdro WskroW dna syaW fo:doG eeohmttocleW SEGA ru otysu r et.Wyrarb ilLatig iD slliflu fyrarbi Leh tn isemulo vreht odn asih thti wecneirepxe :u ootytnemtimm or cushoici hnwois id vnoatt ormuo M EH TGNIKA W EH TF OSDRO W ESI A O TELBALIAV A LL — I YLEVISNEPXEN . SEGA , yenr aaRbwOltAfoS ASU no i0s.r1e V©8991 2 PREFATORY WORD. T EH T REASURY O F D AVID n idnuo fe bo ts i,semulo vegra lneve sn i, nwo nyklnomm oeok cbtr eoag wuo hostt tiiu,bseirarb ifslodnasuoht hsilb u opdtn i ymomt neim a tceicn e,H,lear s fIsodnasuo het hgtnoma . t yidbetifo r eptbhg iemr oymn atma h,tsko orbella m ns ti fisotr anpiatrec t udona tosest az hiac s ufsmsoila shPtneeten id Nndaerdn ue HneOhT e hgtno mnawo nst.kiItnemtae rettara p meaisa ld cn,ats ee rhl tlmaorf d n,arew o,pev o,lesia r e p nh AfBetCodl o’gsnaitsir heChT “ s‘sanamreG si hfetolt ie thdteworr oe bv maIe hhmto rd fn;a’;’d ofdGor oe Whfetosu werb ee H hfrtoet t heatl iswnig embla se P hfntooitr ohpc a.Eemulov eyb asmesr etvhg itesr ief hwt owho hdslu o ew,wnemice p sas.Atebahpla .hpe lr,rAoAett ee lhhtt iews ahcc anneiig eosdbtaeredn eors “‘ gn ids sei A s l nn emitio elef;aehbheyhrttdatanwu kd ;ln nhaa eiawwhv atoflhoeJ gn i Asssie l,n bsome eit hnaptohe mtesikithset ;t re alre o ihkhhdmeetwniheiahtsw osl An om et,hasth stoedn doenkciw but walk in his ways. A law hast ‘thou given unto us, .stnemdn a pymyelmhetotknceg idtll aiuehdowths ,! hdtAraoh Lty ms yedarewe twocserid tah! ts tIepht eguyeithkmatts , dl elndd aenn IhhAutsto ofennboc .stnemdna m olymttlhocnatceu pe:sl eeiIvrhawh sA ro f,em I lkl niea we,hhdhtttetrin awgneiahefnu .stne msgu do nuedej te hy hnlwheIgrltviaaarehhls nA eye lliw I eva hotn:u syehttutats Oekasr oefm .tyolnrettu ”’ ’ e h styan aem rsanoisserp xse t.Inoitisopm olcufredn o sawmila sspihT e nhot igwno lla lsala e td.Ia ees h stea n soyinomits est tti u,bsevaw ,sesr e fvroebm uenlbaredisn o facsotsisn o tchiguoht lta u;byl ntocejbus derdn ue hns ottiuohguor ht te,ysreh torotalim iysr ee vrhaci hfewomos seire h:tdetaep et rostnihguo hetmas-fl ee shstazna txsis-ytnev edsna sraep ptahguo h.te hfrtool oe chnte hnwe v,eecnereff ifedod a shaysawla t u;byteir a fveocnes b n asaeire h t tnitia hdti aesv aehm o.Sem aes h etobt e v . aItdhieidu tt soenv ao hhewso hfntooitavres be ohytler estmiaht 3 denehtgn ehlt iewlball yhsc atei ’d.eko odl n,adr ohwc adeehgiew , tnyiigolotu aos tnaghn odserc assi htta hstsent ir wa d eIn;banoitatidem fatoa h styiteir asv t.Id n oegtninnig embo rdfeir ayvlgnimra h sctIub d nsanoitatumre pe]lbaremun nsitcej bwo emafo r:fepocsodielak er ed,hne tack noueoooplyocsodi e .lendahIektcud oesrrnpaoitanibmoc rehto nda n,aeltt iylr esavsa leg httfi hus o:ymr olfufitua eyblegnar tsasi .er e sh ti oi.Sse yreu oeyrof e sb,ilufitua edb neatacil eydllau q,eepahs t u,bhtu retm ae s h stt.iiem ae shrtev et ned yn,aem ae s hset ieu sotyahW y aewm o ns ri,onoitcenn owc e nanti u,pthg iwl e nandieca lspyaw l satii .ssenhse rhft idwetsev nrieh troo ev adhlu oew nyolneva enaha hrteh ttocejb uys ntaa hetveil etb o onId dlr oswi h ftsoeme het hrt o;f tnio pnuetti rgwni embla shapc u fsdoewolla nev inge eebv aghnildn ahahc udslu orcehti e.Nwolla hds nwaorr aenra na cenol anoitaripsn i;enivi dnah tsse ldni myn ay btcejbu sderca sao tneve .mla sspi h ftsosenhse rdf nsasenll uef hrt otfnuocca d n,asnrets ie cryae h;tdetsuah xneo oe srn aefsmonoitisopm otcs eebhT tsr ief h tthac uymr emve hytoj nue o.Ysniatnu ogfnignir ptson t u;bre vsoem idterd n muaeh hrta edhlu ou cokyni hu tod yn,aecnatniauqca st ane ayamlidee pysr e.Vemosira emwe hdtn info ous o:yt odnlu oucoy nam ulh l.Astee whst idweyo lec rhatgn e tlnaerdli hnce v:eyen ohhc uomot r eesw ltk o;a fo arettaohg ms ubteidbihtr wto f Weod roeioGhstted u okyni hut osys eel h tt fiwoo nuk oeyr oem hetli h,wsesaerc n tiyiduts e vusaaohhyt pso e tte d:i nvusuni ioaoosdyypw uok roe.gohwBTonk llit ser auo Y.derolpxen usniame rhcih wytinifn ieh tf onoitpecre prelluf eu r stsii hlt l.Aets a otstsi lrbu o sy tihici htwa h fteor oymoj n oegtnihgis eh tf oygolu eeh tnah tero mgnihto nflest in is ihcih wmlas peh tf oneve .ynomitse tenivid e htrtaedn oosswtupl e,hhtgn etlae rs gtmio r,fmla slpufredn oswihT o stsupl e thticejb uesm aes h otgtnipe esk tmio r.Ferutpir c fSyotisnemmi stni ryu nt eamhm ot,r tf.e e Y trnts,uooiiebfrutpi ryfctoS i enehurtoda .weorH u, st typpts shtl i iefu geeoro voseuihtcteeiteorSnhgishaottv nstias u,jdr os d W inIofshIGothguo hd tnsadr oe whe trdalofinam .sya wyna mn ideyalpsi der allik ssi hf osredno weh t,noitaerc dn a,reyar p,ynomitse tf ognilgnimmo cralugni seh tmlas psih tn ierimd aI eehsr edvnoc e nas;issent iswra etbsimla seP hetsr eev n no.Iesiarp ;secip syna mf op ueda mesnecn in as it I.syar pe hesre vdrih tan i;sesiarp , ro essh mato retdoge fo kdtdrenodawnuo pymlolcufre dyetneruohabwt 4 e h fteoul aev hstesaerc nyiltae rggnidne leb h.Tssentee wtscefr eepno dfeosop mmolc a esdfhprotiht- een voeoa kth tidolln u uo.oweYlohw reht onn ea dh;nteacnat s rn,oiefs rhetveit x eidpohseutt kr re—aymarp dexim n funooitr odpri htat edy n;aesia r fpyolevisulc x peeud atmrap ,deximret nsitneiderg ntieews-yleniv iedse hlt leav a ohtts e sb ti.Iynomitset dewollah-ecir hsti h ntmie hetv auh o sy,ayti nduerc aoast ntihguo rdwna ht itwnarga re frsaeinomits es ttd in,aynomits erta esbreya rs pt.Imlasp .esiarp lufthgil eydlrailuc emapla sspi hnto pnuetti rsw ashegdi rsBelra h.CrM nefohoittacif ietdhpetme t d ttl; a uumIlboi aw h.kv ok eiIttroeroodsnw ottrof foeend as maer hho,fen os d aesyh haaewm ae shnetilpo esp’droL elbat olnarev e.Snoitov egdnitomo r tpdaem isa ath u,bgninra eylalpsid e d nmIn,oaasegdi r. BreMrof eybrtnu oyclneva eshi hdtesreva rstrohtua dr oeL hltl idt nte olnl inwoissecc ues h:tm irhet fwaoll oof hewso hfto .semoc yl osH itha hyta rdp n,aecnatpec csa’dr o yL omrtob a yldmnemm oIc nsill etbee w ssgan i oretrutpir cySl o fHsoesia repse hetk aym atmiripS .eromr eevlep o ne swpsfio roheahet y,rarore fpdraaeeRD ,tsir h nCriehto rybhT .C .HnoegrupS Westwood, Ju yl1 887. 5 .91 1MLASP erehT si o nlai ceelptsit ot .s i, hmrtleahstPie nsi ysn’arohetmuaan mentioned. It is T EH L TSEGNO P MLAS , and this is a sufficiently distinctive eman rof .ti tI slauqe ni o wk tls-umybltansepw tfo e hetg ahrtegvnaelfo eht sgnoS fo .seergeD roN si ti gnol ;ylno rof ti yllauqe slecxe nihtdaerb of thought, depth of meaning, and height of fervor. It is like the celestial ytic hcihw h t,eeirlauqs-ru odfna eht thgieh dna eht htdaerb fo ti eralauqe ylnaaiMc isfrreedpauesr eva hdenigam itaht ti ’sprah nopu eno,gnirts d nsadnuob a ns;ins oesiiut c oidntitnaupeadbpn eusrdi ehsrtesirmaorf s idhetid ue tvoesahs hwo:hd tnns iw’ smorfse oed tnaewehorll aehhst enivid ,nmyh dna ylluferac deton hcae enil fo ,ti era dezama ta ehtyteirav yg.ytn tliifhnd s o g oneU a,uru h dsoefwtensdhtoehaartirfthorpww ssnnooi i t ’ tdafg d annonheytaiiccaubniulmmahdproewosescmripipdh yloh ytirailimaf htiw sih ,tcejbus dna eht deifitcnas ytiunegni fo sih.dnim eH re vs et;nafelpeesrm irhof fi eht etmnae smsirtunceesr ti si decalp nia hserf ,noitcennoc dna os stibihxe rehtona gnitseretni edahs fo.gninaem s . eee sr h ir eeeteT s doksmhinoAteumnoosoehihtihcehwtsrtertdbf m, lt s seoyaheiyek sesgmh ro arhPuiteaedrte t atkvetetriettlidlaeiwbW become the more full and fascinating the oftener you turn to it. It contains o ;ens dl ee rd r p hgoit e f altnwsetsohrli orsitgutomauheifstllthwractub wee nn. i mfw eo oehde rTgh uont komir ooykosto rinlfrhisoitumo iacarg tr aee hhetr oum olyl iewes ni d.itci an loeP ceah ftsrau seh taes fsosalg erofeb eht lanrete ,enorht ti tey sniatnoc nihtiw sti shtped na naeco fo,erif deyn sla eot ozhuohatotwgvn ei tdlil at h o,synsl snteeouen bstehhgtirb lee feh twolg fo e dh.etermcaa lstfI sdie dhato il yw,leosh ndensa sisa g,ntiiy d e uyle dn t tivnei ssedhhai ia.awngwhatrgya igicakseAliwub h O”“’ ‘!e shtht et eYpssehedth pt eehnrdteaadedt ninneheabrappa s , eesddy ehkinil lsntahaaedlai mtssneht,iaws ywustgaiucAilpmis exposition all the more difficult. Its obscurity is hidden beneath a veil of ,t hrdege n civya enloltsecnioh soh oit,hd tw esthreogan nurnoaireoht ylno ot kool no eht ,drow ,tub ekil eht ,slegna ot kool otni.ti e c h n st, e lairtmeazwe hmnd cntegoonmiathicaltteTEaesl sbsPaihpla sdee cm ,ol,drra . ne p shlt oattePtrherstxhiogheeetwhith lnwetnoenhat .teba hwsp er lfreea obthoettwHetl-y t hnegehuw tote rtshietuiqran oytbco se d,ihsce iBehrweh ts eedru atsin toflioutmi sfoop p;oesne sdn asrehtofo 6 , dldean s— tisa h nmieshceeletihipiihtrtwwoil almarrouft ceusrothst rs aeyli r itoeemitvsilosa hmn.htridco e if rgrhsulewtoudedlonopi dke hea roocnense tt i gpemwsnhtismruiwieo h rdfyteilhpoTSH attractive to the attention and helpful to the memory. He is often plain or elegant in his manner, but he does not disdain to be quaint or formal if ynb o e nisrngtieaich hcsu ftereod tb. sden ehiy ehtlerceHoasrmeeurosd ton esipsed neve detcartnoc dna laicifitra sedom fo ,hceeps fi yb riehtesu eh nac xif s ighnihc aneotpu eht .dni mcaa srIolyaT s ayhlihtr otweshtrof eht nossel fo siht :tcaf — “‘ nI eht tsetcirt sesnes si hntoitisopmocsi sse l;edh etnnrioeivte ine dhtntsoe chegsinhes si ti encanaretftou lautirips ;efil dna ni suht gnidnif eseht ylgnimees desoppo,stnemele yletamitni delgnimmoc sa yeht era tuohguorht siht ,mlasP a nossel lluffo ed ve eiy tol seeoitlyoc vha lhe gnwh—ttrtno snaicesehnhiltatiesm ecnaye vfnooc eh tsgniht fo doG ot eht na mtuihrips si ni on yadwegamad ro ,dedepmi hcum ssel si ti detcelfed ro ,detaitiv yb sti noitagujbusot eso hstedom efcon ahrceith twtusom fo l lk aane oprisiteeabht tpoatdaeht infancy and the childlike capacity of the recipient. ”’ s r ne,ngrts oneii eiodrshh mowa Ts,amraeafl f bo siteyaskrsaeeotvnpeo fo eht smlasP morf .divaD sA eht scitirc fo siht loohcs erayllausu dnu ole sannnuiiut r idtnrnc iiao,pdes nneout taetw inviare gteihstoppo ,no imtocrefri d n aoli acgrinu pitfhshaocut nisyshrewem vomecorfos y r. ore t e vtdec a.teeaitasmrWihvofila ltarshauteDwitsqIbtPassinu d ie,v cna nno Ddieien nisnissa r so’edehtetdinptirilaxipvlewxaaeDt g ny in.tassmtenrieotpn inI ruo htuoy ru oreh cdaeeltlac ti “‘ s’divaD pocket-book, ”’ e tre,aewdhhetsse r npnexoh eite nno e iithdp ltnoecawni evah eh tla yynoreratitdi rttswauu ooshiegrmua iovatrh tgn o.lefil,oN et m vo. lspinye oaiugnmwetshaehPtcnte “‘ sihT si s’divaD.liops ”’ After ggnnio d l,anreaor hetn uosateg ot won ks,iehl ydtnsa earusafeom dnneeot vicf sdeteitie sit nrhis ey eichosdbsmuipiinqhmhrcwoeaccsid eman eb :delaecnoc ew leef a dnik fo lacitirc ytniatrec taht eht dnahfo divaD si ni sih t,gnih t,aey taht ti rseihteg ostilha.nwo eh T eenmoe hft o smilhat ssPi e hdtro wfo e.th dst srietomheLlsTsaishP tcej bnu i s,ysnt a hdmsgntiaale rfto ti ns ir,esvy iatdwub emhosdtliemso n o oie tthdntreo mwfo e hdtro Ln iher cseeardm eenoevusno rroehtfoo eh ty nsaemma ny bhcih we hswo n;kti dn aneve fi eh teman eb t,oentef# s ie ht .tooearhHzwwn ay tr dseneviues ryulpitr al el thisctiesj beuhst hech iehrwutpi rsfcko Soeosb ohh ttdiewtaru t saga snwlousfrednow 7 ne a so sinuh rl tiowwalf s h eneoeiam.rot lrrddBaphaenmCfsAissessop d e h.t e egsaeesdyhuet lrialtomitbhhheri daitTsshtsehBiitimwchetrp tsimlasP dah ,enod — eh dah enog tsap gnidaer ot n.inoitatideemkiL e ,edr ri e,t d vnnhn-desya ietetarnrDdkudihewenaLruhovahartGesgfag golden fruit therefrom. ‘“The most,’” says Martin Boos, ‘“read their se lebk iisBlw at cadhntat sni e hk,tcs is e hadlrtrnpergamdianetruhettef s r t.eedsswhnebotanrlieffh ”’ tI si ot eb deraef taht ew oot netfo odeht .ekil sihT si a elbaresi myaw fo gnitaert eht segap .fnooitari pysanMieht ssel egsc n ii gith rend atnpliathiitent s h aresmwdevuorperoerfLrp .mlasP s eer sre.r airfeeleovhrtTat ea emhr- tet tswhcnni o Teieernjdhgabituvse h cruest c asasa resa v iholt oscteadte s hrnhemetoethehhlothttptuyah eyd vllsanue h oogsye c a a nl,gs rw fainnsaeeomhauathwmopatyl , rteisv ie,wnoohi ty. r rmson eo epI ovdevdtesglniaeaws mdeehttseggus eht tiurf fo peed ,ecneirepxe luferac ,noitavresbo dna tsenrae.noitatidem fI divaD did ton etirw ,ti ereh ttsum eva hd e rvreiehlvteoinla efboyltcaxe eht emas ,redro fo dnim sa ,divaD dna eh tsum evah detcidda flesmihot yd oh mtl,liarawuo sqddpern aaev anhee b yy nltralreaavueo qhlfeoyloH .tirW h ng loueliomitr owihtcstn oed fpmesomeri ovc hrcoatturssOpembi gni tr tuyse ohd getnhos aittn.pmin etmwistcytnes iijn bIruesdr oot,siht et orrewthg usa’dyr npeiHl i.hy Pr to ti moim l tetmoloh motedgecwiwm ni reh ,yraid “‘ I evah fo et anlek aetm ossniap ot nrael yb tramelhasP ,.9 1d1n aev aeh. dns aisemeemrroegshotrp ”’ yl d,oeglb ises ahnawSes .namow ret t f, anomsm e li-d ddahtleel lstclswoeu PeirghogjtathnbsesiuhvsearH ,ssss e edn ,nntfyraeotae newer,ilsh esactrd steieerhshnetntlcrolucuff syd n l eeooeperw it kurretoi ai bctldte e r sca,lfhoyndfocwbiaeusGrs n omirt acrweofff a.ti td aeshrgWonvi aeefbr aesoht ot mohw elhatnretE r of tdo!ar e ha r l nW dednysen ntnititwaat a shtohedsiloarGhw , n e oe cnic,uatn nmdci etou osfgaiiyarooihtghpplwootmivlrodeuocdew for the divine testimonies! If ever one such has fallen from the pen of man y u t qthli ,oh cld mlg s hsiees liieiet’hwliyalmbh9lwlhlsot1uatoPs1ochs before an open Bible. sihT dercas edo si a eltt i,lelbiB es,hedtreustnpeidrnco Sca ssamfo ,n eeynt li ttsoln.iinH bisr rosy inwdWinleBoentaohiraomhTtmrceeaG called it “‘ The s’n anietdsliorghC A B C fo eh t,esi a,repv o,lrewopdna 8 esu fo e hdtro Wdf eo .sed sroyeaGel hBoth dwnn aadtca sedrrneadnu ese hy:tlstmnsiiar soyhephat llahs dnif nedl osgelppa ni sihteurt erut p, , e e is dmekenltresnlmi hooacdiaaolotkhhSihsctcwtrtPeerpseH , ,sh lecsr ,nls i ietdeii,h atitnd tarwfltearasrooreelapabwsgesip ,srewolf ehT yduts fo siht dercas gnos sah netfo devorp lufpleh ot yloh .nemyrneH nytraM snoitnem ti niaga dna niaga ni sih ;yraid sa rof ecnatsni — “‘ ! decneirepxe a nmelos ssendalg ni gninrael siht ,trap ,MEM fo ehtht911 ”’.m l maeasciPrlolfirW esbelkiaWm siht droce rgnirud a emit folacitilop d e :kmelo largebWfndu “ iy ok‘rtHerr eahtahn etPtrmp9ole1Car1sPni great comfort. ”’ ,lacsaP ni eht gnidaer fo siht yloh ,gno sdemees otssap out of himself in holy rapture. y aeMso hot hlwl adh as,eg rn e i,hetmthpl teapcslcPeah foruo ,n ol iersteit ifernns hario!teuhpmhbtxeieh wtoT si h,tdne ta ehtyrev tes ttueol rrduenoyeac rsopat ,d otGah tsi hytlior Hiypa Smts enropusu .emu l eoehvstu ryelptuo veeelwdihw 9 SESRE VF ONOITISOPXE . 8O T1 B DESSEL fwo ael h ntkil aow h,wy aew h ntdielifed neu hetra eht L ORD . 2 ke etsa hd tn,aseinomits es tiphe etka hyte he trdaesse lB .tra eehlo hew hhtt imwih 3.sya wsi hn ikla wyeh teytiuqin io no dosl ayeh T 4 .yltnegil isdtpece ry phpte eosdktuednamm otcs auho hT 5 !se td u eptoyteath cet tt eksO easryrhyimetadww 6 l loat ntuceps eerv anIhe h,wdemah s eat b olInla hnse hT .stnemdnammo cyht 7lla hnIse h,wtra e fhsosenthgir phut iewe hetsia rlpl iIw .stnemgd usjuoethg iyr hdtenra eelvah 8 .ylre t teteokumna s: rsOoeftut a ytph s etle lkIiw e hfntooitalpmet n hoat cipnwuek ae trsaesr etvhg itesr iefsehT e.hdT r eosfhLeottut a etghsntip ehegkuo rshet mhocc ishswendesselb -tra e.Hely tcsitca d nniaia dhrteht arrenn atmuo v ndeaiedtae rstticejbus s’d o sGhici hdwr otwa h fteov ohalguor hdteyoj n sedi ohGt ipwihswollef dn aesiar pdn areyar P.tirip Sylo Hsi hy bluo seh thti wgninummo cf oyaw ek islesr eevse hhtguor hmtae lsggnile edf nsat claanoitov e fdsotr olsla t u,bdetcurts nyil nt ooe nru ao.Yevo regvi lnhoaguor htthgiln ufssomaeb .em aes hstserp x oedtepl edh n,anoito myel o ohdtecneulfni mo rdfevrese re pryae hetsuac e,bdesse le brdar oyWl osH’d ofsGorevoL d ns2aesre vy(l oyhllacitca repd aem ryae hetsuac e,b )e1sre v:(tnemelifed s ti.I )e2sre vy(lesnet ndi nyalerecn ids orGet fwaoll o ofdt eel rda n,a)3 tsidnamm odc oeGsuac e,belbaris e edtbs ugmnikl aywl otha hrtae lecdam stt aishlt e de ,nfe)as5r e :v rt(soiyf alr upsous o eiehprtofer e ;he)ts4rev( .een)sh I6r tgetnvii(nia tn bodopnue pt esedugmar udtonrcaofmoc 10 e h,tderews ngani esrbieya re phetli h,wa e,yreya rdperews nftaocepsorp ott oenvlos enrmel o nsdiex i sfdi n,a )e7sre vs(senlufkna h ftlol u sftiraeh .) 8esrev (ecar ggnilban eevi glli wdro Leh tf ignissel beh tssim s“d ‘ren ohogw t pnesuureragn aehhcT yaw ”’ — . ’/ya weh tn idelifednu“‘ “‘ klaw O“ ‘”’,sya wsi hni “.‘”’detcer iedr eswy a ywtmaht peek ”’ — “‘ peek peek “”‘’,seinomits estih detcerid “”‘’,yltnegil isdtpece rypht ot ”’,peekI“‘ te Y”’.sya wsi hn iklaw“ ‘”’,wa leh tn iklaw“ ‘—”’klaw“ ‘dn a:”’pee klliw ereht si ; yognol ortounat si eht e ,mtd ahehsgtguauoeohphtet roteht . omse eys a tmrieda esrselerac eh Tegn as htmcno ertmfue otsbaratesht odna tuoba eht droL oterom er osmemoc edb n,aesr ehvtru oef h ntsinig edb ohGt igwnila eldanosrep ts osmemoc enboinumm oec hstesr ervet ael h ntlil i,tecnav d ea swraaelc .Osetuta tys hpte elkl i.Iwee hetsia rlpl iIw “.‘gniv olmu ods neasnetni lanosr efwpoo le ghlte ey farmeda eyrre vt ea ”hO’t.ylret tt uoeenmkasrof !mla sep h ftnooitc etssr isfi hgtniydu tesli hnwoitoved 1. “‘ k wenlo, defahiahyeneholtwwahiltwtife deednhreutasselB droL . ”’ etha h,tdr oe Lhfw toae lhhtt idwerutpar nostesisimla se Ph”T’.desselB“‘ s a eh.H t oidtemrofn o e cobstsendesse l fbloae dtisehg ish i s htasidrager m ue shetr eewsr esvi h fst,iad n;aw atlcefr ee p hfstoeitua ee b hndtoezag esoh wna meh ts idesselB“ ‘,smialcx ee h,snoitom esi hll af oemoctu odna dl otc o snnioigil eeru r”T’.d o fGlol iew h’t ftopircsna rltacitca rep h steifil e hetgd uyjl nto o en.Wserutp adr nsanoitamalc xse tsi a th;iy rddna ylmr ae wret awu,bgni hrtepo rd pne a s eoiwa btwasl’d ofgGonipeek “,‘redn ogwniro d nati uyo rdc n,assenil osh t fidoeromane d eesresahetlB undefiled ! ”’ hc uesmoc e obetris eydlreg a eetwa h,tybere hgtninaem t.Iyl oyhltcefr e eopnbta hstsenipp arhetae rorg nohfs ie.wWsevlesruo d n,assenitlu anf wso i fheosn erased nduerob arleti rew htta h etybam er uepr onme ed bakhl aewso hewso hfstosendesse le bhdteiv neerofereht dr oe L hfwt oatlcefr ee p hfntooitalpmetn oycr ee vh,tdeed n;inae ldcna s inhaom emb iehk a omhtguo neeti usq adweret nwe o enhhci hnwopu .kl adwelifed n nu fasosendesse leb hrt ohfg ids n,asnoitcefrep mniwo thgil e osdttuimr et posne otrd io,flacitca rspyaw lsnaioigil eerurT demrofn o e cobgtnign os anluginitic xteuoht iewl utrcefr enaspievlesruo d nraa eo hhewso hosttgnol egbniss e .lAtbcudn oycli ar duneoil utra hott ;ogtniss erl e tb: tse dta i y drie er farroehadooLghtfnwtatsre dddnnauaer