bs_bs_banner Chronology and stratigraphy of the Magdalen Islands archipelago from the last glaciation to the early Holocene: new insights into the glacial and sea-level history of eastern Canada (cid:1) (cid:1) AUDREY M. REMILLARD, GUILLAUME ST-ONGE, PASCAL BERNATCHEZ, BERNARD HETU, JAN-PIETER BUYLAERT, ANDREW S. MURRAYAND BENOIT VIGNEAULT R(cid:1)emillard, A. M., St-Onge, G., Bernatchez, P., H(cid:1)etu, B., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A. S. & Vigneault, B.: ChronologyandstratigraphyoftheMagdalenIslandsarchipelagofromthelastglaciationtotheearlyHolocene: newinsightsintotheglacialandsea-levelhistoryofeasternCanada.Boreas.10.1111/bor.12179.ISSN0300-9483. TheMagdalenIslands(Qu(cid:1)ebec,Canada)areakeylocationforunravellingtheglacialandsea-levelhistoryofthe MaritimeProvincesofeasternCanada.Althoughmanysedimentarysequenceshavebeendescribedinthelitera- ture,absoluteagesarelacking,impedinganaccurateinterpretationofthedepositsandtheestablishmentofapre- cisechronologicalframework.Thisstudyprovidesadetaileddescriptionof21stratigraphicalsequenceslocated throughoutthe archipelago, aswell asthe first comprehensiveluminescence chronology fromthe Last Glacial Maximum(LGM)toc.10ka.Inadditiontothefivesamplescollectedforagecontrolpurposes,34luminescence sampleswere taken from 17 different sites in glacial, periglacial and coastal deposits. The stratigraphical and chronologicaldatarevealthattheislandswereatthecrossroadsoftwoicecapsduringtheLGM;thesouthern islandswereglaciatedbytheEscuminacicecaplocatedinthewesternGulfofSt.Lawrencewhereasthenorthern archipelagowasglaciatedattheendoftheLGMbyaniceflowfromNewfoundland.Theglacialdepositcovering thenorthernMagdalenIslandswasassociatedwiththeNewfoundlandicecap;hereitisnamedtheGrande-Entr(cid:1)ee tillandisdatedtoc.20ka.OSLagesbetweenc.23and17kaacquiredfromcryopedimentandcoastaldeposits onthesouthernislandsindicatethatthispartofthearchipelagowasdeglaciatedshortlyaftertheLGMandwas affectedbyahighsealevelandperiglacialprocesses.Around15ka,theentirearchipelagowasdeglaciatedand partiallysubmergeduntilc.10ka.Thisdatasetisthefirstmajorcontributiontoadetailedchronologyofthe MagdalenIslandsandconstitutesthefirststeptowardsinterpretingtheglacialandsea-levelhistoryofthecentral area of the Gulf of St. Lawrence; this new understanding will provide input to regional marine and glacial modelling. AudreyM.R(cid:1)emillard([email protected])andGuillaumeSt-Onge,Institutdessciencesdelamerde Rimouski(ISMER)&GEOTOP,Universit(cid:1)eduQu(cid:1)ebec(cid:3)aRimouski,310all(cid:1)eedesUrsulines,Rimouski,QCG5L 3A1,Canada;PascalBernatchezandBernardH(cid:1)etu,D(cid:1)epartementdebiologie, chimie etg(cid:1)eographie&Centre for Northern Studies (CEN), Universit(cid:1)e du Qu(cid:1)ebec (cid:3)a Rimouski, 300 all(cid:1)ee des Ursulines, Rimouski, QC, G5L 3A1, Canada;Jan-PieterBuylaertandAndrewS.Murray,NordicLaboratoryforLuminescenceDating,Departmentof Geoscience,AarhusUniversity,RisøCampus,DK-4000Roskilde,Denmark;Jan-PieterBuylaert,CentreforNuclear Technologies,TechnicalUniversityofDenmark,RisøCampus,DK-4000Roskilde,Denmark;BenoitVigneault,Min- ist(cid:3)ere du D(cid:1)eveloppement durable, Environnement et Lutte contre les changements climatiques, 675 boul. Ren(cid:1)e- L(cid:1)evesqueEst,Qu(cid:1)ebec,QCG1R5V7,Canada;received3rdAugust2015,accepted18thFebruary2016. The glacial history of the Maritime Provinces of east- glaciation, either from local glaciers or the LIS, ern Canada has been debated throughout the 20th whereas others argued that, during the last glaciation, century. Two schools of thoughts have developed con- the archipelago was ice-free (e.g. Richardson 1881; cerning the nature of the last glaciation in the area Chalmers 1895; Clarke 1911; Goldthwait 1915; Cole- and these have become known as the ‘maximum’ and man 1919; Alcock 1941; Hamelin 1959; Prest et al. the ‘minimum’ conceptual models (e.g. Grant 1989; 1976; Dredge & Grant 1987; Parent & Dubois 1988; Stea et al. 1998, 2011). These models either argued Dredge et al. 1992). More recently, regional syntheses that the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) entirely covered have come to what is generally accepted in the litera- the Maritimes to the end of the continental shelf (e.g. ture as the Appalachian Glacier Complex (AGC; e.g. Dyke et al. 2002), or that local independent glaciers Stea et al. 1998, 2011; Josenhans & Lehman 1999; were located mainly on land with ice margins ending Stea 2004; Shaw et al. 2006; Josenhans 2007). The just offshore (e.g. Dyke & Prest 1987). The question AGC suggests that local glaciers, mostly located on ofwhether theMagdalen Islands,locatedinthecentre the Maritime Provinces, were coalescing with each of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Fig. 1), were glaciated other and with the LIS that formed an ice stream in during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is key to the Laurentian Channel. This model results in a com- resolving this debate (e.g. Grant 1989). Several studies plex sea-level history in the Gulf of St. Lawrence that have focused on the palaeogeographical history of the is variable both regionally and locally (e.g. Quinlan & islands but these have only served to strengthen the Beaumont 1981; Shaw et al. 2002; Bell et al. 2005). dispute between the maximum and minimum models, Although the AGC is generally accepted, this concep- because some of these studies recognized evidence of tual model extrapolates from several studies under- DOI10.1111/bor.12179 ©2016CollegiumBoreas.PublishedbyJohnWiley&SonsLtd 2 AudreyM.R(cid:1)emillardet al. BOREAS taken throughout the Maritimes; little is actually composedofquartzandisgenerallyporousandhighly known of the glacial history in the centre of the Gulf. friable (Brisebois 1981). On the southern islands, the Glacial, periglacial and marine deposits have been bedrock is overlain discontinuously by between 0.5 described in the literature (e.g. Prest et al. 1976; and 10 m thick Quaternary sediments (e.g. Dredge Dredge et al. 1992; Paquet 1989; Vigneault 2012; et al.1992;R(cid:1)emillardet al.2013).Inthenorthernpart R(cid:1)emillard et al. 2013, 2015a), but the Quaternary his- ofthearchipelago(thePointe-aux-LoupsandGrande- tory of the islands remains poorly understood mostly Entr(cid:1)ee Islands), sedimentary bodies can be ~20 m because of the lack of a robust chronological frame- thick(e.g.Dredgeet al.1992;Vigneault2012). work. Nevertheless the archipelago offers a strategic terrestrial record; it is likely to have experienced and Methods recorded the last glaciation(s) and the inherent sea- level and periglacialchangesin a keyarea. Sites The oldest known record on the Magdalen Islands is located on Havre-Aubert Island and corresponds to A total of 21 sedimentary outcrops mainly located in a lagoonal marine deposit covering awoody peat. The coastal cliffs have been described in detail (Fig. 1). wood provided U/Th Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 5 SevenarelocatedinthenorthernpartoftheMagdalen ages of 106.4(cid:1)8.2 ka (UQT – 183), 101.7(cid:1)15.6 ka Islands (Old-Harry, Sandcove–Seacow, Bassin-aux- (UQT – 182) and 89(cid:1)7.6 ka (UQT – 184). Thewoody Hu^ıtres west and east, Bluff-east, Pointe-aux-Loups peat and the lagoon deposit are overlain by a littoral north and south), two on Havre-aux-Maisons Island sandyandgravelridgeformedinacontextofsea-level (Airport and HAM), seven on Cap-aux-Meules Island rise,whichhasitselfbeentruncatedbyalocaltillasso- (Fatima, Facterie, SAQ, Ars(cid:3)ene, Grader, Galet-Plat ciated with the MIS 4 (Dredge et al. 1992). More and Gros-Cap) and five on Havre-Aubert Island recently, based on a limited number of radiocarbon (ACW, AC-Lighthouse, AP-DEM, AP-CAM and ages, R(cid:1)emillard et al. (2013, 2015a) suggested that the Clermont). Finally, two sites were studied for chrono- southern part of the Magdalen Islands was glaciated logicalcontrolpurposesonly:Plaisance,locatedonthe by the Escuminac icecap that flowed towards the tombolo connecting Cap-aux-Meules and Havre- southeast at some point during MIS 2, and was Aubert Islands, and ACE, located on the southwest affectedbytwomarinetransgressionsandtwoperigla- coastofHavre-AubertIsland. cialphasesbothbeforeandaftertheMIS2glaciation. Unfortunately, a similar chronological framework is Sedimentologicalanalyses lackingforotherareas;thedepositsofthearchipelago Ten clast fabrics (n = 30, 49 or 50) were measured in require the construction of an absolute chronology the field using A-axiswith an axial ratio of >1.5; eight before an understanding of the relationships amongst of these were re-analysed from the study of Vigneault theglacial,periglacialandmarinephasescanbedevel- (2012). Clast fabrics were all plotted as contoured oped. equal-area stereonets on the lower hemispheres using Inthisstudy,weaimedto(i)describeandcharacter- ize the sedimentology of 21 outcrops observed STEREO32 software and examined using eigenvector analysis(Mark1973)(Table 1).Grain-sizedistribution throughout the Magdalen Islands, (ii) improve the of matrices was determined with a Beckman-Coulter chronological framework by adding new OSL ages, particle size analyser LS 13 320 (0.04–2000 lm) on 51 and(iii)increasetheunderstandingofthepalaeogeog- raphy and sea-level history of a key area of eastern disaggregated samples and processed with GRADISTAT v.8.0softwareusingthelogarithmicmethodofFolk& Canada,fromtheLGMtoc. 10ka. Ward (1957) (Blott & Pye 2001; Table S1). Altitudes were measured in situ using a Trimble RTK D-GPS Geologicalandgeomorphologicalsettings ((cid:1)0.015 mverticaluncertainty). The Magdalen Islands lie in the shallow waters of the Magdalen Shelf (<100 m) near the centre of the Gulf Radiocarbondating of St. Lawrence (47°N) (Fig. 1). Six of the seven Samples of organic material were collected at the AC- islands are connected to each other by Holocene barrier beaches (tombolos) (R(cid:1)emillard et al. 2015b). Lighthouse and Clermont sites, both located on The islands are built on Carboniferous–Visean vol- Havre-Aubert Island. The samples were prepared for radiocarbon dating at the radiochronology laboratory canicandsedimentarysubstrata(Brisebois1981;Giles of Universit(cid:1)e Laval and analysed at the Keck Carbon 2008).Thegeomorphologyoftheislandsisdominated Cycle AMS Facility at the University of California in by basaltic conical hills surrounded by sandstone and Irvine.Theconventional14Cageswerecalibratedusing shaleplatformsslightlyinclinedtowardsthesea,which areinterpretedascryopedimentsurfaces(Laverdi(cid:3)ere& the CALIB 7.1 program with the INTCAL13 calibra- tiondataset(Reimeret al.2013). Guimont1974; Paquet1989). The sandstoneismainly BOREAS ChronologyandstratigraphyoftheMagdalenIslands,Canada 3 Fig.1. LocationoftheMagdalenIslandsineasternCanadaandtheGulfofSt.Lawrence.Samplesitesareshownasblackpushpins. OSL81,OSL83,OSL84andOSL92).Allsampleswere Optically-StimulatedLuminescence(OSL)dating prepared under subdued orange light. The outer Sampling, sample preparation and measurement proto- ~5 cm ends of the cylinder samples were used for cols.– Thirty-nine OSL samples were collected water-content determination and dose-rate analysis. throughout the archipelago from 19 sites (Tables 2, Samples were wet-sieved and the 180–250 lm (90– S2). Generally,sedimentsweresampled byhammering 180 lm fraction for OSL08) fraction was etched with opaque plastic cylinders of 5 cm diameter and 30 cm 10% HCl, 10% H O and 10% HF in the usual man- 2 2 in length into a homogeneous part of the deposit. For ner. Heavy liquid separation (2.58 g ml(cid:3)1) was then the pebbly unitswhere the absence of sandy lenses did used to separate quartz from K-rich feldspar grains. not allow this approach, sampleswere collected in the Finally, the quartz-rich extract was etched using con- dark (at night) in opaque plastic bags (OSL80, centrated HF (40%) for 1 h to remove any remaining 4 AudreyM.R(cid:1)emillardet al. BOREAS Table1. Clastfabricdatafromthisstudy.S=eigenvalues;K=shapeparameter;C=strengthparameter. ClastfabricID n Meanvectors Eigenvalues Azimuth Plunge S1 S2 S3 K C PAL-North CF01 49 96 26 0.622 0.246 0.132 1.496 1.546 PAL-South CF02 50 77 20 0.558 0.322 0.120 0.560 1.537 Old-Harry CF03 50 194 13 0.675 0.253 0.071 0.773 2.248 Old-Harry CF04 50 21 2 0.705 0.186 0.109 2.499 1.865 BAH-West CF05 50 61 28 0.618 0.256 0.127 1.251 1.585 BAH-East CF06 49 87 20 0.663 0.215 0.123 2.016 1.688 BAH-East CF07 50 49 37 0.735 0.160 0.105 3.642 1.946 Grader CF08 50 22 14 0.635 0.285 0.080 0.634 2.071 Grader CF09 49 15 9 0.764 0.182 0.055 1.195 2.636 Gros-Cap CF10 30 54 12 0.665 0.236 0.099 1.197 1.902 feldspar and the outer alpha-irradiated layer from the Unfortunately, the 238U concentrations arenot known quartzgrains. with sufficient precision to allow a discussion of the All measurements were carried out using Risø TL/ stateofequilibriumbetween226Raand238Uonasam- OSL readers (model DA-20) each equipped with blue ple-by-sample basis. However, it is interesting to note LEDs (470 nm, ~80 mW cm(cid:3)2), infrared (IR) LEDs that the average 226Ra/238U ratio for all samples is (870 nm, ~135 mW cm(cid:3)2) and with a calibrated 0.81(cid:1)0.09(n = 39),suggestingthattheremaybesome 90Sr/90Y beta source (Bøtter-Jensen et al. 2010). systematic disequilibrium in these samples. The most Quartz OSL was detected through a 7.5-mm Schott obviousexplanationforalackof226Rainthisenviron- U-340 (UV) filter. The quartz extracts were mounted mentismobilizationduetothehighsalinityatthetime on ~8-mm-diameter stainless steel discs using ‘Silkos- of deposition (Webster et al. 1995). Although most of pray’ silicone oil as a fixing agent. A single-aliquot these samples were collected from above sea level it is regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol (Murray & Wintle speculated that the considerable accumulation of salt 2000,2003)wasusedforallequivalentdose(D )deter- sprayon the islands and subsequent down washing by e minations. Prior to OSL measurement, the purity of rain water is sufficient to continually remove some of thequartzextractswasconfirmedbyanOSLIRdeple- the226Ra,maintainingthissmalldisequilibrium.How- tion test (Duller 2003);allsampleshadOSL IR deple- ever, for these samples the U-series only contribute tion ratios within 10% of unity, indicating that there ~8%tothetotaldoserateandsoasmallU-seriesdise- was no significant contribution from feldsparorother quilibrium is not of significance. Dry dose rates were IR-sensitive components to the blue-stimulated OSL calculated from the radionuclide concentrations using signals. Quartz aliquots were stimulated at 125 °C the conversion factors given in Gu(cid:1)erin et al. (2011). usingbluelight(90%power)for40 s.QuartzD values Field water contents were measuredwhen the samples e were calculated using the first 0.32 s of the signal and were first opened in the laboratory. Unfortunately, a background based on the following 0.32–0.64 s to material was insufficient for saturation water content minimizeanypossiblecontributionofnon-fastcompo- measurements on 14 out of the 39 samples. To over- nents (Cunningham & Wallinga 2010). The sample D come this problem, we used the saturation water con- e usedforthefinalagedeterminationcorrespondstothe tent mean value of the other 25 available samples unweighted average of all accepted aliquots (between (numbersinitalicsinTableS2).Manyofthesesamples 21 and 48 aliquots per sample). As part of the investi- were deposited under water but were, compared with gation of the reliability of the quartz OSL ages, the their subsequent burial time, uplifted shortly after feldspar extracts were also measured using infrared deposition. Other sampleswere deposited sub-aerially. stimulation at elevated temperature and a SAR proto- Allweresubsequentlywelldrained,andsoforallsam- col. Details of these measurements are given in ples (except the modern analogues), a lifetime water AppendixS1. content of 50% of the saturation value was assumed withanabsoluteuncertaintyof(cid:1)6%,e.g.forasample Radionuclide analysis and dosimetry.– Approximately with a saturation water content of 40% we adopted a 250–300 g of material was dried, ground and ignited lifetimeaveragewatercontentof20(cid:1)6%.Forthethree (24 h at 450 °C) and subsequently cast in wax in a modern analogues where the likely fraction of satura- fixedcup-shapedgeometry.After3weeksofstorageto tion could be estimated more accurately, we adopted let 222Rn reach equilibrium with its parent 226Ra, the full saturation for sample OSL78 (subtidal) and 20% cups were counted on a high-resolution gamma spec- of saturation for samples OSL87 and OSL88 (beach). trometer for at least 24 h following Murray et al. These assumed lifetime water contents were used to (1987). The radionuclide activities, water contents, dry correct the calculated dry dose rates as described dose rates and total dose rates are given in Table S2. by Aitken (1985). Finally a cosmic ray dose rate was BOREAS ChronologyandstratigraphyoftheMagdalenIslands,Canada 5 e ‘’eofndis- Highlyprobabl XXXXXXX–– X––– XXX–– XXXXXXXXXXXXXX– XXX agis d? averages ache nt ulatedisthequartzOSL Wellble Confide X XXXX –– X––– XX–– XXXXXX X X XXX– X X uivalentdosetabreliabilityofthe (cid:1)rAge1(ka) (cid:1)414(cid:1)444(cid:1)11.60.7(cid:1)383(cid:1)9.80.6(cid:1)11.10.8(cid:1)11.70.9(cid:1)17.41.4(cid:1)18.01.4>150>115(cid:1)15.11.1>150>156>110(cid:1)12.61.0(cid:1)11.30.8(cid:1)10.10.6>130>159(cid:1)11.40.9(cid:1)11.00.7(cid:1)323(cid:1)14.81.0(cid:1)23.01.6(cid:1)12.20.9(cid:1)0.140.02(cid:1)10.90.8(cid:1)17.91.4(cid:1)21.11.7(cid:1)14.91.2(cid:1)17.61.6(cid:1)0.050.03(cid:1)0.050.04>174(cid:1)19.81.4(cid:1)19.51.4(cid:1)14.51.1(cid:1)12.80.9 qe eh 477016311–– 3––– 211–– 31811434832284– 8614 eT n 222322222 3 322 32222222222342 2222 Th.D0 13.92 (cid:3)1) eferstoFig.isbasedon Totaldoserate(Gyka (cid:1)1.160.06(cid:1)1.270.07(cid:1)1.990.11(cid:1)2.180.12(cid:1)2.130.12(cid:1)1.760.09(cid:1)1.820.10(cid:1)1.370.07(cid:1)1.760.09(cid:1)1.540.09(cid:1)1.990.10(cid:1)1.980.11(cid:1)1.470.08(cid:1)1.410.08(cid:1)2.090.12(cid:1)1.710.10(cid:1)1.550.08(cid:1)1.450.08(cid:1)1.770.10(cid:1)1.450.09(cid:1)1.310.07(cid:1)1.150.06(cid:1)1.60.2(cid:1)1.530.08(cid:1)1.370.07(cid:1)1.400.07(cid:1)1.030.05(cid:1)1.600.05(cid:1)3.70.2(cid:1)3.80.2(cid:1)3.040.17(cid:1)3.80.2(cid:1)1.570.09(cid:1)1.910.11(cid:1)1.320.07(cid:1)1.600.09(cid:1)2.610.15(cid:1)1.770.10(cid:1)1.660.09 re mbercolumnminimumdos (Gy)De (cid:1)473(cid:1)553(cid:1)23.10.5(cid:1)835(cid:1)21.60.5(cid:1)19.60.9(cid:1)21.31.2(cid:1)23.81.4(cid:1)31.71.8>230>230(cid:1)1.129.8>230>230>230(cid:1)21.71.0(cid:1)17.50.7(cid:1)14.70.5>230>230(cid:1)14.90.7(cid:1)12.70.4(cid:1)36.31.8(cid:1)22.70.8(cid:1)31.61.3(cid:1)17.10.8(cid:1)0.140.02(cid:1)17.40.8(cid:1)663(cid:1)814(cid:1)453(cid:1)675(cid:1)0.080.05(cid:1)0.100.07>230(cid:1)31.71.3(cid:1)512(cid:1)25.81.3(cid:1)21.30.8 nuhe xT resultingquartzOSLages.Theindes).Samplesinitalicweresaturated. Long.(W)Elev.Depth(ma.s.l.)(cm) 61.98982914.848061.98982915.640061.995980247061.9729991230061.9729991310061.86515413.515061.86515414.57561.8697521315061.86975212.512561.548475370061.5484751115061.548475167561.4907836100061.4907831510061.48894010.530061.4889401125061.4889401215061.488940135061.7123131810061.7123138130061.793613217561.79361337561.9126954.525061.912695610061.75506099061.49078315.5100(cid:3)61.7936130.35061.501402410061.8752555.55061.87300745061.873500107561.9279175027561.9169404.81061.9169400.52061.4654711130061.46547112.515061.934643505061.71231315.535061.71231318100 dot nu D)aealiq N) 517517500810810281281646646753753753937937720720720720185185373373613613967937373772933785198529720720836836770185185 doses(easured Lat.( 47.21947.21947.21947.21347.21347.24047.24047.23847.23847.54547.54547.54547.56847.56847.57047.57047.57047.57047.53147.53147.42347.42347.41447.41447.41647.56847.42347.56147.35447.35447.37547.37647.26947.26947.56947.56947.39347.53147.531 ntm quivaleof802on. Indexno. –– 1– 23456–– 7––– 8910–– 111213141516– 171819––––––– 2021 h,eoutecti plelocation,elevation,deptalof798acceptedestimatesReliabilityoftheOSLagess SampleEnvironmentID OSL03BeachOSL04BeachOSL06SubtidalOSL08SubtidalOSL12SubtidalOSL16SubtidalOSL17SubtidalOSL18SubtidalOSL19SubtidalOSL20MarineOSL22MarineOSL23SubtidalOSL26MarineOSL29MarineOSL30MarineOSL31SubtidalOSL32SubtidalOSL33SubtidalOSL34MarineOSL36MarineOSL44SubtidalOSL46SubtidalOSL47SubtidalOSL48SubtidalOSL63SubtidalOSL72SubtidalOSL78SubtidalOSL79SubtidalOSL80BeachOSL81BeachOSL83ColluvialOSL84ColluvialOSL87Beach(dune)OSL88Beach(tidal)OSL89MarineOSL90GlacialOSL92ColluvialOSL96SubtidalOSL97Subtidal mote Table2.Saestimates(tcussedinth Site ACEACEACWAC-LightAC-LightAP-DEMAP-DEMAP-CAMAP-CAMBluff-eastBluff-eastBluff-eastSandcoveSandcoveSeacowSeacowSeacowSeacowPAL-northPAL-northAirportAirportFatimaFatimaHAMSandcoveAirportBAH-eastGalet-PlatGalet-PlatSAQGraderPlaisancePlaisanceOld-HarryOld-Harry(cid:3)ArsenePAL-northPAL-north 6 AudreyM.R(cid:1)emillardet al. BOREAS deposited coastal environments were collected as A described above at two different sites: OSL78 from a subtidal environment (Airport site) and OSL87 and OSL12 OSL88 from a beach (Plaisance site; Table 2). At two sites(ACEandAC-Lighthouse),luminescenceagesare 9.8 ±0.6 ka also compared with published radiocarbon ages and one new AMS 14C age obtained on plant fragments (Fig. 2, Table 3). Note that the ACE site is not pre- 10.20±0.03 14C cal. ka BP sented in the Results and interpretations section PS48 because the exposure has already been described and discussedinR(cid:1)emillardet al.(2013);itisusedhereonly forchronologicalcontrolpurposes. Quartz luminescence characteristics. – Figure 3A illus- trates a typical sensitivity-corrected growth curve with anaturalOSLstimulationdecaycurve(inset),together with a decay curve from a quartz calibration standard (Hansenet al.2015).Thereproducibilityoflaboratory B ~45-50 14C ka BP measurements using this material is illustrated by the twomeasurementsofthesensitivity-correctedsignalat 26 Gy. The average of this recycling ratio for all avail- able measurements is 1.079(cid:1)0.015 (n = 588). The growth curve also passes very close to the origin; the average recuperation is 0.09(cid:1)0.08% of the natural sig- nal (n = 588). The D for this aliquot (Fig. 3A) is 0 115(cid:1)14 Gy,suggestingthatwecanusethismaterialto estimate D smaller than ~230 Gy (Wintle & Murray e 2006). The dependency of the D and the dose recovery e OSL04 -44±4ka ratio(Murray&Wintle2003)onthermalpretreatment for sample OSL03 was tested by varying the preheat OSL03 -41±4 ka temperature; the thermal pretreatment employed after giving the test dose (the ‘cut-heat’) was 40 °C below the preheat temperature (except for 160 and 180 °C Fig.2. Comparisonofluminescenceageswithradiocarbonagesfor preheat for which the cut-heat was kept fixed at agecontrol.A.TheAC-Lighthousesite;OSL12iscomparedwitha 160 °C;Fig. 3B,C).BothD estimatesanddoserecov- newcalibratedAMS14Cageobtainedonplantfragments.B.OSL03 e andOSL04arecomparedwithradiocarbonagesalreadypublished ery ratios have a pronounced dependence on preheat inR(cid:1)emillardetal.(2013). temperature with the dose recovery ratio only consistent with unity for preheats ≤220 °C (Fig. 3C). The D values are also relatively insensitive to preheat e estimated from the assumed lifetime burial depth, fol- temperatures<220 °C.Becauseofthis,wechoseapre- lowing the equations given by Prescott & Hutton heat/cut-heatcombinationof200/160 °C.Furtherdose (1994). recovery measurements (Murray & Wintle 2003) were made using six aliquots of all samples (except OSL80, Age control. – In order to test the degree of bleaching OSL83, OSL88 and OSL97 because of lack of mate- of the coastal deposits, three samples of recently rial) and given doses varying between 4 and 100 Gy Table3. Listofradiocarbonagesdiscussedinthispaper. Site LaboratoryID Age(14CaBP(cid:1)1r) Calibratedage((cid:1)2r) Reference ACE UCIAMS-74416 >46000 n/a R(cid:1)emillardetal.(2013) ACE UCIAMS-41189 47100(cid:1)2700 n/a R(cid:1)emillardetal.(2013) ACE UCIAMS-74417 50100(cid:1)3300 n/a R(cid:1)emillardetal.(2013) ACE UCIAMS-84792 47100(cid:1)2300 n/a R(cid:1)emillardetal.(2013) ACE UCIAMS-84793 47800(cid:1)2500 n/a R(cid:1)emillardetal.(2013) AC-Lighthouse UCIAMS-134737 8995(cid:1)25 10197(cid:1)32 Thispaper Clermont UCIAMS-134729 9430(cid:1)25 10656(cid:1)73 Thispaper BOREAS ChronologyandstratigraphyoftheMagdalenIslands,Canada 7 Fig.3. A.QuartzOSLSARgrowthcurvefromOSL08(siteAC-Lighthouse).Sensitivity-correctedregeneratedsignalsareshownasfilledcir- cles,theunfilledcirclerepresentsarepeatpoint(recycling)andtheopentriangletheresponsetozerodose(recuperation).Thesensitivity-cor- rectednaturalOSLsignalisinterpolatedontothegrowthcurvetogivetheequivalentdose,D (inthiscase,76.5Gy).Insetshowsatypical e naturalOSLdecayfromthesamesampletogetherwithadecaycurveofanaliquotofcalibrationquartz(dashed);abackgroundsignalfrom theendofthestimulationcurvewassubtractedbeforenormalization.B.PreheatplateautestcarriedoutonsampleOSL03;eachpointrepre- sentstheaverageofthreealiquots.ThedashedlinerepresentstheaverageD overthetemperaturerange160–200°C.C.Doserecoverypla- e teautestcarriedoutonsampleOSL03;eachpointrepresentstheaverageofsixaliquots.Thedashedlinerepresentsadoserecoveryratioof unity.D.Summaryofdoserecoverydataforallaliquots(n=150)of25samplesmeasuredwithapreheatof200°Cfor10sandcut-heatof 160°C.Insetshowsthemeasureddosesplottedagainstthegivendoses. depending on the approximate D of each sample toryluminescencecharacteristicsandthedoserecovery e (Fig. 3D); the average dose recovery ratio is ratiosareindistinguishablefromunity(Fig. 3). 0.974(cid:1)0.011 (n = 150), confirming that the chosen Three sampleswere taken to represent modern ana- SARprotocolissuitableforthesesamples. logues of the various coastal and subtidal deposits: OSL78 from a subtidal lagoon deposited in ~50 cm of Reliability of the OSL ages. – Quartzfrom theCana- water at low tide; OSL88 taken from just below the dianShieldinmainlandQuebecisnotusuallyconsidered high tide limit on a beach, but deposited underwater; suitableforluminescencedatingbecauseofthelowyield OSL87, aeolian sediment from an incipient dune just of sensitive grains (M. Lamothe, pers. comm. 2015). above the high tide limit. Samples OSL87 and OSL88 However, the sediment on and around the Magdalen both giveagesindistinguishablefromzero(30(cid:1)30and Islands is not derived from the Canadian Shield, but 50(cid:1)40 a) and even the subtidal lagoonal sediment has ratherfromaCarboniferoussandstoneplatformderived an apparent age of only 160(cid:1)20 a. These quartz ages from aeolian and fluvial sand (Brisebois 1981). This are very small compared with all those in Table 2, appearstohaveresultedinlocalquartz-richsedimentfor indicating that all the coastal/subtidal samples can whichtheOSLsignalisdominatedbyafast-component probably be considered as well bleached. The limited (e.g.Fig. 3A).TheresultingOSLsignalshavesatisfac- independentagecontrolcanalsobeusedtodiscussthe 8 AudreyM.R(cid:1)emillardet al. BOREAS completeness of bleaching of some of the samples at In summary, the agreement of the quartz OSL ages thetimeofdeposition.OSL12hasaquartzOSLageof with modern analogues and radiocarbon age control, 9.8(cid:1)0.6 ka and this sample sits immediately above a the internal consistency and the comparison with dif- radiocarbon sample of 10.20(cid:1)0.03 cal. ka BP ferential bleaching rates of IR and pIRIR signals 50 150 (Fig. 2A). Figure 2B shows the stratigraphical rela- allows us to conclude that all the samples in this data tionship between five radiocarbon ages lying between setwereveryprobablywellbleachedatdepositionand 46 and 50 ka (R(cid:1)emillard et al. 2013) and the chronos- arethusreliable. tratigraphically consistent samples OSL03 (41(cid:1)3 ka) and OSL04 (43(cid:1)3 ka). The agreement between these Resultsandinterpretations OSL ages and the independent age control in both of thesegroupsstronglysuggeststhatthequartzOSLsig- Pointe-aux-Loups(PAL)northandsouth nal in all three of these subtidal/beach OSL samples was well bleached at the time of deposition. Further- Pointe-aux-Loups (PAL) Island is located on the more, samples collected in a single unit are almost northwest side of the Magdalen Islands (Fig. 1). On always consistent with each other (e.g. OSL03 and the western coast of the island, two active cliffs were OSL04; OSL31, OSL32 and OSL33; OSL44 and described on each side of the wharf: PAL-north and OSL46; Table 2). The only exceptions are OSL08 and PAL-south. OSL12,whichweresampledatthetopandthebaseof Sediments of the PAL-north exposure are ~18 m a single unit and give ages of 38(cid:1)3 and 9.8(cid:1)0.6 ka, thick and ~60 m wide, filling a bedrock depression respectively. For safety reasons (very steep cliff), this (Fig. 4A). The firstunit (U1) lies directlyon the sand- outcrop was sampled at two different sections, one at stone bedrock and is composed of imbricated well- the top and one at the base of the unit; it was not rounded pebbles and boulders, alternating with sand possible to completely connect these two sections and gravel beds slightly inclined (~3–4°) southwards stratigraphically. Thus it now seems likely that the (Fig. 4B). These abrupt grain-size variations in U1 sections were misidentified in the field, and that this reflect several energy changes during deposition with explainstheapparentstratigraphicalinconsistency. periodsofveryhighenergy;somebouldersreachmore Further evidence for the completeness of bleaching than a metre in diameter. A petrographic count ofthequartzOSLsignalatdepositionisgivenbycom- (n = 100) carried out in U1 revealed that 66% of the paring the results with the less-bleachable K-feldspar pebbles and boulders are fossiliferous limestone from (post-IR) IRSL signals (Murray et al. 2012; Buylaert AnticostiIsland locatedinthenorthoftheGulfofSt. et al. 2013) (analytical data and summary of feldspar Lawrence, and 30% correspond to the St. Lawrence results are given in Appendix S1). Feldspar IRSL sig- RiverNorthShoregeology(gneiss,granite,metaquart- nals are significantly more difficult to bleach than the zite, anorthosite) (Vigneault 2012). With the exception OSL fast-component signal from quartz used here of a few sandstone pebbles, the composition of U1 is (Godfrey-Smith et al. 1988; Thomsen et al. 2008; entirely erratic. U1 evolves gradually into a stratified Fig. S2). This provides an independent test of the deposit (U2) composed of centimetric sandy beds degree of bleaching ofour quartz. In Fig. S3 we com- alternating with millimetric silty beds inclined gener- paretheagesderivedfromthemoredifficult tobleach ally towards the southwest (Fig. 4C, D; Table S1); feldspar signals with those from quartz. As discussed inclination of the beds increases from the base (~3–4°) in the Appendix S1, the feldspar data generally to the top (>10°) (Vigneault 2012). U2 also contains confirm the conclusion that our samples are well scattered dropstones, which decrease in number from bleached, although there remain four samples for the base to the top. The top of U2 is characterized by which, based onlyon feldspar, we cannot be confident many load structures (balls and pillows, flames) and of the completeness of bleaching of the quartz OSL deformations(faultsandfolds)(Fig. 4E).Thequartzin signal prior to deposition. Amongst them, the two U2iscompletelysaturatedandsoonlyaminimumage samples with the largest IR age overestimate com- of >130 ka can be derived based on the 29D value 50 0 pared to quartz (Fig. S3C) are OSL03 and OSL04; >230 Gy (OSL34 and OSL36; Table 2). The entire U1 both of these samples have quartz D of <60 Gy and andU2sequenceistruncatedbyacompactandpoorly e so are well below the ~230 Gy dating limit. Fortu- sorted diamict (U3; Table S1) that appears either as a nately, OSL03 and OSL04 are the two samples for stone line or as remnant pockets. Figure 4E shows a which we have independent age control based on remnantpocketinwhichclastfabricmeasurementssug- radiocarbon (Fig. 2B); the agreement between the gestanE–Waxis(insetFig. 4E;Table 1).Somepebbles radiocarbonandquartzOSLagesclearlyindicatesthat fromU3arestriatedandhavecontouredshapes.Apet- the quartz OSL signal from both these samples must rographiccount(n = 50)revealsthattheunitismostly havebeensufficientlybleachedatdeposition.Thiscali- erratic, composed of80%metaquartzite, gabbro, schist brates our IR signal for use in testing quartz bleach- andanorthosite,and14%typicalAppalachianlithology 50 ing. (jasper, phyllite, chert) (Vigneault 2012). U3 is overlaid BOREAS ChronologyandstratigraphyoftheMagdalenIslands,Canada 9 OSL97 A OSL96 B U4 Abrupt energy U3 changes U1 U2 U1 E W Sandstone PS02 C D U2 Dropstone Sca(cid:2)ered PS01 U2 dropstones U1 E F U4 U3 OSL97 –12.8±0.9 ka CF01 PS03 Deforma(cid:3)ons OSL96 –14.5±1.1 ka (sampling not shown) Fig.4. RepresentativepicturesofthePAL-northsite.U1=proximalfluvioglacialdepositwithalithologyfromAnticostiIslandandQue- bec’sNorthShore;U2=stratifiedmarinedepositofmoderateenergy;U3=tillwithAppalachianlithology;U4=stratifiedsubtidalsand. StarscorrespondtoOSLsamplelocations.Numberedsymbols(e.g.PS01)areparticlesizesamples.A.OverallpictureofthePAL-northsite. Asscale,apersonof155cmheightstandsintheoutcrop.B.Close-upofU1;imbricatedwell-roundedpebblesandboulders,alternatingwith sandandgravel,reflectingabruptenergychanges.C.GradualtransitionbetweenU1andU2andpresenceofdropstoneswithinU2.D.Close- upofU2;stratifieddepositcomposedofcentimetricsandybedsalternatingwithmillimetricsiltybedsandpresenceofdropstones.E.Close- upofU3whereitappearsasatill;compactandpoorlysorteddiamictcomprisingstriatedandcontoured-shapepebbles.Insetshowstheclast fabricmeasuredinU3.F.Close-upofU4;stratifiedunitcomposedofwell-sortedandwell-roundedredandwhitesand.Asscale,thediameter oftheblackcylinderis5cm.Note:OSL96wascollectedatthebaseofU4(notshownonthepicture). 10 AudreyM.R(cid:1)emillardet al. BOREAS Indentation A NE SW CF02 B C Aeolian sand Glacial diamict Aeolian sand Thrust towards 250o Fold axis 340o Glacial diamict Thrust towards 265o Fold axis 175o Sandstone Sandstone Facing southeast Facing northwest Fig.5. RepresentativepicturesofthePAL-southsite;atillwithAppalachianlithologyoverliesthefoldedsandstonebedrock.A.Locationof theoutcroponthecoastalcliff.Thetotalwidthofthepictureisapproximately50m.B.Outcropfacingthesoutheast.C.Outcropfacingthe northwest.Insetshowstheclastfabricmeasuredinthetill. by a ~3-m-thick stratified unit (U4) composed of well- tively 250 and 265°) (Fig. 5B, C). A clast fabric mea- sorted andwell-rounded red andwhite sand (Fig. 4F). sured in the overlying diamict suggests a NE–SWaxis U4ischaracterizedbyanalternationoffinewhitesand (insetFig. 5C;Table 1).Apetrographiccount(n = 50) andreddishsilty-sand(TableS1). Thecontactbetween indicates that this unit is mostly allochthonous, with the different beds exposes micro-scale ripple marks. 76% metaquartzite, gabbro and anorthosite, and 22% Two samples were collected in U4, OSL96 at the base varied erratic (jasper, granite). The diamict is topped (+15 m) and OSL97 (+18 m) at the top, giving ages of byrecentaeoliansediment. 14.5(cid:1)1.1 and 12.8(cid:1)0.9 ka, respectively (Fig. 4F; Table 2). Interpretations.– Owing to the clastic support, the ThePAL-southexposureislocatedinanindentation imbrication, the very well-rounded shape of pebbles of the sandstone platform (Fig. 5A), allowing the out- and boulders (regardless of the nature) and the metric crop tobestudiedontwoopposingsides (Fig. 5B,C). sizeofseveralboulders,U1isinterpretedasaproximal The top of the sandstone bedrock is folded and over- fluvioglacialunit(highenergy;Dredgeet al.1992).U2 laidbya~80-cm-thickcompactandpoorlysorteddia- is identified as a marine deposit of moderate energy mict. The fold axes measured on each side of the (shallow water); the rhythmicityof beds, probably due exposure are consistent with each other (340 and to an alternating energy, might reflect seasonality. The 175°), and reveal a thrust towards the WSW (respec- conformable contact and the gradual decrease in