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Chromosome Numbers of Isodon (Lamiaceae) in Japan PDF

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Preview Chromosome Numbers of Isodon (Lamiaceae) in Japan

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN 1346-7565 ActaPhytotax,Geobot.56(3):241-246(2005) Chromosome Numbersof isodon(Lamiaceae) inJapan TADASHI YAMASHIROi KAZUOSUZUKIi" and MASAYUKI MAKI2 iDepartment ofLi jSlcieenee st,heult yofintagrate danAdr Stcsiences, TVie U7iiversi otfy 7bkushima ,7bkttshima, 770-8502 lapan; 2Division ofEcol oangdEyvolutionai:F BiologB Graduate St'hoo olfLi jSZciiences 7,bkoku Uhivensic Axoba, Sendai ,980-8578 lapan. Somatic chromosome numbers were counted in sevcn species and six varieties oflsodon occurring in Japan, All of the taxa had 2n - 24 chromosomes, indicati ntghat they are diplei Fdo.r al1 taxa except L umhrosus var. hakusanensi asnd I. ,iaponicu sc,hromosome numbers are reported here fbr the firs ttime. The results suggest that diversifica tiin oJnapanes etaxa of Isodon has occurrcd at the diploi ldevel e,ven though some reticulation had bcen suggested by a prelimjnar myolccular study. Key words: chromosome number, tsedbn, Japan, Lamiaceae Ivodb n(Bent hS.ch)rad .ex Spach (Larniac ceoma-e) reported 2n = 24 fbr Rabdosia umb,vsa (Maxim.) prise sapproximately 100 species having a ca]yx Hara var. hakusanensis (Kudo )Hara [= isodon with ene larg eupper tooth and fbur small lower umbrosus (Maxim, H)ara var. hakusanens i(sKudo) ones, as well as thos ehaving a calyx with five equal K. Asano]. or subequal teeth, or three upper teeth and two From apreliminary phylogenet istcudy using lower ones (Li 1988), The genus is widely distrib-sequence variations of chloroplast DNA, origins of uted from the Far East to Africa; in Japan, seven some Japanese taxa of Lsodon are revealed to be species and six varieties are currently known complex, probably involvin greticulate evolution (Murat a& Yamazaki 1993) .Coroll asizes of the (Dohzon eot al. 2004). For example, f. inj7ext thsas Japanes etaxa of Xsoclo nvary greatl aynd are known two di ffere nhtaplotype osfcp DNA, whjch belong to correspond well to thei rpQllinato srpecies (Suzukito differ eclnadtes, suggcst{ng that the species orig- l992a, b, Suzuki & Akazome 2000) ,offering good inated from differc nttwo lineages .Because, in examples ofplant-pollinator mutualism. plants r,eticulation is very often accompanied by At presen to,nly limite dameunt of infbrmation polyploidizat i(oHnegar t& yHiscock 2005) ,it is on chromosome numbers are available fbr lsodon possibl tehat allopolyploidization is rclevant to the (Darling t&o nWylie 1955, thc Index to Plant origin of some Japanes etaxa of lsodon .Accord- Chrornosom eNumbers l 956 - 2000). Tb date ,chro- ingly c,hromosome numbers are essential infbrrna- mosome counts are published for only two taxa of tion fbr uncoycring thc speciation proces sin the the genus in Japan; Suzuka (195 0re)ported the Japanese taxa ofLgodon. In this study, we report the chromosome number of Plectranthus ,iaponicus somatic chrornosome numbers of lsodon occuning (Burmf,)Koidz,[-lsodon.iaponicu(sBurmf,) inJapan. Hara] to be 2n = 24, and Wakabayashi (1973) NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSicysstematics 242 APG Xlo15.6 Materialsand Methods Results Discussion and Living stocks were collected from natural popula- All 13 taxa investigat iend this study had a chro- tions of seven species and six varieties of lsodon in mosome number of2n = 24, representing diploi odf Japan (Tabl e1) ,and were cultivated in pots fi11edx - 12 (Fig s1,, 2), All chromosomes of 13 taxa with soil in the nursery of the University of observed in this study were similar to ea¢h other in Tbkushima ,Taxonomic treatment softhe taxa fo11ow size. The length softhe chromosomes varied from Murata & Yamazaki (1993). O,7 to 1.4 pm. The centromeric positions of the For the observation ofsomatic chromosomes, chromosomes were obscure, root tips were pretreate idn a 2 mM 8-hydrox- The chromosome counts {n the presen tstudy yquinolin aequeous solution for 3.5 hours at room are consistent with those of two previous studies ternperature. The root tips were then fixe dwith a reporting 2n = 24 for lsodon umbiosus var. haku- mixture of 1OO % ethanol and acetic acid (3 l:) for saensis (Wakabayas h19i73) and I .japonicus 30 minutes and preserve dat 5 OC until observa- (Suzu k1a95e). For all taxa except I uinbrosus var. tion. For observation, root tips were macerated with hakt{saen sanids L 1'aponicu sc,hromosome numbers a mixture of IN HCI and 45 % acetic acid (2: 1at) are reported here for the fir sttime. [[:w otaxa close- 60 OC for 30 seconds, then stained in 2 9" 6aceto- ly related to the Japanese members, Rabdosia excisa orcein solution for an hour, The meristematic parts (Maxim ,Ha)ra [= lsodon ex;cisus (Maxim .K)udo] ofthe root tips were squashed in 2 % aceto-orcein and R. 1'aponi cvaar. gtaucocaly Mxaxim. [= Iyodon on slide glass and were observed by using a micro- J'aponicus var. glaucocalyw (Maxim .H). W. Li], scope at 1500 magnification. Chromosome num- also have chromosome number of 2n [: 24 ber sof at leas tthree cells for each individu awelre (Sokolovs keta aLy a1986) .According to a previous counted at somatic metaphase. series ofthe Index to Plant Chromosome Numbers 1laBL E1, List oftaxa, localiti eaisi,d chromesome number's ofIsodon examined in thi sstudy. [[hrlen Locality Chromosome number(2n) L qffLtsusL Mt. Ogasa-yam aF,ukuroi City .Shizuoka Pref. 2424242424M2424 tnjTexus Mt.BizanT,bkushimaCityl,bkushimaPref. TsushimaIslandsN,agasakPiref. L y'crponic"s Ohgisawa, Ohmachi City ,Nagano Pref, 1[byama,NakaTbwn,TbkushimaPref. L lengitubus Entrance of Mt. Shakaga-dake ,Yabe Tbwn, Fukuoka Pref, Sawadani,Naka Tbwn,TbkushimaPref. L shikokianus Mts, Ishiduchi-sa nS,aijye City ,Ehime Pref. var. intermeditts Mt, Ketsu-zan ,Ybshinogawa City ,Tbkushima PreL var. occidentalis Mt. [[bdagatak eO,bama City ,Fukui PreE 24242424242424 L tricocarp"s Mts.Izumigatake,SendaiCityM,iyagiPref. L umbres"s Abe Pass, Shizuoka City ,Shizuoka Pref, var. excisiqflexus Atsumi Spa, Atsumi Ibwn, Yamagata Pref, var. hakusanensis Ohgisawa, Ohmachi City ,Nagano Pref. var. Iatijbtius Yhshaj iPnass, Minami Alps City Y,aiiiana sPhrief, var. Ieucanthzas Ichinos eHeights ,Enzan City ,Yamanashi Pref, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  JJaapapnaesneese  SSooocleityety  ffoorr  PPllanatnt  SSyystsetmaetmloastics Decelnber 2005     YAMASHIRO  et al  Chromosome  Numbers oflsodon (Lam 置aceae ) m  Japan 243 A  鷽 驫 離1驚麌1鵠縄型業 建 } … 轡 覊 灘 黙 難轟 } ざ : 1 ・ 継 諺 ’ /’ 纂ゼ 騰譱 一彎 興 ∴ : 靉 轡1 F’ 彎1i蝉 義響1 ll轡毳熱 }響離一ヒ 蚤1藩へ  罅ボ  饗  ’  1讐戴  垂:Wh搾。灘   な 身 畿鹸 郵 峯 。 88 :: 努 1 o 欒 韻 贈 1 嬢 撫 蓼 ξ盤轡ぞ撫 ・ μ Flc l  Microphotogrdphs of somat 且c chlomosQmes  at metaphase  of Japancse/sodon  A Isodon etiuses’ B ∬ノnflexus し ノ   Japontcu“ Dllongitubus E ∫shikoinanus  var sinkolaanus  F ∬shikoluani ’∫var intertnedius  C F explanatory drawlngs   o世Cand F, respeLtlvcly  Sc翫lc bar represent 号5μm 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotnlroonic  LLlibrbarryary  Service TThhee  JJaapapnaesneese  SSooocleityety  ffoorr  PPllanatnt  SSyystsetmaetmloastics 244                 APG                        VI〕156 韈 蟻 ,  鸚 鞭 馨霹 !……齷 鼕 灘 飜 ” 1 磁    撫    撃 し 講鑾 欝    攤羈爨1  蠶 驫1 ll    塾     ・ 翻慧 梦騨・夢 驫蠶轟響 舞 ll f 擁 呉襲舞1  ” 墨 : 。, 雛 感 ll :   ぷ襲 鬢     嚥 こ Jlll嬉 ・ 権 擁 藷 論 RG 2 Mlcrophotograph〜of gomatlc  chromosomcs  at metaphase  of Japanese lsodon A I shikokianu 〜var ‘丿ccidenta ’lv B I tnc ocaTpus  C Jsodon unめroyus var umbt り5恥 D ∬umbrosus  var  exeigin17exzay’  E 1 巴〃nbrosus  var hakuhanens iFs∫umbTosus var latifol iuGs J l〃nbrcハt[s var ’eucanthuT  Seale bar represents  5 y皿 E expla皿atory drawmg ofE  Scale bar repre 』ent 、5叫m 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotnlroonic  LLlibrbarryary  Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics December 2005 YAMASHIRO et al,: Chromesome Numbcrs ofIsedon (Lamiac eina Jeap)an 245 (195 -6 2000) and Darlingto &n Wylie (1955 o)nl,y in progres san,d will elucidate the speciation process 2n = 24 (o rn =12), 28 [on liyn Plect,unth ucaslyci- in the taxa. Benth.(=lsodon (BenthH,.)W. Li) nus calycinus (d eWet 1958) ]and 42 [on liyn L ramosissimus The authors thank Mr. R. Morita for technic aalssistance (Hook f,. )Codd (Morto 1n998) ]are reported for and Ms S. Horie fbr collecting the plant materials. This lsodon sensu Li (1988 s)ug,gesting that all Japanese study was supported by a Grant-in-Ai fdrom the Japan taxa of lsodon are diploi dT.his is supported by MMMi.nistr yof Education ,Science ,Sport sand Cultur eto the results of enzyme electrophoresis, by which additional gene duplications were not detected References (Maki data)A. et at, unpublished recent molecular phylogenetic study on Ocimeae revealed that R Darlingto nC,, D, & A. P, WYIie .1955. Chromoseme ealycinms, with a chromosome number of2n == 28, is atlas of fiowerin gplants 2.nd ed. George Allen & not contained in the clade comprised of lsodon Unwin, London. (Pat oetn al. 2004), although L ramosissinzas with 2n Dohzono, I. ,K, Hiei, M. Maki & K. Suzuki. 2004. Floral 42has been its diversificat sieolencted by plura plollinat osprecies: = not examined, and phylogenetic the case of bumbLebee pollinati soysntem. Proceeding position remains still unclear. It is probable that ofthe 36th Symposium of the Societ yfbr the Study species having a basi cchromosome number ofx = of Specie sBiolegy. pp 1-1-6. (i nJapanese). 14 are phylogenetica lilnydependen otflsodon. Ifx De Wet, J, M, J. 1958. Chromosome numbers in = 14 is another basic chromosome number of Plectranthu asnd related genera .South Africa nJ. Sci.54:153-156. lyodon,I isdiploid L is calycinus and ramosissinus triploid. Hegarty ,M. J .& S. J .Hisock. 2005. Hybrid speciation in Consequentl yi,t is unlikely that polyploidy pPlhaynttosl :.n1e6w5 : i4n1s1i-g4h2 t3fs.rom rnolecular studies. New plays a roie in the speciation of the Japanes etaxa of Li, H.-W. 1 988. Tlaxonomi creview ofIsodon (Labiatae). lsodon ,and it is probabl ethat their diversificatio n J, Arnold Arbor .69: 289-400. occurs at the diploi ldevel I.n other words, the puta- Morton, J, K. 1998, Chromosome number and poly- tive reticulative evolutions suggested in the group ploidy in the fior aof Cameroon Mountain. Opera would haye occurred at the diploi ldeve lW,e should Bot. 121: 159-177. Muratq G.& T.Yarnazaki,1993,lsodon,in:Iwatsuki,K., the introgresshiyvberidization consider possibili tofy T. Yamazaki, D. E. Boufford & H. Ohba, (eds.), or diploi hdybri dspeciation in the taxa suspected of F]ora ofJapan 3a: 309-314 .KDdansha, Tbkyo. reticulative evolution in the preliminary study. Paton ,A. J, ,D. Springat eS,. Suddee, D. Otieno ,R. J. Because several hybrids between the Japanese taxa Grayer ,M, M, Harley ,F. WMis, M. S. J ,Simmonds, of lsodon have been reported (Mura t&a Yamazaki M, P, Powell & V Savolaine n2.004. Phyloncny and m1a9jo9r3) , ronlaetu rianl t hhe yebvorliutdiioznat iofot nhmeay t ahxaav .eI t ipsl iamypeed ra- ebPvhaoylslueotigd oennone te .f t Ehbvraoelse. i 3 pl1als:n ad2s7 ta7il-ld 2i9eD9sN .A(O criegimones. aLae b,iMaolt.ae) tant to assess to what extent these hybrids have fer- Sokolovskaya ,A, P,, N, S, Probatova & E. G. Rudyka. tility, 1986. A contribution te the study of chromosome For investigat ioofn natural hybridizati oorn numbers and geographica ]distribution of somc hybrid speciation in plants ,molecular works using species of the famil Lyamiaceae in the Sovie fta reast, Bot.Zur.71i195-200. more than one kind of marker are very effective S u z uka, O.19 50, Chromosome in (Hegar&tHyiscock 2005),Molecularphylogenet- numbers pharmaceu- tical plant sI .Rep, lnst K.ihara Biol .4:57-58. ic studies on lsodon in Japan employing sequence Suzuki ,K, 1992a .Bumblebee pollinato rasnd pollina- variations ofchloroplast and nuclear DNA are now tion ecotypes oflsodbn umbpvsus and Z Shikoldanus NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneese SSooccieityety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 246 APG Nbl. 56 (Lamiacea PeL )S.pec, Biel .7: 37-48. (Lamiace aande )it srelation to fruit-s aentd seed-sct. . 1992b ,Speciatio onf lsodon and it spo]]inators, J. PL Res. I13: 149-155, ln: Inoue, K, & T, YUmoto. (eds. B)i,ology of Wakabayashi, M. 1973. Chromosome number of Pollinator-Plant Mutualism: 61-79, Heibonsya, Rabdosia umbrosus (Maxim .H)ara var. hakusanen- Tbkyo, (i nJapanese) sis (Kudo H)ara, Acta Phytotax G,eobot. 25: 153. (in . & Y, Akazome. 2000, Flexibilit yof pollinator- Japanese) flowe rrelationship in lsodon umbrosus and 1 eLt7iisus ReceivedJiil2y3,2005; Sleptember13,2005 accepted NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service

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